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Samuel Dell


January 27, 2018

Tracy Valichnac-Davis

Professional Dispositions Assessment

This effort will reveal the professional dispositions statement of this future instructor.

The results of the self-assessment activity provided by SED-480na will be analyzed, and the

effect of this activity will be discussed. Personal growth over the span of this degree program, in

regard to professional dispositions, will be outlined, and said growth will be supported with

current examples. Finally, an overall improvement plan in relation to professional dispositions

will be described. This effort will leave the observer with a clear understanding of the

importance this future instructor places in the arena of professional dispositions.

The personal statement of professional dispositions for this future instructor is as

follows, “The classroom will have clearly defined high standards of achievement for this future

instructor, and the students who enter this classroom. Any and all means, in regard to

instructional methodology, will be utilized by this instructor to ensure the students can reach the

learning objective. Respect will be commanded via the persona which is portrayed by this future

instructor toward students, parents, colleagues, as well as school and district administrators.

Diversity of thought, as well as culture, will be embraced and nurtured. Fairness will be sought,

and all scenarios will be discussed within the framework of worldviews. Input from students

regarding the conduct, effectiveness, and relevance of the instructor effort will be the driving

force for improvement. Dedication will be unrivaled. Advocacy will be unquestioned.

Compassion will be unyielding.” (Dell, 2018).

Appendix A of this effort displays the results of the self-assessment regarding

professional dispositions. Differentiation of instruction, displays of humor and warmth, a belief

in the innate abilities of all students, and an understanding of the importance of being an

educator all informed the above statement. Personal responsibility is an embedded element in the

worldview of this educator, and as such will be a driving force in the future classroom. Growth

cannot be obtained without reflection and feedback. To this end, lesson effectiveness will be

evaluated via assessment and student feedback. While every question on the self-assessment can

be conceived as vital to the effort of an educator, the responses with 5 (strongly agree) currently

inform the professional dispositions statement of this future instructor.

When this degree program began, over three years ago, this future instructor was

informed regarding professional dispositions only via experiences, worldview, and a personal

passion to teach. When asked about personal philosophy in the classroom, this educator could

only respond with previous experiences, which, at the time, were very limited. Growth has

occurred via classroom experience. Previous observations have opened this future instructors

mind to great philosophies and structure in the classroom, as well as solidified pitfalls which

should be avoided. As an example, during one particular observation, an incredible mentor

instructor utilized sixteen different teaching strategies in one lesson. This was incredible to

watch, as the effort was seamless to the point of being routine. In a separate classroom, a

different instructor was observed working on an objective unrelated to the classroom, while the

students played cards or held personal conversations, with no teaching, learning, or objectives in

sight. Simply put, the growth for this future instructor is in the area of what is possible in the


One of the most important steps this future instructor will take to improve is in the area of

silliness and sarcasm. While humor is important, and personality can engage a classroom, being

over the top could place a dampener on the learning. The current placement of student teaching

is vital, as this future instructor hones the skills, timing, and personality infusion in the

educational endeavor.

This assignment has presented the personal statement of professional dispositions from

this future educator. The specifics of how the self-assessment activity supports this statement

have been forwarded. A reflection of growth has been included, and future steps to improvement

have been outlined. The reader is now well informed of the important part professional

dispositions will play in the classroom of this future instructor.



Dell, S. (2018, January 27). Professional Disposition Statement. [Personal Thoughts].


Appendix A

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