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Lara Buchmann-Duck

Lesson Plan: “Walking Rainbow” and Colour Mixing

Grade: Kindergarten Unit: Colour mixing
Topic: “Walking Rainbow” Date: Tues. Mar. 13th ‘18
Length of Lesson: 45 min. Subject: Creative Expression
General Learning Creative Expression:
Outcomes  The child becomes aware of various forms of expression.

Environment and Community Awareness:

 The child explores familiar places and things in the environment and

Specific Learning Creative Expression:

Outcomes The child:
 becomes aware of how artists and musicians use such elements as rhythm,
melody, line, colour and pattern to express ideas.

Environment and Community Awareness:

The child:
 becomes aware of colours, shapes, patterns and textures in the

Instructional - To mix primary colours and see what colours are created.
Lesson Focus - What colours do you get when you mix red with yellow, yellow with blue, and
Question and Key blue with red?
Materials  7 plastic cups
 6 strips of folded paper towel
 Access to water
 Red, yellow, and blue food colouring
 Access to smart board and YouTube
 Red, yellow, and blue paint
 6 tin trays for paint mixing
 Colour mixing circle sheets for each student
 Sample colour mixing sheet with red, yellow, and blue circles filled in
 Paint brushes for each student
 6 cups with water to rinse brushes
 Old shirts for each student to wear

Resources  “Walking Water” experiment YouTube video:



Lara Buchmann-Duck

Introduction 1. Get the class’s attention at the carpet area.

(15 min.) 2. Explain that today we are going to mix some of our primary colours and
see what colours we can create.
3. Direct their attention to the Smart board and watch the “Walking Water”
experiment YouTube video together.
4. After the video, explain that we will now do this together. Get them to
turn around to the table where the cups and water are set-up.
5. Invite student volunteers to come up and add red, yellow, and blue food
colouring to the appropriate cups.
6. Invite student volunteers to put folded paper towel in-between each cup.
7. When it is all ready, explain that we will have to wait a couple of hours
to see what colours are created in the cups in-between as the colour
creeps up each of the paper towel strips.
8. Ask for some student predictions on which colours will be created.
9. Direct the students to the sample colour mixing sheet where the red,
blue, and yellow circles are filled in. Explain that the students are to
paint their red, blue, and yellow circles just like this one. Then they are
to mix the colours in the empty circles in-between to find out which
colours are created.
10. Dismiss the students to their tables to begin working on this.
Body of Lesson 1. As the students work on painting circulate amongst them. Allow them to
(28 min.) have fun and experiment with mixing the colours. Encourage them to
start with red, yellow, and blue and then mix these primary colours. Ask
the class which colours they get when they mix each of the primary
colours. Fill in the sample sheet with these colours at the front for the
students to see as they work. Talk about the colours that are created.

Closure 2. As the students each finish painting their colour mixing sheet they will
(2 min.) be asked to put their sheet on the dry-rack and to tidy up their
workspace. Then they are to wash their hands and go work on reading a
book or doing a puzzle.
(Later in the day draw the students’ attention to the “walking water”
cups and talk about which colours were created by mixing the primary
colours. Ask if this is the same or different from when they were mixing
the paint.)

Sponge Activity As students finish they will look at a book or do a puzzle.

Assessment Observational: Observe/converse/question the students as they work mixing their
colours. Enforce that red, yellow, and blue are the primary colours. Ask the students
what colours they get when they mix these primary colours. Help and guide those
students who may need more assistance with this.

Specific Learner Some students may need some extra guidance and assistance with staying on-task and
Considerations understanding the concept of mixing primary colours. Be aware of these students and
and Adaptations provide them with the extra assistance and direction they might need.

Lara Buchmann-Duck

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