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General conclusion

A central element in our story has been the importance of the universities in
the Dutch setting. Even though none of the important intellectual develop-
ments originated at a university, the universities picked from current ideas
what suited them best and systematised them into academic programmes of
learning. In this way, intellectual developments became institutionalised, visi-
ble and much more influential. Without the universities, the development
undoubtedly would have appeared much more blurred and chaotic. However,
this role could be played only in constant interplay with the outside world.
For instance, the humanist ideal was accepted at Leiden at an early date. Start-
ing from these foundations, Leiden scholars developed a certain approach to
cosmographic questions, which stressed among other things the harmonious
constitution of the universe. However, it was only when this approach was no
longer confined to academia and reached astronomers whose loyalty to the
Leiden programme was not very deep, that its full potential was discovered
and it was used to support heliocentric astronomy.
On the other hand, the telescopic discoveries by Galileo failed to elicit a
noteworthy reaction at the universities. Because the meaning of these phe-
nomena was not altogether clear at the time, they remained the field of spec-
ulation and intellectual experiments. No university programme could be built
upon such unstable foundations. These speculations therefore remained the
field of independent thinkers, and their speculation was for the time being
very chaotic (although some elements would reappear in the philosophy of
the second half of the century). Only very slowly, and very cautiously, did
university professors begin to pay attention to these things.
It was Descartes who succeeded in formulating the various new insights
into a coherent and convincing intellectual programme. Once this had been
accomplished, the universities enthusiastically adopted the new learning. The
humanist intellectual programme was largely abandoned and the initiative
was seized by the professors of philosophy, notably physics. Even such phi-
losophers who decidedly rejected Descartes' ideas could not resist taking on a
new role and asking new questions. It does not seem that this transition was

âæá general conclusion

prepared or facilitated by a social shift. The humanists did not fade into ob-
livion with the rise of Cartesianism. Classical philology was to remain a much
respected discipline for centuries to come. But after "åäò, people no longer
believed that philologists had anything to say on the constitution of the uni-
verse, or the workings of nature in general.
It was foremost as an academic programme that Cartesianism could be ac-
cepted by society at large. Still, here again, independent thinkers and philo-
sophers acted more freely. University professors who supported the new phi-
losophy either chose to stick to the letter of Descartes or tried to
accommodate his ideas with Aristotelian notions. Outside academia, the vari-
ety of ideas, either caused by misunderstanding or by daring, was much great-
Newton's ideas were seized upon at the universities and in society at large at
about the same time. One should add that in the two cases, people sought to
achieve different aims. The academic Newtonians in the first place wanted to
build a new mathematical physics and astronomy; outside academia, people
were looking for an alternative to Cartesian philosophy, mainly for religious
reasons. It may appear a lucky coincidence that the two programmes tallied.
Anyhow, it was the authority Newton's theories acquired as a result of being
turned into a university programme which helped to carry the day outside
academia as well.
Important in all this is that in the Dutch setting, the universities were the
only institution where a programme of learning could be shaped. Moreover,
the faculties were to a large degree free to regulate their own business. The
secular character of the Dutch state minimised theological influence. This
may largely account for the fact that only a very few people claimed that
one should regard Copernicus' theories as a mathematical hypothesis for sav-
ing the phenomena. People who did were mostly theologians: Lubbertus,
Rivet and Maresius (the last-mentioned before he turned into an enemy of
Cartesianism). A philosopher like Schoock appears also guided by religious
motives. The argument that heliocentrism could be accepted as a mere hy-
potheses seems first and foremost a theological manoeuvre, aimed at neutra-
lising or suppressing the dangerous consequences of the theory. The principal
propagators of this interpretation in an international setting were also theo-
logians (e.g. Osiander and Bellarmine) and theologically minded people (e.g.
Melanchthon) who for some reason or other had to come to terms with Co-
pernicus' theory. In the early Dutch Republic, it simply was not the theolo-
gian's province. The system of the world was left to astronomers and huma-
nists. (Lubbertus' and Rivet's stance is known only from private letters.) The
difference between the `Leiden' and the `Wittenberg' interpretation largely
stems from their different institutional settings.

general conclusion âæâ

This also explains why theological positions after "åäò suddenly became so
extreme. Theologians had little chance to influence physics. If they wanted to
have a say on the issue at all, they first had to impose their authority. The
debate on Copernicanism was really on the subordinate position the Church
had in the Dutch state. As such, it was largely motivated by political consid-
erations. Theologians entered the fray because they felt they had powerful
allies and sensed that they could destroy their opponents. Small wonder,
then, that they were not very interested in a compromise.
Perhaps the most striking aspect of the development sketched in the fore-
going is its discontinuity. There were two rather sudden transitions. The first,
which occurred in the middle of the seventeenth century, was a major one: the
introduction of Cartesian philosophy. The second, which occurred at the be-
ginning of the eighteenth century, was a minor one: the introduction of New-
tonianism. These were mainly changes in intellectual outlook, and as such had
a much wider bearing than suggested by the terms `Cartesianism' and `New-
tonianism'. Even those who had remained aloof from Descartes' ideas were
deeply influenced by the `new philosophy'.
To anybody familiar with Thomas Kuhn's concept of `paradigm shift', this
will not come as a surprise. According to Kuhn, a paradigm shift is brought
about by a crisis in the old science, as scientists become aware that they are
unable to solve the problems they encounter in their day-to-day practice.
Kuhn himself regarded the transition from the geocentric to the heliocentric
system as an example of such a shift. Probably, few of today's historians of
science would agree with that. Copernicus can hardly be said to have solved
some new problems which astronomers had met in the course of time. It
would rather seem that some age-old problems had got a new meaning, so
that by the sixteenth century a solution seemed more pressing than in Ptole-
my's time. The fundamental transition around the middle of the seventeenth
century could be described as a paradigm shift, although one may still doubt
whether Kuhn's more detailed description is applicable.
What the story seems to tell is that the big changes were brought about by
transitions in more fundamental layers rather than in the sciences themselves.
The curious thing about the change that occurred around "åäò is, of course,
that it did not solve any of the problems which had made the Copernican
system unacceptable up to that time, save for one: from then on, the helio-
centric system could be regarded as being in line with more general philoso-
phical ideas, on the world, nature, God and man. Nor did Cartesian physics
offer any solution to the original problem, viz. the many anomalies in the
motions of the planets. On the other hand, most earlier arguments which
had favoured the Copernican system (such as those regarding cosmic har-
mony) also proved incompatible with the new physical ideas and were soon

âæã general conclusion

forgotten. The Copernican system became just the exponent of this new view
of nature. It was no longer debated for its own merits or demerits.
It seems more apt to regard the sharp discontinuities as effected by institu-
tional constraints. Judging from the Dutch evidence, the position of the Co-
pernican system during the scientific revolution was that of an icon, a rally-
ing-cry, a point of reference, or even a shibboleth. The various arguments for
or against proved less important than its simple presence as an ideal, a chal-
lenge to traditional learning or a symbol of the new. It does not seem that the
many discussions centred on the subject had in themselves an important im-
pact on the development of the new learning.

general conclusion âæä


ara ^ Algemeen Rijksarchief, The Hague.

at ^ Oeuvres de Descartes, C. Adam and P. Tannery eds. (ánd edition, "" vol.,
Paris "ñæâ-"ñæð).
bmgn ^ Bijdragen en mededelingen betreffende de geschiedenis der Nederlanden.
bglu ^ Bronnen tot de geschiedenis der Leidsche universiteit.
blgnp ^ Biografisch lexicon voor de geschiedenis van het Nederlandse protestantisme
(Kampen "ñæð-).
bwn ^ A.J. van der Aa, Biografisch woordenboek der Nederlanden ("ðäá-"ðæð; repr. æ
vol., Amsterdam "ñåñ).
bwpgn -Biographisch woordenboek van protestantsche godgeleerden in Nederland (ä vol.,
The Hague "ñòâ-"ñãñ; not finished).
dms ^ Duisburger Mercator-Studien.
ibj ^ Journal tenu par Isaac Beeckman de "åòã a© "åâã, C. de Waard ed. (ã vol., The
Hague "ñâñ-"ñäâ).
jha ^ Journal of the history of astronomy.
Knuttel ^ W.P.C. Knuttel, Catalogus van de pamflettenverzameling berustende in de
Koninklijke Biblioheek (ñ vol., The Hague "ððñ-"ñáò, repr. "ñæð).
mml ^ Maandelyke mathematische liefhebberij.
nnbw ^ Nieuw Nederlandsch biografisch woordenboek, P.C. Molhuysen and P.J.
Blok eds. ("ò vol., Leiden "ñ""-"ñâæ).
oc ^ Christiaan Huygens, Oeuvres comple© tes (áá vol., The Hague "ððð^"ñäò).
Opsomer ^ C. Opsomer ed., Copernic, Galilëe et la Belgique. Leur rëception et leurs
historiens / Copernicus en Galilei in de wetenschapsgeschiedenis van Belgie« (Brussels "ññä).
pw ^ Simon Stevin, Principal works (ä vol., Amsterdam "ñää-"ñåå).
Reception ^ J. Dobrzycki ed., The reception of Copernicus' heliocentric theory (Dor-
drecht "ñæá).
tggnwt ^ Tijdschrift voor de geschiedenis van de geneeskunde, natuurwetenschappen, wis-
kunde en techniek.

âæå abbreviations

As to the alphabetical order, Dutch readers will notice that the vowel `ij' is
regarded here as a combination of `i' and `j'. Non-Dutch readers should note
that prefixes are disregarded; for instance, `J. van den Berg' is not listed under
V for `van' but under B for `Berg' (i.e. as `Berg, J. van den').

Archives and manuscripts

Amsterdam, University Library:
b b åâ: Dutch overview of the planetary theories of Ptolemy, Copernicus,
Tycho and Lansbergen.
d áñ: letter from Hudde to Velthuysen, "â Oct. "åäæ.
Amsterdam, Maritime Museum:
ms. c. ää: Jacob van Veen, De loopende werlt.
Arnhem, State Archives:
Archives of the reformed (n.h.) synod, no. áâ: Resolutions of the synodal
Archives of the States of the quarter of Nijmegen.
Groningen, University Library:
ms. "òå: [Nicolaus Mulerius], Tabularum Frisicarum pars altera. Singulorum pla-
netarum abacum complectens, e fontibus Cl Ptolemaei Regis Alfonsi, anno "å"á construc-
ms. ããä: Dutch treatise on the use of the globe, "åäå.
Leiden, University Library:
bpl ñòá: Jacob van Veen, De loopende werelt, "åæò.
bpl ñòæ: Johannes de Raeij, comments on Descartes' Principia philosophiae
and other works.
bpl ñòð: n.n., comments on Descartes' Principia philosophiae.
bpl "ääð: Dutch treatise on astronomy and navigation.
Pap. á: Martinus Hortensius, Responsio.
Leiden, Boerhaave Museum:
ms. "á,æâ": Jacob van Veen, Astronomische raadtselen, "åæâ.

bibliography âææ
Leiden, municipal archives:
Archives of the church council, ä: resolutions.
The Hague, Algemeen Rijksarchief [Dutch State Archives]:
".ò".ãå (admiraliteitscolleges) nr. "âåñ: resolutions of the Amsterdam admi-
rality board.
Archief Ned. Herv. Kerk, oud-synodaal archief "äåå-"ð"å, nr. ä, âá"-âáå:
`Notabel verhael van een hoochgeleert ende vermaert persoon [Mulerius], seer dienstich
tot waerschouwinge van alle Christenen, die enige affectie draegen tot de Christelijcke re-
Haarlem, State Archives:
Coll. R. Hooykaas.
Leeuwarden, Provincial Library:
Coll. Gabbema, letters from N. Mulerius.
Utrecht, University Library:
Hs. ð+ c."â: Cornelius Valerius, Physicae seu de naturae philosophia institutio
(Utrecht "å"â) with annotations by Cornelis Booth.
Hs. vi g "ã: Astronomia (Latin).
Utrecht, State Archives:
Archives of the reformed (n.h.) provincial church assembly, no. "ãá: Co-
pies of resolutions of the synod of Gelderland.
Middelburg, Provincial library
Koninklijk Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappen, manuscript col-
lection no. ãòñá: letter from Andries van der Poest, â" Jan. "ææä.

Printed sources
As some of the works cited, especially disputations and pamphlets, have only
been preserved in rare copies, I deemed it convenient in some cases to indi-
cate where the copies I consulted are kept. This is done by means of an ab-
breviation between brackets behind the title. The following abbreviations are
a ^ Amsterdam, University Library
bl ^ London, British Library
fs ^ Halle, Frankesche Stiftungen
g ^ Groningen, University Library
h ^ Herborn, Evangelisch-Theologisches Seminar
l ^ Leiden, University Library
pbl ^ Leeuwarden, Provincial Library
u ^ Utrecht, University Library
ux ^ Utrecht, University Library, collection of xerocopies
w ^ Wolfenbu«ttel, Herzog August Bibliothek

âæð bibliography
Maps are referred to only in the notes. In particular the Bodel Nijenhuis col-
lection at Leiden University Library has been consulted.

a. Disputations
(The names of the respondents are written as they occur on the title pages.
The same applies to the indications `resp[ondens]' and `auctor' (where no in-
dication is given, which happens in a few very early disputations, I put `resp.').
Only original disputations are listed; later editions, in collections, textbooks,
etc. are not mentioned here.

