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From childhood I had heard the word SAMADHI. It was the final
word in spirituality… It was something that was believed only few
sages could attain in their lifetime.
Ordinary devotees had no chance. They had to go temples, do
meditation and read books. That is what I did in childhood. I went
to temples and did my normal prayers.
Little did I know that I would spend 37000 hours at the feet of
Krishna, write 13 bestselling books and complete the essence of
Vedanta and one day write about how to enter into samadhi…
Hard to believe it. For someone who never read a book, never had
a living guru, never attended a discource…By the grace of Krishna,
Goddess Kali, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Sharda Devi, all things
He who makes the dumb speak, the lame cross a mountain. He
will help me. If he cannot then none can- Vivekananda
He shines everything else shines
Chapter 1: The Three Words That Will Set You Free

You may have read this post earlier from me but for the purposes
of entering into Samadhi we have to know this


There are three words you have to know before you
practice spirituality

Notice what I wrote …. Three words… Words… Words..


1) Veda

2) Thought

3) Feeling

Veda is a mass of infinite words from which the never

ending cycle of creation , maintenance and destruction

Look at it like a library of infinite words.. From this

library we are borrowing words every single day

These infinite words are not created…. They exist… The

definition of the word existence means that which always
existed.. which does not have a beginning… and does not
have an end.. One cycle of creation will have a beginning
and end but when one cycle of creation ends, the idea of
creation rests in the Veda and it springs back again
after a brief period of rest..

When you break a glass the idea of the glass does not
die and you go to the shop and buy the glass again…
Vedas are these infinite ideas which have always

Vivekananda says … “Whatever is happening today must

have happened in the past and will happen in the
future.. Everything in nature is bound by law”

What we call as evolution is nothing but assembling

these infinite ideas and the one who is good at that
ends up discovering a new phenomena or a product…

So when Steve Jobs introduced iphone or ipad.. The word

iphone or ipad existed as an idea always through
eternity.. He was smart enough to assemble these words
from the library of Vedas…

This infinite library of words is available to all…

Veda is the sum total of eternal truths and includes

superconsciousness and consciousness..

Superconsciousness part is called Jnana Khanda which

contains words that lead you to Brahman( the womb of

Consciousnessness part is called Karma Khanda which

contains words that lead you away from Brahman( the
womb of God)

That leads us to the next word thought…

2) Thought: So thought is nothing but a assembly of

words…already existing in the library of Vedas.

Got it,,,

What we call a brilliant idea is nothing but borrowing the

right words from the library of Vedas and arranging it in
sequence in your mind in the form of thought… which
produces a massive impact… and something new or
beautiful is formed…

The secret is in borrowing the right words and arranging

the words in sequence…

So lets back up…here

When you get up in the morning there is one big mistake

we all make

We borrow from the words which we came with which

are stored in the repository of the base of spine.
Without our knowledge these stacked words come to
the surface like a wave hitting the shore and
produces thoughts and then feelings…

What you don’t understand is the thoughts feelings

are coming to you because of the strength of the
words arranged in sequence…

Let me give you an example…

On 26th November…

If the word Anger… Anger… Anger… Anger.. Hatred..

Jealousy… Procrastination… Anger… Hatred…

Is stacked in you for the next 24 hours… guess what

that it will be recalled to the surface and you will get that
thought and feeling…

Every minute you are leaving footprints of words which

become the cause of your future life and destiny

So today as you act and react you are leaving 1440(24

hours) words in your small folder which will become
the cause of your future birth…

So in a year you leave 525600 words… in your small


In a lifetime of 70 years you leave 36792000 words in

your small folder…

These words get carried along and you are placed in

circumstance of time,space and people based on these
words you have accumulated… got it..

So this is only for one lifetime. Think about it. How many
lifetimes this nonsense is going on…?

thought is nothing but a assembly of words…

Here is the breakthrough

You may have 36792000 words in your folder in this

lifetime which we call destiny…

However you can give it a pass and borrow your words

from the infinite library of Vedas..

How do you do it?

With the help of the superconscious entity in you.. which

is residing at the back of the center of your eye-brows.

Got it… Your waking life represents consciousness.

Consciousness exists because of Superconscious.

All light in the field of consciousensss exists because of


Include Superconsciousness in consciousness. Read

it 1000 times…

That is the secret…

That leads us to the third word Feelings…

3) Feelings…
Thinking is ignorantly assembling the wrong words…

Feeling means you ignorantly own the wrong words

you assembled.

Here is the way out…?

If the word Anger… Anger… Anger… Anger.. Hatred..

Jealousy… Procrastination… Anger… Hatred…Kama…
Kama… Kama… Desire… Desire… Desire…Anger
Anger… is stacked in you

All you need is to identify that one word which is

producing the million of thoughts and feelings in

So if you remove that one Anger from your folder the

game is over. It will wipe out all the other 79 million
words of anger….

You may have 79 million words of anger which you may

have brought forward from earlier existence but you can
simply by deleting that one word become free from
anger and so all thoughts and feelings will disappear.
It is that magical…

That is the secret…

If the word suffering… suffering… loneliness, suffering,

victim, scarcity,,, is stacked in you and there are 20
million words of suffering in you

You only have to identify one word SUFFERING and

delete it all other word will vanish and with it all
thoughts and feelings will disappear. It is that

Did you get it..?

So in your meditation know that you can borrow words

from infinite library of Vedas any word which you want
you are not restricted to that which you came with

The only way you get access to this is by including the

Superconsciousnes in your conscious daily life

It is a field of infinite possibilities…

So you can destroy suffering by deleing the one word

Suffering which is the cause of all pain…

So you can destroy anger by deleing the one word Anger

which is the cause of all pain…

So you can destroy Kama by deleing the one word Kama

which is the cause of all trouble…

You can freely borrow from secret library of Vedas

the words









Again these are words . Right now you may know few
of thes words but you know it intellectually you know
it as a thought and feeling not as a word… and I will
train you how to borrow it iin the coming episodes…
Chapter 2: The Preliminary Preparation

Lets go....

For the last 17 years i have read and re-read Swami Vivekananda
and Ramakrishna. This passage below i have read more than 500
times. in the last 5 years...

I would highly encourage you to read it once a day...

Says Ramakrishna about his experience

“One day I found that my mind was soaring high in Samadhi

along a luminous path. It soon transcended the stellar universe
and entered the subtler region of ideas.(Shabdas)

As it ascended higher and higher I found on both sides of the way

ideal forms of gods and goddesses. The mind then reached the
outer limits of that region, where a luminous barrier separated
the sphere of relative existence from that of the Absolute.

Crossing that barrier, the mind entered the transcendental realm

where no corporeal being was visible. Even the gods dared not
peep into that sublime realm, but had to be content to keep their
seats far below. The next moment I found seven venerable sages
seated there in Samadhi.

It occurred to me that these sages must have surpassed not only

men, but even the gods, in knowledge and holiness, in
renunciation and love. Lost in admiration, I was reflecting on their
greatness, when I saw a portion of that undifferentiated
luminous region condense into the form of a divine child.

The child came to one of the sages, tenderly clasped his neck with
his lovely little arms, and, addressing him in a sweet voice,
attempted to drag his mind down from the state of Samadhi.

The magic touch roused the sage from his super-conscious state,
and he fixed his unmoving, half open gaze upon that wonderful
child. His beaming countenance showed that the child must have
been the treasure of his heart. In great joy the strange child said
to him, "I am going down. You too must go with me."
The sage remained mute, but his tender look expressed his assent.
As he kept gazing on the child, he was again immersed in Samadhi.
I was surprised to find that a fragment of the sage's body and
mind was descending on earth in the form of an effulgent light.

No sooner had I seen Naren(Vivekananda) than I recognized him to

be that sage. When asked, Ramakrishna said that the divine child
was himself.”

Says Vivekananda

“From the earliest times that I can remember, I used to see

a marvelous point of light between my eyebrows as soon as I
shut my eyes to go to sleep, and I used to watch its
various changes with great attention.

That marvelous point of light would change colors and get

bigger until it took the form of a ball; finally it would burst and
cover my body from head to foot with white liquid light. As soon as
that happened, I would lose outer consciousness and fall asleep.

I used to believe that that was the way everybody went to sleep.
Then, when I grew older and began to practice meditation, that
point of light would appear to me as soon as I closed my eyes,
and I would concentrate upon that.”

At that time I was practising meditation with a few friends. We told

each other about the visions and experiences we had. And that was
how I found out that none of them had ever seen that point of light
or gone to sleep that way…

The experiences of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda is yours..

should you choose to borrow them you can freely…

HEAR IT… again and again

Chapter 3: Pick three words that represent an obstacle

Before we go any further into entering Samadhi…

I want you to do a small exercise
Pick three words that represent an obstacle for you which you
want to eliminate from your being....

b) and write why you want them out( what is the trouble it is
giving you in terms of time lost, frustration, hurt etc)
This is extremely IMPORTANT ASSISGNMENT SO please
complete it.
Here is an example. You can write in your own style…
The 3 words that i wish for to be eliminated from my being are,

*fear -fear is the word that that has caused a lot of problem to me.
it is mainly the fear of failure in many aspects of life. It leads me
to be insecure about money, relationships & also causes me to be
very conservative. I hope to remove fear and see things in the
correct light.

*despair- this is a follow up of the fear. I have faced some amount

of trauma in my life due to failure of relationship , huge losses in
terms of money , child ,professional opportunities etc. This has led
me to despair and dissappointments many a time. I wish to get rid
of the sinking feeling that i face whenever something doesnt start
to go right. It also leads to a lot of mistrust and self doubts.

