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Title: Global Warming

Name: Muhammad Nadeem

Class: ESL 3
Teacher: Janosch
Date:28 November 2017
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​ Global warming has a long history in the world is rising all over the world. Global

warming happens because of the human behavior throughout history and now if it continues to

till the future may cause a major effect on humans. The global warming starts in 1800 and 1900

because of the growing economic and growing of new manufacturers, factories. In today's world

global warming is major problems for humans can stop way before global warming came a

bigger problem. There is a lot of causes and effects some of them could be solved some of them

could be solved.

​As we all know the global warming started in 1800 and 1900 when the economy began

to grow and human invented new things that can cause a lot of pollution in the atmosphere. ​“In

1850 researcher was able to track a very slight change in temperature in North America, Europe,

and Asia going back as far as 1850” ​(​"Gretel Kauffman"​)​.​ ​That shows us the global warming

started in 1800.In 1800 there was a time when human now what global warming can do us but

human behaviors are so foolish that they continue causing global warming.

Human is a major reason for global warming when the human build factories after they

start making products that make with the burning of harmful substance can cause pollution and

also cause major health problems. ​“greenhouse gases emissions were responsible for the Earth

heating up in the mid - 1800s,it could point either to a worse future climate than previously

predicted if greenhouse isn't controlled, or recovery if efforts to reduce emissions are

successful”. (​Gretel Kauffman​ )​That show us humans have the choice to stop global warming
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but didn't because of the global warming there are a lot of health problems.​” Climate has the

potential to damage health, through their full impact is only now becoming known”.

Carbon dioxide is also a big problem of global warming. There is limited space in the

atmosphere for the carbon dioxide. The cause of global warming is growing population of

humans and also the pollution that leaves carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is

also the reason because of the weather changes.​ ”Droughts in southeast Asia, Australia and parts,

and heavy rainfall and flooding in arid areas of South America have been observed during EL

Nino”​(​David Bramley)​. ​That shows the carbon dioxide has the major effect on climate change.

Greenhouse gases also a major reason for Earth warming up and this cause different king

of deceased and a lot of casualties”. And as the global climate warms up due to greenhouse gas

emissions, there are likely to rise in death and illness from both infectious and noninfectious

diseases”​(​David Bramley)​. That can lead us to face a lot of death and a lot of cars crashed or

major disease that can wash a lot of money to solve that problem.

Natural resources is key thing of human that human surviving with and global warming

also affecting that natural resource like water, food also that food giving sickness to human

because of global warming​.” ​global warming could lead to unprecedented effects on

human health resulting from complex ecological mechanisms that affect freshwater

supplies, food resources and the risk of infectious diseases”​(​David Bramley​)​. ​Water and

food are the things human cannot live water we need ever the time to cool over selfs

and food is the thing we eat and we able to do something like petrol in the car.

A lot of greenhouse gases are coming from a natural resource like petrol​”. A

large amount of the current greenhouse gas emissions originates from the burning of
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fossil fuels and causes considerable air pollution - both indoors and outdoors”​(​"David


In today's world, a lot of things used oil like a car, generator and facilities all of these

things caused pollution. The burning of fossil fuels can cause a lot of illness and a lot of

deaths​.”The burning of fossil fuels includes heart disease and respiratory illness.

Researchers calculate that up to 8 million deaths related to atmospheric particulate

matter could be saved in the first 20 years ”​(​David Bramley​).

Government wakes up later on when they realized that greenhouse is kept rise

up and it harming the environment and we have to do something about it. ​”The

194-party conference agreed to start negotiations on ……to control greenhouse gases.

It would take effect by 2020 at the latest…..billions of dollars a year to poor countries to

help them move toward low-carbon economic growth” (Amy Harder​). ​That money helps

them to plant more trees and help to make a plane to decreased population and trees

can help to decreased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

There is limited space in the atmosphere to Handle carbon dioxide and half of

them is already filled.​ ”The upper limit is 1 trillion tons. About half of that has been

emitted already since the 1950s, and if we continue as business as usual, we'll reach

that upper limit by 2040, according to The New York Times”​(​Amy Harder​)​. ​The upper

Layer help to big rock to stay out of hitting to earth and that rocks came from Big Bang.

If the upper layer get destroyed we have faced big problems that can lead us to destroy

whole planet Earth.

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Human says we have a lot of ideas to solve the problem of global warming, for

example, like stop burning of fossils and plants more trees to stop increasing carbon

dioxide.​ ”The report admitted that even if everyone stopped burning fossil fuels

tomorrow, much of the climate damage has already been done, illustrating the grand

difficulty of this global problem”​(​Amy Harder​)​.​ In twenty century we have a lot of

technology that helps us to solve the everyday problem but we have no technology are

any ideas that can solve global warming in twenty century.

There is a lot of effect of global warming on different thing like animals like snow

bears that live in on the snow on ice land and also on green land till starting of global

warming and now ice continues to malts and a lot of snow bear are losing there live in

twenty century there is less amount of bear and we no way to solve that problem.​ ”Ice

cores are drawn from Greenland, Antarctica, and tropical mountain glaciers show that

the Earth’s climate responds to changes in greenhouse gas levels. Ancient evidence

can also be found in tree rings, ocean sediments, coral reefs, and layers of sedimentary


Temperature is also a major problem human facing in today's world. That caused

a lot of death and a lot of money wasted to prevent these problems there are countries

that facing that problem like Algeria have externally low temperature that human is

facing and also in Botswana and Burkina​.”The planet's average surface temperature

has risen about 2.0 degrees Fahrenheit (1.1 degrees Celsius) since the late 19th

century, a change driven largely by increased carbon dioxide and other human-made

emissions into the atmosphere”.

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The ice is natural resource that helps weather to change like if it hot in the

country and weather change into cold that helps us to live easy life if it hot or cold if

there is no ice how we going to have cold weather that saves human from global

warming and a lot of ice is melting if it keeps melting the future is hot. ​”The Greenland

and Antarctic ice sheets have decreased in mass………Greenland lost 150 to 250 cubic

kilometers (36 to 60 cubic miles) of ice per year between 2002 and 2006”.

Natural beauty is the thing everyone watch and Habersham past six-seven years

there is ice melting on North of the world the North now for there freezing weather and

snow on top of the mountain because of global warming it is melting rowing the beauty

of the world.​ ”Satellite observations reveal that the amount of spring snow cover in the

Northern Hemisphere has decreased over the past five decades and that the snow is

melting earlier”.

There is Also a major problem rise seawater lot of countries have highest like

united state have high sea level because of that sea we have to face a lot of problem

like flooding the house and destroyed human life on the land that can lose trillion of

money all because of global warming.​”​Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the

acidity of surface ocean waters has increased by about 30 percent”.

The future of the Global warming is so bad because when the start global warming has a

lot of ways to solve that problem but they didn't solve it they invented more thing that causes

global warming after this human realized a little to solve global but it keep going now we have

ideas to solve them but that not to work any more because it too much global warming to control

science sad that by 2050 that is no cloud on the sky and there's less ice left in the world and
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also 2050 the sky completely filled with carbon dioxide and we will suffer and face a lot of

problems that time.

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Work Cited

Kauffman, Gretel. "When did global warming start? It could be earlier than we thought."

Christian Science Monitor, 25 Aug. 2016.

Bramley, David. "Weather, climate, and health." ​World Health​, vol. 51, no. 5, 1998, p. 29.

Harder, Amy. "Is Global Warming the Planet's Biggest Problem?" ​National Journal.com​, 30 Sept.


Sheftel, Holly. “Climate change evidence: How do we know?” NASA, NASA, 10 Aug. 2017,


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