Johannes Murdison
"åòò Theses ... de mundo (resp.: Leoninus Leo).
"åòò July ä: Themata physica de elementis (resp.: Abraham Antonides Merius).
"åòò Nov. "ð: Disputationum logicarum decima-sexta, de analysi, complectens introduc-
tionem ad libros analysicorum Aristotelis (resp.: Ioannes Vitellius).
"åò" June á: Theses philosophicae de anatomia universae naturae (resp.: Richardus
Anthonius Trutius
"äñð July áä: Theses miscellaneae de terra (resp.: Johannes a© Lodensteyn).
"äññ Jan. "â: Theses ethicae de liberalitate (resp.: Joannes Martini F. Lydius).
"äññ July áã: ï oo è de mundo (resp.: Joannes Georgius Holtzapfel, dic-
tus Milander).
"åòâ Jan. áá: Theses physicae de coelo (resp.: Carolus C.F. Ryckewardus).
Petrus Bertius
"äñð: Theses physicae de elementis (resp.: Theodorus Oortius).
"åòò: Theses philosophicae (resp.: Ioannes Narsius).
"åòâ: Theses peripateticae de natura coeli (resp.: Cornelius a Nieren).
"åòã: Theses miscellaneae de terra (resp.: Joannes Wyringius Marci F.)
"åòä: o   logica desumpta ex parte propriaª (resp.: Dionysius Spranck-
Gilbertus Jacchaeus
"åòã July ã: Theses physicae de natura (resp.: Isaacus Iunius).
"åòã Dec. ã: Theses physicae de principiis, et natura (resp.: H. van der Myle).
"åòæ Dec. áá: Disputationum physicarum septima de coelo (resp.: Gosardus Drem-

bibliography âæñ
Franco Burgersdijk
"åáæ June "å: Disputationum physicarum septima, de coelo (resp.: Marcus Mamu-
chet). (l)
Adriaan Heereboord
"åå" June áá: Disputatio philosophica, continens postiones miscellaneas, nobiliores, ex uni-
versa philosophia depromptas (resp.: Michae«l Hendrix).
Johannes de Raei
"åä" March å: Disputatio physica de motu locali (resp.: Petrus a© Couwenbergh). (l)
"åå": Disputatio philosophica de mundi systemate and elementis. Prima (resp.: Carolus a
"ååð: Disputatio philosophica, de terrae rotunditate (resp.: Johannes Gruterus).
Jacob Revius
"åãæ Sept. "ã: De Terrae stabilitate (resp.: Cornelius Keetmannus).
"åãæ Sept. "ð: De stabilitate Terrae, altera (resp.: Joannes ab Appeldorn).
"åãæ, Oct: Quaestiones aliquot de Terra & Coelo continens (resp.: Johannes
Burchard de Volder
["åðá: Disputatio philosophica de systemate mundi, prima (resp. Casparus Langen-
hert).] This disputation I have not seen.
"åñã: Disputatio philosophica quae est de mundi systemate (resp.: Gysbertus Henricus

Pro gradu
[The Leiden doctoral disputations up to "å"ò are in the university archives,
inv. nos. âãæ, âäá-âäã. They are available at the University Library.]
Gerardus Joannes Vossius, Universalis philosophiae o o&, "äñð Feb.
áâ. (See also Vossius ("ñää).)
Petrus Pilius, Disputatio physica de cometis, "äñð Feb. áå.
Thomas Johannides Bergensis, Positiones ex praecipuis philosophiae partibus, "åò"
March áä.
Richardus Bland, oè oo& seu positiones philosophicae, "åò" Dec. "â.
Lamouralius de Stembor, Disputatio inauguralis, "åòå Dec. â".
Thomas Erpenius, Aphorismi aliquot philosophici, "åòð May ä.
Willebrord Snellius, Theses philosophicae, "åòð July "á.
Thomas Carbasius Hornanus, Theses philosophicae, "åòñ March "ð.
Cornelius Uythage, Disputatio philosophica inauguralis, continens conclusiones de divinis
& humanis rebus in omni philosophiae genere.

âðò bibliography
Johannes Uythage, Disputatio philosophica inauguralis, conclusiones nobiliores, per uni-
versam philosophiam continens, "ååá April áä.
Philippus de la Fontaine, Disputatio philosophica inauguralis de aestu marinis, "ååá
Nov. ð.
Cornelius Uythage, Disputatio theologica inauguralis de veritate religionis Catholicae
contra Arminianos, "ååâ Nov. áå.
Cornelius Sevenhuysen, Disputatio philosophica inauguralis de libero arbitrio, virtute,
& summo bono, "ååã May "â.
Antonius a© Coppenoll, Disputatio philosophica inauguralis continens varias ex philoso-
phia desumptas quaestiones, "ååã June âò.
Wolferdus Senguerdius, Disputatio philosophica inauguralis de tarantula, "ååæ Dec.
Gerardus de Vries, Disputatio philosophica de mundo, "åæ" May áð.
Johannes Annesley, Disputatio philosophica inauguralis, continens varias considerationes
de astronomia vulgari, "åæ" July ð.
Samuel Koleseri, Disputatio philosophica inauguralis de systemate mundi, "åð".
Gilbertus Henricus Casembroot, Disputatio philosophica inauguralis de aestu marino,
Jacob vander Ghiessen, Disputatio philosophica inauguralis de mundo, "æòâ Sept. áò.
Joannes Oosterdijk Schacht, Dissertatio astronomico-physica inauguralis de motu pla-
netarum in orbitis ellipticis, "æáå Sept. áå.
Petrus Mangard, Disputatio astronomici inauguralis, de systemate Copernicano, "æãã
July â.
Johannes Samuel Creutz, Specimen philosophicum inaugurale exhibens varias theses
philosophicas, "ææâ Oct. áæ.

Jacob Ravensberg
"åãò Nov. áä: Disputatio astronomica de mundi systemate, affinibusque materiis. (h)
"åãá: Encyclopedia mathematica (resp.: Al. de Bie, Barth. a Wesel and Andr. Lans-
Henricus Renerius
"åâä June "ò: Disputationum physicarum tertia, de mundi et coelo (resp.: Ludovicus a©
Vosbergen). (h)
Johannes de Bruyn
"åäâ May "ã: Disputatio physica de mundo (resp.: Gerhardus Bornius). (bl)
"åää June áò: Disputatio physica de natura et origine fontium (resp.: Gedeon Deutz).

bibliography âð"
"åää Oct. "â: Disputatio physica quarta, de corporis divisibilitate (resp.: Johannes a
Swanevelt). (ux)
"åää Nov. "ã: Disputationum physicarum quinta, de atomorum affectionibus, & corpo-
rum continuitate (resp.: Johannes Kalander). (ux)
"åäå Feb. áæ: Disputationum physicarum octavo, de vacuo (resp.: Abrahamus Marius).
"åäå April "ñ: Disputatio physica de coelo (resp.: Samuel Gelei). (ux)
"åäå May á": Disputationum physicarum nona, de metu vacui & studio conservandae ple-
nitudinis (resp.: Petrus Hulsman). (ux)
"åäæ April áä: Disputatio philosophica de libero hominis arbitrio (resp.: Johannes a
Swanevelt). (ux)
"ååò (s.d.): Disputationis physicae de alitura, pars quinta (resp.: Nicolaus Shepheard).
"ååò April "ã: Disputationum physicarum decima-octava, de mundo visibili pars prima
(resp.: Petrus Clerquius). (ux)
"åå" Dec. "": Disputatio philosophica aliquot nobilissimas materias ex physica & mathe-
si selectas continens (`Responsurus Author': Henricus a Rhee). (ux)
"ååá May æ: Disputatio physico-optica de presbytia & myopia (resp.: Martinus Mar-
tens). (ux)
Gisbertus Voetius
"åâð Sept. á", Oct. å: De creatione, pars tertia et quinta; resp. Lubertus Sprui-
tius. [Also in Voetius, Disp. selectae.]
"åäå May áã: Disputatio theologica continens positiones aliquot miscellaneas (resp.: Ge-
rardus van Os). (ux)
Andreas Essenius
"åäã June áã: Disputatio theologica de infallibili fide rerum naturalium in Sacra Scrip-
tura passim revelatarum, author et resp.: Johannes Beusechum.
"åäã Oct. ã: Disquisitio philosophico-theologica utrum o "ì  per propositiones et hy-
potheses aliquot, tam solide demonstraverit Solus quietem et terrae duplicem motum, ut S.
Scripturae contrarium asserens accipienda sit, tanquam loquens secundum erroneam vulgi
opinionem?, author et resp. Henricus Troy.
(See also Niepoort, Beusechum and Troy, Disputationes quator.)
Jacobus Odë
"æáå April "ò: Dissertatio astronomico-physica de luna habitabili, auctor: Gulielmus
"æãñ Sept. áã: Dissertatio physico-astronomica de obscuritate Solis, Christo in cruce pa-
tiente facta; auctor and resp.: Michael Kerwal.
"æäò June "æ: Dissertatio philosophica de motu terrae diurno et annuo, auctor: Petrus
van Meerwyk.

âðá bibliography
Johannes Horthemels
"æäò June "ò: Disputatio physico-astronomica continens examen celebratissimi hodie sys-
tematis cosmici copernicani, author and respondens: Guilielmus Henricus s'Ja-

Pro gradu
Andreas Demetrius, Disputatio philosophica inauguralis, de voluntate Dei, Sole, & for-
titudine, "åãò July á. (fs)
Gualterus de Bruyn, Disputatio philosophica inauguralis, de malo, eo quod invitum ac
spontaneum est, & motu siderum, "åãò Dec. (h)
Bartholdus a Wesel, Disputatio philosophica inauguralis, de materia prima, orbibus co-
elestibus et affectibus, "åãá Aug. áâ. (h)
Alexander de Bie, Disputatio philosophica inauguralis, de ortu spontaneo, motu Solis, et
usuris, "åãá Aug. áä. (h)
Bernhardinus de Moor, Disputatio philosophica inauguralis, de continuo, novis planetis,
et stoicorum erroribus circa affectus, "åãâ Nov. áð. (ux)
Lambertus Velthuysen, Disputatio philosophica inauguralis, de mundo, de vindicti, et de
chalyboclisi seu deviatione versorii magnetici, "åãã March áå.
Nicolaus Shepheard, Disputatio philosophica inauguralis, de concursu Dei, systemate
mundi, & conversionibus rerum publicarum, "åå" April áá.
Daniel Arens, Disputatio philosophica triplex inauguralis. Metaphysica, de natura spi-
ritus in genere. Physica, de vero systemate mundi. Ethica, de bello, "åæ", [..] "ð.
Elias a© Steenbergh, Disputatio philosophica inauguralis, de materia a© facultate philoso-
phica praefixis, "åæä Dec. â.
Johannes Henricus Bert, Disputatio philosophica inauguralis de terra, "åñð.
Jacobus Leusden, Disputatio philosophica inauguralis de mundo, "åññ.
Johannes Blomhert, Disputatio philosophica inauguralis, de systemate mundi, "æ"å
March "å.
Jacobus Odë, Dissertatio philosophica inauguralis, de atmosphaera, "æá" Nov. á".
Alvaro Telles Dacosta, Disputatio philosophica inauguralis, de maculis Solis, "æâã
June "".
Johannes van Herwerden, Disputatio astronomica inauguralis de motu terrae diurno
atque annuo, "æâå March áå.
Daniel van Goens, Disputatio philosophica inauguralis comprehendens examen an Luna
habitabilis sit, "æâð June "ñ.
Casparus van Oort, Dissertatio philosophica inauguralis, de meteoris quibusdam aqueis,
"æãã June áá.

bibliography âðâ
Abraham de Grau
"ååä: Disputatio uranoscopia de cometis (resp.: Hermannus Brunsfelt). (u)
"åðâ: Disputatio cosmologica de planetarum delatione (resp.: Adrianus Steengracht).
Tobias Andreae
"åðã: Exercitatio philosophica de impossibili mundi aeternitate (author: Hadrianus
Steengracht). (a)

Pro gradu
Tjerk Nieuwenhuis, Disputatio philosophica inauguralis de innumerabilibus mundis,
"æâã July ". (pbl)

Joachim Borgesius
"åäå March: Disputatio philosophica de lumine Lunae secundario (resp.: Tob. An-
dreae). (fs)
"åäð Sept. áä: Disputatio philosophica de Saturno (resp.: Johannes Petri). (fs)
Martin Schoock
"åãð Jan. áå: Disputatio historico-physica tertia expendens naturalis historiae certitudi-
nem (resp.: Daniel a© Sanden).
"åãð Feb.: Collegii philosophici problematici disputatio septima (resp.: Johannes Ni-
"åãð [n.d.]: Collegii philosophici problematici disputatio decima, continens problema phy-
sica (resp.: Engelbertus Alberts).
"åãð June á": Disputationum philosophicarum de convenientia orbis coelestis ac elemen-
taris prima (resp.: Anthonius a Dorth).
Samuel Maresius
"ååæ Feb. "ñ: Disputatio theologica prior refutatoria libelli de Philosophia Interprete
Scripturae, ac opposita Prologo anonymi (resp.: Jacobus Berchius).
"ååæ July: Disputatio theologica sexta refutatoria libelli de Philosophia Interprete Scrip-
turae, & prior opposita ejus capita quinto (resp.: Johannes Blencke).

Pro gradu
Johannes Ravensberg, Disputatio philosophica inauguralis, "åâñ Feb.
Josua van Iperen, Dissertatio philosophica inauguralis de mundi mechanismo, "æäá
Nov. ".

âðã bibliography
Johannes Fabricius Dinckgreve, Dissertatio philosophica inauguralis exponens non-
nulla memorabilia systematis solaris, "æææ Dec. "ò.

