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When you first start working with Android it is difficult to see why you should bother with the

strange new Fragment object. It really doesn't seem to do anything extra over and above a
simple Activity and it adds another layer of complexity.
In addition finding out exactly what a Fragment does for you is very difficult.
Perhaps they are best ignored?
It is true that for many simple apps you really don't need to bother with the extra complexity
of using a Fragment. If you are serious about developing an app over a long period of time
then it probably is worth starting off by using a Fragment - even if it isn't actually necessary.
This is certainly the attitude that Google would like you to take and in Android Studio even
the simplest apps start off using a Fragment.
This is, of course the reason the Simple Blank Activity template was introduced earlier in
this book. However now it is time to find out what Fragments are all about and finally
understand the standard template among other things.
This is a fairly deep look at using Fragments and it might well tell you more than you want
to know on a first reading but if you are going to make use of Fragments properly you do
need to know this.
In this chapter we focus on Fragment basics - creating a Fragment, displaying a Fragment
and Fragment event handling. In the next chapter we look at Fragments and XML, the
designer, the standard template and using Fragments in devices that run Android version
earlier than Honeycomb. The third chapter on Fragments looks at the problem of
managing Fragments to create flexible UIs.

What Is A Fragment?
A Fragment is like a very cut down Activity. It has a set of events that signal various stages
of its lifecycle like an Activity. It also has its own associated View object which defines its UI
- but it has no way of displaying that View object.
To display its View object a Fragment has to pass it on to an Activity. The Activity decides
how best to display the Fragment's UI.
The basic idea is that a Fragment is a lot like having a View hierarchy that the Activity can
decide to display as it needs. The idea is that if the device that the application is running
on has enough space then Fragments can be displayed on the same screen. If the device
is too small you can arrange for each Fragment to be displayed on its own.
One idea that it is important to dispel as early as possible. This management of Fragments
according to screen size is entirely up to the programmer. The system doesn't support any
automatic management of Fragments even though there is a class called
What you do with a Fragment is up to you and it is still a fairly low level mechanism.
In short what you do with a Fragment is entirely up to you.
The key method in using a Fragment is
onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater,
ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState)
this returns a single View object, always a ViewGroup, with the set of View object that
defines the Fragment's UI. The Activity calls this event handler when it is time for the
Fragment to provide its UI for display.

The Activity passes a LayoutInflater to help the Fragment create the View hierarchy from
an XML file, a container that the is the ViewGroups that will contain the fragment's UI and
finally a Bundle if the Fragment already exists and has been suspended - much like an
It looks as if the Fragment's only role in life is to create a View and this is true but it has
more functionality than just a ViewGroup object. The Fragment is also an object that has a
lifecycle and persists even when its View hierarchy isn't on display. This makes it easier to
arrange for things like the back button and other state changes to be implemented. To
make full use of the Fragment you have to know about its lifecycle but for the moment we
can simply focus on the onCreateView event.

A Simple Fragment
The best way to understand all this is to find out how Fragments work in detail.
So start a new Simple Blank Activity project and this time make sure you select
Honeycomb Android 3.0 for the minimum required SDK - the reason is that Fragments
were introduced with this version. The question of supporting Fragments in earlier versions
just complicates things - but see the next chapter.
Creating a Fragment is a matter of deriving your own class from the Fragment class. To do
this you can simply right click on the MainActivity class and select New, Java Class from
the menu:

Next you have to give the class a suitable name:

This creates a new file in the project to store the class.

If you have programmed in other languages it is worth knowing that Java generally expects
you to put each new class in its own file.
Next we need to edit the class to make it inherit from Fragment:

package com.example.app;
import android.app.Fragment;
public class myFragment extends Fragment {

If you start typing "extends" Android studio will autocomplete and the same for "Fragment".
It will also automatically add the import statement for you.
Now we have to fill in the details of onCreateView.
We could define an XML layout file or use the designer - more of which in the next chapter
where we look at using Android Studio's Fragment facilities - but the most direct way and
the one that lets you see exactly what is happening is to create the View objects in code.
In practice you would normally use the XML to create the View hierarchy but working with
code means there is no irrelevant details to confuse the issue.
If you are not happy with creating View objects in code then see the previous chapter: UI
Graphics A Deep Dive
Android Studio will autogenerate a stub for the even handler if you simply start to type
onCreateView and select the correct method from the list that appears. It will also
automatically add the import statements you need.
To create a simple UI for the Fragment to supply to the Activity we will just create a
LinearLayout containing a Button:
public View onCreateView(
LayoutInflater inflater,
ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
LinearLayout linLayout=
new LinearLayout(getActivity());
Button b = new Button(getActivity());
b.setText("Hello Button");

return linLayout;

This should be perfectly easy to follow but there are a few subtle points. When you create a
View object you have to provide it with a "context" - this is the Activity it belongs to and you
usually pass it this to indicate the current object i.e. the Activity instance. In this case we
are in an instance of the Fragment object so you can't use this.
However at the time that the onCreateView is called the Fragment will be associated with a
Activity i.e. the Activity that is going to display its View. You can use the getActivity method
to return the Activity that the Fragment is associated with and this is what you use as the
context when you create a View object within a Fragment - that is:
Button b = new Button(getActivity());
Notice also that you seem to have to return a ViewGroup object from onCreateView, even
though this isn't documented. Finally you don't add the Fragment's View to the container
you have been passed. You are only provided with it so you can find out details of the
layout and adjust your View objects accordingly.

At this point we have a Fragment that returns a LinearLayout which contains a Button
object with the text "Hello Button". Not a very useful Fragment but the simplest example I
can think of.

Using a Fragment
Now that we have our customized fragment complete with a very simple UI it is time to
display it in an Activity.
This is perhaps the most complicated part of using a Fragment although once you get used
to it its not so difficult.
The first new feature is that every Activity has a FragmentManager which is used to control
how Fragments are displayed. To display a Fragment you first have to obtain the
FragmentManager using getFragmentManager. Then you have to get a
FragmentTransaction from the FragmentManager.
You can't do anything with a Fragment unless you start a transaction. Within the transaction
you can set up what you want to happen, usually add the Fragment to the current layout,
but nothing happens until you use the commit method.
The final complication is that the add method, used to add a Fragment to a specified
container needs the container specified by id number. This fine for an XML layout but not
so convenient for a code generated layout.
That is if you have a FragmentTransaction ft then:
adds Fragment frag1 to the ViewGroup with the specified id. Notice this is not a Layout Id.
Lets see how to implement all of this.
Let's add the Fragment to the MainActivity using the usual onCreate method:
protected void onCreate(
Bundle savedInstanceState){
First we need to add a LinearLayout to act as a container for the rest of the UI and the
Fragment in particular:
LinearLayout linLayout=new LinearLayout(this);
and this needs an id property so that we can store the Fragement's UI inside it.
You can simply assign an id using setId, it only has to be unique at the current level of the
View hierarchy:
Finally we can add the LinearLayout to the ContentView:
Apart from the need to assign a ViewId to there is nothing new so far.
Now we need to add the Fragment.
To do this we create an instance of the Fragment, get the FragmentManager and use it to
get a FragmentTransaction object:

myFragment frag1=new myFragment();
FragmentManager fm=getFragmentManager();
FragmentTransaction ft=fm.beginTransaction();
Now we can add the Fragment to the LinearLayout container using its ViewId to identify it
and finally commit the transaction to make it all happen:
As well as the add method, the FragmentTransaction also has a replace and remove
The subject of managing Fragments is discussed in a later installment.

Puttting all this together gives:

protected void onCreate(
Bundle savedInstanceState){
LinearLayout linLayout=
new LinearLayout(this);

myFragment frag1=new myFragment();

FragmentManager fm=getFragmentManager();
FragmentTransaction ft=fm.beginTransaction();

If you run the program you will now see a Button appear.
The View hierarchy after the Fragment has been added consists of a single LinearLayout
created by the Activity, containing a LinearLayout created by the Fragment, which contains
a Button created by the Fragment.

There are some subtle points to note that aren't important at the moment, but could come
back to bite you when you try to do some more advanced things.
The first is that the Fragment's View hierarchy is not constructed at the end of the
transaction, i.e. immediately after the commit. The onCreateView event is fired some time
after the onCreate event handler returns. This means you cannot access the View objects
added by the Fragment within the onCreate method.

Secondly, at the moment we are creating the Fragment each time the onCreate method is
fired by the Activity's Create event but the system automatically saves and restores
Fragments when the Activity is suspended. In particular the entire Activity and its
associated Fragments are destroyed if a configuration change such as a orientation change
occurs. In this case the system recreates the Fragment and the Activity for you.
You need to keep this in mind because this automatic destroy- recreate mechanism causes
most of the complications you will encounter in using Fragments.

The current onCreate method works, but it is inefficient because it manually creates the
Fragment after the system has restored the old instance.
A better way to code the onCreate method is:
protected void onCreate(
Bundle savedInstanceState){
LinearLayout linLayout=
new LinearLayout(this);
if (savedInstanceState == null) {
myFragment frag1=new myFragment();
FragmentManager fm=getFragmentManager();
FragmentTransaction ft=
By checking to see if there is any saved instance state we can avoid creating the Fragment
when it isn't needed.
Test that this works by running the app and then rotating the device.
If you find that the rotation test doesn't work you are probably testing using 4.4.x
(API19) in which the emulator has a bug which means it doesn't respond to rotation
commands. The solution is to downgrade to 4.3 (API18) until the problem is solved.
We need to look more at how Fragments can retain their state when the system destroys
and recreates them.
By now you might well be thinking that this is a lot of work to go to when you could have
just added the Button to the layout in the Activity. This is true enough and the reason that
Fragments and their use have been left until now. Android Studio does have a way of
making all of this seem much easier but at some point you do have to understand what it is
doing to get any value from using Fragments.
It is time to move on and look at how to make Fragments do something.

Fragment Events
The next topic we have to consider is the issue of how much work a Fragment should do.

For example, when a button is clicked what should handle the event?
The idea of a Fragment is that it is a wrapped up chunk of UI that can be used by any
Activity that needs it.
On this basis you have to ask yourself if the event that has to be handled is the same for
every Activity or unique to each Activity. If it is the same then the event handler is better
written within the Fragment.
Let's see how to do this.
The principle of getting a Fragment to handle an event is easy enough to understand. The
Fragment doesn't have a UI of its own - it is displayed by an Activity that the Fragment is
associated with. The events are generated by objects in the View hierarchy, which is
owned by the Activity. If you try to use Android Studio to add an event handler, for example,
it will add it to the Activity and not to the Fragment.
You can, however, define the EventListener that you want to handle the event in the
Fragment and then hook it up to the View object in the Activity in which you want to
generate the event.
Creating the event handler follows the same two possible patterns that you used to create it
in the Activity.
Starting in the Fragment you can either make it implement the necessary interface or you
can use an anonymous class. The anonymous class approach is the more flexible so let's
do it this way.
First let's add a TextView to be used in the event handler. The user can click the button and
transfer the button's text to the TextView. Add the following code to the onCreateView
final TextView tv=new TextView(getActivity());
tv.setText("Text Entry");
The reason for the use of the final keyword will become apparent.
Next we have to add an instance of an OnClickListener object:

View.OnClickListener onclick=
new View.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View view){
Button bt=(Button) view;
If you recall Java uses objects to handle events. You create an object of the correct type
using an anonymous class which avoids having to create a named class in a separate file.
In this case the OnClickListener has just one method the onClick event handler that we
have to override. It is assumed that the event handler will only be attached to a Button so
we are safe in casting the view parameter to a Button object. Next we can use the button
text to set the TextView's text.
At this point you might be worried by the use of the local variable tv as it doesn't belong to
the OnClickListener object but the containing Fragment. How can this class access a
variable that isn't part of it?

In Java an inner class, like the OnClickListener has access to the local variables of its
containing class but only if they are declared final. A variable that is declared final can only
be assigned to once and in this case there is no reason not to declare the TextView as final
- it isn't going to change the object it references.
Now all we have to do is set the onClick hander of the button to the OnClickListener object
onclick that we have created:
This is all we have to do. Notice however that it is slightly more subtle than you might think
as all of the View objects are only created when the Activity calls the onCreateView
The complete Fragment class is now:

public class myFragment extends Fragment {

public View onCreateView(
LayoutInflater inflater,
ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
LinearLayout linLayout=
new LinearLayout(getActivity());

Button b = new Button(getActivity());

b.setText("Hello Button");

final TextView tv=new TextView(getActivity());

tv.setText("Text Entry");

View.OnClickListener onclick=
new View.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View view){
Button bt=(Button) view;
return linLayout;}

If you now run the program you will find that when the button is clicked its text is transferred
to the TextView. Notice that this would be true no matter what Activity used the Fragment.
It is behavior inherent to the Fragment.
You also need to be clear what is going on when the system destroys and recreates the

If you run the app and click the button you will see the TextView change. If you then rotate
the device you will see that the TextView reverts to its original text. If you click the button
you will again see that the text changes i.e. the event handler is still working.
What happens is that the system calls the onCreateView when it recreates the Fragment -
this sets up the UI and attaches the event handler. All previous state information is lost.
If you want to keep the state information through a destroy-create cycle you have to use
the savedInstanceState Bundle that is passed to the onCreateView method. This works in
much the same way as for the Activity.

Saving State
Saving the state of a Fragment is very easy.
All you have to do is override the onSaveInstanceState event handler and use the
savedInstanceState bundle to store any additional data you need to persist. For example to
keep the TextView's current content all you have to do is:
public void onSaveInstanceState(
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
TextView tv=
(TextView) getView().findViewById(110);

Notice the use of getView to retrieve the View hierarchy created by the Fragment and the
usual findViewById. To make this work we also need to add an Id to the TextView in the
This saves the state information but we still have to manually restore it in the
if (savedInstanceState != null) {
You can also use the onCreate event handler to restore values to variables. It is called
before the onCreateView event handler so don't try to use it to modify the View hierarchy.
The complete Fragment is:

public class myFragment extends Fragment {

public View onCreateView(
LayoutInflater inflater,
ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
LinearLayout linLayout=

new LinearLayout(getActivity());
Button b = new Button(getActivity());
b.setText("Hello Button");
final TextView tv=new TextView(getActivity());
tv.setText("Text Entry");
View.OnClickListener onclick=
new View.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View view){
Button bt=(Button) view;
if (savedInstanceState != null) {
return linLayout;

public void onSaveInstanceState(
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
TextView tv=
(TextView) getView().findViewById(110);

What Does The Activity Do?

In a lot of cases the Fragment is the right place to handle events but what about the Activity
- does it get to do anything useful?
The whole point of a UI, even a fragment of a UI, is to provide some data to or display
some data from the application. At some point the Fragment has to accept data or give
data to the application and the Activity in particular.
To get data from the Fragment there is nothing new as the Activity can simply access the
View objects created by the Fragment in the usual way using findViewById or similar. To
put data to the Fragment the Activity can use the same technique. The Fragment can also
offer the Activity public properties which it can set and get. There is nothing new here.
The only complication is that the Fragment can be destroyed and recreated by the system
by calling its onCreateView. What this means is that any public properties it might have
could be re-initialised at any time.

The solution is, of course, to preserve the state of the Fragment using the Bundles provided
for the job.
There is a tricky problem if the Activity tries to attach an event handler to a View provided
by the Fragment. There is nothing wrong with creating a listener in the Activity and setting it
as the event handler for a View object created by the Fragment. This works perfectly until
the moment the Fragment is destroyed and recreated by the system calling the
onCreateView. At this point the View object that the event handler was attached to is
recreated and the connection to the event handler is lost.
The simplest solution is to set the event handler each time the Activity onCreate is called
but this turns out to have lots of subtle difficulties - there are better but more elaborate
solutions which will be explained in detail in the next chapter.
You just need to be very aware that the fact that the Fragment can be destroyed and
recreated at any time makes its use more complicated than you might first think.
When you have a single Fragment backed by an Activity there seems to be little point in
splitting the code between the two. However if you keep in mind the idea that the Fragment
should provide the UI and the Activity should provide the processing then you have a good
division of concerns and code which should allow the Fragment or the Activity to be reused.
If you know about the MVC - Model View Controller - design pattern then you can think of
the Fragment as the View and the Activity as the Model.
Things get much more interesting when you build an application with multiple Fragments
and this is something we have to look at in a later installment.

Fragments With XML Layouts

In Introducing Android Fragments we saw how a Fragment's View hierarchy could be
created in code.
Of course in most cases it is easier to use XML and in fact it is easier to get the Android
Studio Designer to generate the XML for you.
Using an XML layout with a Fragment introduces very little that is new, but it is good to see
a simple example. So let's create the very simple example used in the previous
chapter using the Designer.
Start off with a new Simple Blank Activity call it xmlfrag.
To things life easier, set the minimum SDK to 3.0 and accept the defaults.
Next navigate to the res/layout directory and right click on layout. Select New and Layout
resource file.

Name the file my_fragment and accept the default LinearLayout as the container.

The new XML layout wil open in the Designer and you can use the designer to place a
Button and a TextView on the layout.

You can add as many XML layouts to a project as you care to and you can edit them using
the Designer.
Of course, to make use of them you have to write some code to inflate and display them
and this is what we are about to do.
Select the MainActivity.java file and right click, select New, Java Class and give it the name
MyFragment. This is exactly what we did in the previous chapter to create a Fragment so
nothing new here.
You need to type in
public class Myfragment extends Fragment {
and if you accept the correct options that appear as you type then most of the code will be
generated for you. If Fragment appears in red and you get the message "Cannot resolve

symbol" remember - place the text cursor in the red highlight and press Alt+enter and
select import the class you want to import.
Deal with any classes that need importing in the same way.
This again is exactly what we did in the previous chapter and now we have to define the
onCreateView method. The difference is that now we are going to use the inflater passed to
us to inflate the XML layout file my_fragment we created:
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater,
ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
View rootView = inflater.inflate(
R.layout.my_fragment,container, false);
return rootView;
This is all our Fragment needs to do.
Notice that the inflate method uses the container to work out the layout of the view
hierarchy but doesn't use the container as the root. That is the container is not part of
Finally we have to modify the activity to display the new Fragment in the usual way. Edit the
MainActivity file to read:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (savedInstanceState == null) {
.add(R.id.container, new MyFragment())

The only difference here is that this time we are using a "fluent" call sequence for the
FragmentManager. This is an common idiom in modern Java and it relies on the fact that
getFragmentManager returns a FragmentManager object which you can use immediately
by calling its beginTransaction method which returns a Transaction object which you can
use immediately and so on.
There is just one last thing to do and this is to identify the container in the main layout that
the Fragment will be loaded into. To do this simply go to the activity_main.xml file and the
Designer and delete the default RelativeLayout - ignore any error messages you see - and
then drop a Vertical LinearLayout onto the design surface. Double click on this and enter
the id
Note: the latest version of Android Studio adds the usual @+id/ prefix automatically.
Now everything should work.
If you run the program you should see a button and a TextView.

All that is left to do is wire up the UI so that when you click the button its text is transferred
to the TextView as in the previous example. This has to be done in the Fragment's
onCreateView event handler.
The only new feature here is the need to use findViewById to get the View objects from the
inflated View hierarchy and this isn't really new as we have been doing this in the Activity
since the first chapter:
Button b= (Button) rootView.findViewById(R.id.button);
View.OnClickListener onclick=
new View.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View view){
Button bt=(Button) view;
TextView tv=

Notice that to find the button you can use the rootView object''s findViewById method.
Every View object has a findViewById method but it only finds child View objects. So in the
interrupt handler we can't use the Button object's findViewById to locate the TextView
because it isn't a child of the Button object i.e. it isn't contained within the Button object.
Instead we need to retrieve the Activity and use its findViewByID method.

Putting all of this together gives for the Activity:

public class MainActivity extends Activity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (savedInstanceState == null) {
.add(R.id.container, new MyFragment())
and for the Fragment:
public class MyFragment extends Fragment{
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater,
ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
View rootView = inflater.inflate(
R.layout.my_fragment,container, false);
Button b=

(Button) rootView.findViewById(R.id.button);
View.OnClickListener onclick=
new View.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View view){
Button bt=(Button) view;
TextView tv=(TextView)getActivity().
return rootView;

Now if you run the program you will have something that works. When you click the button
its text appears in the TextView.
If you have mastered the way that XML is used to create a View hierarchy using an inflater
and how findViewById is used to find View objects then you should find all of this fairly

The Blank Activity Template

Now is the time to find out about the Blank Activity Template and its ability to include a
Fragment automatically in your project.
Thre are many arguments for even the simplest Android application using a Fragment for
its UI. Even though you might not need it when you first creat the app they have this
tendency to grow and sooner or later you will have to introduce Fragments to make it work
properly. So much better to start out with a design that includes a Fragment. However
including a Fragment in a simple project when you are just trying to learn about Android
doesn't make things easy - and it is for this reason we have avoided using a Fragment..
If you create a new project using the Blank Activity Template and select the Include a
Blank Fragment option you will see a project structure that has an additional layout file -
fragment_main.xml as well as an activity_main.xml layout. You should now have no
problem understanding these two layout files and how they are going to be used.
The main layout just has a single container - a FrameLayout. You can mostly ignore this
layout as it is really just there to host the Fragment's layout. It you look at the
fragment_main.xml layout you will see that it has a single TextView initialized to "Hello
World". This is where you put all of the UI widgets that you have, until now places on the
Activity's layout.
What might puzzle you is where is the class for the Fragment?
For reasons of trying to make the project simpler the Fragment's class is included in the
MainActivity.java file. In nearly all cases you should split this out into its own file - if you
don't do it initially you will have to do it sooner or later as the lines of code mount up. There
is a very easy way to move the Fragment with the help of Android.

If you look at the code in the MainActivity.java file you will discover, a the end:
public static class PlaceholderFragment
extends Fragment {
public PlaceholderFragment() {

public View onCreateView(
LayoutInflater inflater,
ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
View rootView = inflater.inflate(
container, false);
return rootView;
You should be able to recognise and understand the way that this class is implemented. It
simply inflates the fragment_main.xml class. The only difference is the inclusion of a
parameterless constructor which all Fragments are supposed to have. So far we have been
relying on the parent class of any Fragment's we have been creating to supply this but it is
usually a good idea to add it explicitly.
To move this Fragment class to its own file simply place the cursor in the class definition
and select Refactor,Move. Select
Move inner class PlaceholderFragment to upper level
which is the default.

Finally this is your chance to assign a new and more meaningful name to the Fragment

When you click Refactor the class will be moved to its own file and any name change you
made will be implemented throughout the project.
For the sake of simplicity the rest of the description of the project will leave the Fragment
un-refactored and as the template generated it.
If you look up to the start of the file you will discover that the Activity onCreate is also
public class MainActivity extends
ActionBarActivity {
protected void onCreate(
Bundle savedInstanceState){
if (savedInstanceState == null) {
new PlaceholderFragment())
You can see that this is exactly what we have been using to add the Fragment to the
Activity's UI in our hand made examples.
If you look carefully there are two small differences. The Activity is declared to inherit from
ActionBarActivity and not the usual base Activity class and for some reason
getFragmentManager has become getSupportFragmentManager. The reasons for these
changes is that this generated code is designed to work with versions of Android before
Honeycomb 3.0. This is a subject we have ignored so far by insisting on Honeycomb as the
lowest supported SDK. We need to look at this in more detail - see the next section.
So how do you use this Fragment based project?
If you don't want to do anything clever with Fragments you can mostly ignore the Activity's
existence. You can use the designer to place UI Widgets on the Fragment and work with
those UI Widgets in the usally way writing all your code in the Fragment's onCreateView
using getActivity where necessary.

