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-Philosophical Statement-

I believe classroom management is a huge part of the classroom environment. Although

instruction and lesson planning is a big part of the classroom, I think many people forget about
classroom management. Honestly, it is one of the things I am most concerned about in the
classroom. Having a well behaved classroom seems like an impossible task but I really want to
apply engaging and motivating activities for my students that will reinforce a well-managed

I really believe that students who are fully engaged in the learning will want to learn
and will therefore behave well in the classroom. If a student is bored and does not find the
material interesting or relevant than the student is more likely to lose interest and this will lead
to bad behavior. This is something that I have seen firsthand in the classroom and something
that I have seen a lot of research back up. I want my students to have to possess that intrinsic
motivation. I want to try to keep away from traditional methods and let students explore the
classroom in a constructivist way by learning through experiences.

Another factor I really find important in the classroom is the idea of creating a
welcoming classroom. I want students to really feel like they belong. By allowing them to do
have jobs in the classroom they will have a sense of responsibility and ownership. I want them
to also feel as if the classroom is a community, therefore I will really emphasize working in
cooperative learning communities instead of competitive.

My philosophy is based on Piaget’s, Kohn’s, and Freiberg’s theories of learning in the

classroom. I feel like these theorists really emphasize a new kind of learning and management
that is a lot more student-centered, which is what I would like my classroom to look like.
-First Days-
The first days of school will be a time of setting rules in the class and welcoming
students to a classroom where they can be themselves. I will make sure to greet all of
my students individually and learn the names of my students immediately. The
inventory allows for me to get a better look at students’ interests for future reference.
The beginning of the year I want to strive to start a great teacher-student relationship
like the one stressed by Ginott, by knowing student’s interest I have a good idea of who
the students in my classroom are. I want to feel like a community both with parents and
students so I will make sure to do activities that will encourage team work and positive
relationship with parents. If all parts of a student’s life work hand, students will be able
to accomplish so much in their school year.

I really wanted some kind of interest inventory for students to fill out
at the beginning of the year. I felt like this one was a perfect one to use
because it allowed me to really learn a lot about each one of my
students. This inventory will help me develop lessons that are
relevant to students’ interests. This inventory also allows me start
building a relationship with my students.


On the first day of school I
would really like to take a picture of each student holding
up a sign like the ones shown above. The students will be
able to see their growth from the first day of class to the
last one. I would want to print out the pictures and have
students write how they feel that day or something they
want to accomplish that year. Students will be able to see
the big comparison and I think parents would really enjoy
having these pictures of their kids.


Instead of a typical ice breaker, I want students to get to know each
other in a more natural setting. The game stack cup allows students to
work together in order to accomplish a mutual goal. Each student hold
a string that is tied to a rubber band that can be used to stack the plastic
cups. The objective is to stack the cups in a pyramid like fashion as fast
as possible. The activity includes all the students to cooperate together
and it allows for students to get to know each other. I hope students
will have fun playing the game together.
In my classroom I would really like everything to be organized in a specific
manner. Being prepared for every possible situation in the classroom is ideal as stated
by Wong. I created a layout that I will use to make sure all the students have the
appropriate amount of space as well as the areas necessary for their learning to take
place. I also want the classroom environment to have choices for students. Glasser really
makes it a point to give students choices to have more authority in their learning. By
giving them the option of seating arrangement students will be given more choice in the
classroom environment.

This is a layout I created that shows exactly
how I would like to set up my classroom. The
classroom arrangement provides space for
students to walk around. Students will be able
to exit the classroom in a safe and effective
manner. It is very important for me to provide
differentiated learning in the classroom. I
believe with the use of small group setting will
allow me to provide the best education for each
one of my students.

I have been inspired by the new trend and
forward thinking of flexible seating in the classroom. I
have seen several schools apply this new method of
seating and have seen the great response from the
students. I really want a student centered classroom
and I feel like flexible seating only helps in creating
this environment. I want my students to feel at home
and by providing different seating options in the
classroom, I think we are all winning. Students will be
able to have a choice in where they would want to sit
and feel comfortable in.
My classroom procedures are based on the idea that students should be able to
have a say on the classroom rules and create a social contract amongst themselves and
the teacher. Curwin and Mendler say that social contracts are a great way to allow the
teacher to have control of the class as well as allow students to voice their own opinion.
It is a balance of both. Specifically, allowing students to have jobs in the classroom
involves them in the classroom community. Freiberg’s idea of creating a student
centered classroom where they will be able to be active members can transcend to even
applying the classroom policies. In my classroom I want students to be part of all of the
aspects of the classroom. I am also applying Gathercoal’s focus on the judicious
principle by having my social contract be written in a Bill of Rights formatting again
emphasizing a democratic classroom.

