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The advanced of modern biomedical help in prologing life, but fail in delivering the quality
assessment in regards to the needs of the dying individual’s. The physical pain and suffering along
with psychological distress, stress, anxiety and depression in the course of illness gave rise to the
needs of biopsychosocial-spiritual approach of care, which is the modern humanistic and holistic
approach of the human being in medical health science. In this model illness is viewed within the
context of the complex interplay of biological, social, psychological and spiritual factors that frame
an individual’s response. The goal of patient quality of life in the faced of death and dying can be
achieved by meeting their physical needs and through attending to their social, psychological,
biological and spiritual domain of care. Spirituality is a widely accepted and recognized dimesion
of care, which helps the dying individuals to face suffering and difficulties, traumatic and stressful
events in relation to to the health-disease process, especially, in the case of patients without healing
possibilities. The purpose of this philosophical inquiry and literature review is to ponder on the
role of spirituality as coping machanism in meaning-making and a source of hope, when healing is
not possible in the last hours experiences of life for those with terminal illness.

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