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taal Clh Cy Moby Dick Herman Melville Retold by Sue Kendall Burlington Books Moby I by Herman Melville Retold by Sue Kendall Burlington Books P.O. Box 54411 3721 Limassol Cyprus Burlington Books is an imprint of Danos Books Ltd. The publisher gratefully acknowledges the following for providing photographs: ASAP/Alamy: page 66 (boat); ©IFAW: page 67 (logo); OIFAW/ Josh Morris: page 66 (woman); Nova Dev. Co. & licensors: page 67 (South African flag); Photos.com/Jupiter Images: pages 64 (krill), 65 (whale); Sacred Ocean by Noel Ashtonwww.noelashton.com: Page 67 (sculpture); Shutterstock: page 64 (whale) The publisher would like to thank the following people: Castellano: Mercé Aguadé Tarruella Catala: Maria Esteve Serraviiials Euskara: Edurne Azkue Urrestilla Galego: Ramén Nicolds Rodriguez All rights reserved by the publisher. No Part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means ~ electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise ~ without permission in writing from the publisher. ISBN 978-9963-47-556-8 This simplified version copyright © 2009 Burlington Books Burlington Reader No. NE4.02 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 4 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 introduction Chapter I: Kwee-Kweg Chapter 2: The Pequod Chapter 3: Captain Ahab Appears Chapter 4: The First Whale Hunt Chapter 5: Fights with Whales Chapter 6: Little Pip Chapter 7: Captain Boomer Chapter 8: Kwee-Kweg Becomes Sick Chapter 9: The Pequod Meets the Rachel Chapter 10: Ahab’s Battle with the Whale Chapter 11: The Second Battle Chapter 12: The Final Battle Glossary Cross-Curricular Focus Herman Melville (1819-1891) naci6 en Nueva York. Dejé sus estudios cuando tenia 15 afios y empezé a trabajar. En 1839 tom6 un barco con destino a Inglaterra y descubri6 su pasién por el mar. Dos afos més tarde se marché a los Mares del Sur en un buque ballenero. En 1850 escribié Moby Dick, su novela mas conocida, que esta basada en muchos hechos reales de dicho viaje. El narrador, un joven lamado Ishmael, necesita algo de emocién en su vida y por ello decide unirse a la tripulacién de un buque ballenero. Conoce a Kwee-Kweg, un arponero de los Mares del Sur con mucha experiencia y se hacen amigos. Juntos, encuentran un barco llamado Pequod y se embarcan en una peligrosa misi6n: cazar a Moby Dick, una ballena blanca con muy mala fama y especialmente violenta. El capitan del Pequod, Ahab, perdié la pierna luchando contra ella y no pararé hasta vengarse. éQué final les deparara? Herman Melville (1819-1891) va néixer a Nova York. Va deixar els seus estudis quan tenia 15 anys i va comencar a treballar. El 1839 va agafar un vaixell amb destinacié a Anglaterra i va descobrir la seva passié pel mar. Dos anys més tard va marxar cap als mars del Sud en un vaixell balener. El 1850 va escriure Moby Dick, la seva novel-la més coneguda, basada en molts fets reals d’aquell viatge. El narrador, un jove anomenat Ishmael, necessita una mica democié a la seva vida i, per aixd, decideix unir-se a la tripulacié d'un vaixell balener. Coneix en Kwee-Kweg, un arponer dels mars del Sud amb molta experiéncia, i es fan amics. Plegats, troben un vaixell anomenat Pequod i s'embarquen en una perillosa missi6: cacar la Moby Dick, una balena blanca amb molt mala fama i especialment violenta. El capita del Pequod, YAhab, va perdre la cama Iluitant contra ella i no parara fins venjar-se. Quin final els espera? Herman Melville (1819-1891) New Yorken jaio zen. Hamabost urte zituela ikasketak utzi eta lanean hasi zen. 1839an Ingalaterrara zihoan itsasontzi bat hartu zuen eta itsasoarekiko zuen grinaz ohartu zen. Handik bi urtetara Hegoaldeko Itsasoetara joan zen baleontzi batean. 1850ean Moby Dick idatzi zuen, bere eleberi ezagunena, bidaia horretako ekintza ugaritan oinarritua. Narratzaileak, Ishmael izeneko gazteak, zirrara piska bat behar du bere bizitzan eta horregatik erabaki du baleontzi bateko tripulazio- kide egitea. Kwee-Kweg ezagutuko du, Hegoaldeko Itsasoetan eskarmentu handia duen arpoilaria, eta lagun egingo dira. Elkarrekin Pequod izeneko itsasontsia aurkituko dute eta zeregin arriskutsu batean murgilduko dira: Moby Dick harrapatzea, ospe txarreko eta bortizkeria handiko beluga. Pequodeko kapitainak, Ahabek, hanka galdu zuen honen aurka borrokan eta ez du etsiko mendeku hartu arte. Baina zer gorde ote die zoriak? Herman Melville (1819-1891) naceu en Nova York. Deixou os seus estudos cando tifa 15 anos e comezou a traballar. En 1839 tomou un barco con destino a Inglaterra e descubriu a stia paixén polo mar. Dous anos mais tarde marchou aos Mares do Sur nun buque baleeiro. En 1850 escribiu Moby Dick, a stia novela mais cofecida, que esta baseada en moitos feitos reais da devandita viaxe. Ao narrador, un mozo chamado Ishmael, cémprelle algo de emoci6n na stia vida € por iso decide unirse 4 tripulacién dun buque baleciro. Cofece a Kwee-Kweg, un arpoeiro dos Mares do Sur con moita experiencia ¢ fanse amigos. Xuntos, atopan un barco chamado Pequod e embarcanse nunha perigosa misién: cazar a Moby Dick, unha balea branca con moi mala sona e especialmente violenta. O capitén do Pequod, Ahab, perdeu a perna loitando contra ela e non parard até se vingar. Que final les deparard? 1 Complete the sentences with the words below. 12 bones a er harpoon rope protected coin fever rescued a, 1. The captain killed the whale with a ~ 2. The man fell into the water but the captain ... os 3. The boy had a nnn von .. $0 they called the doctor. 4, The captain paid for the food with a gold 5. They tied the whale with a 6. One man stayed on the ship and.......... sow ity 7. The men kept the ssn from the dead whale. him. 2 Look at the picture from the story. What is happening? How do you feel about it? and pulled it to the ship. My name is Ishmael and I’m going to tell you a story about my extraordinary adventures at sea. _ Twas very unhappy with my life in New York. I wanted to have an interesting life and a new job. So I decided to become a sailor and hunt whales on a ship. It was a cold, rainy night when I arrived at the port in New Bedford. 