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7.1. Cable Profile
Pbs = beban putus minimal satu strands = 160,1 kN
Pt = {0.6*fci'*Wb+Mbalok}/(wb/A+es)= 10649677 N
es= 0.728 m
Pt = gaya prategang

Tendon No PC Strand Profile Tension Po Total JF

dia. 12,7mm Edge Middle left right < 75% Tension (kN)
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
1 2x12 1550 375 75% 0 450.08 75% 2881.80
2 2x12 1250 250 75% 0 450.08 75% 2881.80
3 2x19 600 125 75% 0 284.26 75% 4562.85
4 2x19 300 125 75% 0 284.26 75% 4562.85
total 124 817,74 237,1 75% 0 1468.68 75% 14889.30

Po = presentase tegangan leleh yang timbul pada baja

JF = gaya prategang yang terjadi akibat jecking
Parabolic curve (Average of Strand’s position vertically from the bottom of beam (value for Y
Y = A*X2-B*X+C
Where : A = Constanta : ((Ymiddle-Yedge)/(L/2)2) A = 0,001896
B = Constanta : (L*A) B = -0,06636
C = Average of strand’ position when the parabolic curve reach the Y axis
Average of strand’s position vertically from the bottom of beam (value for Y axis)
Y = 0,001896*X2- -0,06636*X+0,825362
Cable tendon angle :
Tgα = 0,003792X- -0,06636
Eccentricity of tendon at middle section
Eccentricity (e) = 0,728 m
7.2 Losses of Pre Stress
1. Losses of Pre Stress (Short Term)
a. Friction
When the jacking force is applied at the stressing end, the tendon will elongate. The
elongation will be resisted by friction end. The friction is comprised of two effects :
curvature friction which is a function of the thendons profile, and wooble friction which
is the result of minor horizontal or vertical deviation from intended profile.
The equation for calculating the loss of pre stress due to friction is:
Px = Jf X e^-(µ*α+k*Lx)
Where :
Px = pre stress force at section distance x from tensile point
Jf = jacking force (tensile force at anchor, initial)
µ = friction coefficient
α = change of cable angle from tensile point to x section
k = wobble coefficient
x = distance from tensile point to x section
Friction and wobble coefficient for grouting tendon in metal sheating with seven wire
strands :
µ = 0,2
k = 0.003
Table of calculation due to friction

% JF Pre stress force (Px) = %

tendon No Profile from a b α (rad) UTS
Strand Edge Middle UTS 0 17.5 35
0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0%
0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0%
1 24 1550 450 75% 0.00359 -0.1257 0.12 75% 69.48% 65.92%
2 24 1250 300 75% 0.0031 -0.1085 0.104 75% 69.70% 66.13%
3 38 600 150 75% 0.00147 -0.05145 0.053 75% 70.41% 66.81%
4 38 300 150 75% 0.00049 -0.0172 0.0175 75% 70.92% 67.29%
total 124 817.74 237.10 75% 0.001896 -0.06636 0.06496 75% 70.25% 66.65%

b. Kehilangan Tegangan Akibat Pemendekan Elastis (Elastic Shortening)

Jarak ttik berat tendon baja terhadap titik berat tampang balok : es = 0,728 m
Momen inersia tampang balok beton : Ix = 0,433136568785 m4
Luas tampang balok beton : A = 1,285542 m2
Modulus elastisitas balok beton : Ebalok = 41635 Mpa
Modulus elastisitas baja prategang (strand): Es = 193000 Mpa
Jumlah total strands : ns = 152
Luas tampang nominal satu strands : Ast = 0,00010 m2
Beban putus satu strands : Pbs = 160,1 kN
Momen akibat berat sendiri balok : Mbalok = 4502,64 kNm
Luas tampang tendon baja prategang : At = ns x Ast = 0,0152 m2
Modulus ratio antara baja prategang dengan balok beton : n = Es/Ebalok = 4,64
Jari-jari inersia penampang balok beton : I = √ 𝐴 = 0,5805 m

Ke = At/A*(1+es2/I2) = 0,030419639
Tegangan baja prategang sebelum loss of pre stress (di tengah bentang):
σpi = ns*Pbs/At = 1601000 kN/m2
Kehilangan tegangan pada baja oleh regangan elastic dengan memperhitungkan pengaruh
berat sendiri :
Δσpe’= σpi*n*ke/(1+n*ke) = 195936,5857 kN/m2
Tegangan beton pada level bajanya oleh pengaruh gaya prategang Pt :
σbt = Δσpe’/n-Mbalok*es/Ix = 34691,0118 kN/m2
Kehilangan tegangan pada baja oleh regangan elastic tanpa pengaruh berat sendiri :
Δσpe= 0,5*n* σbt = 80483.14738 kN/m2 Δσpe/fpu = 4,33%
Loss of pre stress akibat pemendekan elastis : ΔPe = Δσpe*At = 1223,3438 kN
c. Kehilangan Tegangan Akibat Gesekan Angkur (Anchorage Friction)
Gaya prategang akibat jacking (jacking force) : JF : 14889,3 kN
Kehilangan gaya akibat gesekan angkur diperhitungkan sebesar 3% dari gaya prategang akibat
jacking : Po = 97%*JF = 14442,621 kN
d. Kehilangan Tegangan Akibat Pengangkuran (Anchoring)
Panjang tarik masuk (berkisar antara 2-7mm)diambil 2mm : ΔL = 0,002 m
Modulus elastisitas baja prategang : Es = 193000 Mpa
Luas tampang tendon baja prategang : At = 0,0152 m2
Loss of pre stress akibat gesekan angkur : Po = 14442,621 kN
Loss of pre stress akibat gesekan kabel : Px = 4501,21 kN
Jarak dari ujung sampai tengah bentang balok : Lx = 17,9 m
Kemiringan diagram gaya : m = tan ω = (Po-Px)/Lx = 555,3861 kN/m
Jarak pengaruh kritis slip angkur dari ujung : Lmax = √𝛥𝐿 ∗ 𝐸𝑠 ∗ 𝑚 = 3,25 m

