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Autohaemotherapy After

Treatment of Blood with Ozone.

A Reappraisal


Institute of General Physiology, University of Siena, Siena, Italy

Autohaemotherapy, involving bland treatment ex vivo of

blood with ozone and prompt reinfusion into the donor, is a
procedure mainly performed in central Europe, which is
claimed to have therapeutic value in circulatory disorders,
viral diseases and cancer. This practice is mostly performed
in private clinics, and good clinical trials have not been
published, which has understandably given rise to
prejudice and scepticism. By analysing possible
mechanisms of action and current hypotheses, this report
attempts to explain how this procedure can be useful in
such disparate diseases. The current state of the art is
presented objectively, the lack of toxicity is documented,
and the rationale and therapeutic advantages are discussed,
with the aim of eliciting interest in carrying out controlled
clinical trials.



Major autohaemotherapy using about 100 ml ments had been performed without any
of human blood treated with a gaseous mix- untoward effects.' A variety of unrelated dis-
ture of oxygen and ozone has been used eases such as acute and chronic viral dis-
since the 1950s particularly in central Eur- eases/ - 5 neoplasia, 2 vascular disorders such
ope and, by 1986. no less than 340000 treat- as obstructive arteriopathies, venous insuf-

ficiency and vascular degenerative dis-
eases/,5,? ulcers and cutaneous infections" How CAN AUTOHAEMO-
have been treated with apparently good THERAPY BE USEFUL IN
results, but the mechanisms of action are MANY DIFFERENT DISEASES?
uncertain, and clinical trials have been con- The key to understanding the value of this
ducted in an uncontrolled fashion. This autohaemotherapy treatment in a variety of
raises questions about how or why this pro- diseases lies in the heterogeneity of blood
cedure can benefit such heterogenous patho- components (Table 1) and in the possibility
logies and raises doubts about the claimed that after oxygen/ozone exposure, different
therapeutic efficacy. Another serious prob- blood cells undergo different trophic, bio-
lem is the growing awareness that ozone is chemical":" and immunological" changes
an extremely reactive and toxic gas," and is that have beneficial effects on unrelated dis-
probably the worst pollutant of the tropo- eases. It is unfortunate that basic research
sphere. ' ° It is not surprising, therefore, that has been concentrated more on evaluating
official medicine has always regarded this the damaging effects of ozone":" than on
treatment with scepticism and lack of inter- showing the metabolic changes after ozone
est. Work carried out in this laboratory since exposure that may result in therapeutic effi-
1988," - 13 involving a comprehensive re- cacy. Both proven and hypothetical mechan-
evaluation of the several facets of the prob- isms of action are discussed below for each
lern," has stimulated a reappraisal that may of the various blood components.
be useful either for the critical advancement,
or the rejection of the procedure. The aim of THE ROLE OF ERYTHROCYTES
this review is to analyse possible mechan- Erythrocytes are probably ozone's main tar-
isms of action, to increase understanding of get because the erythrocytes present in 100
how the same procedure can be beneficial to ml of blood expose an approximate surface
different diseases and finally to encourage an area of 70 m", Ozone decomposes in a matter
objective clinical assessment before finally of seconds and generates reactive species
deciding whether the treatment is valid and that are firstly in part quenched by antioxi-
worth pursuing. dant compounds present in plasma (Tables 1

Blood components affected by ozone treatment

Percentage of
blood volume Blood component No. in 1 mm" of blood
55 Plasma (a reservoir of antioxidant components)
45 Erythrocytes -5 000 000
Neutrophils, basophils and eosinophils -4500
Lymphocytes -1200
Monocytes -300
Platelets -300 000

