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Management of Hemorrhage in Trauma

Herbert Schöchl, MD,*† Alberto Grassetto, MD,‡ and Christoph J. Schlimp, MD†

Hemorrhage remains one of the leading causes of trauma- This strategy addresses important confounders of the coagu-
related deaths. Uncontrolled diffuse microvascular bleeding lation process such as hemodilution, hypothermia, and acido-
in the course of initial care is common, potentially resulting sis; DCR is based on a damage control surgical approach,
in exsanguination. Early and aggressive hemostatic inter- permissive hypotension, and improvement of hemostatic com-
vention increases survival and reduces the incidence of petence. Many studies have shown benefit in mortality when
massive transfusion. Thus, timely diagnosis of the under- using high ratios of fresh frozen plasma (FFP) to red blood cells
lying coagulation disorders is mandatory. It has been shown (RBC) as early treatment. However, there is increased aware-
that standard coagulation tests do not sufficiently character- ness that coagulation factor concentrate could be beneficial in
ize trauma-induced coagulopathy (TIC). This has led to the treatment of trauma-induced coagulopathy.
increasing interest in alternatives, such as the viscoelastic & 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
test, to diagnose TIC and to provide the basis for a goal-
directed hemostatic therapy. KEY WORDS: hemorrhage, bleeding, trauma, transfusion,
The concept of damage control resuscitation (DCR) has been coagulopathy, coagulation tests, goal-directed therapy,
introduced widely in trauma patients with severe bleeding. damage control resuscitation, permissive hypotension

I N-HOSPITAL EXSANGUINATION has been reported in

26% to 39% of all casualties in civilian trauma centers.1,2
Furthermore, it is assumed that up to 20% of trauma-associated
fibrinogen concentration are used widely in trauma centers
worldwide to diagnose TIC. However, these tests were not
developed to assess coagulopathy in acute bleeding situations
deaths potentially are preventable if early and rapid control of blood such as trauma.15 PT and aPTT provide information only on the
loss and coagulopathy could be established.3 The majority of these very initiation of clot formation, when only 5% of the entire
patients exsanguinate due to injuries of the thorax, abdomen, and thrombin is generated.23 These tests also are influenced by low
pelvis.4 Importantly, acquired coagulopathy in these patients levels (<1 g/L) of fibrinogen, making them unhelpful for
worsens the prognosis. Therefore, early, aggressive, and rapid distinguishing between lack of coagulation factors and substrate.24
hemostatic intervention are essential to prevent exsanguination and Moreover, none of these tests offers information on clot quality
avoid or minimize massive transfusion requirements. and stability, which have been identified as important determi-
Hemorrhage in trauma generally is the combined result of blood nants of TIC.13 Finally, waiting for test results is time consuming,
loss and dilutional and consumption coagulopathy, with potentiat- making them unsuitable in emergency conditions.13,25,26
ing effects of acidosis, hypothermia, and electrolyte disturbance. Viscoelastic tests (VETs) such as ROTEMs and TEGs
Moreover, severe tissue injury and hypoperfusion have been have gained increasing interest for assessing coagulopathy in
identified as important drivers of an “endogenous” trauma-related trauma. In contrast to standard coagulation tests, VETs are
coagulopathy that is associated with poor outcome.5 According to performed at the patient’s bedside using whole blood (not
standard coagulation testing, approximately one quarter to one third plasma) samples; thus, the contribution of platelets and
of all trauma patients are coagulopathic on admission to the fibrinogen to the clot kinetics can be assessed.
emergency department.6-8 This early coagulopathy is correlated These methods provide a timely assessment of not only the
with increased transfusion requirement, prolonged intensive care initiation of coagulation but also of the clot formation process
unit (ICU) stay, and a 4-fold increase in mortality.6,9 Fast and the maximal clot strength (Fig 1).10,11,27 Furthermore,
identification of the underlying cause of the coagulation disorder VETs are considered the gold standard for diagnosing prema-
is mandatory and represents the basis of the so-called “theragnostic ture dissolution of the clot, which has been identified as an
approach”. Although standard coagulation tests are used widely to important contributor to mortality (Fig 2).17,28-33
identify trauma-induced coagulopathy (TIC), the value of these
tests has been challenged in recent years.10,11 Routine coagulation
tests were not developed to identify trauma-related bleeding, and From the *Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care
these tests are neither predictive for bleeding nor validated for use Medicine, AUVA Trauma Centre, Salzburg, Austria; †Ludwig Boltz-
in patients with major trauma.12 mann Institute for Experimental and Clinical Traumatology, AUVA
Interesting alternatives are point-of-care viscoelastic assays, Research Centre, Vienna, Austria; and ‡Dipartimento Emergenza
such as rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEMs, TEM Innova- Urgenza, UOC Anestesia e Rianimazione, Ospedale dell’Angelo di
tions GmbH, Munich, Germany) or thrombelastography (TEGs, Mestre, Venice, Italy.
Description of research support: Dr. Schöchl has received research
Haemonetics Corp, Niles, IL, USA), which are used increasingly
support from TEM Innovations GmbH, Munich, Germany.
to diagnose TIC.10,13-17 This review summarizes present diag- Address reprint requests to Associate Professor Herbert Schöchl,
nostic strategies after major trauma and highlights current treat- MD, Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine,
ment options for patients with severe bleeding trauma. AUVA Trauma Centre, Franz Rehrl Platz 5, 5020 Salzburg, Austria.
Phone: 00436662 6580 2577, FAX: 0043662 6580 2486, E-mail:
© 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Standard coagulation tests such as prothrombin time (PT), 1053-0770/2601-0001$36.00/0
activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), and plasma http://dx.doi.org/10.1053/j.jvca.2013.05.015

Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia, Vol 27, No 4S (August), 2013: pp S35–S43 S35

Fig 1. (A) Normal ROTEM tracing. EXTEM, extrinsically activated test; FIBTEM, fibrin polymerization test using extrinsic activation plus
cytochalasin D, which inhibits platelet function. (B) Severe trauma-induced coagulopathy. Note prolonged clotting time (CT) and clot formation
time (CFT) and low maximal clot firmness (MCF) in the EXTEM test and very low MCF in the FIBTEM test.

EXTEM 2012-08-30 19:09 2: FIBTEM 2012-08-30 19:12 2:

CT: 154s CFT: 362s α: 42 CT: *5403s CFT: -s α: -

A10: 26mm A20: 34mm MCF: 35mm A10: - mm A20: - mm - MCF:* - mm

APTEM 2012-08-30 19:10 2: Tranexamic acid 2012-08-30 19:09 2:

CT: 143s CFT: 303 s α: 46 CT: 149s CFT: 366s α: 41

A10: 28mm A20: 36mm MCF: 39mm A10: 26mm A20: 35mm MCF: 38mm

Fig 2. ROTEM depicts severe hyperfibrinolysis. Note the immediate breakdown of the clot in the extrinsic activated test (EXTEM). No clot is
formed in the fibrin polymerization test (FIBTEM). The clot remains stable when aprotinin or tranexamic acid is added into the test cup (APTEM,
extrinsically activated test plus aprotinin).

Different reagents allow the evaluation of different aspects of 100%

coagulation, including the stability and amplitude of the fibrin-

based clot (thromboelastometric FIBTEMs test [TEM] or func-
tional fibrinogen test [TEG]).34 Without the need for centrifuga- 80%
tion, the turnaround times are short and the results are rapidly
available, so the development of the clot can be visualized in real
time. In some European trauma centers, VETs have been used
with success to guide hemostatic therapy in trauma.16,18-20,35,36

