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Andrea Leyden (2014) suggest following How to Study Physics by using 5 Techniques to

Improve Memory
1. Master the Basics:
Physics is based on a number of central theories from which everything else develops. It is
therefore very likely that the problems you will have to solve in the exam will be based on these
core concepts or a variation of these. Consequently, instead of trying to memorize complex
problems, it is advisable to assimilate the basic concepts and theories which will help you
understand the underlying principles and the connection between different subjects.
An effective way to get an overview of these basic physical concepts and their relationships is
by creating a Mind Map
2. Strengthen Your Maths Skills:
As already mentioned, if you are studying Physics then you will see that it incorporates many
mathematical elements. This means that you would easily master this subject if you were adept at
tackling multiple formulas and problems. Review or study Mathematics alongside your Physics
and this will help you to improve your management of the formulas and concepts.
3. Simplify:
Try to simplify the situation as much as possible. The Physics problem you are reading may
seem difficult to solve at first but take another look and begin to analyze it and you will realize
that is easier than you first thought. It is important to remain calm and try to bring the problem
to a situation which you are familiar with by simplifying it in your mind.
4. Use Drawings:
A great way to implement the point above is through drawings or graphics. We have already
discussed the benefits of Mind Maps but drawings can also be essential when in order to
understand and study physics. Whenever you can, we recommend that you perform a drawing
to illustrate a concept just like Sheldon below:
5. Use Flashcards to Study:
Take note of new words, units of measure, general principles and other concepts that arise. This
will help you follow the thread of theory and strengthen the new information which will have
positive consequences when faced with problem solving.
To do this, Memory or Study Flashcards can help you easily organize all this information.
These five techniques are helping many Physics students at all levels, especially when used
together. However, each student has their own way to learn and assimilate knowledge, so we
recommend you try different techniques to discover which one best suit you.

Rhode island presented a more detailed list of tips on how to hurdle physics:
Five Mistakes to Avoid
1. The Calculator Trap: Calculators crunch numbers; they don’t solve problems. You need to
understand the principles underlying a problem in order to know what equations and
numbers to use. If you think your calculator will get you through the exam, think again. 2.
Procrastination: Falling behind, even just a little, can be disastrous in a physics class. Every
lesson builds on what came before. Slacking off in week three can turn the next 12 weeks
into exercises in futility. 3. Memorization: You will need to memorize, but realize that
memorization doesn’t lead to success in physics. Put most of your effort into understanding
the underlying principles that govern a problem—only then will the equations you memorize
make sense. 4. Passivity: Passively reading examples in the book and watching your
professor solve problems on the board have limited value. You need to do the problems
yourself, as you will do on the exam, to learn the material. 5. Isolation: Physics is hard, so
don’t make the mistake of going it alone. You’ll learn far more by working with classmates
and seeking help when necessary.
Getting Over the Math Barrier Whether you’re taking an electromagnetism course for physics
majors or an introductory course designed for liberal arts students, you’re going to need to know
some math. Non-major courses may require trigonometry and algebra, while more rigorous
courses employ calculus. If you’re like many students and have math-phobia, you’re going to
need to get beyond that fear to do well in your physics class. Granted, we can’t say that physics
isn’t rocket science—it is. However, mastery of multi-variable calculus doesn’t always make the
best physics students. Rather, the students who earn the “A” are good problem solvers. They
know how to think critically and creatively. They are good readers who can break down a
problem and discover the relevant underlying principles. In short, the skills that make a good
physicist are remarkably similar to those that make a good philosopher or sociologist. Sure,
you’ll need to know some math. But applying the math is relatively easy once you truly
understand a physics problem.

Don’t Wait Until Exam Time… To do well on a physics test, you can’t wait until exam time to
begin preparing. Physics requires constant effort. World-class physicists didn’t master the laws of
harmonic motion, Bernoulli’s equation and Lenz’s law in a night, nor should you try. To succeed
in physics—and reduce your stress levels—you need to be reading, writing and thinking physics
on a daily basis. A general rule for college is that every hour of class time requires two to three
hours of out-of-class effort. This guideline certainly holds true for physics. After each lecture,
rewrite your notes in your own words. Every time you read the book, take notes and solve
practice problems. And be sure to review frequently.