1 found a small, old-fashioned hotel. It was cheap and this was good for me. The manager welcomed me. He was called Peter Coffin. This was a very unusual name because a dead person is buried in a coffin. But it was a perfect name for the manager of this depressing hotel. A. dark, frightening painting was on one wall of the hotel’s reception. At first, it looked like a storm in the sea. I looked closer and er it was an enormous, broken ship. And then I saw a giant black whale, caught in the ship’s sails. On another wall was a frightening collection of guns, old whaling equipment and old harpoons. A dark, frightening painting was on one wall of the hotel’s reception. The hotel was full, but Mr Coffin had an idea. “You can share a room with Kwee-Kweg, the harpooner,” he suggested. “He's a little crazy, but he’s not terrible.” “Tell me about him first,” I said, a little worried. “He's a good man,” answered Mr Coffin. “He always pays regularly. He’s very quiet, and he usually goes to bed early, but tonight he went out to sell his head.” “His head?” 1 asked. “Yes. He's just arrived from the South Seas,” explained Mr Coffin. “He bought a lot of human heads there. He's sold them all except one. He’s trying to sell it tonight because tomorrow is Sunday and it’s not very nice to sell a human head on the streets while people are in church.” [really didn’t want to share a hotel room with this man, but there was no other place to sleep. So I decided it was better to share a hotel room with a stranger, even if he was a crazy harpooner. Mr Coffin took me to the room. There was only one big bed. The bed was uncomfortable and it took me a long time to get accustomed to it. Then, when I was starting to fall asleep, the light of a candle suddenly lit the room. An enormous man was holding the candle. He put it down on the table and opened his bags. 1 watched him carefully. Fortunately, he did not see me. The man took out a big hatchet and put it on the table next to the bed. I was becoming nervous. Then, he turned and I could see his face. It had big, square tattoos all over it. “Ob, my God!" I thought. “He's got a frightening face!” Then, he started to take off his clothes. He had the same tattoos on his body and he had tattoos of frogs on his legs. Next, the man took a black statue made of wood from his pocket. He lit a small fire in front of the statue, and started to pray, making strange noises. When he finished, he put the statue in his bag, extinguished the small fire and walked towards the bed. But he still did not see me. “Maybe I should say something,” I thought, but it was too late. The man put the candle on the table next to the bed and jumped into bed. T screamed and he jumped out again. I j : gain. I jumped out, too. He ti hatchet from the table. stove “Who ate you? If you don’t tell me, 1 kill you!” the man shouted. He pointed his hatchet at me. : “Mr Coffin, save me! This man is a savage!” I shouted. ‘The man lifted the hatchet and started to walk towards me. “He's going to kill me!” I thought. © The man lifted | the hatchet and | started to walk towards me. ‘At that moment, Mr Coffin ran into the room. “Don’t be afraid,” Mr Coffin said to me. “Kwee-Kweg won't hurt you. Kwee-Kweg, this man is going to share the room with you. Do you understand?” “{ understand,” answered Kwee-Kweg. He looked at me carefully and then he said, “You get in!” He pointed to the bed with his hatchet. [looked at him for a moment. I saw that he looked clean and even. kind under all the tattoos. “Tf you put your hatchet on the table, I’ll get into bed,” I said. Kwee-Kweg agreed, and we got back into bed. Mr Coffin left the room. We started to talk and we talked all night. “I’m the son. of the king of a South Sea island,” Kwee-Kweg told me. “One day, I decided to leave everything and see the world. $o I became a harpooner on a whaling ship.” “That's interesting,” I answered. “I also want to leave everything and see the world.” The next morning, we were good friends. We went to Nantucket together to find a ship to sail on, We found an old ship called the Pequod. There were many white whale teeth and bones on the sides of the ship. One of the sailors told us about the captain of the ship, Captain ‘Ahab. “Our brave captain lost a leg in a fight with the great white whale, Moby Dick, on our last voyage,” he explained. “He's still at home in bed, but he will soon return to the ship. We're going to catch Moby Dick and kill him, We'll prepare the ship and then we'll sail in ten days.” Then we saw Captain Peleg, an old man and one of the Pequod’s proprietors. “Can we come on your next voyage?” we asked him. “Are you good harpooners?” he asked. “Of course,” Kwee-Kweg answered. “Can you see that small bit of oil on the water? Imagine it’s the eye of a whale.” Kwee-Kweg threw his harpoon over the head of the proprietor and across the ship’s deck. It went straight into the centre of the oil. “You've got the job,” said Captain Peleg. I had no experience yet, but the proprietor was impressed with Kwee-Kweg so he believed I was a good harpooner, too. Then Captain Peleg continued, "You must be strong and brave — it will be a dangerous voyage.” “am I strong and brave enough?” I thought. “I hope I am.” “You've got the job,” said Captain Peleg. ve For ten days, the sailors prepared the Pequod. They also prepared the whaling equipment so that it was ready for use. The sea voyage was for three years, so we needed a lot of food, medicine, blankets, clothes, shoes, boots and hats. Finally, the ship and all the equipment were in perfect condition. Kwee-Kweg and I went to the port early in the morning. We went onto the ship. It was completely silent. Kwee-Kweg sat on the deck and took his pipe. He began smoking and then passed the pipe to me. Soon a friendly sailor came to us. “Hello!” he said. “I'm Stubb, the second officer. Are you the new harpooners?” “Yes, we are,” | answered. “When will we sail?” “We'll sail today,” Stubb said. “The captain arrived here last night.” “Captain Ahab?” I asked. “That's right, Captain Ahab,” Stubb answered. I wanted to ask more questions, but another sailor came on the deck and the second officer ended our conversation. “Hello! Starbuck's here,” Stubb said. “He's the first officer and a good, religious man. I must go now because he’s going to give us our orders. Then, we'll tell you what to do.” Soon the rest of the crew arrived and we all started working. “Where is Captain Ahab?” I thought. Hours later, we finally sailed. It was a cold winter's day. The long, white rows of teeth and bones on the side of the ship were shining in the sunlight. We didn’t see Captain Ahab. Where was he? Hours later, we finally sailed, I Put the letters ther ¢ le together to make words. i \ ; ‘ eB ds, Answer ; 5. Write the ansv n your f a eee 3 Answer the questions, Write che answers in your notebo: akc. complete the sentences. (4 1, Why did Ishmael decide to become a sailor? 