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How nurses show leadership in their field of work

It is quite good to recognize the work nurses and how their competence in promoting good

leadership qualities to the rest in the field of health. Nurses have been playing a vital role in an

attempt to attain their goals through looking at what might be better for their patients, their team,

their organization etc. (Lienvens pp 656). It has been understood that through their teamwork,

nurses have been able to deliver their best in serving patients suffering from different infections in

a good manner.

How nurses have promoted leadership quality of care on patient outcome

In an attempt to promote positive feedback, nurses have tried their level best to improve

outcomes of the patient's care. In previous research studies which contain the electronic database

for examining the relationship between patient's outcome and nursing leadership have indicated

improved performance of nurses on their work. 44% of the studies showed the positive change in

the relationship between nurse leadership and patients satisfactory when compared to the previous

ones. Within the overall studies, 40 relationships in indicated that there was 10% decrease in
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patient's mortality cases which was pioneered by nurse managers who have been ensuring high

nurse burnout (Fallotah, pp 127).

How nurses have promoted leadership quality of care on encouraging colleagues

It is very critical to mention that nurses collaborate with all disciplines in the field of

healthcare system with the aim of achieving the best healthcare outcomes. They have been in the

forefront through their consistency and coordination thus enhancing credible and fabulous

treatments measures. Experienced nurses have been coaching and mentoring their new colleagues

who have been posted in hospitals. The experienced nurses also share their knowledge with other

disciplines in the mentoring programs (Lievens, pp 656).

How nurses have promoted leadership quality care in improving unit care

Findings have drawn the relationship between nurse leadership and care unit. Good

leadership and the task performed by nurses has indicated that there has been a significant

reduction of certain critical issues like medical errors, increased number of nurses in the intense

care unit, reduced cases of infections that are acquired in the hospital and also reduced restraint

use (Hunt, pp 33).

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Work cited

Lievens, Ilse, and Peter Vlerick. "Transformational leadership and safety performance among

nurses: The mediating role of knowledge‐related job characteristics." Journal of advanced

nursing 70.3 (2014): 651-661.

Hunt, Nigel, et al. "The influences of nursing transformational leadership style on the quality of

nurses' working lives in Taiwan: a cross-sectional quantitative study." BMC nursing14.1

(2015): 33.

Fallatah, Fatmah, and Heather KS Laschinger. "The influence of authentic leadership and

supportive professional practice environments on new graduate nurses' job satisfaction."

Journal of Research in Nursing 21.2 (2016): 125-136.

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