Loss of pre stress akibat angkur : ΔP = 2*Lmax*tan ω = 3610,01 kN

P’max = Po-ΔP/2 = 12637,616 kN
Pmax = P’max-ΔPe = 11414,2722 kN

2. Losses of Pre stress (Long Term)

a. Pengaruh susut (Shrinkage)
𝜀𝑠ℎ = 8,2.10-6*Ksh*Es*(1- 0,06 𝑆 )(100-RH)
𝜀𝑠ℎ = regangan susut dalam beton
V = volume beton (dalam inch)
S = luas permukaan beton
RH = kelembaban relatif udara
𝐾𝑠ℎ = factor susut yang tergantung waktu
Nilai 𝐾𝑠ℎ untuk komponen struktur post tension
Selisih waktu antara pengecoran dengan
prategangan( hari)
1 3 5 7 10 20 30 60
𝐾𝑠ℎ 0,92 0,85 0,80 0,77 0,73 0,64 0,58 0,45

Ksh = 0,64 V = 46,0224 m3 S = 343,4652 m2

RH = 70,00 Es = 193000 Mpa
𝜀𝑠ℎ = 30,142 N/mm2 𝜀𝑠ℎ /fpu = 1,62%

b. Pengaruh Rayapan (Creep)

CR = Kcr*(Es/Ec)*(fcir-fcds) (ACI 318-95, Chapt, 18.6)
CR = 164,1650 N/mm2 percent actual CR losses = 8,83 %CR/fpu
Where :
Kcr = 1,60 (for posttensioned)
Fcir = stress at center point prestress force, initial condition
Fcir = 34,6910118 N/mm2
Msd = moment due to all superimposed permanent dead loads applied after prestressing
Msd = 4597,32 kN.m
Fcds = Stress to a concrete at the cgs of tendon due to all superimposed dead loads
Fcds 1 = Msdl.e/l = 7,72701 N/mm2 component of fcd due to load on the plain beam
Fcds 2 = Msdl.e/lc = 4,8299 N/mm2 component of fcd due to load on the composite beam
Fcds = fcds1 + fcds2 = 12,55691 N/mm2
c. RE = [Kre-J*(SH*CR*ES)]*C (ACI 318-95, chapt.18,6)
RE =15,4774 N/mm2 RE/fpu = 0,83%
Dimana :
Kre = Koefisien relaksasi yang harganya berkisar 30- 138 MPa, tergantung tipe tendon
J = 0,04 Faktor waktu yang harganya berkisar antara 0,04-0,15 tergantung tipe tendon
C = 0,66
7.3. Effective stress force
Resume pre stressed force at middle


Additional length at the end of the beam = m total length = 35,8 m

8.3. Stress at initial

8.2 Stress at Service

 Load of precast, slab, diaphragm and pre stress by PC beam (=M1)
 Live load and asphalt by composite (=M2)
Note : Moment DL = Moment due to dead load (chapter V-Moment Analysis)

Moment Bal = Moment due to uniform load in balance condition (chapter 7.4-Effective stress

Moment Net = (Moment DL + Moment Bal)

Pi = Initial pre stress (at transfer condition – chapter 7.4 effective stress force)

P = Pre stress at service condition . . .(chapter 7.4. effective stress force)

M = Moment Net.

A = Total Area of pre stress Beam (Chapter 3.1 precast beam)

Wa = Modulus section for top section of precast condition

Wb = Modulus section for bottom section of precast condition

Wa’ = Modulus section for top section of composite condition

Wb’ = Modulus section for bottom section of composite condition

Stress diagram at center span :

1. Stress diagram at initial

+ =

2. Stress diagram at service

+ + =
8.3 Deflection
8.3.1. Change due to pre stress load
Deflection on middle section :
Δpi = [ee+(5/6)(ec-ee)]X(P*l2/(8*Ec*ix))
Δpi = -0,15 mm
P = Pre stress force
Eci = Modulus elasticity of concrete
Ix = section inertia
L = length of anchor to anchor
ee = Distance between c.g of strand and c.g of concrete at end
ec = Distance between c.g of strand and c.g of concrete at centre
8.3.2 Deflection at initial, erection and service condition (based : PCI handbook 4.6.5 Long
Time Chamber Deflection). Deflection (Δ) on simple span structure :
Deflection calculation table : estimating long time cambers and deflection

Loading long time cambers and deflection

WORKING LOAD q (kN/m) P (kN) Release multipliers erection multipliers service
1. due to pre stress force
2. due to beam weight

3. due to ADL

4. due to composite

5. due to asphaltic (SDL)

6. due to live load = UDL+KEL

Resume of deflection :
1. Deflection at service = mm
2. Deflection due to live load = mm < allow, deflection L/800 = mm (ok)
3. Total deflection with LL = mm, deflection downward

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