2. Why was Ishmael frightened of Kwee-Kweg? 3, How did Kwee-Kweg react when he discovered Ishmael in his bed? 4. Why did Ishmael and Kwee-Kweg talk to Captain Peleg? 5. How did Kwee-Kweg show he was a good harpooner? 6. What happened to the Pequod’s captain on the last voyage? dle pressed The diamond shone in the “ 2. She hopes to ; She comet he leping fee _ 4 ae Eee the sentences with the names of the buys and sells human heads. tells Ishmael, “Don’t be afraid of Kwee-Kweg.” isn’t really a harpooner. _-meets the new harpooners on the ship. is the first officer and a good, religious man. is on the ship, but doesn’t appear at first. JQ i ' He's a little strange. Some people think he’s oc. 2 . There was light from a... «ON the table. 3. 4. 5 3 Ly 4, You're a good harpooner. I'm... 5 6 2 Match each speech bubble to the correct picture. You'll have to share. What a big bone! 6. Now let us pray. Put it down there. Whales are mammals, not fish. They can grow up to 30 metres long and weigh over 135 tons, They have got the largest physical | brains of any animal. Some species of whales can live for over 100 years. Belvo burlingtonbooks.es/actread Let me continue my story and tell you about the crew of the Pequod. The first officer, Starbuck, was born in Nantucket, in the state of Massachusetts, USA, and was in his thirties. He was very thin after many years of hard work at sea and he was a serious, responsible sailor. He saw a lot of danger in his life at sea. He missed his wife and child in Nantucket and this made him kinder than the other sailors and more careful. But he was also superstitious. “Every man on my ship must fear whales,” said Starbuck. “A man with no fear is much more dangerous than a man with fear. Whales have killed hundreds of sailors at sea.” Starbuck spoke from experience because his father and brother were killed by whales at sea. “I'm here in this ocean to kill whal here to let them kill me.” Starbuck said. “I’m not The second officer, Stubb, came from Cape Cod, on the east coast of the USA. He was a calm man and he didn’t get nervous under pressure. He was friendly and worked well. He was never frightened in any situation. He always had a short pipe in his mouth. The officers on the ship were North American, but the rest of the crew were not. Many of the sailors came from islands along the Pequod's route. I don’t know the reason, but islanders are the best whale men. The sailors joined the ship along the way and left it on the voyage home. This was the way things were on most whaling ships. There was also a boy on our ship and he is important to my story. He was a small boy from Alabama called Little Pip. The child sat all day at the front of the ship and played his tambourine. You'll hear more about him later. ve On the first few days of the voyage, the weather was very cold. It was Christmas time, but we were sailing south and soon the weather became warmer. Starbuck and Stubb gave us our orders. We didn’t see Captain Ahab Finally, one morning I came up on deck and Captain Ahab was there. He had many grey hairs on his head. He looked very strong but I could see the effects of his battle with Moby Dick. One of his legs was artificial. It was white and made from the bone of a whale. There ‘was no foot at the end of this leg. There was a special hole on the deck and Captain Ahab put his artificial leg in the hole, so he didn’t fall. The captain also had a frightening, long mark down one side of his face. Was he born with this mark or did he get it from the terrible Moby Dick? Nobody talked about it, so I didn't know. Captain Ahab stood on the deck and looked at the sea. He didn’t talk to anybody and the officers didn’t try to talk to him. He stayed on the deck for a short time and then returned to his cabin, But he started coming up every day. When the days became warmer, the captain stayed on the deck for a longer time. Soon we could see him Captain Ahab stood on the deck and looked at the sea. looking at the sea for the entire day. But he didn’t do any work. All the equipment was ready and all the sailors knew their jobs. Often, he walked up and down the deck. When he started doing this, he looked very preoccupied. But soon, the warmer weather influenced him and he became happier. He even smiled once When the captain walked, his artificial leg made a loud noise. Stubb was irritated by the noise. “Maybe we can put something on the bottom of your leg,” suggested Stubb. “Then it won't make a noise.” “Do you want to put shoes on me like a horse?” said Ahab angrily “Go away, you dog!” “Don’t call me a dog!” answered Stubb. Ahab became very angry and he almost hit Stub. Stub walked away. He was very angry, too, but he didn’t say anything. He thought to himself, “The captain is a very strange man. I must watch him. We must all watch him.” Ahab became very angry and he almost hit Stubb, A few days later, Ahab walked up and down the deck all day. He was very preoccupied. At the end of the day, he suddenly ordered Starbuck to call all the sailors to the deck. When we arrived, he said, “You've all heard me talk about the white whale.” “Yes, Captain!” we said at the same time. “Well, look here!” he said, showing us a bright coin. “Do you see this Spanish gold coin?” ‘Again, we answered together, “Yes, Captain!” “Good,” said Ahab. “Now remember this: if you're the first to see the white whale, you'll get this coin!” We all shouted, “We'll find him, Captain!” “That creature took my leg, and V'll look for him everywhere,” shouted Ahab. “You'll help me! Together we'll find him!” “Yes, Captain!” we answered. I shouted with all the other sailors. “God bless you, men,” said Ahab. But Starbuck wasn’t happy. “I came here to hunt all whales, Captain, I don’t want to look only for Moby Dick,” he said. Ahab didn’t answer. He gave all the sailors some alcohol and we all drank together. Then Ahab shouted, “Kill Moby Dick!” “Kill Moby Dick!” we all answered. ve We were going to hunt Moby Dick. I was very excited, even though many people died while they were trying to catch the whale. heard about Ahab’s previous battle with the whale. Ahab went to hunt Moby Dick with three harpoon boats. The whale destroyed the three boats. Ahab tried to attack the whale in the water with a knife. The terrible whale ate his leg. This was the reason for the captain's anger. Ahab suffered a lot on the way home from that voyage. There were no doctors to help him. He couldn’t