*jealousy- this is again a follow up of the other 2. Due to failure

and despair felt, i tend to feel envious of people that have faced
success in aspects of life that i wish to feel success. Even though I
usually persevere and dont give up my own efforts, i feel bogged
down when i dont succeed and start comparisons with others
which leads to envy. I wish to get rid of this from my being.
Chapter 4: The Landscape of Krishna and why it is important

The first thing necessary to enter into Samadhi is to know the

landscape of Krishna. You need to know how creation
happened. This is absolutely critical. To know what is happening
inside of you,( microcosm) Vivekananda says the
macrocosm(universe) should be studied.

There are four steps in the creation of the universe

Krishna says “ My womb is the great Brahman. I cast the seed
therein. All the different forms of beings that spring from the
different wombs their womb is the great Brahman”
So in the landscape of Krishna rests the womb of Brahman.
From this womb of Brahman a four step process follows:

1) SHABDA(Unmanifested Idea brought forward)

When one cycle of creation ends the idea of universe present in t
he earlier cycle (man, women, planets, plants, animals, moving o
bjects, nonmovingobjects, pattern of desires, thoughts, feelings a
nd more) dont die they get transformed into words.
These words transform into unmanifested thought ideas(Shabda)
before resting in Brahman. At the point of creation Brahman bec
omes manifest again as this Shabda(unmanifested thought
Look at it more like if you go to sleep tonight all the good and bad
energy you carry will get transformed into words and the words
into unmanifested thought. When you wake up in the morning
these unmanifested thought ideas will get transformed into words
which will transform into thoughts leading to action and events..

2) SPHOTA( The Phenomena of creation through words)

Shabda then assumes the form of AUM. As it comes out of the
mouth of Sphota. Look at Sphota as a printer you put words on
one end and the object pops out on the other side.

AUM is the sound symbol or the CPU of SPHOTA which begins

churning of unmanifested thoughts into objects. A is the throat
sounds. M is the lip sound and U is the sound from throat to lip.
This transformation using sounds is called Vedic language.
The language of sounds. Vedas may be written in Sanskrit but
they are not Sanskrit language they are called Vedic language.
The magic is not in the words but in the sounds which form the
So when the idea of Sun appears before Brahman it is processed
through SPHOta and the sound sun is produced of which the
word sun is produced which directly manifests the SUN.
So Brahman has perfect will power . You and I don’t have that.
Our will is caused we can only manifest so much but Brahman
has got perfect will power.. Whatever is placed before it directly
though words object manifests
In earth life you and I have to think and act and then the object
manifests. If you say car it does not manifest. You have to think,
research and take action by producing the car and then car
Not so in case of Brahman there is perfect will power.
IDEA of Sun- Sound of SUN- Word of Sun--- SUN…
It is instant through SPHOTA.. Got it sphota is like the magical
wand which transforms ideas into objects
The whole of universe is built on name and form(Nama and
Rupa), Name came first and then the form. The form is the
outer crust of which name or idea is the inner kernel. The body is
the form, and the mind is name(words) .
In the human microcosm there cannot be an single wave(
thought) in the mind without a name and form.(you may have to
read this one sentence 100 times to get to know the meaning. I

Every thought that you think happens because there is a

name(words) and form(circumstance) already existing in seed
So thought is an effect. The cause is words and circumstances
already existing.
In the universe nature is the form and the words that form it
are the name... It follows that body is made up of words and
creation of universe began through sounds which became words
from which nature manifested..
Things which are of use to us

Brahman is endowed with perfect will power. which means it
manifests everything from words directly without going through t
hought and action as we do...
Chapter 5: How To Enter into Samadhi( The First Attempt)
Disciple: Sir please tell me which method of yoga is the best for
realising Brahman… Bhakti yoga or raja yoga or karma yoga
Vivekananda: Striving in these paths some attain to realisation of
The path of Bhakti or devotion is a slow process but is easy to
In the path of raja yoga there are many obstacles, the mind runs
after psychic powers and thus draws away from real nature.
Work has no power of directly manifesting the Atman, it is only
effective in removing some veils that cover knowledge but in the
sphere of relative consciousness it has got tremendous utility. If
Atman could be realised through work then scriptures would
not have enjoined to give up the results of work…
Only the path of Jnana is of quick fruition and the rationale of all
creeds, hence it is equally esteemed in all countries and all ages.
But even Jnana yoga there is a chance of mind getting stuck up in
vain argumentation. Therefore along with it mediation should
be practised
By means of jnana and meditation with bhakti the goal of
Brahman is reached. This is my opinion is the easy path
ensuring quick success- Vivekananda…


Entering into Samadhi
So we are going to do some magic. One of the most fascinating
things about humanity is Jnana yoga. The ability to reach
Brahman purely through words. Nothing else. You can re-direct
all your attention, imagination and memory in one stroke
through a sequence of words.
READY.. I did this in a live seminar. I have put the entire
sequence of words below. If you run through this entire
sequence at the end of which a massive impact will be
formed you will have a simple SAMADHI. And this is just the
beginning. We have awesome stuff for you lined up..
Hold tight. Shun away all distractions, phones, close the door./
Here we go. Read this aloud and slowly.

1)Vedanta says the root cause of all your misery and suffering is
2) IGNORANCE arises because of your thoughts and feelings…
3) Thoughts and Feelings arise because of WORDS spoken,
written, heard or seen by YOU…
4) All the WORDS you use every single day are borrowed from the
library of Vedas… You cannot create words.. You only assemble
them from this library of Vedas.
5) The Vedic library has two sections. One is Karma Khanda which
contains all words of manifestation and Jnana Khanda which
contains words that lead you to Brahman( the superconsciousness
womb of unmanifest)
5) When you ignorantly own the words you also own the
form(circumstances) and this triggers the thought in you and you
feel and you suffer.
6) Vedanta therefore says the first law is “ There cannot arise a
single thought wave in you without a name and form. What that
means is thought is the effect and the cause is the ownership of
the name and form you borrowed..

READY DRUM ROLL FOR The three steps

7) So the first step in getting rid of suffering is to stop
struggling with thoughts and feelings and transform all thoughts
and feelings into WORDS.
8) Kindly do this exercise .. This exercise is vital and should be
done slowly and carefully. If you do this well you would have got
rid of 60% of your suffering.
a) Pick three words that represent an obstacle for you which you want to eliminate from your

b) and write why you want them out( what is the trouble it is giving you in terms of time lost,
frustration, hurt etc)

I hope you have completed this exercise. I had posted this

assignment for you in earlier posts
9) Once you identify the three to five words… Now you are ready
for second step…
10) So the second step in getting rid of suffering is to despatch
these words.. from where you borrowed it. Yes surrender it to
the library of Karma khanda.. Renounce ownership. Despatch it
into the orbit of Karma Khanda. The moment you do it the form
will disappear and so will the need for thought in you and suffering
will instantly end…
11) The law for this “All the words in your Mind is borrowed
from sound AUM. So freely allow the mind to travel back to its
source THE SPHOTA OF AUM…. Let the journey begin….
12) Now your body is free from all words.. It is called Chitta
Shuddi… You are now ready for Samadhi.
13) So the third and final step in getting rid of suffering is to
include the word SAMADHI from the library of Jnana Khanda
freely. You have full right and permission to do that.
All great ones freely borrowed from this library of Jnana Khanda.
Every single soul has the permission and right. You don’t need to
knock at any door to get permission.
14) Now experience SAMADHI.. in less than 60 seconds. The
reason is you should have a urgency to experience… otherwise
you will keep waiting for millions of ages and never do anything
with it.. 60 seconds is a long time . It is eternity..
15) Go to your room and sit and process the three steps and
experience samadhi. right now. Go you can do it. Even if you fail
you will be happy because you attempted something which others
dream of their whole life…
Read this everyday or as many times as you can before
meditating… Says Ramakrishna about his experience
“One day I found that my mind was soaring high in Samadhi
along a luminous path. It soon transcended the stellar universe
and entered the subtler region of ideas.(Shabdas)
As it ascended higher and higher I found on both sides of the way
ideal forms of gods and goddesses. The mind then reached the
outer limits of that region, where a luminous barrier separated
the sphere of relative existence from that of the Absolute.
Crossing that barrier, the mind entered the transcendental realm
where no corporeal being was visible. Even the gods dared not
peep into that sublime realm, but had to be content to keep
their seats far below. The next moment I found seven venerable
sages seated there in Samadhi.
It occurred to me that these sages must have surpassed not only
men, but even the gods, in knowledge and holiness, in
renunciation and love. Lost in admiration, I was reflecting on their
greatness, when I saw a portion of that undifferentiated
luminous region condense into the form of a divine child.
The child came to one of the sages, tenderly clasped his neck with
his lovely little arms, and, addressing him in a sweet voice,
attempted to drag his mind down from the state of Samadhi.
The magic touch roused the sage from his super-conscious state,
and he fixed his unmoving, half open gaze upon that wonderful
child. His beaming countenance showed that the child must have
been the treasure of his heart. In great joy the strange child said
to him, "I am going down. You too must go with me."
The sage remained mute, but his tender look expressed his assent.
As he kept gazing on the child, he was again immersed in Samadhi.
I was surprised to find that a fragment of the sage's body and
mind was descending on earth in the form of an effulgent light.
No sooner had I seen Naren(Vivekananda) than I recognized him to
be that sage. When asked, Ramakrishna said that the divine child
was himself.”
Says Vivekananda
“From the earliest times that I can remember, I used to see a
marvelous point of light between my eyebrows as soon as I
shut my eyes to go to sleep, and I used to watch its
various changes with great attention.
That marvelous point of light would change colors and get
bigger until it took the form of a ball; finally it would burst and
cover my body from head to foot with white liquid light. As soon
as that happened, I would lose outer consciousness and fall
I used to believe that that was the way everybody went to sleep.
Then, when I grew older and began to practice meditation, that
point of light would appear to me as soon as I closed my
eyes, and I would concentrate upon that.”
At that time I was practising meditation with a few friends. We
told each other about the visions and experiences we had. And
that was how I found out that none of them had ever seen that
point of light or gone to sleep that way…
The experiences of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda is yours..
should you choose to borrow them you can freely…
HEAR IT… again and again
DISCRIMINATE IT with the three steps outlined above
See you on the other side…
Krishna to Arjun in Bhagavad Gita
“To men who exclusively meditate on me and who worship me
elaborately and apply themselves incessantly to meditation I
bring them prosperity and security”
“In the end whosoever departs giving up the body and
remembering me reaches me…”
Go to your room and sit and process the three steps and
experience samadhi. right now. Go you can do it. Even if you
fail you will be happy because you attempted something which
others dream of their whole life…
You will be surprised with the results
Chapter 6: How to Enter into Samadhi
(The Second attempt)