Antonius Deusing
"åãò June: Disputationum physicarum secunda. De principiis corporum naturalium inter-
nis (resp.: Samuel Neomagus). (h)
"åã" Feb. áä: Disputationum physicarum quinta. Continens continuationem creationis. De
operibus quarti diei (resp.: Joh. Achterkerken). (h)

Arnold Senguerd
"åäò: Disputatio physica de mundo (resp.: Gerardus Bicker a Swieten).
Alexander de Bie
"åäâ Nov. áå: Disputationum astronomicarum secunda, de cauda cometarum (resp.:
Christianus Wittewrongel).
"åäâ Dec. áá: Disputationum astronomicarum tertia, quae est ultima, de motu cometarum
(resp.: Antonius Haselbroeck).
"åäæ Dec. "ä: Exercitatio astronomica de terra, ac solis, et lunae maculis (resp.: Abra-
ham Boddens).
"åäñ Jan.. á": Disputatio astronomica de systemate mundi (resp.: Ferdinandus
Achilles a Kuffeler).
"åäñ April "á. Quaestionum illustrium tertia de eclipsi Paschali prior (resp.: Lucas
"ååá April ": o oo (resp.: Nicolaus Witsen).
"ååå Sept. "": Disputatio de cometarum significatio (resp.: Moesmannus Dop).

Gisbertus ab Isendoorn
"åãò: Quaestionum philosophicarum de mundo (resp.: Andreas Petri).

Christophorus Wittichius
"åää June ä: Disputatio theologica de stylo Scripturae quem adhibet cum de rebus natura-
libus sermonem instituit (resp.: Jacobus Lehnhof). (h)

bibliography âðä
Daniel Lipstorp
"åä" Nov.: Disputatio physica de coelo & ejus partibus (resp.: Vincentius Arnoldi).
De systemate mundi copernicano, discursus physico mathematicus (w). Series of six dis-
"åäá Jan. "æ:  #"! De Copernicano mundi systemate, et terrae motu triplici, diurno,
annuo, et illo, qui fit in seipsum, quique terrae axem semper sibi ipsi parallelum servat,
exercitatio philosophica prima. Qua ostenditur, illam pythagoricorum opinionem non esse
adeo improbabilem & paradoxam, sicut vulgo appaparentiis [sic!] coelestibus desump-
tis, & physicis rationibus propugnatur, suo modo Ptolemaicae praeferendam, ac probabil-
em esse. (resp.: Henricus Loff).
"åäá Jan: idem, secunda (resp.: Balthasar Jawert).
"åäá Jan: idem, tertia (resp.: Gerardus Elers).
"åäá Feb.: idem, quarta (resp.: Christophorus Prein).
"åäá Feb.: idem, quinta (resp.: Balthasar Ripenow).
"åäá Feb.: idem, sexta & ultima (resp.: Wernerus Releffs).

b. Others
n.n., Epistola apologetica medicorum Mittelburgensium, qua & nothis P.Lansbergij li-
teris respondent et a calumnia Palinodiae ipsius ab eo & filio inusta purgantur (Middel-
burg, s.a.).
n.n., Cartesius renatus, ofte naakte ontblooting der nijdige domme-kracht: onder den schijn
van Gods-ijver, tegen de leere van Descartes verborgen: en eerst in `t Hollands de gemeente
bekend gemaakt door J. du Bois (s.l., "åäå).
n.n., Magni Cartesii manes ab ipsomet defensi; sive N.V. Renati Descartes Querela apo-
logetica... Opusculum antea ineditum, nunc vero opponendum qoutidianiis Voetii & Voe-
tianorum criminationibus, iis nominatim quas sub Theologiae Naturalis Reformatae ti-
tulo haud ita pridem emiserunt (s.l., "åäå).
n.n., Over de woorden van vader Lodesteen van dat vervloekte, hels, duyvels, en ziel-ver-
derflick slapen... (s.l., "åäå).
n.n., De beweeging der aarde, in twee korte en bondige betoogen. Waar in, in het eerste be-
weezen, en met de Schriftuur volkomen over een gebragt word, dat de Aarde zig om zynen
as wenteld. In het tweede dat de Aarde jaarlyks om de zon loopt, en niet om de aarde, zoo
dat niet de aarde, maar de zon het middelpunt onzes weereldstelzel is. Waar by nog een
kort vertoog. Waar uit men, door beschouwing van't geheelal, leeren kan des Scheppers
grootheid en des menschen geringheid (Rotterdam "ææá). (a)
`Alaricus', Zonnenloop en stand der aarde. Volgens de zekerheid der leere Salomons Pred.
".ã. De aarde staat in bestendigheyt. vs. å (De zonne) zy gaat naa het zuiden, ende zy
gaat omme naa't noorden enz: Tegens over het Systema Copernicus, als dat van Pthölomie

âðå bibliography
diende tot een confessionair berigt (mogt zyn tot overtuiginge) van den Hr: Stuid: opsteller
van het vermaarde tractaatje, pseud: stuid: omtrent desselfs spot-vonnis over Mr: Alari-
cus, Boeren-Philosophie, of ongeleerde aanmerkingen anthi. Renatus Dubitatie of twyf-
felleer: zonder hem ooyt gelezen, of onderzogt te hebben enz. (Groningen "æâð). (g)
`Domingo Gonzales', Het tweede deel van de man in de maen: ofte een kort verhael, van
een reyse, ghedaen in de planeet Marcurio (The Hague "åä"). (w)
`Irenaeus Philalethius' [pseud. of Abraham Heidanus], Bedenckingen, op den staat
des geschils, over de cartesiaensche philosophie, en op de nader openinghe over eenige stucken
de theologie raeckende (Rotterdam "åäå) [a].
^, De overtuigde quaetwilligheidt van Suetonius Tranquillus, blijkende uit seker boeckjen
genaemt Den overtuigden cartesiaan (Leiden "åäå) [b].
`Irenaeus Philalethius, de tweede van die naem', Den gebolden astronomus I.G.H.
swymelende in syn mis-konstich bewys van wegen des Aertrijcx draey (Leiden "åäå).
`Irenaeus Philalethius, de derde van die naem' [= Johannes Hudde?], De ver-
strickte astronomus Jacobus du Boys, die, terwijl hy poocht den strick van't wiskonstigh
bewys van syne onnoselheyt te ontworstelen, sich hoe langer hoe vaster daer in verwert, die-
nende tot antwoort op den gebolden astronomus (Leiden "åäå).
`Liberius Modestinus Philosophus', Specimen philosophiae cartesianae, thesibus ali-
quot expressum (Utrecht "åäå).
`Suetonius Tranquillus' [= Johannes Hoornbeek ?], Staat des geschils, over de car-
tesiaansche philosophie (Utrecht "åäå) [a].
^, Nader openinge van eenighe stucken in de Cartesiaensche philosophie raeckende de H.
Theologie (Leiden "åäå) [b].
^, Den overtyghden cartesiaen, ofte clare aenwysinghe uyt de bedenckingen van Irenaeus Phi-
lalethius, dat de stellingen en allegatien inde nader openinge tot lastte der cartesianen, in
saecken de theologie raeckende, nae waerheyt en ter goeder trouwe zijn by een gebracht
(Leiden "åäå) [c].
^, Verdedichde oprechticheyt van Suetonius Tranquillus, gestelt tegen de overtuyghde quaet-
willigheyt van Irenaeus Philalethius (Leiden "åäå) [d].
i.s. [Jacob Schuts], Vermakelyke boere-praat, over het loopen of niet loopen van de son, en
het draeijen en niet draeijen van de aarde. Tusschen Jaap, Kees, en Piet (Amsterdam
j.s.k.b. [Jacob Schuts], De vermakelyke boere-praat over het lopen van de son, en het
stilstaan van de aarde, tegen C. Mennink verdedigt: nevens een ernstige waarschouwing
voor desself sielverderffelykste ketterye (Amsterdam "æ"ã).
j.j., Brief aan een vrint, tegens het nieuw uitgekomen boekje, getiteleert Het schriftuurbe-
storment gevoelen der cartesianen, omtrent het draeien of omloop des aertryks, en de stil-
stant der zonne, door Petrus de Laet, S.S.Th.St. (Rotterdam "æáâ).
Acta der particuliere synoden van Zuid-Holland "åá"-"æòò, W.P.C. Knuttel ed. (å vol.,
The Hague "ñòð-"ñ"å).
Aelbert Hendricksz, see Haeyen, Aelbert.

bibliography âðæ
Aitzema, Lieuwe van, Historie of verhael van saken van staet en oorlogh, in, ende omtrent
de Vereenigde Nederlanden, ix ["åäæ-"ååò] (The Hague "ååã).
Amstel, Salomon van [pseud. of Daniel van Henghel], Vredes-drangh, ofte accu-
raet ende leersaem discours aengaende de dispuyten ende onlusten in de kercke tot Utrecht
(Harlingen "ååá).
Anderson, Alexander, Vindiciae Archimedi. Sive elenchus cyclometriae novae, a Philip-
po Lansbergio nuper editae (Paris "å"å). (w)
Baillet, Adrien, La vie de Monsieur Des-Cartes (á vol., Paris "åñ").
Barlaeus, Caspar, Oratio, de coeli admirandis, habita in Illustri Amstelodamensium scho-
la, xi Feb. mdcxxxvi (Amsterdam "åâå).
Bartholin, Petrus, Apologia pro observationibus, et hypothesibus... Tychonis Brahe...
Contra... Martini Hortensii Delfensis criminationes et calumnias, quas in praefationem
commentationum praeceptoris sui Philippi Lansbergii Middelburgensis, de motu terrae
diurno et annuo etc. consarcinnavit (Hafnia [Copenhagen] "åâá).
[Batelier, Jacobus Johannes], Examen accuratum disputationis primae & quasi inau-
guralis D. Gisberti Voetii, quam proposuit in illustri gymnasio Ultrajecti die â. Sept.
stylo vet. Anno "åâã (s.l. "åâã).
Beaufort, Ludovicus, Cosmopoea divina, seu fabrica mundi explicata (Leiden "åäå).
Beeckman, Isaac, Journal tenu par Isaac Beeckman de "åòã a© "åâã, C. de Waard ed. (ã
vol., The Hague "ñâñ-"ñäâ).
Bekker, Balthasar, Friesche godgeleerdheid (Amsterdam "åñâ).
Bibliothe© que ancienne et moderne "æòâ-"æ"â.
Blaeu, Willem Jansz., Tweevoudigh onderwiis van de hemelsche en aerdsche globen; het een
na de meyning van Ptolemaeus met een vasten aerdkloot; het andere na de natuerlijcke
stelling van N. Copernicus met een loopenden aerdkloot (Amsterdam "åâã).
^, Institutio astronomica de usu globorum & sphaerarum caelestium ac terrestrium, Latin
translation by Martinus Hortensius (Amsterdam "åâã).
^, Institution astronomique de l'usage des globes et sphe© res celestes & terrestres (Amsterdam
Boerhaave, Herman, Boerhaave's orations, E. Kegel-Brinkgreve & A.M. Luyen-
dijk-Elshout eds. (Leiden "ñðâ).
Bois, Jacobus du, Oude-tyds tyt-thresoor ende kerkelikke historie (Leiden "åäò).
^, Dialogus theologico-astronomicus, in quo ventilatur quaestio astronomica, an Terra in cen-
tro universi quiescat, & Sol alaque luminaria coelestia circa eam moveantur: an vero, Sole
quiescente, Terra circa eam feratur: et ex Sacris Literis Terrae quietem, Soli vero motum
competere probatur: adjuncta refutatione argumentorum astronomicorum, quae in contra-
rium proferri solent (Leiden "åäâ).
^, Veritas et authoritas sacra, in naturalibus & astronomicis asserta & vindicata. Contra
Christophori Wittichii... dissertationes duas, de S. Scripturae in philosophicis abusu.
Adjuncta refutatione argumenti ab eodem authore ex Cartesii Principiis pro motu terrae
desumpti (Utrecht "åää).[a]

âðð bibliography
^, Naecktheyt van de cartesiaensche philosophie, ontbloot in een antwoort op een cartesiaensch
libel, genaemt Bewys, dat het gevoelen van die geene, die leeren der Sonne-stilstandt, en des
Aerdtrijcks beweging niet strydig is met Gods Woort (Utrecht "åää).[b]
^, Schadelickheyt van de Cartesiaensche philosophie, ofte klaer bewijs, hoe schadelick die phi-
losophie is, soo in het los maecken van Godes H. Woordt, als in het invoeren van nieuwe
schadelicke leeringen. Tot antwoort op de tweede en vermeerderde druck van Doct.
Velthuysens Bewys (Utrecht "åäå).[a]
[-], Den ingetoomden Cartesiaen, ofte korte antwoordt op een Cartesiaensch libel, genaemt
wiskonstich bewys van d'onnoselheyt, &c (Leiden "åäå).[b]
Bontekoe, Cornelis, Alle de philosophische, medicinale en chymische werken (Amster-
dam "åðñ).
Brahe, Tycho, Tychonis Brahe opera omnia, J.L.E. Dreyer ed., "ã vol. (Copenha-
gen "ñ"â-"ñáð, repr. Amsterdam "ñæá).
Brakel, Wilhelmus a© , o   "è , dat is redelyke godts-dienst, i (Rotterdam
Brandt, Geeraert, Historie der reformatie, en andere kerkelyke geschiedenissen, in en on-
trent de Nederlanden, iv (Rotterdam "æòã).
Braun, Johannes, Doctrina foederum, sive systema theologicae didacticae & eclencticae
(Amsterdam "åðð).
^, Leere der verbonden ofte kort begrip der onderwysige en wederleggige godgeleerdheid (Am-
sterdam "åñã).
Briefe G.M. Lingelsheims, M. Berneggers und ihre Freunde, A. Reifferscheid ed.
(Heilbronn "ððñ).
Bronnen tot de geschiedenis der Leidsche universiteit, P.C. Molhuysen ed., (æ vol., The
Hague "ñ"â-"ñáã) (Rijks geschiedkundige publicatie« n, large series, áò, áñ,
âð, ãä, ãð, äâ, äå).
Burgersdijk, Franco, Idea philosophiae naturalis sive methodus definitionum & contro-
versiarum physicarum (second edition, Leiden "åâä).
^, Collegium physicum, disputationibus xxxii absolutum; totam naturalem philosophiam
compendiose proponens (second edition, Leiden "åâæ).
Burman, Franciscus, Synopsis theologiae, & speciatim oeconomiae foederum Dei, ab ini-
tio saeculorum usque ad consummationem eorum (ánd edition, Utrecht "åð").
^, Synopsis dat is kort begrip der Heilige Godgeleerdheid... (ánd edition, Utrecht "åñæ).
Cardinael, Sybrand Hansz., Mathematische ofte wisconstige bewijs-redenen, waer mede
bewesen wort, dat de aerdcloot stil staet, en de sonne daghelijcx en jaerlijcx sijnen loop doet;
naer de leeringhe van Ptolomaeus. Teghens het gevoelen van N. Copernicus, dat den aer-
dcloot sijnen daghelijckschen en jaerlijckschen loop soude doen, en de sonne stil staen in't
midden vande vaste sterren-hemel (Amsterdam "åâä).
Cartesius renatus, ofte naakte ontblooting der nijdige domme-kracht: onder den schijn van
Gods-ijver, tegen de leere van Descartes verborgen: en eerst in't Hollands de gemeente be-
kend gemaakt door J. du Bois (s.l. "åäå).

