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Forwarded. From: LAWRENC Date: Fri, Mar Subiect: Nathan] To: paige taylor@thompsonschools. org, Toll of Netharfimmlteschers, Week of 2/28-20 ‘Wie apologize for taking up your valuable time, but Barb and | would greatly appreciate some input on Nathan's ‘week in school. We will be sending this e-mail each Friday for however long we need to. to keep him accountable for his sctions. or lack of them. Please reply on how he di in your classwhen you can Thank you very much! To reply with answers, push Reply, fill in answers, then send. Nathan showed respect toYOU/st your standard, 100% of the time. Yes__No. Nathan showed respect to slither Students Nathan was in classon timeevery doy, Yes __ No. As far as you know he has turned in allassignments. Yes___ No, (1 get e-mails sfter you put them in grade book if missing) (He has Teachers Aid for Ms. Kovacs 3rd hr. when he could work on an assignment) Nathan's grade fortn-class participation (4 is above average) (Optional) COMMENT S: ‘Thank you again for our time and support for Nathan. Lowrance ond orf]

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