There is something beautiful which human beings possess. The

choice to experience without fear…
Fear is called Bhayam..
Fearlessness is called Abhyam..
No matter how great you become if the experiencer is the mind
fear will follow…
Mind always has an affinity to move towards or away from the
objects of the world.. This is called Bhoga… Wherever there is
Bhoga there is Bhayam(fear) behind..
Vivekananda says
“In wealth is the fear of poverty, in knowledge the fear of ignorance, in beauty the fear
of age, in fame the fear of backbiters, in success the fear of jealousy, even in body is
the fear of death. Everything in this earth is fraught with fear. He alone is fearless who
has given up everything”

What does it mean by he alone is fearless who has given up everything..

Given up everything means.. he who has developed the practise of Vairagya..
Wherever Vairagya is present Abhayam(fearlessness flows…)
Lets come back to the word experience….without fear….
Krishna says to Arjun in Bhagavad Gita
“Him the weapons cannot cut, fire cannot burn, water cannot wet, air cannot
dry.. The Self cannot be cutted, dried burnt or wetted. Eternal , all pervasive,
stable immovable everlasting the Self reigns. The Self is the imperishable and
the immutable”
There is within you an experiencer and knower that cannot be destroyed, and
which does not go through emotions of sadness and happiness. Such an entity
is there within you Krishna says… This entity is fearless by its very nature…
Then why is the mind fearful..?
From where did this mind pop up and why is it full of fear and insecurity and
What is mind?
Mind is called Anthakarana… That which is caused to move by the words you
have brought forward
There is something which moves within you based on the words you have
brought forward and the words you keep accumulating. That which moves
based on the words you have accumulated is called the mind.
Take a look at this image

Fear* 10 million thoughts
Insecurity….*10 million thoughts
Self worth…….*10 million thoughts
Doubt…….*10 million thoughts
Success. ….*10 million thoughts
Fear….*10 million thoughts

So mind is nothing but the accumulation of words which we have picked from
Karma Khanda folder we say that in the earlier posts..
If you accumulate the word fear 10 million times obviously the experiencer
would be fearful… and the thoughts and feelings associated with it…
All these words that are accumulated on the top of the Anthakarana becomes
real and makes the Manas the experiencer…. With the I……
You suffer with the words if they are painful and you enjoy them if they are
But either way you are a slave of the words you accumulated with no idea of
how to take it out from your system…
So what do we do?
Krishna has a suggestion but the world does not listen….
Krishna says the real knower is your Atman… The real experiencer is your
Atman.. You can experience everything from the Atman directly .. You don’t
need to involve the Manas…
Then he suggests four ways.. Bhakti yoga, Karma yoga, Raja Yoga and Jnana
yoga to reach to the knower…
And this is where all trouble started….
People got so fascinated by the various yogas that each one freaked out and
thought he or she is practising sprituality by following these methods without
understanding what they were attempting to do…
Here is what it is … LISTEN WITH OPEN EARS…..
What are the various methods of yoga doing…? They are all attempting to
control the mind… That’s it… Nothing else… Read this a thousand times.
However look how stupid it gets:
The Bhakti yogin the moment he sits for meditation he starts chanting verses
and hymns directly using his existing knowledge and devotion.. He does one
big mistake… I will cover that later
The Karma yogin believes in his work and does great work from the moment
he gets up and believes he is changing the world… He does one big mistake… I
will cover that later
The Raja yogin believes that breathing can lead to mind purification and
reaching of the Atman and he practises Pranayama. He does one big mistake…
I will cover that later
The Jnana yogin believes in discriminating between the real Atman and the
unreal world through knowledge and practise.He does one big mistake… I will
cover that later
In all the four methods who is the knower and experiencer?
The mind….. not the Atman
The Bhakti yogin, Karma yogin, the raja yogin the jnana yogin forgot one thing
that they possess this delusional mind… which has 10 million words.
Anything that they experience will be through the delusional mind… no matter
how beautiful it is … Their experience is filtered by the words of Sattvic,
Rajasic or Tamasic…
The knower and experiencer is still the Manas( the mind) not the Atman….
They think they are doing it all right but no…. They are not
Adi Shankaracharya says they are householders….
The definition of householder means not one who is married. He says even a
monk is a householder if is mind is dwelling on the body or the world.
If the mind is dwelling on the body or the world that person is a householder
and his experience is delusional…
He has not got what in spiritual terms is called ANUBHUTI.
Direct realisation of the Atman by the atman
The Atman is the knower..
The Atman is the experiencer says Krishna
You cannot know and experience Atman thorugh any means.
The Knower the knowledge and the Knowable has to be the same. That is
real Anubhuti
The Knower is the Atman
The knowledge is ………..
The Knowable is the Brahman…
So here is the trick
Krishna says don’t waste your time trying all these yogic tricks and spending
countless hours in meditation methods….
Do one thing…
Krishna says the greatest intellectual man on earth can conquer everything in
the world but none can conquer the mind…. Nor control it without my grace…
Krishna suggests a very simple way for direct experience of Atman
HE says follow any of the yoga methods but before you do that do one simple




Before you meditate… listen carefully

Before you work…
Before you communicate…
Let it rest there. When you want it for your work take it. Then
return it back…
All the words of the mind is borrowed from AUM.. The SPHOTA
Return it back by placing it at the lotus feet of Krishna or your
favourite deity
TADIYATA MEANS everything is HIS. It is the final word in
surrender… Such a simple thing however takes one a whole
lifetime or in many cases multiple lifetime.
We forget to offer our mind at the lotus feet of Krishna. We feel
that is the end result… That is why it is called Maya. It is the
first and the only step needed
You will be able to do it easily because now you knowledge
has come full circle…
You can do it like a piece of cake
OFFER YOUR MIND And place it at the lotus feet of Krishna. Do
it right now and you will see there it goes…..
The moment you do that now you can experience directly through
the Atman… You can experience the ABHAYAM ( the
fearlessness) directly… because now you don’t carry a mind
The experiencer is Now your ATMAN…
This is the first step
Ramakrishna said “” Take my knowledge take my ignorance and
give me pure devotion” Say that and offer it with full resolve at
the lotus feet
You will notice strangely that your mind will go and sit there at
the lotus feet of god quietly….
Because it came from that source…
To many this is scary because you may lose your individuality .
But that is where the beginning of spirituality is
The mind does three things
MEMory- goes back to past..
Imagination—about the future or about a present
Feelings—emotions related to circumstnaces
The moment you get any of these during your meditation… or
waking hours instantly remember that your mind has come back
to you
Again simply offer it to the lotus feet
In my meditation today I do three chapters of bhagavad gita
everyday. It takes me around 2 hours.. to recite it slowly.
I offered my mind at the lotus feet and then began and it was so
beautiful. The moment I did the first step right the words were
now coming from my mouth but the source was the Atman.
The Atman was the experiencer. Directly I was experiencing the
words through the Atman… Directly I was knowing the words
through the Atman.
During this 2 hours memory, imagination and feelings came
back 10 to 15 minutes. But guess what. In 3 seconds I
despatached them back again.
Saying There you go….
To the lotus feet of Krishna….


For the first time my mind listened to me...

For the first time I experienced the joy of knowing Atman
The experience is rich… for it is virgin…
Krishna says “ To men who exclusively meditate on me and who
worship me elaborately I bring them prosperity and security”
ANUBHUTI IS direct when you do dhaynam first and appreciate
the landscape of Krishna…
Knower—Your Atman
Knowledge—Placing the mind at the lotus feet of Krishna
Knowable is the Brahman- Goddess Kali( if you prefer the person)
or AUM ( if you prefer a principle)
This is called a simple samadhi…
During this process when the knower merges with the knowable
that is called Nirvakalpa samadhi.. Ramakrishna says your body
cannot last for more than 21 days if you reach that state. So
hopefully we don’t want that to happen now.
Simple Samadhi makes you a GOD….
Now every meditation you do is a Anuraga(worship) to the God
Every bath you take is a abhishekam(divine bath) to the God
Every walk you take is a pradakshina( circulating) around God
Every thing that you eat is a prasadam( offering) to the God
Every work is a Tadiyata(sacrifice) to the God within…
I told you I will not disappoint you…
You have attained VAIRAGYA.. You are not a householder…
Tommorow I will share the greatest poem written by Adi
Now you know what to do when you are confused, frustrated or
fearful or lost… Don’t waste time with people, events.. Within 3
seconds directly offer your manas at the lotus feet of God. Let
it rest there and you will watch … Wow… This is working…
The more number of times you remember to place it the
more the word Anubhuti will get strengthened. You will love
Krishna to Arjun in Bhagavad Gita “ It is true that the mind is
difficult to control but through practise and detachment it is
brought under control”
SHHHHHHHHHHH! Keep this a secret😊 Don’t tell anyone
this is so simple…. Tell them try all other methods…
This is scary… Vivekananda says if you can stop the Chitta from
breaking into waves the body will drop instantly….
Chapter 7: The Power of TAPAS

Today I want to talk to you about the word TAPAS….