bibliography âðñ
Catalogus librorum qui excusi sunt typis Gisberti a© Zyll. Catalogus vande boecken die Gys-
bert van Zyll heeft doen drucken, en die by hem te vinden zijn (Utrecht "ååæ). (w)
Catalogus, variorum & insignorum librorum, in quavis facultate materia & lingua praeci-
pue vero mathematicorum & miscellaneorum: clarissimi viri Jacobi Coccaei, matheseos
& linguarum oriental. ac Latinae peritissimi. Quorum auctio habebitur Haerlemi... á
Martii, "åæá (Haarlem ["åæá]). (w)
Cellarius, Andreas, Harmonica macrocosmica seu atlas universalis et novus, totius univer-
si creati cosmographiam generalem, et novam exhibens (...) (Amsterdam "åå").
[Cheyne, Georges], Den schepper en Zyn bestier te kennen in Zyn schepselen; volgens het
licht der reden en wiskonst. Tot opbouw van eerbiedigen godsdienst, en vernietiging van alle
grondslag van athe|« stery; als mede tot een regtzinnig gebruyk van de philosophie, (Lam-
bert ten Kate ed.) (Amsterdam "æ"å).
Clerc, Jean Le, Opera philosophica, iii, Physica, i (Amsterdam "æòò).
^, Veteris testamenti libri historici (...); ex translatione Joannis Clerici; cum ejusdem com-
mentario philologico, dissertationibus criticis, et tabulis chronologicis (Amsterdam
^, Veteris testamenti libri hagiographi... (Amsterdam "æâ").
Coccaeus, Jacobus, Epistola de mundi, quae circumferuntur, systematis et novo alio illis
certiore dialogismum paradoxum complexa (Amsterdam "ååò)a.
^, Brief over de t'samen-stellinghen des werelts welcke in swangh gaen, ende over een nieuwe
stellingh sekerder als de selve, een onghemeene bedenckinghe behelsende, translated by
i.k.v.w. [Johan Kies van Wissen] (Haarlem "ååò)b.
Copernicus, Nicolaus, Astronomia instaurata, libris sex comprehensa, qui de revolutio-
nibus orbium coelestium inscribuntur, Nic. Mulerius ed. (Amsterdam "å"æ).
^ , On the revolutions, E. Rosen transl. (London etc. "ñæð).
Dee, John, `A translation of John Dee's `Monas hieroglyphica' (Antwerp,
"äåã), with an introduction and annotations', C.H. Josten ed., in: Ambix
"á ("ñåã) ðã-áá".
Descartes, Renë, Oeuvres, C. Adam and P. Tannery eds. (ánd edition, "" vol.,
Paris "ñæâ-"ñæð).
^ Verantwoordingh van Renatus Descartes aen d'achtbare overigheit van Uitrecht, E.-J.
Bos ed. (Amsterdam "ññå).
Deurhoff, Willem, Het voorbeeld der verdraagzaamheid onder de goddelyke bezoekingen,
vertoond in de uitlegging en verklaaring van het boek Jobs (á vol., Amsterdam "æã").
Deusing, Anthonius, Cosmographia catholica & astronomia secundum hypotheses Pto-
lemaei in concinnum, brevem, & perspicuum ordinem digesta (Amsterdam "åãá). (w)
^, Dissertatio de vero systemate mundi, qua Copernici systema reformatur: sublatis interim
infinitis pene orbibus, quibus in systemate Ptolemaico humana mens distrahitur (Amster-
dam "åãâ).
^, Hexaemeron recognitum, seu de creatione meditationes, explicationibus christiano-philo-
sophicis, et animadversionibus necessariis illustratae (Harderwijk "åãä).

âñò bibliography
Dodonaeus, Rembertus, Cosmographica in astronomiam et geographiam isagoge (Ant-
werp "äãð, repr. Nieuwkoop "ñåâ).
Doorman, G., Octrooien voor uitvindingen in de Nederlanden uit de "åe-"ðe eeuw (The
Hague "ñãò).
Dousa, Janus (jr.), Rerum caelestium liber primus (Leiden "äñ").
Drebbel, Cornelis, Een kort tractaet van de natuere der elementen, ende hoe sy veroor-
saecken, den wint, regen, blixem, donder, ende waeromme dienstich zijn (Rotterdam
Effigies & vitae professorum academiae Groningae & Omlandiae; cum historiola fun-
dationis ejusdem Acad: (Groningen "åäã; repr. s.l. s.a.).
Duyn, Nicolaas, Nutte en nodige oeffening; of kort vertoog, dat de natuur- en sterrekunde,
en meer andere weetenschappen, den mensch opleiden en aanzetten tot de kenisse Gods en
zyn dienst: als mede dat een meenigte schriftuurplaatsen door deeze weetenschappen worden
opgeheldert (Haarlem "æãâ).
Emmius, Ubbo, Briefwechsel des Ubbo Emmius H. Brugmans & F. Wachter eds.
(á dln., Aurich "ñ"" ^ The Hague "ñáâ).
Engelhard, Nicolaas, Kort doch ernstig ondersoek nopens het verschil op wat wyze de hei-
lige Schriftuir met de onderstelling van de beweging der aarde moete overeen gebragt worden
(Groningen "æâæ).
Essenius, Andreas, Synopsis controversiarum theologicarum recognita. Et index locorum
totius S. Scripturae; quibus adversarii praecipue ,ad errores suos confirmandos, & Ver-
itatem impugnandam vel declinandam abuti solent (Amsterdam "åå").
Froidmont, Libert, Anti-Aristarchus sive orbis terrae immobilis liber I (Antwerp
^, Vesta sive Ant-Aristarchi vindex. Adversus Jac. Lansbergium, Philippi f. medicum
Mittelburgensem (Antwerp "åâã).
Fruytier, Jacobus, Sions worstelingen, of historische samenspraken over de verscheide en
zeer bittere wederwaardigheden van Christus kerke, met openbare en verborgene vyanden
(second edition, Rotterdam "æ"ä).
Gassendi, Pierre, Institutio astronomica iuxta hypotheseis tam veterum, quam Copernici,
et Tychonis (Paris "åãæ).
^, idem, second impression (The Hague "åäå).
Gaukes, Yvo, Dissertatio de medicina ad certitudinem mathematicam evehenda: continens
certa hujus artis principia; & quomodo ex iis omnia mechanice, & methodo mathematica
demonstrari possint. In ea quoque habentur diversae, cum aliorum, tum maxime Cartesii
& Newtoni de rebus philosophicis sententiae sic, ut justo cuilibet veritatis arbitro appa-
rere queat, uter ex his viris acutissimis felicius rem acu tetigerit (Amsterdam "æ"á)
Geulincx, Arnold, Opera philosophica, J.P.N. Land ed. (â vol., The Hague "ðñ"-
"ðñâ; repr. Stuttgart/Bad Cannstatt "ñåð).
Graaf, Abraham de, De starre-kunst, leerende de hoedanigheden der beweginge van alle
zichtbare hemelsche lighamen, en `t berekenen haarder zichtbare plaatzen. Mitsgaders,

bibliography âñ"
de hoedanigheden der verduistering van Zon en Maan, en de berekeninge van dien (Am-
sterdam "åäñ).
^, Ontleding van de bril voor de Amsterdamze belachelijke geometristen (Amsterdam
Graaf, Lieuwe Willemsz, Korte, algemeene en zeedige wederlegging der schriften, driften,
gedachten, stellingen en verstanden van veel sterre-kundigen, die al voor geruime tijd, (en
nog al hedendaags) door den onvasten en menschelyke konst, het licht van Gods klare en
ware woord trachten te benevelen, bysonder in der zonne stil-stand, en aartkloots bewee-
ginge (Amsterdam "åñå).
Gravesande, Willem Jacob 's, Physices elementa mathematica, experimenti confirmata.
Sive introductio ad philosophiam Newtonianam (á vol., Leiden "æá").
^, Oeuvres philosophiques et mathëmatiques, J.N.S. Allamand ed. (á vol., Amster-
dam "ææã).
^, Welzijn, wijsbegeerte en wetenschap, C. de Pater ed. (Baarn "ñðð).
Groenewegen, Oefeningen over den Heidelbergschen Catechismus ofte gronden van de
christelike God-geleerdheid, tot bevorderinge van de kennisse der waarheid die na de god-
zaligheid is (seventh edition, Leiden "æòå).
Grotius, Hugo, Opera omnia theologica, i, Annotationes ad VetusTestamentum (Basel
Haeyen, Aelbert, Een corte onderrichtinge belanghende die kunst vander zeevaert (Am-
sterdam "åòò).
Hartsoeker, Nicolaas, Principes de physique (Paris "åñå).
^, Beginsselen der natuur-kunde (Amsterdam "æòò).
^, Eclaircissemens sur les conjectures physiques (Amsterdam "æ"ò).
Heereboord, Adrianus, Philosophia naturalis, cum commentariis peripateticis antehac
edita. Nunc vero hac posthuma editione mediam partem aucta, & novis commentariis,
partim e© Nob. Cartesio, Cl. Berigardo, H. Regio, aliisque praestantioribus philosophis,
petitis, partim ex propria opinione dictatis, explicata (Leiden "ååâ).
Heidanus, Abraham, Corpus theologiae Christianae. In quindecim locos digestum (Lei-
den "åðå).
^, see (ps.) Irenaeus Philalethius.
Herbinius, Johannes, Famosae, de Solis vel telluris motu, controversiae examen, theol.-
phil., ad S. Script. normam (Utrecht "åää).
^, Dissertationes de admiranddis mundi cataractis supra & subterraneis (Amsterdam
Herls, Cornelius, Examen tractatus medici de moscho a Davide Ultralaeo in lucem editi
(Middelburg "å"â).
Holwarda, Johannes Phocylides,  "o& ""   o .
Id est dissertatio astronomica quae occasione ultimi Lunaris anni "åâð deliquii manuduc-
tio sit ad cognoscendum I. Statum astronomiae, praesertim Lansbergianae ii . Novorum
phenomen!n exortum & interitum (Franeker "åãò).

âñá bibliography
^, Friesche sterre-konst, ofte een korte, doch volmaeckte astronomia, met de nuttigheden van
dien (Harlingen "åä"-"åäá).
Hooft, Cornelis, Memorie« n en adviezen van Cornelis Pieterszoon Hooft, H.A.E. van
Gelder ed. (á vol., Utrecht "ðæ"-"ñáä) (Werken uitgegeven door het Histor-
isch Genootschap, gevestigd te Utrecht, second series "å, third series ãð).
Hooft, Pieter, De briefwisseling van Pieter Corneliszoon Hooft, H.W. van Tricht ed.,
iii, "åâð-"åãæ (Culemborg "ñæñ).
Hoornbeek, see (ps.) Suetonius Tranquillus.
Horrebow, Petrus, Operum mathematico-physicorum tomus tertius (Copenhagen
^, De zegepralende Copernicus of eene verhandelinge over het verschilzicht des jaarlykschen
loopkrings, waar in uit een menigte van sterrekundige waarnemingen de beweginge des
aardkloots rondom de zon betoogt word, translated and commented by Johannes
Lulofs (Zutphen "æã").
Horrocks, Jeremias, Opera posthuma, John Wallis ed. (London "åæâ).
Hortensius, Martinus, Responsio ad additiunculam D. Ioannis Kepleri, Caesarei ma-
thematici, praefixam ephemeridi eius in annum "åáã. In quae cum de totius astronomiae
restitutione, tum imprimis de observatione diametri Solis, fide tubi dioptrici, eclipsibus
utriusque luminaris, luculenter agitur (Leiden "åâ").
^, Dissertatio de Mercurio in Sole viso et Venere invisa: Instituta cum ... D. Petro Gassen-
do... (Leiden "åââ).
^, `Dissertatio de studio mathematico recte instituendo', in: H. Grotius et al.,
Dissertationes de studiis instituendis (Amsterdam "åãä).
[Hudde, Johannes], Demonstratio mathematica ineptiarum & ignorantiae Jacobi du
Bois, ecclesiastae Leydensis, in oppugnanda hypothesi Copernicana, et philosophia Car-
tesiana (Rotterdam "åäå) [a].
[-], Wiskonstigh-bewys der onnoselheyt van Jacobus du Bois, predicant tot Leyden: in het
bestrijden van de hypothesis van Copernicus, en de philosophie van Des Cartes (Rotter-
dam "åäå) [b].
[-], Den hollenden astronomus J.D.B. gecapuchont. Zijnde een antwoord op een blauw boex-
ken genaemt Den ingetoomden Cartesiaen (Leiden "åäå) [c].
[See also Irenaeus Philalethius, de derde van die naam.]
Hues, Robert, Tractatus de globis, coelesti et terrestri eorumque usu, Johannes Isacius
Pontanus ed. (Amsterdam "å"æ).
Huygens, Christiaan, Wereldbeschouwer, of gissingen over de hemelsche aardkloten, en
derzelver cieraad (third impression, Amsterdam "æäã; repr. Utrecht "ñðñ).
Huygens, Constantijn, Gedichten, J.A. Worp ed., iv, "åãã-"åäá (Groningen
Jacchaeus, Gilbertus, Institutiones physicae (Leiden "åáã).
^, idem, Amsterdam "åãã.
Jacob Jansz., Bewys redenen, verthoonende door onfeilbare gronden, dat niet den aerdtkloot