think about anything except his dangerous enemy. He tried to imagine the location of the whale. The whale went to certain places at the same time every year. The captain knew these places and he wanted to look for him there and kill him. This voyage was going to become very interesting and exciting. I was a sailor, I was going to see the world and I might have the opportunity to see the most frightening whale in the sea. ve Ahab was worried. If the sailors weren't happy during the long voyage, they wouldn’t help him kill Moby Dick. Ahab had to permit the sailors to hunt other whales, too. If he didn’t, the officers wouldn't take orders from him. “I must be careful,” he thought. Our voyage continued. One night a sailor saw a whale swimming near us but it disappeared. We started to follow it and sailed round the southern end of Africa. It was a very dangerous place for ships. But this whale might be Moby Dick. We didn’t have an option. During the day, we found many things to do after we finished our work. One afternoon, Kwee-Kweg and I were sitting on the deck fixing our equipment. Suddenly, we heard a loud voice. “There he is! There’s the whale!” shouted one of the sailors. “Where? Where?” asked Starbuck. “There!” He indicated about three kilometres in front of us. I was very excited. This was my first opportunity to hunt a whale. I hoped my new harpooning skills were sufficiently good. ‘We quickly prepared to hunt the whale. Three men and Little Pip stayed on the ship and the rest of us entered the harpoon boats. When the men are near a whale, they always leave the ship and go into harpoon boats to hunt the whale. As we were entering the boats, we suddenly saw five strange men. They were in the captain’s harpoon boat with Captain Ahab. All the sailors were surprised. Where did these men come from? Who were they? Why was the captain going hunting? We all looked at the men. “Let’s go. It’s time to hunt the whale!” shouted Stubb. We rowed our boats as fast as we could in the direction of the whale. When we were close to the whale, Stubb said to Kwee-Kweg, “There he is! Get him!” Kwee-Kweg threw his harpoon, He hit the whale, but the enormous creature escaped. Then, suddenly, the boat hit a rock and turned over. We all fell into the water. “The Pequod is far away. We're going to die!" I thought. Kwee-Kweg threw his harpoon. 1 Find six words on the whale. Then use them to complete the sentences. \pcoinbattleweatherca A pele iithewearmercalme, 1. In summer, the... 2. The officer was 3. The sailors died in a... . is warm and sunny. and didn’t get nervous. 4. I caught a fish, but Joe wouldn’t 5. The sailor was 6. The prince gave the poor man a gold . om i ° - 4 a ow = Be mwo ce npo as 7-204 loca paw s = 0 hoop ro 1, It costs €100 to... 2. The sun. 3. When I was in China, I eos PO mp 4, She loves red and other... 5. The farmer dug a... 6. His life was in 1 vom With a whale. .. me kill it. when he saw his first whale. Find words in the puzzle to complete the sentences. -o rao Bu e sm the sports club. .... behind the clouds. vy family. vow COlOUTS. in the ground. 3 Answer the questions. Write the answers in your notebook. 1. What did Ishmael learn about Captain Ahab from his appearance? 2. What was the dispute between Captain Ahab and Stubb about and how did Ahab react to Stubb’s suggestion? 3. What prize did Captain Ahab offer the first person to see Moby Dick? 4. How do the men attack a whale? 5, What happened to Ishmael on his first experience in a harpoon boat? 4 Match the sentence beginnings (A) to the correct endings (B). = 1. Starbuck's father and brother cea 2, Little Pip Aaa 3. At first, Captain Ahab aaa 4. Moby Dick 5. Five strange men acai 6. The sailors Ys .. a. often swam in the same places. wb. suddenly anpeared, SAP c. rowed the boats towards the whale. d. were killed by whales. 2. % e. played a musical instrument. .f. walked up and down the deck a lot. When human beings sleep, they breathe automatically and move around without thinking, But whales never get into a heavy sleep because they don’t breathe automatically. They must remember to swim to the surface every half an hour to get air. Because of this, only half of their brain sleeps at a time. w The Pequod was far away, but it came to rescue us and we all returned to the ship safely. The whale wasn’t Moby Dick. But it was a very brave whale, and we couldn’t catch it. But now I knew it was dangerous and difficult to hunt whales, especially for me, with little experience. Everybody on the ship now knew about Ahab’s “special sailors” We soon learned more about these men. They were all on the Pequod when we left Nantucket but they stayed in Captain Ahab’s cabin, so we didn’t see them until the harpoon boats left the ship. They came from the Philippines. They looked strange. Fedallah, their leader, looked frightening. He had dark skin and his long hair was tied round his head. He also had one white tooth coming out of his mouth. He wore a blue Chinese jacket and wide purple trousers. The four sailors with him were frightening, too. Some of us thought they looked like demons. The sailors weren’t happy to have these strange men on the ship. They were also Fedallah, their leader, ynhappy that Captain Ahab hunted whales looked frightening. . . : with other sailors and not with us. Weren’t we good harpooners, in his opinion? The men thought the captain should stay on the ship to protect it. But Captain Ahab always went into the harpoon boats and hunted the whales. He ordered three of the regular men to protect the ship. ve The Pequod continued its voyage. We saw another whale and this time, Captain Ahab sent Stubb and his men to kill it. They attacked the whale from the harpoon boat and killed it easily. They tied the dead whale to the side of the boat and started to transport it back to the harks tried to eat the dead whale while the ren were rowing. Pequod. But sharks tried to eat the dead whale while they were rowing. One shark almost cut off Stubb’s hand with its sharp teeth. The sailors attacked the sharks with harpoons and finally they swam away. The next day we cut all the meat from the whale. Then we cut its head and tied it to the side of the ship. The head contains the whale oil. This oil is very valuable. We threw the rest of the body back into the water. The sharks were happy with their food. After a few hours, Ahab came on deck. He walked around the deck a few times and then looked at the whale’s head. He stared at it for a few minutes and then