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Running head: Annotated Bibliographies:

“Wellness” 1

Annotated Bibliographies: “Wellness”

Emalee Schneider

Arizona State University

Annotated Bibliographies: “Wellness” 2

Topic Proposal

The word that I choose to research for this project is the term "wellness". Usually this

word is misinterpreted and confused with the terms well-being and health. When people think of

the word “wellness”, they sometimes think of the word well-being and/or health. Wellness is the

one of the most important concepts a person should accomplish and when wellness is

accomplished, the person will be healthy and in a state of well-being. There are six dimensions

of wellness that include occupational, physical, social, intellectual, spiritual, and emotional

categories. These are different stages to achieve in order to have wellness. This word is

important to me because my major is Exercise and Wellness and it is a key concept for a

successful life.
Annotated Bibliographies: “Wellness” 3


Source 1

Citation (APA style):

Ellis, Susie (2017). Wellness, Well-Being... And What About Spa? The Huffington

Post. Retrieved from https://www.huffingtonpost.com/susie-ellis/wellness-wellbeingand-



This article/blog’s purpose was to inform the audience of how wellness and the spa can

go hand in hand. Ellis starts off her blog with defining the words wellness, well-being, and spa to

give the terms distinctive meaning. She continues on explaining on how over time new terms

came in the world and how people started thinking that these words were all synonyms.

Continuing farther into the blog, Ellis evaluates how the spa can increase wellness in a person’s

life; it keeps them physically healthy in appearance. Lastly, there is an emphasis on how

happiness is not the same as wellness to connect to the fact that well-being is not the same as

wellness. Being happy contributes to someone’s wellness- emotional wellness.


I believe that this article is going to help contribute to my research on the term “wellness”

because the author uses different terms that people often think are the same as wellness. I have

decided to use these different terms to explain how people define them wrong and then relate

them back to the six dimensions of health- which promote wellness. I also find it interesting to

use the word spa in the mix with the word wellness. There is history of the word development
Annotated Bibliographies: “Wellness” 4

which I find to be helpful to include in my further research because it can explain why and how

people can mix up these varies terms.


The main thing that I learned from this article is how the word spa can help someone’s

wellness. In this article, it stated ““...the word ‘spa’ makes me smile.””, so it gives a person

positive outlook on life and gives them motivation to keep up with their appearance; which

makes them happy and emotionally well. I also became more aware of the difference between

medical and wellness. Medical is a cure, while wellness is prevention; which helps with the idea

that wellness is an independent accomplishment and not based on someone else. Lastly, when I

think of wellness, I will think of prevention and health. When I think of well-being, I will think

of happiness. Well-being is a part of wellness, not the same as it.

Source 2

Citation (APA style):

Hettler, Bill (2017). About Wellness. National Wellness. Retrieved from



The purpose of this article was to inform the audience of what the term wellness means.

This article gave different ideas of how wellness could be used in life and how wellness is

independently reached. Hettler define wellness as “an active process through which people
Annotated Bibliographies: “Wellness” 5

become aware of, and make choices toward, a more successful existence”. (Hettler). Also in the

article, there are a variety of different ways wellness can affect the different aspects of life and

how wellness can be practiced. The major claim that is passed down to audience and what they

should understand by the end of the article is that wellness contributes to a healthy lifestyle. At

the end, there are a number of questions that the audience can ask themselves to help assess their

level of wellness.


I believe that this article can be a great asset to my research of the term “wellness”

because Hettler straightforwardly define the term. Throughout the article there were different

ideas of how wellness could be applied in a lifestyle; which would help differentiate the meaning

of wellness and the terms that people can misinterpret with it. This article also comes from

National Wellness Institution where their focus is mainly on wellness and how wellness can be

executed, which would help convince my audience that the definition of wellness is accurate. I

decided that I am going to use Hettlers’ ideas on how wellness can be achieved to inform my

audience on how they can become well, as well as prove to them that health and wellness can

work together but they are not the same. Overall, I believe that this article does a good job of

explaining just the term “wellness” in a simple approach.