However now that you know how Fragments work you will, of course, want to keep code
that is specific to the Fragment within the Fragment and code that is more general withing
the Activity.
It is also worth noting at this stage that there is a Fragment template that can be used to
add any number of Fragments to a project. This is discussed in detail in the next chapter.

The Support Library

The Simple Blank template introduces the use fo the support library for Fragments and now
is a good time to discuss it and how to use it.
A number of the newer features in Android are supported on older versions by the use of a
support library that has to be compiled into the project. If you decide to support earlier
versions of Android then the support library will make you app a big bigger than it needs to
be on the latest version of the operating system.
However, the cost of not using the support library is that your app wont work on earlier
versions. Most programmers decide that the support library is worth the inconvenience of
larger code so as to enable one runtime package to work on the widest possible Android
Let's take a look at how Fragments are supported on versions of Android before
The first things you have to change are the libraries you import:
Android 3 or later Support
android.app.Activity -> android.support.v4.app.
FragmentTransaction -> android.support.v4.app.
android.app.Fragment -> android.support.v4.app.Fragment
You also need to change your Activity so that it inherits from FragmentActivity or one of its
child classes that support other newer features such as ActionBarActivity.
The only other change you need to make is to use getSupportFragmentManager in place of
If you make these changes or make use of the support library right from the start you app
will work on all versions of Android including Honeycomb and later.
In the remainder of this and other chapters we will use the native Fragment code present in
the Android OS. Of course this means that the programs will not run on any Android
version earlier than 3.0, aka Honeycomb, but the changes needed to make them do so are

Adding A Fragment In XML
Although it generally isn't as useful as creating Fragments in code, you can also treat them
as if they were standard UI components and include them in an XML layout file.
Android Studio makes this very easy and even allows you to use the Designer to view the
embedded Fragment and edit it within the layout.
The big disadvantage of including a Fragment within an XML layout is that the Fragment
cannot be removed, i.e. it is a static part of the layout.
The advantage of including the Fragment in the XML layout is that you don't have to
modify the code of the Activity to use the Fragment.
Let's see how this works.
When you add a Fragment to an XML layout it is the Java code defining the Fragment, i.e
the your Fragment class that you make reference to in the XML. It is up to the
Fragment class to deal with its own XML layout or to generate the View hierarchy in code.
Suppose we have a new Simple Blank Activity project and we add a new class inheriting
from Fragment and making use of a new XML layout file:

public class myFragment extends Fragment {

public View onCreateView(
LayoutInflater inflater,
ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
View rootView = inflater.inflate(
R.layout.my_fragment,container, false);
return rootView;

As before, the Fragment's XML file is called my_fragment and it contains a Button and a

Leave it to Android Studio
To add the Fragment to the Activity's XML layout the easiest thing to do is let Android
Studio do most of the work.
Load the Activity's XML Layout and switch from the Design tab to the Text Tab
The name attribute is used to specify the Fragment class that is used to create the View
hierarchy - in this case myFragment.java.
Don't worry about any error messages you see in other windows at this stage. This minimal
XML isn't enough to embed the Fragment in the Activity's layout, but Android Studio will fix
the problems for you.
When you switch back to the Designer you will see some attribute errors reported as
Rending Errors. It will say that there are missing layout attributes. Simply click the link
"Automatically add all missing attributes":

After this the XML you have created is enough to embed the Fragment correctly but there is
one final extra touch.
If you look below the error messages you will see advice to the effect that you can
associate a layout with the Fragment class and the Designer will render this for you in the
Activity's layout so you can see how things are looking. Simply select the name of the
layout you would like to use @layout/myfragment in this case.
If you now look at the XML again you will see that the fragment tag is:

Switching back to the Designer now allows you to not only see the UI created by the
Fragment, but also to manipulate it within the Activity's layout. You can't edit the internal
details of the Fragment, i.e. the Button or TextView in this case. To do this you need to
switch your attention back to the Fragment's layout file. It can get confusing but just think of
the Fragment as a single widget.
You could run the app at this point and try it out, but it is a good idea to assign a unique id
to the Fragment. The reason is that the system uses this id to keep track of the Fragment
when it destroys and recreates it again. To assign an id you can use the Designer and the
property window again and enter something like:
If you don't supply an id the id of the container is used.
If you now run the app you will see the UI generated by the Fragment mixed in with any UI
you have created within the Activity.
It is also worth noting that the Designer can be used to add other types of Fragment into a
layout - more about this later.

Fragment And Activity Working Together

Written by Mike James

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Article Index

Fragment And Activity Working Together

Using Bundles

Persisting State

An Interface Callback

Persisting Fragments

Page 1 of 5

The real problem with using Fragments is making them work

together with Activities. This comes down to working out how to
allow the Activity to communicate with the Fragment and vice
versa. It is a tricky problem and the solution is often just
accepted without a deep understanding of the how and why. It is
time to take a close look at the Fragment template.

Android Adventures - Mastering Fragments


1. Introducing Fragments
2. Fragments and XML
3. Fragment And Activity Working Together
4. Managing Fragments
5. Custom dialogs using DialogFragment
6. Dialog Classes In DialogFragment
7. A NumberPicker DialogFragment Project
8. ViewPager
If you are interested in creating custom template also see:
Custom Projects In Android Studio

Using The Fragment Template

Suppose you want to add another Fragment to a project.
The steps are nearly always the same - create an XML layout
and add a class that extends Fragment. In fact this is so regular
you might expect some help from Android Studio to do this.

You would be correct and there is a Fragment template that
makes it easy
Start a new Blank Activity project, or any project type for that
matter. All we are going to do is add a Fragment to the project
using the Fragment template.
To do this first navigate to the java folder and the MainActivity
file, right click on it and select New, Android (Other).

From the choices of component you can insert into the project
select Fragment (Blank):

At the next screen you can customize the Fragment. In many

cases you will want to leave uncheck some of the options but in
the spirit of finding out what they are all about let the default
selection stand.

When you click Finish button a complete Fragment is generated
for you including the XML layout, unless you deselected Create
layout XML, and the java file.
We need to look at each of these in turn.
The XML layout is straightforward. You get a FrameLayout with
a TextView saying Hello blank Fragment.

The Java code is much more complex than you might have
expected and it includes some features of using Fragments that
we haven't so far looked at. Although these might be considered
"best practices" you don't have to use them if you would prefer
As these features are general, you can make use of them in
your own Fragments even if they are not generated by the
template it makes sense to explain them in isolation.
In other word let's use the generated Fragment to learn some
more advanced ways of working with Fragments.

The Problem With Fragments

Before we start on examining the code generated by Android
Studio it is worth spending a few moments considering what the
real difficulty the Activity has in working with the Fragment.
In most cases the Activity can create an instance of an object
and customize it by providing initializing data in the constructor

or by setting properties soon after creating the object. It could
also wire up event handlers directly to the object in the usual
way so that it could signal that something needed attention.
None of this works with Fragments for the simple reason that a
Fragment can be destroyed by the system at any time and
recreated without initialization and without event handlers etc.
For this reason the Fragment has to save and restore its state in
the same way that an Activity has to.
However there are additional problems with a Fragment. In
general other objects don't link into an Activity any deep way
because an Activity is supposed to do something in its own right.
A Fragment on the other hand is suppose to work closely with
an Activity. It is the Activity's UI component and as such there
has to be links from the Activity into the Fragment and more
importantly the Fragment has to be able to connect with the
This is difficult because say the Activity hooks up an event
handler to some Fragment generated event or even to a widget
in the Fragment generated UI, then when the Fragment is
recreated the event handler will also have to "reconnected" - but
in general the Activity doesn't know when a Fragment has been
recreated and so can't remake the connection. There are other
difficulties which will become apparent.
So we have three problems to solve -

 Initialization of the Fragment

 Saving and restoring the Fragment's state

 Implementing something like an event mechanism so

the Fragment can get the Activity's attention
All of these have to work after the Fragment has been destroyed
and recreated.
The hardest part is implementing something like an event
mechanism. To do it properly requires the use of some
moderately sophisticated Java and object-oriented ideas.

Fragment Arguments
A standard way to customize an object is to pass arguments into
its constructor. You might think that you could do the same with
a Fragment by providing a constructor with parameters and you
can do this.
However a Fragment also has to have a parameterless
constructor which is used by the system to recreate the
Fragment. This is provided by the template:

public BlankFragment() {
// Required empty public constructor
The parameterless constructor is needed because the system
cannot know how to call a constructor that accepts parameters.
So if you want to pass a parameter to the newly created
Fragment you might use:
public BlankFragment(int Param1) {
// code to deal with parameters
If you do define a constructor with parameters then you need to
remember to make sure that the parameterless constructor is
explicitly included - as it is in the code that the template creates.
That is, you only get a default constructor if you haven't explicitly
defined one.
Clearly if we are going to use a constructor with parameters to
set things up we are going to have to find a way to persist the
parameter values and restore them using something other than
the constructor.
We could now continue to the details of persisting the
constructor supplies parameters but the template does
something slightly different.
Instead of using a constructor to initialise the new instance the
preferred method is to use a static factory method. There
doesn't seem to be a clear cut reason to prefer this to an
overloaded constructor, despite it being described as "best
practice". As this is what the template generates, let's take a
look at how this all works - but to be clear you could put the
same code into an overloaded constructor as demonstrated
A factory method is a common idiom in most object-oriented
languages and all that happens is that it creates an instance of
the object that it is a factory for. Of course for this to be possible
it has to be a class or static method. If you are a big doubtful
about static methods read the quick introduction below -
otherwise skip forward.
A static method is created within the class definition by use of
the modifier static. It is different from normal or instance
methods in that it is called using the class name. For example to
create a static method you would write:
public class myClass{
public static void myStaticMethod(){
what ever the method does
and you could call the static method using

Notice that you call the method treating the class as if it was an
The Fragment template creates a static factory method for your Fragment unless you untick
the option Include fragment factory methods.
The factory methods starts off by creating and instance of your Fragment class using the
default parameterless constructor:
public static BlankFragment newInstance(
String param1, String param2) {
BlankFragment fragment = new BlankFragment();
The factory method is static and hence it has to be called from the class rather than any
instance of the class. That is you call it using:
BlankFragment myFrag=
The parameters param1 and param2 are stand-ins for you to change to the number and
type of parameters you actually want to use. The parameters are the arguments you are
going to use to customise your Fragment's View hierarchy.
The template also automatically adds two private fields for you to to store the parameter
values in if you need to:
private String mParam1;
private String mParam2;
Again you have to change the type, name and number of these variables to fit in with
whatever you are passing as parameters.
Now we come to the tricky part.
You don't want to make use of the parameters passed to the factory method when the
Fragment is constructed because it can be destroyed and recreated by the system via the
parameterless constructor.
Just as in the case of an Activity you have to be prepared to re-set the state of a Fragment
when the system restores it and to do this we have to make use of a Bundle. This is exactly
what we have to do with the Activity's state and the way a Bundle works was described in
Chapter 4.
The basic idea is that a Bundle is just an object that you can use to store simple values as
name, value pairs.
To make this slightly easier, the template creates some default names for each for the
parameters it has generated:
private static final String ARG_PARAM1 = "param1";
private static final String ARG_PARAM2 = "param2";
Again you need to change these names to suit your actual parameters. For example if the
first parameter was a count of something you might edit the first line to read:
private static final String ARG_COUNT = "count";
The factory method now creates a Bundle object and stores the parameters in it:
Bundle args = new Bundle();
args.putString(ARG_PARAM1, param1);
args.putString(ARG_PARAM2, param2);
and again you need to edit these lines to use appropriate names for the parameters. You
also need to change putString to what ever data type you are using of each parameter.

Notice that you can only store a limited range of data types in a Bundle - you can't use it to
pass an object say (unless the object can be serialized).
Finally you make use of the Fragment's setArguments method to store the Bundle:
return fragment;
Ok so now you have stored the Fragment's arguments safely in a Bundle and you can rely
on the system to take care of them even if the Fragment is removed. We have yet to see
how to make use of the Bundle but this is fairly easy.
The complete factory method is:
public static BlankFragment newInstance(
String param1, String param2) {
BlankFragment fragment = new BlankFragment();
Bundle args = new Bundle();
args.putString(ARG_PARAM1, param1);
args.putString(ARG_PARAM2, param2);
return fragment;
For the sake of completeness let's see how the same job could have been done using a
parametrized constructor instead of a factory method:
public BlankFragment(String param1, String param2){
Bundle args = new Bundle();
args.putString(ARG_PARAM1, param1);
args.putString(ARG_PARAM2, param2);
To sum up:
if the system needs to destroy the Fragment it will preserve its Arguments bundle and make
it available again when it restores the Fragment.

Using The Bundle

Ok, this is fine but where to you actually make use of them?
You have some freedom in this.
The basic idea is that you can make use of the getArguments method to retrieve the
arguments Bundle anywhere in your Fragment that they are needed. Of course it only
makes sense to do this in methods that are called when the Fragment is being created or
In most cases this means retrieving the arguments in the Fragment's onCreate event
handler or in the onCreateView handler.
The onCreate method is called before the onCreateView handler and it is most often used
to retrieve the arguments and store them in locations that the rest of the Fragment can
access. It also has the advantage that it keeps the onCreateView method dedicated to what
it is supposed to do i.e. create the view.

The generated onCreate simply checks to see if there are any arguments to retrieve and if
there are it retrieves them and stores them in the private variables:
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (getArguments() != null) {
mParam1 = getArguments().getString(ARG_PARAM1);
mParam2 = getArguments().getString(ARG_PARAM2);
Following this the arguments that you have passed are accessible via the private fields
from anywhere within the Fragment class.
if you are following this description it should be clear to you why the template doesn't just
store the arguments into the private fields using the factory method or the parametrized
So to summarise:

1. Use the factory method or the parametrized constructor to store any arguments
needed in the arguments Bundle
2. Retrieve the arguments stored in the Bundle as part of the onCreate or if you really
need to the onCreateView event handlers.
If you follow these two rules your Fragment will be correctly initialized when you create it
and when the system recreates it.
The final thing we have to do is look at the onCreateView event handler. This simply
inflates the XML layout file and returns it as a result. In a more general situation it might use
mParam1 or mParam2 to modify the UI in some way:
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater,
ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Inflate the layout for this fragment
return inflater.inflate(
R.layout.fragment_blank, container, false);

A Short Example
For an example of changing the UI via the parameters add a Button and a EditText object
to the Fragment and we can then set their text fields to whatever is passed in by the factory
public View onCreateView(
LayoutInflater inflater,
ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
View v= inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_blank,
container, false);
Button bt=(Button) v.findViewById(R.id.button);
EditText et=(EditText)
return v;
If you now create the Fragment in the Activity's OnCreate using:

if (savedInstanceState == null) {
BlankFragment bf=BlankFragment.newInstance(
(This code goes anywhere after the setContentView call).
You also need to remember to assign the id container to Activity's layout, i.e.

Also notice that we are using the support library because that is what the template does -
hence getSupportFragmentManager.
If you get an error message about not being able to use the add method then make sure
you are importing the same Fragment library in both the Fragment and the Activity. For
example android.app.Fragment can't be mixed with the support library. Mixing support
library imports with standard OS imports can also cause the app to just hang.
There is one more thing you have to do before the program will run correctly. For reasons
to be explained before the Activity can use the Fragment it has to implement
the OnFragmentInteractionListener. All you have to do is change the class definition to:
public class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity
implements BlankFragment.
If you right click on OnFragmentInterationListener and select generate method then the
Android Studio will automatically add:
public void onFragmentInteraction(Uri uri) {
We will return very soon to what this is all about. If you don't add the interface and the
method then you will discover that you don't get any error messages but the app hangs
when you run it.
If you have made all of these changes then when you run the app you will see String1 and
String2 appear in the Button and TextView.
If you rotate the emulator, Ctrl-F11, then you will see that the Strings are preserved even
though the Fragment has been destroyed and recreated - that's the bundle doing its job!
If the emulator you are using doesn't seem to rotate the view you are probably using SDK
4.4. At the time of writing this has a bug in the emulator which means that the rotation
doesn't work. Down grade by installing the system images for SDK 4.3 and you will
discover that it does work as advertised.
If you don't want to use parameters then uncheck the Include Factory Method in the
template or remove the Factory method, onCreate and the associated variables.

Persisting State
if you look more carefully at the onCreate and onCreateView methods you will see that they
are both passed a savedInstanceState object .
So what is the savedInstanceState bundle for?
The answer is that it plays exactly the same role as in the case of the Activity. It is a Bundle
that can be used to save and restore the state of the Fragment.
First try the previous example out again and this time alter what it stored in the EditText
field. If you now rotate the screen what do you expect to see - the initializing string or the
text you entered?
If you are surprised to see the text you entered restored rather than the initializing string
you have forgotten that the system automatically saves and restores the state of any UI
component that has a label and can be modified by the user.
So for many aspects of the the UI you don't have to explicitly write code that maintains

To see how to explicitly maintain state let's add an event handler to the Button that changes
its caption. This isn't very deep but it is enough to demonstrate that in this case the state
isn't automatically saved and restored.
To add the Button's click event handler we can use the idiom:
bt.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
which uses an anonymous class as before but now assigns it directly to the
OnClickListener in one statement.
Now if you run the app you will first see String1 as the Button's caption. Then if you click
the Button it changes to Clicked, but now if you rotate the display you will discover that it
goes back to String1. In this case the system doesn't automatically save the state because
Button captions aren't normally supposed to change - and in this case it only does to
provide an example.
You can add items to the savedInstanceState bundle, again as in the case of the Activity.
To save the state the simplest thing to do is override the onSaveInstanceState method
which the system calls when it is about to dispose of the Fragment. For example to save
the Button's caption:
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
View v=getView();
Button bt=(Button) v.findViewById(R.id.button);
Now the Button's caption is saved in the Bundle and all we have to do is restore it - but
If the state information relates the the UI then you need to restore it in the onCreateView
otherwise use onCreate. You also have to remember to restore the state after the
initialization provided by the arguments has been applied.
That is:
Button bt=(Button) v.findViewById(R.id.button);
Notice that we first set the argument and then restore any saved state.
If you now run the app and rotate the screen you will discover that the Button's caption is
preserved no matter what it is.
At this point you might be thinking why bother with the saved state why not just change the
argument so that the new value will be restored to mParam1?

There is no hard and fast reason for doing things either way but logically the separation into
initialization and state preservation is useful.
So - use SetArguments and its Bundle to save initialization and use the savedinstanceState
Bundle to save changes to the state. First restore the arguments and then restore the state
changes if there are any.

Fragment Events/Callbacks
Our next problem leads us into some sophisticated Java and some round about thinking.
It is obvious that if a Fragment is to serve the role of a reusable chunk of UI complete with
some behaviour it is going to have to have the facility to "tell" the Activity when things
happen. In simple terms it has to have a way to signal to the Activity that something has
happened and provide it with some data. For example there might be a Button on the
Fragment which indicates that the user has finished entering data and this needs to trigger
and even handler in the Activity to give it a chance to process the data supplied by the
If you think about it for a moment the fact that the Fragment generates part of the View
hierarchy for the Activity might make you think that the obvious way to do this is to access
the View object that the Fragment creates. That is the Activity can simply hook up and
event handler to a Button that that the Fragment creates. After all there is no difference
between a Button that the Activity creates and a Button the Fragment creates.
Unfortunately there is.
The Fragment is added to the Activity using the FragmentManager in the Activity's
OnCreate handler. You might think that you can simply hook up an event handler straight
after this. Something like:
if (savedInstanceState == null) {
BlankFragment bf=BlankFragment.
Button bt=(Button) findViewById(R.id.button);
This doesn't work.
The reason is, as already mentioned, that the Fragment doesn't contribute its part of the
View hierarchy until its OnCreateView event handler gets to run and this happens after the
Activity's OnCreate ends. The Java UI is single threaded.
So your next thought might be to add the event handler to the arguments so that the event
handler can be added as part of the OnCreateView method. This doesn't work because you
would have to find a way to persist the reference to the event or callback object in the
Activity and you can't save a reference to an object in a Bundle. Even if you could it
wouldn't be a good idea because if the Activity is destroyed and then recreated the
event/callback object would be different and there persisted reference would be invalid.
You can't pass the event/callback object to the Fragment but the Fragment but if the object
is a public field then the Fragment can just access it.

There is an onAttach event which is fired when ever the Fragment is attached to an Activity
- no matter if it is as a result of you or the system creating the Fragment. When the
OnAttach event handler is called the Fragment can be 100% certain that its Activity exists
and so it can access any properties, fields or methods the Activity has.
So our plan is to

1. Create an event or callback object in the Activity as a public field

2. Allow the Fragment to store a reference to the object during the onAttach method
3. Then allow the Fragment to use the event or callback later
For example if we simply set the OnClickListener to be public:
public View.OnClickListener onclick =
new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
TextView tv =
(TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView);
Button bt = (Button) view;
Now the Fragment can gain access to the event handler in the onAttach handler:
public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
MainActivity activity= (MainActivity)activity;
This works, and it is the standard Java way of implementing a callback, but in this case it
has a huge disadvantage.
The problem is you have to cast the general Activity to the more specific MainActivity in
which the onClickListener object exists. If you want to use the Fragment with another
Activity - HelperActivity or whatever. If you want a Fragment to be a general purpose UI
component we have to find another way of passing the event handler/callback.
In fact the modification needed to make it work is quite small.

The Solution - An Interface Callback

If you think about it for a moment the way that you ensure that an object has a particular
method is to insist that it implements an interface that contains that method.
If you recall an interface is a bit like a class with definitions but no implementation. If
another class implements the interface then it has to provide code for everything that the
interface defines. One extra detail is that you can access the interface methods on the
class by casting it to the interface.
This is a subtle point so let's have an example. If you already know enough about
interfaces and how they relate to type then skip the next small section.

If we define an interface:
public interface myInterface{
public void myMethod(int a);
Then any class that implements the interface has to implement myMethod with the same
signature and return type.
Now if we have Class2 that inherits from Class1 we can implement the interface:
public class Class2 extends Class1
implements myInterface{
public void myMethod(int a){
return 2*a;
Obviously you can now call the interface method on an object of type Class2:
Class2 class2=new class2();
int b=class2.myMethod(1);
However you can also call the interface methods on an object of type Class1 that happens
to be at run time an object of Class2 as long as you cast it to the interface. That is:
Class2 class2=new class2();
int b=class2.myMethod(1);
Class1 class1=class2;
int c=(myInterface) class1.myMethod(1);
An interface allows you to call a method defined in the interface by casting an object that
might have been passed to you as a base type to the interface type and not to a specific
child class.
Why is this useful?
If we insist that any Activity that uses the Fragment implements an interface with the
callback defined then we can cast the Activity to the interface and this works no matter
what the type of the Activity is.
So our plan now is to:
1) Define an interface within the Fragment that defines the callbacks that the Activity has to
implement to use the Fragment.
2) Make the Activity implement the interface and hence the callbacks
3) Use Fragment onAttach to get the callbacks and store them for later use.
Time to see how the template does this.
The Fragment template generates the following code for the interface:
public interface OnFragmentInteractionListener {
public void onFragmentInteraction(View view);
You are free to change the names of the interface and the method or methods it defines.
You can define as many callback methods as you need to signal to the Activity that the
Fragment needs attention. Also you can include whatever parameters you like to pass data
from the Fragment to the Activity.
In this case we have modified the generated code to pass the Button as a View object to
follow the pattern of the event handler used in the earlier examples.

