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Person 1

Q3- Answer
The techniques used, they are very practical and efficient day by day, also, the open attitude of
the organizers
Q4- Answer
The biggest needs were how to approach the abused person and this training was welcomed
because it satisfied this need.
Q5- Answer
Working techniques for the persons that are adopting abused children, especially the way of
acceptance and gaining of trust from the children and how to offer that secure environment.

Person 2
Q3- Answer
Behavior is the first thing we want to change when we have in our care a traumatized child, but
that is the aspect that is repaired in time and the most important is to give attention to the reason
that stand behind the behavior.
Q4- Answer
How to approach behavior problems of children that lead a life style of being a vagabond and
beings on the streets.
Q5- Answer
How to identify what types of trauma do that the children have, and techniques, exercises
therapies that would work.

Person 3
Q3- Answer
I have always thought that I want to adopt a child when I will get married.
How God will want 
Q4- Answer
At this course exactly with what is necessary and good for us. We each have a trauma, but all of
us realizes or knows why or how they can heal it, or help someone else. This seminar is a
necessity for any person that has a child.
Q5- Answer
To have the topic of : How to help children that are addicted to smoking, alcohol or drugs.
Person 4
Q3- Answer
To try to hear /listen to the voice of the child even if it manifests thru behavior or thru silence
Q4- Answer
I believe that it was an encouragement of caring toward us. Information about the differences
between a normal child (raised in a family) and a traumatized child
Q5- Answer
Work with teenagers/specific of the age

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Person 6
Q3- Answer
To help the teenager to look with dignity on his past.
I intend to encourage teenagers from under my care to freely share about their past. To do so
with a good attitude.
Q4- Answer
About the influence of the trauma in the children’s life and how to approach children being
aware of that trauma.
The need to understand how these traumas act.
Q5- Answer
Principles of counseling of traumatized teenagers

Q3- Answer
This training needs to be organized in the entire Republic (of Moldova).
To help parents that have adopted children.
Q4- Answer
How could I get the video materials, and the PowerPoint?
Q5- Answer
Offering the first aid in situations of crisis.
Non-verbal signs (body language) of the abused children both physically and sexually.

Q3- Answer
Knowing of the life stories from the past of the child helps understand little by little the behavior
caused by the trauma.
Q4- Answer
----(did not answer)
Q5- Answer
Hope that you will repeat the same topics to be able stop more on the questions that we had- it
would definitely not be wrong. Thank you from the bottom of our heart!
Person 9
Q3- Answer
To love, ant to try harder to understand the traumatized child in any situations without blaming
or rejecting when it’s hard.
Q4- Answer
To get to know myself better, the child and the parent in full depth and to be able to accept.
To continue to learn how to heal the soul.
Q5- Answer
Even this material , I would listen to this again to process it better.

Q3- Answer
To treat children different keeping in mind of the past and the entourage, thru what he has been.
Q4- Answer
I had the need to understand the difference between socially vulnerable and children from a
normal’’ environment. And you answered that need.
Q5- Answer
Maybe to extend to more time because of the overcharged program, so much information.

Person 11
Q3- Answer
Any story and behavior has a reason or a “why” it is happening this way and we need to keep
that into consideration.
Q4- Answer
No answer
Q5- Answer
Approach of the problems of the teenagers not only children. The work with the young adults
and teenagers throughout these situations.

Person 12
Q3- Answer
To love more , to work on my character, to try to see the trauma of the children so that I can
Q4- Answer
----(did not answer)
Q5- Answer
----(did not answer)

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Person 14
Q3- Answer
Respect and admiration for the performances of the trainers.
I will encourage the citizens of Moldova to adopt children ito their families.
Q4- Answer
The need to know how to approach a child that has been abused or traumatized.
The need to know how to recover emotionally father the challenges with such children.
Q5- We fervently ask to start a joint project for training for the topic: “First psychological aid” in
situations of crisis.

Person 15
Q3- Answer
To pay more attention toward others, to realize that any behavior has something behind it. To
understand what is that something and to be able clarify the seriousness of a trauma.
Q4- Answer
To realize of myself some of the things that trouble me, to find answer and to be able to help
Q5- Answer
Work techniques with children that have suffered various trauma. (physical, sexual, emotional

Person 16
Q3- Answer
To not over-react when the child does something.
I always do that, over-react and I would like to correct myself.
Q4- Answer
I needed to be put in the position of having to speak to an audience. And here I had that
To practice more.
To have the groups sometimes mixed so we can practice more and with more quality

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