he said, “Speak to me, whale head! Tell me your secrets.” He waited for a few minutes, as if he was waiting for an answer, and then he walked away. The next day, Ahab appeared. “We must capture another whale,” he said. “It’s not important if it’s special or valuable, but we need a second whale.” I didn’t know the reason for this. We obeyed our orders but I asked Kwee-Kweg, “Why do we have to kill another whale so.soon?” “t's very simple, Ishmael,” Kwee-Kweg answered. “If a ship has got whales’ heads on both sides, it will be safe.” “That's very strange,” I said. “Why is that?” “Well, maybe it’s a superstition,” Kwee-Kweg said. “I'm not sure. I’m not superstitious, but the others are.” “Superstition? These men are superstitious!” I thought to myself. “7 thought it was just Starbuck. And they are responsible for my life! How can I expect superstitious people to make practical decisions?” I became very nervous. Fortunately, that day, a whale appeared very close to the ship. Two boats went to kill it. The whale fought valiantly. But in the end, the enormous animal died. We brought the whale onto the ship and cut off its meat. Then, we tied its head to the other side of the ship. ve ‘A few days later, we passed another whaling ship. The captain of that ship, Captain Mayhew, came near and talked to Captain Ahab. Captain Mayhew told Captain Ahab his personal experience of Moby Dick. “My men and I first heard about Moby Dick from another ship,” said Captain Mayhew. “But we only saw hima year later. We decided to hunt him. There were five of us. One sailor was standing in the boat and shouting at the whale to come near. Suddenly, the whale hit the sailor with his tail and threw him twenty metres into the sea. The poor man died immediately. That whale is the most dangerous animal I have ever seen, Captain Ahab. I will never try to find him again. And you shouldn’t either.” “But I must,” answered Ahab. “Then you will die for certain,” said Captain Mayhew, and he sailed away. ‘We were frightened by Captain Mayhew’s story, although we knew many other stories like this. But Captain Ahab still wanted to find Moby Dick and kill him. Moby Dick was very dangerous, but that wasn’t important to our captain. He wanted to get his revenge on the whale. Now I want to tell the story of our poor cabin boy, Little Pip. When. I met him, he was a happy boy. He had a kind heart and he was very intelligent. He often sat at the front of the ship and played his tambourine. We all liked him. Little Pip never went in the harpoon boats. He was one of the ship keepers. Ship keepers usually weren’t as strong, big or brave as the other sailors, so they stayed on the ship and protected it when the other sailors went to hunt whales. And so Pippin, or Little Pip, was one of our ship keepers. But one day, one of the sailors in Stubb's harpoon boat hurt his hand. Stubb needed another person to help in his boat until the sailor felt better. He decided to take Little Pip because the other ship keepers could protect the ship without his help. The first time Little Pip went with Stubb’s men, he was very nervous. Fortunately, there wasn't a battle with a whale that time. But Stubb watched Little Pip carefully and he was worried about him. “Little Pip, don’t be frightened,” said Stubb. “You must be brave.” “1'll try, Sir,” answered Little Pip. The second time Little Pip % went in Stubb’s boat, one of the harpooners hit a whale, and the whale swam under the boat. This often happens, but Little Pip was very frightened and he jumped from the boat. As he jumped, he got caught in the rope of the harpoon. The whale was frightened, too. It began. to pull the rope around = i Little Pip’s neck. Little Pip was very frightened and he jumped from the boat. If the sailors didn’t do something quickly, the rope would kill him. But if the sailors cut the rope, the whale would escape. One of the sailors held his knife near the rope. “Should I cut?” he shouted to Stubb. Little Pip was becoming desperate. “Yes, cut,” Stubb answered. And so the whale escaped and Little Pip was rescued. The sailors pulled Little Pip onto the boat and waited until he could breathe normally again. Then they shouted at him. “We lost that whale because of you, you stupid boy!” said one sailor Another shouted, “We could all be dead now. Do you know that?” "We lost that whale because of you!" said one sailor. Then Stubb talked to Little Pip in a serious but patient voice. “Little Pip, never jump from a boat. If you jump again, I won't rescue you. We can sell a whale and we'll get a lot of money. Do you know that? Now, remember: don’t jump any more!” After a short time, Little Pip went in the boat again. A whale swam under the boat and Little Pip jumped from the boat again. He couldn't change his personality. The whale swam away, but this time, the sailors didn’t rescue Little Pip. Unfortunately, Stubb kept his promise and he turned the boat in the opposite direction. “will Stubb abandon Little Pip in the water?” I thought to myself. “The other harpoon boats will probably take him. Stubb knows that,”” J thought. But the boats didn’t take him. They suddenly saw another whale and went to hunt it. Little Pip was abandoned in the water. Poor Little Pip! It’s frightening to be alone in the middle of the ocean. If sailors fall into the water, they always swim close to the ship. They never go far. It’s too frightening and too dangerous. The Pequod finally rescued Little Pip. But from that moment, Little Pip became very strange. He wasn’t happy any more. He never played his tambourine again. The other sailors called him crazy. But in my opinion, he wasn’t crazy. Now he understood about death. Nobody said anything bad about Stubb. A sailor must be brave. If he isn’t brave, somebody could die. And if a sailor doesn’t obey orders, an officer will punish him. ve One day, some sailors were trying to pull a rope but they needed help. The captain saw Little Pip. “Little Pip, come and help the men.” Little Pip didn’t move. “What's wrong with you, boy?” asked the captain. “1 am the bell boy, Sir. Ding, dong, ding! Pip! Pip! Pip!” The captain looked at Little Pip and he felt very sad. The captain and Little Pip were both different from everybody else. They both understood about death. “Come to my cabin, Little Pip. Il take care of you,” said the captain gently. So Little Pip started to live in the captain’s cabin. They became good friends. They understood each other. And when the captain needed help, Little Pip helped him. 1 Complete the sentences with the phrases below. . A lot of fish in the fisherman’s net. 1 2. He said, “I'll call you,” and he 3. The small dog had a rope. 4, 5. . I broke a window with my ball and Dad......... - Hunters killed the animal and «000mm se me . the meat for food. Use the letters on the tambourines to make words. The first letter is always at the top. Then complete the sentences with the words. 