This is an extraordinary word. Most Hindus know this word only
intellectually . Today I will demonstrate how you can gain quick
merit by grabbing this word TAPAS
First a story….
There lived in India a kind Vishwamitra. Once while hunting in
the forest he entered the hermitage of sage Vashishta.
The sage welcomed the King and his armies, and caused
refreshments to be brought forth. The King was very much
surprised, that a complete feast had been laid out for his army!
There were delectable dishes of every description and refreshing
drinks of every variety. The King and his followers dined in style.
Vishwamitra then asked Vashishta “O sage in this isolated forest
with no means of support, how did you manage to provide such a
big feast to us. Do you possess some magical powers?”
The sage said “ O King it is because of the cow Nandini. She is
calf of the divine cow Kamadhenu(the giver of prosperity). Thanks
to her I have been able to provide you the feast”
The king got excited and asked the sage to give the cow to him
as a lot of people can benefit..
The sage however denied his request saying it was a divine cow
needed during his sacrifices and poojas..
The king got angry and decided to take the cow Nandini by force..
The sage was quiet…
The soldiers of the king caught Nandini and tied her with a rope.
Nandini started pleading to the sage and said What sin did I
commit that you are handing me to the king and I am being
treated this way
The sage said “ It is not my will. The king is taking you by force.
You can act as you feel right”
The Nandini cow invoked her divine power…
With eyes reddened by anger, howling with rage, it attacked the
troops of Vishwamitra From her tail, showers of burning coal
shot out and burned many an unwary soldiers. In an instant, a
vast army emerged from her body and defeated the armies of the
king Vishwamitra.
When Vishwamitra saw all this he was ashamed that such a big
army was humbled by one sage who did not have a single
He was amazed at the power of the sage and retired to the forest
to do penance
What did the sage Vashishta possess that the king did not..?
What is TAPAS?
Meditation is not Tapas. We saw in the earlier post there are two
entities in you
That’s it …
When someone says he or she is meditating it means their
manas is meditating not their Atman.
Because the first step before you meditate is to offer your
mind at the lotus feet of Krishna
Did you get it?
Surrendering your mind at the lotus feet of Krishna is the
first step not the last which most think…
Surrender is not the effect of Anubhuti(realisation) it is
the cause that gifts you realisation.
The first thing you should do is to offer your manas at the
lotus feet of Krishna
If you don’t do this your entire meditation and prayers will not
give you Anubhuti. It gives you Chitta Shuddi( purification of
mind). This is the reason people even after spending 30 years
don’t get to any level because they did not do the first step..
It is so close to their nose but they forget it..
Everyone thinks they are great devotees but they forget to do
the first step…
Manas is a dangerous thing. Even if you have five words in
your manas it will make y ou work for 50 years.
You and I have anywhere between 500-50000 words piled on
top of Manas.. So it is foolishness to pay attention to dropping
it one by one.
You have to uproot the whole plant with the roots and offer it
at the lotus feet of Krishna
Your manas is gone now..
Now you can start your prayers and meditation with words
and directly experience through Atman..
Your manas may popup again. How will you notice it?
If you get a memory of past or future, or imagination of world
things, or a feeling for any person or event instantly within
seconds offer manas back at the lotus feet.
Here is the kicker..
Everytime that you do this you will gain one point of TAPAS.
Got it. Read that a thousand times..
You will gain one point of TAPAS if you do it once. If you do it
100 times in a day you will get 100 TAPAS points..
TAPAS means direct spiritual strength.. A power that is
imperishable and immutable. It is a power you own . It does
not diminish with time and circumstances.
During the day the more the number of times you
remember to spot your manas in a state of memory,
imagination or feeling you win by offering your manas at the
lotus feet of Krishna
If you offered your manas 10 times at the lotus feet of
Krishna then you will also have an opportunity 10 times to
experience your ATMan directly through the words you
chant or the work you do..
So everything you directly experience Atman you gain another
one point of TAPAS
Got it
So you earn the merit of TAPAS
1) By offering your manas at the lotus feet of God
2) By experiencing your Atman directly through work or words

This is when meditation transforms itself into TAPAS and gives

you great merit in your personal life and helps you attain Moksha
“ To men who exclusively meditate on me and who worship me
elaborately I bring them prosperity and security”
Chapter 8 : Talking to Manas
Mind is addressed as Manas. Now you are qualified to talk to
your Manas.
Your Atman can talk to your Manas directly…
That is how great ones talked
Hey Manane(manas) Ramakrishna used to address his mind
when he was sleeping in the same bed with her wife Sharda Devi
‘O mind, look at this; this is what is called a female body. The whole world
is mad after this. The world considers this as the supreme object of sense

But if you start enjoying this, you will forever get trapped in body
consciousness; you will never be able to perceive God who is
Truth-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute.

Now, you tell me, O mind, be not a hypocrite! Don’t desire one thing
within you and utter something else outside. Tell me truly, do you want
this sense pleasure or do you desire God?

If you wish to enjoy a female body, then look here, it is right here next to
you. You are free to enjoy it.’

Thinking in this way, he was just about to touch the body of his
wife, when all of a sudden his mind retreated with such intensity
from his senses that he entered into a very deep Samadhi! That entire
night, his mind did not come down from that supernal state to his senses.
The next day, his mind had to be brought back to his senses after
chanting the name of God repeatedly in his ears.

See how he is training his manas by talking to it in a direct way.