The next step is to save a reference to the interface in a private field for later use each time
the Fragment is attached to a new Activity:
First we need a private field to store the callback object in:
private OnFragmentInteractionListener mListener;
and we can now define the onAttach event handler:
public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
try {
mListener =
(OnFragmentInteractionListener) activity;
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new ClassCastException(activity.toString()
+ " must implement

This simply casts the Activity to the interface type we have created. In theory every Activity
that uses the Fragment should implement the interface but we need to check that it has -
hence the try-catch.
One small detail - it is possible for the Activity to remove the Fragment without the
Fragment being destroyed we have to remove the reference to the callback interface
public void onDetach() {
mListener = null;
That's all we need to set up the persistence of the callback.
Now as long as the Activity implements the interface the callback will be hooked up and
working whenever the Fragment is attached to an Activity. It can be destroyed and created
by the system as many times as necessary and the callback will still work.
To use the callback all the Fragment has to do is call it:
where v is the View object to pass to the Activity.
For example; if you want to activate the callback when the Button is clicked you would write
in the onCreateView method:
Button bt=(Button) v.findViewById(R.id.button);
new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {

This creates an event handler for the Button which delegates what has to happen to the
interface by calling onFragmentInteraction. Notice that you can't hook up the callback
directly to the Button because it is the wrong type. In general it is better to create custom
callbacks and use event handlers within the Fragment to call them.

This completes all the code needed to get the Fragment to use a callback provided by any
Activity that wants to use it. The final part of the whole thing is getting the Activity to
implement the interface.
public class MainActivity extends Activity
implements OnFragmentInteractionListener{
You can get Android Studio to implement the interface for you by right clicking on its name
and selecting Generate,Implement methods. In this case the following method is
public void onFragmentInteraction(View view) {
This can now be filled out to do whatever you want. In our case transfer the text from the
Button to the TextView. This isn't a good use of the callback because, as we have already
discussed anything to do with the UI provided by the Fragment should be handled by the
Fragment. It does make an easy example however:
public void onFragmentInteraction(View view) {
TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView);
Button bt = (Button) view;

If you run this program you will discover that when you click the Button the text is
transferred and this still works after your rotate the device.

Persistent Fragments
Making a Fragment persistent, so that it behaves as it would if the system didn't destroy
and automatically recreate it, is the hardest part of working with and understanding
Fragments. Once you have mastered this you are well on the way to using them
However, there is a trick that can make a Fragment much more persistent than its normally
is and some use this to avoid all of the work we have just described.
The RetainInstance property can be used to ask the system not to destroy the Fragment,
even when the Activity is destroyed for a configuration change. instead all that happens is
that the Fragment is detached from the Activity and left in memory. When the Activity is
recreated the Fragment is reAttached.

This means that the entire state of the Fragment is preserved, only the onAttach and
onDetach events occur and the onCreateView is called to restore the Activity's View state.
You might think that you can use this to avoid some of the work in retaining state manually,
but you need to know that that in some cases the Fragment will still be destroyed if the
Activity is removed because of low system resources or if the user presses the back button.
So you still have to deal with some persistence issues yourself.
The bottom line is:
don't use setRetainInstance(true) in an attempt to avoid handling Fragment persistence.
Its real value is in implementing more sophisticated behavior when you use a Fragment
more like a background worker or when you need to use a Fragment to communicate state
to other Activities.

Now you know how a Fragment's state can be persisted, how it can be initialized and how it
can communicate with its Activity.
The next step is to find out how multiple Fragments can work together to produce a user
interface that can accommodate a range of different screen sizes in a way that doesn't
make any of them look like an afterthought.

Android Adventures - Managing

Written by Mike James

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Article Index

Android Adventures - Managing Fragments


Large Display

The Normal Screen

The BackStack

Page 1 of 5

You might know how to create a Fragment and how to display it

but how to you deal with multiple Fragments in one Activity? The
solution is to use the FragmentManager, but not quite in the way
it is described in most examples.

Android Adventures - Mastering Fragments


1. Introducing Fragments
2. Fragments and XML
3. Fragment And Activity Working Together
4. Managing Fragments
5. Custom dialogs using DialogFragment
6. Dialog Classes In DialogFragment
7. A NumberPicker DialogFragment Project
8. ViewPager
If you are interested in creating custom template also see:
Custom Projects In Android Studio

The whole point of using Fragments is to build UIs that can work
on different types of devices with minimal effort on your part.
Notice that this isn't no effort because creating an app that
works well on a range of screen sizes and resolutions is a tough
Fragments make it easier they don't make it easy.

Most accounts of how to use Fragments give you a single
example and then expect you to draw general conclusions that
apply to what you want to do - but in most cases this is difficult
as the examples do complicated and realistic things.
In this case the objective is to make the general principles as
clear as possible with a very simple and totally unrealistic

Handling Screen Size

The simplest place to start is with screen size because this
doesn't change while the app is running.Once you have seen
how to handle this simpler situation, how to make any change at
any time becomes a much easier task.
Using Fragments to adapt to screen size is an easier task simply
because you only have to cope with the problem when the app
first starts and we can assume that the layout we start with is the
one that persists for the life of the app.
Typically when you have a large screen you can put lots of UI
widgets in front of the user. When the screen size is smaller you
have to divide the UI up into chunks that can be shown on
This is the "classic" diagram you will find in the Android
documentation introducing Fragments:

Notice that it shows two Fragments, first used with a single

Activity and then used each with their own Activity. If you follow
the principle of keeping each Fragment self-contained and only
allow it to interact with the Activity that hosts it then you can
reuse Fragments in this way.
However, a simpler example is to use two Fragments with a
single Activity and simply modify how the Activities are shown by
that Activity.
Let's see how this works.

In most cases you can start off with the UI design for the largest
screen size you want to work with. In this case the Fragments
will fit on the screen like in the left-hand diagram.
As this is a static layout you might as well use the Android
Studio layout editor to construct the entire UI - it is easy and
quick and requires almost no coding. You can also use the
editor to create the layout for the smaller screen in the same
way, but you will have to add some code to allow the user to see
the second Fragment.
That is what we are going to do is create a layout for the big
screen containing both Fragments and a layout for the smaller
screen containing only the first Fragment.

Adaptive layouts
Before we can go very much further it is important that you recall
or discover how Android's resources are used to provide
resources appropriate to the device that the app is running on.
In this case we can concentrate on providing layouts for different
screen sizes.
All layouts are stored in sub-folders within the res folder. The
folder called layout contains the xml files that are used if there is
no more specific folder available. You can create folders with the
following suffixes:
Suffix Screen size
small 320x426 dp
normal 320x470 dp
large 480x640 dp
xlarge 720x960 dp
For example, the Nexus 4 is normal, Nexus 7 is large and the
Nexus 10 is xlarge.
The screen size is shown alongside each device in the Virtual
Device Manager:

When the app requests an xml layout the folder that the file is
loaded from is determined by the device the app is running on.
For example, if you try to load activity_main.xml then the file will
be loaded from layout-large if the app is running on a Nexus 7 or
any large device and from layout-xlarge if the app is running on
a Nexus 10 or any xlarge device. If you don't provide a folder or
a file of the correct name in the custom folder then the file will be
loaded from the layout folder.
You can see that using this system you can provide a layout for,
say, a large device and one for a normal device and this is how
we are going to generate our initial layouts for Fragments.
The system also works for portrait and landscape formats.

Two screen sizes

Create a new project called FragMan set the minimum SDK to
3.0 to avoid complications with support libraries. Select Blank
Activity and let the system generate your project - ignore any
warnings you might see.
What we are going to do is set up a default layout with a button
and two FrameLayouts that are going to act as containers for
the two Fragments.
Load the Layout.xml file and select the Design tab in the layout
editor. Delete the Hello World text and replace the relative layout
with a Vertical Linear Layout.

Next place two FrameLayouts and a Button within the Linear
Layout. Set the FrameLayouts to have Layout Weight 1 so they
take equal amounts of space and name one Container1 and the
other Container2. Ignore any warnings you might see about
FrameLayouts being empty.
The generated XML file is listed below for accuracy and clarity -
you can achieve everything you need to using the designer and
the property window:
android:text="New Button"
android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal" />

The next step is to create two Fragments.

Move to the java directory and right click.
Select New,Fragment,Fragment(Blank).
Give the Fragment the name BlankFragment1 and untick
interface callbacks.
In a real app you would almost certainly want the interface
callbacks to allow the Fragment to communicate with the
Activity, but for this example it just complicated things. We could
also do without the Fragment factory method, but it is simple
enough make use of it in an example.
Repeat the above but name the Fragment BlankFragment2.

We need to give the Fragments just enough UI for us to see what is happening. Go each
Fragment's layout and add a single TextView used to label the Fragment and a single
EditText so we have some unique data for each Fragment.

The layout for Fragment1 is:

android:text="FRAGMENT 1"
android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal" />
android:text="Fragment 1 Data" />
And the layout for Fragment2 is identical apart from changing the 1 to a 2 and yes you can
do this using copy and paste into the XML file.
Now the final step.
Move back to the main layout and use the editor to drop a Fragment into the first container.
Select the container and then select the <fragment> item in the toolbox.

When you select <fragment> from the Custom section of the toolbox you are offered a
choice of Fragments to insert - select BlankFragment1.

When Android studio asks what it should use for the layout of the Fragment select the

If by any chance you have created the Fragment outside of the container simply drag it into
the container.
Repeat the task with Fragment2 and play around with the layout until you are happy.

The layout file can be seen below but yours could be slightly different - all that matters is
that we have the two Fragments on display within their containers:

android:text="New Button"
android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal" />
That's all we have to do to get the app working - apart from one code change.
The project generator currently assume that you want to use the support library even
though we opted not to use it. To allow the Fragments to work correctly you have to edit the
MainActivity file imports to change:
import android.support.v7.app.ActionBarActivity;
to read:
import android.app.Activity;
and change
extends ActionBarActivity
extends Activity
Now you can run your project and you should select a Nexus 4 to run it on because this
has a normal size screen.

At this point you can see that there is plenty of room for both Fragments even on a normal
screen but for the sake of a simple example let's suppose that this layout is unacceptable
because both Fragments really need the entire screen to display.
If you experiment a little you will also discover that the data in the Fragments is persisted -
try rotating the device after putting something into one of the input fields.

Large display
Let's suppose that the layout we have just created is only suitable for a large or xlarge
display. We need to create a layout based on the default layout for a large display. To do
this all you do is load the main layout into the designer select the display icon at the top left
of the designer and then select Create Other.

From the dialog box that appears select size and from the drop down list select large:

When you click OK a new layout folder layout-large is created containing a copy of the
default layout.
If you run the app again you will see no difference because the default and large layouts
are the same. To see a difference we need to remove Fragment2 and its container from the
default layout leaving just the single container and Fragment1.
Now if you run the app using a Nexus 7 emulator you will see both Fragments but if you run
it using a Nexus 4 emulator you will see just one Fragment.
Alternatively you can view the layout in different devices within Android Studio. Either way
you will see more or less the same thing - one Fragment on normal sized screens and two
Fragments on large screens.

The Fragment Manager

Our next task is to arrange for the normal screen to dynamically swap which Fragment is
on display and to do this we are going to have to make use of the FragmentManager.

We have used the FragmentManager in earlier chapters to dynamically add Fragments to

an Activity but now we need to look at how it all works a little deeper.
Each Activity has a FragmentManage that keeps track of the Fragments that that are in
The FragmentManager works in terms of Transactions which are sets of instructions that
are only acted on when the commit method is called.

The typical idiom is to get the FragmentManager and then call its beginTransaction to
return a FragmentTransaction object which provides methods for each action that you can
As each action returns the same FragmentTransaction object method calls can be chained:
The most commonly used action is to add a Fragment but this is slightly more subtle than
you might expect because it adds the Fragment to the FragmentManager not to the
Activity. If you can avoid thinking of the add method as adding the Fragment to that Activity
but to the FragmentManager you will find things much easier to understand.
There are three version of the Add method:
each one adds the fragment to the FragmentManager but the first two also add the
fragment's View to the Activity as a child of the specified container.
You can also specify a string tag that can be used to retrieve the fragment from the
Notice that adding a Fragment to the FragmentManager isn't just a matter of displaying its
View in the Activity indeed you can add a Fragment without displaying its View.
The point is that the FragmentManager "looks after" the Fragments in the sense that while
the Activity is alive so are the Fragment objects.
As long as a Fragment is in the FragmentManager its state is preserved.
You can remove a Fragment from the FragmentManager in two ways:
The first simply removes the specified fragment from the FragmentManager the second
removes all of the Fragments that are displayed in the specified container and replaces
them with the supplied fragment. The Fragment is identified for the future using the string
tag. There is a version of the replace that you can use without specifying a tag.
Any Fragment that is removed from the FragmentManager has its UI removed from its
associated container, if any. Notice that you need to think of these operations are removing
the Fragment from the FragmentManager and not from the container - removing the UI is
almost a side effect.
When you remove a Fragment from the FragmentManager it is destroyed and it is up to
you to ensure that it is created and any data restored if it is needed again.
The only exception to this rule is if the transaction is placed on the BackStack when the
Fragment is stopped but not destroyed - more of the BackStack later.
Clearly if you can it is a good idea to keep Fragments that you want to keep using in the

However to do this you need to be able to control which Fragments are on display in their
containers and which aren't.
The key to controlling which Fragments are displayed in their containers is the detach and
attach methods. Following:
the fragment specified is still in the FragmentManager but its View hierarchy is destroyed
and hence no longer shows in the container it was associated with.
To restore the View hierarchy and display it within its container you use:
You can also use hide and show but these simply hide and show the View hierarchy in the
container and do not remove it from the layout. Hide and show are sometimes useful but in
most cases it is detach and attach you need to use to dynamically switch which Fragments
are on display.
The important point is that detach and attach control which Fragments are on display and
hence part of the current UI but they do not remove the Fragment from the
FragmentManager so it their state is preserved.
The FragmentManager also has some useful methods that help with working with the
Fragments it is looking after.
In particular you can use the
method to return a Fragment you added to the FragmentManager with the same tag. There
is also a findFragmentById command but this only works with Fragments that have been
added using an XML layout file because it is difficult to assign a dynamic Fragment an id.
One complication of using findFragmentByTag is that it searches the Fragments currently
added to the FragmentManager and it searches the BackStack for any that might have
been removed but added to the BackStack. What this means is that findFragment can
return a Fragment that isn't currently added to the FragmentManager and this can
sometimes be a complication.
The Fragment also has some useful methods that tend to be used along with the
returns true if the Fragment is added to the FragmentManager.
returns true if the Fragment is detached.
returns true if the Fragment is hidden
You can think of and use the FragmentManager as the repository of all of the Fragments
your Activity is using and use it to control what Fragments are part of the UI.
Let's see how to do this for the two Fragment examples we have been developing so far.

The Normal Screen

Everything looks good and very easy - all you have to do is create Fragments and place
them in layouts targeting particular size screens. For the "big" screen there is nothing more
to do.
For the normal screen we need to add some code that makes the second Fragment appear
when appropriate i.e. we need to swap the Fragments in the one container.
In this example we are using the Button to indicate that the Fragments should be swapped.
This isn't particularly realistic as the need to swap Fragments usually arises from something
more complicated that the user does - but its OK for an example.
What we need to do is write an event handler for the Button that will dynamically change
which Fragment is displaying its UI in the container. We also need to initially add both
Fragments to the FragmentManager and set the first one to display - after this the event
handler can swap them over.
The initial XML layout for the normal screen is just going to be composed of the container
and the button:
<LinearLayout xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools"
android:text="New Button"
android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal" />
This is essentially the same layout but now there is only Container1.
When the Activity starts up the first task is, as always, to load the layout and inflate it:
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Next we need to determine which layout file has been loaded. If it is the one for the large
display then we don't have to do anything more. If it is the one for the normal layout then
we have to setup the Fragments and so on.
We could test for the current size of the screen but in this case there is a simple way to test
for which layout has been inflated - the presence or absence of Container2. So all we need
to do is:
if( findViewById(R.id.Container2)!=null)return;

It the return isn't taken there is no Container2 and both Fragments have to share
As in the case of working with a single Fragment we don't want to create any Fragment if
the system has done us the favour of recreating them following a restart of the Activity:
if (savedInstanceState == null) {
BlankFragment2 bf2=BlankFragment2.
BlankFragment1 bf1=BlankFragment1.
Now we have our two Fragments instantiated using the factory methods - don't worry about
the String parameters they are just there to keep the default factory methods happy. In a
real app we would have customized the factory method to accept useful initial parameters
as explained in the previous chapter.
The next step is to create a transaction to add the Fragments to the FragmentManager and
detach the second one:
.add(R.id.Container1, bf2, "frag2")
.add(R.id.Container1, bf1, "frag1")
Notice that each Fragment has been tagged so that it can be retrieved from the
FragmentManager later.
When the transaction is complete we have both Fragments added to the FragmentManager
with Fragment2 detached and Fragment1 attached.
We also need to setup the Button's event handler using an anonymous class as usual:

Button button1= (Button) findViewById(R.id.button);

View.OnClickListener Listener=
new View.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View view) {

Now we need to get the two Fragments so we can detach one and attach the other and this
can most easily be done using the FragmentManager's findFragmentByTag method to get
us a fresh reference to the instance:
BlankFragment1 bf1=(BlankFragment1)
BlankFragment2 bf2=(BlankFragment2)
Notice the need to cast to the correct sub-class of Fragment - the find method returns a
Now that we have the Fragments we can test to see which is detached and perform the
appropriate detach, attach operations:

FragmentTransaction ft = getFragmentManager().
if (bf2.isDetached()) {
if (bf1.isDetached()) {
Notice that as we need to do different things according to which Fragment is attached the
"chained" style of creating a transaction isn't appropriate.
Finally we set the event handler to the Button:

Now if you run the app on a normal screen device you will discover that you can swap
which Fragment is on display by clicking the button.
You can click the button as often as you like and you can check that the Fragments persist
by adding some data to the text fields and then swapping them. You should also discover
that the data you added is persisted even when the app is destroyed and recreated by a
configuration change like a screen rotate.
The only time the Fragment's state isn't preserved is if you kill the app by say using the
back button when the app restarted as if for the first time.
This is the general method for using Fragments within an Activity. Add all the Fragments
you want to use to the Fragment Manager and use attach and detach to add and remove
them from the UI.
So that you can see were all the code fits here is the entire listing of the onCreate method:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState){
if (findViewById(R.id.Container2) != null) return;
if (savedInstanceState == null) {
BlankFragment2 bf2 = BlankFragment2.
newInstance("String1", "String2");
BlankFragment1 bf1 = BlankFragment1.
newInstance("String1", "String2");
.add(R.id.Container1, bf2, "frag2")
.add(R.id.Container1, bf1, "frag1")
Button button1 = (Button)
View.OnClickListener Listener =

new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
BlankFragment1 bf1 = (BlankFragment1)
BlankFragment2 bf2 = (BlankFragment2)
FragmentTransaction ft =
if (bf2.isDetached()) {
if (bf1.isDetached()) {

A subject that to treat in full would take us too far away from Fragments is animation.
You can add custom and stock animations to changes in Fragments that you bring about
using the FragmentManager. Mostly these are used when you add, remove or replace a
Fragment but they also work when you attach and detach a Fragment.
For example, if you add
to the start of the FragmentTransaction in the button onClick handler then when you
change which Fragment is visible you will see an animation as the two swap over.
Also see setTransitionStyle and setCustomAnimations.

The BackStack
Now we come to the most misunderstood of all of the mechanisms implemented by the
FragmentManager - the BackStack.
This is a stack of BackStackEntries each of which records a transaction. To add a
BackStackEntry to the BackStack all you need to do is use the addToBackStack method,
supplying an optional tag if you want to.
The key to understanding the BackStack is know that when the user presses the back key
the last transaction added to the stack is undone. The BackStack is like an undo stack for
FragmentManager transactions. So if you have a transaction that removes a Fragment and
you add this to the BackStack then the back key adds the Fragment.

Notice that for the Fragment to be added back it has to still exist and so any Fragment that
is removed by a transaction that is added to the BackStack is not destroyed but put into a
stop state ready to be reactivated.
In this sense the BackStack is like an "overflow" for the FragmentManager. This is the
reason that the findFragmentByTag method will return a Fragment is it is still added to the
FragmentManager or if it is on the BackStack. The Fragment may not be currently added to
the FragmentManager but it still exists.
If you remove a Fragment from the FragmentManager and don't add it to the BackStack
then the Fragment is destroyed as the system assumes you no longer want it.
Because of this behaviour the BackStack is often used simply to keep a Fragment from
being destroyed - this isn't a good use of the BackStack.
The BackStack is provided so that the user can navigate using the back button as if your
Fragments were web pages i.e. the user can navigate Fragment changes in the style of
a web browser. This is very useful when Fragments are generated and displayed in some
arbitrary and user defined order that it makes sense to reverse but this isn't always the
case. There are many situations when using the BackStack is a nonsense and hence to
use it just to keep a Fragment alive is also nonsense.
In the case of our two Fragment example the user swaps between Fragments 1,2,1,2,1,2
and so on. Putting this on the BackStack would allow the user to go back though the
sequence of swaps, 1,2,1,2,1,2 which is fairly pointless.
Don't be fooled into thinking that the BackStack somehow keeps a record of each
Fragment's state - it isn't a history in that sense.
For example, if the you did add each Fragment swap in our example to the BackStack, then
each press of the back button would reverse the swaps, but the Fragments would display
the data they had at the last swap.
To see this in action add:
before the final commit in the onClick event handler.
Now you can swap the Fragments and step back through the swaps. As already
mentioned, this isn't of any use in practice. You can also see that this isn't a history by
entering some data. If you enter 1 in the first Fragment, then 2 in the second, then 3 in the
next appearance of the first fragment and then 4 when you show the second again and
press the back button you will see the 3 in the first Fragment but when you press the back
button again you will see 4, and then 3 again. The Fragments are swapped by the undoing
of the transaction but they aren't restored to their earlier states. There are only two
Fragments; these just have their current state.
The BackStack undoes the transaction not any change in state of the Fragments.
Don't use the BackStack unless it makes sense to navigate back through the sequence of
Fragment transactions and don't use it just to make a Fragment persist after you have
removed it from the FragmentManager.
If you do decide to use the BackStack don't feel the need to push every transaction onto it.
It may be that some don't need to be undone, but be careful you don't end up with an
illogical undo sequence.
For example if Fragment1 was considered to be a "main" screen and Fragment2 a
"secondary" you could arrange the UI so that the Button loaded Fragment2 and the back
button to unload it. In this case you would push the transaction that loaded Fragment 2
when the Button was used on the BackStack, so that it could be undone, but not the initial

load of Fragment1. The user could then load Fragment2 using the button and undo the load
by pressing the back button so returning Fragment1.
As well as the user begin able to pop the BackStack using the back button you can also
work with it under program control. This isn't usually necessary but you can determine how
many entries are on the BackStack using:
and you can get the item at position p on the stack using:
As the stack is zero-based, the top of the stack, tos, is at
int tos=getFragmentManager().getBackStackEntryCount()-1;
and you can get the entry on the tos using:
BackStackEntry bs=getBackStackEntry(tos);

You can also pop the BackStack using:

or one of its variants. This has the same effect as the user clicking the back button.
If you find yourself contemplating using such facilities you need to think very hard about
your implementation as they are only needed in very few situations and they quickly
become very complicated and error-prone.
If you would like an exercise that proves the point, try to write code that swaps the top two
items on the BackStack without making the stack bigger. You will think it's easy - but try it
and make sure you maintain consistency, i.e. the BackStack has to correspond to the
current state of the FragmentManager and the View.

 You can use the layout editor to create static arrangements of Fragments to build
up a UI displayed on a large single screen.

 Use the suffix system to create layouts that apply to different size or orientation of
the devices screen.

 If you need to arrange for Fragments to share a single container then you need to
generate the Fragments dynamically and use the FragmentManager to look after

 When you add a Fragment you add it to the FragmentManager and optionally
display its UI in the specified container.