bibliography âñâ
door den hemel loopt maer de sonne, ende dat niet de sonne in 't centrum der werelt leyt,
maer den aerdtkloot, krachtelijck bewesen door de heylige Schrifture, door de wercken der
Nature, ende door ons eygen gesicht (Dordrecht "åðð).
Jungius, Joachim, Des Dr. Joachim Jungius aus Lu« beck Briefwechsel mit seinen Schu« -
lern und Freunden. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des grossen Jungius und der wissenschaftli-
chen wie socialen Zusta« nde zur Zeit des dreissigja« hrigen Krieges, R.C.B. Avë-Lalle-
mant ed. (Lu«beck "ðåâ).
Keill, John, Inleidinge tot de waare natuur- en sterrekunde, of de natuur- en sterrekundige
lessen..., translated and annotated by Johannes Lulofs (Leiden "æã").
Kepler, Johannes, Opera omnia, Ch. Frisch ed. (ð parts in ñ vol., Frankfurt and
Erlangen "ðäð-"ðæ")
^, Gesammelte Werke, M. Caspar etc. ed. (Mu«nchen, "ñâæ- ).
Koelman, Jacobus, Het vergift van de cartesiaansche philosophie grondig ontdekt (Am-
sterdam "åñá).
Kyper, Albert, Institutiones physicae (á vol., Leiden "åãä-"åãå).
Laat, Petrus de, Het schriftuur-bestormend gevoelen der cartesianen, omtrent het draaien of
omloop des aardryks, en de stilstand der sonne (Rotterdam "æáâ).
Langendijk, Pieter, De wiskunstenaars of `t gevlugte juffertje, G.W. Wolthuis ed.
(Amsterdam s.a.)
Lange, Jan Jansz. de, `t Samen-spreeckinge gehouden tusschen een schipper ende stierman,
aengaende van't beweghend'firmament ende de son, of de selve stil staet, dan of dese aerdek-
loot haer beweecht, ende alle áã. uyren eens omgewent wert. Seer vermaeckelijck om lesen.
Bewesen deur astronomische fondament-wiskonstige argumenten ende natuyrlijkcke rede-
nen, tot lof vande navigacy ofte zeevaert (The Hague "åâå).
Lansbergen, Jacob, Apologia, pro commentationibus Philippi Lansbergii in motum ter-
rae diurnum & annuum: adversus Libertum Fromondum theologum Lovaniensem; &
Joan. Baptistam Morinum, Doct.Med. & Parisiis mathematum professorem regium
(Middelburg "åââ).
Lansbergen, Philips, Triangulorum geometriae libri quatuor; in quibus nova & perspi-
cua methodo, & o"", tota ipsorum triangulorum doctrina explicatur (Leiden
"äñ"). (w)
^, idem, second edition (Amsterdam "åâ").
^, Catechesis religionis Christianae quae in Belgii et Palatinatus ecclesijs docetur, sermonibus
lii . explicatur (Neostadii Palatinorum [= Neustadt an der Weinstrasse]
^, Catechismus ofte onderwijsinghe inde Christelijcke religie..., Johannes Gys transl.
(third edition, Amstelredam "åãä).
^, Disputatio epistolaris... cum Carolo Franco... de moscho (...) (Middelburg "å"â)
^, Cyclometriae novae libri duo (Middelburg "å"å)
^, idem (Middelburg "åáð).
^, Progymnasmatum astronomiae restitutae liber i . De motu solis (Middelburg "å"ñ).

âñã bibliography
^, idem (Middelburg "åáð).
^, Bedenckingen op den dagelyckschen, ende iaerlijckschen loop van den Aerdt-kloot. Mits-
gaders op de ware af-beeldinge des sienelijcken hemels; daerin de wonderbare wercken
Godts worden ontdeckt (Middelburg "åáñ).
^, idem, second edition (Middelburg "åäò).
^, idem, third edition, (Middelburg "ååå).
^, Commentationes in motum terrae diurnum, & annuum; et in verum adspectabilis caeli
typum. In quibus "o!& ostenditur, diurnum, annuumque motum, qui appa-
ret in Sole, & Caelo, non deberi Soli, aut Caelo, sed soli Terrae: simulque adspectabilis
primi Coeli typus, ad vivum exprimitur. Ex Belgico sermone in Latinum versae, a Mar-
tino Hortensio Delfensis: una cum ipsius praefatione, in qua astronomiae Brahaeanae
fundamenta examinantur; & cum Lansbergiana astronomiae restitutione conferuntur
(Middelburg "åâò).
^, Uranometria libri iii (Middelburg "åâ").
^, Tabulae motuum coelestium perpetuae; ex omnium temporum observationibus constructae,
temporumque omnium observationibus consentientes. Item novae et genuinae motuum coe-
lestium theoricae et astronomicarum observationum thesaurus (Middelburg "åâá).
^, Les tables perpëtuelles de Philippe Lansbergue, des mouvemens celestes, construictes sui-
vant les observations de tous temps. Ensemble les thëories urayes & nouvelles des mouve-
mens celestes. Et le thresor d'observations astronomiques, D. Goubard transl. (Mid-
delbourg "åââ).
^, Opera omnia (Middelburg "ååâ).
Leenhof, Frederik van, De keten der bybelsche godgeleerdheit, soo als die in haar draad en
samen-hang van de eerste waarheid af, door alle de wegen Gods aan een geschakeld is (third
edition, Amsterdam "åðã).
Leeuwen, Simon van, Batavia illustrata, ofte verhandelinge vanden oorspronk, voort-
gank, zeden, eere, staat en godtsdienst van oud Batavien, mitsgaders van den adel en reger-
inge van Hollandt (`s Gravenhage "åðä).
Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van, Alle de brieven van Antoni van Leeuwenhoek / The col-
lected letters of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, xi, ("åñä-"åñå), L.C. Palm ed. (Lisse
Leydekker, Melchior, Fax veritatis, seu exercitationes ad nonnullas controversias quae
hodie in Belgio potissimum moventur, multa ex parte theologico-philosophicae (Leiden
^, Idea theologiae reformatae, ex scriptis theologorum, maxime Ultrajectensium delineata
(Utrecht "åñå).
Liens, Cornelis, Cum adversariis D.P. Lansbergij amica consertatio epistolica. (Zierik-
zee "å"ã). [a]
^, Mittelburgensium medicorum responsi postliminij & epistolae apologeticae ex supera-
bundanti cautela refutatio pro D.P. Lansbergio (Zierikzee "å"ã). [b]
^, Eerste en tweede deel van de kleyne werelt: vervatende de verborgen oorsaack der minne,

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onderhandelinge van de ziele, en waare proef der selviger onsterffelijkheyt (Amstelredam
Lipsius, Justus, Justi Lipsi Epistolae, A. Gerlo etc. ed. (å vol. appeared, Brussels
"ñæð- ).
Lipstorp, Daniel, Specimina philosophiae Cartesianae. Quibus accedit ejusdem authoris
Copernicus redivivus (Leiden "åäâ).
Lulofs, Johan, Onzijdige, dog vrijmoedige aanmerkingen, op het kortbondig onderzoek en
berigt. Dienende tot een rechtelyk bewys dat de hedendaagsche zamenkomsten ende oeffe-
ningen van de zogenaamde fynen ongeoorloft zyn enz.: Voor eenige dagen uitgegeven door
mr. Johan Schrassert rechtsgeleerde (Zutphen "æã").
^, Inleiding tot eene natuur- en wiskundige beschouwinge des aardkloots (Leiden and Zut-
phen "æäò).
Luyts, Joannes, Astronomica institutio. In qua doctrina sphaerica atque theorica, inter-
mixto usu sphaere coelestis, & variis chronologicis, pertractantur (Utrecht "åðñ).
Makreel, Dirck, De lichtende leydt-starre der grote zee-vaert. Zynde een klare, en fonda-
mentele verhandelinge, van alle de voornaemste stucken der navigatie (Amsterdam
^, Waernemingen en consideratien; aengaende de staert-starre, of vuurbalck, soo sich t'zedert
eenige tijdt herwaert aen den Hemel heeft vertoont [Amsterdam? "åð"] (= Knuttel
nr. ""æñä).
Maresius, Samuel, Oartio inauguralis de usu et abusa rationis in rebus theologicis & fidei
(Groningen "åãâ).
^, Hydra Socinianismi expugnata: sive Johannis Volkelii Misnici, De vera religione, (ut
falso inscribuntur) libri quinque (...) cum eorundem refutatione..., i (Groningen
^, Sylloge disputationum aliquot selectiorum (á vol., Groningen "ååò-"ååâ).
^, De abusu philosophiae Cartesianae, surrepente & vitando in rebus theologicis & fidei,
dissertatio theologica (Groningen "åæò).
Mastricht, Petrus van, Vindiciae veritatis et authoritatis Sacrae Scripturae in rebus phi-
losophicis adversus dissertationes D. Christophori Wittichii (Utrecht "åää).
^, Novitatum Cartesianarum gangraena, nobiliores plerasque corporis theologici partes ar-
rodens & exedens. Seu theologia Cartesiana, detecta (Amsterdam "åææ).
^, Theoretico-practica theologia, qua, per singula capita theologica, pars exegetica, dogmati-
ca, elenchtica & practica, perpetua successione conjugantur (expanded second edi-
tion, Utrecht "åñð).
Mauricius, Joan Jakob, Onledige ouderdom. Behelzende taallievende en historische uit-
spanningen over `t gebruik en overneeming van vreemde woorden (á vol., Amsterdam
Megerlin, Petrus, Systema mundi Copernicanum, argumentis invictis demonstratum, &
conciliatum theologiae (Amsterdam "åðá).

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Meij, Johannes de, Sacra physiologia, sive expositio locorum Sacrae Scripturae, in quibus
agitur de rebus naturalibus (Middelburg "åää).
^, Halelu-jah. Of lof des heeren verbreidt op het natuir-toneel, kortelijk en grondelijk vertoo-
nende den ganschen aerdt, oirspronck, gestalte, eigenschappen, werkingen, en uitnemenste
geheimenissen des weerelds, ende deszelfs bysonderste deelen, in `t gemeen aen-gemerkt
(Middelburg "ååæ). [a]
^, Het tweede halelu-jah, ofte lof des Heeren, verbreyt op het genaden-toneel (Middelburg
"ååæ). [b]
^, Alle de Neder-duitsche wercken (Middelburg "åð").
Mersenne, Marin, Quaestiones celeberrimae in Genesim, cum accurata textus explica-
tione (Paris "åáâ).
^ Correspondance du P. Marin Mersenne, religieux minime, P. Tannery, C. de Waard
& A. Beaulieu eds., ("å vol., Paris "ñâá-"ñðå).
Merula, Paullus, Cosmographiae generalis libri tres: item geographiae particularis libri
quator: quibus Europa in genere; speciatim Hispania, Gallia, Italia, describuntur (Lei-
den "åòä).
Metius, Adriaan, Institutiones astronomicae & geographicae, fondamentale ende gronde-
lijcke onderwysinge van de sterrekonst, ende beschryvinghe der aerden, door het ghebruyck
van de hemelsche ende aerdtsche globen (Franeker "å"ã).
^, Primum mobile, astronomice, sciographice, geometrice, & hydrographice, nova methodo
explicatum. Editio nova (Amsterdam "åââ).
Montanus, Janus, Den oorlog der philosophen, of de beroemde veltslag geslaagen tussen de
vermaarde Aristoteles en den grooten Descartes (s.l., "æò").
Moolen, Simon van der, Astronomia of hemel-loop-kunde, leerende de hoedanigheden
der beweginge van alle zigtbare hemel-ligten (...) (Amsterdam "æòá).
Mulerius, Nicolaus, Tabulae Frisicae Lunae-Solares quadruplices: e fontibus Cl. Ptole-
maei, Regis Alfonsi, Nic. Copernici, & Tychonis Brahe... Quibus accessere Solis tabu-
lae totidem; hypotheses Tychonis illustratae: Kalendarium Rom. vetus cum methodo
Paschali emendata (Alkmaar "å"").
^, Institutionum astronomicarum libri duo: quibus etiam continentur geographiae principia,
nec non pleraque ad artem navigandi facientia (Groningen "å"å).
^, idem, reprint Groningen "åãñ.
^, Hemelsche trompet morgenwecker ofte comeet met een langebaart (Groningen "å"ð).
^, Iudaeorum annus lunae-solaris: et Turc-Arabum annus mere lunaris. Recens uterque e
suis fontibus deductus, & cum anno Romano facili methodo connexus (Groningen
Musschenbroek, Petrus van, Beginselen der natuurkunde, beschreven ten dienste der
landgenooten (Leiden "æâå).
Muys, Weyer Willem, Elementa physices methodo mathematica demonstrata (Amster-
dam "æ"").

