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Table 6: Mathematical resources in the Classroom

Discuss possibilities for implementing activities using these resources with your peer

List of resources that target specific mathematical skills and concepts in the school

Mathematical Resources Mathematics Skill / Concept that can be developed Exploring on possible activities to develop
found in the preschool with it. mathematical skills and concepts using these
classroom: materials

 Counting / calculating  Count and calculate the number of

Lego cubes cubes as given, for example, show
 Comparing sizes / ordering
 Classifying / sorting / matching them a card with the number nine so
according to color; patterns; copying they’ll have to count nine cubes and
patterns put them in the box.
 Measuring / estimating / comparing  Group the cubes and ask the students
length; weight; height to count how many cubes are there in
each group to find out which group
has more, and which one has less
cubes, by that they’ll develop their
counting skills and they’ll be able to
understand ‘more or less’ concept.
 Measure the heights of the towers,
build for the students two towers and
ask them to compare between them,
which one is taller than the others.
 Make a pattern of the cubes and ask
them to complete the pattern by
building a tower with the cubes, for
example, yellow blue yellow blue or
pink green green pink green green
 Ask the students to classify and group
the cubes depending on their colors,
the blue cubes together, the pink
together and so on...
 Bring for the students a scale and
some objects and ask them to balance
each object with the needed number
of cubes.

Number formation cards  Counting / calculating  Count how many circles, then make
 Comparing / ordering the number with the playdough on the
 Sorting / matching according to color right side of the card.
or numbers  Ask the students to compare between
the cards, which one has more circles,
and which one has less.
 Ask them to order the cards from the
smaller number to the biggest.
 Group each repeated number together
or group the blue numbers which they
made with the play dough together
and the green numbers together.

Whiteboards & Markers  Counting / calculating  Write the numbers in order whether in
 Comparing sizes / ordering units ‘1-10’ or in tens ’10-100.’
 Sorting / matching according to  Write their names and the alphabets.
color or number; patterns; copying  Write for them random numbers on
the board repeated and ask them to
patterns find and circle a specific number, for
 Drawing shapes / writing letters or example, circle the number four.
numbers  Draw for them something and ask
them to count how many are there, for
example, draw five squares on the
board and ask them to count how
many squares are there and write the
number down.
 Compare between two drawings, for
example, which one has more
triangles or which tower is taller?
 Write numbers in different sizes in
each board and ask them to arrange
them from ‘small to big’ or from ‘big to
 Write down a pattern with numbers
and ask them to complete it, for
example, one two two one and they’ll
have to complete the pattern.
 Match the markers colors together, for
example, group the blue markers
together and the green markers
 Draw the shapes.

Threading beads of  Counting / calculating  Let the students classify the beads
various colors  Ordering according to their shape once and
 Classifying / sorting / matching according to their color another
according to color or shape; time.
patterns; copying patterns /  Make a pattern for them and ask
sequencing them to complete it.
 Measuring / estimating / comparing  Let them count how many beads
length are in the thread or ask them to
put a specific amount in the
 Give them two threading beads
and ask them to compare between
them, which one has more, and
which one has less beads in
general or ask them specifically
which one has more green beads
for example.

Abacus  Counting / calculating  Ask them to put a specific amount

 Comparing sizes on a side and the rest on the other
side for example, put three on the
right side and seven on the left
 Calculating numbers, adding and
subtracting, for example, ask the
student to put five on the left side

and the rest on the right side then

ask them to add three to the left
side so they’ll have to move them
to the left side and count how
many is there to find the total
answer which is eight.

Foam shapes of  Counting  Ask them to name each shape

various sizes, shapes,  Comparing sizes and name their color.
colours  Ordering / sequencing / creating  Classify the shapes depending on
patterns the shape once and another time
 Tessellation / fitting shapes depending on their color.
together  Count how many corners, sides, in
 Naming shapes: circle, triangle, each shape.
square, rectangle, hexagon  Compare between the sizes, for
 Naming colors: red, blue, orange, example, the rectangle is taller
yellow, green, purple than the square.
 Give them a drawing picture of a
house and ask them to use the
right shapes in the fitted places,
for example, rectangle shape for
the door and triangle for the roof.

Addition Bug  Counting / calculating / adding and  They have the shape of the
subtracting ladybug in front of them and a
 Ordering number on each side, the student
 Sorting / matching according to the will have to put the needed
total number amount of the dots in each wing.
 Comparing who has more and who  Give the students a ladybug with
has less the dots on and put the addition or
the subtraction sign between the
wings, then ask them to solve it
and put the total number down.
 After answering all the ladybugs
ask the students to compare
between them and say which one
has more and which one has less.
 Classify the ladybugs with the
same total together.
 Order the bugs from ‘small to big’
or from ‘big to small’ according to
the total number of each ladybug.


 Counting / calculating  Bring a xylophone to the class; let

 Comparing sizes ‘bigger-smaller’ the students count them, and
 Measuring / estimating / comparing mention their colors, then start
length; height asking them to compare between
the colors, for example, which one
is bigger, the yellow or the blue?

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