 You can remove the UI from the container without removing the Fragment from the
FragmentManager using the detach method and display it in a container using

 A general approach to using multiple Fragments in a single Activity is to add the

Fragments to the FragmentManager and detach all but one Fragment from each

 To swap Fragments detach the currently displayed Fragment and attach the
Fragment you want to display.

 You can animate Fragment changes.

 The BackStack is used to provide a web browser like navigation to the Fragments
you display. This isn't always appropriate.

 The BackStack is a record of transactions and popping it undoes the last stacked

 Any Fragment removed by a transaction is destroyed unless it is pushed on the

BackStack when it is preserved in a stopped state.

 Do not use the BackStack simply to preserve the state of a Fragment - its purpose
is navigation.

Next we need to look at one of the almost unavoidable uses of Fragments - the Dialog
Fragment. This is usually regarded as a difficult topic but now you know about Fragments it
should seem very easy.
Meanwhile if you have any questions on what we've covered so far please let me know
using the comments.
You can download the code for the programs from the CodeBin (note you have to register

Android Adventures - Custom Dialogs

Using DialogFragment
Written by Mike James

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Article Index

Android Adventures - Custom Dialogs Using DialogFragment

The Dialog Inside the Fragment

Example Custom Dialog

The Backstack

Page 1 of 4

Dialogs in Android can be confusing because there are two

ways of working with them. The modern way is to use the

Fragment mechanism but this seems a lot more difficult than
simply using the Dialog class. As long as you understand the
basics of creating and using Fragments, it is a lot easier and a
lot more powerful to use them to create dialogs.

Android Adventures - Mastering Fragments


1. Introducing Fragments
2. Fragments and XML
3. Fragment And Activity Working Together
4. Managing Fragments
5. Custom dialogs using DialogFragment
6. Dialog Classes In DialogFragment
7. A NumberPicker DialogFragment Project
8. ViewPager
If you are interested in creating custom template also see:
Custom Projects In Android Studio

The DialogFragment

A dialog is a UI that is displayed in a window of its own.
The dialog stays put until the user dismisses it with an
action - in the jargon it is a modal window.
Dialogs are used to alert the user to some condition or to
simply get the user to make a choice or input some data.

A dialog is a little bit of encapsulated UI that you can show

when it is needed. When you think about the way a Fragment
works it too is a little bit of encapsulated UI that you can show
when it is needed. The only difference between a Fragment and
a dialog is that the Fragment displays its UI in the View
hierarchy of the Activity, i.e. in the Activity's window.
All we need to turn a Fragment into a workable dialog is the
ability to get it to display its UI in a separate window.
This is precisely what a DialogFragment allows you to do.
A DialogFragment inherits directly from Fragment and has all of
its methods and properties. This means that everything you
know about Fragments applies to a DialogFragment.
They work in exactly the same way.
Where a DialogFrament is different is that it has a show method
which creates a new window and then calls the onCreateView
event handler so that the DialogFragment can return its UI for
display in the new window. Exactly how it creates a new
window is important but for the moment we can ignore the
This sounds too easy to be true - so let's see it in action.

A Simple Dialog
As a DialogFragment is also a Fragment we could create an
example by taking any Fragment we created in earlier chapters
and changing
extends Fragment
extends DialogFragment
However, this would produce some overly complicated
examples and so for the sake of creating a really simple
example let's return to the first Fragment we created back in
Chapter 9.
Start a new blank Activity project and accept all of the defaults
and set the minimum SDK to Honeycomb Android 3 to avoid
having to deal with the support library. The DialogFragment
class is in the support library and the changes you have to
make to use the support library are exactly the same as for the
Fragment. To keep things simple we will use the Fragment built
into the OS from Honeycomb on.

It is very likely that in the near future Android Studio will have a
DialogFragment template, but at the moment there isn't one.
You could use the full Fragment template and change the
extends to DialogFragment but, as already mentioned, this
would produce a more complex example. However, in practice
this is exactly what you should do.
To create a DialogFragment all you have to do is to add a new
Java class. Simply right click on the MainActivity class in the
java directory and select New,Java Class. Give it the name
myDialogFrag or something similar.
A new class file will be created and you have to edit it to read:
public class myDialogFrag extends DialogFragment
public View onCreateView(
LayoutInflater inflater,
ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState)
LinearLayout linLayout=
new LinearLayout(getActivity());
Button b = new Button(getActivity());
b.setText("Hello Button");
linLayout.addView(b);return linLayout;
This is exactly the same as the Fragment described in detail in
Chapter 9. If you need to know more about it then re-read the
start of that chapter. However, you can see that all this
Fragment does is to return a LinearLayout containing a single
Button. This is the Fragment's UI and it is generated in code for
simplicity. You could just as well create it using an XML layout
and use the LayoutInflater to create the View hierarchy - which
is what will be done in the next example.
Now we move to the Activity and write some code to display the
DialogFragment. Using the DialogFrament follow the same
basic steps an for any Fragment, but with a couple of small
For simplicity we can create the dialog in the Activity's onCreate
event handler. First we need to create the Activiy's UI and then
create an instance of the DialogFragment class:
protected void onCreate(
Bundle savedInstanceState) {

myDialogFrag myDiag=new myDialogFrag();

At this point we could use the FragmentManager to add myDiag
to the Activity's UI in the usual way. However, we want to
display myDiag's UI in a different window and to do this we
simply call the DialogFragment's show method:
This is all we have to do.
The show method uses the FragmentManager to add the
DialogFragment to the Activity using the String specified as the
Notice that this is a short cut and you can go through the steps
of starting a transaction, use an alternative version of show to
add and display the DialogFragment and then use comit in the
usually way.
The FragmentManager looks after the DialogFragment as it
would any Fragment but the DialogFragment is automatically
removed when the user dismisses it. It is also worth noting that
the show method doesn' t add the DialogFragment to the
Also notice that the dialog isn't shown until the event handler
terminates. That is the dialog is only shown once the function
that creates it by calling show terminates and releases the UI
thread. The UI thread then turns its attention to the dialog. If
you have used dialog boxes in other languages and systems it
is worth noting that the Android dialog is not blocking in this
If you run the program you will see the dialog appear in the
middle of the screen. You can dismiss it by clicking on the
application UI that you can see greyed out behind it.

This isn't very useful but it shows how the simplest possible
dialog actually works.
To make is slightly more realistic we can add a Button to the
app's UI to show the dialog only when the user selects it. This is
more normal in that dialogs generally appear only when they
are needed:
protected void onCreate(
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Button button= (Button)
The event handler can be as simple as:
View.OnClickListener onclick=
new View.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View view){
myDialogFrag myDiag=new myDialogFrag();
myDiag.show(getFragmentManager(), "Diag");
Now if you run the program you can make the dialog popup
when you click the button.

Notice that the dialog persists if you rotate the screen
orientation using F11. This is one of the many advantages of
using a DialogFragment.
Also notice that, as the DialogFragment's UI is created within
the OnCreateView it can also be used to add to the Activity's UI
using the FragmentManager in the usual way. This means that
the DialogFragment can be used to implement a dialog or just a
portion of the UI depending on the size or orientation of the

The Dialog Inside The Fragment

You might be wondering where the window that the DialogFragment displays its UI in
comes from?
This is more than an academic question because it is the key to understanding the deeper
workings and how you can make use of the DialogFragment.
The answer is that the window is created by a Dialog class. Before Fragments were
invented you would create a dialog by instantiating the Dialog class, or more often one of
its child classes and workiing with it and its window directly. That is the DialogFragment
creates and instance of the Dialog class and renders its UI, as generated in its
onCreateView, to it when you use the show method.
The Dialog is created by the default onCreateDialog event handler which is called before
the OnCreateView.
Why is this important?
There are two reasons.
The first is that you can retrieve the Dialog object using getDialog and customize it.
The second is that you can override the OnCreateDialog to create a custom Dialog of your
own - more of this in the next chapter where we look the more common way that dialogs
tend to be implemented in Android. Before you skip to the next chapter however it is worth
pointing out that using just the DialogFragment, the approach described in this chapter, has
a lot going for it and it is simple.
For example to customize the Dialog you can use getDialog and say setTitle to make the
dialog look more like a dialog:
Dialog myDialog=getDialog();
myDialog.setTitle("My Dialog");
You can put these two lines anywhere in the OnCreateView method.
Now when you run the program you will see that the dialog has a title just like a system

Notice that in using the Dialog object we have made it impossible to use the
DialogFragment as a standard Fragment. Now we can only use the show method to show a
modal dialog and cannot embed the UI in the app using the FragmentManager. The reason
is that if you don't create the UI by calling show the OnCreateDialog isn't fired and hence
there is no Dialog object.
The solution, is of course, to test to see if there is a Dialog object before using it then you
can use the DialogFragment either in a Dialog object or in the Activity.

An Example Custom Dialog

At this point you actually know enough to implement any dialog you care to try your hand
It is worth saying, once again, that this approach isn't the one that most Android
programmers use. The reason for this is partly the need to stay compatible with the past
and partly because it is just the way things have always been done.
The important point is that if you want to create any custom dialog you already have the
tools to do the job.
Let's see how this works with a simple example.
The task is to create a dialog that has a cancel and an ok button, display it and
communicate the result back to the Activity.
Creating the UI is just a matter of using the designer to drop some buttons on the surface.
We also need to assign some styles to make it look like a dialog box.
Communicating the result of any dialog box operation follow the same general steps.
First you have to respond to the user clicking or otherwise interacting with the dialog box's
UI. This is just a matter of creating event handlers within the DialogFragment and is nothing
new and isn't difficult.
The key difference is that any UI interaction that should dismiss the dialog box - i.e. in this
case selecting the OK or the Cancel button - actually calls the dismiss method in the event
How to let the Activity know what happened?
This is just the standard problem of allowing the Fragment to communicate with the Activity
and we solved that problem in Chapter 11 by using an interface that the Activity had to
implement to use the Fragment. A DialogFragment is no different from any other Fragment
in this respect and so an interface is needed.
If you don't follow how this works go back to Chapter 11 and read the full story. If you do
think you follow then this is another good example of using the Fragment interface pattern.
Now we have a plan lets put it into action.

First we need a DialogFragment and an XML layout for it to use. Creating the XML layout is
just a matter of right clicking in the layout folder and selecting New, Resource Layout. Call
the layout mydialog or what ever you like as long as you make the change consistently.
Used the layout designer to create something that looks like the picture below:

This is just two LinearLayouts, some text and two buttons called Cancel and OK. The
horizontal LinearLayout is nested inside the vertical:

For accuracy the full XML, which you shouldn't need, is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="match_parent"

android:text="This explains what the dialog box is all about
and what the Cancel
and Ok buttons do"

android:layout_margin="8dp" />
Light.ActionButton" />
android:layout_weight=".5" />
Now that we have the UI defined as an XML file we can define the OnCreateView.
Add a DialogFragment as a new class and edit the onCreateView to read:
public View onCreateView(
LayoutInflater inflater,
ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
View v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.mydialog,
container, false);
You should be used to the idea of inflating the XML layout file to generate the View
hierarchy. To make the dialog look more like a dialog all we have to do is set the title:
Dialog myDialog=getDialog();
myDialog.setTitle("My Dialog");
return v;
Notice that the OnCreatView returns the View hierarchy as if it was a standard Fragment.
The two buttons - Cancel and OK need to be setup with event handlers:
Button Cancel=
(Button) v.findViewById(R.id.Cancel);
Button OK= (Button) v.findViewById(R.id.OK);

We also need to define the event handlers. In this case all the event handlers have to do is
record the status - has the OK or the Cancel button been selected. To do this we need an
private field:
private boolean m_status;
With this in place the event handlers are simply:
View.OnClickListener onCancel=
new View.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View view){

View.OnClickListener onOK=
new View.OnClickListener(){
@Override public void onClick(View view){
Notice that each of the event handlers calls the Activity's event handler to update it and
ends with dismiss.
Notice that it actually doesn't matter where you place the dismiss in the event handler. The
dismiss method uses the FragmentManger to remove the DialogFragment and this makes
use of a transaction which only executes once the event handlers terminate and release
the UI thread. That is the actual dismiss operation only occurs after the event handler that
uses it terminates.
The onDone function is provided by the Activity using the Fragment Interface pattern
described in chapter 9. That is onDone is a method belonging to the Activity that the
DialogFragment is currently attached to.
Calling dismiss is the correct way to close the dialog when the user is finished with it. In this
case selecting either option closes the dialog.
If there are other controls in the dialog they might not need to dismiss the dialog after the
user interacts with them but the event handlers that do dismiss the dialog box have to
gather the dialog's data if necessary and then dismiss the dialog.
What we have to do is to now us define an interface that the Activity has to implement to
use the dialog. In this case this is simple:
public interface dialogDoneListener{
void onDone(boolean state);
Of course you can name the interface and its function what ever you want as long as you
are consistent.

Now we know that the Activity will have an onDone function and we need to get a reference
to it when the DialogFragment is attached to an Activity. Notice that the whole point is that
the DialogFragment could attached and detached from Activity's many times in the course
of the program.
So the onAttach event handler has to try to retrieve the interface defined in the Activity and
if it fails it has to complain:
public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
try {
mListener = (dialogDoneListener) activity;
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new ClassCastException(activity.toString()
+ " must implement dialogDoneistener");
Of course we need mListener:
private dialogDoneListener mListener;
and we need to remember to remove the reference to the interface when the
DialogFragment is detached from the Activity:
public void onDetach() {
mListener = null;
Note: do not be tempted to handle the dialog's exit using the onDismiss event as you might
in other languages and Frameworks. This can be called without a prior onAttach and when
this happens the mListener variable will be null and trying to use the Activity's callback will
result in a runtime error.
For completeness here is a listing of the DialogFragment:
public class myDialogFrag extends DialogFragment {
private boolean m_status;
private dialogDoneListener mListener;

public View onCreateView(
LayoutInflater inflater,
ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
View v = inflater.inflate(
R.layout.mydialog, container, false);
Button Cancel= (Button)
Button OK= (Button) v.findViewById(R.id.OK);
Dialog myDialog=getDialog();
myDialog.setTitle("My Dialog");

return v;

View.OnClickListener onCancel=
new View.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View view){

View.OnClickListener onOK=
new View.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View view){

public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
try {
mListener = (dialogDoneListener) activity;
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new ClassCastException(activity.toString()
+ " must implement dialogDoneistener");

public void onDetach() {
mListener = null;

public interface dialogDoneListener{

void onDone(boolean state);

That's it the DialogFragment is ready to use. All we have to do now it add some code to the
Activity to use it. We need to hookup the Button in the Activity to show the dialog:

protected void onCreate(
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Button button= (Button) findViewById(R.id.button);
and the onClick function is:

View.OnClickListener onclick=
new View.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View view){
myDialogFrag myDiag=new myDialogFrag();
Finally we need to implement the interface that the dialog demands:
public class MyActivity extends Activity
implements myDialogFrag.dialogDoneListener {
You can use Android Studio to generate the interface implementation in the usual way. All
that onDone does is to show the state of the dialog in the TextView:
public void onDone(boolean state) {
TextView tv=
(TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView);
Now we can try running the program. You should see the dialog appear when you click on
the apps one and only button and you should see true when you select the OK button and
false when you select the Cancel.

Note that if you dismiss the dialog by clicking on the Activity or using the back button
nothing is updated in the Activity.
Try rotating the emulator and notice that the dialog persists and is still on display when the
Activity has been recreated.

The Backstack
You may be happy with the behavior of the dialog as it is. However, it doesn't currently take
part in the operation of the back button. For example if the dialog is showing then pressing
the back button doesn't dismiss it - it dismisses the entire application. That is the back
button works as if the dialog wasn't on the screen.
If you want to include the dialog in the backstack you simply have to add it. This is only
slightly more complicated. In the Activity's button click handler you have to use the
FragmentManager to create a FragmentTransaction:
myDialogFrag myDiag=new myDialogFrag();
FragmentTransaction ft=
myDiag.show(ft,"Diag" );
Now if you run the program you can display the dialog and when you click the backbutton
the dialog is dismissed and you get back to the app.
You can use the Backstack in more complex ways but remember a dialog box should be
modal and hence including it in an apps "history" is going against this basic idea. If you
find you want to allow this sort of behaviour then this is probably a clue that you shouldn't
be using a dialog.

Displaying The Dialog In The Main UI
As already explained on of the advantages of using a DialogFragment in the way described
is that you can embed it in the Apps UI just like any Fragment - as long as you haven't
made unconditional use of the Dialog object. The obvious reason is you can't just assume
the Dialog object exists as it is only created if the show method is called.
To display the example dialog in the main UI first we need to add a suitable container. Add
a FrameLayout to the Activity's UI and give it the id container. This will be used to display
the dialog's UI.
The only change we need to make to the DialogFramgment is to test to see if there is a
Dialog object available for use:
Dialog myDialog=getDialog();
if( myDialog!=null) {
myDialog.setTitle("My Dialog");
With this change the DialogFragment can be used as a dialog or as part of the UI.
To add the DialogFragment we need to change the button's OnClick handler to read:
myDialogFrag myDiag=new myDialogFrag();
FragmentTransaction ft=
This is of course exactly what you would do to display a Fragment.
If you now run the program you will see the dialog UI displayed as part of the Activity's UI.

However it isn't quite like a standard UI Fragment. Now when you select the Cancel or Ok
buttons the UI disappears! The reason of course is that you are still calling the dismiss
method to remove the dialog. Even if you display the DialogFragment in the Activity's UI the
dismiss method still removes the DialogFragment from the FragmentManger.

 The DialogFragment is a subclass of Fragment and works in the same way.
 You create the DialogFragment's UI in the onCreateView, just as you would for a
general Fragment.
 The main difference is that when you call the DialogFragment's show method it
creates a Dialog object and displays its UI in the dialog's window.
 You can access the Dialog object using getDialog and modify the way it looks using
Dialog methods such as setTitle.
 If the DialogFragment is added to the Activity's UI, as if it was a standard Fragment,
then you have to be careful to check that there is a Dialog object to make use of,
i.e. getDialog will return null.
 If you create a dialog UI in the onCreateView then your main problem is to style it to
look like a dialog.
 Communication between the dialog and the Activity relies on of the Fragment
Interface Pattern that you use to transfer data between a general Fragment and the
 Similarly initializing and implementing persistence for a dialog is done in exactly the
way it is done for a general Fragment.

 You can dismiss the dialog using the DialogFragment's dismiss method. The dialog
can be dismissed in the DialogFragment or the Activity.
 DialogFragment show and dismiss methods both use the FragmentManager to
create a transaction and so the actual show or dismiss only occurs when the UI
thread is freed by the function terminating.
 Don't use the ondismiss event handler to activate the Activity's callback to transfer
data - the ondismiss event can occur without the onAttach event having happened.
 You can add the DialogFragment to the BackStack but it often doesn't make any
sense to do so - dialogs are supposed to be modal.
 As long as you use DialogFragment the system will look after things like orientation
changes without you having to do anything.
 If you do use a DialogFragment within the Activity's UI then remember that the
dismiss method will remove it from the FragmentManager and hence the UI.

Dialogs In DialogFragment
Earlier it was mentioned that using the onCreateView method wasn't the most frequently
used way of creating a dialog UI. In fact it is more common to customize the Dialog object
that is created within the DialogFragment. This is where things like AlertDialog come into
the picture.
In this case the displayed UI comes 100% from the Dialog object and the DialogFragment
can only be used with the show method and if you add it to the FragmentManager then the
Dialog UI will not be displayed.
It is arguable that using the old Dialog class in this way is unnecessary, but it is the way
things are done and you need to understand it. This is the topic of the next chapter.

You can download the code for the programs from the CodeBin (note you have to register

Android Adventures - Dialog Classes In

Written by Mike James

Thursday, 31 July 2014

Article Index

Android Adventures - Dialog Classes In DialogFragments

Communicating with the Activity

Date and Time Picker Dialogs

Page 1 of 3

The relationship between a DialogFragment and the Dialog within

can seem mysterious, but in the previous chapter we discovered

how to make a custom dialog using nothing but DialogFragment.
Now we have to find out how we can use the Dialog class to do the
same thing.

Android Adventures - Mastering Fragments


1. Introducing Fragments
2. Fragments and XML
3. Fragment And Activity Working Together
4. Managing Fragments
5. Custom dialogs using DialogFragment
6. Dialog Classes In DialogFragment
7. A NumberPicker DialogFragment Project
8. ViewPager
If you are interested in creating custom template also see:
Custom Projects In Android Studio

I think if Android was being designed from scratch we probably

wouldn't have the Dialog class in its current form. A

DialogFragment does most of what you want and could easily be
extended to provide the facilities of, say, DialogAlert.
However, systems like Android tend to grow and evolve and we
have the Dialog class and the DialogFragment class, which can do
most of the same work.

How Dialog and AlertDialog work

Before the Fragment was introduced the Dialog class was all you
used. To create a dialog you simply created an instance of the
Dialog class and call its show method to make the dialog window
In most cases you don't really want a raw dialog as generated by
the Dialog class. You want a standard dialog with buttons and so
on - you want an AlertDialog.
An AlertDialog is a subclass of Dialog and it comes with a range of
standard dialog widgets that you can create using just code. You
can use AlertDialog to show dialogs with up to three buttons, a title
and some text and a list of choices. You can also set a completely
custom layout and mix in the standard widgets as you choose.
To create the AlertDialog customized with just the widgets you
want you have to use the AlertDialog.Builder object. This has a
range of methods that are used to setup the AlertDialog and then
finally to create it.
This is an example of the builder pattern and it is very commonly
used in Java. Instead of creating a complex set of constructors for
an object that has lots of possible initializations you create an
associated builder object which has methods for the different
initializations. The builder creates the object when it has been fully
So to create an AlertDialog with two buttons, an Ok and Cancel
button we need to write code that first creates the builder:
AlertDialog.Builder myBuilder=
new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity());
You have to specify the Activity that the dialog is going to be used
with. Now we can use myBuilder to initialize the AlertDialog we
want to create. For example to give it a title:
myBuilder.setTitle("My Alert Dialog");
We can add an Ok and Cancel button using:
Finally we can create the AlertDialog object:
AlertDialog myAlert=myBuilder.create();
The only thing we need to clarify is the nature of the
myDialogEvent object. This is an object of type
DialogInterface.OnClickListener which has a single
onClick(DialogInterface,whichButton) method. As you can guess

the event parameters tell you which dialog has fired the event and
which button.
The OnClickListener can be created in many different ways but an
annoymouse class is the simplest way:
DialogInterface.OnClickListener myDialogEvent =
new DialogInterface.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(
DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
//do something

Of course in a real program the onClick method would actually do

something and would almost certainly test the which parameter to
find out which button the user had clicked - the positive button is -
1, negative is -2 and so on. There are also constants
use rather than the actual integer values which could change. An
alternative method is to define a different OnClickListener for each
of the buttons - what is best depends on what you are doing.
Putting all of the code together gives:
DialogInterface.OnClickListener myDialogEvent =
new DialogInterface.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(
DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
//do something

AlertDialog.Builder myBuilder=new
myBuilder.setTitle("My Alert Dialog");
AlertDialog myAlert=myBuilder.create();

Fluent Style
This code, given above, works and it shows you the logic of
creating an AlertDialog but it isn't the way most programmers
would write it. Most builder objects are set up so that most of their
methods return the same builder object. This allows the calls to be
chained together to give a fluent style.
Also most programmers would define the Listener object within the
button creation calls.
Putting all this together gives the more usual form of the code:

AlertDialog myAlert=
new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity())
.setTitle("My Alert Dialog")
new DialogInterface.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(
DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
//do something as Ok button clicked
new DialogInterface.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(
DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
//do something as Cancel button clicked

You should have no trouble seeing that two are equivalent apart
from using two separate OnClickListener objects.