The most important aim in treating exsanguinating trauma 40%

patients is immediate surgical control of bleeding. Abdominal

and extraperitoneal packing, closure of an open pelvic girdle, ABC Score
Lars on Score
and vascular embolization are common measures to mechan- 20% Rainer Score
Schreiber Score
ically stop bleeding. Tourniquets and local hemostatic dressings TASH Score
are temporary therapeutic options especially used in war fields, Vandromme Score

with the same purpose. In addition, recent treatment concepts

take into account well-described contributors to trauma-related 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
coagulopathy, including dilutional coagulopathy, blood pres- 100 - Specificity
sure–related bleeding, hypothermia, acidosis, and fibrinolysis.
The concept of damage control surgery has been extended to a Fig 3. Validation of 6 scoring systems and algorithms on 1
dataset (n ¼ 5,147) of severely injured patients extracted from the
more comprehensive damage control resuscitation (DCR) strat- TraumaRegister DGUs database. The TASH-Score and PWH/Rainer
egy that implies permissive hypotension and fast hemostatic showed superior performance over the others. (From Brockamp
treatment (Table 1). et al43.)
About 80% of packed red blood cell units are transfused
a worse coagulation profile at emergency department admis-
within the first 6 hours after trauma patient admission.37 There-
sion.50 Data from the German trauma registry showed that
fore, rapid and early identification of patients at risk for massive
patients who received high-volume prehospital fluid therapy had
transfusion is mandatory in order to initiate DCR and reduce
a significantly worse coagulation status, required more blood
mortality. Failure to identify these patients early and to apply
products, and had higher incidence of organ failure compared
DCR concepts is associated with excess mortality.38 Hypotension
with matched patients receiving lesser amounts of fluid.51
and pulse are specific but not sensitive parameters because some
Infusion of large quantities of crystalloids results in a non-
patients—especially the young—may present a “cryptic shock”
specific dilution of coagulation factors, coagulation inhibitors, and
state with normal values even after significant blood loss.39
platelets. In addition, artificial colloids exert specific alterations of
Massive transfusion scores using anatomic findings in combi-
coagulation factors such as von Willebrand factor and factor VIII.
nation with rapidly available laboratory tests such as hemoglobin
Thus, artificial colloids affect primary and secondary hemostasis.52
and base deficit were developed for early recognition of patients at
Furthermore, in vitro studies using VETs revealed that clot
risk (Fig 3).40-43 Results with VETs also have shown a good
strength decreased after dilution with artificial colloids.53 A meta-
correlation with transfusional needs.44-48 A retrospective single-
analysis discovered a 4% higher mortality in trauma patients
center study using ROTEMs revealed that results after a 10-
receiving colloids compared with crystalloids.54 In part, this
minute running time were highly predictive for patients prone to
finding could be linked to negative effects of colloids on blood
massive transfusion.49 Similar findings were reported by Holcomb
coagulation and platelet function.55 A recent randomized, double-
et al by using RapidTEGs in the emergency department.10
blind controlled study published by James et al56 compared
FLUID THERAPY normal saline with 6% hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 (HES) in
patients sustaining either penetrating or blunt trauma. Among
In the presence of hemorrhagic shock, fluid infusion repre- patients with blunt trauma, the HES group received significantly
sents the main treatment to improve perfusion, but aggressive more blood products compared with those who received normal
replacement increases dilution coagulopathy and interstitial saline only. There is actually no evidence on the superiority of
edema and impairs microcirculation, worsening oxygenation.15 colloids over crystalloids in fluid resuscitation of trauma patients.57
Prehospital administration of high volumes (>3 L) of
crystalloid or colloid fluids was associated independently with
Table 1. Principles of Damage Control Resuscitation
Permissive hypotension is a strategy used to minimize or
● Minimize prehospital fluid therapy to avoid dilution coagulopathy. withhold fluid therapy or vasopressor support until bleeding is
● Allow permissive hypotension to avoid disruption of newly formed controlled either by surgical, radiologic, or pharmacologic
clots. interventions.
● Aggressively manage temperature to avoid or treat hypothermia. Untreated hypovolemic shock provokes tissue hypoperfu-
● Employ early and aggressive hemostatic therapy to avoid or treat sion and hypoxia.58 In contrast, aggressive fluid resuscitation
trauma-induced coagulopathy.
potentially increases blood pressure, thereby increasing

