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VERSION 0.99 - Aug. 21, 1998










Minimum Requirements

CPU: Any Pentium PC. 133 Mhz or higher recommended.

Memory: 24 Megs RAM required. 32 Megs recommended

Sound Card: GUNMETAL supports sound blaster compatible sound


Input Device: Keyboard, mouse, or joystick. Other controllers

currently supported are listed below.

3D acceleration: GUNMETAL supports 3dFX graphics accelerators.

Installation: The installation of the full GUNMETAL demo requires

around 70 Mb of Hard Drive space.

Multiplayer Requirements

Supports up to 8 players via IPX/LAN, GUNDX

supports directplay for network, modem and


Operating Systems Supported: GUNMETAL runs from a DOS window or in DOS

only. GUNDX run in Win 95 and Win 98.

DirectX 5.0+ required.



Make a directory on your computer called GUNDEMO. Use pkzip or winzip

to extract the demo into the directory. If you have the music

zip file, unzip it into the appropriate directory. The GUNMETAL

demo does not require these files to run, but we're very proud of them

so we hope you'll get them as well.


Win 9X: Open the GUNDEMO directory that you installed Gunmetal into and double

click your mouse on GUNDX.EXE. You will need DirectX 5.0 or newer to run this

version. DirectX is not included in this demo in order to save download time.

DOS: From within the GUNDEMO directory, you may either run "GUN.EXE" from a

DOS windows within Win 95 or Win 98, or from MS-DOS itself.

Select New Game from the Main Menu by using the cursor keys. Hit Enter

to bring up the New Game menu. Select New Single Player Game from the

New Game menu and press Enter.

Select your difficulty level:

Private Very Easy

Corporal Easy

Lieutenant Normal

Captain Hard

Major Very Hard

The higher your difficulty setting, the less cash you will start

with and the more enemies you will encounter. Once your difficulty

level is selected, press Enter. Gunmetal will ask for your name. Type

your player name (up to ten characters) and hit Enter.

Finally, you will be asked to select a flag to go on your RPV. Scroll

through the options with the cursor keys and press Enter when you find

one you like.

For Gunmetal controls, see pages 32-33 in the middle of the manual.

Refer to the Getting Started section of the Orientation Kit (page 19)

for more information.

For instructions on starting a multi-player game, see page 9.

(The manual is included when you buy Gunmetal. For this demo, press

the F1 key to see the default controls.)


You can move your key configurations, RPV designs, saved games, and

custom flags from one computer to another. Just find them in the

appropriate directory (Keycfg, rpv, Savegame, or flag), and copy

them into the corresponding directory on the second computer. Gunmetal

will not delete any of your custom files, so if you want to delete

your old files you will have to do it manually from Windows or DOS.

Do not delete or change any of the Gunmetal player flags or you will

have problems displaying them in multi-player games.




In GUNMETAL, you are playing a member of the Nataka Imperial Armored

Cavalry (NIAC) in the 23rd Century. The NIAC is a group of elite

soldiers fighting for the Nataka Corporation, controlling Remotely

Piloted Vehicles (RPV's) by cybernetic induction interface.

Nataka RPV's are essentially high-tech hovertanks, skimming along a

few feet above the ground on a grav-lift repulsion field. As such,

they perform a little differently from the characters you may be used

to in other 3-D first person games:

* RPV's can move forward or backward with equal speed; they may turn

left or right, or strafe/sidestep left or right. Your speed is

controlled by your throttle, which is indicated by a red bar on your

screen. In most combat situations you will want to move at full

throttle, but for delicate maneuvering you can slow your RPV to a


* Damage to your RPV is of two types: armor and internal. The current

status of your RPV's armor is represented by the four white bars

representing the four armor facings (front, rear, left and right).
As your armor is shot away, the bars will change to yellow (moderate

damage) and then red (serious damage). Internal damage is

represented by the percentage figure below the armor diagram,

ranging from 0 (undamaged) to 99 (about to fall apart). As your RPV

takes internal damage, it will become slower and more sluggish.