and 2),'9 secondly, or simultaneously, act by Iation." Obviously, it is essential to use the
oxidizing cell membrane phospholipids, gly- ozone concentration that, while improving
colipids and glycoproteins," and thirdly, the rheology and biochemical characteristics
may act by inactivating intracellular com- of erythrocytes, causes minimal damage to
ponents such as enzymes and DNA after them. Should any amount of haemoglobin
exhausting the reserve of intracellular become free, it would readily bind to hapto-
reduced glutathione. Thus the deleterious globin, thus minimizing the generation of
effects of ozone largely depend on the harmful hydroxyl radicals, promoters of cell
dynamic equilibrium between ozone concen- damage and generators of chain reactions."
tration, duration of exposure and extra-intra- There are several mechanisms of action
cellular antioxidants. Only by using low con- (Table 3) through which ozonized blood can
centrations for a very short time can the improve the circulation and oxygenation of
ozone attack be limited to the cell membrane hypoxic tissues. It is not yet clear whether
where it exerts its non-specific action. the increased amount of 2, 3-diphosphoglyc-
Oxidant effects can now be estimated by erate reported either after autohaemother-
several assays but the most readily available apy," or after insufflation of ozone into the
and simple criterion is the extent of hae- colon" - 25 remains at higher levels than nor-
molysis. A range of ozone concentrations mal for the remaining cell life-span. A per-
between 5-78 ,ug/ml of normal blood pro- manently higher content of 2, 3-diphospho-
vokes a progressive increase of haemolysis glycerate in successive cohorts of erythro-
between either 1.2 and 3.1% or 1.5 and cytes undergoing the usual bi-weekly pro-
3.4%, compared with controls treated with cedure may significantly improve oxygen
normobaric air, respectively, depending availability to hypoxic tissues, thus rationaliz-
upon whether the anticoagulant used is ing this approach in ischaemic arteriopathies.
citrate-phosphate-dextrose or heparin (25 Another useful aspect is represented by
IU/ml).'3 It is likely that erythrocytes that are the improved rheology of erythrocytes at the
100 days old or more (about 20% of the capillary level seemingly due to their
mass) become the most susceptible to the improved flexibility and charge modifi-
oxidative action of ozone, which may accel- cation. An intriguing new development
erate their disappearance from the circu- under study in this laboratory is the micro-

_~, " :.' .lJ.~&2

l ,I, ," ,
" \ I
Antioxidants present in human plasma capable of preventing lipid peroxidation

Proteins Small molecular weight chemicals Vitamins and provitamins

Albumin Glucose Ascorbic acid

Haptoglobin/haemopexin Uric acid a- Tocopherol
Ceruloplasmin Bilirubin jJ-Carotene
Transferrin Reduced glutathione Lycopene

Possible mechanisms of action through which anti-coagulated blood blandly treated with a
0 2103 mixture can ameliorate ischaemic diseases


Improvement of blood rheology

Increased amount of 2,3-DPG in erythrocytes
Rightward shift of the Hb0 2 dissociation curve with consequent improvement of O2 delivery to
hypoxic tissues
Release of ATP
Release of eicosanoids (prostaglandin E1?)
Release of haemopoietins
Release of angiogenetic and/or trophic factors

DPG, diphosphoglycerate; Hb02 , oxygenated haemoglobin; ATP, adenosine triphosphate.

release of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) hepatitis) and neoplasia, because it induced

