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The Basics of Arthritis

Clearing up confusion
Think you're alone in suffering from arthritis? You're not. Americans spend more than $130
billion—yes, billion—on arthritis treatments each year. So it should come as no surprise that
physicians, researchers, and, well, the rest of us are always on the lookout for the latest ways
to ease pain, no matter how costly—or how kooky—they are.
But there's a lot of misinformation out there, folks. That's why we polled our top-notch
experts to get the truth about arthritis—and what you can do to start feeling better.
MYTH: There's only one kind of arthritis

"There's a perception that arthritis is arthritis, just like some people think cancer is cancer,"
says Mark Genovese, MD, a rheumatologist and professor at the Stanford School of Medicine.
"But it's just not true." It could be gout, crystals, autoimmune rheumatoid arthritis, virus-
caused arthritis or as many as 100 other kinds of the disease. That means if you think—or
know—you have arthritis, you should slow down before you stock up on glucosamine
supplements. Managing arthritis can’t start until you know what type you have, says Dr.
Genovese. The best course of action if your joint pain is bothersome? Go see a doctor and find
out what you've got.

MYTH: I can't do anything about my disease


"Arthritis can profoundly change your life, especially if it impacts weight-bearing joints or if
you work with your hands a lot," says Eric Matteson, MD, Chair of the Department of
Rheumatology at Mayo Clinic. But, don't give up, he says. There's a whole lot you can do
about it, too. After finding out what type of arthritis you have, the first step may be weight
loss, he says, because a lighter load will lessen pressure on your joints. Exercise (yes, you can
exercise!), a healthy diet and necessary medications can often help those suffering from most
types of arthritis maintain a mostly normal lifestyle, he says. On top of that, pain relief
treatments, such as medications or, in extreme cases, cortisone shots, may also be an option.

MYTH: My diet has nothing to do with it

It's not that certain foods are cure-alls, says Dr. Genovese, but having a healthy diet is a
crucial factor in managing arthritis because your overall health is very important. The foods
that can help the most, according to Lona Sandon, RD and spokeswoman for the Academy of
Nutrition and Dietetics, are those traditionally included in a Mediterranean diet, such as olive
oil, lean meats and fish, vegetables and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Diet is especially
important because people with arthritis are more likely to have type 2 diabetes, heart disease
or be obese, according to Sandon. So next time you're at the super market, pick up some flax
seed oil and pile in the veggies. Doctor's orders.

MYTH: I can't exercise


This may be the biggest myth of them all. "Most people have this self-fulfilling prophecy,"
says Elaine Husni, MD, Director of the Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Center at the Cleveland
Clinic. "They think they can't exercise because they're feeling pain when they move." But
inactivity, says Dr. Hsuni, can cause the sufferer's joints just continue to deteriorate. The best
workouts are low-impact, range-of-motion-based exercises, says Dr. Matteson, such as water
aerobics or walking on a level surface. Tai Chi is a great choice, too, because it helps
strengthen the muscles around the joints, he says, helping them resist wear and tear. Yoga can
help, too. Peggy Cappy, a yoga instructor with about 40 years of experience, created a DVD
titled Easy Yoga For Arthritis. She says she's seen the benefits of yoga on her own arthritis,
enjoying a wider range of motion, a more youthful body, a healthy weight, serenity of mind
and more.

MYTH: I can cure arthritis with anti-inflammatory spices


Although ginger, turmeric, and other spices do have anti-inflammatory properties—and

eating them certainly can't hurt—there's little human-research data available to back them
up as a treatment for chronic inflammation, says Sandon. As of now, there's no accepted
standard for how much of these ingredients are needed in order to provide any real benefit to
the arthritic joints. So if you want pain relief in a pinch, you might be better off just taking
ibuprofen, says Sandon. "Your inflammation isn't going to just go away because you had
curry for dinner."