When internal damage exceeds 50%, your RPV will start to smoke

(making you a more obvious target), and when it exceeds 99%, your

RPV will explode!

* Most weapons, such as machine guns, cannons and lasers, do damage

first to your armor facings and only damage your internal systems

when they strike a facing where all your armor is gone. However,

some weapons, such as flamethrowers, EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse)

guns and microwave guns, do damage directly to your internal systems.

* While RPVs cannot jump, an RPV at full throttle can often leap gaps,

simply by driving straight across them. RPVs are also quite long,

and this affects how they maneuver in tight spaces. A sufficiently

narrow corridor can prevent you from turning, allowing you to only

move straight forward or straight back.

Your RPV is fully customizable; you may select your chassis, armor,

weapons, ammunition, and equipment from the Customization Rooms (in

multiplayer games) or from NIAC Headquarters (in single play) where

you will appear at the beginning of each level. You can even save

your customized RPV configuration so that you can get a quick start

when re-entering a level.

Note that the more stuff you pile on your RPV, the slower it will move.
Larger chassis can carry more weight, but they have a much lower top

speed. Often a small, fast RPV with only one or two weapons can best a

behemoth decked-out with everything.


The Main Menu is accessible any time by pressing ESC, and can be

navigated with up and down cursor keys. Pressing Enter will bring up

the selected sub-menu, and ESC will bring you back to the Main Menu.

Pressing ESC again will return you to the game. At each option, the

left and right cursor keys will scroll through different settings.

SOUND: Control volume settings, stereo sound direction and Computer


You will hear better sound quality if you keep Effects Volume at full

and adjust the volume on your speakers. We recommend that you keep the

Computer Voice on, as it will give you important information throughout

the game. If you have an audio CD in the drive, take it out. If you

prefer to listen to your own music, put it back in. (And reduce Music

Volume to zero.)

CONTROLS: Configure the keyboard, mouse and joystick controls.

Default keyboard set is Gunmetal Keys. You can customize your own

keyboard layouts and save them for future use by selecting NEW SET.

Mice and joysticks can be customized under Controls. Sensitivity

can be controlled in the control setup. Adjust the sensitivity until

you find it comfortable. Mouse and joystick settings are saved in the

Gunmetal.cfg file in your Gunmetal directory. (It also includes your

Sound, Graphics and Options settings.) You can copy this file if you

want to move your settings from one computer to another.

Gunmetal is designed so that some vehicles turn slower than others;

this means that a good player in a fast Light RPV can outmaneuver a

slow Heavy RPV. Since a lot of players like to look freely, we have

accommodated this with Mouse Cheating. If Mouse Cheating is on, you

can turn as fast as the mouse will allow, but it will slant gameplay

in favor of heavier RPVs. Mouse Cheating can be disallowed by the

server in multiplayer games, and it is not allowed in official

Gunmetal tournaments.

GRAPHICS: Set graphics options to optimize game performance.

The higher your resolution, the slower your frame rate. If you are

on a very slow machine, try the following, in order: reduce

resolution, increase border size, turn off reflections, and set

lightmap quality to low. Adjust the graphics to get the best balance

of graphics and speed. If you have a 3DFX card, you must select a

Glide 3DFX mode from the graphics menu. At high resolutions use low

lightmap quality; it runs faster and you can only see the difference

in low res.
NEW GAME: Start a New Game or load a saved game.

SAVE GAME: Save the current game.

OPTIONS: Set gameplay options.

Default is off on all options except Dynamic Camera, which controls

how much you bank while strafing. (Its default is Some.) Skip Deadly

Weapons only applies if you have Auto-switch Weapons When Ammo

Depleted active; it will prevent Gunmetal from auto-switching to

weapons that might blow up in your face.

QUIT: Exit to the main titles or quit Gunmetal.



Up to two players can play Gunmetal on one computer, and up to

eight over a network. You will be asked which configuration you

are using. Unless you are playing single computer split-screen,

you must elect one computer to be the Network Server, and register

the rest as Network Clients. A single game may have only one server.

Multiple games may not function simultaneously on the same network.

