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Writing Journals

According to Kendall, Frances E white privilege is something that is important to understand
and try to change. In chapter 2 of Understanding white privilege Frances break down white
privilege into parts to help see the bigger picture. She defines prejudice, racism and
discrimination and how it all connects to this privilege that whites have. She talks about how
many people do not see this privilege and only see it as something normal. The author takes it a
step further and points out the fact that she can not name countries in places like Africa and Asia
but can for Europe which is primarily a white continent. Overall in this chapter Frances uses
many examples and gives deep explanations on white privilege.

According to Angela Davis racism is a big part of the prison system and it does not work. She
starts off talking about the death penalty and how many other countries have gotten rid of it and
understand that it is not beneficial. Davis also talks about the shocking amount of people we
have in jail; there a 9 million people in prison around the world and 2 million of them are in
United States prisons. She states that during the Reagan presidency there was a “tough on crime”
stance. This crack down one crimes in theory was supposed to help improve crime rates but did
not. During chapter 2 Davis talk about the connects between slavery and penitentiary prison. She
gives many great examples that help prove her point. These two chapters really did help broaden
my perspective and gave me an idea a for my paper.

Language Subordination
The author starts off stating that language is a part of us. Language holds different cultures and
customs within itself. The author explains how the increase crackdown on anti-discrimination
laws helped people find new ways to discriminate and turn people away. This can be seen during
job interviews, in the workplace and in schools. People are judged by the language they speak
and the dialect they carry. The author also states that we are shaped by whether we are
recognized or not. This can affect how people see themselves and their language. They are
forced to believe that they will not be successful without speaking a certain way.
Civil (Dis)obedience
The author states the meaning of language subordination. The author talks about how people for
different countries and ethnicity are looked down upon because of their language. People that do
not speak the standard English often are turned away from jobs and over looked. People do not
give them the chance to speak their mind with judgment. The other talks about how people that
are born speaking this language and dialect do not have to go through these challenges because
they are accepted. However, shown on a graph in this chapter, the united states is becoming more
diverted and less majority white American. Hopefully this will later lead the country into a more
languages acceptance country.

Omar G. Encarnación states that people from the LGBT community have long been
discriminated against. The author talks about the struggles people from the LGBT community
must go on a daily base. Encarnacion talks about how United States vs. Windsor was big step for
LGBT people in the United States. It helped in the DOMA which stands for the Defense of
Marriage Act which greatly hinders these people’s rights. He does not only talk about the
problems these people face in the United States but also all around the world. Places like
Uganda, Russia and Africa have very strict and deadly rules against anyone in the LGBT
community or knows anyone that identifies as one. His work may have been very one sided but
pointed out many good points and facts.

According to Ira Berlin the placing of Confederate Monuments can be difficult. Many people
from the south see these monuments and the Confederate flag has a symbol of their heritage. The
author focuses on a Florida case study for this piece of writing. Florida has a long history have
oppression against African Americans. They made laws to keep blacks from having rights and if
that did not work they would practice lynching. However, people that support the Confederate
flag do not view their history like that. They have a view called the “Lost Cause” view.
However, when places like a natural park and historical places put up symbols from the past,
they are supposed to represent an accurate fact from the past. Most Confederate symbols fail to
do this.

The websites “Genres in academic writing: Research report discussions” and “How To Critique
A Journal Article” gives the reader information about writing report discussions and critiquing
journals. The first website explains what a report discussion is and how to write it. It then goes
onto give you practice exercises and the answers at the bottom of the page. The second website
focuses on the critique of a journal. It starts off listing the basic things every writer needs to
know when they are starting off his/her critique. It then goes on giving you varies questions to
consider and answer when writing your journal critique. Both websites help you learn important
skills every writer needs to know.

In the book “Portfolio Keeping” it teaches the reader about different types of portfolios and how
to write them. While the author breaks down the different types, they explain the uses of that
particular one and how to construct it. It gives you examples of other additional works you can
had to your portfolio to make it more dynamic. The book also provides encouragement and
additional motivation. Not only does the author teach you about different portfolios but also
explains why the portfolios are important and meaningful. It is not only meaningful for the
teacher/professor but also for you. It breaks down the benefits of owning and creating a good

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