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USC Aiken School of Education Lesson Plan Format

Candidate Name: Elayna Hatchell

Lesson Title: Native Americans in the US
Subject Area(s): Social Studies and Music
Grade Level(s) Second Grade
Date: 4-22-18
Duration: 30-45 mins
Standards: Standard 2-4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of cultural contributions made
by people from the various regions in the United States.

2-4.3 Recognize the cultural contributions of Native American tribal groups, African
Americans, and immigrant groups.
Music Standard 2: The student will improvise, compose, and arrange music within specified

Learning Objective: After listening to different Native American songs, students will be able to create their
own music with at least three different rhythmic patterns.
Essential Question(s): How did Native American music influence today’s music? What is a rhythmic pattern?
Number of Students: 23
Evaluation / Students will do simple listen and recall beats with the teacher, while the teacher checks for
Suggested Assessments: understanding with a checklist.

*Attach a copy of all Students will demonstrate a four beat pattern with their instrument, while the teacher checks
assessment sheet(s) to for understanding with a checklist.
your lesson plan. Include
any rubrics, checklists, Students will perform their written music while the teacher looks for at least three different
rating sheets, scoring rhythmic patterns.
guides, etc. that will be

Accommodations Help, as needed, when constructing instruments

Student Learning

Diversity for

Modifications for
Special Needs

Grouping Individual, then whole group

Materials/Resources: Corn, paper towel rolls, oatmeal bins, toilet paper rolls, macaroni, beans, tape, beads,
pencils, paper, examples of Native American music
*Attach a copy of all
handouts to your lesson
Educational Technology: Links to music

USC Aiken Lesson Plan Format 5_26_16 Page 1 of 2

Pedagogical Strategies: What are you going to do to achieve your learning objective? Check all that apply.
☒ Hands-on Activity ☒ Manipulatives ☐ Modeling
☐ Graphic Organizer ☒ Lecture ☐ Guided Practice
☐ Thinking Map ☒ Drawing/Artwork ☐ Brainstorming
☐ Small Groups ☐ Mnemonic Device ☒ Movement
☐ Think-Pair-Share ☐ Game ☒ Music
☐ Interactive Read Aloud ☐ Web Quest ☐ Video
☐ Reading Workshop ☐ Inquiry Stations ☐ Roleplay
☐ Writers Workshop ☐ Problem-Based Learning ☐ Journal Writing
☐ Other:

Procedures: The teacher will begin by asking the students to listen to a beat that she does, and have the
Structure the lesson students repeat it. The teacher will demonstrate different beat patterns, and check for
according to your students understanding. The teacher will then have the class listen to different Native
instructor’s prescribed American music, and have them reflect on what type of instruments they may hear, or what
instructional model (e.g. kind of beats that they hear.
Learning Cycle, The E’s,
Gradual Release, etc.). The students will be given the choice to create different types of instruments that reflect
Native American instruments (drums, corn shakers, etc.) The teacher will assist with making
Include time estimates for these.
each phase of your lesson.
After the students have created their instruments, the teacher will ask the students
Provide a detailed to pair up with a student who created a different instrument. If there isn’t enough,
description of the lesson’s groups of three will be created.
step-by-step procedures in
chronological order. The teacher will ask the students to create a simple four beat rhythm. The teacher will
Include: demonstrate what a four beat rhythm is, and model several different beats.

1) Launching the lesson The students will then be able to collaborate creating their simple beat that they will later be
with a strong opening able to use in their final piece. The teacher will go around, and check for students
2) One or more understanding. The teacher will assist those students who may be having trouble.
opportunities for student
exploration After students have been met with by the teacher, the teacher will instruct the students to
3) Direct teaching create a short song with at least three different rhythmic patterns. If students would like to
4) A meaningful closure create more, they will be allowed. The students will be given at least 20 minutes or more,
depending on how the students are doing, to complete this task.
Formative assessment/
comprehension checks The lesson will close with a small write up of their experience. Students will explain why
should be embedded they think music was important to the Native Americans, and will share their feelings about
throughout the lesson. creating their own piece of music, as well as their challenges.

Safety Considerations: Be careful when using materials, be mindful of others around you, use personal space when
Follow Up: Continue onto African Americans
Reference(s): Albertson, M. (2013, November 06). Interactive lesson plan on Native American music with
2 craft projects: For elementary and middle school children. April 22, 2018

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