The standard version of Gunmetal will run in Multiplayer on an IPX/SPX

game (e.g. on an inter-office network) or two-player on a single

computer. (For modem play, TCP/IP play, or serial modem play, run the

DirectX version).

For best results, all machines must have the IPX settings under

Windows set to a Frame Type of 802.3, not Auto. To change your IPX

settings, open the Start Menu; select Control Panel from Settings;

open Network; select IPX/SPX Compatible Protocol under Configuration;

select Properties; select Frame Type under Advanced; and select

Ethernet 802.3.


If you play split-screen on the keyboard, you may have to customize

your keysets. We have provided two keysets, Split1 and Split2, for

split-screen play; however, you may still have keyboard conflicts,

called keyjamming (for example, maybe player 2 can't fire while player

1 is turning left.) To check keyjamming, select keyjamming under

Controls and press the keys that you want to use. The screen will

display all of the keys that are registering so that you can see which

keys need to be changed.

Not all options are available in split-screen. You cannot customize

the screen size or border in split-screen, no rearview is available,

the zoom function controls both players, and the green-colored

underwater graphics will only be activated if both players are



Select NEW MULTIPLAYER GAME from the main menu.

ONE COMPUTER: Press Enter to play two-player split-screen on one


NETWORK CLIENT: Press Enter to play Gunmetal over a network. You

will be asked whether one or two players will be playing at your

computer. Gunmetal supports up to eight players in any combination

of split-screen and non-split-screen.

NETWORK SERVER: Press Enter to play Gunmetal as the Network Server.

The Network Server sets the Multiplay Game Options, below.

NETWORK NO RENDER SERVER: A No Render Server works the same as a

regular Server except the game will not be played on it. Use this

option if you want to use a slower computer as server. Make sure

the server's screen saver is disabled.

MULTIPLAY GAME OPTIONS: The server (or single computer) sets the

following options:

Deathmatch Mode: There are three different Deathmatch Modes:

Normal Deathmatch (default) Buy your chassis and all of your

weapons, equipment, and ammo at the customization terminals.

Scavenger Hunt: Players are given all the weapons, but no

ammunition; ammunition must be found in the field. Payload does

not affect vehicle speed in Scavenger Hunt

Deathmatch Classic: Players start with no weapons and no ammunition,

as in most multi-player games. The weapons and ammunition are

scattered throughout the level. Payload does not affect vehicle

speed in Deathmatch Classic.

Starting Cash: Sets the spending limit for buying and customizing

vehicles. You can select an amount of money from N0 to N5,000,000.

In Scavenger Hunt and Deathmatch Classic, players use this money for

chassis and equipment.

Teamplay: When Teamplay is On, players with the same flag are

considered allies, and will not be targeted by each other's Targeting

Computer and Auto Sentries. Players can cycle through teammate views

(and their own rearview) with the F2 key. Default is Off.

No Enemies: When On, there are no enemies on the level. Default is


Can't Buy Ammo: Prevents players from buying ammunition at the RPV

construction terminals. Default is Off. In a Scavenger Hunt or Classic

Deathmatch, this is always On.

Handicap Better Players: This balances play by increasing the cash

level of players with lower scores as the game progresses so that

they can purchase more weapons and equipment. Every time a player

dies, Gunmetal compares their score with that of the highest scorer

and adjusts their cash. The highest scorer will always be given the

same starting cash set by the server. Default is Off.

Allow Mouse Cheating: This allows individual players to access

the Mouse Cheating toggle on the Options menu. Default is Off.

Please note that it is called cheating - it is not allowed in

official Gunmetal tournaments. In Gunmetal, turning speed, like

movement speed, is limited by your vehicle design.

Start Game! Let the carnage begin.

The Network Server (or the lone computer in split-screen play) must

select which level to play and at which difficulty level. You can

scroll through a list of available levels using the up and down cursor

keys. (If you don't like to spoil surprises, don't deathmatch a level

until you've played through it in single-player.) Difficulty Level

setting will affect the number of enemies and powerups.