MYTH: Glucosamine supplements will rebuild my joints

Glucosamine is a natural compound that's found in your joints and the cartilage around
them, says Dr. Matteson. And although this supplement is widely available and helpful to
some people, it doesn't do what most people think it does. "Patients think taking it as a pill
will rebuild joints," he says. But it doesn't. "Unless you inject it into the joint"—which can be
done at your doctor's office—"there's no way of getting it into your joints," he says. "And it
doesn't restore your joints, although some people say they get some pain relief from it in the
short term."

MYTH: Cracking my knuckles can cause arthritis


Here's the good news: There is no conclusive evidence that cracking knuckles and joints can
cause arthritis later in life. Still, some experts caution you're better off not doing it anyway.
Dr. Husni says that even if there isn't a direct tie, it's probably not wise to have that type of
pop-causing movement done to your hands over and over again. "At the very least, it's
annoying," Dr. Matteson says. "And while it may accelerate arthritis damage in some people,
it's not something that's really intensively studied."

MYTH: Arthritis isn't that common


One in 50 older Americans have had a knee replacement, says Dr. Matteson, and Americans
spend more treating arthritis than they do cancer. Pretty astonishing, right? "It is one of the
most common conditions in the population," he says. "As you get older, almost everyone gets
some form of arthritis. It's usually wear-and-tear arthritis, or osteoarthritis." That means
you're not alone—and are far from it. If you want to find strength in numbers, visit
Arthritis.org to contact the Arthritis Foundation in your area for support-group

Lets see Causes of Arthritis

With many forms of arthritis, the cause is unknown. But some things can raise your chances of
getting it.

 Age. As you get older, your joints tend to get worn down.

 Gender. Most types of arthritis are more common among women, except for gout.
 Genes. Conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and ankylosing spondylitis are linked to
certain genes.

 Excess weight. Carrying extra pounds makes arthritis in the knee start sooner and get worse

 Injuries. They can cause joint damage that can bring on some types of the condition.

 Infection. Bacteria, viruses, or fungi can infect joints and trigger inflammation.

 Work. If you go hard on your knees at work -- knee bends and squats -- you might be more
likely to get osteoarthritis.

Arthritis mainly causes pain around your joints. You might also have:

 One or more joints that are swollen or stiff

 Joints that look red or feel warm to the touch
 Tenderness
 Trouble moving
 Problems doing everyday tasks

The symptoms can be constant, or they may come and go. They can range from mild to severe.
More-severe cases may lead to permanent joint damage.
Types of Arthritis
Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the most common kinds.
In osteoarthritis,the cushions on the ends of your bones, called cartilage, wear away. That makes
the bones rub against each other. You might feel pain in your fingers, knees, or hips.
It usually happens as you age. But if underlying causes are to blame, it can begin much sooner. For
example, an athletic injury like a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) or a fracture near a joint can
lead to arthritis.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease where the body’s immune system attacks its own tissues. This
can damage the joint surface and underlying bone.
RA mostly targets your fingers, thumbs, wrists, elbows, shoulders, knees, feet, and ankles.
It can give you pain, swelling, stiffness, and trouble with moving. You may also have:

 Fatigue
 Fever
 Weight loss
 Eye inflammation
 Bumps under the skin called nodules
 Lung inflammation

Gout is another form of arthritis that can be very painful. Uric acid buildup in the body causes
needle-like crystal deposits to form in your joints. You might notice lumps under your skin called
A lot of people see the first symptoms of gout in their big toe, which can get swollen, sore, red, and
Other areas that gout can attack include:

 Foot instep
 Ankles
 Heels
 Knees
 Wrists
 Fingers
 Elbows

Bouts of gout can come and go. The pain might become constant if you don't get the condition
You can treat it with medication, but you’ll also need to control your weight, limit alcohol, and cut
down on meats and fish that have chemicals called purines.
Other forms include:

 Ankylosing spondylitis affects the spine.