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Newton, Isaac, Mathematical principles of natural philosophy, A. Motte & F. Cajori
transl. and ed. (á vol., Berkeley etc. "ñåá).
^, `Further Newton correspondence', A.R. Hall ed., Notes and records of the Royal
Society of London âæ part i ("ñðá), æ-âã.
Niepoort, Arnoldus, Johannes Beusechum and Henricus Troy, Disputationes
theologicae quator, de usu Sacrae Scripturae in rebus philosophicis, contra Christophori
Wittichii dissertationes. Accedunt vindiciae pro iisdem disputationibus adversus illius
considerationem theologicam de stylo Scripturae (Utrecht "åäå).
Nierop, Dirk Rembrandtsz. van, Nederduytsche astronomia, dat is: onderwys van den
loop des heemels... (second edition, Amsterdam "åäð).
^, Des aertrycks beweging, en der sonne stilstant, bewysende dat dit geensins met de Christe-
lyke religie is strydende. (...) (Amsterdam "åå"). [a]
^, Idem, second impression (Amsterdam "åðâ).
^, Antwoort op een brief van Jacobus Coccaeus, over de `t samenstellingen des werrelds. Waer
in dat wederleyt wort zijn vreemde ongefondeerde stellingh, nu onlanghs by hem voortgeb-
racht: waer meeª dat hy alle oude fondamenten gaet verwerpen, om het zijne staende te hou-
den (Amsterdam "åå"). [b]
^, Eenige oeffeningen, in god-lijcke, wis-konstige, en natuerlijcke dingen (...) (Amsterdam
^, By-voeghsel op de Nederduytse Astronomia en sonne stilstant, welcke zijn eenige aantey-
ckeningen dienende tot verbeteringh en vermeerdering des selfden, en dat so wel op d'eerste
als tweede Druck deser Astronomia. Waer mee dat die vermeerdert zijn met een nieuwe
uytreeckening op de planete Mercurius, voortkomende uyt de twee waergenomen samen-
standen in de Sonne, gedaen by P. Gassendi en J. Hevelius (Amsterdam "åææ). [a]
^, Bijvoeghsel op des aertryks beweging, of de sonne stilstant, waer in dat eenige dingen my soo
nu ende dan voorgevallen sijn, dienende tot nader verklaringhe: als oock eenige tegenwerpin-
gen beantwoordt (Amsterdam "åææ). [b]
^, Tweede deel, op de wis-konstige rekening, welke sijn eenige aenteykeningen, dienende tot
verbetering en vermeerdering des selfden (...) (Amsterdam "åðò).
^, `Dirk Rembrantsz brieven', in: Maandelijke mathematische liefhebberij, åð letters
in the issues "æää-"æåá.
Nieuwentijt, Bernard, Het regt gebruik der wereltbeschouwingen, ter overtuiginge van on-
godisten en ongelovigen (Amsterdam "æ"ä).
Odë, Jacob, Oratio de laudabili priscorum hominum philosophandi methodo (Utrecht
^, Principia philosophiae naturalis in usum scolarum privatarum conscripta, et captui stu-
diosae juventutis accomodata (á vol., Utrecht "æáæ).
^, Oratio de novis per observationes coelestes recentioris aevi inventis (Utrecht "æãâ).
Outrein, Johannes d', Proef-stukken van heilige sinne-beelden (á vol., Amsterdam
Ouwens, Rutgerus, Redenvoering, betogende, dat de stelling van Ptolemaeus, aangaande

âñð bibliography
het lopen der sonne strydig is tegen de H. Schrift, of dat men het lopen der sonne, na de
stelling van Ptolemaeus, verkeerdelyk poogd te bewyzen uit Josua x: v. "á."â. (`s Graven-
hage "ææñ). (l)
[Poest, Andries van der], Aanmerkingen over het gestelde van Copernicus wegens de
jaarlykse beweeging van den aardkloot om de zon (Middelburg "ææð). (kb)
Polacco, Giorgio, Anticopernicus catholicus, seu de terrae statione, et de solis motu, contra
systema copernicanum, catholicae assertiones (Venice "åãã).
Pontanus, Johannes Isacius (ed.), Aur. Theodosii Macrobii opera (Leiden "äñæ).
^, Brieven van en aan Jo. Is. Pontanus, P.N. van Doornick and P.C. Molhuysen ed.
(Haarlem "ñòñ).
Ptolemy, Ptolemy's Almagest, G.J. Toomer ed., (London "ñðã).
Querelle d'Utrecht, La, Th. Verbeek ed. (Paris "ñðð).
Raei, Johannes de, Oratio inauguralis, de gradibus & vitiis notitiae vulgaris circa con-
templationem Naturae, & officio Philosophi circa eandem (Leiden "åä").
^, Clavis philosophiae naturalis seu introductio ad naturae contemplationem, Aristotelico-
Cartesiana (Leiden "åäã).
Reformierten klevischen Synoden im "æ. Jahrhundert, Die, ii, "åãñ-"åæá, W. Petri ed.
(Cologne "ñæñ).
Ranouw, Willem van, Kabinet der natuurlijke historie« n, wetenschappen, konsten en
handwerken (Amsterdam "æ"ñ-"æáâ).
Register van Holland en Westvriesland van de jaaren "åää en "åäå. (s.l., s.a.).
Regius, Henricus, Fundamenta physices (Amsterdam "åãå).
^, Fundamenta medica (Utrecht "åãæ).
^, Philosophia naturalis (Amsterdam "åäã).
^, [idem, new edition] Philosophia naturalis, in qua tota rerum universitas, per clara &
facilia principia, explanatur (Amsterdam "åå").
^, Conciliatio locorum S.Scripturae cum diurna et annua telluris circumrotatione (Utrecht
Reland, Adriaan, Oratio de incremento, quod philosophia cepit hoc saeculo (Amsterdam
Revius, Jacob, Methodi cartesianae consideratio theologica (Leiden "åãð).
^, Statera philosophiae Cartesianae, qua principiorum ejus falsitas, & dogmatum impuri-
tas expenditur ac castigatur, et ad virulentam epistolam, praefixam selectarum disputa-
tionum Adriani Heereboortii volumini primo, respondetur (Leiden "åäò).
^, Anti-Wittichius. Sive, adversus infinitatem mundi, a Cartesio assertam, a Christophoro
Wittichio theologo Duisbergensi defensam diatribe (Leiden "åää).
Riccioli, Giovanni Battista, Almagestum novum astronomiam veterem novamque com-
plectens (á vol., Bologna "åä").
Ridderus, Franciscus, Schriftuerlyck licht, over schijn-strijdende, duystere, en mis-duyde
texten der Heylige Schrifture (ä vol., Rotterdam and Amsterdam "åæä-"åðò).
Roggeveen, Arent, Het nieuwe droevige nacht-licht, ontsteken door Godts toren, ende ver-

bibliography âññ
toont op den aerdt-kloot, in een comeet ofte staert-starre (...) waerin wort aegewesen den
wonderlijcken loop der selve (Middelburg "ååä).
Ryssenius, Leonardus, Doot-stuypen der cartesianen en coccejanen (Utrecht "åæå).
[Santvoort, Dirk], De oorsaak van de beweeging en de beginsselen der vaste lichamen
(Utrecht "æòâ).
[-], Vervolg van het boek genaamt de oorsaak van de beweeging en de beginsselen der vaste
lichamen (Utrecht "æòæ).
Saurin, Jaques, Discours historiques, critiques, theologiques, et moraux, sur les evenemens
les plus memorables du vieux et du nouveau testament, vol. i-ii (The Hague "æáð).
Scaliger, Joseph Justus, De aequinoctiorum anticipatione diatriba (Paris "å"â)
^, De re nummaria dissertatio, liber posthumus (Leiden "å"å).
Schagen, Gerrit Pietersz (ed.), Wonder-vondt van de eeuwighe bewegingh die den Alck-
maersche philosooph Cornelis Drebbel door een eeuwigh bewegende gheest in een cloot beslo-
ten te weghe ghebrocht heeft, welckers toeeygeningh (in `t vereeren des selvigen aen den groot-
machtigen Coningh Jacob van groot Brittangen) alhier naecktelijck vertoont wordt. (...)
Ooc mede by gevoeght een Boeck Pymander beschreven van Mercurius driemael de grootste
die oock een philosooph en priester en Coningh soude in Egypten gheweest hebben in de tijdt
van Moses (Alkmaar "åòæ).
Schoock, Martin, De scepticismo pars prior, sive libiri quator: quibus, qua antiquorum,
qua recentiorum scepticorum deliria, ex suis principiis solide discutiuntur, atque certitudo
non minus disciplinarum universalium, quam philosophiae theoreticae asseritur (Gronin-
gen "åäá).
^, Physica caelestis. In qua omnia, quae in coelo siderio occurrunt, copiose discutiuntur. Non
modo juxta antiquorum philosophorum placita, verum etiam recentiorum astronomorum
accuratiores observationes (Amsterdam "ååâ).
Schotanus a© Sterringa, Joh., Physica coelestis et terrestris. Inb quae secundum funda-
menta melioris philosophiae, facili & jucunda methodo, coeli terraeque affestiones, et
 o" explicantur (Franeker "æòò).
Semeyns, Meindert, Kortbondige redeneering over de gesteltheid van den aardkloot van
binnen, betoogt uit de magneetische werkinge (The Hague "æåò).
Senguerd, Arnold, Physicae exercitationes (Amsterdam "åäð).
Senguerd, Wolferd, Philosophia naturalis, quator partibus primarias corporum species,
affectiones, vicissitudines, & differentias, exhibens (Leiden "åðò).
^, idem, editio secunda, priore auctior (Leiden "åðä).
Smetius, Henricus, Miscellanea medica, cum praestantissimis quinque medicis (...) com-
municata (Frankfurt "å"").
Smit, Pieter Maasz, Cosmographia, of verdeelinge van de geheele wereld, als mede het ma-
ken van de hemelsche en aardsche globe: (...) (Amsterdam, "åñð) (u va)
Smith, Writser Roelefs de, Naturlikke ontdekking of demonstratif bewys i . Van de
grootheid, naturlikke plaats, en beweeging der aard-kloot. ii . Van de grootheid, staat,
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nael', in: Het boek áá ("ñââ/"ñâã) æâ-ñã.
Wilson, C., `Predictive astronomy in the century after Kepler', in: R. Taton
and C. Wilson (ed.), Planetary astronomy from the Renaissance to the rise of
astrophysics: Tycho Brahe to Newton (The general history of asronomy, ii-a)
(Cambridge etc. "ñðñ) "å"-áòå.
Winter, P.J. van, Hoger beroepsonderwijs avant-la-lettre. Bemoeiingen met de vorming
van landmeters en ingenieurs bij de Nederlandse universiteiten van de "æe en "ðe eeuw
(Amsterdam enz. "ñðð) (Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Aka-
demie van Wetenschappen, afd. letterkunde, nieuwe reeks, "âæ).
Wolthuis, G.W., `Pieter Langendijk en de wiskunstenaars. Een bijdrage tot de
kennis der zeden van onze wiskundige voorvaderen', in: Tijdschrift voor taal
en letteren áã ("ñâå) "åâ-"ðâ, áâð-áå".
Wortel, Th.P.H., `Adriaen Anthonisz., de vestingbouwer', in: idem, Uit de
geschiedenis van Alkmaar en omgeving (Bergen (n.h.) "ññò) "æä-á"ð.
Yates, F.A., Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic tradition (Chicago etc. "ñåã).
Zemplën, J., `The reception of Copernicanism in Hungary. A contribution to
the history of natural philosophy and physics in the xviith and xviiith
centuries', in: Reception, â""-âäå.
Zinner, E., Entstehung und Ausbreitung der Coppernicanischen Lehre (Erlangen
Zuidervaart, H.J., `Astronomische waarnemingen en wetenschappelijke con-
tacten van Jan de Munck ("åðæ-"æåð), stadsarchitect van Middelburg', in:
Worstelende wetenschap. Aspecten van wetenschapsbeoefening in Zeeland van de zestiende

ãáã bibliography
tot in de negentiende eeuw (Separate issue from: Archief. Mededelingen van het Ko-
ninklijk Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappen, "ñðæ) "òâ-"æò.
^, Speculatie, wetenschap en vernuft. Fysica en astronomie volgens Wytze Foppes Dongjuma
("æòæ-"ææð), instrumentmaker te Leeuwarden (Leeuwarden "ññä).
^, (with assistance of H. Hoitsma), `Een Zeeuws planetarium uit de tweede
helft van de "ðe eeuw', Archief van het Koninklijk Zeeuwsch Genootschap der We-
tenschappen ("ñðá) åñ-"ãð.
^, Van `konstgenoten' en hemelse fenomenen. Nederlandse sterrenkunde in de achttiende eeuw
(Rotterdam "ñññ).