hydrostatic forces on newly developed clots that could be correct coagulopathy; it may be speculated that the contempo-
displaced. Thus, the goal is balance and not hypotension itself. raneous supplementation of clotting factors is needed.
Animal studies of uncontrolled bleeding suggested improved Hypocalcemia has been shown to be correlated with poor
survival when blood pressure was not normalized but was prognosis in trauma patients.68 Calcium is fundamental to
maintained low. Sondeen et al59 investigated rebleeding in a hemostasis through its bridge effect with negatively charged
porcine model. A standardized lesion of the infrarenal aorta surfaces of vitamin K–dependent factors and phospholipids.66
resulted in severe bleeding that stopped spontaneously when blood It also acts on platelets’ activity and on their morphologic
pressure dropped. After cessation of bleeding, volume resuscitation change. Hemodilution and infusion of blood products contain-
was initiated by lactated Ringer’s solution. The average systolic ing citrates often are responsible for hypocalcemia in trauma
pressure when rebleeding occurred was 94 ⫾3 mmHg. patients. Calcium should be maintained above 0.9 mmol/L.61,66
Both limited-volume resuscitation and delayed resuscitation Hypothermia is common in trauma patients and is associated
by limited fluid replacement therapy have been implemented in with the development of coagulopathy, multiorgan failure, and
clinical practice.60 Recent European trauma guidelines recom- increased mortality.69,70 Reynolds et al71 reported recently that 34%
mend a systolic blood pressure not higher than 80 to of major trauma patients who received massive transfusion had a
100 mmHg in bleeding trauma patients without brain injury.61 nadir temperature lower than 341C. Hypothermia affects both
This concept focuses on 2 goals: limiting crystalloid and/or colloid platelet function and plasmatic coagulation factors.72,73 Moreover,
fluid administration in order to reduce or minimize dilutional hypothermia may increase fibrinolytic breakdown of the clot.74
coagulopathy, and accepting low systolic blood pressure until the The key risk factor for the onset of hypothermia is the severity
source of bleeding is under control. Although this concept is well of tissue trauma and shock; however, environmental conditions
established clinically, scientific data are poor. Bickell et al62 and prehospital medical care also are important confounders.75
reported improved survival in patients sustaining penetrating A prospective randomized study revealed that a hypothermia
truncal trauma when fluid therapy was delayed. However, patients correction protocol reduced resuscitation requirements and dimin-
who died during transport were excluded from the analyses, ished mortality.76 In summary, the prevention and early treatment
making the interpretation of these results difficult. Dutton et al63 of acidosis, anemia, hypocalcemia, and hypothermia are part of
investigated 2 different blood pressure targets during operative most massive transfusion algorithms.18-22
care of bleeding trauma patients. Time to bleeding control was
shorter in the low-pressure group, with a target systolic blood
pressure of 70 mmHg, compared with the “higher” blood pressure Early Hemostatic Intervention
group, with a target of 100 mmHg. No difference in survival Early enhancement of the hemostatic capacity has been
was observed. Recently, Morrison et al64 investigated the effect shown to improve outcome in patients with major trauma.35,77
of a mean blood pressure of 50 mmHg versus a mean arterial In most trauma centers worldwide, coagulation therapy is based
pressure of 65 mmHg. The lower blood pressure group received on fresh frozen plasma (FFP), platelet concentrate (PC), and, in
fewer intraoperative fluids and fewer blood products, was less some countries, cryoprecipitate.78-83 However, implementation
likely to develop postoperative coagulopathy, and showed sig- of massive transfusion protocols that favor an FFP-to-RBC
nificantly lower early mortality than the group with higher blood ratio of 1:1 has shown conflicting results. Some of these studies
pressure. reported a survival benefit using an FFP-to-RBC ratio close to
Brain trauma has been suggested as a contraindication of 1:1,84-92 whereas other studies found no further improvement in
this concept; however, prospective outcome data for patients outcome when the ratio was higher than 1:2.37,93 A recent meta-
with a combination of uncontrolled bleeding and severe brain analysis of FFP-to-RBC ratios could not identify an additional
trauma still are lacking. survival benefit of 1:1 over 1:2 ratios,94 and many such studies are
affected by a survivor bias.95
If RBCs, FFPs, and platelet concentrates are transfused in a
RESTORATION OF BASELINE CONDITIONS 1:1:1 ratio in order to create “whole blood,” the remaining
It is well known that anemia, acidosis, hypocalcemia, and solution contains an approximate hematocrit of less than 30%,
hypothermia are relevant in worsening coagulopathy. Thus, a platelet count of 80,000/mL, and a coagulation factor of 60%;
restoring baseline conditions constitutes the first step in treating therefore, dilution is inevitable.96 Thus, to sufficiently increase
the hemorrhagic trauma patient. hemostatic capacity in trauma patients, high-volume FFP
Red blood cells (RBCs) are fundamental not only to ensuring transfusion is needed.97 Moreover, data from the German
adequate tissue oxygenation but also for hemostasis. Hematocrit trauma registry revealed that only patients with a trauma-
influences margination of platelets to endothelium and their associated severe hemorrhage (TASH) score >15, which is
activation through adenosine diphosphate (ADP) release by associated with a high risk for massive transfusion, benefited
erythrocytes.65 Maintaining a hemoglobin level between 7 and 9 from a high FFP-to-RBC ratio.98 It is quite reasonable to expect
g/dL is recommended by recent European guidelines.61 that patients with more severe bleeding may benefit from
Severe acidosis, mostly a result of shock-related tissue higher ratios. In contrast, plasma administration in patients who
hypoperfusion, impairs clotting factor activity, thrombin gen- have not received massive transfusions is associated with an
eration, and platelet adhesion and aggregation and enhances increase in complications, especially acute respiratory distress
fibrinogen degradation.66 Platelet counts and fibrinogen levels syndrome (ARDS), with no improvement in survival rates.99
have been shown to be reduced in acidotic animals.67 Different Rather, time to hemostatic intervention seems to be a key
studies have shown that reversal of acidosis alone did not determinant of outcome in trauma patients.77,100 Transfusion of

