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3.1. System Analysis

In the analysis of the system performed an explanation from an application

that is built into the component parts for the purpose of identifying and evaluating,

so found weaknesses and needs so as to proposed fixes. Analysis of the system

include problem identification, specification of problems, application

specification, the user (user) and the operating environment.

3.1.1 Problem Analysis

Judging from what happened in Medan State Polytechnic, where teaching

and learning activities conducted by lecturers and students face-to-face. Teaching

and learning activities like it felt quite yet because of limited time and place, so

needed a system to help the learning process. And one solution is a system of

web-based distance learning system, where it can be accessed anytime and

anywhere as long as the user (user) to connect to the internet. Regardless of the

media sense of interactive learning is an instructional delivery system that

presents the video recording material with computer control to the user (user) who

not only hear and see the video and sound, but also give an active response.

So the problems can be formulated as follows:

a. how to handle the existence of limitations of space, distance, and time

since learning just glued in the teaching and learning activities on campus,

so that it can make students less understanding of the materials of college


b. How to provide a solution deployment installation data on the process of

teaching and learning. with background upload objects such as text,

images, animation, audio, video, and interactive links.

Based on the limitations issue that has been raised, the description of the

system software will be designed as a writer is to use the facilities of the website

which provides information online. In a sense can be visited by the public.

The working outline of this software system is to use the database. The

software accepts inputs from 3 entities namely admin, lecturers, and students


There are several requirements made this application include:

a. The system must be able to process and display data admin and user


b. The system must be able to process and display the college lesson data


c. System mongolah system should be able to upload and download data

college lesson data material.

d. The system should be able to arrange a special schedule for lecturer

and roster for college students.

e. System should be able to process and display the message.

f. The system must be able to process and display a message.

3.1.2 Data Analysis

Data analysis is the phase in which conducted an analysis of the data

which is processed in the system or procedures in progress. And will also be done

analysis of the required data so that the system can be implemented into the

application process. As for the data required are:

a. Data Admin

The admin data contains data for scheduling per semester as well as the

settings for the amount of memory data in the web.

b. User Data

User data (user) contains the data into the user's identity, such as

username, password, and name.

c. Material Data.

The data material containing the material to be processed in an application

that is built.

d. Data Gallery

The data give photos and pictures during the process of application usage.

3.1.3. Analysis System Needs

This section contains all the software requirements described in detail for

the purposes of designing software. These include software requirements

specification of the user (user) as well as the needs of the external interface.

3.1.4. Users Specification

User specifications detailing anyone the user of the software and any of its

rights against the software. E-Learning applications that are built with two types

of users, including:

a. Admin

On the E-Learning application, admin can perform data manipulation.

Admin can perform the process of sports faculty and student data, material data

though matakuliah Polytechnic, though the picture galleries, sports video and data

change password user from the database.

b. User

On the application of distance learning, lecturers can upload material and

students can download them directly without the compressed version. In addition,

Lectures and Students can see learning by viewing schedule roster online. They

also can download videos related to college lessons in polytechnics.

3.2. Analysis External Interface Neeeds

Connections between the system with the user in a software or often called

interface, can be either a user interface, hardware interface, and software interface.

3.2.1 User Interface

User interface is the logical characteristics of each interface between a

software application and its use, as well as all aspects of optimization of the

interface with the people who will use the system. This user interface

requirements are as follows:

a. Display optimization to support distance learning application interface,

needed a web browser that supports the programming language PHP 7,

for example Mozilla Firefox version 2.0.

b. Visualization language used in the display of the application is the

language of Indonesia and the United Kingdom use the language a bit

familiar to the user.

3.2.2 Hardware Interface

a. Input/Output Device

1) Keyboard

Can use a standard keyboard which copatible with used

Operating system.

2) Mouse

Can use a standard mouse which copatible with used Operating


3) Monitor

Can use a standard colourful monitor which support 256 or higer

and resolution 800 x 600 minimum.

b. Unit System

1) Processor

Processor can used is pentium 4 minimum.

2) Memory

Memory can use is 512MB minimum.