bibliography ãáä

Abraham, áðâ Bayle, Pierre, "ñò

Adriaansz, Balthasar, áòá Beaufort, Ludovicus de, áåñ-áæò
Albategnus, æå Beauval, Henri Basnage de, "ñò
Alfraganus, áã Beeckman, Isaac, æ, ææ, ðò, ñá, "òã, ""â-
Allamand, Jean-Nicolas-Sebastien, âãã ""ð, "äæ-"äð
Allard, Hugo, ááä, ááð-áâò, áâã Bekker, Balthasar, âòâ, âáñ, âåá
Allard, Jacob, áâá Bellarmine, Robert, âæâ
Alphons, King of Spain, áæ, ãð Bernegger, Matthias, "áð, áãæ
Alting, Jacob, âá" Bert, Johannes Henricus, "ðã
Anaxagoras, ã" Bertius, Petrus, áå-áæ
Andreae, Tobias, "äæ, "ðä, âòå Beusechum, Johannes, áå", áåâ, áåä-áåå
Andreae, Tobias jr., "ææ Bërigard, Claude de, "åæ
Annesley, Johannes, "ðã Bie, Alexander de, "áä-"áå, "æá, "ðá, "ðä
Anthonisz, Adriaen, ã, "ð, äã-äæ, åñ, ñä Blaeu, Joan, æ", "òð, ááâ-ááä, ááæ-ááñ,
Apianus, Petrus, â, "ñ áâ", áâä
Apollonius, áá, áã Blaeu, Willem Jansz, ã, áã, åð-æá, ðð, "òæ-
Aratus, âã-âä, âð-âñ "òð, """, "áã, "áæ, á"ñ, ááâ, ááð
Arens, Daniel, "ðä Blankaart, Stephanus, "ðð-"ðñ
Aristarchos of Samos, âá, ã", æñ, áâ" Blok, Ameldonk, "äã
Aristotle, ã, âä, "âä, "äå Blomhert, Johannes, "ðã
Arminius, Jacob, áãä Boddens, Abraham, á"á
Aslaksen, Kort (Aslacus), ðñ, áäð Boer, Tjerk Jansz de, âåò
Augustine, St, áãð Boerhaave, Herman, ââå
Bois, Godefridus de, âãã
Bacon, Francis, "åå, áäð Bois, Jacob du, "ãã, áäá-áäå, áäð-áäñ,
Bacon, Roger, ñá áåá, áð"-áðä, áðæ-áñ", áñâ-áñã, â"ã-â"ä
Bacon, Francis, ââä Boisseau, Jean, áââ
Baillet, Adrien, "ñâ Bontekoe, Cornelis, "ðð-"ðñ, á"â
Bainbridge, John, ð" Booth, Cornelis, ã"-ãâ
Barlaeus, (Caspar), "òä, "òæ Borgesius, Joachim, "ðå
Bartas, Guillaume de Saluste du, ñâ Bornius, Henricus, "æð, â"ä-â"æ
Bartholin Kierul, Peder, "áæ Boswell, William, ñã
Batelier, Jacobus Johannes, "åâ, áãñ

ãáå index
Boulliau, Ismae« l, ðä, "òð, "áá, "áð, "ãä, Claudianus, ñâ
"ðä, "ñæ, á"" Clavius, Christophorus, â
Bourignon, Antoinette, âåä Cleanthes of Samos, â"
Boxhorn, Marcus Zuerius, "áð Clerc, Jean Le, áãå, âäò-âäá
Boxtel, David van, "åá Clusius, Carolus, "å
Boyle, Robert, ââä, âãñ, âä", âäâ-âäã Cluverius, Philip, "ð
Brahe, Tycho, "ð-áò, áá, áä, âæ-âð, ãò, ãâ, Coccaeus, Jacob, "ñã, áòð-á"â, áâå
ãæ-ãð, åñ, ðò, ðã, ðæ, ñá, ""â, "áò, "áä, Cocceius, Johannes, áäâ, áñð, â"ñ-âáò
"áæ-"áð, "ââ, ááã Colom, Jacob, æò, ááñ
Brakel, Willem a© , ââò Colonius, Paulus, âòá-âòâ
Brandt, Geeraert, åò Conimbricenses, "âá, "å"
Braun, Johannes, â"æ, âáò, âáã, âáå Copper, Jacob, "ðñ
Brinck, Ernst, """-""á Cotes, Roger, âä"-âäá
Brink, Henricus , âáñ Craanen, Theodoor, "ææ
Broeck, Claes Jacobsz, "òå Cudworth, Ralph, âäò-âä"
Brosterhuyzen, Johannes, ""á
Bruno, Giordano, ""á, ""ñ, á"ñ Danckerts, Justus, ááä, áâá
Bruyn, Gualtherus de, áäò Daneau, Lambert (Danaeus), áäð
Bruyn, Johannes de, "äð, "åñ-"æ", "æâ- Davidsz, Dirck, áâ"
"æã, "ææ, "ðå, áäò, áæñ-áðò, â"ä-â"å Dee, John, ñä-ñå
Buchanan, Georg, âä Delambre, J.B.J., "áá
Derham, William, âä"
Burgersdijk, Franco, "æ, ðñ, "âá-"ââ, "äð
Burman, Franciscus, âáò, âáâ-âáã, âáå Desaguliers, John Theophilus, ââæ-ââð
Burnet, Thomas, "ðñ, âãæ Descartes, Renë, ä, ""â, ""ñ, "áä, "âò-"â",
"âã, "âñ-"ãá, "ãä-"ãð, "äá-"äã, "äå-"äð,
Cabbeljau, Petrus, âòæ-âòð "åò, "åã-"åæ, "åñ-"æò, "æâ, "ðð-"ðñ,
Calcagnini, Caelio, âá "ñâ, "ñæ, áòã, á"â, á"å, áäâ, áäñ-áåò,
Callerus, Theodorus, â"á áæð, áðñ, âòå, ââä, âãæ, âãñ, âæá-âæâ
Calvin, Jean, áãã, áäð Deurhof, Willem, áòã-áòä, á"â, áãå, âåã
Capella, Martianus, ââ-âã, âæ-âð, ãñ Deursen, A.Th. van, âòä
Cardano, Girolamo, ""â Deusing, Antonius, "á"-"áâ, "äð
Cardinael, Sybrand Hansz, "òð-""ò, "äæ, Digby, Kenelm, ââä
"ñã, áòð, áãä Diodati, Elia, "áð
Casembroot, Gilbertus Henricus, ââå Does, Jan van der, "æ, âä
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico, "äò Doncker, Hendrik, ááñ, áâ"-áâá
Castel, Louis-Bertrand, ââñ Doppelmaier, Johann Gabriel, áâä
Cellarius, Andreas, á"", áâä Dou, Gerard, äâ
Ceulen, Ludolf van, áò Dousa, Janus Jr., "ñ, âä-âð, ãò, æã
Chamberlayne, John, âäâ Drebbel, Cornelis, ã, ñá-ñæ, ""â
Cheyne, George, âäá-âäâ Droomers, Johannes, áòð
Christina, Queen of Sweden, âã Duke of Alba, âåå
Chrysanthos, presbyter, áâ" Durret, Noe« l, ð"
Cicero, ñâ Duykerius, Johannes, "ñò
Clauberg, Johannes, "ææ, áäæ, áåå

index ãáæ
Eastwood, B.S., âñ Glazemaker, Jan Hendriksz, "ðð-"ðñ
Ecphantus, â" Godwin, Francis, ""á
Eisinga, Eise, âåò Golius, Jacob, áâ-áä, "á", "äæ, "åå-"åæ,
Emmius, Ubbo, ãå, äò-ä", áãæ "æå, áåñ, â"ò
Engelhard, Nicolaus, âåå-âåð Gomarus, Franciscus, áãã
Eratosthenes, áâ Graaf, Abraham de, "äã, "ñð-áòò
Erpenius, Thomas, "ð, áâ Graaf, Lieuwe Willemsz, áòå, âåá
Essenius, Andreas, áå"-áåá, áåã-áåä, Graaf, Reynier de, "äæ
áðá, âáå Grau, Abraham de, "ðò
Eycke, Simon van den, ää 's Gravesande, Willem Jacob, ââå-âãá,
âãã, âãå
Fabri de Peiresc, Nicolas-Claude, "òâ Gregory, David, âäá, âää
Fabricius, Carolus, áæò Groenewegen, Henricus, âáã
Fabricius, David, "òã Grotius, Hugo, "ð, âã, âð-ã", åò, "òæ-"òð,
Fahrenheit, Daniel Gabriel, "ñò áãä, âãò, âäò
Fanianus, Johannes Chrysippus, ñä Gruterus, Jacob, "ñ, æã
Fine, Oronce, ã Guericke, Otto van, ââä
Fontaine, Philippus de la, "æð
Fontenelle, Bernard le Bovier de, "ðñ, Haeyen, Aelbert Hendricksz, äã
âåâ Hainlinus, J.J., "òå
Foscarini, Paolo Antonio, áãæ, áä" Harmensz, Jan, á"á
Francius, Carolus, ñò Harrewijn, Jacob, áâá
Fransz, Claes, æå Harriot, Thomas, "òã
Froidmont, Libert, ðâ, ðä, ñå, áãð Hartsoeker, Nicolaas, "äã, "ñâ-"ñã, áòã,
Fruytier, Jacob, ââò á"ã-á"ä, ââä, ââñ
Harvey, William Harvey, "âñ, ââä
Galilei, Galileo, ä, æ, ãä, ä", ðá, "òã-"òð, Heereboord, Adriaan, "åå-"åñ, "æå, â"ò
""ò-""á, ""å, "áá, "áã, "áå, "áð, "âá, Heidanus, Abraham, áãå, áäæ, áðá, áñð-
"âñ, "ã", "ãñ, "äâ-"äã, "åá, "åã, "åð, áññ, âòã, âòæ-â"", â"â-â"ã, â"å
"æå, "æñ, "ðä, áãâ, áãæ, áñã, âáá, ââä, Heinsius, Daniel, "ð
âåá, âæ"-âæá Hendrikken, Jan, áòá
Gassendi, Pierre, "òâ, "áñ-"âò, "äå, "åå, Heraclides, â"
"æå, "ðä, ááð, áñ", â"å, ââä Herbinius, Johannes, "ðá, áåð-áåñ
Gaukes, Yvo, ââå Hermes (Mercurius), ñ"-ñâ, ñå
Gellibrand, Henry, æâ, ð" Herwart von Hohenburg, Johann
Gemma Frisius, Reiner, ã, "ä, â"-âá, äæ- Georg, ðâ
äð Heuraet, Hendrick van, "äæ
Gent, Pieter van, "ñò Hevelius, Johannes, "ãñ, á"ò-á"á
Germanicus Caesar, âã-âä, âñ Hipparchos of Rhodes, áâ, ãå-ãæ, æñ, áâ"
Geulincx, Arnout, "ææ Hobbes, Thomas, "ðñ, á"å, áæå, áæñ, áðæ
Gheyn, Jacob de, âñ, áâä Hoet, Gerard, ââñ
Gietermaker, Claes Jansz, "ñð Hogelande, Cornelis van, "äæ, âòå
Gilbert, William, åå, ñå-ñæ, "áã, "ðä, ââä Holwarda, Johannes Phocylides, æ, ðá,
Girard, Albert, "òâ, ""æ-""ñ, "ãò, "äð "áò, "áñ-"âò, "äð

ãáð index
Hommius, Festus, áðã ""ä-""å, "áâ-"áã, "áå-"âò, "ãä, "ãñ, "äã,
Hondius, Jodocus, ááã "åã-"åä, "ðá, "ðä, "ñæ, áãæ-áãñ, ââä-
Hondt, Pierre de, ââñ ââå, âã", âãâ, âãæ, âäá
Hooft, Arnout H., æ" Keulen, Johannes van, ááæ
Hooft, Pieter Cornelisz, æ", æã, "òä, á"ð- Kies van Wissen, Johan, á"á
á"ñ Kircher, Athanasius, âåá
Hoorn, Jan ten, "ðð, á"ã Klinkenberg, Jan, âäñ
Hoorn, Nicolaas ten, "ðñ Knuttel, W.P.C., âòæ
Hoornbeek, Johannes, áñð-áññ, âòæ-âòð, Koelman, Jacob, âòæ, âáñ
â"á, â"å Ko«lesëri, Samuel, "ææ
Hooykaas, R., ã, æò, ðä, ñá, "òå, áãñ Krom, Hermanus Johannes, âäð
Horrebow, Peder, âãá-âãâ, âãð Kuchlinus, Joh., æå
Horrox, Jeremiah, ð", "ñæ Kuhn, Th., âæã
Hortensius, Martinus, æ, æò, ææ, ðá-ðâ, ðå, Kyper, Albert, "âã-"âä, áðâ, áññ
"òã, "òæ-"òð, ""á, "áå-"âò, "äð
Horthemels, Johannes, âãæ Laat, Petrus de, âåä-âåå
Houbraken, Arnold, ââñ Lactantius, ñâ, áãð
Hout, Jan van, âä Lange, Jan Jansz de, "òð-""ò
Houtman, Cornelis, ááã Lansbergen, Jacob, ðâ, ðä, ñò, ñå, ááð,
Houwens, Jan, ááñ áäã
Hudde Gerritsz, Johannes, "äæ, "ñã, áðñ- Lansbergen, Philips, ã, æ, "ñ, æò, æâ-ñá,
áñò, áñá, âòæ, â"ä ñä-ññ, "òâ-"òã, "òñ-""å, "áá, "áã, "áæ,
Hues, Robert, áä "áñ-"âò, "ââ, "äð, "åâ, "åð, áòá, áòã,
Huygens, Christiaan, "ãð, "äò-"ää, "äæ, áòå-áòæ, ááð, áâ", áãð-áãñ, áä", áåð,
"äñ, "åã, "ðå, "ñ", "ñã, á""-á"á, áâæ, áñ", áñå, âåå
áñ", â"ã, ââä, âää Leenhof, Frederik van, âáä
Huygens, Constantijn, ""á, "ãð, "äæ, á"ð- Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van, "ñ"
ááá Lenz, Cyriacus (Lentulus), áäæ
Leusden, Johannes, "æñ
Jacchaeus, Gilbertus, áæ-áð, ã" Leydekker, Melchior, âáæ-âáð
Jacob, Willem Hendrik s', âãæ-âãð, âää Lëmery, Nicolas, "ðñ
Jager, Jan de, ááæ Libavius, Andreas, ñ"-ñá, ñä
James i, King of England, äò, ñâ-ñä Liens, Cornelis, ñ"
Janssonius, Johannes, áâä Linden, Johannes [Antonius van] der,
Joannes Chrysostomus, áäð áðð
Joncourt, Elie de, âãã Lipsius, Justus, "æ, áñ, âæ-âð, äð, åò
Joshua, áòå, áã"-áãá, âáð, âãò Lipstorp, Daniel, ðä, "áá, "ãá-"ãä, "ãæ-
Jungius, Joachim, "âò-"â", "åò "ãð, "åá, áäá, áäã, áåð
Locke, John, âäò
Kate, Lambert ten, âäá-âäâ Lodenstein, Jodocus van, áðñ
Kechel, Samuel Karl, áä, áäâ Lom, Johan Hendrik van, âãã
Keere, Pieter van den, ááñ Longomontanus, Johannes, "áð
Keill, John, âãá Lubbertus, Sibrandus, ä", áãæ, âæâ
Kepler, Johannes, âð, ãå, äæ, ð", ðâ, ""á, Luchtenburg, Andreas van, ááæ