FFP clearly is time consuming, because delivery from the blood massive trauma-related bleeding suggested a dose of 3 to 4 g of
service and thawing are required and a high-volume load is fibrinogen concentrate or 50 mg/kg of cryoprecipitate, which is
necessary to sufficiently increase the concentration of coagu- approximately equivalent to 15 to 20 units in a 70-kg adult.61
lation factors.97 For example, Snyder et al100 reported that the Schöchl et al107 showed that despite a high cumulative
first FFP was given to patients in the emergency department at a median dose of FC over a 24-hour period, the median post-
median of 93 minutes after arrival. A recent prospective, operative plasma fibrinogen level was below the reference range
observational, multicenter study by Holcomb et al101 has of laboratory values; this finding suggests that treatment with FC
addressed the effect on mortality of treatment with administra- is unlikely to provoke postoperative hypercoagulability. Poten-
tion of varying FFP (or platelet)–to–RBC ratios. A high ratio tially, FC also may correct or compensate for other hemostatic
given within 6 hours improved in-hospital mortality, and the defects associated with hemodilution, such as decreases in
benefit of a higher ratio diminished over time. This further platelet count or reduced quality of fibrin polymerization.115,116
strengthens the principle of early hemostatic intervention. Thrombin is paramount for the structure and the quality of the
However, when also considering morbidity, there are well- clot—whereas low levels give birth to porous clots composed of
known risks associated with FFP transfusion, such as thick fibrin fibers, high concentrations produce a dense network of
transfusion-related acute lung injury, transfusion-associated thin fibers, resulting in a clot more resistant to mechanical and
circulatory overload, ARDS, transfusion-related immunomodu- fibrinolytic forces.117 To improve thrombin generation, prothrombin
lation, and pathogen transmission.102-105 An alternative to complex concentrates (PCCs) are used in many European trauma
sufficiently increase hemostatic capacity of trauma patients with centers.18,35,107,118-120 In patients treated with vitamin K antagonists,
severe bleeding is the use of coagulation factor concentrates. PCC administration resulted in fast normalization of the INR and
represents the gold standard for this process.121
Sound safety data still are lacking on the use of PCC in
bleeding trauma patients except in vitamin K antagonist
therapy. Josef et al122 reported an incidence of thromboembolic
Coagulation factor concentrates, such as fibrinogen concentrate, events in the range of 6% after PCC administration in trauma
cryoprecipitate, prothrombin complex concentrate, and recombi- patients. Furthermore, limited information is available on the
nant activated factor VII (rFVIIa), have been used in severely combined use of FC and PCC in trauma patients. Favorable
injured trauma patients.78,106,107 The rationale for improving outcomes have been reported after ROTEM-guided hemostatic
fibrinogen concentration is the fact that fibrinogen seems to be therapy with FC and PCC in major trauma; observed mortality
the most vulnerable coagulation factor in bleeding patients, reach- was lower than that predicted by the Revised Injury Severity
ing critical levels earlier than any other coagulation protein.106-109 Classification score (RISC) and the Trauma Injury Severity
Rourke et al106 recently reported that low fibrinogen levels Score (TRISS).35 This treatment strategy eliminated delays