Putting the Alert into a DialogFragment

Before the DialogFragment we would have simply called the
AlertDialog or any Dialog's show method to display the dialog on
the screen.
Now this is not the way to do things.
Do not call the any dialog's show method directly.
All dialogs should be contained within a DialogFragment and you
should call its show method to display the dialog and add the
DialogFragment to the FragmentManager.
Let's see how this works.
If you remember the description of how the DialogFragment works
you will recall that onCreateView is called so that the
DialogFragment can create its UI - just like any Fragment. The big
difference is that in this case the onCreateView method creates its
UI not in the Activity's window but in a window belonging to the
Dialog created by the onCreateDialog method. The
onCreateDialog method is called automatically when the
DialogFramgment needs to create the Dialog it contains and uses
to draw its UI.
However, there is an alternative way to create the UI.
The Dialog created in onCreateDialog can create the UI and we
can ignore the onCreateView method entirely. The DialogFragment

doesn't really care how the UI is created - by the Dialog it contains
or by itself.
So what we need to do is override the onCreateDialog method in a
suitable DialogFragment so that it returns an AlertDialog set up to
show whatever UI we want to show.

Showing the AlertDialog

Now we have to create a DialogFragment, the code for the AlertDialog and the code
needed to use the DialogFragment. This is mostly the same as what we did in the previous
chapter so the instructions are going to be brief. One big difference from the previous
chapter is that we are going to use the Fragment template and modify it slightly to make it
into a DialogFragment.
Start a new blank Activity project and accept all of the defaults and set the minimum SDK to
Honeycomb Android 3 to avoid having to deal with the support library.
Next right click on the MyActivity.java file and select New,Fragment,Fragment(Blank). Call
the Fragment generated MyDialog and accept all of the defaults.
You fill find a new java file called MyDialog and a new Layout called
fragment_my_dialog.xml. In this case we are not going to use the layout file.
To convert the Fragment into a DialogFragment simply change:
public class MyDialog extends Fragment {
public class MyDialog extends DialogFragment {
We can leave everything else in the generated code as it is but of course in a real project
we would need to edit it to customise the parameters and the Fragment events. More of
this later. For the moment we are simply concerned with creating the AlertDialog.
We need to override the onCreateDialog method. You could just type the code in but it is
simpler to find a location that you want the method to be inserted and right click, select
Generate,Override Methods. Select onCreateDialog from the window that pops up:

The generated code is just:
public Dialog onCreateDialog(
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
return super.onCreateDialog(savedInstanceState);
and you can simply type it in if you prefer.
Next we need to generate and return the AlertDialog and this is just a matter of pasting in
the code developed earlier into the onCreateDialog method:
public Dialog onCreateDialog(
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
AlertDialog myAlert= new
.setTitle("My Alert Dialog")
new DialogInterface.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(
DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
//do something as Ok button clicked
new DialogInterface.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(
DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
//do something as Cancel button clicked
return myAlert;

You should recognise all of this code - the only new feature is that the AlertDialog is
returned as the result of the method. This is enough to make the dialog functional but the
template has also an overridden onCreateView which inflates the layout to provide a UI.
For fairly trivial reasons you can't update the layout of an AlertDialog using onCreateView
and you either have to not override the method or return a null. If you do try to add a layout
via onCreateView to the AlertDialog then you will most likely see an error about having to
use requestFeature. Basically after you use the Alert.DialogBuilder.create the Window will
not accept an inflated layout. You can however display a layout in the AlertDialog but only if
you do it before calling create - more of this later.
In this case the simplest thing to do is delete the entire onCreateView method.

The Activity
Now we can move on to the Activity that is going to use the dialog.
Using this AlertDialog based dialog is exactly the same as using the previous
First we need a button to show the AlertDialog so use the designer to put one into the UI in
the usual way. We need to add the event handler to the button that calls the dialog's show
View.OnClickListener onclick=
new View.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View view){
MyDialog myDiag=new MyDialog();
You should be able to see that this is exactly the same as before - create an instance of the
dialog and call its show method to add it to the FragmentManager. After this the dialog will
display until the user clicks one of its buttons to dismiss it.
Now all we have to do is hook the OnClickListener with the button in the Activity's
Button button= (Button) findViewById(R.id.button);
One final thing before we can test the program. As the template defines an interface this
has to be implemented by the Activity. Change the class definition to read:
public class MyActivity extends Activity
implements MyDialog.OnFragmentInteractionListener{
Right click on the Mydialog.OnFragmentInteractionListener and select Generate,Implement
Methods to auto generate the single method that the interface defines.
Now we are ready to go.
If you run the program you will see the usual button and if you click it a two button
AlertDialog will appear:

Communicating With The Activity
At the moment the event handlers that deal with the button clicks are within the
DialogFragment. This is fine is they can do what ever job the dialog is intended to do but
often the dialog has to communicate data to the Activity that is using it.
We already know how to pass data to the Activity from a Fragment in a way that doesn't
depend on the Activity that is using it. We have to make use of the Fragment Interface
pattern and as we have customized the Fragment template to create the DialogFragment
we only have to make a few small changes to implement it.
If you are happy you understand how this works skip to the next section because there is
very little new here - just a specialization to the DialogFragment.
As an example let's just return a single Boolean that is true if the Ok button is selected and
false if the Cancel button is selected. To allow direct comparison this will be implemented in
the same way as the example at the end of the previous chapter.
First scroll down to the end of the DialogFragment's code and find the line:
public interface OnFragmentInteractionListener {
Change the interface definition to read:
public interface dialogDoneListener {
void onDone(boolean state);
In other words our callback function will have one parameter that returns the button
selected as true or false.
At the top of the file change;
private OnFragmentInteractionListener mListener;
private dialogDoneListener mListener;
Now we have to fill in the details of the button event handlers. They simply call the
dialogDoneListener.onDone method.
new DialogInterface.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(

DialogInterface dialog, int which) {

new DialogInterface.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(
DialogInterface dialog, int which) {

Finally we need to edit the onAttatch method to store the Activity's implementation of
dialogDoneListener in mListener:
public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
try {
mListener = (dialogDoneListener) activity;
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new ClassCastException(activity.toString()
+ " must implement
Finally we need to remember to delete the onButtonPressd method that was generated in
case we needed to use it.
To make use of the new version of the dialog we need to implement the interface again.
Simplest thing it so delete the current implementation and get the generate menu option to
create the method we need.
public class MyActivity extends Activity
implements MyDialog.dialogDoneListener{

and the method we need is

@Overridepublic void onDone(boolean state) {
Now when you run the program the onDone method is called when the dialog is closed with
the correct setting of state to let the Activity know which button has been selected.

Custom AlertDialog

What if you want to add some custom UI to the AlertDialog?
One answer might be that you would probably be better off not using the AlertDialog in this
case as the DialogFragment is up to the job and simpler.
However there are advantages to adding custom UI to the AlertDialog and it isn't difficult.
Let's display the DialogFragment's layout in the AlertDialog. To do this we need to make
the addition to the Builder before the create method is called.
To use the layout file we need to first inflate it into a hierarchy of View objects and to do this
we need a LayoutInflater:
public Dialog onCreateDialog(
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
LayoutInflater inflater

Next we inflate the layout file to get the View hierarchy:

View v=inflater.inflate(
R.layout.fragment_my_dialog, null);
Finally we use the Builder's setView method to set the view. This can go anywhere but it
has to go before the .create method:
return myAlert;
Now if you run the app you will see the generated layout saying "Hello blank Fragment" in
the display area of the dialog.
You can of course customize the layout file using the designer to be anything you want.
If you want to add customization in code to the layout, e.g. add a button click event handler,
then you can do it in the usual way and you can do this before or after the dialog has been
For example, if you add a Button to the layout you can add an event handler using:
Button myButton=
(Button) v.findViewById(R.id.button);
new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {}
The only difficult part is remembering to use the View hiearchy to find the Button.

Advantages And Disadvantages

If you use an AlertDialog box to generate the UI of the DialogFragment then you cannot
use it as part of the Activity's UI i.e. without a separate dialog window.
A DialogFragment based on an AlertDialog can only be displayed as a dialog.

However, if you use the DialogFragment approach then it can be managed by the
FragmentManager and it can be added to the backstack in the usual way. In addition you
can create dialogs that you can use with any Activity, i.e. they are truly reusable.

Date And Time Picker Dialogs

The date and time pickers are available as widgets or as full Dialog classes. We have
already looked at how to use them as widgets in chapter six and seven along with the
number picker which doesn't have an alternative Dialog class but which can be packaged
into one if you really need to.
As with any dialogs you can use the date and time picker dialogs standalone but it is much
better to package them into DialogFragments. How you do this is exactly the same as for
any other dialog but it is worth a quick look.
For example to create a date picker dialog as a DialogFragment you simply have to return
a DatePickerDialog in the onCreateDialog:
public Dialog onCreateDialog(
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
DatePickerDialog datePick=
new DatePickerDialog(getActivity(),
new DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener() {
public void onDateSet(DatePicker view,
int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth) {}
2014,6,30 );
return datePick;
The last three parameters of the constructor set the initial date. There is a method that lets
you get the DatePicker widget in the dialog so you can work with it directly. The callback
provides the date the user selected and this should be routed to the Activity if necessary via
the usual Fragment Interface pattern.

The TimePickerDialog works in the same way
public Dialog onCreateDialog(
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
TimePickerDialog timePick=
new TimePickerDialog(getActivity(),
new TimePickerDialog.OnTimeSetListener() {
public void onTimeSet(TimePicker view,
int hourOfDay, int minute) {}
return timePick;
The final three parameters in the constructor give the hours and minutes and whether to
use the 24 hour clock or not.

What about the number picker as a dialog?
You could use it to customize an AlertDialog via a layout but it makes much more sense to
simply display it using a DialogFragment. Using this approach it gets all the advantages of
a Fragment and it can be shown as a dialog or embedded in the UI as required. The
biggest problem is that number pickers are usually used in combination - to enter a multi-
digit number say. So to create a good number picker dialog box you would need to allow for
different numbers of number pickers. Very do-able but difficult to do well.

 There are two ways of creating a DialogFragment's UI - via the onCreateView and
by customizing the onCreateDialog to return a dialog complete with UI.

 To create and AlertDialog you use a builder to add the controls and text that make
up the UI.

 When the AltertDialog is fully specified the builder's create method is called to
actually create it.

 You use the DialogFragment in exactly the same way no matter how the dialog UI
has been created. You call the DialogFragment's show method to add it to the

 Never call the dialog's show method as this just shows the dialog and cuts out any
involvement the DialogFragment has in the process.

 You can handle events within the DialogFragment in the usual way, but you need to
use the Fragment Interface pattern to allow the Activity to handle any dialog events.

 As well as AlertDialog there are also two useful dialogs - the datepicker and
timepicker dialog - there is no number picker dialog.
You can download the code for the programs from the CodeBin (note you have to register

Android Adventures - A NumberPicker

DialogFragment Project
Written by Mike James

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Article Index

Android Adventures - A NumberPicker DialogFragment Project

Adding the Number Pickers

Trying it out

Page 1 of 3

There comes a time when you need to see a complete example

and this chapter of Android Adventures is exactly that. It
constructs from the beginning a dialog containing a variable
number of NumberPickers to demonstrate how to create a UI
on the fly and how to make use of DialogFragment.

Android Adventures - Mastering Fragments


1. Introducing Fragments
2. Fragments and XML
3. Fragment And Activity Working Together
4. Managing Fragments
5. Custom dialogs using DialogFragment
6. Dialog Classes In DialogFragment
7. A NumberPicker DialogFragment Project
8. ViewPager
If you are interested in creating custom template also see:
Custom Projects In Android Studio

While this is a much more complete example than anything in

previous chapters it is still just that - an example. A production
version would need more features and more safeguards
against misuse. However, in most cases you can see what
needs to be done and some of the shortcomings will be
addressed in "tasks for the reader" at the end of the chapter -
you should have no difficulty in implementing them or at least
seeing how they should be implemented.
It is assumed that you have read the earlier chapters on
Fragments and DialogFragments and the basics are not
repeated here. As well as the technical details the thought
processes behind the decisions are explained. I hope that you
get a flavour of not just what was done but why it was done and
some of the alternative that could have been used.
The basic idea for this dialog is to present the user with a set of
NumberPickers so that they can enter an N digit value. The
idea can be best seen from a screen dump of the finished

The number of NumberPickers displayed can be set at run
time. For simplicity each NumberPicker is set to display 0 to 9
but you can easily add an initialization parameter that could set
the range to anything you like. In this case fixed multiplier are
used 1,10,100,1000 and again these could be set by the user
by providing an additional initialization parameter.
There are lots of things to be added. Consider this a version 1
or a minimally viable product.
So how do we get started.
First we need a DialogFragment.

The Initial DialogFragment

Start a new blank project and accept the defaults. Target it for
API 15 which avoids problems with having to work with the
support library. If you do need to target earlier APIs then it is
easy enough to change to make use of the support library.
Once the project is open navigate to the app\src\main\java
directory and right click on your apps directory and select
New,Fragment, Fragment Blank.
At the moment there isn't an option to add a DialogFragment
but it is easy to change a Fragment into a DialogFragment.
Call your new Fragment NumberDialog and accept all of the
defaults except for Create Layout XML.
You could generate a default XML layout file and work with it to
provide the basic layout that the dialog needs but it is just as
easy to do the whole job in code.
Why are we creating the UI in code?
The answer is that the UI isn't fixed. The user can specify as
many NumberPickers, up to a reasonable limit, they desire. You
could implement this as a layout for each number of
NumberPickers - for example a layout for one, two and three
NumberPickers - but it is fairly easy to do the entire job
First we need to convert the Fragment to a DialogFragment.

To do this simply change:
public class NumberDialog extends Fragment {
public class NumberDialog extends
DialogFragment {

Use Alt+Enter to add the necessary import statements.

Now we have DialogFragment ready to customize and our first
job is to create the UI.

Creating The Basic UI

At this point we have to decide how to create the UI. We could
use a custom Dialog class such as AlertDialog to host the
controls but this seems a very roundabout way. It is a
reasonable approach if you already have an old dialog
implementation and want to reuse it but for something we are
creating from scratch it seems a nesting of classes too far.
It is much simpler and more direct to put the UI generation code
in the Dialog Fragment's onCreateView. This has the
advantage that the DialogFragment can be used as a standard
Fragment within a bigger UI or it can display in a Dialog window
all on its own.
As we opted not to have an XML layout the generated
onCreateView has code to create a TextView with some
sample text:
public View onCreateView(
LayoutInflater inflater,
ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
TextView textView = new TextView(getActivity());
return textView;
You can use this to test your DialogFragment even before you
have started to customize it. It is always a good idea to check
that things are working as soon as you possibly can. If you want
to try this then skip ahead to the section that tells you how to
run the DialogFragment - you will have to make some changes
to make it work but nothing difficult and everything obvious.
We need at least one container to layout the NumberPickers
and the single Done button that currently make up the UI. There
are many possible ways of doing this but if you are trying to
create a single UI that works with screens of different sizes then
the LinearLayout has a lot going for it. In this case we can use a
vertical LinearLayout with a horizontal LinearLayout as a child.
The horizontal layout will be used to hold the NumberPickers

and the Vertical layout will be used to display the Done button
below the NumberPickers.That is the NumberPickers are
grouped into the horizontal LinearLayout:

The Component Tree also shows the way things are placed in

A good tip is that when you are creating a UI in code it is very

useful to be able to use the designer to create a mockup layout.
You can use it to find out what layout properties to set as well
as generally to see what things are going to look like.

The LinearLayout and LayoutParams

Returning to the code. Our first job is to create the inner
horizontal LinearLayout and add the requried number of
NumberPickers to it.
The LinearLayout is easy:
LinearLayout linLayoutH =
new LinearLayout(getActivity());
and by default we get a horizontal layout.
Next we usually have to customize any properties of View
object we have created. in this case we also need to set some
In a View hierarchy there are two types of properties that
change the layout. Properties that an object has that controls its
appearance e.g. text or background say. However, there are
also properties that it may have set that are used by the
container that it displays in to modify how it is displayed. For
example if you want the size of something to be just enough to

contain its displayed children then you need to set its size to
WRAP_CONTENT - however this isn't something that the
object deals with but the container that the object is displayed
To allow objects to have sets of properties intended for
consumption by their containers and not by them the Android
Framework uses the idea of layout parameters. In XML they
correspond to tags like android:layout_width. By contrast
something like android:text is a property that the object handles
whereas android:layout_width is handled by the object's
When working with the designer you can mostly ignore the
differences between layout parameters and other parameters -
you simply set them using the Property window. When working
in code you need to know that layout parameters are specified
by a LayoutParams object. This comes in different flavours
depending on what the container is. That is the LayoutParams
object is provided by and is specific to the container not the
In this case this LinearLayout object is going to be put inside
another Linearlayout object so we need a
LinearLayout.LayoutParams object. And the reason we need it
is to set the width and height parameters to WRAP_CONTENT:

LinearLayout.LayoutParams params =
new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(
Notice that as promised the LayoutParams object is stored in
the object even though it is the container that will make use of it
to determine the layout.
We will need to setup other LayoutParams objects later.

Adding the NumberPickers

Next we need to add a number of NumberPickers. The simplest way is to use a for loop:
for (int i = 0; i < numDials; i++) {
NumberPicker np =
new NumberPicker(getActivity());
This works but saving a reference to each of the NumberPicker objects would be useful for
later code development. All we need for this is a private array. Another problem is that if we
simply use the loop index to store the NumberPickers in the array we will end up with the

high order value in array[0]. To make things work as expected we need to store the low
value NumberPicker in array[0].
To declare the array:
private NumberPicker[] numPickers;
and the for loop becomes:
for (int i =0 ; i <numDials; i++){
numPickers[numDials-i-1] =
new NumberPicker(getActivity());
The use of numDials-i-1 simply reverses the index - alternatively you could just run the for
loop from numDials-1 to 0.
The new line that involves setValue sets the NumberPickers to the current value which
when the dialog is first displayed is the initial value supplied by the user. We still need to
write the function getDigit.
Overall this code uses various things that are yet to be defined: numDials, currentValue
and getDigit.
The Vertical LinearLayout
Finally we need the vertical LinearLayout and the button to complete the UI.
Creating the vertical LinearLayout is just more of the same:
LinearLayout linLayoutV =
new LinearLayout(getActivity());
The only new thing is that we have to set the orientation and finally we add the horizontal
LinearLayout to nest it within the vertical layout.
Now we need to add the button. This just has some text, "Done" and an onClick handler.
The details of the onClick handler are best explained later so for the moment let's just use a
stub that we can come back and fill in later:
Button okButton = new Button(getActivity());
new View.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View view) {
We also need to set the button to center inside the container and this is done by setting
Gravity to CENTER_HORIZONTAL. If you didn't know this you could find it out by seeing
what centered a button in a vertical LinearLayout using the designer - experiment is often
the quickest way. In code you set gravity on a LayoutParams object because it is actually
enforced by the container. This makes sense if you think about it because only the
container can center an object within it.

params.gravity = Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL;
Finally we add the button to the vertical LinearLayout and return it as the result of the

return linLayoutV;
Apart from a few missing details such as a value for numDials you could run the program at
this point and you would see the UI appear as in the screen dump at the start of the article.
All that remains to do is implement the initialization of the two parameters, provide the code
for getDigit and deal with what should happen when the Done button is selected.

We have chosen to use the object factory approach to initializing the Fragment and this has
been covered in previous chapters.
Essentially all we have to do is customize the generated code to work with our two integer
parameters numDials and currentValue. First we need some private variables to store their
values in:
private int numDials;
private int currentValue;
These replace the generated declarations of param1 and param2.
As these values are going to be stored in a bundle for later retrieval we also need to
customize the key names that have been generated. Change the lines at the top of the
program that have ARG_PARM1 and ARG_PARAM2 to:
private static final String ARG_numDials =
private static final String ARG_initValue =
You don't have to use these key definitions if you don't want to - you can simply enter the
keyvalues directly when needed, see later.
With these definitions we can now work on customising the object factory to use these
parameters in place of the generated ones:
public static NumberDialog newInstance(
int numDials, int initValue) {
NumberDialog numdialog = new NumberDialog();
Bundle args = new Bundle();
args.putInt(ARG_numDials, numDials);
args.putInt(ARG_initValue, initValue);
return numdialog;
You can see that now the factory accepts two parameters and these are stored in the
arguments bundle for later use.

In case you are still wondering why a bundle is used rather than simply storing the intial
parameters in the corresponding private variables it is worth pointing out that this is a static
method and it doesn't have access to the instance variables. You could create get/set
methods for the private methods and then the static method could set them on the instance
i.e. numdialog. You could even make the variables public and use;
However using the bundle also solves the problem of restoring the state when the fragment
is recreated.
So how does the instance get access to the initial parameters?
If you recall the answer is that the onCreate method retrieves them from the bundle:
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (getArguments() != null) {
numDials = getArguments().getInt(ARG_numDials);
currentValue =
numPickers = new NumberPicker[numDials];}
You can also see that this is the place to create the NumberPicker array that is needed. As
onCreate is always called before onCreateView all of the data we need, including the array
is ready to be used by it.

Now that we have the currentValue of the NumberPickers safely stored we can tackle the
problem of creating getDigit. This is a function that extracts the ith digit from a number n:
We need it because if the user specifies an initial value of 123 then we need to set the low
order NumberPicker to 3, the next to 2 and the high order to 1. That is we need to extract
each digit in turn.
I have to admit that crating this function occupied more time that was reasonable. A purely
numeric solution is to take the remainder on division by a power of 10. For example
(123)%10=3, (123)%100=23 and (123)%1000=123. If you integer divide the first by 1, the
second by 10 and the final value by 100 you get 3, 2 and 1.
This is fine but creating powers of 10 in Java involves the use of the math object and it
returns a double. An alternative is to use String handling and this is the method I eventually
used, but to be honest it seems too complicated as well:

private int getDigit(int d, int i) {

String temp = Integer.toString(d);
if (temp.length() <= i) return 0;
int r = Character.getNumericValue(
temp.charAt(temp.length() - i - 1));
return r;
The computation with i is necessary because we are calling the low order digit, digit zero
and it is the high order digit that is character zero in the String.

The onDone event
Now all we have to deal with is what happens when the user selects the Done button.
To do this we need to implement the Fragment interface pattern as discussed in previous
First we need to define an interface for a suitable listener and event handler. We need to
call the interface something that isn't going to clash or mislead the user:
public interface OnNumberDialogDoneListener {
public void onDone(int value);
This code has to replace the interface generated by the tempate.
The onDone method simply sends the current value set on the NumberPickers to the
Activity that is using the dialog as an event parameter.
Next we have to modify the onAttach generated code so that we retrieve the Activity's
implementation of the interface to work with the newly named interface:
public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
try {
mListener = (OnNumberDialogDoneListener) activity;
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new ClassCastException(activity.toString()
+ " must implement OnNumberDialogDoneListener");
We also need to modify the private variable mListener used to store the Activity's
private OnNumberDialogDoneListener mListener;

The Button onClick Done Event

Now that we have hooked up the Activity to the DialogFragment we can return to the
button's onClick event handler and write code that allow it to send the current value on the
NumberPickers to the Activity and dismiss the dialog.
We need to get the current value as displayed on the NumberPickers. We could have
chosen to update the current value every time the made a change. In this case all we need
is to update the current value when the Done button is selected. A simple function to get
that value from the NumberPickers is:
private int getValue(){
int value=0;
int mult=1;
for(int i=0;i<numDials;i++){

return value;
This gets the value of each NumberPicker in turn and multiplies by the appropriate power of
The Onclick handler is:
new View.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View view) {
if (mListener != null) {
That's all we need everything is now ready to be used.