After the server has loaded, the clients will load. The clients will

not find the server until the server has finished loading. Do not

press space until all players are listed or the game will start

without them.


Modem, Serial, and TCP/IP games are only supported by the DirectX

version (GunDX).

From your Start menu select Programs/Gunmetal/Gunmetal

DirectX(MultiComputer). There will be a series of dialog boxes

allowing the different types of network games to be set up. After

setting up the type of game the multi-player setup will proceed as

in normal play.

In DirectX the server MUST be setup before launching any clients.

The first Dialog that will appear will be the options for the IPX

network game. These options allow a game to be set up over an

inter-office network. All machines should have the IPX settings

under Windows set to a Frame Type of Ethernet 802.3.

IPX Network Game Server

Yes for Server; No for Client; Cancel for next Dialog

If you want to run a different type of network game, simply hit Cancel

to advance to the next dialog box.

Modem Network Game Server

Yes for Server; No for Client;Cancel for next Dialog

DirectX will autodetect the modem and settings for a modem game; all

the client needs is the phone number of the server.

TCP/IP Internet Network Game Server

Yes for Server; No for Client;Cancel for next Dialog

For a local TCP/IP Game, the IP address or host name of the server

is required. For an internet game, the server should connect to their

ISP and determine their session IP address, or confirm their fixed IP

address, then start the game. The clients must also connect to their

ISP, and input the servers ISP address when prompted.

Serial Network Game Server

Yes for Server; No for Client;Cancel for next Dialog

A "Null Modem" serial cable designed for connecting two computers

must be connected prior to setting up the game. DirectX should auto

detect the settings for the serial link.



KEYBOARD (our favourite)

- Fully supported.


- Microsoft compatable mouse driver must be installed.

- Supports up to three buttons and two axis.


- Fully supports up to two at a time.


- Fully supported, but if more than one joystick is connected to the

system, only TWO buttons will be available on each. This is the

limitation of standard PC joystick hardware port.


- Run with the /THUNDERBIRD command line option to use this joystick.

With this option, it must be the only joystick connected to the system.

Full support of its thottle and directional HAT.


- Use configuration software included with the joystick to put it in

Thunderbird emulation mode and follow the instructions for the GRAVIS

THUNDERBIRD. The FIREBIRD 2's extra buttons can also be configured

using its configuration software.


- In the GRIPPAD directory is an example configuration file for the GRIP

keyboard utility.




- In the GAMEPADP directory is an example configuration file for the

GRIP keyboard utility.

- Can also be used as a GENERIC FOUR BUTTON JOYSTICK.


- Will auto-detect automatically.

- In DOS make sure you have a SWIFT supported mouse driver loaded.

- In a Win95/98 DOS session make sure you have the proper drivers for the

device configured.

- To not use the Cyberman, run with the /IGNORESWIFT option, this will

ignore any specialized Logitech Swift devices.


- Will auto-detect automatically in a Win95/98 DOS session, make sure you

have the proper Windows drivers for the device installed and selected.

- To not use the Cyberman, run with the /IGNORESWIFT option, this will

ignore any specialized Logitech Swift devices.


- Run with the /THUNDERPAD command line option to use this joystick.

With this option is must be the only joystick connected to the system.

Full support of two axis and six buttons.

- Without the command line option it works fine as a GENERIC TWO BUTTON

JOYSTICK, but it will also create a ghost second joystick that is not

useable as this is a side effect of its two extra trigger buttons.


- If running the DOS program in Win95/98, you will have to disable any

Windows drivers you have installed for it as they will 'hide' the

device from DOS programs.

- In DOS it can be used as a GENERIC FOUR BUTTON JOYSTICK.

- Can also be used as a GRAVIS THUNDERBIRD by holding down the base

button closest to the cord for a few seconds to activate the emulation.

Then run the game with the /THUNDERBIRD command line option.


- Will auto-detect automatically.

- In DOS make sure you have a SWIFT supported mouse driver loaded.

- In a Win95/98 DOS session make sure you have the proper drivers for the

device configured.

