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Joshua Vega-Rodriguez

Professor Gutaj

U.S. Government

28 September 2018

Course Reflection

Upon entering this class, I had a very vague understanding of government and how it

operates. The history of the U.S. government and the principles of which the foundations were

built on is what I find most interesting. Concepts such as democracy, liberty, pursuit of happiness

and limited government are ideas which I can resonate with. The Declaration of Independence is

a document that not only declares the separation from the British monarchy but also promoted

the idea of individualism for all human beings. I learned that government as an entity has a

specific role it must fulfill in regards to its citizens. This would include but not limited to

national security, establish relations with other foreign governments and to provide an equal

opportunity for all its inhabitants, citizen and resident alike.

One of my goals throughout the duration of this class was to have a deeper understanding

on an issue in regards to analyzing information and being able to write a paper in hopes of

relaying information in an objective fashion while attempting to discard my bias. The term essay

helped me develop my critical thinkings skills by carefully analyzing information and choosing

how to display my thought process to the audience.

Political science was something i never gave too much thought into, that is until the 2016

presidential election did I notice a spark of interest for politics within me. Slowly but surely did

my interest for political science grow within and after taking the course I can honestly say that I

want to pursue a career in political science as certain events/ movements strike me with concern

yet my curiosity for how/ why they are occuring makes me want study and observe in hopes of

diluting any nuances. My understanding of the current state of politics has changed in ways that

allow me to have a new perspective on issues without letting myself go into ideological echo

chambers, while in the heat of political discourse. Discussions inside of the classroom really

helped spread ideas around. Ideas that i’ve had before and also other ideas that I may have never

thought about before. Regardless of whether i agreed with those ideas or not, it left me a

different set of questions in issues while also questioning my own beliefs. That is how I intend to

approach politics from now on. I would like to put my own ideology aside from time to time in

order to get down to the facts and resolve issues in an objective manner. Although, it is one thing

to understand the underlying factors that cause an issue it is another to try and enact change.

I cannot single out any particular events or even recollect moments of clarity that really

impacted me in a significant way. I can say that it’s a cluster of moments that slowly allowed me

to see from a different perspective. Working alongside with other members of the classroom help

engage me with a variety of ideas and viewpoints which in turn helped me with other interactions

outside of the classroom.


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