Trying it out
To try the dialog out all we have to do is add a button and a ViewText to the Activity's
The button just creates an instance of the dialog and adds it to the FragmentManager
Button button= (Button) findViewById(R.id.button);
new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
NumberDialog myDiag =
NumberDialog.newInstance(3, 123);
myDiag.show(getFragmentManager(), "Diag");
This, of course has to be added to the end of the onCreate method. Notice that this creates
a dialog with three NumberPickers set to 123.
We also need to implement the dialog's interface:
public class MyActivity extends Activity
implements NumberDialog.OnNumberDialogDoneListene{
And right clicking on the interface name and selecting generate methods produces an
empty onDone method which simply displays the value returned by the dialog:
public void onDone(int value) {
TextView tv=
(TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView);

Now if you run the program you will see the three NumberPickers set to the intial value. If
you change them and select Done you will see the value appear in the ViewText:

However there are a number of shortcomings. The first is that if you dismiss the dialog by
clicking on the app the value is lost and nothing is updated. You can implement a cancel
button and it is up to you to decide on the correct behavior when the dialog is dismissed by
"other means".

Persisting the current value

A more important problem is that the current value isn't persisted when the
DialogFragment is destroyed and recreated. If you start to enter a value by spinning the
NumberPickers and then rotate the device you will see that the UI is correctly recreated but
the value displayed will return to the original initial value.
We need to persist the current value by saving it as part of the onSaveInstance method:
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState){
This automatically saves the setting of the NumberPickers when the dialog is being
destroyed by the system.
What about restoring it?
There are lots of places you could restore the value - in any method that receives
a savedInstanceState bundle.
In this case a reasonably logical place to do the job is in the onCreate because this is
where the intial values are set. We can let the intial values be set and then override any
that we consider have changed since the first creation of the dialog;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (getArguments() != null) {
numDials = getArguments().getInt(ARG_numDials);
currentValue =
numPickers = new NumberPicker[numDials];}

if (savedInstanceState!=null){
Notice the way that the CurrentValue is first set to the initial value when the dialog is
created and then this is overwritten by the updated value if there is a
Now the current value is persistent and you can rotate the device as much as you like and
the NumberPickers will not change.

Tasks For The Reader

There are a lot of missing facilities in this dialog.
If you would like to try your hand at extending the project here are some suggestions in
rough order of difficulty:

1. Add a parameter that allows the user to set the title of the dialog.
2. Add a cancel button.
3. Add a check that the user isn't specifying too many NumberPickers.
4. Allow the user to specify the max/min values for the NumberPickers and the
multiplier to be applied.
5. Work out how to style the dialog and allow the user to set the style.

For completeness the full listing of the DialogFragment is:

public class NumberDialog extends DialogFragment{

private static final String
ARG_numDials = "numDials";
private static final String
ARG_initValue = "initValue";
private int numDials;
private int currentValue;
private NumberPicker[] numPickers;
private OnNumberDialogDoneListener mListener;

public static NumberDialog newInstance(

int numDials, int initValue) {
NumberDialog numdialog = new NumberDialog();
Bundle args = new Bundle();
args.putInt(ARG_numDials, numDials);
args.putInt(ARG_initValue, initValue);
return numdialog;

public NumberDialog() {
// Required empty public constructor

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (getArguments() != null) {
numDials = getArguments().getInt(ARG_numDials);
currentValue =
numPickers = new NumberPicker[numDials];}
if (savedInstanceState!=null){

private int getDigit(int d, int i) {

String temp = Integer.toString(d);
if (temp.length() <= i) return 0;
int r = Character.getNumericValue(
temp.charAt(temp.length() - i - 1));
return r;

private int getValue(){

int value=0;
int mult=1;
for(int i=0;i<numDials;i++){
return value;

public View onCreateView(
LayoutInflater inflater,
ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
LinearLayout linLayoutH =
new LinearLayout(getActivity());

LinearLayout.LayoutParams params =
new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(
LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LinearLayout
for (int i = numDials - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
numPickers[i] = new NumberPicker(getActivity());
getDigit(currentValue, i));
LinearLayout linLayoutV =
new LinearLayout(getActivity());
Button okButton = new Button(getActivity());
new View.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View view) {
if (mListener != null) {
params.gravity = Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL;
return linLayoutV;

public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
try {
mListener =
(OnNumberDialogDoneListener) activity;
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
new ClassCastException(activity.toString()
+ " must implement OnNumberDialogDoneListener");

public void onDetach() {

mListener = null;

public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {

public interface OnNumberDialogDoneListener {

public void onDone(int value);

You can download the code for the programs from the CodeBin (note you have to register

Android Adventures - A NumberPicker

DialogFragment Project
Written by Mike James

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Article Index

Android Adventures - A NumberPicker DialogFragment Project

Adding the Number Pickers

Trying it out

Page 1 of 3

There comes a time when you need to see a complete example

and this chapter of Android Adventures is exactly that. It
constructs from the beginning a dialog containing a variable
number of NumberPickers to demonstrate how to create a UI
on the fly and how to make use of DialogFragment.

Android Adventures - Mastering Fragments


1. Introducing Fragments
2. Fragments and XML
3. Fragment And Activity Working Together
4. Managing Fragments
5. Custom dialogs using DialogFragment
6. Dialog Classes In DialogFragment
7. A NumberPicker DialogFragment Project
8. ViewPager
If you are interested in creating custom template also see:
Custom Projects In Android Studio

While this is a much more complete example than anything in

previous chapters it is still just that - an example. A production
version would need more features and more safeguards
against misuse. However, in most cases you can see what
needs to be done and some of the shortcomings will be
addressed in "tasks for the reader" at the end of the chapter -
you should have no difficulty in implementing them or at least
seeing how they should be implemented.
It is assumed that you have read the earlier chapters on
Fragments and DialogFragments and the basics are not

repeated here. As well as the technical details the thought
processes behind the decisions are explained. I hope that you
get a flavour of not just what was done but why it was done and
some of the alternative that could have been used.
The basic idea for this dialog is to present the user with a set of
NumberPickers so that they can enter an N digit value. The
idea can be best seen from a screen dump of the finished

The number of NumberPickers displayed can be set at run

time. For simplicity each NumberPicker is set to display 0 to 9
but you can easily add an initialization parameter that could set
the range to anything you like. In this case fixed multiplier are
used 1,10,100,1000 and again these could be set by the user
by providing an additional initialization parameter.
There are lots of things to be added. Consider this a version 1
or a minimally viable product.
So how do we get started.
First we need a DialogFragment.

The Initial DialogFragment

Start a new blank project and accept the defaults. Target it for
API 15 which avoids problems with having to work with the
support library. If you do need to target earlier APIs then it is
easy enough to change to make use of the support library.
Once the project is open navigate to the app\src\main\java
directory and right click on your apps directory and select
New,Fragment, Fragment Blank.
At the moment there isn't an option to add a DialogFragment
but it is easy to change a Fragment into a DialogFragment.
Call your new Fragment NumberDialog and accept all of the
defaults except for Create Layout XML.
You could generate a default XML layout file and work with it to
provide the basic layout that the dialog needs but it is just as
easy to do the whole job in code.

Why are we creating the UI in code?
The answer is that the UI isn't fixed. The user can specify as
many NumberPickers, up to a reasonable limit, they desire. You
could implement this as a layout for each number of
NumberPickers - for example a layout for one, two and three
NumberPickers - but it is fairly easy to do the entire job
First we need to convert the Fragment to a DialogFragment.
To do this simply change:
public class NumberDialog extends Fragment {
public class NumberDialog extends
DialogFragment {

Use Alt+Enter to add the necessary import statements.

Now we have DialogFragment ready to customize and our first
job is to create the UI.

Creating The Basic UI

At this point we have to decide how to create the UI. We could
use a custom Dialog class such as AlertDialog to host the
controls but this seems a very roundabout way. It is a
reasonable approach if you already have an old dialog
implementation and want to reuse it but for something we are
creating from scratch it seems a nesting of classes too far.
It is much simpler and more direct to put the UI generation code
in the Dialog Fragment's onCreateView. This has the
advantage that the DialogFragment can be used as a standard
Fragment within a bigger UI or it can display in a Dialog window
all on its own.
As we opted not to have an XML layout the generated
onCreateView has code to create a TextView with some
sample text:
public View onCreateView(
LayoutInflater inflater,
ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
TextView textView = new TextView(getActivity());
return textView;
You can use this to test your DialogFragment even before you
have started to customize it. It is always a good idea to check
that things are working as soon as you possibly can. If you want
to try this then skip ahead to the section that tells you how to

run the DialogFragment - you will have to make some changes
to make it work but nothing difficult and everything obvious.
We need at least one container to layout the NumberPickers
and the single Done button that currently make up the UI. There
are many possible ways of doing this but if you are trying to
create a single UI that works with screens of different sizes then
the LinearLayout has a lot going for it. In this case we can use a
vertical LinearLayout with a horizontal LinearLayout as a child.
The horizontal layout will be used to hold the NumberPickers
and the Vertical layout will be used to display the Done button
below the NumberPickers.That is the NumberPickers are
grouped into the horizontal LinearLayout:

The Component Tree also shows the way things are placed in

A good tip is that when you are creating a UI in code it is very

useful to be able to use the designer to create a mockup layout.
You can use it to find out what layout properties to set as well
as generally to see what things are going to look like.

The LinearLayout and LayoutParams

Returning to the code. Our first job is to create the inner
horizontal LinearLayout and add the requried number of
NumberPickers to it.
The LinearLayout is easy:
LinearLayout linLayoutH =
new LinearLayout(getActivity());
and by default we get a horizontal layout.

Next we usually have to customize any properties of View
object we have created. in this case we also need to set some
In a View hierarchy there are two types of properties that
change the layout. Properties that an object has that controls its
appearance e.g. text or background say. However, there are
also properties that it may have set that are used by the
container that it displays in to modify how it is displayed. For
example if you want the size of something to be just enough to
contain its displayed children then you need to set its size to
WRAP_CONTENT - however this isn't something that the
object deals with but the container that the object is displayed
To allow objects to have sets of properties intended for
consumption by their containers and not by them the Android
Framework uses the idea of layout parameters. In XML they
correspond to tags like android:layout_width. By contrast
something like android:text is a property that the object handles
whereas android:layout_width is handled by the object's
When working with the designer you can mostly ignore the
differences between layout parameters and other parameters -
you simply set them using the Property window. When working
in code you need to know that layout parameters are specified
by a LayoutParams object. This comes in different flavours
depending on what the container is. That is the LayoutParams
object is provided by and is specific to the container not the
In this case this LinearLayout object is going to be put inside
another Linearlayout object so we need a
LinearLayout.LayoutParams object. And the reason we need it
is to set the width and height parameters to WRAP_CONTENT:

LinearLayout.LayoutParams params =
new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(
Notice that as promised the LayoutParams object is stored in
the object even though it is the container that will make use of it
to determine the layout.
We will need to setup other LayoutParams objects later.

Adding the NumberPickers

Next we need to add a number of NumberPickers. The simplest way is to use a for loop:
for (int i = 0; i < numDials; i++) {
NumberPicker np =

new NumberPicker(getActivity());
This works but saving a reference to each of the NumberPicker objects would be useful for
later code development. All we need for this is a private array. Another problem is that if we
simply use the loop index to store the NumberPickers in the array we will end up with the
high order value in array[0]. To make things work as expected we need to store the low
value NumberPicker in array[0].
To declare the array:
private NumberPicker[] numPickers;
and the for loop becomes:
for (int i =0 ; i <numDials; i++){
numPickers[numDials-i-1] =
new NumberPicker(getActivity());
The use of numDials-i-1 simply reverses the index - alternatively you could just run the for
loop from numDials-1 to 0.
The new line that involves setValue sets the NumberPickers to the current value which
when the dialog is first displayed is the initial value supplied by the user. We still need to
write the function getDigit.
Overall this code uses various things that are yet to be defined: numDials, currentValue
and getDigit.
The Vertical LinearLayout
Finally we need the vertical LinearLayout and the button to complete the UI.
Creating the vertical LinearLayout is just more of the same:
LinearLayout linLayoutV =
new LinearLayout(getActivity());
The only new thing is that we have to set the orientation and finally we add the horizontal
LinearLayout to nest it within the vertical layout.
Now we need to add the button. This just has some text, "Done" and an onClick handler.
The details of the onClick handler are best explained later so for the moment let's just use a
stub that we can come back and fill in later:
Button okButton = new Button(getActivity());
new View.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View view) {

We also need to set the button to center inside the container and this is done by setting
Gravity to CENTER_HORIZONTAL. If you didn't know this you could find it out by seeing
what centered a button in a vertical LinearLayout using the designer - experiment is often
the quickest way. In code you set gravity on a LayoutParams object because it is actually
enforced by the container. This makes sense if you think about it because only the
container can center an object within it.
params.gravity = Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL;
Finally we add the button to the vertical LinearLayout and return it as the result of the

return linLayoutV;
Apart from a few missing details such as a value for numDials you could run the program at
this point and you would see the UI appear as in the screen dump at the start of the article.
All that remains to do is implement the initialization of the two parameters, provide the code
for getDigit and deal with what should happen when the Done button is selected.

We have chosen to use the object factory approach to initializing the Fragment and this has
been covered in previous chapters.
Essentially all we have to do is customize the generated code to work with our two integer
parameters numDials and currentValue. First we need some private variables to store their
values in:
private int numDials;
private int currentValue;
These replace the generated declarations of param1 and param2.
As these values are going to be stored in a bundle for later retrieval we also need to
customize the key names that have been generated. Change the lines at the top of the
program that have ARG_PARM1 and ARG_PARAM2 to:
private static final String ARG_numDials =
private static final String ARG_initValue =
You don't have to use these key definitions if you don't want to - you can simply enter the
keyvalues directly when needed, see later.
With these definitions we can now work on customising the object factory to use these
parameters in place of the generated ones:
public static NumberDialog newInstance(
int numDials, int initValue) {
NumberDialog numdialog = new NumberDialog();

Bundle args = new Bundle();
args.putInt(ARG_numDials, numDials);
args.putInt(ARG_initValue, initValue);
return numdialog;
You can see that now the factory accepts two parameters and these are stored in the
arguments bundle for later use.
In case you are still wondering why a bundle is used rather than simply storing the intial
parameters in the corresponding private variables it is worth pointing out that this is a static
method and it doesn't have access to the instance variables. You could create get/set
methods for the private methods and then the static method could set them on the instance
i.e. numdialog. You could even make the variables public and use;
However using the bundle also solves the problem of restoring the state when the fragment
is recreated.
So how does the instance get access to the initial parameters?
If you recall the answer is that the onCreate method retrieves them from the bundle:
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (getArguments() != null) {
numDials = getArguments().getInt(ARG_numDials);
currentValue =
numPickers = new NumberPicker[numDials];}
You can also see that this is the place to create the NumberPicker array that is needed. As
onCreate is always called before onCreateView all of the data we need, including the array
is ready to be used by it.

Now that we have the currentValue of the NumberPickers safely stored we can tackle the
problem of creating getDigit. This is a function that extracts the ith digit from a number n:
We need it because if the user specifies an initial value of 123 then we need to set the low
order NumberPicker to 3, the next to 2 and the high order to 1. That is we need to extract
each digit in turn.
I have to admit that crating this function occupied more time that was reasonable. A purely
numeric solution is to take the remainder on division by a power of 10. For example
(123)%10=3, (123)%100=23 and (123)%1000=123. If you integer divide the first by 1, the
second by 10 and the final value by 100 you get 3, 2 and 1.
This is fine but creating powers of 10 in Java involves the use of the math object and it
returns a double. An alternative is to use String handling and this is the method I eventually
used, but to be honest it seems too complicated as well:

private int getDigit(int d, int i) {
String temp = Integer.toString(d);
if (temp.length() <= i) return 0;
int r = Character.getNumericValue(
temp.charAt(temp.length() - i - 1));
return r;
The computation with i is necessary because we are calling the low order digit, digit zero
and it is the high order digit that is character zero in the String.

The onDone event

Now all we have to deal with is what happens when the user selects the Done button.
To do this we need to implement the Fragment interface pattern as discussed in previous
First we need to define an interface for a suitable listener and event handler. We need to
call the interface something that isn't going to clash or mislead the user:
public interface OnNumberDialogDoneListener {
public void onDone(int value);
This code has to replace the interface generated by the tempate.
The onDone method simply sends the current value set on the NumberPickers to the
Activity that is using the dialog as an event parameter.
Next we have to modify the onAttach generated code so that we retrieve the Activity's
implementation of the interface to work with the newly named interface:
public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
try {
mListener = (OnNumberDialogDoneListener) activity;
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new ClassCastException(activity.toString()
+ " must implement OnNumberDialogDoneListener");
We also need to modify the private variable mListener used to store the Activity's
private OnNumberDialogDoneListener mListener;

The Button onClick Done Event

Now that we have hooked up the Activity to the DialogFragment we can return to the
button's onClick event handler and write code that allow it to send the current value on the
NumberPickers to the Activity and dismiss the dialog.
We need to get the current value as displayed on the NumberPickers. We could have
chosen to update the current value every time the made a change. In this case all we need

is to update the current value when the Done button is selected. A simple function to get
that value from the NumberPickers is:
private int getValue(){
int value=0;
int mult=1;
for(int i=0;i<numDials;i++){
return value;
This gets the value of each NumberPicker in turn and multiplies by the appropriate power of
The Onclick handler is:
new View.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View view) {
if (mListener != null) {
That's all we need everything is now ready to be used.

Trying it out
To try the dialog out all we have to do is add a button and a ViewText to the Activity's
The button just creates an instance of the dialog and adds it to the FragmentManager
Button button= (Button) findViewById(R.id.button);
new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
NumberDialog myDiag =
NumberDialog.newInstance(3, 123);
myDiag.show(getFragmentManager(), "Diag");
This, of course has to be added to the end of the onCreate method. Notice that this creates
a dialog with three NumberPickers set to 123.
We also need to implement the dialog's interface:
public class MyActivity extends Activity
implements NumberDialog.OnNumberDialogDoneListene{

And right clicking on the interface name and selecting generate methods produces an
empty onDone method which simply displays the value returned by the dialog:
public void onDone(int value) {
TextView tv=
(TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView);
Now if you run the program you will see the three NumberPickers set to the intial value. If
you change them and select Done you will see the value appear in the ViewText:

However there are a number of shortcomings. The first is that if you dismiss the dialog by
clicking on the app the value is lost and nothing is updated. You can implement a cancel
button and it is up to you to decide on the correct behavior when the dialog is dismissed by
"other means".

Persisting the current value

A more important problem is that the current value isn't persisted when the
DialogFragment is destroyed and recreated. If you start to enter a value by spinning the
NumberPickers and then rotate the device you will see that the UI is correctly recreated but
the value displayed will return to the original initial value.
We need to persist the current value by saving it as part of the onSaveInstance method:
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState){

This automatically saves the setting of the NumberPickers when the dialog is being
destroyed by the system.
What about restoring it?
There are lots of places you could restore the value - in any method that receives
a savedInstanceState bundle.
In this case a reasonably logical place to do the job is in the onCreate because this is
where the intial values are set. We can let the intial values be set and then override any
that we consider have changed since the first creation of the dialog;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (getArguments() != null) {
numDials = getArguments().getInt(ARG_numDials);
currentValue =
numPickers = new NumberPicker[numDials];}

if (savedInstanceState!=null){
Notice the way that the CurrentValue is first set to the initial value when the dialog is
created and then this is overwritten by the updated value if there is a
Now the current value is persistent and you can rotate the device as much as you like and
the NumberPickers will not change.

Tasks For The Reader

There are a lot of missing facilities in this dialog.
If you would like to try your hand at extending the project here are some suggestions in
rough order of difficulty:

1. Add a parameter that allows the user to set the title of the dialog.
2. Add a cancel button.
3. Add a check that the user isn't specifying too many NumberPickers.
4. Allow the user to specify the max/min values for the NumberPickers and the
multiplier to be applied.
5. Work out how to style the dialog and allow the user to set the style.

For completeness the full listing of the DialogFragment is:

public class NumberDialog extends DialogFragment{

private static final String

ARG_numDials = "numDials";
private static final String
ARG_initValue = "initValue";
private int numDials;
private int currentValue;
private NumberPicker[] numPickers;
private OnNumberDialogDoneListener mListener;

public static NumberDialog newInstance(

int numDials, int initValue) {
NumberDialog numdialog = new NumberDialog();
Bundle args = new Bundle();
args.putInt(ARG_numDials, numDials);
args.putInt(ARG_initValue, initValue);
return numdialog;

public NumberDialog() {
// Required empty public constructor

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (getArguments() != null) {
numDials = getArguments().getInt(ARG_numDials);
currentValue =
numPickers = new NumberPicker[numDials];}
if (savedInstanceState!=null){

private int getDigit(int d, int i) {

String temp = Integer.toString(d);
if (temp.length() <= i) return 0;
int r = Character.getNumericValue(
temp.charAt(temp.length() - i - 1));
return r;

private int getValue(){

int value=0;
int mult=1;
for(int i=0;i<numDials;i++){
return value;


public View onCreateView(
LayoutInflater inflater,
ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
LinearLayout linLayoutH =
new LinearLayout(getActivity());
LinearLayout.LayoutParams params =
new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(
LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LinearLayout
for (int i = numDials - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
numPickers[i] = new NumberPicker(getActivity());
getDigit(currentValue, i));
LinearLayout linLayoutV =
new LinearLayout(getActivity());
Button okButton = new Button(getActivity());
new View.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View view) {
if (mListener != null) {
params.gravity = Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL;
return linLayoutV;

public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
try {
mListener =
(OnNumberDialogDoneListener) activity;

} catch (ClassCastException e) {
new ClassCastException(activity.toString()
+ " must implement OnNumberDialogDoneListener");

public void onDetach() {
mListener = null;

public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {

public interface OnNumberDialogDoneListener {

public void onDone(int value);

You can download the code for the programs from the CodeBin (note you have to register

Android Adventures - ViewPager

Written by Mike James

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Article Index

Android Adventures - ViewPager

How FragmentPagerAdapter Works

Page 1 of 2

The ViewPager widget is one of the most used of the advanced UI components. However,
the story of how to make use of it is a tricky one. Let's see how simple we can make it.

Android Adventures - Mastering Fragments


1. Introducing Fragments
2. Fragments and XML
3. Fragment And Activity Working Together
4. Managing Fragments
5. Custom dialogs using DialogFragment
6. Dialog Classes In DialogFragment
7. A NumberPicker DialogFragment Project
8. ViewPager
If you are interested in creating custom template also see:
Custom Projects In Android Studio

One of the widgets that you are going to want to make use of at some time or other is
ViewPager. This provides a way to manage multiple pages and lets the user swipe from
one page to another. Like ListView it makes use of an adapter to generate its view, but in
this case the adapter returns a Fragment which the ViewPager then makes use of to
generate a View which it displays.