1. You shouldn't take... 3. The man’s trousers were ....... 4. She was very sad after her father’s .... 5A 6. The fireman worked hard to .. things to the beach. 2. The sailors tied the whale to the ship with a ........ attacked the man in the sea. .. the girl from the fire. 3 Answer the questions. Write the answers in your notebook. . The sailors weren't happy with Captain Ahab. Why? Explain why Captain Mayhew didn’t hunt Moby Dick any more. . Why did Stubb take Pip into the harpoon boat, and what was the result? Did Stubb keep his promise not to rescue Pip again? Why did Captain Ahab want to take care of Little Pip? What happened because of this? ’ ~ oP 4. Write T (true) or F (false) next to each sentence below. . Sharks attack whales during a hunt and this helps the harpooners. 2. The sailors tied the whale’s head to the side of the ship because its teeth were very valuable. 3. According to Captain Mayhew, Captain Ahab shouldn’t hunt Moby Dick. 4. Little Pip wanted to go in a harpoon boat, but the officers wouldn’t Jet him. 5. The sailors lost a lot of money because of Little Pip’s actions. 6, Captain Ahab was kind to Pip when Pip began to behave strangely. 5 Correct the three false sentences in activity 4. Sharks probably existed 450 million years ago. Modern sharks appeared about 100 million years ago. There are more than 360 different types of sharks and most of them are not dangerous to humans. They rarely attack humans unless they are provoked. One day, we came near a British ship called the Samuel Enderby. “Hello, there! Have you seen Moby Dick?” Ahab asked the captain of the British ship Captain Ahab was standing with his artificial leg in the special hole on the deck. The captain of the Samuel Enderby was lying | comfortably on the deck of his ship. His name was Captain Boomer. He was an attractive man, about sixty years old. Captain Boomer had an artificial arm, made of white bone, like Ahab’s leg. “Do you see this?” was his answer to Ahab. “Yes, I've seen the great white whale.” When he saw Boomer’s artificial arm, Ahab was excited. “Put one of the harpoon boats in the water,” he said. “I want to talk to this man.” Ahab sailed in the harpoon boat to the Samuel Enderby, A few of us went with him. When we arrived at the Samuel Enderby, we discovered a problem. On our ship there was special equipment to help Ahab get on and off it. But he couldn’t get on another ship with an artificial leg. The crew of the Samuel Enderby quickly found a solution. They sent down a large hook. Ahab put his good leg into the hook and they pulled him up. Ahab put his good leg into the = hook and the crew pulled him up. When Ahab got to the ship, Boomer extended his artificial arm to welcome him. The artificial arm hit Ahab’s artificial leg and made a loud noise. “I'm happy to have you on my ship,” said Boomer. Ahab immediately started to ask about Moby Dick. “Where did you see the great white whale?” he asked. “How long ago did you see him?” “1 saw him last year on the equator,” said the British captain. “And did he take your arm off?” asked Ahab. “Yes, I lost my arm because of him. And did he take your leg, too?” asked Boomer. “Yes, What happened to you?” asked Ahab. He was very interested in the entire story. He wanted to know everything about his enemy. “It was the first time I sailed to the equator,” said Boomer. “I didn’t know about Moby Dick. One day, we were trying to catch four or five whales. My harpoon was deep inside one of them. This whale pulled us round and round. Suddenly, he came to the surface. He was enormous and he had harpoons in his tail.” “It was Moby Dick! Those were my harpoons!” shouted Ahab, excited. “Tell me more!” “Give me an opportunity to tell you!” said Boomer, with a laugh. Then he said, “This great white whale started to cut my rope with his sharp teeth.” “That's an old trick. | know him,” said Ahab. “But he caught his teeth in the rope,” Boomer continued. “How did this happen? I don’t know. He pulled and pulled. He was determined to escape and I was determined to catch him.” Boomer stopped for a few seconds and looked at Ahab’s excited face. Then he continued his story. “I followed him,” Boomer explained. “Then I threw another harpoon at him. And then suddenly, everything became black “The white whale hit the boat with his strong tail and the boat broke into two parts. I fell into the water but I held onto the harpoon. in Moby Dick. The enormous animal suddenly started to swim in a different direction and the rope cut through my arm. Moby Dick went deep into the sea and pulled me behind him. From then on, I remember nothing.” Boomer turned to one of his sailors and put his good arm round his shoulder. “This excellent surgeon here saved my life.” The surgeon started to explain. “It was a terrible cut,” he said, “and it soon became black. And so I cut it off. I didn’t have another option.” “But what happened to Moby Dick?” asked Ahab, impatiently. “well, we didn’t see him again for a long time,” said Captain Boomer. “Finally, we saw him twice. But we didn’t try to catch him. I won't try to catch him again. It’s too dangerous. I might lose my other arm.” “When did you last see him?” asked Ahab. “Which direction was he going?” “He was going east, I think,” said the British captain. “But why is it important to you? It was a year ago.” Then he shouted, “Good God! Are you crazy? You don’t want to catch him! You mustn’t try!” But Ahab wasn’t listening any more. He was still determined to follow his plan. He didn’t say anything more to the captain. He ordered us all to return to the boat immediately. On the way to the Pequod, Ahab stood in the harpoon boat with his back to the Samuel Enderby. He didn’t look at Captain Boomer again. At this time, my dear friend Kwee-Kweg suddenly became very sick with a fever. He became extremely thin and his eyes became bigger every day. I looked at him and felt very sad. He was my best friend and I loved him very much, but I couldn’t help him. “He’s going to die,” I thought sadly. After a few days, Kwee-Kweg asked me to do him a favour. “In some places, they