In this article, I learned what the term “wellness” means in simplest. Also, I learned how

wellness can be used to enhance a healthy lifestyle. Wellness benefits all aspects of life; it gives

people a more positive outlook on life and affects their physical appearance beyond doubt. I

gained knowledge of the six dimensions of wellness and how each one can be applied in
Annotated Bibliographies: “Wellness” 6

someone’s life. This article was meant to help someone explain wellness to other people; which

is exactly what I need as I convince my audience of what wellness actually means. Finally, there

were questions listed at the bottom to help assess how someone has great wellness. If they are

reaching their full potential, if their qualities are positive and helpful, and if they recognize the

multi-dimensions of wellness.

Source 3

Citation (APA style):

The Well Choice (2014). Are Health and Wellness Really Related? YouTube. Retrieved





The purpose of this video was to inform the audience of the difference of health and

wellness. In the beginning of the video, the speaker defines the two terms and mentions how they

are not synonyms of each other. The speaker also expands the idea that people need wellness to

optimize their health. Lastly, the speaker talks about the reformation of cells and how they die

and form all the time. He mentions that a person is never too late to start making good wellness

choices to keep up with their health; just like the reformation of cells. The speakers of this video

evaluated how it is up to an individual to choose to be healthy and in order to be healthy, the

person has to have a positive mindset to make their health great.

Annotated Bibliographies: “Wellness” 7


I believe that is video is a good source for my research because it focuses on the

difference between health and wellness. I can use these definitions to describe the differences

and also show how these words correlate with each other. I also find it interesting to use the cell

analogy because it shows how wellness is a prevention for bad health and how someone can

restart to make good health- just like how cells die can reform. The main idea I want to focus on

from this video is that wellness is a prevention that only an individual can provide.


Overall, this video is a review of what the difference between health and wellness is. I

learned a different way to define health and wellness from watching this video. Health is a state

someone is in- like well-being; wellness is a how/why someone thinks.

Source 4

Citation (APA style):

University of California (n.d). Spiritual Wellness. Wellness. Retrieved from



The purpose of this article is to inform the audience about the importance of engaging in

spiritual wellness, as well as evaluate the steps a person should take to reach this spiritual

wellness. This article focuses on the aspect of spiritual wellness and how it positively affects a
Annotated Bibliographies: “Wellness” 8

persons’ life. Spiritual wellness allows an individual to choose what he/she believes in to make

them feel like they are living a fulfilled life. The article gives some helpful tips on how to be

engaged spiritually without completely believing in a religion. There are also some scenarios

listed in that article that put emphasis on how a person should practice. Overall, the article is a

guideline of reaching spiritual health-one of the dimensions of health.


I find this article to be useful for my research because it focuses on one aspect of the

dimensions of health. I find it to be important to include information about one of the dimensions

of wellness because it shows that the definition of health and well-being has nothing to do with

the term wellness. Although this is the case, this article also shows how this relates to a healthy

lifestyle. I can use some of scenarios to explain to my audience that this makes a person happy,

and the happiness they feel contributes their well-being, and then once they are in that state, they

have an achievement of wellness. There are also questions at the end of the article that I can use

in research to help the audience evaluate their own life.


Before reading this article, I had a minimalistic idea of what it meant. Now I realize that

when it mentions spiritual, it does not always mean religion. If you are a person engaged in the

process of spiritual wellness, you are willing and able to transcend yourself in order to question

the meaning and purpose in your life and the lives of others. Also, you seek to find harmony

between that which lies within and the social and physical forces that come from outside.

Overall, I just got a better understanding of what spiritual wellness means and how it is again

based off an individual’s work.

Annotated Bibliographies: “Wellness” 9


Ellis, Susie (2017). Wellness, Well-Being... And What About Spa? The Huffington
Post. Retrieved from https://www.huffingtonpost.com/susie-ellis/wellness-wellbeingand-

Hettler, Bill (2017). About Wellness. National Wellness. Retrieved from


The Well Choice (2014). Are Health and Wellness Really Related? YouTube. Retrieved

University of California (n.d). Spiritual Wellness. Wellness. Retrieved from


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