You and I might not have that same kind of relationship with our
mind but…… with the knowledge you have now you can go a long
You now have the right to enter into conversation with your
No thinking or feeling and all that nonsense and wasting
Talk directly with manas
Ram used to talk directly with Time…
You may laugh but there is not a single person who is stopping
you from speaking to your Manas.
You can get out of big problems by talking to it and making
it your friend and at the same time have the ability to
despatch it to the feet of God at short notice.
When your manas is within you. It should be your best friend..
The moment it starts troubling you despatch it to the feet of
The bars have been raised the viels have been removed
Now the show is between your Atman and Manas..
There is one thing I want to share with you
In Raja yoga it is written that the exact date, time, seconds and
place of a persons death can be known..
You may wonder how this is possible…
Mind has an internal clock… a real clock…. It works with more
precision than the world clock…
There is this example given by Shankarcharya of a old monk of
85 years who was in ICU in hospital and another young monk
was also admitted and he was in the bed next to him
The young monk noticed that at 6.00 am the old monk will
suddenly get into a state for 90 minutes almost instantly without
any effort. Even doctors could not understand what was
It was found out that the old monk used to for 30 years meditate
at exactly the same time at 6.00 am. And his mind would dissolve
into the atman.. He had done that for 30 years and so the
moment the world clock struck 6.00 am his mind will retire into
the Atman
This is the reason meditating in the same place at the same time
is preferred.
Manas is nothing but carrying words and these words are
exhausted every second every day. So when no words of Pra-
rabhda Karma remain then the words of Sanchita Karma( words
of multiple lifetimes) and Agami karma(words formed as a result
of this lifetime) enter into the manas and the manas enters into
prana and the prana enters into the Atman and the atman leaves
the body…
When it re-enters into another body the opposite happens
Atman enters into prana, prana enters into manas, manas starts
releasing the words it is carrying one by one..
Did you get it?
Your job is to make sure when the mind enters into prana
there are no words it carries of Sanchita Karma and Agami
Karma. This is Moksha ..
The Atman then leaves the body through the back of the center of
the eye-brows and merges with the Brahman.
By offering your manas at the lotus feet of Krishna as many times
as possible and performing TAPAS as mentioned in the last post
the words of Sanchita Karma and Agami Karma are destroyed at
the seed form itself..
They don’t germinate…
Ramakrishna says “ the boiled paddy grain does not grow again.
Only the unboiled paddy grain brings forth the shoot. When a
man passes away being perfect he has not to be born again…”
This is why human life is so precious…
Human life is built entirely on NAMA RUPA
Manas is the Nama( the words)
Rupa is the body and the circumstances
Actions are sandwiched between and act only as medium… to
carry the words of manas to the circumstances
Thoughts and feelings are a total delusion…
That is why the first step is to transform all thoughts and feelings
into word.. because there is no point wasting any time in
thoughts and feelings
Always ask this question to you in the morning
Where is my MANAS right now?
You will directly catch it … if it is in a memory or imagination or
feeling you instantly offer it at the lotus feet of Krishna
Where is your MANAS right now?
Chapter 9 : Renounce
Arjun’s heart was touched with fear and so Krishna delivered the
Bhagavad Gita seated in the Atman says Vivekananda
Touched with fear…
Seated in the Atman…
These two phrases above defines your life…
Here is the kicker..
You will notice that the emotion of anger frustration comes to you
and it is sitting in your tongue ready to explode… It itching your
hands and legs to take an action but you are bound.. Some
responsibility some principles stop you.. But you struggle and in
most cases you disturb your mind… for long hours even after the
incident is over…
Now this should not happen…
In your meditation resolve to Krishna
“By your divine grace the words are entering into the mind and
the mind into prana and the prana into Atman… I am offering
everything to you take it…”
Now this is important…
It is words that is appearing in the form of emotions and
thoughts of anger, frustration and fear because of time,space and
cause(often caused as Karma) …
If you take the help of Krishna to allow the words to enter
into the mind and the mind into the prana and the prana into the
Atman… you are pretty much safe to a large extent…
It is called complete 100% renunciation. Try it..
Within a week or so you will get really good in it.. and you will
gain a new found strength…
You will not worry about anyone close to you bothering you or
demanding you to do something or worrying excessively about a
future result….
You should be perfectly free even if it is for one minute..
You should realise 100% that if you include Krishna or your
favourite deity and follow the process of allowing the words to
enter into your mind, mind into the prana and the prana into the
Atman… no one can disturb your mind…..
Because you have made the words disappear from your
It is the words that is causing all problems pain and pleasure. By
allowing it to disappear with the help of Krishna you are in a
very strong position
These are real hard core practises that bear fruit…
Don’t attempt alone. Include your deity when you do it. That is
the key… When you take the help of Krishna you will
automatically be seated in the Atman…
Be at perfect peace with yourself. Let not the words of others
bother you. Where you can resist strike. Where you know striking
will cause problems renounce. They both are contradictory but
will complement each other and will shine in your personality.
So long as you do it with integrity they will align itself..
Be prepared to lose a little bit of money, time and a minor dent
in Dharma. It will not affect you for you have Gods grace
A moment of terror and then the Lord..
P.S. Always strike a conversation with Krishna or your manas…
Say to your manas “O Fear it has been a long time since you set
up your camp. I know your bag of tricks. You are a single word.
You are all alone. Through your maya you appear as a thousand
thoughts and feelings and frighten me with your size… It is time
for you to go back to where you came from.. Get inside manas
and I will send you to your source…LETS GO….
Chapter 10: Experience God
Question: I want to have an experience of God?
Answer: What do you mean by you want to experience God…
Question: I want to have a superior experience of God than what
I already have had so far….
Alright got it…
Lets GO….
Let us take a simple example
If you want to get the experience of eating a cake…
The first thing you got to do is to assemble the following words
“I want to eat a cake”
This leads you to think about eating it and everytime that you
think about the words “I want to eat a cake” the desire deepens
and you end up driving to a cake shop or ordering cake online
and eat the cake and get the experience
Someone else in other house might want to drop weight and
would have figured out that if she dropped her addiction for
eating cakes she would get back to shape
The first thing she got to do is to assemble the following words
“I want to get back to shape so …
I don’t want to eat a cake”
This leads her to think about not eating it and everytime that she
thinks about the words “I don’t want to eat a cake” the desire
deepens and she might end up giving up the desire to eat the
cake and get the experience of getting back to shape..
Adding one word ‘don’t’ changes the entire experience…
Thinking and action is 100% dependent on the choice of words
assembled… Struggling with the thoughts and actions would not
do anything in both the cases. The choice of words assembled
as they get more meaningful the experience will get
In the second instance the women can by adding few words get
her WHY strong.. Why does she want to get back to shape? What
is the underlying motive…? If that is figured out her choice
of words will get more clearer and her experience will be
more rewarding
“I want to get back to shape because I feel embarrassed when I
look at the mirror and I feel a low self-esteem so..
I don’t want to eat a cake”
See how it is going…
The clearer the words the less struggle would be in thinking
and action and it will get you the experience faster.

So the great ones discovered that experience is made up of

two things
Nama is the words and the Rupa is the form…
Together NAMA and Rupa form the experience….
When NAMA is clearer the Rupa(vision or form) becomes
Everyone makes the biggest mistake of focussing on the forms
and visions without making the NAMA stronger…. This flaw leads
to devotional blocks and stops the seeker from enjoying all
the good things that he or she is doing..
All spiritual methods, practises reading books , doing all
austerities and discipline will not bear fruit if you don’t take the
eye off from RUPA and place it on NAMA
The moment you do this you will be at peace and very quickly the
desired RUPA will emerge..
Whoever chases loses…
How do we strengthen the NAMa?

1) First look for activities during the day. What sort of

experiences do you collect?
Make a list of ten experiences that recur on a weekly basis
For example….
I want to watch a movie
I want to go shopping
I want to play sports
I want to enjoy pleasure
I want to read a book
I want to chat with a friend
I want to gossip with a friend
They might be small in number but you got to remember that
all these words assembled is weakening your NAMA
In a day of 17 waking hours how much NAMA are you
collecting that are exactly opposite to your desire to
experience GOD…
You will get the answer…

So renounce them voluntarily. If you don’t do it now you will have

to do it later.
You will find it strange that in a day of 17 hours you might easily
find another 2 hour for strenghthing your NAMA…
2 hours a day would amount to 720 hours a year… You have no
idea what impact it will have on your RUPA and desire to
experience God..
We don’t want to do the simple things that are sitting under
the nose but we desire and cherish complex experiences of out of
body experiences and visions which have taken others many
In this regard you should know what the greatest man on earth
Ramakrishna said

He was The first man of God who boldly told

seekers not to focus their attention on having
spiritual experiences
Here is what the master said:
That which does not lead to steadfastness and strength of
character, that which does not enable man to take his stand on
the rock of purity and truth in defiance of the whole world or that
which entangles him more and more in various kinds of
desires instead of setting him free from them- is outside the
realm of spirituality.
If extraordinary visions have not produced such results in
your life and nevertheless you are having those visions, know
that you are still outside the realm of spirituality and that visions
are due to diseased brain and so are of no value
If on the other hand instead of having wonderful visions and
experiences you find yourself acquiring strength know for
certain that you are on the right path and that you will also have
these visions and experiences at the proper time
Finding some devotees of Sri Ramakrishna were experiencing
ecstasy while he thought he had been visiting the Master for a
long time, had no such experience, a friend of ours felt much
perturbed, and going to the Master with tears laid bard to him
the distress of his heart.
Hearing it Sri Ramakrishna consoled him and said “ Don’t be
silly my child. Do you think everything is gained when visions
are attained? Is it something very big? Know for certain that
true faith and renunciation are far greater.
The master continued. Why , Swami Vivekannada does not
generally have these: but just see how great is his
renunciation is! – how great his faith, his strength and his
Here is how Krishna defines experience of God
“All works without exception culminate in the knowledge of
Krishna says all experiences culminate in Brahman.. You may
have 10 million world and spiritual experiences but they will not
satisfy you unless you experience Brahman..
So wanting to have a better experience than before might seem to
be a good idea in the world perspective but in the spiritual arena
it is called ignorance.
You should begin with experience of Brahman… says
Ramakrishna… not end with it…
How do we do it?
When you do your chanting and prayers know that the
chanting itself is an experience… because it is NAMa
Right now you are not getting the feeling of experience because
the ignorance of wanting to have a vision is depriving you of the
feeling of a good experience
The words you have assembled and believed about experience
needs clarity…
The goal is to have an experience of Brahman..
In order to get to the goal three things should happen
1) Knower: The knower should be your Atman
2) Knowledge: The manas which is hiding the Atman has to be
offered at the feet of Krishna
3) Knowable: The knowable is the Brahman
Vivekananda says the real nature of Atman is the Brahman…
So between Atman and Brahman there is this Manas. That’s
We have to make it very simple in our head or else we will fail.
There are only three words which should be in your head
This is real knowledge. Anything else that we will add will only
be to aid us in the journey of uniting the Atman to the Brahman.
So before you begin we have to shift the experiencer from the
manas to the Atman… If you do that the very chanting will
give you a beautiful and sacred feeling of Gods presence..

There is something very beautiful which I want to share here

Sringeri Shankarcharya discovered something profound.
He figured out that whenever you shift your attention the
eyes move…
It has also been discovered by the scientists that the eyes
move even when it is closed during sleep if there is a dream
meaning that if the attention shifts the eyes move
It is also found out that even when you look at stationery objects
if you are thinking the eyes move…
So he figured out and practised that if you can have your eyes
stationed on a object and stop thinking your attention will be
arrested at one point

So he decided to fix the eyes on the lotus feet of God… When

doing that he chanted slokas… the idea being if you chant slokas
and fix your eyes on he lotus feet of God two things will happen
1) All distraction is two fold. One from imagination and
another from memory of past. Imagination is RUPA and
memory is words.. So by using slokas you are curbing the
memory and by fixing your gaze at the feet of God you are
curbing other imaginations

This combination when done with lot of concentration gives rise

to a profound experience
When you keep your eyes on the lotus feet of god and you can
experiment with moving it to faces and eyes… you will notice
something interesting
The eyes when fixed at the lotus feet of God after 2-3 minutes if
you close your eyes that thing will appear lighted in the center
of your eye-brows. Try it…
When doing this exercise request Krishna or your deity to be
seated in your eye-brows.. So when you are looking at the feet for
example you want that feet to be carried in your eye-brows
during the day…
If you experiment with the feet which is easiest, or the eyes or
face one of it will click for you meaning in one your concentration
will get very deep. When that is achieved and you close your eyes
then you will see that concentrated object whether it is feet or
eyes of face of God in your center of your eye-brows and you can
carry that with you…
Again keep it easy..