from ozonized erythrocytes." Pharmacologi- leukocytosis, and improved the phagocytic
cal infusion of ATP is known to cause hypo- and bactericidal activity of leukocytes with a
tension," depriving hypoxic tissues of an concomitant enhancement of immunoglobu-
already critical blood supply. A microrelease lin production." It has also been postulated
of ATP in the ischaemic environment may, that ozone may both inactivate viruses in
on the other hand, cause a local vasodilat- blood and accentuate the lysis of infected
ation, thereby improving blood flow. At this cells as these become poorly equipped to
stage other hypothetical, yet likely, agents counteract the action of peroxides.t" It is
are some of the eicosanoids, nitric oxide, true that ozone expresses virucidal activity
angiogenic and/or growth factors from plate- in plasma." - eo but it is unrealistic to sup-
lets and endothelial cells. pose that this may represent an important
All of these possibilities may be relevant mechanism for the therapy of viral diseases.
to the clinical responses seen after autohae- The biological effects just outlined seem to
motherapy.t''" it appears likely that a combi- be the consequence of a more profound
nation of these factors concurs in improving immunological activation. Indeed the break-
the circulation and oxygen delivery in the through came with the discovery that ozone
hypoxic microenvironment. can activate monocytes and lymphocytes,
and induce the production of an array of
THE ROLE OF BLOOD cytokines 14 such as interleukin(IL)-l, IL-2,
MONONUCLEAR CELLS IL-6, interferon(IFN){3, IFN y, granulocyte-
By far the most exciting development of the macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-
field has been to find that ozone, used in CSF), tumour-necrosis factor (TNFa) and
appropriate concentrations, can act as a mild transforming growth factor (TGFf3J. Other
cytokine inducer." Major autohaemotherapy cytokines will probably be detected as these
was considered useful for the treatment of studies continue. After the seminal reports
acute, chronic viral diseases (herpes, by Novogrodsky et al.," and Dianzani et a1.,32

A simplified list of cytokine inducers for blood mononuclear cells

Oxidizing Ca2+
Mitogens Antigens Antibodies Proteinases Interleukins Agents ionophores

PHA Viruses anti CDs, etc Trypsin Interleukin 1 Periodate A23187

Con A Endotoxins Bromelain Interleukin 2 Hydrogen
PWM Tumoral Thrombin TNFa Galactose
proteins oxidase
SEB Ozone Ozone

PHA, Phytohaemagglutinin; Con A, Concatavalin A; PWM, Pokeweed Mitogen; SEB, Staphylococcal

enterotoxin B; CD, Cluster of differentiation; TNFa, tumour necrosis factor; A23187, Ca2+ ionophore.


Cytoplasmic " Gene derepression '"
ozone Second transducers
: I :
~ I Transcription I

\, \
~ I


Protein synthesis

Release of

A schematic outline for the induction of cytokines by ozone in blood mononuclear


it was logical to advance the hypothesis that THE ROLE OF PLATELETS

ozone, among other agents (Table 4), may act At this stage it is not known if and how
as a cytokine inducer (Fig. 1), triggering a platelets react with ozone. Several types of
number of immunological mechanisms that study are warranted as platelets are likely to
are crucial for clearing chronic viral infec- release several factors, among which TGFf31
tions and possibly neoplastic cells. has already been measured in plasma (Bocci