put dead men in the sea in wooden boxes,” he explained. “When I die, I want to be put in one, too. Please go to the ship's carpenter. He must make me a box like that.” When he said this, I started to cry. But then I immediately went to talk to the carpenter and he agreed to make the box for Kwee-Kweg. He had some wood because he used it to repair the harpoon boats. The carpenter went to measure Kwee-Kweg and he made the box that day. “Ah! Poor man!” he said, looking at Kwee-Kweg sadly. “He’s going to die very soon.” When the box was ready, we took it to Kwee-Kweg. He looked at it for a long time. Then he asked for his harpoon, some food, fresh water, a small bag of earth and something soft to put under his head. “Put me into the box with all these things,” he said to us. We put him in the box and he lay there for a few minutes. Then, he said to me, “Bring my black, wooden statue from my bag.” I brought the statue and he lay in the box and held it. Kwee-Kweg lay in the box and held'the statue. EEE S’SCS”*C‘“ ee ie Suddenly, Little Pip arrived. He looked at Kwee-Kweg and started to cry. He held his tambourine in one hand and began to talk to him, “Poor Kwee-Kweg,” he said, “you're going far away. Will you do me a favour, please, when you arrive? Look for poor old Pip. He died along time ago in the sea. If you find him, comfort him because he’s very sad.” And then Little Pip continued, “Old Pip is a coward. He Jumped from a harpoon boat. He has dishonoured all sailors.” We were all very surprised to hear Little Pip talk that way about himself. While Little Pip was talking, Kwee-Kweg was lying with his eyes closed. We took poor Little Pip away and returned Kwee-Kweg to his bed. But after a few days, Kwee-Kweg started to become better. Everyone was surprised and very happy, especially me. “I don’t need this box for a coffin any more,” Kwee-Kweg said. “I don’t want to die now.” “Can you decide if you die or not?” I asked him, curious, “Certainly,” Kwee-Kweg answered. “If I decide to live, then I will live. No fever can kill me if I don’t want to die. Only a whale or some terrible disaster can kill me.” He rested for a few more days. Then suddenly he stood up. “I’m well again,” he announced. After that, he started to keep all his things in his box. He spent many hours cutting strange figures and pictures into the wood. 1 Answer the questions with the words below. earth ahook a fever coward a carpenter 1. You don’t go to school if you've got one. What is it? 2. He makes chairs and tables. Who is he? 3. Flowers and trees grow in it. What is it? 4, He's always afraid. What is he? 5. You put your coat on it. What is it? 2 Tick (/) the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1. A wooden box can break easily. 2. A soft bed is usually comfortable. 3. Children don’t go to school when they're sick. 4, The equator is between the North and South Poles. 5. If you dishonour people, they will respect you. 3 Answer the questions. Write the answers in your notebook. 1 2. 3. 4, 5, 6. Why did Captain Ahab want to speak to Captain Boomer? What did Moby Dick have in his tail? Why? What is Captain Boomer’s attitude towards Moby Dick? . _Kwee-Kweg made a strange request. What was it? . Why is Pip sad? . In the end, Kwee-Kweg didn’t die. How does he explain this to Ishmael? Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences. . Captain Boomer found Moby Dick ... a. although he wasn’t looking for him. b. after he looked for him for more than a year. c. and threw a few harpoons at his tail. x Moby Dick tried to cut the rope ... a. and quickly succeeded. b. but it got caught in his teeth. c. but his teeth weren’t sharp enough. » After he lost his arm, Captain Boomer ... a. never saw Moby Dick again. ‘b. saw Moby Dick twice, but didn’t attack him. c. attacked Moby Dick only once more. » Little Pip tells Kwee-Kweg ... a. about the death of another young boy. b. a funny story to encourage him. c. a sad story about himself. The killer whale is actually a dolphin. Killer whales, also known as They eat fish and sea mammals. orcas, are usually gentle animals and they cooperate with humans. YI | Everybody on the ship remained silent. Nobody wanted to worry Ahab. We did our work and didn’t talk to Ahab. He was finally very close to the terrible whale. We all knew it was a very important time for him. Ahab didn’t go down to his cabin at night because he was afraid Moby Dick might appear and we might not see him. Some of the sailors brought him food on the deck. Ahab wanted to see the white whale before anybody else. “Help me climb to the top of the ship,” he said to Starbuck. Starbuck helped him and then he sat up there all day. Suddenly, Ahab sensed he was going to meet Moby Dick within a few hours. He ordered the ship to change direction. Early the next morning, he climbed up to the top of the ship again and ~ looked around several times. Then suddenly he shouted, “There he is! There he is! It’s Moby Dick! The Spanish gold coin is mine!” Everybody ran to see the famous creature. And there he was, about two kilometres away. Ahab sat at the top of the ship all day. Ahab was very excited. “Put three boats into the water immediately!” he ordered. “Starbuck, you stay on the ship. Quickly, men! He's swimming away from us.” Soon we were all in the harpoon boats. We followed the great white whale as fast as we could. Ahab’s boat went first with Fedallah and his men. When we came closer to the whale, we started to move through the water more slowly and carefully. The sea was very quiet. We could see Moby Dick’s huge head above the water. His enormous mouth was closed and he was swimming peacefully. He didn’t feel any danger. When his back emerged from the water for a second, we saw broken pieces of old harpoons in it. But most of his body was still hidden under the water. White sea birds flew round us all, but everything was very calm. Then, suddenly, Moby Dick’s body appeared above the water. We saw his entire, enormous, frightening body for a few seconds. I never saw such an amazing creature in my life and I don’t think I ever will again. And then, he returned to the water and disappeared. We sat and waited. Suddenly, Fedallah shouted, “The birds! a SS The birds!” Several sea birds were flying round Ahab’s boat. They were making loud noises. Birds often follow whales to eat some of their food. But superstitious sailors often see the birds as a bad sign. Ahab looked down into the water but he couldn’t see anything. And then he noticed