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• Describe the fundamental components of an information system.

• Describe server-based, client-based and client-server architectures.

• Describe newer architectural options, such as cloud computing.

• Explain how operational, performance, security, cultural and political requirements affect the
architecture design.

• Create an architectural design.

• Create a hardware and software specification.


• The major architectural components are the software and hardware.
• The major software components of the system being developed have to be identified
and then allocated to the various hardware components on which the system will


• DATA STORAGE Most information systems require data to be stored and retrieved,
whether a small file, such as a list of lawn chemicals that are no longer authorized for
residential applications, or a large database that stores an organization’s human
resources records.
• DATA ACCESS LOGIC the processing required to access data, often meaning database
queries in Structured Query Language (SQL).
• APPLICATION LOGIC The logic documented in the DFDs, use cases, and functional
• PRESENTATION LOGIC The display of information to the user and the acceptance of the
user’s commands (the user interface).
• Client computers are the input–output devices employed by the user and are usually desktop or
laptop computers, but can also be handheld devices, smartphones, special-purpose terminals,
and so on.

• Servers typically are larger multi-user computers used to store software and data that can be
accessed by anyone who has permission.

• The network that connects the computers can vary in speed from slow cell phones or modem
connections that must be dialed, to medium-speed always-on frame relay networks, to fast
always-on broadband connections such as cable modem, DSL, or T1 circuits, to high-speed
always-on Ethernet, T3, or ATM circuits.2

Server-Based Architectures The very first computing architectures were server based, with the server
(usually, a central mainframe computer) performing all four application functions. The clients (usually,
terminals) enabled users to send and receive messages to and
from the server computer.

Client-based architectures, the clients are microcomputers on a local area network, and the server is a
server computer on the same network. The application software on the client computers is responsible
for the presentation logic, the application logic, and the data access logic; the server simply provides
storage for the data.
Client-Server Architecture, Most organizations today are utilizing or moving to client–server
architectures, which attempt to balance the processing between client devices and one or more server

 Client-server tier there are many ways in which the application logic can be partitioned between
the client and the server.

A two-tiered architecture uses only two sets of computers—clients and servers.

A three-tiered

architecture uses three sets of computers.

An n-tiered architecture distributes the work of the application (the middle tier) among multiple
layers of more specialized server computers. Servers to share the load. Conversely, if we
discover that the database server is underused, we could store data from another application on
This term, in the computing domain, refers to the creation of a virtual device or resource, such as a
server or storage device. You may be familiar with this concept if you have partitioned your computer’s
hard drive into more system, you treat each partitioned, “virtual” drive as if it is a distinct physical hard
drive. Today, this term has become a common buzz word, as we hear about server virtualization, storage
virtualization, network virtualization, and other variations of virtualization.

It is no longer necessary for organizations to own manage, and administer their own computing
infrastructure. We are in the midst of the rise of rise of cloud computing, wherein everything, from
computing power to computing infrastructure, applications business processes to personal collaboration
can be delivered as a service wherever needed.




Operational Requirements specify the operating environment(s) in which the system must perform and
how those may change over time.

 Types of Requirement:

Technical Environment Requirements - Special hardware, software and network requirements

imposed by business requirements.
System Integration Requirements - The extent to which the system will operate with other systems.

Portability Requirements – The extent to which the system will need to operate in other

Maintainability Requirements – Expected business changes to which the system be able to adapt.
Performance Requirements focus on performance issues such as response time, capacity, and

 Types of Requirement:

Speed Requirements – The time within which the system must perform the functions.

Capacity Requirements – The total and peak number of users and the volume of data expected.

Availability and Reliability Requirements – the extent to which the system will be available to the
users and the permissible failure rate due to errors.

Security the ability to protect the information system from disruption and data loss, whether caused by
an intentional act (e.g., a hacker or a terrorist attack) or a random event (e.g., disk failure, tornado).

 Types of Requirements

System Value Estimates – Estimated business value of the system and its data.

Access Control Requirements – Limitations on who can access what data.

Encryption and Authentication Requirements – Defines what data will be encrypted and whether
authentication will be needed for user access.

Cultural and political requirements are specific to the countries in which the system will be used. In
today’s global business environment, organizations are expanding their systems to reach users around
the world. Although this can make great business sense, its impact on application development should
not be underestimated. Yet another important part of the design of the system’s architecture is
understanding the global cultural and political requirements for the system.

 Types of Requirements

Multilingual Requirements – The language in which the system will need to operate.

Customization Requirements – Specification of what aspects of the system can be changed by local

Making Unstated Norms Explicit – Explicitly stating assumptions that differ from country to country.

Legal Requirements – The laws and regulations that impose requirements on the system.
• Operational Requirements System integration requirements may lead to one architecture over
another, depending upon the architecture and design of the system(s) with which the system
needs to integrate.

• Performance Requirements information systems that have high performance requirements are
best suited to client–server architectures.

• Security Requirements server-based architectures tend to be more secure because all software
is in one location and because mainframe operating systems are more secure than
microcomputer operating systems.

• Cultural and Political Requirements As the cultural and political requirements become more
important, the ability to separate the presentation logic from the application logic and the data
becomes important.


The hardware and software specification is a document that describes what hardware and software are
needed to support the application. There are several steps involved in creating the document.

Sample of hardware and software specification:

Information Technology Concepts and System Analysis and Design

Chapter 8:


Lim, Lyra Jezzlynne S.

Jaime, Jennica Rose N.
BSAct- 3D

Ms. Regene May G. Trinidad


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