The fact that we are working with Fragments for pages means that this is a powerful way
to work - the Fragment can respond to the user and do things. But it also means that you
have to know about Fragments and be completely comfortable with them.
There are a few complicated things that happen in the ViewPager and you can't hope to
follow if you are uncertain how Fragments work. If you need to know work about
Fragments go to Introducing Fragments and work through this series of articles from that

ViewPager - How It Works

The ViewPager class is a layout manager or a container that allows the user to swipe left
and right though a set of pages that you supply. The term "pages" suggests something like
an web page but this is only a very lose analogy.
The idea is that ViewPager works with a PageAdapter to supply the Views that represent
each page. The basic idea is that ViewPager keeps track of what page should be visible
on the screen and then asks the PagerAdapter to get the View hierarchy that needs to be
displayed. For example, the ViewPager might request page 4 and the PagerAdapter
generates or otherwise retrieves the View object for the page.
In practice the low level mechanism of working with a simple PagerAdapter is a bit more
tricky than working with a Fragment based PagerAdapter . In this scheme of things each
page to be displayed is organised as a Fragment and the View hierarchy that the
ViewPager needs is obtained via the Fragment's OnCreateView method. That the page is
just what ever the Fragment would display in normal use.
The idea is that FragmentPagerAdapter either generates or retrieves the Fragment by
page number and then internally uses the OnCreateView method to generate the View
hierarchy that the ViewPager uses to display the page.
So for all this to work we need:

1. An Activity with a ViewPager on display as part of its main UI.

2. A set of Fragments to be used as pages
3. A custom FragmentPagerAdapter that returns the correct Fragment for each page
Let's see how to put this into operation but first a small detail that is essential to allow us to
actually use a ViewPage.

The Support Library

In most of the other chapters we have made use of native Fragment support. In the case of
ViewPager we cannot avoid using the support library because ViewPager isn't natively
supported even in the very latest Android, Lollipop.
As the support library doesn't work well with native Fragments we will also have to use the
support library's Fragment services.
To make use of the support library you need to navigate the project structure to Gradle
Scripts and open the file build.gradle(app). At the end of the file add a line to the
dependencies like:

compile "com.android.support:support-v4:21.0.+"
You can change the 21.0 to what ever version you want to use. The "+" at the end will
ensure that you use the most up-to-date sub-version.
The end of the file should read something like:
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
compile "com.android.support:support-v4:21.0.+"
At this point Android Studio should prompt you to synchronize the project. If it doesn't use
the command File Synchronize.
After this the project is ready for you to use classes that are in the support library and in
most cases will automatically add the appropriate import statements for you.

The Simplest Example

There are a few examples of using ViewPager but they all include something extra to show
you how amazingly useful ViewPager is. In our first example, the emphasis is on keeping
things simple - as simple as possible so that the way that ViewPager works is very
First we need a new Android Studio project - a blank Activity will do fine.
The first task is to edit the build.gradle(app) file to include the support library as described
in the previous section. Make sure that you have synchronized the project after making the
The Activity
In most examples of ViewPager a layout is prepared with XML to generate the ViewPage.
The Android Studio designer doesn't support drag-and-drop editing of the ViewPager
widget. You can edit the XML layout directly to insert a ViewPager but you can also
generate the ViewPager object in code and add it to the View in the usual way - see, if you
are in any doubt about how to work with a View in code, refer back to UI Graphics A Deep
First we have to clean the generated layout by removing the "Hello World" text and
changing the Relative layout to a Vertical LinearLayout - editing the XML file is the quickest
way. Also give the LinearLayout an id of container.
The XML you need is:
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=
android:layout_height="match_parent" android:paddingLeft="@dimen/act
android:paddingBottom="@dimen/activity_vertical_margin" tools:contex

As we need to use the support library we need to change the MainActivity to inherit from
FragmentActivity. Edit the class declartion to read:
public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity {
The code that you need to create a ViewPager and add it to the layout is just:
ViewPager myVP=new ViewPager(this);
LinearLayout linL =
(LinearLayout) findViewById(R.id.container);
You will be prompted by the Android Studio to let it automatically add the imports needed
for ViewPager and LinearLayout.
The complete onCreate method is:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
ViewPager myVP=new ViewPager(this);
LinearLayout linL =
(LinearLayout) findViewById(R.id.container);

You can now run the program but all you will see is a blank ViewPager.
To see something work we need some Fragment objects to display.
The Fragment
At this point you might be thinking that there is a missing "s" from the title. If we are going
to display a number of pages then presumably we need a custom Fragment for each one.
Some times we do need multiple custom Fragment classes but the FragmentPagerAdapter
works with instances of Fragment classes i.e. Fragment objects. If the pages are roughly
the same but with different data then a Fragment class can be reused.
For simplicity we will only create a single Fragment class that displays its page number. In
a more realistic example some of the pages would be generated from different Fragments.
Right click the project folder and use the New,Fragment,Fragment(Blank) command to add
a new Fragment called Page. Unselect Include interface callbacks or remove the code that
this option generates. In this case we are not wanting the Fragment to interact with the
Activity but it could.
To customise the Fragment we are going to have to add a TextView to its layout to display
the page number. Use the designer to edit the Fragment's layout - fragment_page.xml.
You can place any UI widget or component you care to use. This is a completely general
UI layout you are creating and you can treat it exactly as you would an layout to be used
with an Activity.
In this case simply place a TextView on the screen.
Next we need to customise the generated code which contains more than we actually
need. It also makes use of the native Fragment implementation and we need to change it
to make use of the support library. You can skip this step as the native Fragment class will

work with the support library ViewPager but using the support Fragment seems to be more
The simplest way to change to the support library is to delete the existing import
import android.app.Fragment;
wait a moment for Android Studio to notice and then use Alt-Enter to pick the correct
import android.support.v4.app.Fragment;
or you could just type in the new import.
Other changes to the code are about what the Fragment is doing. The Fragment is simply
going to display the first parameter supplied via the newInstance method in the TextView
that we placed into its layout earlier. Change the onCreateView to read:
public View onCreateView(
LayoutInflater inflater,
ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Inflate the layout for this fragment
View v= inflater.inflate(
return v;

This is all we need to do to get a custom Fragment that displays the page number.
Now we need to move on to the custom FragmentPagerAdapter.
All the FragmentPagerAdapter has to do is return the Fragment corresponding to the page
number when asked for it and to say how many pages in total there are.
This means we only have to override two methods:
Fragment getItem(int pos)
int getCount()
First we need to add a class to the project.
Use New, JavaClass to add a class called myFragAdapter. Change its declaration so that it
inherits from FragmentPagerAdapter.
public class myFragAdapter
extends FragmentPagerAdapter{
Now all we have to do is write the two methods. You can use the right click generate
code,override methods to put stubs of each method into the class.
The getCount is easy as we will just work with 3 pages for an example.
public int getCount() {
return 3;

The getItem method is only slighly more difficult:
public Fragment getItem(int i) {
switch(i) {
case 0: return Page.newInstance("One","");
case 1: return Page.newInstance("Two","");
default: return Page.newInstance("Three","");
Notice that we create a new Fragment every time a page is requested. In some accounts of
how FragmentPagerAdapter works you will find discussions of how and when Fragments
should be created to make the whole think efficient. As it turns out getItem should always
create a new Fragment when ever it is asked for a particular page. The reasons for this will
be come apparent later.
Finally we need to add a default constructor and you can use the generate code,
constructor command to auto-generate:
public myFragAdapter(FragmentManager fm) {

We almost have a finished program but we have one small addition to make to the Activity.
We have to assign the FragmentPagerAdapter to the PageViewer:
myVP.setAdapter(new myFragAdapter(
The complete onCreate method is now:
protected void onCreate(
Bundle savedInstanceState){
ViewPager myVP=new ViewPager(this);
LinearLayout linL =
(LinearLayout) findViewById(R.id.container);
myVP.setAdapter(new myFragAdapter(

Now if you run the app you will see three pages complete with page numbers and you will
be able to swipe from one to another. Notice that you cannot swipe earlier than page one or
after page three this is what the limit that getCount sets.

How FragmentPagerAdapter Works

To get the best out of our use of ViewPager it is vital that you understand how it works. The
basic ViewPager and PagerAdapter don't do any management of the Views that they are
working with but the FragmentPagerAdapters do perform management.

What happens when you use a FragmentPagerAdapter is that the ViewPager uses it to
initially get just two pages - page one and two and it displays page one. When the user
swips to see page two the ViewPager asks the FragmentPagerAdapter for page three. It
always has the next page ready to display.
When a page is more than one swipe away the ViewPager calls the
FragmentPagerAdapter's destroyItem method to get rid of the page Fragment.
So in theory the ViewPager has at most three active pages - the one you are looking at, the
one to the left and the one to the right.
In this way it can scroll to the next page very quickly.
In the case of the FragmentPagerAdapter things are arranged to make life easy for you.
When the page Fragment is created by getItem it is automatically added to the
FragmentManager. If you recall all Fragments that are in the FragmentManager are
persisted - that is the system will not destroy them.
When a page Fragment needs to be destroyed the FragmentPagerAdapter simply uses the
detach method of the FragmentManager which leaves it in the FragmentManager but
When a page that has been detached is needed again the FragmentPagerAdapter first
checks to see if it is in the FragmentManager. If it is then it doesn't bother your getItem
method it simply attaches the Fragment and it is ready for the ViewPager to display.
This method of working has some implications.
The first is that your getItem method can create the page Fragments without checking to
see if they already exist because it is only called when they don't already exist. In other
words getItem is really firstGetItem.
The second is that every page Fragment your getItem creates remains in the
FragmentManager as long as the ViewPager is in use.
The ViewPager might save some memory by deleting the View object that the page
Fragment created but it is easy enough for the ViewPager to ask for the View to be created
again by calling the Fragment's onCreateView method.
So this is all very simple, but it is only efficient if you are working with a small number of
page Fragments.
Suppose you have five page Fragments then after the user has looked each of them there
will be five Fragments in the FragmentManger - all using memory because even though
only three of them are required the rest are not destroyed.
This is fine for five fragments but what if you have 100 or more!?
You could very rapidly run out of memory.
The solution to this is to use the second Fragment based PagerAdapter -
This works exactly like the FragmentPagerAdapter but with the big important difference that
when the destroyItem method is called it really does remove the page Fragment from the
FragmentManager and this means it is destroyed.
Thus the FragmentStatePagerAdapter only keeps three Fragments in the
FragmentManager at any time - the one the user is looking at and the two to either side
ready to be swiped into view.
When one of the destroyed page Fragments is needed. the FragmentStatePagerAdapter
calls your getItem method with the page number specified. Your getItem method should
simply generate a new instance of the Fragment. The FragmentStatePagerAdapter

restores the state of the page as it was before it was destroyed. This automatically restores
the state of the Fragment's View. If you want to preserve anything else you need to
override onSaveInstanceState and onViewStateRestored and save anything you need in
the Bundle.
To summarize:

 It is perfectly OK for your getItem to generate a Fragment for a page each time it is
requested. The getItem is only ever called when the Fragment needs to be

 The ViewPager typically only keeps three Fragments active - corresponding to the
current page being viewed and two to either side.

 If you use FragmentPagerAdapter all of the Fragments created by getItem are kept
in memory. The three active Fragments are attached and the rest are in the
FragmentManager but detached. Your getItem method is called just once for each
page needed.

 If you use FragmentStatePagerAdapter only the three active Fragments are kept in
the FragmentManager - any others are destroyed but their state Bundles are kept.
Your getItem method is called when a destroyed item is needed and it should
simply return a new instance of the Fragment. The FragmentStatePagerAdapter
restores the state of the page's View to the new instance automatically.

 If you use FragmentStatePagerAdapter then you might need to store additional

state manually and restore it manually.

 FragmentPagerAdapter is simple and fast but can use a lot of resources. Use it
when the number of pages is fixed and small.
FragmentStatePagerAdapter is potentially more complex, slower but it only ever keeps
three Fragments in memory. Use it when the number of pages is variable and/or large.

A Multipage Example
As an example of using FragmentStatePagerAdapter we can modify the getItem method to
return any of 50 possible pages.
First change the getCount method to return 50:
public int getCount() {
return 50;
Instead of the switch statement which is often the way that a small number of pages are
generated we can simply customize an instance of the Fragment:
public Fragment getItem(int i) {
Page page=Page.newInstance(
return page;

To check that the state of the View is automatically restored add an editText control and try
typing in some new data on some of the pages. The only other change we need is to the
declaration of the class:
public class myFragAdapter
extends FragmentStatePagerAdapter{

Now when you run the program you should be able to work with 50 pages, all correctly
numbered. Only three are kept in memory at any given time and any data that you type into
the editText control should be preserved even if you swipe away to a far distant page and
then return to it.

ever, this would produce some overly complicated examples and so for the sake of creating
a really simple example let's return to the first Fra

Android Adventures - Getting Started With

Android Studio 1.0
Written by Mike James

Tuesday, 03 February 2015

Article Index

Android Adventures - Getting Started With Android Studio 1.0

Project Structure

The Designer And The Code

Running the App

Page 1 of 4

Google's Android Studio makes creating native Android apps

very easy. You can get started in a few minutes and by the end
of this article have your first working Android application.

Now updated for Android Studio 1.

Android Adventures With Android Studio


1. Getting Started With Android Studio

2. The Activity And The UI
3. Building The UI and a Calculator App
4. Basic Controls And Events
5. Layout Containers
6. UI Graphics A Deep Dive
7. Menus & The Action Bar
8. Menus, Context & Popup
9. Resources
10. Beginning Bitmap Graphics
11. Staying Alive! Lifecycle & State
12. Spinners
13. Pickers
14. ListView And Adapters

15. Using Android Studio (coming soon)

If you are interested in creating custom template also see:
Custom Projects In Android Studio

Android represents a big potential market. It is also the most
open of the "big" phone platforms. All the tools you need to
create an Android App are free. You don;t need to pay anything
to join a club to create and even distribute your Android App. If
you want to sell using a well known marketplace such as Google
Play or Amazon then there is usually a small annual fee, but you
don't have to use any particular distribution method.
All that stands between you and your Android app is your
imagination and programming ability. I can't do much to improve
your imagination but I can help with the programming side of
In this ebook I will show you the fundamentals of Android
programming. Not the tips and tricks, but how to think about
what is going on - that is the general principles that will make it
possible for you to master anything that you encounter that is
new in the future.
What do you need to know to get started?
You need to be able to program in a modern object-oriented
language. Java would be best as it is the language used to
create Android apps but C#, C++, VB or anything similar are
close enough in spirit to Java for you to be able to cope. You
might well need to look things up about the specifics of particular
features of Java but most of the time it should be obvious or
obvious with the help of a few comments.
It isn't necessary to be an expert programmer because for a lot
of Android programming you are simply using the features and
facilities provided - that is a lot of Android programming is just a
matter of following the rules.
However if you hope to create something unique and useful you
will at some point have to add something of your own - and here
creativity and skill are required. So you might not need to be an
expert programmer to get started but you need to become one
by the time you create your amazing app.
Fortunately practice is a good teacher and so learning to code
for Android will actually help you learn to code.

Getting Started
This is a really good time to get started with Android because
Google have released Android Studio which is an easy to use
Android IDE - Integrated Development Environment.
Before this you had to use the Eclipse IDE and setup the SDK
and other pieces of software needed. This wasn't difficult but
Android Studio makes it easy and it makes programming
Android easy. Put simply it is the way of the future and so worth
your investment in learning it.

With the release of Android Studio Google has stopped work on
the Eclipse addin and this means that Android Studio really is
the only way to develop apps from now on.
So to get started.
I'm not going to spend a lot of time explaining how to install
Android Studio in a step-by-step way - the Android website does
a good job and it is more likely to be up-to-date. It is worth
however just going over the basic principles.

First make sure you have the latest Java JDK installed - at least
JDK 6.
If you don't have Java installed visit: Java Download
Once you have Java setting up Android Studio is easy:

1. Download the Android Studio package from Android

Studio Home page.
2. Install Android Studio which also installs all of the
Android SDK and tools you will need:

1. Launch the downloaded EXE file, android-

2. Follow the setup wizard to install Android Studio.

Mac OS X:

3. Open the downloaded DMG file, android-

4. Drag and drop Android Studio into the
Applications folder.

5. Unpack the downloaded ZIP file, android-

studio-bundle-<version>.tgz, into an
appropriate location for your applications.
6. To launch Android Studio, navigate to
the android-studio/bin/ directory in a
terminal and execute studio.sh.
You may want to add android-studio/bin/ to
your PATH environmental variable so that you
can start Android Studio from any directory.
Accept any defaults that the setup program offers you - unless
you have a good reason not to. It installs not only Android
Studio, but the SDK, the virtual device and if you are using an
Intel based machine a virtual device accelerator.

On some Windows systems, the launcher script does not find
where Java is installed and you will find that you can't run the
newly installed Android Studio. It appears to start and then just
If you encounter this problem, you need to set an environment
variable indicating the correct location of the Java JDK.
Start menu > Computer > System Properties >
Advanced System Properties.
Then open
Advanced tab > Environment Variables,
add new system variable
and setup JAVA_HOME that points to your JDK folder, for
example C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21.
There is a second problem that stops some installations
working. As well as JAVA_HOME being set to the jdk directory
you also need a PATH set to the bin directory. Use the same
method of setting the environment variables but select the
existing path variable and use the Edit button to add a path to
the jdk bin directory, for example ;C:\Program
Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21\bin. Note, you have to use a semicolon
separator between each of the directory paths specified as part
of the PATH variable.
Now you should be able to run Android Studio. If not the most
likely cause of the problem is the JDK and so re-installation is a
best first option.

Your First Program

You can opt to start Android Studio after the installation. You will
probably not get straight to Android Studio the first time it starts
as it downloads updates to itself and to the Android SDK. You
just have to be patient.
When it finally gets going you will see the Welcome screen:

If you have already created some programs you might well see
them listed in Recent projects.
Assuming this is your first project select the Start a new Android
Studio project option.

You can ignore the details of the new project for the moment. All
you have to do is supply a name for your application -
HelloWorld in this case. Accept the other default that Android
Studio has filled in for you.

When you click Next you are given the chance to pick what
devices you are targeting. Again simply accept the defaults:

The next page lets you select a template for your project. In this case the default Blank
Activity is what you need. Every Android application consists of at least on Activity and this
template generates a project with a single Activity ready for you to customize.

The next page lets you assign custom names for the various components of your project
that the template generates. For a real project you would assign names that were
meaningful but in this case you can accept the defaults:

Finally you can click the Finish button and wait as Android Studio creates all the files you
need. Even a simple Android project has lots of files so again it all takes time.

First Look
When everything is ready you will see Android Studio for the first time.
If you get any error messages - such as "Missing styles. Is the correct theme chosen for
this layout? " Then the chances are you have some left overs from a previous installation.
Some times the only way to fix this is to delete all the .android, AndroidStudio and .gradle
directories you can and then reinstall. If you have existing projects then don't delete
Before you do any of this however it is worth trying the File,Invalidate Caches/Restart
command. This usually works for "Missing styles" and similar errors.
As long as everything has worked you should be presented with a view of your new project
starting off in the Designer selected.

Although there looks like a lot to master in Android Studio's UI most of it you will only visit
occasionally. The key things to notice are that moving from left to right you have:

 the project window

 The designer split into its Palette and a Layout window
 A component tree window and a properties window at the far right.
Most of the time you will be using the Project window and the Properties window. In the
between the two you will see different editors depending on what sort of file you have
in this case you have by default a layout file - activity_main.xml - selected and hence you
have a layout editor in the middle of the screen.
More about layout a little later - first it is important that you know a little about the file
structure of a project so that you can navigate to its different parts.

Basic Project Structure

When the project has finished building all of the files created can be viewed by opening the
Projects tab. The main thing to notice is that there are a great many folders and files.
It seem almost unbelievable that the simplest Android app you can create involves so many
Don't panic.
Most of the files that have been created are autogenerated and most of the time you don't
need to know anything about them let alone open or edit them. In fact opening and editing
autogenerated files really isn't a good idea.
So let's focus on the files that matter to us.
For our simple program there are only two important files one that determines the Activity's
and one that determines most of the visual appearance
You can set which activity is the one that the system starts but by default it is the single
activity that you created and named when you set up the project.
In this case we named the activity MainActivity and its layout file Main_Activity - but you
could change these defaults.
You can see the location of these two important files in the Project window:

The java directory is from your point of view where most of the construction of your app
occurs so make sure you know where it is. The res directory is where you store all of the
resources - layouts, bitmaps etc. that you app needs.
So while things look complicated at the moment the only two project files that matter to you,
and your project, are MainActivity.java and activity_main.xml.

Anatomy Of An Activity
An Android app is made up of one or more Activities.
You can think of an Activity as being something like a web page complete with HTML to
determine what displays and JavaScript to determine what it does.
In the case of an activity the layout is determined by the XML file in resource (res) directory
and the behavior is determined by the Java code in the Java directory.
The XML can be thought of as a markup language much like HTML or XAML.
It defines an initial layout for the screen when the app first runs. It is possible to generate
new layout components at run time from the Java file. In fact if you really want to you can
dispense with the XML file and generate everything from Java but as you will discover the
XML markup approach is much the best way to do the job - because of the availability of
the Designer.

So to be 100% clear:

 the java file contains the code that makes your app behave in particular ways

 the .xml layout file contains a definition of the intial UI of your app.
Let's take a look at the two files that have been generated for our initial Hello World
application beginning with the XML layout.

Hello Designer
First let us look at the XML layout file.
Double click on activity_main.xml file in the Project tab and the file will open (if it isn't
already open).
If it is already open you can also select its tab displayed just above the editor area. You can
select any file that is open for editing by selecting the its tab.
You can work with the XML directly to define where all the buttons and text goes and later
you will learn at least how to edit it when things go wrong or to fine tune it but - Android
Studio provides you with a very nice interactive editor and this is worth using.
As you become more experienced the idea of switching between a design view and an
XML view will become second nature. Think of the interactive editor as a very easy way of
generating the XML that otherwise would take you ages to get right.
If you look at the bottom left you will see two tabs - Design and Text:

You can switch between editing the XML as text and editing it in the drag-and-drop
designer simply by clicking on the tab.
If you now click on the tab the window will display the designer but be patient the first time
you do this it might take a few moments.
The designer looks a little too much to take in when you first see it but you will quickly get
used to it.

On the left is a Palette of all of the components - buttons, text, checkboxes and so on - that
you can place on the design surface.
In the middle is the design surface and this defaults to the screen size and appearance of
the Nexus 4. You can select other devices to work with.

On the right you have the Component Tree which shows you the structure of your layout,
that is how different UI components are contained inside others - its the same as the
nesting structure of the XML file. You can use the Component Tree to select individual UI
components by clicking on their names. You can also select components on the design
surface but some times it is easier to use the component tree.
Below the Component Tree you have the Properties window that can be used to set the
properties, such as width, height, color... of any component in the layout.
If you have used any drag-and-drop designer then this one will be familiar to you. If you
have struggled with the detailed layout using a markup language be it HTML, XAML or XML
then you will like how easy the designer makes building and testing a UI.
In the case of our sample program the only component uses is a single TextView already
containing the text "Hello World". A TextView is the standard component we use when all
we want to do is to display some static text.

You can modify the greeting text if you want to. Select the TextView component either on
the Nexus 4 image or in the Component Tree and use the Properties window to find its Text
property. Change this to read "Hello Android World".
Alternatively you can simply double click on the TextView and enter "Hello Android World"
directly in the dialog that appears - you can often change the main properties of an object
by double clicking. If you do change it in this way you will also have to provide an id for the
component otherwise an error is generated. This is a bug/feature and will probably be fixed
in later versions of Android Studio.
Don't worry about the form of the original entry in the TextView starting with an @ and
looking complicated just type the string in as given. The default entry makes a reference to
a predefined string resource - something we can ignore for the moment along with the
warning that Android Studio flags up to tell use that we are being naughty and not using a
resource string. It is correct, it is always better to define the strings you use as a resource
rather than directly embedding them in your app.
You can use the designer to create any UI you care to and you really don't have to get
involved in the XML that corresponds to the layout.

The designer will automatically generate the XML needed to create the layout for you and
modify it as you change the layout. If you really want to see the XML then all you have to
do is select the Text tab at the bottom of the designer window.
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=
android:layout_height="match_parent" android:paddingLeft=
"@dimen/activity_vertical_margin" tools:context=".MainActiv

<TextView android:text="Hello Android World"


You should find it fairly easy to understand - read the <TextView> tag for example - but
leave it to the designer to create and modify it. The quantities starting with @ are all
references to things defined elsewhere in resource files.
We will return to the designer and the XML it generates later.