 Lupus is a long lasting, autoimmune disease that can damage almost any part of the body,
including joints and skin.
 Psoriatic arthritis is related to the skin condition, psoriasis. It’s often mild, but can
sometimes be serious.

When to See a Doctor

You might have occasional muscle or joint pain. That’s OK. But get help from your doctor if:

 The pain, swelling, or redness isn’t going away.

 Your symptoms get worse quickly.
 You have relatives with autoimmune disorders.
 You’ve got relatives with other arthritis-related diseases.

Don’t ignore joint pain. In some cases, it can cause damage that can’t be reversed, even with
treatment. When in doubt, talk to your doctor.
How It's Diagnosed
Your doctor or an arthritis specialist called a rheumatologist will:
 Ask for your medical and family history.
 Give you a physical exam.
 Look for tenderness, swelling, redness, warmth, and loss of motion in the joints.
 Take samples of your joint fluid and test them.
 Do imaging scans, which may include X-rays, MRIs, or ultrasounds.

You doctor can help you manage your pain, prevent damage to the affected joint, and keep
inflammation at bay.
She might recommend:

 Medications
 Physical therapy
 Splints or other aids
 Weight loss
 In rare cases, surgery

The types of medicines your doctor might suggest are:

 Painkillers: over-the-counter or prescription

 Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
 Biologics: drugs made from a living organism to mimic your body’s response to diseases
 Steroids to cut down on inflammation
 Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs): meds that slow or stop inflammation

Alternative treatments such as acupuncture, massage, yoga, and physical therapy may help ease
your symptoms, too. Talk to your doctor before you try them or any supplements or herbal
Manage Your Arthritis
Here’s what you can do to keep the condition in check.

 Educate yourself. Take a self-management course to learn specifics on day-to-day arthritis


 Get active. Exercise can help you move better, lessen pain, and put off disability.

 Watch your weight. Extra pounds raise your chances of related health problems.

 Don't put off treatment. The sooner you're treated, the more likely you are to avoid
permanent joint damage.
Homeopathic treatment of arthritis

Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of
remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using
holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be
regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The
aim of homeopathy is not only to treat arthritis but to address its underlying cause and
individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several well-proved
medicines are available for homeopathic treatment of arthritis that can be selected on the
basis of cause, location, sensation, modalities and extension of the complaints. For
individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified
homeopathic doctor in person. Some important remedies are given below for the
homeopathic treatment of arthritis:

•Bryonia Alba. – Pain with inflammation which, is aggravated by movement and relieved by
moderate pressure and rest.

•Ledum pal. – Excellent remedy for gout and rheumatism which is of ascending nature,
better by cold application.

•Rhus Tox. – Pain aggravated by first movement, damp weather and better by continuous

•Colchicum – pain worse by motion touch or mental effort, better by warmth and rest.

•Kalmia lot. – descending type of pain, pain with palpitation of heart and slow pulse

•Guaiacum. – Gouty abscesses of joints, pain relieved by cold bath and cold application.

•Calcaria Carb. – Arthritic swelling, knee pain especially in fleshy people which is worse by

•Benzoic acid – gouty concretions of joints, knee pain due to abnormal deposition of uric

•Hypericum. – Remarkable remedy for rheumatoid arthritis has outstanding action over
nerve pain.

Manganum aceticum – inflamation of bones, (osteomyelitis) or joints (arthritis), with

nocturnal digging pains.Asthamatic people who cannot lie on a feather pilow. Chronic
arthritis. Gout . growing pains and weak ankle.
Let see the case of treated successfully with homeopathy Polyarticular Sero-positive
Rheumatoid Arthritis

A 43 year female came with a complaints of swelling and dull pain in all joints since 5 yrs. She said
that her complaints started gradually. She had stiffness in joints, and joint started forming deformity
because of that her movemnts gets restricted. She added that her complaints gets agg. during
morning &night and by cold air, winter. And she feel better by hot foementation, by rubbing. She
had Dyspnoea , Cough with difficult expectoration since: 16 years of age which gets agg by
smoke, by getting wet and in cloudy weather.