- To not use the Wingman Warrior run with the /IGNORESWIFT option, this

will ignore any specialized Logitech Swift devices.

- Can be used as a GENERIC FOUR BUTTON JOYSTICK if you plug the joystick

port connector in as opposed to the serial connector.




Windows 95, 98 and NT Direct Input Support

(GunDX, DirectX 5.0+ required):


KEYBOARD (our favourite)

- Fully supported.


- Supports up to four buttons and three axes.

- Any Direct Input 5.0 or greater compatable input device with the proper

driver installed and selected should work fine with the FSDS

development system. Make sure you have properly selected and if

necessary, calibrated it via the Windows control panel.

- The FSDS joystick sub-system supports up to eight joysticks with each

joystick up to 6 axes, 32 buttons and 4 directional hats.

- The following have been tested:

+ Gravis GRiP Pad(s): work fine.

+ Gravis Thunderbird: 4 buttons, both axis and the throttle work

fine. Current input driver gave some side

effects if the hat is used. Avoid using the

directional hat and everything will be fine.

Obtaining updated Windows device drivers may

correct this problem.

+ Logitech Cyberman 2: works fine.

+ Logitech Thunder Pad: works fine.

+ Logitech Wingman Digital Extreme: works fine.

+ Logitech Wingman Warrior: works fine.

+ Microsoft Sidewinder Game Pad: works fine.

+ Microsoft Sidewinder 3D Pro Plus: works fine.

+ Microsoft Sidewinder Precision Pro: works fine.

+ Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback Pro: works fine but force

feedback is not supported.


I was playing Gunmetal when all of a sudden it quit to Windows for

no reason.

* You may have hit the accursed Windows key. Check the menu bar. If

Gunmetal is still running, click on it. On some computers it may let

you continue your game and even salvage frozen multi-player games.

I put the CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive, but nothing's happening.

* Just in case, make sure your computer and monitor are on and the

CD-ROM is label side up.

* You may have autodetect turned off for your CD-ROM drive. If so,

you will have to run the setup program manually. From the Start menu,

select Run. Type (without the quotes) "D:\setup" and press enter.

If your CD-ROM drive is not your D drive, type whatever letter it is

instead of "D".

* Test another CD-ROM to see if your drive is working properly.

I have a 3DFX card, but I'm not seeing any graphics acceleration.

* Is your card working on other games? Has it been properly installed?

Gunmetal should autodetect your card if you have Win 95 or Win 98 on

your machine.

* If you are running from DOS, you will need to run Gunmetal as

gun /glide to see 3DFX acceleration.

* Gunmetal starts the first time in 320X400, 256 color mode. Select

a Glide 3DFX Graphics Mode from the Graphics menu.

* As of press time, GUNMETAL did not work properly with some Voodoo2

based graphics accelerator cards. Please check our website, where a patch

should be available by the time you read this.

I have a 3dfx card, but the graphics look crappy.

* Make sure you have the latest drivers for your card. GUNMETAL has some

odd effects when using older drivers, which are cleared up with the latest

versions. You can download new 3dfx drivers at www.3dfx.com.

I have a Voodoo2 card, but the game won't display at all.

* Only the latest Voodoo2 drivers are compatible with GUNMETAL. You can

download them from www.3dfx.com.

I can't get Gunmetal to work on my laptop.

* Gunmetal has been tested on some, but not all, laptops. Check

the Mad Genius website (www.madgenius.com) for the latest information

on laptop compatibility, and possible patches to make Gunmetal

compatible with your laptop.

Gunmetal runs out of memory while loading a level.

* Make sure that you have 24MB of RAM.

* Turn off any memory-hungry applications such as Microsoft Office.

Gunmetal crashes when it tries to load a level.

* If you used a minimum or typical install, you must have the Gunmetal

CD in your drive for the game to run. Try again with the CD in the drive.

The game works, but I can't get any sound or music.

* You must have a Sound Blaster-family or 100% compatible sound

card. If your sound card has a Sound Blaster emulation mode,

activate it (refer to your sound card manual) and try again.