Getting the Most Out of Your Physics Book Don’t be deceived when you have 100 pages of
Wuthering Heights due tomorrow and just 15 pages of your physics book. Chances are the
physics reading will demand more of your time. Why? For one, the reading is dense—every page
is going to present important terms, concepts, illustrations or sample problems. Also, unlike a
novel, there is no plot or narrative to engage you and pull you forward. A good physics book can
be interesting, but it’s certainly not light beach reading. You need to approach your physics book
differently than you would a novel. If you are going to get the most out of your reading and
retain important information at exam time, try these strategies: -Allow enough time. You may
need to read a page numerous times before it makes sense. - Read actively. If you just run your
eyes over the page, you’re wasting your time. Read with a pencil in hand and record important
terms and concepts in a notebook. Write down questions you have so you can seek answers from
your professor or a tutor. - Keep up with the reading. You’ll get far more out of labs and lectures
if you’ve already encountered the material in the textbook. - Don’t skip or skim. Physics is a
cumulative subject—each new concept builds on what came before it. If you skip Tuesday’s
reading, you may find that Thursday’s assignment makes no sense. - Work the problems. Your
physics textbook is filled with sample problems. Do them all, and try to avoid looking at the
answer key. Nothing better prepares you for an exam than working lots of problems. - Work the
problems. Yes, it’s important and worth saying twice.

All Those Pesky Equations Physics is undeniably a subject rich in laws, formulae, rules and
equations. Understandably, many students equate studying for a physics test with memorizing
equations. But it’s important to realize that memorization is a low form of learning. Being able to
regurgitate Maxwell’s equations or Newton’s Law of gravity isn’t the same thing as learning and
truly understanding physics. The best physics students don’t merely memorize equations. They
understand equations. Whenever you are presented with a new law or formula, make sure you
can work through its derivation. Learn the underlying principles on which the equation is built.
Once you understand an equation at this level, the memorization comes easily. Also, should you
forget an equation, you’ll have the knowledge base to derive it during exam time. Finally, true
mastery of an equation gives you the flexibility and problem-solving skills to deal with exam
questions that present variations or combinations of the different laws you’ve learned.

Ten Tips for Success In Physics 1. Go to every class. Because physics is a cumulative subject,
missing a single class can set you behind for the entire semester. 2. Take good notes. Lectures,
not the book, give you a window into what your professor finds most important and,
consequently, what is most likely to be on the exam. Write down everything covered in class.
Later, test your understanding by rewriting key concepts in your own words and working the
sample problems without looking at the solution. Remember, you learn by doing, not watching.
3. Read ahead. You won’t be playing catch-up, and you’ll get far more out of lectures. 4. Give
physics priority. If physics is difficult for you, do your physics homework during a time of the
day when you are most alert. 5. Practice. Work all the problems in your book and homework, and
do so in test-like conditions. Find a quiet place and don’t use answer keys. 6. Quiz yourself
regularly. Use 3 x 5 cards to test your knowledge of terminology and important formulae. 7.
Work with classmates. Study need not be a solitary activity. Form a study group with a few
classmates—you’ll retain information better by talking through the problems with others. 8. Seek
help. If you’ve spent significant time on a problem but find that you’re still confused, seek help.
Talk to a classmate, make an appointment with a tutor or visit your professor during office hours.
9. Partial credit. Although physics problems usually have a right or wrong answer, you can often
get partial credit if you show your work. On exams and homework, write down every step of
your solution. 10. Healthy body, healthy mind. Be sure to eat and sleep well before an exam. An
all-nighter and six Red Bulls isn’t the recipe for success.

Part I: Understanding Basic Physics concepts

Memorize basic constants. In physics, certain forces, like the
accelerating force of gravity on earth, are assigned mathematical
constants. This is simply a fancy way of saying that these forces are
usually represented as the same number regardless of where or how
they're used. It's a smart idea to memorize the most common
constants (and their units) — often, they won't be provided on tests.
Below are a few of the most frequently-used constants in physics:
 Gravity (on earth): 9.81 meters/second2
 Speed of light: 3 × 108 meters/second
 Molar gas constant: 8.32 Joules/(mole × Kelvin)
 Avogadro's number: 6.02 × 1023 per mole
 Planck's Constant: 6.63 × 10-34 Joules × seconds

Memorize basic equations. In physics, the relationships between the many,
many different forces acting in the universe are described with equations.
Some of these equations are very simple, while some are enormously
complex. Having the simplest equations memorized and knowing how to use
them is critical when tackling both simple and complex problems. Even
difficult and confusing problems are often solved by using several simple
equations or modifying these simple equations so that they fit new
situations. These basic equations are the easiest part of physics to learn,
and if you know them well, the odds are that you will at least know some part
of every complex problem you face. Just a few of the most important
equations are:[1]

 Velocity = Change in position/Change in time (dx/dt)