something white, deep in the water. It became bigger as it came nearer to the surface. Then, Moby Dick’s huge open mouth, full of brilliant white teeth, appeared at the side of the boat. “Turn the boat!” shouted Ahab. The men quickly turned the boat and it was now in front of the great white whale. (FPR Suddenly, Fedallah shouted, “The birds! The birds!” “Go to the back of the boat! Now!” Ahab shouted to Fedallah. Fedallah and his men went to the back of the boat and Ahab quickly moved to the front. He raised his harpoon. Ahab raised his harpoon. But Moby Dick was too quick for him. The white whale suddenly came out of the water from under the boat and put the entire end of the boat into his mouth. Moby Dick’s mouth was less than a metre from Ahab. All the sailors were at the back of the boat. Then, one of the whale’s teeth caught on the side of the boat. Ahab was too close to his enemy to stop the fight now. He took the huge tooth between his hands and tried to pull it out of the boat with all his strength. Suddenly, the boat broke in two. Moby Dick freed his tooth from the boat and escaped, and Ahab fell into the sea. All the other sailors jumped into the water after him. The horrible monster started to swim slowly round the sailors in the water. We watched from our boats but we could do nothing. “They're all going to die,” I thought. But Starbuck saw this and he quickly brought the Pequod closer. “Make the white whale go away!” Ahab shouted to Starbuck from the water. The ship sailed between Moby Dick and the men in the water. Incredibly, the white whale turned and swam away. The sailors on the Pequod pulled the captain and his sailors out of the water. Then we all came onto the ship from our boats. We also brought the pieces of Ahab’s boat. “Help me stand,” Ahab ordered Stubb. “Yes, Sir," said Stubb and he helped Ahab stand on the deck of the ship “Were any men killed?” Ahab asked. “No, Sir. All are well,” responded Stubb. “Good,” said Ahab. He then started walking up and down the deck. He looked everywhere for the lost whale. Sometimes he stopped for a minute and looked angrily at the pieces of his broken boat on the deck. Soon it was getting dark. “We can’t see him any more,” said Stubb. “Which direction will he go?” asked Ahab. “South,” said Stubb. “He'll try to move away from danger.” “Good. He'll move more slowly at night. Continue to follow him.” Ahab stood on the deck until dawn and waited for his monstrous enemy, but without any luck. 1 Match each word or phrase in A to its meaning in B. 1. emerge ..a. have compassion for 2. move away from D. see in all directions 3. reach c. come out of a place 4. look around .d. arrive at a place 5. feel sorry for e. go further from. 2 Write each word next to the correct definition. Lad sien hidden ia 1, A fragment is a 2. Good fortune is . . at 3. A.. : usu Object isn’t visible. 4. An emotion is a wu. ws S.A ce . is an indication that something is wrong. In the 19th century, whale oil was used in lamps, paint, soap and in many other items. When kerosene (a type of oil from petroleum) was discovered, whale oil became less popular. This discovery probably saved thousands of whales. 3. Answer the questions. Write the answers in your notebook. 1. What did the captain of the Rachel want from Ahab? 2. What was Ahab’s response? 3. Why didn’t Ahab go down to his cabin at night? 4, What is the significance of the birds? 5. What happened after Moby Dick’s tooth caught on the side of the boat? 6. Some of the Pequod's sailors fell into the sea during the attack on. Moby Dick. What happened to them? 4: Match the speech bubbles to the people. There are two speech bubbles for two of the people. r " n “__ | Have you seen the great white whale? _§Fmust find my son. The carpenter worked all night to repair Ahab’s boat and the next morning, the boat was ready to use again. But there was no sign of Moby Dick. “Do you see him?” Ahab shouted. “No, Sir. We don’t see anything,” we answered. “Sail faster. He's getting away from us.” While we were sailing, Stubb explained to me a little more about whales. “It’s not easy to catch a whale,” he said. “Sometimes we have to follow it for days, but our sailing instruments can’t help us. We only know the direction it’s going because we sense the location of the whale.” Then, in the middle of Stubb’s explanation, a sailor suddenly shouted, “There he is! There he is!” “This is the end, brave whale,” shouted Stubb. “Ahab will catch you this time!” All the men shouted with him. And I did, too. We were very excited. If anybody had doubts about this fight, they forgot them now. The speed of the ship gave us even more energy and we were like one man. Every sailor was prepared to put his life in danger in the deadly battle against this monstrous creature. Then we were silent. We couldn’t see the white whale any more. “You were wrong. That wasn’t Moby Dick,” said Ahab. “He never jumps up once and then disappears.” But while he was saying those words, Moby Dick suddenly appeared much closer than before. He jumped into the air about seven kilometres from the ship. “That's him!” shouted Ahab. “The time has come! Prepare the harpoons! Put the boats into the water.” Ahab quickly got into the harpoon boat with his men. The rest of us filled the other two boats. Ahab shouted his orders to Starbuck. “Starbuck, you're responsible for the ship,” shouted Ahab. “Stay away from the boats, but not too far.” Suddenly, Moby Dick turned and started to come in our direction. Ahab’s boat was in the centre. The white whale came towards us, faster and faster. His tail was moving rapidly from one side of his enormous body to the other. His mouth was open. We threw harpoons at him from all sides. But that didn’t stop the white whale. He continued to approach us. ‘The whale moved between our boats and then disappeared under the surface of the water. He moved away from us, but we knew the reason. He was preparing for his next attack. Then, we couldn't see Moby Dick and we were all very frightened. “What's going to happen to us?” we thought. “Where is he?” Suddenly, Moby Dick attacked our boat and it hit against one of the other boats. Our boat broke into pieces and we all fell into the water. We tried to hold on to pieces of wood from the boat. Then the white whale attacked Ahab’s boat and threw it in the air. When the boat came back into the water, it was upside down. Ahab and his men were under it. They fought to escape.

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