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____ ____ ____ _ _ _ __

/ ___| _ \ / ___| |__ ___ __ _| |_ ___ (_)_ __ / _| ___

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| |___| __/ | |___| | | | __/ (_| | |_\__ \_| | | | | _| (_) |
\____|_| \____|_| |_|\___|\__,_|\__|___(_)_|_| |_|_| \___/

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|_| \___|_| |_|\__, |\__,_|_|_| |_| |____/ \__\___/|_| |_| |_| |_|

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- :-
If your having problems with this program please read the FAQ page on
CP Cheats.info (http://www.cpcheats.info/faq/).
If you still cant get it to work please post a comment on the
corrent page of www.cpcheats.info and a member of staff will answer
your questions.
Change Log
Version 10
Release Date - 04/11/09
14/11/09 - Total recode of money maker. no more being kicked from the server. qu
icker (min of 2 seconds).
15/11/09 - Fixed Your Item Show ID Flag And Photo
15/11/09 - Fixed player card show Flag And Photo ID
15/11/09 - Games List Updated
17/11/09 - Nubing (CP Cheat Speak For Walking under chat bar) Option Added (unde
r "Edit -> Walks") (Client Side Only)
17/11/09 - Your Player Client Side Message Added
18/11/09 - Added Some All Player Item Editing For Testing
18/11/09 - Added Load and save client side item editing
20/11/09 - Added Some Little Bits to The Money Maker To Stop It Freezing If Too
Slow Loading.
28/11/09 - Mascots Name Change Will Stay On Your Player When You Change Rooms
28/11/09 - Added Edit Your Colour
28/11/09 - Empty Server List Updated
30/11/09 - Fixed All Player Item Edit Name Problem
30/11/09 - noob proofed follow bot
01/12/09 - Added Fire Sensei To Item Edit List
02/12/09 - Money Maker Can Be Cancled If It Gets Stuck
02/12/09 - All Players Item Edit Completed
02/12/09 - All Players Mascots Complete
02/12/09 - Added Rainbow Puffle Under Bots
04/12/09 - Changed All Penguin Storm 9 Text To 10
04/12/09 - Updated Hardcoded Bait

Old Versions Change Log
Version 9.1
Release Date - 02/11/09
01/11/09 - Fixed Playercard show item ids
01/11/09 - Removed Playercard Show Item Pin and Background (i will re-add them i
n ps 10)
01/11/09 - Removed Your Player Show Item Pin and Background (i will re-add them
in ps 10)
01/11/09 - Fixed Server Info (Name, Id, Ip and Port)
Version 9
Release Date - 14/10/09
05/10/09 - Fixed Client Side Colour Editing That Comes Off After Games.
06/10/09 - Added All Players Messages Upon Request
06/10/09 - Money Maker Coins Now Go Upto 10,000 (over 5000 requires 2 cycles)
06/10/09 - Clone Player From Playercard (just changes your items and name)
06/10/09 - Added Change All Players Names Upon Request
06/10/09 - Added display your colour flag and background.
06/10/09 - Removed Music On Off to save menu space
06/10/09 - Added All Players Alpha
06/10/09 - Max Contols Error Changed Menus To Use Control Arrays
06/10/09 - Some Menus Moved Around A Bit
06/10/09 - Added Your Player Alpha
07/10/09 - Clone Will not die if no playercard is open
07/10/09 - Deleted a textbox (text2) which had no use.
08/10/09 - Box Dimension Added.
08/10/09 - Alpha Renamed To Transparency
08/10/09 - Money Maker Use In Games Kick Error Has Been Fixed
12/10/09 - Added some stuff to stop bots at my partys
12/10/09 - Remove all items added
13/10/09 - Removed Clone
Version 8
Release Date - XX/09/09
09/08/09 - Fixed Languages (Its Now A Reset with lang command option).
10/08/09 - Fixed File Not Found Error On Close.
10/08/09 - Fixed Puffle + Ring Error.
12/08/09 - Removed the blue mail bag from items menu.
16/08/09 - Fixed Client Side Dance Bug.
16/08/09 - Added slide mode.
16/08/09 - Edited Patched Message.
16/08/09 - Half Done The Aqua Bug It Will Be Fully Fixed In 7.9.2 (Beta 2)
17/08/09 - Fixed Load SWF In Advanced It Will Load From App.Path.
17/08/09 - Fixed buddy delete bot.
17/08/09 - Sit Down Items Fixed.
22/08/09 - all colours done
22/08/09 - all players menu made cleaner
22/08/09 - delete all players
22/08/09 - money maker upto 5000 added.
22/08/09 - delete all but self added
22/08/09 - ran out of space for controls. games removed, will be added back in b
eta 3.
22/08/09 - client side moon walk added.
22/08/09 - bait items list hardcoded in to trainer will be used if bait on cpche
ats.info cant be accessed.
23/06/09 - Games Re-added. (some are missing as they are muili-player.)
23/06/09 - Version Checking System Is now not hard coded for http://www.cpcheats
Version 7
Release Date - xx/07/09
17/06/09 - Work begain on PS7
17/06/09 - All Players Become Puffles Added
17/06/09 - Puffle Feeder Working Message Added
17/06/09 - Added Puffles Upto 16
17/06/09 - Added Furniture Perm Item To Menu
22/06/09 - Stoped The multi connections error
23/06/09 - removed flash.swf
27/06/09 - Added Verson Checker
27/06/09 - removed stop time out (did not work)
27/06/09 - Added My Player Rotation
27/06/09 - Walk On Walls On & Off (just select it again to turn off)
28/06/09 - Show Playercard items
28/06/09 - Fixed reset
28/06/09 - Added Spanish
02/07/09 - Puck Size Change
02/07/09 - Bait Igloo Items List Added
02/07/09 - Flipped CP Added
02/07/09 - ring on off added
03/07/09 - Sensei Added
09/07/09 - Edited Text On ON/OFF Menus
09/07/09 - Added Flipped ON/OFF
Version 6 and below dont have a change log.
Known Bugs
All colour change only works in the current room. (cant be fixed)
Cant Change Items When Dancing or sitting (cant be fixed)
Installation Instructions
If you have the ZIP version extract it fully.
If you have the Self Extracting EXE version run it then click "Extract".
Copyright and licensing information
This Program is Copyright to MicroChip123 and must not be copied in any way.
This Program MUST NOT be uploaded on the internet if you would like this on
your website please link to the page on www.CPCheats.info.

By using this Software you agree that if your Club Penguin account gets banned
that MicroChip123 is not responsible for this ban in any way.
If you are employed by Club Penguin/Disney Games or are affiliated with
Club Penguin/Disney Games you are NOT allowed to use this Software or
reverse engineer this software in any way.
YOU MUST NOT decompile or reverse engineer this software in any way (this
includes the flash.swf)
MicroChip123 reserves the right to remove access to this program at any time.
(This will normally only be used for program upgrades)
You may not use the file flash.swf for any of your own projects.

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