index ãáñ
Lucretius, "ðñ, á"å Moolen, Simon van der, "äã, "ññ-áòò,
Lulofs, Johan, âã"-âãã, âåò áòã, á"â
Luyts, Johannes, "ðâ Moor, Bernard de, "áå
Morin, Jean-Baptiste, ðâ, ðä
Machiavelli, Niccolo©, "ðñ Moxon, Joseph, æò
Macrobius, âä, âæ-âð Mulerius, Nicolaus, á, ã, áò, âá, ãä-äá, äå,
Maets, Carolus de, áææ, áæñ åä, æá, æð, ðå, ðð, ñä, ñð, "òã, "áá-"áã,
Maimonides, áäð "äð, "æð
Makreel, Dirk, áò" Munck, Jan de, âäñ
Malvasia, ðá Murdison, Johannes, áð, â"-ââ, ðñ
Manfredi, Eustachio, âãá-âãâ Musschenbroek, Petrus van, áòâ, ââå-
Manilius, "ñ, âä ââæ, âã"-âãá, âãä, âãæ
Marck, Johannes van der, â"æ Muys, Wyer Willem, ââå
Marck, van der (publisher), ââñ Myle, Abraham van der, "áæ
Maresius, Samuel, áãå, áäæ, áðñ, áñæ, âáò-
âáá, âæâ Nassau, Maurice of, "æ
Marolois, Samuel, ""æ Nauta, D., âá"
Martianus Capella, âñ, ã" Nethenus, Mathias, áåä, áðá
Mastricht, Petrus van, áåò-áåá, âáå-âáæ Newton, Isaac, âá, á"ã, ââä-ââæ, âãä-âä",
Maurice of Nassau, äð, å"-åã, áãð, áæä âäã-âää, âå", âæâ
Mauricius, Joan Jacob, âåñ Nicetas of Syracuse, â"
Maximilian ii, Holy Roman Emperor, Niepoort, Arnoldus, áå"-áåá, áåä-áåå
ñå Nierop, Dirk Rembrandtsz van, "òä, "äæ,
Mayow, John, "ðñ "äñ, "ðð, "ñâ-áòò, áòá-áòã, áòæ-áòð,
Medici, Leopold de, "äò á""-á"á, ááæ, áâá, áãå, áñâ, â"â
Meerwyk, Petrus van, âãæ Nieuwentijt, Bernard, âäá-âäð, âåã
Megerlin, Petrus, "òå Nieuwstadt, Joachim, â"ä-â"å
Meij, Johannes de, âáá-âáâ Nobbs, D., áæã
Meijer, Lodewijk, âá"
Melanchthon, Philippus, "ñ, áñ, âá, âæâ Octoul, ð"
Mennink, C., âåã Odë, Jacob, âãã-âãæ, âää
Menocchio, Domenico Scandella detto, Oort, Casparus van, âãæ
""ð Oosterdijk Schacht, Johannes, ââñ, âãã
Mercator, Gerard, â", âã, äð Ortelius, Abraham, ááã
Mersenne, Marin, ñæ, "òæ, ""â, "ãð, "äå, Osiander, Andreas, ãð, ñð, áãæ, âæâ
áãæ Ottens, Joachim, ááä
Merula, Paullus, â"-âá, áäâ Outrein, Johannes d', âáä-âáå
Metius, Adriaen, "ð, á"-áá, ãå, äå Overcamp, Heidenrijk, "ðð
Metius, Jacob, "òã
Michelius, Joseph, ñ" Paracelsus, ñò-ñ", áâå
Mijle, Cornelius van der, ãã-ãä Patrizi, Francesco, áæ
Mohr, Johann Maurits, âäñ Pell, John, ð", "âò
Montaigne, Michel de, á"ð Pena, Jean, âã
Montanus, Janus, "äå, "äñ, á"â-á"ã Pereyra, Benito, "å"

ãâò index
Peucer, Caspar, ã Roman, Zacharias, ææ-æð
Peyre© re, Isaac de la, âãò Roomen, Adriaan van, áá
Philolaus, âá Roosendael, Aemilius, áá, ãã-ãä
Picart, Bernard, ââñ Ross, Alexander, ðâ
Pingrë, A.-G., ðá Rijssen, Leonardus van, âáð-âáñ
Plancius, Petrus, äã, æä RÖmer, Ole, âãá
Plantin, Christophe, "å, æã
Plato, âä, ðå, ñò Sacrobosco, â
Plutarch, â"-âá Salomon, King of Israel, áãð, áäã, âáð,
Poest, Andries van der, âåò âäå, âäð
Polacco, Giorgio, ñá Sanctorius, Santorio, "âñ
Pompilius, Numa, âá, "ãæ Santvoort, Dirk, á"ã-á"æ
Pontanus, Johannes Isacius, "ñ, áä, âæ-âð, Saurin, Jacques, ââñ-âã"
"áò Sauzet, Henri du, ââñ
Porphyrius, áã Scaliger, Joseph Justus, "â, "æ, "ñ-áò, áá-
Potheunck, â"æ áâ, áä, âñ-ãò, ãå-ãæ, åò, "äæ
Pythagoras, "ãæ Scaliger, Julius Caesar, ã", "âò
Schagen, Gerrit, ñâ-ñå
Rabus, Pieter, "äá, "ñò Scheiner, Christoph, ãã-ãä
Raei, Johannes de, "æã-"æä, "ææ, "ðä-"ðå, Schilder, Richard, ææ-æð
áåå, áñð, âòæ-âòð, â"ä Schoock, Martin, "äð, "åä, "æñ, áäò-áä",
Ram, Johannes, áâá áäæ-áäð, âæâ
Ramus, Petrus, á", ââä Schooten, Frans van, "ãä, "äò, "ää, "äæ,
Ravensberg, Jacob, "áò, "áâ-"áä, "äð, "æå, "åå, "ææ, "ñã, áæä, áñò-áñ", â"ã
"ðá Schotanus, Bernard, "áâ
Ray, John, âä" Schotanus, Johannes, "ð"
Reael, Laurens, "òæ Schotanus, Meinardus, áææ
Recorde, Robert, âá Scho«pffer, C., âåð
Regius, Henricus, "äã, "äæ, "åä-"åð, "æá- Schuts, Jacob, âåá, âåã, âåå
"æã, "æå, "ð", áæò-áæ", áñâ, âáá Semeyns, Meindert, âåò, âåñ
Rehoorn, A., â"å Senguerd, Arnold, "äð, "æá
Reinhold, Erasmus, ãæ Senguerd, Wolferd, "ð"-"ðá, "ðå, ââæ
Reland, Adriaan, ââä Sextus Empiricus, áä"
Renerius, Henricus, "áò, "áä, "äæ, "åã- Shepheard, Nicolaus, "ðâ
"åä, "æå Smit, Baltsar, áòá
Revius, Jacob, "åå-"åñ, áä", áäð, áåò, áåá Smit, Pieter Maasz, áòò, áòð
Rëgis, Pierre Sylvian, "äã Smith, Writser Roelefs de, âå"
Rheticus, Georg Joachim, âæ, ææ, áãñ Snellius, Rudolf, áò-áá, áð-áñ, ""â
Ridderus, Franciscus, âáð Snellius, Willebrord, áá-áâ, ã", ãâ-ãä, äá,
Rieuwerts, Jan, "ðð-"ðñ äñ, åñ, ææ, "òä
Rivet, Andrë, "òæ, áãæ, áäð, âæâ Spinoza, Baruch de, "ãð, "ñ", áòã, á"å-
Robijn, J., ááæ, áâá á"æ, áãå, áãñ, âá", âãò, âäâ-âäã, âåð
Roger, Etienne, ááä Spoors, Jacob, "òä-"òå
Roggeveen, Arent, áò", á"â Stadius, Johannes, âá, åá

index ãâ"
Steenbergh, Elias a© , "ðâ Velthuysen, Lambert van, áæá, áææ, áæñ-
Steno, Nicolaus, "äæ áðæ, áñò, áñâ, áñä, âòâ, âòå, âòð, â"ã-
Stephen, áðâ â"ð
Stermont, Jacobus, áæå Venator, Adolphus, äò
Stevin, Hendrik, "ñã, áòæ-áòð, á"â Verbeek, Th., âãá
Stevin, Simon, áã, ä", äã, äð-åð, æò, æâ, Verqualje, Jan, áòä
æå, ðá, ðæ-ðð, ñæ-ññ, "òâ, "òä-"òå, ""â, Verweij, L.H., âåð
""æ, áòæ, áãæ, áñ" Vinck, Jacob, áðð
Stochius, Nicolas, åò Visscher, Nicolaas, ááâ-ááñ, áââ
Stochius, Paul, åò Vlasblom, Ludovicus, ááæ
Stoopendaal, Bastiaan, ááæ Voet, Daniel, "æð, áåâ
Stoopendaal, Daniel, ááæ Voet, Paulus, áðñ
Streso, Caspar, áðá, áðä-áðæ, âòñ Voetius, Gisbert, "òæ, "å"-"åâ, "åä, "åñ,
Struyck, Nicolaes, âäñ "æá, "æã, "ðå, áãä-áãå, áãñ-áä", áäå,
Stuart, Adam, "æð, áåð áåò, áåá, áåä, áæâ-áæã, áææ-áæñ, áðá,
Suärez, Fransisco, "å" áðä, áðñ, áñä, áñæ-áñð, âòæ-âòð, â"ã,
Susius, Jacob, "ñ, âã-âä, âð-âñ â"å, â"ð-âáá, âáå, âäâ, âåá
Sylvius, Franciscus dele Boe«, "äæ, "æå Volder, Burchard de, "ææ, "ð", ââå-ââæ
Volkelius, Johannes, áñæ
Tasse, Johann Adolph, "ãä Vondel, Joost van den, á"ð-ááò
Tennulus, Samuel, â"æ Vooght, Claes Jansz, "ñæ-"ñð
Thabit ibn-Korrah, áã Vorstius, Conradus, äò
Theodoricus, Sebastian, ã Vossius, Gerard, áã, â"-âá, ãò, "òæ, ""á,
Thienen, Adriaan van, áðð-áðñ "áæ
Thijssen-Schoute, C.L., âòæ Vossius, Isaac, âã
Thorndike, L., ñâ Vries, Gerard de, "æð-"æñ
Thyard, Pontus de, âá Vulcanus, Bonaventura, âð
Thysius, Antonius, â"å
Til, Salomon van, âáå Waesbergen, Johannes van, áãñ
Torricelli, Evangelista, ââä Waghenaer, Lucas Jansz, ää
Trigland, Jacob, "åå-"åæ Walaeus, Johannes, "äæ
Troy, Henricus, áå", áåâ, áåä-áåå Wall, Jacobus van der, âäñ
Trutius, Adrianus, áå-áæ Warthabeth, Wuscan Theodorus, áââ
Tschirnhaus, Ehrenfried Walther von, Wassenaer van Duyvenvoorde, Arent
"ðñ van, ââæ
Wassenaer, Jacob van, "äæ, "ðð
Valck, Gerard, ááä Welser, Marcus, ãä
Valerius, Cornelius, ã" Wendelin, ðá
Varenius, Bernard, áä, "áå-"áæ, "âò-"â", Wesel, Barthold van, "áå
"åò, âáå, âæò Westman, R.S., áñ-âò, ñð
Veen, Balthasar van der, ""ð, "ãò Wilkins, John, ðá
Veen, Jacob van, áòá-áòã, ááð William i (the Silent), stadholder, Prince
Velden, Martinus van, "ñ" of Orange, ää, äð, "å"
Velt, Jacob van den, á"á

ãâá index
William ii, stadholder, Prince of Or- Wolff, Christian, âæò
ange, áæã-áæå, â"ð Wowerius, Janus, ãò
William iii, stadholder, king, Prince of Wyermars, Hendrik, á"æ
Orange, áæä, âäæ
Wing, Vincent, ð" Zaragoza, Josë, ðá
Wit, Frederik de, ááä, ááñ, áâ" Zetzner, Lazarus, ñå
Witsen, Nicolaas, "ñ" Zün¬iga, Diego de, áãæ
Witt, Johan de, "äæ, áæä, âòñ-â"", â"ã, â"å Zyll, Gisbert van, "æá, áæò
Wittichius, Christophorus, "ãå-"ãð, "åá,
"åã, áäå-áåñ, áñâ, áñä-áñå, áñð-âòò,
âòá-âòâ, âòä-âòå, â"ã-â"ä, â"æ

index ãââ

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