* Do your sound card and speakers work for other applications?

If not, it may be a hardware or driver problem. Refer to your

sound card manual. Check the volume on your speakers just in case.

* Check your volume controls to make sure Wave volume is not turned

down or muted.

* If you exited to Windows and restarted Gunmetal, you may have two

copies of Gunmetal running. Quit both & start again.

The frame rate is too slow.

* Reduce the resolution in the Graphics menu. If this still isn't

enough, try increasing the Border (also in the Graphics menu). You can
also try turning off reflections or reducing light map quality to get

smoother (if uglier) graphics.

The frame rate is too fast.

* Some people feel ill when the frame rate is too fast. Try

increasing your resolution, color depth and/or screen size until

you get a frame rate which is comfortable. Make sure reflections,

and light maps are on.

I don't like the keyboard controls.

* You can define your own keyboard settings from the Controls menu.

Just select New Set from the Keyboard Set list, and then Assign New

Set from the menu. You can save as many different Keyboard Sets as

you want. If you experience problems, remember to try Keyjamming from

the Controls menu.

My strange new controller doesn't work.

* If you've got some new fangled controller that's going to change the

world, and Gunmetal doesn't support it, check the website

(www.madgenius.com) for updated controller information and patches.

I can turn but I can't move forwards or backwards.

* Your throttle may be set to zero. Increase the throttle with the

A key. If you are using a different Keyboard Set than Gun Keys, you

may have to check View Keyboard Set from the Controls menu.

* If you can move, but painfully slowly, hit F7 to check your vehicle

speed. You may have purchased too much equipment for your RPV chassis.

The controls for Split-screen games don't work.

* You may have to try Keyjamming from the Controls menu to determine

if you have any conflicts between the Split 1 and Split 2 Keyboard

Sets. If you do, you will have to select New Set from Keyboard Set

in the Controls menu and then Assign New Set for both sets until you

have a combination which works.

I get motion sickness playing Gunmetal.

* Some people get motion sickness playing 3-D games. Turn off Dynamic

camera under options.

* Visual effects in certain game areas can be very disorienting.

You'll know them when you see them. Save your game and take a break.

Get some fresh air.

Networking doesn't work.

* Windows 95/98 includes its own network system. This is best and
most reliable for Gunmetal!

* If you're playing under IPX/SPX, don't forget to set ALL computers

to a Frame Type of 802.3.

* If you have assigned more than one computer on the network as the

server, they will interfere with each other. Make sure only one

computer is the server.

* Make sure that everyone except the server is a client. Wait for

all clients before starting the game.

Networking is slow.

* Try running with a No Render Server. This should speed up gameplay.

* Increase resolution on faster machines and decrease resolution on

slower machines in order to equalize frame rates as much as possible.

The more consistent the frame rates, the smoother the gameplay will be.

I can't stop playing Gunmetal.

* No problem there. Everything is perfectly normal. Check the

website (www.madgenius.com) for new levels and news on upcoming




Go to the Website: www.madgenius.com

send an e-mail: sales@madgenius.com

If you become hopelessly stuck, please call our Hint Line at:


We'd love to be able to give you a free hint line, but we can't, because

they cost money to run. The Hint Line will cost you 75¢/minute. You must

be eighteen years or older to call or have your parent's consent.

We welcome your feedback. Please e-mail us with comments, questions or

compliments at feedback@madgenius.com. If you find a bug or some kind of

weird technical problem, e-mail us at problems@madgenius.com. For employment

inquiries, send mail to jobs@madgenius.com. If you have millions of dollars

that you don't know what to do with, send mail to invest@madgenius.com.

For information on the Soy Boy family of products, send mail to


If you don't have e-mail, you can send snail mail to us at:

Mad Genius Software

936 Peace Portal Dr. #15

Blaine, WA 98230

If you need technical support, check our website at www.madgenius.com for

Frequently Asked Questions and the latest troubleshooting information. It will

also have an area where you can download patches and new enhancements and

supported hardware as soon as they become available.

Don't forget to check our website for news on upcoming releases.

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