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Lesson D  READING AND WRITING A Choose the correct answer.

Australia, the
1. The main idea of this article is that . 4. Today, the number of people who are moving to
Australia is  .
a.  migration is very important in Australia
a.  getting larger c.  getting smaller
b.  Australia still needs more people
b.  staying the same

International Nation
c.  the first immigrants to Australia came from Britain
5. A
 ccording to the article, Australians
2. The article talks about .
originally came from another country.
a.  people who migrate to Australia
a.  40 percent of c.  4.8 million
b.  people who migrate from Australia
b. 167,000
c. both a and b
6. T he first people from outside migrated
3. Which reason for migration is NOT in the article? to Australia in  .
a.  being together with family members a. 1770 c. 1850
b.  environmental problems b. 1787
c. employment

B Answer the questions.

1. Which fact in the article surprised you the most?

Australia is one of the most multicultural countries in To attract immigrants, they offered money and other 2. Why were you surprised?
the world. Almost one in every four people in Australia forms of help. More than 1 million people from Britain
was born in another country: 4.8 million people out of moved to Australia then, along with several hundred 
a total population of 21 million. More than 40 percent thousand Europeans who had lost their homes in 
of Australians have at least one parent who was born in World War II.
another country. 3. Why are immigrants good for a country?
Migration is still growing. In 2012, more than 50,000
In a sense, nearly all Australians are immigrants. A little people went to Australia to stay permanently. Four main 
more than 200 years ago, Australia was inhabited by types of people settle there. Some go there because 
about 350,000 native people of many different cultural employment and business opportunities are better than
4. Can immigration be bad for a country?
groups. Then, in 1770, the explorer James Cook sailed in their home country. Others are the children, parents,
along the coast and brought back information about the or other relatives of immigrants who have become 
“new” land to England. In 1787, the British government Australian citizens. A third group is refugees who are 
started sending criminals and poor people to Australia. escaping from war or political problems in their home
Later, free settlers came to Australia to start farms. In countries. Finally, there are also a few Australians who
C Why do people move to your country? Why do people leave your country?
1850, gold was discovered there, and more and more migrated to another country and now want to come
Write about the reasons.
people came from Europe and China hoping to get rich. home.
Most of them never returned home, so the population 
At the same time, Australia also sends immigrants to
began to grow. 
other countries—a smaller number. Each year, about
Australia has a huge amount of land, and in the 1940s 60,000 Australians go to live permanently in other 
the government decided that the best way to develop the countries. With people from so many cultures migrating
country was to invite more settlers to come from Europe. in and out, Australia is truly a diverse nation. 

12  Unit 1 People and Places  13

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