et aJ. manuscript in preparation) but could each autohaemotherapeutic treatment 250
be partly of lymphocytic origin. ml of blood is collected in a bag containing
6250 IU of heparin (25 IU/ml of blood). plus
THE ROLE OF POLYMORPHO- 5 mM Ca 2+ (CaCl z) after total removal of cit-
NUCLEAR LEUKOCYTES rate-phosphate-dextrose. The increase in
Besides the enhancement of phagocytosis extracellular Ca'" greatly enhances cytokine
mentioned above, it is not known whether production as recently reported in detail;"
ozone activates polymorphonuclear leuko- and depicted schematically in Fig. 2. The
cytes directly, or indirectly via the release of involvement of Ca'" in signal transduction
cytokines, such as IFNy, TNFa and IL-B, but events leading to T-cell lymphokine gene
it is certain that either neutrophils or eosine- expression has been reviewed recently."
phils are able to release an array of cytokines The oxygen/ozone gas mixture, contain-
such as IL-l,B,33 IL_3,34 IL_6,35 IL_B,36 TNFa,37 ing a total of 14.75 mg of ozone (59 f1g OJ/ml
and various types of CSFS34 as well as of blood). is rapidly added with gentle mix-
TGF,B.38 ing, after which the blood is slowly rein-
fused into the donor. Using this procedure,
THE ROLE OF PLASMA haemolysis does not exceed 2.B ± 0.7%
COMPONENTS and intraerythrocytic-reduced glutathione
No information is available on the possible decreases no more than about 8%. In normal
effect (activation or inactivation?) of ozone, volunteers, 2 - 3 days after autohaemother-
particularly on lipoproteins and coagulation apy, there is a distinct increase in the
factors. expression of the Mx protein in circulating
A number of investigations are needed to blood mononuclear cells, that is a specific
clarify the factors present in ozonized blood marker of IFN production.t'r" This is not in
and thus assist in understanding, and poss- contrast with the lack of modification of
ibly improving, this therapeutic approach. cytokine levels in plasma, a fact in itself
explaining the excellent tolerability of the
treatment. Subjects undergoing the treatment
THE OPTIMIZED receive by mouth, daily, a multivitamin sup-
PROCEDURE USED IN OUR plement (including vitamins E and C).
LABORATORY Patients who are hypersensitive to heparin,
Minimizing blood cell damage during ozone under anticoagulant therapy, or prone to the
treatment is of the utmost importance. As haemorrhagic syndrome should be given
would be expected, there is a dose-effect autohaemotherapy simply using citrate-
relationship between ozone concentration, phosphate-dextrose.
duration of exposure and the production of
cytokines.P:" The biological response to
ozone treatment varies widely between Is OZONE A DOUBLE-EDGED
blood samples, not only because blood SWORD AND DOES
mononuclear cells of different individuals AUTOHAEMOTHERAPY
vary in their ability to respond to certain CAUSE SIDE-EFFECTS?
stimuli, but also because each blood sample These issues are important and results so far
has a variable level of antioxidants. Attempts obtained need to be emphasized to convince
have, therefore, been made to improve the clinicians that the haemotherapeutic treat-
procedure currently used" as follows: for ment is absolutely safe.


Physiological calcium
(total, 2.5 mM; ionized, 1.1mM)

~~ +Ca heparin
(citrate) +5mM CaCl,


One possible mechanism of superinduction of blood mononuclear cells. CPO, citrate-


During the last 3 years both the role of reduced nicotine adenine dinucleotide phos-
ozone concentrations and the timing of phate, the fundamental substrate for the glut-
exposure have been investigated by follow- athione redox cycle:",50 Considering the
ing four parameters, namely the extent of enormous surface area exposed by erythro-
haemolysis, intraerythrocytic reduced gluta- cytes, it appears that ozone action is likely to
throne," blood mononuclear cell viability be dispersed on an almost infinite number of
(tested by Mosmanri's method)," and cyto- targets on the plasma membrane, hardly
kine production." It has previously been reaching the cytoplasm, as documented by
shown that ozone expresses dualistic the negligible and transient reduction of
effects, at high concentrations, impairing the intracellular reduced glutathione.
cellular and humoral immune response in It appears that the potential toxicity of
animals and subjects undergoing chronic ozone should not prevent its use if a
exposure." - 48 Indeed, when high concen- judicious concentration is used and because
trations (above 78 ,ug/ml) of ozone were blood can minimize the formation of free
used, and particularly when blood was radicals" and convert oxidants to less toxic
exposed to a constant insufflation of ozone species. At the correct dose, ozone, like any
for periods longer than 30 sec, there was a other drug, can do more good than harm and
progressive increase in haemolysis up to in the biomedical sciences, the concept that
52%, a decrease of intraerythrocytic reduced even a poison may represent a useful drug at
glutathione by as much as 47%, significantly a particular concentration, is a familiar one.
reduced blood mononuclear cell viability Further, a revision of the, so far, dogmatic
and erratic production of cytokines." On the conclusion that oxidants are always deleteri-
other hand, in practice, when the ozone con- ous, is in progress; indeed, the physiological
tact with the blood is for a few seconds and activity of nitric oxide is a paradigmatic
the ozone concentration is lower than 78 cxample'" and the production at low levels
,ug/ml of blood, haemolysis is no higher than of highly reactive species may serve import-
6%, intraerythrocytic reduced glutathione ant roles in cell proliferation, defence and
decreases by only 8.3%, blood mononuclear regulation of the immune system.
cell viability is not impaired and there is sig- Experience in normal volunteers and in
nificant production of cytokines. These patients, suggests that autohaemotherapy
results must be so first, by virtue of the rel- does not cause any side-effects and gives a
evant antioxidant properties of plasma and sense of well-being in about 20% of subjects.
second, because all metabolically active cells Whether this is a placebo effect, or a result of
display antioxidant mechanisms by means of the suspected release of certain hormones,
several enzymatic systems such as catalase, remains to be determined. There is no risk of
superoxide dismutase and glutathione cross-infections because each donor must
reductase. The efficiency of glutathione receive his/her own blood and the procedure
homeostasis is impressive; within about 30 is safe, simple and easily performed in about
min after ozone treatment, intraerythrocytic an hour, after which the patient can return
reduced glutathione levels are almost com- home. Transfusion-related acute lung injury,
pletely restored.":" It was previously shown a fairly rare complication of allogenic trans-
that glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and fusion;" has never been reported after auto-
6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase are the haemotherapy. The only problem, noticed by
two key enzymes that, by metabolizing glu- the present author, is that the majority of ter-
cose to ribulose-5-phosphate, generate minally ill patients, particularly after pro-

