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TO: Professor Barreau

CC: Runata Hartley, VP of HR

Sonia Stevenson
SUBJECT: In-house Presentation – Two-day Session

We are pleased to let you know that all is confirmed for Thursday and Friday, April 12
and 13, 2018 for the up coming in-house presentation.
As discussed the budget is approved for $4,000.00 for the two-day sessions and
$500.00 for expenses. Please keep all receipts because at the end of the sessions an
expense report needs to be completed within the week.
Please meet me in conference room #4 so I can show you where the session will take
place. I also have on hand the materials you need. I have an overhead projector, a
laptop, a video camera and monitor.
If you have any questions or need anything else for your sessions, please feel free to
contact me.
Looking forward to meeting you and to attend the sessions.
Best Regards,

Sonia Stevenson

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