The very simple thing of gazing at the feet and chanting

itself is meritorious…
Don’t lose heart if things don’t work..

The simple philosophy is whatever you gaze at and combine with

the sloka will light up the center of your eye-brows…
Try it…
Here is the great Shankacharya’s of Sringeri’s take on the subject
of including Atman during the daily life
Read it slowly For he tells you the exact words you can use when
sitting, sleeping, walking or seeing.. ( This is picked up from the
book The Multifacted Jivan Muktha
“When staying in Narasimhavana with my Guru, I used to go
every evening to behold
Śāradāmbā and remain there for up to an hour.
“On my return, He once asked me, ‘You have crossed the river
and come. What thought
arose in your mind?’
“ ‘What thought?’ I wondered and replied, ‘I perceived various
“(He:) What was new?
(I:) Nothing. I saw what was in front of me.
(He:) Must you see whatever is
in front of your eyes?
(I:) If the eyes be kept closed (to abstain fromperceivingobjects), it
would not be possible to walk.
(He:) You must see and yet not
(I:) How is that possible?
“To this, He said, ‘ātmāmbhodhes-taraṅgo’smy-aham-iti gamane
(When walking, one should think that one is a wave in the
ocean that is the Ātman).’ This is how we should conduct
When we get up from a seated position and start walking, the
feeling should not be, ‘We are walking and going somewhere.’
In the big ocean - the Ātman - a wave has arisen. That wave
is moving forward.
This is the supposition. There is no difference between the wave
and the ocean. Yet, because one walks (and thus moves
forward like the wave), one should think of oneself as the
wave. When the occasion to walk arises, one should contemplate,
‘I am a wave in the ocean of the bliss, in the ocean of the
“His advice surprised me. He went on, ‘At all times - even when
you talk to someone - repeat this idea in the mind.’ With
practice, one uninterruptedly carries on this repetition even
while speaking. Experience confirms this.
“What should be the thought when one is seated? He advised,
‘bhāvayann-āsanasthaḥ saṁvit-sūtrānuviddho maṇir-aham-iti
vā’smi (When seated, one should think that one is a gem strung
on the string of consciousness). A gem has been strung on the
thread of knowledge. The gem cannot be removed; the thread is
made of unbreakable consciousness. I am that gem.
Contemplation must be done in this manner.’
“I am a gem strung on the string of Consciousness”
“(My Guru further said:) ‘indriyārtha-pratitau draṣṭo’smy-
ātmāvalokād-iti (When perceiving sense-objects through the
senses, one should think that one is seen since the Ātman
is beheld). Whenever some object is seen, the reflection should
not be, ‘This object is now visible.’ One must think, ‘Aha!
Objectless consciousness has now become associated with
objects. The Ātman was manifest earlier but now its
manifestation was waxed.
On receiving a blow we become markedly aware of the body,
do we not? On receiving the blow we normally do have
awareness of the body but this awareness increases when we
are beaten. Similar is the case here. Accordingly, even when
perceiving some external object, one should cogitate that
apprehension of the Ātman has occurred.
(For example if you are having trouble in your relationships and
you are seeing the angry face of your husband always you can
My Atman has become the happy face of my husband
“(My Guru further said:) ‘śayana-vidhau magna ānanda-sindhau
(When lying down, one should think that one is immersed in the
ocean of bliss). Do not just fall asleep. When lying down,
contemplate, ‘I am now immersed in an ocean of bliss’ and,
with this feeling, begin to sleep.’
“Doing so is very good. Whoever wants can test the difference
between simply lying down and going to sleep and sleeping after
voluntarily eradicating all thoughts from the mind while lying
down, generating a feeling of bliss and retaining it for some
minutes till sleep overtakes one.
The great joy that this approach to sleep yields becomes apparent
once it is experienced for a few days.
I am now immersed in an ocean of bliss”
This is the advice My Guru gave me.”
His Holiness: “I was seated in front of my Guru when He gave
this explanation. No sooner had He completed His instruction
about the attitude to be maintained when seated than I strove to
put this teaching into practice. I did not think it appropriate to
delay doing so even slightly.
However, though I promptly generated the thought, ‘I am a gem
strung in the thread of consciousness,’ the intensity of my
contemplation was poor. A reason was that I was then primarily
concentrating on what my Guru was telling me about the
attitudes relating to perception and sleep.
Further, while karma-yoga and japa had become effortless for me
at that time, such contemplation was new to me. As I walked
to my room after my Guru had finished, I contemplated, ‘I am a
wave in the blissful ocean that is the Ātman.’ The intensity
of this contemplation was much better.
River Tuṅgā
I went to my Guru’s presence, He asked, ‘Where are you coming
from?’ ‘From Ambā’s temple,’ I replied. ‘What did you see on the
way?’ He queried.
A break had occurred in my contemplation while crossing the
river Tuṅgā. Understanding the thrust of His question, I said that
I beheld fish playing in the Tuṅgā.
‘Did you contemplate correctly at that time?’ was my
Guru’s next query. ‘I was contemplating before and after that
but, for a few moments, the process became disrupted,’ I
My Guru said, ‘Never give room for such breaks.’ I hung my head
in shame and resolved that I should not be such a useless
Thereafter, by my Guru’s grace, such discontinuities in
contemplation did not occur. In a few months, the four
forms of contemplation became effortless.”

PONDER: In our case to do all this once we think 1000

times.. Their guru takes them to task even if they do it right
1000 times but forget one time. That is the difference in how a
householder and a man of God contemplates

Ponder: We try twice or thrice and say I am not getting any

experience.. They don’t care about experience.. They put all their
attention on deploying the words said by their guru and focus
on the process of contemplation.. knowing fully well that doing
that is equal to having a full experience of Atman..

They have faith that Atman already exists and I can deploy
it in meditating, seeing, sitting, walking, sleeping is the
highest form of practice of spirituality. Not dying for visions
and out of body experiences
When you prepare this way visions become trivial and the
word experience is transformed to moving the immovable…

The no 1 thing that is blocking your spiritual progress is your
need for a spiritual experience. Renounce it…
The moment you give it up and turn your attention to the real
practise of spirituality instantly you will experience happiness
and peace…
The practise of moving the immovable becomes your
Every time that you are walking, sitting, seeing, working or
sleeping you can experience Atman…
You DEIFY God as Vivekananda says…
You begin with Brahman and end with Brahman
This is the reason the great ones follow a unique three step
Mediating comes last…
Hear about it again and again till it enters into your blood
your veins says Vivekananda
The second step is discrimination…
VIVEKA. Now you should practise discrimination
Why do you not remember the lotus feet of Krishna during your
waking hours as much as hugging your partner or having
pleasure with your partner?
Why do you not remember the lotus feet of Krishna during your
waking hours as much as you remember how much payment you
have to receive or how much you have to pay?
Why do you consider money thoughts and relationship
thoughts and feelings to be real? Why cant you give the same
treatment to thinking of the lotus feet of God?
The same number of money, relationship and entertainment
thoughts you think why cant you think the lotus feet of God
Why cant you practise spirituality the way Shankarcharya says
in seeing, walking, sitting and sleeping?
When you hug your partner what awareness do you get it. Is it
body awareness or superconscious .. You know what it is..
When you meditate what awareness is it? Obviously better than
So what will help you… You decide…
If you had 100 actions related to body and 5 related to
superconscious do you think you can reach the goal?
How can I increase the practise of spirituality to enter into
superconscious state?
This is what should be your concern and not the experiences that
you are imagining to get…
When you feel sad – say
Atman has become face of sadness …
The sad state is appearing on the screen of Atman
And then instantly offer it at the lotus feet of Krishna because
you don’t want the atman to become sadness you would rather
have it become happiness or a calm state… That is Viveka…
Once you contemplate…
Then the third step is easy
Based on your honest discrimination renounce actions which
hare body and mind.. based on your capacity
You see how it goes…
NOW you are ready to meditate
WHO Is meditating is more important than what happens in
The person meditating now is a very different person than on
page 1
That is your goal…
The knower is the Atman
The knowledge is the Hearing – Viveka- Vairagya( the practise
of spirituality)
The knowable is the Brahman experience everytime you practise
Write this everyday
I am the wave risen in the ocean of Atman ( When walking)
I am the gem strung in the necklace of superconsiousness(sitting)
My Atman has become the happy face of (……….)
I am entering into the ocean of bliss ..
Chapter 11 : The secret door to Superconsciusness
I want you to try this meditation exercise. This will be hugely
beneficial to you for two reasons
1) This is very simple to implement
2) You will get instant detachment from your emotions
3) The method is flexible so you can tweak it to make it
comfortable for you
This is based on a rock solid philosophy which we touched based
upon last time.
All distraction comes from memory and imagination. Memory
begins with an internal or external conversation…
Imagination begins with change of attention.
If you can stop internal and external conversation and arrest
attention you can you can influence concentration..
Vivekananda says “ The power of the mind are like rays of light
dissipated, when they are concentrated, they illumine. This is
our only means of knowledge..
Two things have to happen simultaneously to illumine your
Atman. All conversations internal and external has to go and
your attention should be arrested at one point.
Shankaracharya noticed that you can’t chant Aum and at the
same time talk to someone. This simple obvervation made him
realise that by chanting AUM or slokas from Bhagavad Gita he
can dim the internal and external conversation
Second I want you to light a lamp before you and sit cross
legged if possible in meditation posture…
I want you to fix your gaze at the light of the lamp and while
doing that chant AUM or your favourite sloka.

