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Name: Portfolio Assignment Overall Level:

Success Criteria
Fail B+ A A+

Knowledge/Understanding Demonstrates very Demonstrates some Demonstrates considerable Demonstrates excellent

limited knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and understanding knowledge and thorough
Providing examples demonstrating understanding of key understanding of key of key concepts. Has limited understanding of key
knowledge of key concepts, facts, concepts. Has limited concepts. Has limited ideas, issues, relationships concepts. Has limited ideas,
terms and definitions, that were ideas, issues, ideas, issues, and questions issues, relationships and
informed by best available research relationships and relationships and questions
and practice. Has ideas, issues, questions questions
relationships and questions
Thinking/Inquiry Very Limited Moderate thinking/inquiry A considerable amount of Excellent thinking/inquiry
thinking/inquiry thinking/inquiry
Shows that learning is inquiry based and
focused on professional development of
oneself. Engaging in insightful
examination of course content and
provided new ideas and information
to consider. Embracing new ideas and
connected theory to practice

Communication Very Limited unity, Some unity engagement in Considerable amount of unity Excellent unity and
engagement in professional learning and engagement in professional engagement in professional
Presentation: professional looking, neat, professional learning and clarity of work learning of work learning clarity of work
organized, clarity of work. clarity of work
Communicating in an engaged
manner to further professional
learning and foster a collaborative
and inclusive community of learners

Creation/Application Very Limited Moderate Considerable A high degree of

Creation/Application Creation/Application Creation/Application displayed Creation/Application displayed
Practical and theoretical evidence of displayed displayed
changing ideas, questions, growth
and new understanding related to
course content. connections
beyond the course by drawing on
personal experiences and
professional readings Overall

A student whose achievement is below B+ has not met the expectations for this assignment or activity

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