 Acceleration = Change in velocity/Change in time
 Current velocity = Initial velocity + (Acceleration × time)
 Force = Mass × acceleration
 Kinetic energy = (1/2)Mass × velocity2
 Work = Displacement × force
 Power = Change in work/Change in time
 Momentum = Mass × velocity

Study the derivation of basic equations. Having your simple equations
memorized is one thing — understanding why these equations work is
another entirely. If you can, take time to learn how each basic physics
equation is derived. This gives you a much clearer understanding of
the relationship between the equations and makes you a more
versatile problems-solver. Since you essentially understand how the
equation "works", you'll be able to use it much more effectively than if
it's simply a rote, memorized string of characters in your mind.
 For example, let's look at a very simple equation: Acceleration =
Change in velocity/Change in time, or a = Delta(v)/Delta(t). Acceleration
is the force that causes an object's velocity to change. If an object has
an initial velocity of v0 at time t0 and a final velocity of v at time t, the
object can be said to accelerate as it changes from v0 to v.
Acceleration can't be instantaneous — no matter how fast it occurs,
there will be some time difference between when the object is
traveling at its initial velocity and when it reaches its final velocity.
Thus, a = (v - v0/t - t0) = Delta(v)/Delta(t).

Learn the math skills required to do physics problems. Math is often
said to be "the language of physics." Becoming an expert in the
fundamentals of math is a great way to improve your ability to master
physics problems. Some complex physics equations even require
specialized mathematical skills (like taking derivatives and integrals)
to be solved. Below are just a few math topics that can help you
perform physics problems, in order of complexity:
 Pre-algebra and algebra (for basic equations and "find the
unknown" problems)
 Trigonometry (for force diagrams, rotation problems, and angled
 Geometry (for problems dealing with area, volume, etc.)
 Precalculus and calculus (for taking derivatives and integrals of
physics equations — usually advanced topics)
Part 2
Using Score-boosting Strategies

Focus on the important information in every problem. Physics problems
often contain "red herrings" — information that isn't needed to solve
the problem. When reading a physics problem, identify the pieces of
information that you are given, then determine what you are trying to
solve for. Write the equation(s) you'll need to solve the problem, then
assign each piece of information in the problem to the appropriate
variables. Ignore information that isn't needed, as this can slow you
down and make the correct path for solving the problem more difficult
to find.
 For example, let's say that we need to find the acceleration that a
car experiences as its velocity changes over two seconds. If the car
weighs 1,000 kilograms, starts moving at 9 m/s and ends at 22 m/s, we
can say that v0 = 9 m/s, v = 22 m/s, m = 1,000 t = 2 s. As noted above,
the standard acceleration equation is a = (v - v0/t - t0). Note that this
doesn't take the object's mass into account, so we can ignore the fact
that the car weighs 1,000 kg.
 Thus, we would solve as follows: a = (v - v0/t - t0) = ((22 - 9)/(2 - 0))
= (13/2) = 6.5 m/s2

Use the correct units for every problem. Forgetting to label your
answer or using the incorrect units is a sure-fire way to miss easy
points. To make sure you get full credit for whatever problem you're
doing, be sure to label your answer with its correct units based on the
type of information being expressed. Some of the most commonly-used
units for common measurements in physics are listed below — note
that, as a general rule, physics problems almost always use metric/SI
 Mass: Grams or kilograms
 Force: Newtons
 Velocity: meters/second (sometimes kilometers/hour)
 Acceleration meters/second2
 Energy/Work: Joules or kilojoules
 Power: Watts

Don't forget small details (like friction, drag, etc.). Physics problems
are usually models of real-world situations — that is, they simplify the
actual way that things work to make the situation easier to
understand. Sometimes, this means that forces that can change the
outcome of a problem (like, for instance, friction) are deliberately left
out of the problem. However, this is not always the case. If these minor
details aren't explicitly left out of the problem and you have enough
information to account for them in your answer, be sure to include
them for the most accurate answer.
 For example, let's say that a problem asks you to find the rate
that a 5 kilogram wooden block accelerates along a smooth floor if
pushed with a force of 50 newtons. Since F = m × a, the answer may
seem to be as simple as solving for a in the equation 50 = 5 × a.
However, in the real world, the force of friction will act against the
forward motion of the object, effectively reducing the force it's being
pushed with. Leaving this out of the problem will result in an answer
that has the block accelerating slightly faster than it actually would.

