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Tyriq Odle 1B
Table Of Content

 Five Insects found in the house and how they

affect you personally
 Five Helpful insect
 Five diseases caused by insects
 Five Harmful Insects
 How to protect your self from coming in contact
with insects that might spread diseases
 Conclusion
 Bibliography
Five Insects Found In The House


The cockroaches are an ancient group, dating back at least as far as

the Carboniferous period, some 320 million years ago. Those early
ancestors however lacked the internal ovipositors of modern
Roaches are not that good as they seem because the can do some
things you would not like.They bite holes cloths and bite paper
around them.

Flies have a mobile head, with a pair of large compound eyes,

and mouthparts designed for piercing and sucking or for
lapping and sucking in the other groups.
Flys carry around germs and if you leave your food uncovered if
a fly sits on it it can make you sick.

Mosquitoes are small, midge-like flies that bites and

sucks blood.
When a mosquito bites you it saliva creates histamines causing
the skin around the bite itch.

An ant is a small black or red insect that lives in large groups.

Ants evolved from wasp-like ancestors in the Cretaceous period,
about 140 million years ago, and diversified after the rise
of flowering plants. More than 12,500 of an estimated total of
22,000 species have been classified.
Ants attack to defend their self and when they do the leave a stinging

Crickets of the family Gryllidae, are insects related to bush

crickets, and, more distantly, to grasshoppers. The Gryllidae have
mainly cylindrical bodies, round heads, and long antennae. Behind
the head is a smooth, robust pronotum.
At night when you are trying to sleep crickets make a chirping
noise that gets annoying and makes It sometimes you cant sleep.
Five Heplful Insects


Bees are flying insects closely related to wasps and ants, known
for their role in pollination and, in the case of the best-known bee
species, the European honey bee, for producing honey and beeswax.
Bees are helpful because the go from flower to flower and
collect pollen and carry it back to its hive and makes honey.


Adult dragonflies mostly eat other flying insects, particularly midges

and mosquitoes. They also will take butterflies, moths and
smaller dragonflies. The larvae, which live in water, eat almost any
living thing smaller than themselves. Larger dragonfly larvae
sometimes eat small fish or fry.
Dragonflies are helpful because the eat mosquito and it will reduce
the chance of you getting bitten by one.

Both adult moths and their caterpillars are food for a wide variety of
wildlife, including other insects, spiders, frogs, toads, lizards, shrews,
hedgehogs, bats and birds. But moths also benefit plants by
pollinating flowers while feeding on their nectar, and so help in seed

Damselflies eat small, soft-bodied insects, including aphids,

mosquitoes, and gnats. Giant damselflies pluck web-building spiders
right from the web to eat them. Nymphs feed on small aquatic
insects, tadpoles and small fish. Damselflies usually sit and wait for
prey instead of catching it in midair like dragonflies do.

Most ladybugs voraciously consume plant-eating insects, such as

aphids, and in doing so they help to protect crops. Ladybugs lay
hundreds of eggs in the colonies of aphids and other plant-eating
pests. When they hatch, the ladybug larvae immediately begin to
Five diseases caused by insects
1. Chikungunya-Chikungunya is an infection caused by the Aedes
aegypti mosquito
2. Gastroparesis-Gastroparesis is a disease of the muscles of the
stomach or the nerves controlling the muscles caused by the
3. Yellow Fever-Yellow fever is an acute viral haemorrhagic
disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes.
4. Dengue fever-Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne tropical
disease caused by the dengue virus
5. Salmonellosis-Salmonella infection is a common bacterial
disease that affects the intestinal tract.
Five Harmful Insects
1.Bullet Ant-Paraponera clavata is a species of ant,
commonly known as the bullet ant, named for its extremely
potent sting. It inhabits humid lowland rainforests from
Nicaragua and the extreme east of Honduras and south to
2.Fire Ants-Fire ants often attack small animals and can kill
them. Unlike many other ants, which bite and then spray acid
on the wound, fire ants bite only to get a grip and then sting
and inject a toxic alkaloid venom called solenopsin, a
compound from the class of piperidines.
3.Killer Bees-Bee venom is a cocktail of biologically
active components that are designed to inflict pain.
... Killerbee attacks are so much more aggressive because
when a killer bee hive is disturbed, the entire colony attacks.
By comparison, when a European honey bee hive is disturbed,
only about 10 percent of the beeswill attack
4.Kissing Bugs- Kissing bugs are insects that may be
infected with Trypanosoma cruzi, the parasite that causes
Chagas disease. They are commonly known as cone-
nose bugsor chinches. Kissing bugs feed on blood during the
night, and they are called kissing bugs because they prefer to
bite humans around the mouth or eyes
5.Fleas-Flea bites result in red spots surrounded by
reddened haloes. They are extremely itchy and cause great
Ways to Protect Your Self From
Diseases Caused by Insects
1. Turn over all buckets and and old tires
that cac collect watter
2. Sleep in a mosquito net
3. Cover your water tank with a net
4. Wear light colored clothing
5. Put window nets In your windows
There are many types of insects and they are
different in some sort of way some can help
you some can harm and some do nothing






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