Case study

Patient is a 43-year-old female born and brought up in pune. Her father had a garment store.
Her mother expires when she was 3 year old. During time her elder brother was 8 years old.
She has a younger brother who was just born. As father was alone father’s relatives adopted
the patient as they did not have a issue. Someone adopted even the younger brother. Patient
did not know about this until she grew up and was told by her relatives. She was well liked
after by her foster parents. There was nothing that they deprived her of. She was very close
to her foster father, which always treated her like his own daughter. Mother was of the
opinion that patient was an obstinate child, but the father was of a different opinion, as she
would listen whatever the father would say. She was very attached to him and took no
decision ever without his opinion. After marriage she started staying in mumbai. Her
husband was of good nature and they have a good rapport. Even he was close to her father.
She would tell father everything. Five years ago, her father suddenly expired due to
myocardial infarction. This affected her a lot. After a few days she started suffering from the
joint pains. She wept during the interview narrating this. Ever since father has expired she
feels very lonely and forsaken. Now in the pain she feels very bad that she can do all her
work at home. She used to do all the housework on her own as now feels guilty that she
couldn’t. She feels bad that she cannot take care of her M.I.L. and daughter. When she feels
sad she fells better if someone comes and talks to her and consoles her. She does not like
staying alone.


A/f Grief death of father.




Feeling guilty that she cannot do her duties.

Desire Company.

Consolation >2

Worried about the illness

SLEEP: disturbed due to pain.

DREAMS: does not remember.


Hunger < restless


Fan: summer: 3 winter: 0

Covering: summer: nil winter: thick

Woolen: nil

Bath: summer: hot winter: hot

PAST HISTORY: nothing significant


Father: myocardial infarction

Mother: essential hypertension


General examination: Pulse: 70/min B.P: 120/80mmhg

Joints Swelling Warmth Movement Deformity Periarticular structure


X-ray both knees: showing normal joint spaces.

X-ray bilat hands: no subluxation seen

CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Polyarticular Sero-positive Rheumatoid Arthritis with Bronchial


A/f Grief



Company desires

Craving: spicy

Joint pain <3 nights

Joint pain <3 draft of air

Joint pain >2 rubbing



Manganum Aceticum


The patient was given Manganum Aceticum 30 in multiple doses to begin with. Increasing
the potency and slowly increasing the potency to 200 in single dose weekly followed this.
Along with this patient was given active physiotherapy. The patient has shown significant
relief in the complaints.


The case is of a 43-year-old female with Polyarticular Sero-positive Rheumatoid Arthritis. On

studying the evolution of this case I observe that the disease stated gradually five years ago with the
small joints and then gradually affected large joints after four years. There are prminent physical
characteristic modalities at the sector level. The disease process has lead to structural irreversible
changes of synovial thickening at the joints and fibrosis leading to fixed flexion deformities. . This
leads us to an assessment of susceptibility being moderate.The character of pain being dull and a
strong causative mental modality along with prominent mental states points to a high sensitivity.The
family history points to Fundamental load of Syphilitic miasm. The pathology, which remained at
the stage of thickening for four years, is currently in the stage of fibrosis, which has developed at a
rapid pace in last one year leading to deformities. This can be understood as the travel from sycotic
miasm to current Dominant Tubercular miasm, due to the already stated fundamental load of
Syphilis miasm. In the totality there is a strong causative mental modality along with prominent
mental states. Also there are three characteristic modality present at the tissue level. All this helps us
conclude that the susceptibility is moderate.After a proper assessment of the susceptibility and
sensitivity treatment started with the deep constitutional remedy in 30 potency four times a day.
When the improvement was observed, at tissue level, with a persistence of mental symptoms
potency was raised to 200 in single weekly.

The patient showed significant improvement.

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