To establish procedures in the classroom, I liked
the idea of spreading out the discussion of procedures throughout several days so as to not
overwhelm the students. The idea is to number classroom procedures and give one to each
student on the first day of class. I will class the numbers in order throughout the days and the
student will then ask the question and the whole class will have a discussion. I will share the
information pertaining to the question and allow students to discuss and share their own

Technology is a great resource to use in the
classroom. I will be able to communicate the school policies
through the use of a newsletter I created. The parents will be
able to access it easily through the internet. Not only can
parents access this information but students and even other
administrators would be able to access this information.
I really want my students to feel like part of
the classroom and really feel like they are a
contributing community. I want to create jobs for
students to distribute word or be supply
managers, etc. The students will have to go
through a regular job process by filling out an
application and doing an interview with me.
Students will be helping me with the daily school
procedures as well as feeling like they are part of
the classroom being held to certain


A Democratic classroom is the kind of classroom that I
want, I want students to be able to express their ideas and have an
understanding of why rules are in place. With the use of a social
contract like the one above, students will be able to have a
discussion and apply policies they see fit. Students will be able to
sign the chart paper and it can be posted up in the classroom as a
constant reminder.

I would have a similar list of classroom procedures in my class as the one listed above.
This list was taken from online, but I really liked how thorough this teacher was about each
situation that needed a procedure. There is an emphasis on being prepared for every single
thing in the classroom.

I used several different theories to come up with ideas to implement in my discipline

system because there are so many viewpoints. I planned out my system to be a
combination of several theories so that I could demonstrate a balance between more
students centered approaches and traditional ones. I emphasized students making own
choices and being responsible for solving conflict amongst themselves just like Johnson
and Johnson spoke about in their “Second C”. The students will become more effective
conflict solvers. I will be using some of Skinner positive and negative reinforcement. By
using positive rewards in order to get students to have those desired behaviors but I
will also make sure that students are given the correct measure of negative
reinforcement. Although, Skinner’s methods present flaws including the possibility of a
focus on extrinsic rewards, I will use other methods to motivate students to increase
their intrinsic motivation. Much like Nelson’s think-time I wanted students to also
reflect on their behavior so I chose to implement a written reflection handout that
would hopefully prompt students to really think about their options.

“Blurt Beans” serves as a great way to reward the whole class for good
behavior. The students are given beans each day, if they misbehave in some
way they are penalized by having a bean taken away. At the end of the day,
I will collect the beans that were not taken away and place them in the jar!
Once it is filled up to a certain spot, the class is rewarded! This is a great
way to keep students on tasks and also promotes interdependence within
the students.

The resolving conflict anchor chart will be posted up in the
classroom at all times as a guide for students to follow
when they are faced with a conflict. I want to really strive
for students to be independent and make smart decisions
on their own. As a teacher there isn’t time to resolve all of
the student misbehaviors. Sometimes misbehaviors can be
resolved on their own.
The think sheet will be a good method to communicate
with parents when a student shows misbehavior. I would
have the student fill the sheet out and have the parent sign
that day. I would only use these handouts for students
who have repeatedly done a behavior. I would use this
sheet when they have their fourth warning.

This is the system that I will use in order to address misbehavior. The misbehaviors
consequences will increase. Students in third grade and fourth should be given more credit than
they are given. I will treat my students with respect and expect respect from them. I will make
sure to follow through with this system if necessary to address misbehaviors.
Motivation is key to a successful classroom. Dreikur’s believes that students
should encourage students so that they have higher self-esteem. I think that if students
have a higher self-esteem and more confidence they will be more motivated in the end.
Students are sometimes discouraged by negative feedback and the feeling of
hopelessness. I would like for students to build a sense of community to encourage each
other and help each other reach their goal. Albert’s three C’s let us know that the
teacher is capable of really making a difference in student’s lives with positive methods
of connectedness. In all if students feel a sense of being cared for and seen in a positive
light, they will be motivated to meet expectations and maybe even go beyond.

These notes of encouragement can be posted
around the classroom but could also serve as little
reminders for students. I would personally print
them out and hand them out personally to students.
Detailed praise is one of the best ways to get students
motivated about their work. By giving them a
positive reminder of something that they are doing
right, they are encouraged to keep doing their work
in the class. The growth mindset is targeted with
these cards.


The goal setting board is a fun way to motivate
students to certain goals. Students can each post up a goal
under their name for the class to see. All students will
gain from this activity because each one will be writing
their own personal goal. The students will get a chance to
improve their goal writing skills throughout the year.
This will attribute to their growth mindset.

My aim is to encourage a student-centered classroom where students feel like they are
related to the classroom, the community and feel engaged in the material. A sense of
wanting to learn like Kohn states in his theory of student needs. Students should want
to learn! Therefore I want to make learning fun for students. I want to use technological
means to make learning fun for my students. By using technology and different means
beyond the traditional methods, I think students will understand that the classroom is
catered to them and their learning.

GONOODLE is a fun website that has
interactive activities for students. They are
usually really brief activities that get kids to
move around. I would use it when
practicing content, students can get up and
move. Kids sometimes get antsy from sitting
down for such long periods of time,
GONOODLE allows the kids to let loose and
get back to being engaged.

Kahoot! is an online technology
website that allows teachers to create
assessments for students. The Kahoot!
Website allows students to type in a code
on their IPad or phone and join on an
online quiz. There are several resources
on the website already made for a lot of
content area. This is a great way to make
assessment a lot more fun and
engagement. Students have a lot of fun
with this method and the teacher gains
insightful information.

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