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Skripsi, Januari 2018

Desi Fitraini

Hubungan Bullying Di Tempat Kerja dengan Stres Kerja Pada Perawat

Xiv + 63 + 13 tabe1 + 1 skema + 5 lampiran


Perawat sebagai pemberi asuhan keperawatan memiliki kondisi

pekerjaan yang berat dan kompleks. Kondisi pekerjaan, lingkungan dan
hubungan interpersonal di unit kerja dapat memicu terjadinya masalah
emosional yaitu stres kerja. Stres kerja dapat timbul karena berbagai
faktor salah satunya karena bullying ditempat kerja. Bullying ditempat kerja
jika tidak dicegah dan dihilangkan akan menimbulkan resiko stres kerja
perawat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan bullying
ditempat kerja dengan stres kerja pad a perawat. Jenis penelitian ini
adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain deskriptif korelasi dengan
pendekatan cross sectional. Jumlah sampel 70 responden perawat yang
bekerja di ruang rawat inap, yang diambil dengan teknik stratified
random sampling. Instrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner yang disusun
oleh peneliti yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitas. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan lebih dari separuh perawat mengalami perilaku bullying
ditempat kerja yaitu tinggi (51,4%) dan stres kerja berat (54,3%).
Ditemukan juga data bahwa pada kondisi bullying yang tinggi ada 25
orang perawat (69,4%) yang mengalami tingkat stres berat. Terdapat
hubungan yang bermakna antara bullying ditempat kerja dengan stres kerja
perawat dengan nilai p value=O,O17 (nilai p<0,05). Diharapkan kondisi
bullying di RS dapat di tekan dan dihilangkan sehingga mengurangi
stres kerja perawat yang sudah cukup dengan beban kerja yang berat di unit

Kala kunci : bullying ditempat kerja, perawat, stres kerja.

Daftar Pustaka : 66 (2007-2016)

Thesis, January 2018

Desi Fitraini



Xiv + 63 + 13 tabe1 + 1 scheme + 5 appendices


Nurses as the nursing care provider have heavy and complex working conditions.
Work conditions, environment and interpersonal relationships in the work unit can
trigger the emotional problem that is work stress. Work stress can appear due to
various factors which is one of them because of bullying in the workplace. If it is
not prevented and eliminated, it will generate risks of nurse work stress. This
study aimed to find out the relationship of bullying in the workplace and job stress
on nurse. The study was a quantitative research with descriptive correlational
design with cross-sectional approach. The sample was 70 nurse respondents
working in the inpatient room, taken by stratified random sampling technique.
The research instrument was a questionnaire prepared by researcher which had
tested the validity and reliability. The results showed that more than half of nurses
experienced on bullying in the workplace were high (51.4%) and heavy work
stress (54.3%). It was also found data that in high bullying conditions there were
25 nurses (69.4%) who experience severe stress levels. There was a significant
relationship between bullying in the workplace and nurses work stress with p
value = 0,017 (p value <0,05). It is expected that the bullying in the hospital can
be pressed and eliminated so as to reduce the work stress of the nurse who has
enough heavy workload in the work unit.

Keywords : bullying in the workplace, nurses, work stress.

References : 66 (2007-2016)

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