longed chemotherapy, have poor venous realized that in order to minimize cell dam-
access, and this may occasionally complicate age, very low ozone concentrations were
blood collection and reinfusion. Otherwise used, causing a very mild activation of blood
patients comply quite well with two-weekly mononuclear cells, as deduced by the con-
treatments continued for 5 - 6 months. Usu- sistent but low production of cytokines.
ally treatment is carried out, here, either in Moreover, the volume of blood used for each
the late morning or early afternoon for prac- treatment is 250 ml and this represents about
tical reasons and because, if treatment does 1/20th of the blood volume, that is, 0.1 % of
cause an elevation of plasma cortisol, this the total number of lymphocytes, assuming
should not markedly affect its nadir at night. that only 2% of the lymphocyte mass in the
Although the cost of a treatment ought not body are present in the blood at any given
to be an important criterion, in the case of time." If this estimate is correct, it means
autohaemotherapy it becomes irrelevant that only a minimal fraction of blood mono-
since the value of a collection bag is less nuclear cells undergo stimulation during
than five pounds and therefore almost negli- each treatment. Depending upon their recir-
gible compared with treatment with biologi- culation pattern, the ozonized immune cells
cal response modifiers such as IFNs, IL-2 (at the most, 2.5 x 10 8 ) will rapidly home
and thymic hormones. On the other hand, into various lymphoid and non-lymphoid
the issue of effectiveness is of crucial import- microenvironments and there will begin to
ance and the existing data, although very release a number of cytokines. These will
encouraging, are too preliminary to support a react with neighbouring cells, either priming
full discussion. Published reports'r':' include or activating them, with consequent amplifi-
claims that autohaemotherapy yields "satis- cation of the primary stimulus (the ozoniz-
factory" results, but the reason for the pre- ation of the immune system) and minimal
sent report has been to review the state of the spill-over of released cytokines, if any, into
art and show the urgent need for appropriate the circulation, thus explaining the lack of
and controlled studies. fever or other toxic effects. In conclusion,
autohaemotherapy will have a mild, yet pro-
gressive immunoadjuvant effect, mostly due
WHY IS to cellular interactions very much resem-
A UTOHAEMOTHERAPY FREE bling the physiological process of main-
OF SIDE EFFECTS? taining the immune system in an active
Activation either in vivo or ex vivo of blood state." On the basis of this interpretation,
mononuclear cells with potent cytokine autohaemotherapy will result in a slow pro-
inducers, such as a polyriboinosinic-poly- cess of activation, with potential therapeutic
ribocytidylic complex," or endotoxin," or efficacy and without side-effects.
muramyltripeptide," invariably causes typi-
cal toxic effects characterized by chills,
fever, dyspnoea, nausea, fatigue, hypoten- CURRENT USES AND
sion, etc. usually within a few hours after FUTURE PROSPECTS
administration. When the evaluation of the Autohaemotherapy appears to be a versatile
optimized procedure using Ca2+ as a superin- therapeutic approach acting in various diff-
ducing factor," was started, the lack of typi- erent diseases by virtue of the effects of
cal toxicity was at first puzzling. On the ozone treatment on several blood com-
basis of in vitro studies, however, it was soon ponents, which, after treatment, induce