Double-check your answers. An average-difficulty physics problem can
easily involve a dozen or so mathematical calculations. An error in any
of these can cause your answer to be off, so pay close attention to
your math as you work and, if you have time, double-check your answer
at the end to make sure your math "adds up."
 While simply re-doing your work is one way to check your math,
you may also want to use common sense to relate your problem to real
life as a way of checking your answer. For example, if you're trying to
find the momentum (mass × velocity) of an object moving in the
forward direction, you wouldn't expect a negative answer, since mass
can't be negative and velocity is only negative if it's in the "negative"
direction (i.e., opposite the "forward" direction in your frame of
reference). Thus, if you get a negative, answer, you've probably made
an error in your calculations somewhere along the line.

Part 3
Doing Your Best in Physics Class

Read the topic before the lecture. Ideally, you shouldn't come across
new physics concepts for the very first time in class. Instead, try,
reading upcoming lessons in your textbook the day before they'll be
covered in class. Don't fixate on the precise mathematics of the topic
— at this stage, focus on grasping the general concepts and trying to
grasp what is being discussed. This will give you a solid foundation of
knowledge upon which you'll be able to apply the mathematical skills
you'll learn in class.

Pay attention during class. During class, the teacher will explain the
concepts you encountered in your pre-reading and clarify any areas of
the material that you don't understand well. Take notes and ask plenty
of questions. Your teacher will probably go through the mathematics of
the topic. When he or she does so, try to have a general idea of "what's
happening" even if you don't remember the exact derivations of each
equation — having this sort of "feel" for the material is a huge asset.
 If you have lingering questions after class, talk to your teacher.
Try to make your questions as specific as possible — this shows the
teacher that you were listening. If the teacher isn't busy, she or he will
probably be able to schedule an appointment to go over the material
with you and help you understand it.

 Review your notes at home. To finish off the task of studying
and polish your physics knowledge, take a few moments to
go over your notes as soon as you have a chance at home.
Doing this will help you retain the knowledge you've gained
from the day's class. The longer you wait after you take your
notes to review them, the more difficult to remember they
will be and the more "foreign" the concepts will seem, so be
proactive and cement your knowledge by reviewing your
notes at home.

Solve practice questions. Just like math, writing, or programming,
solving physics problems is a mental skill. The more you use this skill,
the easier it will become. If you're struggling with physics, be sure to
get plenty of practice solving problems. This will not only prepare you
for exams but will help make many concepts clearer as you make your
way through the material.
 If you're not happy with your grade in physics, don't be content to
simply use the problems assigned in your homework for practice. Make
the extra effort to complete problems you wouldn't normally encounter
— these can be problems in your textbook that aren't assigned to you,
free problems online, or even problems in physics practice books
(usually sold at academic bookstores).

Use the sources of help that are available to you. You don't have to try
to endure a difficult physics course by yourself — depending on your
schooling situation, there may be literally dozens of ways to get help.
Seek out and use any help resources you need to get a better
understanding of your physics material. Though some help resources
can cost money, most students have at least a few free options
available to them. Below are just a few ideas of who and what to seek
out if you need physics help:
 Your teacher (via after-school appointment)
 Your friends (via study groups and homework sessions)
 Tutors (either privately-hired or as part of a school program)
 Third-party resources (like physics problem books, educational
sites like Khan Academy, and so on)

Leyden, A. (2014). How to study physics: 5 techniques to be outstanding. Retrieved March 2,

2018 from https://www.goconqr.com/en/examtime/blog/how-to-study-physics/

University of Rhode Island. Retrieved on March 2 2018 from


How to Do Well in Physics. Retrieved on February 4, 2018 from https://www.wikihow.com/Do-



Erinosho, SY. (2013) How do Students perceive the difficulty of physics in secondary School? an
exploratory study in Nigeria. International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in
Education (IJCDSE), Special Issue Volume 3 Issue 3, 2013 Retrieved from

Ornek, F., Robinson, W., Haugan, M. (2007) What makes physics difficult? International Council
of Associations of Science Education. Science Education International Journal Vol. 18
No. 3 pp 165-172


Why do you say physics is a must subject?

How would you describe your studies in physics as to frequency?

As young student why review strategy is important?

What advice can you give to overcome burden by all student by taking up physics subject?

Theme 1: Importance of Physics is beyond being a course of study

Theme 2: Impressions toward physics as a course of study
Theme 3: Review strategies in studying physics

Theme 4: Strategy is what makes you

Theme 5: It is all up to you

Leyden master the basics, use of flashcards,

Urti memorization getting over the math barrier do not wait untl exa mtime understanding
pesky equations, taking good bnotes, readind ahead prioritizing, practicing,

Groundiing research inthe perceptions of the studdents has proven a useful methodlogy
For the study of factors that contribute ot atitude toward science. The origin of affect in sicnece
classrooms is found more suitably in the mental constructs that students create from them than
in the mor eobjective views gained through teacher report oir claarroom observation

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