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Christopher Wooten

Language and Literacy Rough Draft

For my language and literacy project I would like to focus on the Europe trips I’ve been

on over the past few years ears. It was summer of my junior year in high school when I first

traveled to Europe. I went to Germany, Chez Republic, Poland, Austria, and Slovakia. What I

found most amazing about this first trip was how I could travel through whole countries in

Europe in the time it took me to go through states in the United States. I am still fascinated by

just how drastically people’s language and culture could alter within a few hours of traveling. Commented [CW1]:

The next year I got to go to England, Ireland, Scotland, and Whales. One of the things that really

stood out to me about these countries was how the Scottish and Irish all said great things about

each other’s countries, but the second we mentioned going to London the whole mood shifted. I

know the Irish in particular have had a very troubled past with the British, but to hear the anger

in many of the voices of the Irish when they talked about the British was surprising. These

experiences really taught me a lot about all the different languages there are in the world. Even

more so it showed me just how many differences in language, culture, and beliefs there could be

between neighboring countries. Such as the differences in English dialect in northern and

Southern Ireland or the melting pot of languages in London.

Literacy is most commonly defined as someone’s ability to read and write, but I believe it

is much more than that. Literacy is someone’s level of efficiency and skill in a particular field.

This realization was formed over the past two years when I had the opportunity to travel across

Europe during the summer.

Formatted: Not Highlight
Argument for Option#1 Literacy

 What is important about _________________ traveling abroad

 Implied argument

 What sis the importance about how I learned what I leaned

 What can I say about __________ throughout the experienceexperience?

 What is the lesson?

 How has it helped me? Formatted: Not Highlight

Argument: How my trips abroad have effected my definition of

literacyStudying abroad is an invaluable experience that can teach people many

skills that are very beneficial such as ______________________________

Travel Literacy is an invaluable skill to have because it enables someone to

become culturally sensitive, learn how to interact with people who speak a

different language, and builds confidence in your ability to try new things

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Sell People the Idea of Travel Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Bold, Underline
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P1---You should study abroad because______ and ______ Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Bold, Underline
Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Bold, Underline
1. Cultural Sensitivity: Developing a strong sense of cultural sensitivity can
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help people prosper in any field. Whether studying to be a doctor, lawyer, Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Bold, Underline
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engineer, or businessman the ability to understand the customs of other
Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Bold, Underline
people and implement that knowledge will give someone a considerable

advantage in life. In today’s time where we regularly live and interact

with people from many different cultures it is imperative we learn how to

coexist. While someone may be able to partially achieve this locally

through things like community outreach programs the only way to truly

immerse yourself in a culture is to experience it firsthand. This is what I

experiences when I had the opportunity to go to the chez republic. Most of

the European countries I’ve been to all spoke English, but when we stayed

the night in The Czech Republic very few people we met spoke anything

besides Czech. This wouldn’t have been a problem, but the people there

got very offended if we misspoke their language. Our local guide said

many Czech’s take great pride in their language and find it very offense

when tourist speak it incorrectly and that the majority of them actually do

understand English they just don’t speak it. After learning this we never

had a problem with the Czechs again. This taught me that in some

countries it is better to just speak English than to try to speak their

language and risk offense. Knowledge such as this can help someone

succeed in any field because if you know how to effectively communicate

with someone will lead to opportunities never before possible.

Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.5", No bullets or

2. How traveling causes self-growth ans inspires confidence Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style:
1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at:
1.25" + Indent at: 1.5"
If someone is looking for unforgettable experiences that will cause them
Formatted: Font:
to grow as a person and give them an unparalleled sense of confidence traveling
abroad is something they should consider. One of the most beneficial experiences of Formatted: Normal, Indent: Left: 1.25", First line:
0.25", No bullets or numbering
traveling abroad can be something as simple as navigating the city. Learning how to
navigate a foreign city really gives a person a since of confidence in their everyday
life. Just the sense of independence gained through being in a completely foreign
place, but still being able to effectively traverse the country is remarkable. Traveling
pushes the boundaries of everyday life by breaking the routine people have become
so accustomed to. This forces someone outside their comfort zone and it is there
where self-growth truly happens. No one lands in a foreign place for the first time
and immediately feels at home, but whether it’s the rolling hills of Scotland’s
countryside or the ornate cathedrals that fill Prague’s sky traveling reawakens that
childlike sense of wonder in all of us, ensuring that no one returns the same.