3) Harddisk

Give free space for 2GB

3.2.3 Software Interface

a. Operating system using Windows 7 64 bit version.T

b. The Software used is adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5 and Xampp version


c. Database using MySQL provided in Xampp

3.3 Database Design

A database is a collection of interrelated data to one another, stored

outside the computer and specific software used for manipulation. The database is

one of the important components in the system information, because it serves as a

base for the information provider of the wearer. Because the database is a

collection of multiple files, in this case the files are grouped in structured in

several tables in accordance with the information contained in it. The following

table draft used in building web applications:

Tabel 3.1 Database Admin Table

Field Name Type Width Description

id_admin Int 11 Code to Admin

uname Varchar 35 User Name

passwd Varchar 35 Password

nama Varchar 35 Full Name

Tabel 3.2 Database Homepage Table

Field Name Type Width Description

Id_beranda Int 11 Title Code
judul Varchar 255 Title
isi Text Contex

Tabel 3.3 Database Message Table

Field Name Type Width Description

Id Int 10 Message Code
Nick Varchar 50 Writer
Pesan Varchar 250 Message
Waktu Time Sending Time

Tabel 3.4 Database Data Table

Field Name Type Width Description

Id Int 11 Data Code
tgl_upload Date Date to Upload
file_name Varchar 100 File Name
file_size Int 20 File Size
file_type Varchar 10 File Type
ket_file Varchar 20 Description
id_mapel Int 11 Lesson Code

Tabel 3.5 Database Lectures Table

Field Name Type Width Description

id_guru Int 11 Lectures Code
Uname Varchar 35 User Name
Passwd Varchar 35 Password
Nama Varchar 35 Full Name
Nip Varchar 20 Nomor Induk
tgl_daftar Date Register Date
Jk Enum (L / P ) Gender
Email Varchar 50 E-mail

Tabel 3.6 Database Class Table

Field Name Type Width Description

id_kelas Int 11 Class Code
nm_kelas Varchar 35 Class Name

Tabel 3.7 Database College Lessons Table

Field Name Type Width Description

id_mapel Int 11 Lesson Code
nm_mapel Varchar 35 Lesson Name
id_kelas Int 11 Class Code
id_guru Int 11 Lecture Code

Tabel 3.8 Database Agenda Table

Field Name Type Width Description

id int 11 Agenda Code
id_guru int 11 Lecture Code
jam_mulai varchar 10 Start Time
jam_akhir varchar 10 Finish Time
ruangan int 3 Roomd
id_mapel int 11 Lesson Code
id_kelas int 11 Class Code

Tabel 3.9 Database Students Table

Type Width Description
nim_mahasiswa Int 11 Nomor Induk Siswa
Password Varchar 35 Password
nama Varchar 35 Full Name
telphone Varchar 15 Telephone
email Varchar 35 E-mail
kd_keamanan Int 10 Security Code
id_kelas Int 11 Class Code

3.4 Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is often used to describe a system that will be

developed in the logic without considering the physical environment where data

flows or where that data is stored. DFD is a tool that is used on a system

development methodology structured and can describe the flow of data in a

structured system.

3.4.1 DFD Level 0

On this software there are three levels of users namely Admin, professors,

and students of the user (user). In the context of this application diagram distance

learning is a system to be built and doing data processing against the input data

from an outside entity involved. As for external entities involved in E-Learning

applications, among others:

a. Admin

To be able to run this application, outside of this entity must perform a

login which will be validated by the system. This entity tasked to manage user

data, scheduling sisyem lecture, video data, change user passwords, as well as

oversee the data required to perform the data processing system.

b. Lectures

To be able to run this application, outside entity should be able to login

and upload the data required of students in the process of distance learning.

Lecturers can also see schedule provided by the Admins.

c. Students

The purpose of external entities in this application, students can download

the file provided by the lecturer, see roster lecture, also share the message in the

space provided.

Picture 3.1 Data Flow Diagram level 0

3.4.2 DFD Level 1

The main proceedings contained in the software will be designed consists

of three processes, namely the process of authentication credentials of the user,

application Processing, E-Learning and E-Learning application usage. The

explanation regarding the global processes in the DFD Level 1 can be seen in the

following picture:

Picture 3.2 Data Flow Diagram Level 1

3.4.3 DFD Level 2

Some of the features of distance learning is to provide primary is the

process of login, upload and download, agenda, and messages. Dfd explanation

can be seen as follows:

Picture 3.3 DFD Level 2 User Login Process

Picture 3.4 DFD Level 2 Upload and Download process

Picture 3.5 DFD Level 2 Message Sharing Process

Picture 3.6 DFD Level 2 Agenda Using Process

3.5 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Logical structure of a database can be described into a graph by using the

relation diagram (ERD) entity. This entity relation diagram needed for designing

data base file e-learning applications. ERD is the relationship between entities that

are used to describe relationships between entities or the data structure and

relationships between files.

Picture 3.7 Entity Relationhsip Diagram (ERD)


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