Fix your gaze continuously at the yellow portion of the light.. This
is your Atman… Do it continuously . Your eyes should move
naturally and beautifully towards the the yellow light and keep
Chanting will stop internal conversation and fixing your gaze
will stop imagination
Now fix your gaze at the bluish portion inside the yellow
portion. This is Brahman(universal soul) Keep chanting
Let the lamp be lit bright and high…
Now fix your gaze at the space inside the bluish portion and
install your favourite deity Krishna or whoever it is inside.
While doing the gazing visualise that the light of the lamp is
actually lit on the center of your eye-brows… All the yellow,
bluish and the deity is all in the center of your eye-brows
The lamp represents the center of your eye-brows inside of
which all this gazing is happening
Gaze and chant for 3 minutes…. with full attention
If you keep it simple and you can tweak it to work it the way you
want suddenly close your eyes and you will find in 60-120
seconds a small circle of light like small comet coming towards
you and then disappearing , again coming and disappearing,
again coming towards you and disappearing ….
This my friends is called the Etaya- Dwara… the gate through
which the king made his grand entry into your body…
This my friends is the dwar( the door ) passing through which
your Atman will merge with Brahman in the end….
This small circle of light is a whole world of superconsciousness
by itself..
In Aitareya Upanishad it is written “He having made a aperture
at the farthest point where the hair is parted, etaya-dwara
through this gate, this entrance he entered into the world of body
and organs. This passage is only for the Supreme Lord this is
called Nandana. ( the one productive of joy) It is so called
because one revels(nandati) by going to the supreme
Brahman through this door
When you see this say to yourself
Ah Etaya- Dwara
Ah Etaya- Dwara
If you don’t get it don’t worry
Open your eyes gaze for 4-5 minutes more and then close you
will easily get it up if you keep it simple and don’t force yourself
Do it without any hurry and pressure
If you don’t get on day 1 you will get in day 2.
Do the chanting and gazing together..
As you get to see the Etaya-Dwara it will be like visiting a
planetarium where you see the comet going up and down and it
will keep you engaged. I keep the chanting on….
If it becomes very intense you may merge into Savikalpa Samadhi
and lose body consciousness … It may happen but that is not the
The goal is to see the Etaya-dwara. That secret gate through
which you you will be merging with supreme Brahman in the
You will love this.
This will flush out attachment and bring massive detachment
It is simple and you can tweak it to work based on your

To turn the mind as it were inside stop it from going outside and
then to concentrate all its powers, and throw them upon the
mind itself in order that it may know its own nature, is our goal.
Chapter 12: The Power of reflection
There is a power of mind called reflection. I am talking to you. At
the same time I am standing aside, as it were, a second person
and knowing and hearing what I am talking.
You work and think at the same time, while a portion of your
mind stands and sees what you are thinking. The powers of the
mind should be concentrated and turned back on itself and as
the darkest places reveal their secrets before the penetrating
rays of the sun, so will this concentrated mind penetrate its own
innermost secrets. Thus religion will become realisation- Swami
Just reading this is meditation…
You have to balance work and religion..
You have to plan and execute in work while in religion you
have to hear and practise…
Today I want to share something which you could tweak in to
work to your favour.
All thinking and feeling which does not aim at Brahman is a total
waste..You will figure that out at some point.
However thinking and feeling which are negative are more
One of the ways you could get out of a recurring pain problem is
by training your mind to go back to the past where a totally
different set of time,space and people existed. It could be your
childhood where you very upset and angry over something… It
was a different time and space with different people . When you
go back you will notice you are not attached to that event..
Time has erased the attachment…
Now switch back to your current state… you have a totally
different set of time, space and people… You are the same person
,the anger is the same and there is one thing more.. The state is
transient. Tim Cook of Apple says it in a very nice style
“This too shall pass..”
One of the greatest secrets I learnt in spirituality is all the
great ones used a Sanskrit verse to validate their actions..
You should have a very powerful verse of Bhgavad Gita or a
quote from Ramakrishna or Vivekananda or someone similar
to navigate through a challenging or painful situation.
I use this one from Vivekananda … “ The worthy are those who, even
when agitated by the sharp interaction of pleasure and pain, are discriminating
and, knowing them to be of an evanescent nature, become passionately devoted
to the Atman. This is all the difference between human beings and animals.”

Say that three to four times as you go back and forth between
now and your childhood.. As you switch back and forth between
a different set of time,space and people this will shake off the
delusion in you very fast…
You will notice a huge drop in your negative feelings..
As you practise this something beautiful will emerge.
You will discover a friend called God standing just beside
Notice what Vivekananda said at the start “ There is a power of
mind called reflection. I am talking to you. At the same time I
am standing aside, as it were, a second person and knowing and
hearing what I am talking”
You will find it amazing but Sharda devi when she used to go to
bath in the river used to find seven women walk in front and
behind her like an escort. They would disappear once she
finished her bath…
She said later they were Divine mothers attendents.
You and I may not have that luxury but you will be surprised
that you can train yourself to have your favourite deity stand
beside you ,in person or in the form of idol and one glance at
your deity could take away your anger and fear..
Don’t talk to yourself.
Turn your head and talk to your God standing next to you…
You will be surprised that you could offload your anger
frustration, confusion to Him…
Often times most people label this act as self reflection,
awareness , or witness. Don’t do that..
Know that a second person exists who is completely detached
and don’t look for him inside, look for him to your side…
You have done enough of self-awareness , witness self relfection
and all that drama…
Time is running out.
We have to attain the goal of Brahman
We have to realise once and for all that this is a superimposition
on Brahman and trying to figure out the details of how and what
went wrong is a waste in life. It binds us further…
Take out the fear.. and hand it God standing next to you
Take out the anger…and hand it to God standing next to you
Take out the frustration … and hand it to God standing next to
Gazing can put your mind in silence mode at the speed of light
Fix your gaze at the light of the lamp and while doing that
chant AUM or your favourite sloka. I chant Bhagavad Gita

Fix your gaze continuously at the yellow portion of the light.. This
is your Atman… Do it continuously . Your eyes should move
naturally and beautifully towards the the yellow light and keep
Chanting will stop internal conversation and fixing your gaze
will stop imagination
Now fix your gaze at the bluish portion inside the yellow
portion. This is Brahman(universal soul) Keep chanting..
Now try this …
Enter inside the bluish portion and sit there for some time.
Feel protected and serene and secure.
Peace that passeth understanding
Silence that speaks..
You will be able to carry this silence throughout your day
You can carry the lamp the yellow light of the lamp the bluish
portion inside the yellow light and you can enter into the bluish
portion and sit calmly inside
As the world outside erupts and disrupts you can maintain your
sanity in the most beautiful way
Try it…
Chapter 13: The Climax…

This is really interesting….

Jnana yoga is the fastest way to reach Brahman.
Because it uses words to direct your memory , attention and
imagination to Brahman
In one stroke it takes care of your memory,attention and
imagination. Nothing else can do it faster…
All other yogas Karma, Bhakti and Raja yoga take a long time.
You can get instant detachment
I will show through a simple example
Take a look below
Atman->Intellect(Buddhi)->Manas-Words- Phala( you brought
These five make up for human life. From birth to death they
control every single thing happening in your life
Take a look at this.
There is only one small change in the two circles below. This one
small change makes one a man and another a God…
Ignorant Being


( I am experiencing Pain and Pleasure. I am the




Objects(Words and Phala)

Enlightened Being



(The Pain and Pleasure is at the level of

intellect. The intellect is the experiencer)


Objects(Words and Phala)

You will notice something common in ignorant beings. No matter

how much you study spirituality practise it and break your head
you continue to suffer from Avidya says Shankarcharya.
Avidya means taking ownership of the experience of your
intellect. We are not able to understand this simple difference
between Atman, intellect, manas and words and phala brought
We jumble them up….
Lets do a quick meditation and I will show you something cool
Close your eyes…
Imagine you have got up from your bed… The moment you wake
up the words start pouring into your body and mind. You also
notice you are in a certain place at a certain time with certain
The words hit the manas and the thoughts start trickling…
As the thoughts start trickling you identity yourself with certain
thoughts or a bunch of thoughts and take ownership of them.
This activity of taking ownership of your thoughts is
achieved through your intellect and you experience the pain
or pleasure.
This experience is facilitated by the light of the Atman.
I want you to look at this whole phenomena.
The experience is happening at the level of intellect…..
I want you to see it clearly…
I want you to see your Atman being the facilitator of the
superconscious because of which the inert intellect becomes the
Make a clear demarcation of your intellect and Atman
That which you can experience and the one experiencing it is the
intellect… not YOU….
This simple thing no matter how much times you drill into the
brain of people they don’t get it. That is why it is called Avidya..
The moment the day starts you get the experiences on your chest
and you cry foul. For a second can’t you see this and say all my
experiences are happening at the level of intellect. I have no
reason to be attached to them… There is no way I am going to
take ownership of the pain and pleasure of my intellect.
How do the great ones do it?
See how the great Shankarcharya does this
First in mediation if you look at the circle above they distance
their Atman, the intellect, the manas and the objects. They have
100 feet mental space between each. So when the experience
of pain and pleasure comes they get enough room and space. So
first tip mentally separate the four and keep 100 feet distance
between them. This is the first simple thing you do. Did you
get it?