P2---Address people’s fears or concerns on why not to travel


How charlotte offers many ways to study abroad cheaply

 Focus on the main fears people have when traveling abroad and address how I Formatted: Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at: 0.75" +
Indent at: 1"
overcame similar fears through stories of my experiences abroad

: What I leanredlearned from my trips abroad

: How they’ve helped me

Culturally sensitive

Opens eyes to new experiences

Interact with different people

Survive in a foreign environment

Navigate a city you don’t know

Meet lifelong friends

Open doors with companies looking for people with experience traveling

Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt,


Formatted: Font: 20 pt, Underline

Formatted: Centered
I often hear adults talk about their desire to travel abroad and how one day they Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.5"
will explore the world. For some this may be true, but for most the opportunity they
seek never comes. The sad fact is many people are never able to fulfill their dreams of
traveling whether it be due to poor health, lack of finances, or the loss of time. There is
good news however, while many people live in regret of what might have been we as
college students have the opportunity to travel abroad through The University of North
Carolina Charlotte and ensure we never miss out on what the world has to offer. I
understand that many people do not believe they have the time, money, or confidence
to travel to a foreign country because I too was like that a few years ago. That all
changed however when through the help of my high school, friends and family I got the
opportunity to travel through Europe in the summer of 2016. Just as my high school
worked with me to be able to afford this trip I know that UNC Charlotte offers a multitude
of options that enable students to study abroad for similar rates they already pay; as
well as exchange programs that can even allow discounted tuition. My trips abroad have
benefited me in many ways, besides just providing me with a topic for most of my
papers, they have enabled me to develop travel literacy. Travel Literacy is an invaluable
skill to have because it teaches someone to be culturally sensitive, enables them to
learn how to interact with people who speak a different language, and builds confidence
in your ability to try new things.
Intro Revised Formatted: Font: Bold
Formatted: Indent: Left: 2.5", First line: 0"
Studying abroad is a wonderful experience that teaches someone how to be culturally Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt
Formatted: Normal, Justified, Indent: Left: 0"
sensitive and inspires deep personal growth; however far too many people miss out on experiences

like these due to financial resources, lack of time, and fear for safety. Businesses of all fields are

looking for well cultured men and women to fill their ranks. It is because of this that colleges like

UNC Charlotte offer many affordable programs for students who study abroad. This is why, as a

college student, it is the perfect time to put your fears aside and see the world.

Original Intro Formatted: Font: Bold

Formatted: Normal, Left, Indent: Left: 2.5", First line:
I often hear adults talk about their desire to travel abroad and how one day they will
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt,
explore the world. For some this may be true, but for most the opportunity they seek never Bold

comes. The sad fact is many people are never able to fulfill their dreams of traveling whether it

be due to poor health, lack of finances, or the loss of time. There is good news however, while

many people live in regret of what might have been we as college students have the opportunity

to travel abroad through The University of North Carolina Charlotte and ensure we never miss

out on what the world has to offer. I understand that many people do not believe they have the

time, money, or confidence to travel to a foreign country because I too was like that a few years

ago. That all changed however when through the help of my high school, friends and family I got Formatted: Font color: Red, Strikethrough

the opportunity to travel through Europe in the summer of 2016. Just as my high school worked

with me to be able to afford this trip I know that UNC Charlotte offers a multitude of options that

enable students to study abroad for similar rates they already pay; as well as exchange programs
that can even allow discounted tuition. My trips abroad have enabled me to develop travel Formatted: Font color: Red, Strikethrough

literacy. Travel Literacy is an invaluable skill to have because it teaches someone to be culturally

sensitive and builds confidence in your ability to try new things.

Final Intro Formatted: Centered

I often hear adults talk about their desire to travel and how one day they will explore the Formatted: Left

world. For some this may be true, but for most the opportunity they seek never comes. The sad fact is

many people have already missed their best chance to fulfill their dreams; whether it be due to limited

financial resources, lack of time, or fear for safety. However, as a college student it is not too late.

The opportunity to travel safely abroad is made readily available through many of the affordable

programs offered by The University of North Carolina Charlotte to ensure we never miss out on what life

has to offer. Colleges do this because they know that businesses in all fields desire well cultured men and

women who have the confidence to take risks. These skills can all be learned through studying abroad. is

a wonderful experience that teaches someone how to be culturally sensitive and inspires deep

personal growth. Formatted: Font: 11 pt, Font color: Red, Strikethrough

Formatted: Font: Not Bold

Formatted: Normal, Indent: Left: 0"

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