metabolic changes and release various cyto- IL_2;59 and
kines. The following four main categories of (c) therapy with monospecific or bi-
diseases may benefit from the treatment: specific antibodies."
1. Vascular disorders from critical limb to In this context autohaemotherapy is an
heart, brain and retinal ischaemia. approach based on using inducers able to
2. Chronic viral diseases favoured by immu- elicit endogenous production of cytokines.
nodepression either due to genetic The advantages of autohaemotherapy are its
deficiency, or cytotoxic treatments and/or lack of toxicity and the resulting equilib-
ageing. All of these situations share either rated, although slow, stimulation of cytokine
a reduced number of total T lymphocytes production, accompanied by improved oxy-
(CD3), or of cytotoxic T lymphocytes genation and metabolism.
(CD8), or of natural killer cells, or of neu- There are other approaches involving
trophils with depressed cytolytic activity treatments with oxygen/ozone mixtures
and phagocytosis. Production of thymic either in vivo or ex vivo. 2 .3 In vivo treatments
hormones, of lymphokines and antibody include either intravenous, or intraarterial
formation may also be depressed to some (particularly in critical limb ischaemia)
extent. Autohaemotherapy may represent administration of a gaseous oxygen/ozone
an almost physiological stimulation for mixture, or of ozone-saturated isotonic
rejuvenating or reprogramming the solution. Colorectal insufflation of oxy-
immune system. gen/ozone (up to 800 ml] has been used,
3. Autoimmune diseases. How autohaemo- mainly in Germany, to treat colon cancer,
therapy can be benefical in autoimmune and to treat intractable diarrhoea in AIDS
diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis patients in the USA.
remains a matter of speculation. At the Ex vivo treatment could be intensified
moment it is considered that local release either by carrying out autohaemotherapy
of either IFN r causing apoptosis of auto- very frequently (it has been repeated three
cytotoxic T lymphocytes, or of immuno- times in the same session), or by extracor-
suppressive factors such as IL-10, TGF,8, poreal circulation of the whole blood volume
IL-1 f3- TNF a antagonists and eicosanoids against oxygen/ozone. Finally, ozonization
may suppress reactive clones. of erythrocytes may be avoided by specifi-
4. Minimal residual disease. As cancer kills cally collecting large numbers of autologous
the host mostly via metastasizing cells, it leukocytes via several procedures. These,
is necessary to eliminate them and immu- unfortunately, are somewhat lengthy with a
notherapy is now considered the fourth potential risk of contamination and at this
modality of therapy, after surgery, radi- stage are not being pursued.
ation and chemotherapy. To this end
several approaches are being actively pur-
(a) exogenous administration of cytokines I am very grateful to Mrs Helen Carter Bocci
and thymic hormones;" for English revision. This work has been par-
(b) adoptive immunotherapy with autolog- tially supported by Ministero Universite
ous lymphokine-activated killer cells Ricerca Scientifica e Technologica (MURST)
or tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (40%) and by the National Research Council
with exogenous IL-2, or cells cloned (CNR), Rome - Target Project "Applicazioni
with human genes coding for TNF a or cliniche della ricerca oncologica".

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Received for publication 25 January 1994
Accepted 2 February 1994
©Copyright 1994 Cambridge Medical Publications

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