were a common finding in patients with major trauma upon associated with standard coagulation testing and preparation of
admission to the emergency room and were associated strongly allogeneic blood products for transfusion (eg, delivery from the
with high injury severity scale (ISS) scores, high baseline blood service and thawing); more than half the patients
deficits, and low systolic blood pressure. Furthermore, FFP received hemostatic therapy within an hour of admission to
alone was not sufficient to maintain fibrinogen concentration the emergency department. By enabling early and aggressive
even though FFP and RBCs were transfused in a 1:2 ratio. correction of coagulopathy and reduced transfusion of alloge-
Only supplementation of cryoprecipitate resulted in mainte- neic blood products, ROTEM-guided, goal-directed use of
nance of an adequate fibrinogen content. coagulation factor concentrates may contribute to reduced
Chambers et al108 found that fibrinogen deficiency was mortality. Moreover, Innerhofer et al118 reported that trauma
almost always the initial hemostatic abnormality in patients patients who sustained comparable injuries showed better 24-
with severe trauma and that a change in hemostatic therapy hour oxygenation variables and a lower incidence of multi-
toward a high ratio of FFP to RBCs was not sufficient to organ failure and sepsis when treated with coagulation factors
overcome fibrinogen depletion within the first 4 hours of only, compared with patients who received additional FFP.
treatment. Thus, FFP is not a suitable hemostatic therapy to According to recent evidence, tranexamic acid (TXA) should
restore fibrinogen levels to those necessary for normal clot be an integral part of massive transfusion protocols. The
formation. Current European guidelines suggest a target of 1.5 CRASH-2 study revealed that trauma patients who were treated
to 2 g/L or supplementation according to results of VETs.61 with TXA within 3 hours after injury showed a 1.5% improved
The amount of fibrinogen administered to trauma patients has survival rate.123,124 A study including combat causalities
been reported to correlate with survival.110 Reduced need of reported a 13.7% improvement in survival in patients receiving
transfusion of allogeneic products also has been shown by studies TXA and massive transfusion compared to a no-TXA group.125
in different settings.36,111,112 Human fibrinogen concentrate (FC)
and cryoprecipitate provide a source for increasing plasma
fibrinogen concentration.83 Cryoprecipitate has disappeared from
the market in most European countries because of safety concerns, Severe trauma still results in substantial morbidity and
in particular the risk of pathogen transmission.113 Moreover, the mortality. Exsanguination potentially could be avoided by early
fibrinogen content of a unit of cryoprecipitate is uncertain and a and aggressive coagulation therapy. VETs provide an important
wide range of fibrinogen concentration in each unit has been insight in TIC and have the potential to guide hemostatic therapy
reported (range, 120-796 mg).114 Recent European guidelines for in a goal-directed way. Early and high FFP-to-RBC ratio

therapy has been found to improve outcome. Coagulation coagulation factors are potential advantages; however, no
factor concentrates represent an alternative to avoid delays prospective studies are available that confirm a clear advant-
and to increase hemostatic capacity. Immediate availability of age of this concept. Furthermore, safety issues must be
coagulation factor concentrates and sufficient increase of addressed.

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