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Table 12: MCT observation

RAKWC B Ed EPR Practicum 3b: MCT/MST Assessment Report

EPR Student Assessment Criteria:

This report is to be completed by the Mentoring School Teacher in consultation with the Mentoring College Teacher and refers
to teaching competencies in the High School.
Date: 06/03/2018
School: Australian American School Name of MST:
Name of Student: Fatima Bilal Name of MCT: Garnel Desravins

Please add specific comments about the student teacher’s observed strengths during this teaching practicum and identify areas
in which you feel further development is necessary.

Observed Strengths:‫ قوية‬/‫نقاط ايجابية‬ Areas in which further development is needed:

‫بحاجة الى تطوير‬
* Connection was made between current and previous * Definition of renewable energy was not very clear to the students.
lesson. Prior knowledge was activated as engagement. You and the students define renewable energy as using the energy
over and over….
*The students enjoy the activity
*Inquiry needs some improvement. Having students researching one
question is not enough to be considered as inquiry. Yes, all inquiry
starts with a question. However, that question has to be researchable
as well as solvable through investigation. In addition, it can’t simply a

*Lesson lacks creativity. There was no thinking involve. Students

could have been asked to highlight the benefits of renewable energy,
state reasons why wind is renewable energy, the Sun will eventually
die, why is it considered as renewable energy. The students were to
simply find the answer to the questions online and write them on their
poster. The second question, why do we use renewable energy? to
me, was not very clear.

*Focus students ‘attention. The groups were presenting their work

while most of the students were chatting and not listening.

*The science processing skills were not evident in today’s lesson.

General comments

Topic: Renewable Energy

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