SAY yes😊
Second and this is where they use the words magic.
Say to yourself and say the exact words. You might become a
Shankarcharya tonight. No jokes. Verbatim … I am giving it to
Print the below and say it 3 times a day for one month. I read
this 80 times in the middle of night yesterday so I hope you too
can it is that important.
My Atman cannot be an agent for any of my actions including
the desire to know about Atman.
My atman is imperishable. It cannot be destroyed and it is
immutable it cannot be subject to any modifications or mood
changes so my Atman cannot experience pain and pleasure
The intellect which is inert is made conscious by the light of my
atman and the words that it pulls from the manas makes it
experience pain and pleasure. All pain and pleasure it at the level
of the intellect… I am not going to take ownership of the pain
and pleasure of my intellect.
The real nature of my Atman is Brahman. Brahman is full of
bliss, detached and complete…
At this point you will experience a mental lift but still the
differences between you the knower, the knowledge( the process)
and the knowable(Brahman) exists
Now go further deep and say
I want this experience of detachment and completeness to remain
throughout the day. I cannot achieve it by saying Brahman is full
of bliss, detached and complete…
So I say
Even that will not do
I Am full of bliss, detachment and complete
Your words get sucked into the manas the manas into the
intellect and the intellect rolls into the Brahman
You see the four Atman, intellect, manas and the words as
Keep saying
I Am full of bliss, detachment and complete
The drama of enlightenment ends….
Words of Shankaracharya.. Add this to your vocabulary
Brahman is said to be jnana knowledge rather than jantr a
perceiver. It is thus the very nature of superconsciousness
I indeed am the supreme Brahman, the Atman of all. I never was,
am or will be otherwise
Every object has existence only because of Brahman the name
and form of the object that is fooling us are illusory. Reflect
Read the below at-least 50 times. If you do you will get it. If not
you will not. So please read it 50 times in the next seven days
and you will be free.
“The scripture advocates realisation of Brahman not in the
sense of knowing what is unknown but in the sense of
getting rid of the avidya -based superimposition on it.
Whether focussed on the atman or distracted the mind is but an
inert entity illumined by Atman.
However the mental vritti of the form of Brahman destroys,
as declared by scriptures avidya that rests in and viels
Brahman and presents it wrongly”
Next morning I finish my prayer and open the laptop to write this
piece for you
My wife had kept a bunch of notes of buying some vegetables
below the laptop. I just don’t like it at all when something other
than work is kept below the laptop. Pain screeches through my
chest…. In one second the knowledge of Brahman crumbled..
The four entities, words, manas, intellect and Atman all
combined and I was gone…
Ah! wait a minute… This time I won..
I said everything written above and could clearly see like daylight
my irritation happening at the level of intellect… I saw it clearly
and could clearly understand my foolishness of taking it to my
In less than 2 seconds I won…
I remembered Krishna’s verse in Bhagavad Gita “ He is free
from elation, intolerance and agitation.. “
There I was… free from agitation… for it was happening at the
level of intellect and I saw that clearly and set myself free…
Your goal is to keep your eye on the intellect and not get fooled by
the pain and pleasure happening at the level of the intellect. That
is Vidya..
Good times await us… We are winning
How about you?
Good luck and goodbye….
I leave you with these verses from Sringeri Shankaracharya from
his book The Multifacted Jivanmukhta
Does a sage remain enlightened even after coming out of
“Suppose a person, who is adept at yoga, feels he is established
in the Ātman when he is in samādhi but that he deviates to some
extent from the Reality when he emerges from samādhi and
engages in activity. Such a person is not free from avidyā.

Samādhi and distraction are conditions of the mind and not

of the Ātman. The Ātman is ever changeless and of the nature of
consciousness. Samādhi and distraction do not affect it in any
way. It is because this yogin is not free from identification
with the mind that he sees himself as influenced by changes in
the state of the mind.

He who has fully realised that he is the changeless Reality

remains established in the Reality and unaffected regardless of
whether his mind is in a focused, agitated or dull condition. He
should not become attached to nirvikalpa-samādhi under the
delusion that for its duration he becomes one with Brahman.

Perception of the world could affect the vision of the Truth of one
who ascribes reality to duality but not of one to whom names and
forms are illusory. He who firmly knows that what lies in front of
him is dry sand is not affected by the appearance or disappearance
of a mirage there.

Likewise, he who knows that there is nothing whatsoever apart

from Brahman cannot be affected either by the appearance of the
mirage-like world of names and forms or its disappearance during
samādhi or deep sleep. He is the same in pleasure and pain…
He decided that His body should be under His control and not vice
versa and that He should be same-sighted towards the pairs of
opposites such as heat and cold. Putting Himself to test, when
winter was at its peak in 1931 (the year of His saṁnyāsa), for a
few nights, He spread a wet towel on the floor and slept on it
wearing just His loincloth.

He somehow managed to keep this a secret from even His personal

attendant. Thereafter, He repeated this every year for the next four
years at Sringeri, one year in Bengaluru, and few years in the

Where the yogin Krishna is there the bowman Arjuna is there

dwells victory, prosperity and stable order. – Krishna to Arjun in
Bhagavad Gita

He who even when agitated by the sharp interaction of pain and

pleasure is self-discriminating and knowing it to be of evanescent
nature is passionately devoted to Atman- Swami Vivekananda

I never saw the Master sad- Sharda Devi on Ramakrishna

Chapter 14: The End... The Big Discovery

The End….
The core essence of Vedanta means Ved-anta(end of knowledge)
If you notice in the last post I quoted from Adi Shankaracharya
who said
“The scripture advocates realisation of Brahman not in the
sense of knowing what is unknown but in the sense of
getting rid of the avidya -based superimposition on it. “
This is huge. It is a a billion dollar verse… and I hope you got it
Adi Shankarcharya says all meditation, prayers rituals when
done should focus not on the trying to know the unknown but
focus exclusively on AVIDYA.
Directly manifesting the Atman – only a handful can do
However the moment you turn your awareness to AVIDYA your
chances increases ten thousandfold because you default to your
Atman. Only when you are seated in your Atman can you identify
your AVIDYA.
So what is AVIDYA?
All experiences are at the level of intellect.
The intellect derives all this from the manas and the manas from
the words brought forward
The biggest problem is fear….. (AVIDYA)
The biggest problem is attachment to fear…(VIDYA)
Did you get it?
Fill in the blanks below( replace fear with your obstacle)
My biggest problem is not ……… (AVIDYA)
My biggest problem is attachment to ……(VIDYA)
Adding one single word changes the whole pattern of misery.
That is the power of words
One single word can take you from delusion to ignorance
The moment you understand clearly that your biggest problem is
attachment to ……..
Instantly you recognise that all experiences are happening at the
intellect level.
I am attached to my intellect ( AVIDYA)
I am the ATMAN ( VIDYA)
I am changeless, imperishable… and detached… (VIDYA)
I can see my AVIDYA clearly… that is the root cause of my mental
suffering …
That one word is the reason for all my mental suffering
I now recognise fully I am the ATMAN…
I will distance the intellect and manas from the Atman and not
confuse my Atman to be the intellect….
I am always detached always free. Nothing can make me attached
to anything…
I have known the secret…of detachment
Lets take another example
When you were having pleasure did your Atman slap you?
At that point you were deluded by the beauty of body but your
Atman was completely detached. It did not struggle with
detachment. Detachment is its very nature.
This was the Atman was contemplating “All his experiences of
pleasure are at the level of intellect. I am detached from his
intellect. I am free…I am pure.. I am unstained.. by any actions. I
am not the agent which forced him to have pleasure. Pleasure
and pain are at the level of intellect. I am always free and
Now when you feel angry, when you feel sad, frustrated and
misery is screeching through your chest…
Remember the word
Remember how your Atman contemplated when you did ignorant
Don’t think too much .Instantly use either one of the
following. You have to take the first step. Just like you have
to get up from bed to go to work you have to use transition
words to enter into superconscious. Just do it
1) A Bhagavad Gita verse
2) A small song of your deity
3) Bring the image of your favourite deity
4) Use transition words like Bhuma, Anuraga, Rama. Or
anything else
Don’t think too much. Just do it and then immediately remember
AVIDYA. Remember it six or seven times till a massive
impact is formed…
Say these words
All my experiences are at the level of intellect.
I am not the intellect…
I am always detached, free, full of bliss. I am AVIDYA free.
I am pure.. I am unstained. by any actions. I am not the agent
which brought this misery. Pleasure and pain are at the level of
intellect. I am always free and detached”
The moment you do this.
The whole building of mental suffering will collapse
You should never suffer mentally.
We all may go through lot of challenges physically in money
health and relationships but you should not suffer mentally
This is the essence of Vedanta and the secret of Krishna’s
Detachment from the intellect…
Detachment from AVIDYA.
You may lose a job. I cant get you one. But you can within 60
seconds destroy all mental suffering which has occurred as a
result of your attachment to losing the job
All mental suffering is because of that one word attachment…
AVIDYA fixes that.
Atman is your best friend…
I have nothing more to say
See you at the others side
Where the yogin Krishna is there the bowman Arjuna is there
dwells victory, prosperity and stable order. – Krishna to Arjun in
Bhagavad Gita

He who even when agitated by the sharp interaction of pain and

pleasure is self-discriminating and knowing it to be of evanescent
nature is passionately devoted to Atman- Swami Vivekananda

I never saw the Master sad- Sharda Devi on Ramakrishna

P.S. Vivekananda always asked this question when he needed

clarity or his mind was disturbed..
Why am I seeing this? Instead of asking What is this? Why is
this happening to me?
Ask yourself Why am I seeing this? And you may end up seeing
I leave you to unravel the mystery of this question.

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