The Java
If you double click on the MainActivity.java file, or just select the MainActivity.java tab, you
will see the code it contains.
Some of the code might hidden but you can inspect it if you want to by clicking the +
buttons to expand it.
The important part of the code is:
public class MainActivity
extends ActionBarActivity{
protected void onCreate(
Bundle savedInstanceState) {

There are two other functions below the onCreate function but ignore these for the moment
- they implement features you didn't really ask for - useful but not when you are just getting

The onCreate function is the only thing that matters at the moment.
The onCreate function is called when your app is run and it is expected to create the view
and do the whatever the Activity is concerned with.
As our Activity doesn't really do anything much the only thing onCreate has to do is first call
the inherited OnCreate method i.e super.onCreate to do all the standard things and then
use the setContentView function to select the XML file that determines the layout of the
Activities screen.
The line:
is the most important of all and really the only one that actually does anything. It gets the
resource object that represents the layout as defined by the XML file created by the
designer and makes it the current ContentView i.e. it is what is displayed on the screen.
That is it makes the connection between the layout you have defined using the designer
and stored in the XML file and the user interface that appears on the devices screen.
We have more to learn about the resource object R but you can see that its main role is to
form a link between your Java code and the resources that have been created as XML files
by the designer among others.
As this is all our Activity does this is all the code we need.
While I agree it is hardly an "activity" it is enough to see the basic outline of an Android app
and to see how to get it running - which is our next job.

Get Started with the Emulator

There are two distinct ways of running an Android app using Android Studio.
You can use the emulator or a real Android device.
Eventually you will have to discover how to run an app on a real connected Android device
because the emulator only allows you to test a subset of things and it is slow.
However for the moment running your first app on an emulator is quite enough to get
All you have to do is click the green run icon in the top toolbar - or use the Run,Run "app"
menu item.
When you do this for the first time it will take a while for the app to be compiled.
Subsequent runs are faster.
When your app is compiled and ready to do you will see a dialog box appear which allows
you to either select a running emulator or start one going. When you first install Android
Studio you get a default emulator - a Nexus 5 running KitKat - and you can simply select
Launch emulator and click OK to get it running. If you need other devices you can use the
AVD Manager to define them - a subject we will return to.

It usually takes quite a time for the AVD to start because it not only has to initialize the
emulator it also has to boot Android just like a real device. There are also a few moments
where nothing seems to be happening. Don't panic, something will happen eventually. You
can monitor the loading of the emulation in the Run window which appears automatically at
the bottom of Android Studio.
It does take a long time to start. However, you only have to do this once per debug session
because the AVD can be reused and the app reloaded each time you make any changes,
and this is quite a quick operation. Most Android programmers get into the habit of starting
an AVD when they first start using Android Studio so that it is ready for testing whenever
the program is.
Finally, remember to wait until the Android operating system is loaded and you see the
familiar home screen before you start to wonder where your app is. Even when it is loaded
it is a good idea to give it a few seconds for Android Studio to notice it and to upload your
app. As the emulator is a complete Android device, you also need to unlock it. As long as
you have been patient enough you should see your app.

In our case this isn't particularly impressive - just the words Hello Android World - but when
you think of the journey traveled it really should impress.

From this point you can now modify the code or the layout and run the app again to see the
effects of the changes. With luck you shouldn't have to load the emulator again. If anything
goes wrong and you get in a mess then simply delete the project and create it from scratch
You still have a lot to discover about how to extend the app and make it useful but - the
adventure has begun.

 Android Studio makes creating Android apps a lot easier than other approaches
and since the release of version 1.0 it is the only official way to do the job.

 An app has at least one Activity and this defines a screen layout and a behavior. An
Activity doesn't have to have a UI but in most cased it does have one.

 To create a simple application use the Blank Activity template with no extras

 The screen layout is controlled by an XML markup file, Main_Activity.xml in our

case stored in the res directory.

 Android Studio provides a drag-and-drop designer that allows you to create a UI

without having to work directly with theXML.

 The behavior of the app is controlled by a Java file, MainActivity.java in our case
stored in the java directory. You can edit the code in the Java file directly in Android
Studio. The Java has to load and display the layout defined in the XML file.

 To run an app you need either an emulator based AVD or a real Android device
connected to the machine.

 When you run the app you can select which AVD or which hardware device is used
to test it. When you first start simply use the default AVD a Nexus 5.

 You can modify and re-run your app without having to restart the AVD or any real
hardware connected to the machine.

Android Adventures - Activity And UI

Written by Mike James

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Article Index

Android Adventures - Activity And UI

Creating a UI

Connecting the Activity to the UI


Page 1 of 4

So you know how to create an Android app, but do you really

know how it works? In this second part of our ebook on getting
started with Android using Android Studio we look at how to
create a UI and how to hook it up to the code in the Activity.
Updated for Android Studio 1.

Android Adventures With Android Studio


1. Getting Started With Android Studio

2. The Activity And The UI
3. Building The UI and a Calculator App
4. Basic Controls And Events
5. Layout Containers
6. UI Graphics A Deep Dive
7. Menus & The Action Bar
8. Menus, Context & Popup
9. Resources
10. Beginning Bitmap Graphics
11. Staying Alive! Lifecycle & State
12. Spinners
13. Pickers
14. ListView And Adapters

15. Using Android Studio (coming soon)

If you are interested in creating custom template also see:
Custom Projects In Android Studio

We discovered in Chapter 1 how to use Android
Studio Google's Android IDE, to build the simplest possible
On the way we discovered that an Android app consists of two
parts - an Activity and a View.
The Activity is the Java code that does something and the View
provides the user interface (UI).
You can think of this duality as being similar to the HTML page
and the JavaScript that runs to make it do something, or as a
XAML form and the code behind.
The key idea is that an Activity is the code that works with a UI
screen defined by the View. This isn't quite accurate in that an
Activity can change its view so that one chunk of Java code can
support a number of different views. However, there are
advantages to using one Activity per view because, for
example, this how the Android back button navigates your app -
from Activity to Activity.
A complex app nearly always consists of multiple Activities that
the user can move between like web pages but a simple app
can manage quite well with just one Activity.
There is no hard and fast rule as to how many Activities your
app has to have - but it has to have least one.
If you are wondering if an Activity can exist without a View the
answer is that it can, but it doesn't make much sense as this
would leave the user with no way to interact with your app.
Activities are active when their View is presented to the user.
It really is a great simplification to think in terms of an Activity
corresponding to a single screen with a user interface.
If you want something to run without a UI then what you want is
a service or a content provider - more of which much later.
It is also worth making clear at this early stage that an Activity
has only one thread - the UI thread - and you need to be careful
not to perform any long running task because this would block

the UI and make your app seem to freeze. That is an Activity
can only do one thing at a time an this includes interacting with
the user.
Also notice that creating additional Activities doesn't create new
threads. Only one Activity is active at any given time - more of
this later when we consider the Activity lifecycle in detail.
In other words, Activities are not a substitute for knowing about
threading but if you are just getting started you can ignore these
issues for a while.
For the moment let's concentrate on the single screen UI
Activity because it is the most common app building block you
will encounter and it is even where most complex apps start

The MainActivity
There is of course one activity that is nominated as the one to
be launched when you app starts.
If you use Android Studio to create a new Blank Activity app
called SimpleButton and accept all the defaults then the startup
Activity is called MainActivity by default.
You can change which Activity starts the app by chaining a line
in the app's manifest. The Manifest is a project file we haven't
discussed before because if you are using Android Studio you
can mostly ignore it but it is better if you know it exists and what
it does.
The Manifest is stored in the app/manifests directory and it is
called AndroidManifest.xml. It is an XML file that tells the
Android system everything it needs to know about your app. In
particular it lists all of the activities and which one is the one to
use to start the applications.
If you open the generated Manifest, just double click on it, you
will see a little way down the file:
android:label="SimpleButton" >
This defines the Activity the system has created for you and the
lines just below this:
<action android:name=
"android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name=
"android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

Define it as the startup Activity. Notice which Activity starts the
app has nothing to do with what you call it i.e. calling it
MainActivity isn't enough.
For the moment you can rely on Android Studio to look after the
Manifest for you. In most cases you will only need to edit it
directly when you need to correct an error or add something

Inside the Activity

The generated Activity has one class MainActivity which holds
all of the methods and properties of your activity. It also have
three generated methods - onCreate, onCreateOptionsMenu
and onOptionsItemSelected. The last two are obviously
connected to the working of the OptionsMenu and this is an
important topic but one that can be ignored for the moment. Not
all Activities need to have an OptionsMenu and you could even
delete them.
The most important method defined is onCreate.
This is an event handler and it is called when you app is first
created. This is the place we do all the initializations and setting
up for the entire app. It is also generally the place we show the
app's main UI screen.
Let's take another look at the generated code for onCreate:
protected void onCreate(
Bundle savedInstanceState) {

The onCreate event handler is passed a Bundle object called

savedInstanceState. This is intended to preserve state
information between invocations of you app and we will see
how this is used later. In this case no data has been saved and
so savedInstanceState is null - but you still have to pass it on to
the inherited onCreate method.
The final instruction calls setContentView which is a method
that has a number of different overloaded forms.
In this case we pass an integer that indicates which XML file
describes the layout to be used for the view. The
setContentView method uses this to create all of the
components of you UI as defined in the XML file.
It is worth looking a little closer at the way that the layout file is
specified because this is a general way that Android lets you
access resources.

The R object is constructed by the system to reflect the
resources you have placed in the resource directories. In this
case R.layout.activity_main returns an integer value that allows
the setContentView method to find the activity_main XML
layout file.
In general all resources are found via the R object, think of it as
a library object of resources.

View and ViewGroup

Ok so far so good but it is important to realize that what
happens next it that the XML file is rendered as a set of View
objects. That is Java objects that are all sub-classes of the
View object.
The entire UI and graphics system is implemented as a
hierarchy of components derived from the View class. If you
have used almost any GUI framework - AWT, Swing, XAML etc
- then this idea will not be new to you.
For example, a button is a class derived from view and to
create a button all you have to do is create an instance of the
button class. You can, of course create as many buttons as
you like simply by creating more instances.
This leaves open the question of where the button appears in
the layout?
The answer to this is that there are ViewGroup objects which
act as containers for other view objects. You can set the
position of the child view objects or just allow them to be
controlled by various layout rules - more of which later.
You can opt to create the entire UI in code by creating and
working with instances of view objects and this is something
demonstrated in a later chapter UI Graphics A Deep Dive.
Alternatively you can use XML to define view objects and how
they nest one within another and rely on the system to create
the view object hierarchy for you.
The simplest way however is to use the designer to create the
XML file and then allow the system to create the objects for you
from the generated XML file.
Being able to work with the UI in an interactive editor is one of
the great advantages of using Android Studio and even if you
know how to edit the XML layout file directly it isn't a feature
you should give up lightly. It is nearly always a good idea to use
the layout editor at first and apply any tweaks, if necessary to
the XML file later.

Creating A UI
To see how all of this fits together lets add a button and a text
First remove the Hello World text that is generated automatically when you create a new
blank Activity. Simply load the activity_main.XML file by opening it.
You will see the designer and can select the text by clicking on it and delete the text by
pressing delete.

Notice that there is an undo command if you delete something by mistake.

Next select the button in the Widgets section of the Palette by clicking on it:

If you now move the cursor over to the design area you will discover that as you move
various alignments are indicated along with positioning information.

To place the button simply click and a full button complete with the default caption New
Button will appear.

Now you have a button on the UI ready to go let's add a Large Text Widget in exactly the
same way - click on it in the Palette, position in the designer and click to set the position.
Notice that Android Studio provides positioning information to help you align components of
the UI.

That's about it and yes creating a complete complex UI is just more of the same. Pick
components from the Palette and position them on the design surface.
If you are wondering what the light bulb icon is all about then it is worth pointing out at this
early stage that Android Studio tries to help as much as it can. The light bulb means that
there is some issue that you might like to deal with. If you click on the icon you will see a list
of problems or potential problems. In this case the problem is that we are using a string in
the textbox and good practice is that we should use a resource. Until we find out more
about resources you can ignore this gentle warning.
If you now run the program, click on the green run icon and see chapter 1 if you don't know
how to do this, you will see your new UI.

Of course it doesn't do anything even if you can click the button. The button does click but
there is no code connected to the button click event to say what should happen - some
thing we will deal with very soon.

Our next task is to change the caption on the button.
You should know that objects have properties and methods.
Things like caption text, background color and so on for UI widgets are represented as
You can change properties in code or at design time you can use the Properties window on
the right-hand side of the screen. If you select the button and scroll down in the properties
window you will eventually find the button's text property. This currently contains the value
"New Button". If you change this to "Click Me" and re-run the app you will see that the
caption has changed.
You can set the initial properties of any of the widgets that you have placed in the UI. There
are a great many properties and we need to spend some time looking at some of them.
However for the moment the important thing is that you see how easy it is to change a
property using the Property window.
As you might guess, the property that you changed results in a change in the XML file
defining the layout. The general principle is that the designer creates the XML file that you
could have created by hand without any help from the designer. In this sense, the designer
doesn't add anything to the process other than being much easier.
As a tip if you double click on a widget then you will be presented with a dialog box that lets
you examine and change the text and id properties of the widget in question.

Be careful because there is a "feature" in Android Studio version 1 that results in a
component that doesn't have an id being assigned a null id if you double click and then
don't enter an id string. If this happens you will get an error message when you run the
program and the only way to correct the problem is to edit the XML file and remove the
<android:id> tag completely. Presumably one day this will be fixed.

Now we want to do something when the button is clicked.
Android supports a complete event driven system. So what we need to do next is define a
method that is called when the button is clicked.
If you are familiar with other languages you might find the Java way of working with events
strange and convoluted. It is and we will have to come back to discover the full story of how
events are implemented later.
There are a number of different ways to specify an event handler but the simplest is to use
the designer to generate the XML needed for the system to hookup the event handler to the
event. This is not a method that you can use all of the time, it only works for the click event,
but it gets you started.
Using the designer approach method click event handlers are simply public methods of the
current Activity with the signature:
method( View v)
You can call the method anything you like but in most cases it helps to specify exactly what
the event it handles is. In this case we want to handle the button's onClick event - which
occurs when the user clicks on the button with a mouse or more likely taps on the button
using a touch sensitive device.
Load the MainActivity.java file into the code editor and add the following method:
public void buttonOnClick(View v) {
// do something when the button is clicked
This needs to be added directly following the onCreate method or anywhere that makes it a
method of the MainActivity class.

When you first enter this method into the code you will almost certainly notice a that View is
shown in red and when you hover over the word you will see an error message: Cannot
Resolve Symbol View. This is because any class you use that is not defined within the
same file, and this means most of them, needs an import statement. Imports are all
grouped together at the top of the program and what you need to add is the line:
import android.view.View;
You can always add an import statement manually but Android Studio has a general
mechanism for fixing simple omissions and errors. All you have to do is position the cursor
in the word shown in red and press Alt+enter. This either fixes the problem, in which case
the word changes from red to its normal color or it offers you a list of alternatives which fix
the problem for you to pick from.

The most important thing to know is that when you see a word in red - then there is a
problem you need to fix either manually or with Android Studio's help.
When you use a class in your program it has to be imported.
With all this code out of the way if you now switch back to the designer and select the
button. Scroll down in the property window until you see the onClick property. If you now
click the down arrow to see the drop down list of possible choices you should see you
buttonOnClick method:

Alternatively you can simply type in the name of the event handler as the properties
value. Notice that you don't type in parameters just the name of the method.
That's all there is to it - define your event handler with the correct signature and set the
appropriate onClick property in the properties window.

When it comes to other types of event you have to do the job in code - the XML/Designer
method only works for onClick.

Connecting the Activity to the UI

Now we have an event handler hooked up to the button click event we usually want to do
something that affects the UI as a result.
Let's suppose that when the button is clicked we want to change the text displayed in the
Large Text widget to "You Clicked Me!".
We can do this by changing the Large Text widget's text property to the new text. The only
problem is how do we find and reference the Large Text widget in code?
This is a fairly standard problem when you use a markup language to define a UI. The
markup language defines widgets or other UI objects and the code has to have a way of
making the connection to those UI objects. For example in JavaScript you make use of the
getElementById method to retrieve a DOM object corresponding to a particular HTML
In Android we do something similar.
First make sure you follow the idea that all of the XML generated by the designer gets
converted into a set of Java objects, one for each widget or view placed on the design
surface. These objects have the same range of properties as you saw in the Properties
window and methods to get other things done.
All you need to do if find a way to reference one of them.
In the case of the View object that caused the event this is very easy as it is passed to the
event handler as the only argument of the call. So if the event handler is:
public void buttonOnClick(View v) {
and the event handler is only hooked up to the button then you can be 100% sure that v is
the button object when the event occurs.
If you want to change the button's caption you could just use its setText method to change
its value.
Note: if you aren't used to Java then it is worth pointing out that generally all Java
frameworks follow the rule that if an object has a property called myProperty, visible as
such in the Property window then in code you set it using setMyProperty and retrieve it
using getMyProperty.
So all you have to write, in principle, is:
v.setText("I've Been Clicked!");
but this doesn't work because v is declared to be a general View object which doesn't have
a setText method - not all View objects have text to set.
To call the Button's setText method we have to cast v to its correct type - a Button.
Note: casting is where you tell the system the type of the object you are working with. If
classB is a subclass of classA then you can treat a classB object as a classA - after all it
has all of the methods and properties that classA does by inheritance. However if you want
to make use of a property or method that only classB has then you need to cast the
reference to the classB object to make its type clear.

For example. assuming classB inherits from classA:
classA myObject = new classB();
creates an instance of classB but myObject is declared to be of type classA. This is fine
but you can only access the methods and properties of the classA object. But if you try
then it will fail if classBMethod only exists in classB. To use the classB method you have to
cast myObject to its real type:
(classB) myObject
You can store a reference to the cast in a new variable:
classB myClassBObject = (classB) myObject;
and then call the method
or you can just do the cast on the fly at the cost of an extra pair of parentheses:
((classB) myObject).classBMethod();
However if you simply use add the cast to Button you will discover that Android Studio flags
an error by showing Button in red. You have seen this once before when you first used the
View class. In this case you have two uses of a new class Button without importing it.

If you look at the hint message it suggests pressing Alt+Enter which is always good advice
because it produces a list of possible fixes for the problem. In this case you have to add the
class definition to the start of the program.
import android.widget.Button;
You can do this manually i.e. you can type it in, or just press Alt+Enter to accept the
If you hover over the corrected Button class name you will also see a light bulb. If you click
on this it will offer to split the declaration and the assignment as being better style. Android
Studio is full of hints and offers to make your code better at every turn - you don't have to
accept them.
For the moment let's stick with the single line.
Button button=(Button) v;
Now we have the button object we can call its setText method:
button.setText("I've Been Clicked!");
The complete event handler is:
public void buttonOnClick(View v) {
Button button=(Button) v;
button.setText("I've Been Clicked!");

Now if you run the program you will see the button's caption change when you click the
Notice that this approach only works if you know the type of the object that caused the
event and called the event handler. If your event handler is only connected to a single
widget then you do know the type of the object that caused the event.
Now suppose we want to do something to one of the other widgets in the view. In this case
we have to find the object that represents the widget without the help of the event handler's
For example how do we find the TextView that we placed below the button?
In the event handler the Button is the object that caused the event to happen so it is
already found but how do you find another widget in the layout?
This is a very standard pattern in working with view objects from the Activity. First you
make use of the R object to find the widget's id. In this case the TextView has been given
the id textView by default so we can use:
and this returns a unique integer that identifies the widget.
Next we use the Activities
method which takes the integer id and returns the Java object corresponding to id.
Of course this is returned as a View object because findViewById doesn't know the type of
the object it returns any more accurately. So we have to cast to make use of the TextView
Putting all this together gives:
TextView myTextView=(TextView)
Once again Android Studio will complain about TextView and if you press Alt+Enter it will
add the class import to the start of the program for you:
import android.widget.TextView;
Now that you have the TextView object you can use the setText method to change what it
myTextView.setText("You Clicked My Button!");
The complete event handler is:
public void buttonOnClick(View v) {
Button button=(Button) v;
button.setText("I've Been Clicked!");
TextView myTextView=(TextView)
myTextView.setText("You Clicked My Button!");
If you now run the program you will see that you are informed twice of the fact that this very
important button has been clicked:

You may think that this is all very small stuff and nothing like a real app but this is how
building a UI works in Android.
You now know how to design a single screen app using the widgets available in the
designer toolbox and how to hook them up to handle their click events, find the Java object
that represents them and how to call methods that modify them.
Apart from the fine detail of how each of the widgets works - radio buttons, checkboxes and
so on you now have the general outline of how to build a single screen app.

 An Activity is the unit of the Android app and it roughly corresponds to one screen
full of user interface plus the code to make it work.

 In most cases you will create an Activity for each UI screen you want to present to
your user.

 Only one Activity from you app is running at any given time.

 An Activity is single threaded and runs on the UI thread.

 You can set which Activity starts the app in the Manifest - Android Studio sets this
to MainActivity by default.

 The Activity has events corresponding to different stages in it lifecycle. The

onCreate event is called when the app first starts and this is where you perform all

 You can also restore the apps state from previous runs at this point.

 The Activity then loads a View or ViewGroup object to create its user interface.

 You can create View/ViewGroup objects in three possible ways: in code, using XML
or using the designer to generate the XML.

 The designer is far the easiest way to create a UI.

 By opening the XML file you can use the designer to place widgets corresponding
to View objects on the design surface.

 You can use the property window to set the properties of each widget.

 The XML file that the designer creates is used by the Activity to set its UI by
creating Java objects that correspond to each of the View objects placed using the

 When you reference a class that isn't defined in the file, i.e. most of them, then you
need to add an import statement to the start of the code.

 If you use Alt+Enter when the cursor is positioned within any word that is displayed
in red then Android Studio will help you fix the problem.

 You can hook up onClick event handlers defined within the current Activity to the
widgets using the Properties window.

 An onClick event handler is just a public function with the signature

myEventHandler(View v)

 The View object parameter is sent to the View object that raised the event. This can
be used to access the properties/methods of the View object that the user
interacted with.

 To access other View objects you follow the standard pattern of:

1. Find the integer id via the string id, set in the designer, of the widget using
resource object R.id.stringId.
2. Use the integer id to retrieve the Java object corresponding to the widget
using findViewById(int Id)
3. Work with the object's methods/properties to modify it.

Android Adventures - Building The UI
Written by Mike James

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Article Index

Android Adventures - Building The UI

Positioning multiple components

Simple Button Example

Calculator App

Going Further

Page 1 of 5

If you've been reading Android Adventures, at this point you

understand how the Activity and the View fit together to create a
simple application, but the Android UI is more complicated than
most because of its need to cope with a range of very different
screen sizes and orientations. In this chapter, now updated to
Android Studio Version 1.0, we look at the problem of layout and
working with the UI framework. On the way we build a calculator

Android Adventures With Android Studio


1. Getting Started With Android Studio

2. The Activity And The UI
3. Building The UI and a Calculator App
4. Basic Controls And Events
5. Layout Containers
6. UI Graphics A Deep Dive
7. Menus & The Action Bar
8. Menus, Context & Popup
9. Resources
10. Beginning Bitmap Graphics
11. Staying Alive! Lifecycle & State
12. Spinners
13. Pickers
14. ListView And Adapters

15. Using Android Studio (coming soon)

If you are interested in creating custom template also see:
Custom Projects In Android Studio

When building an Android app you will spend far more time than
you could possibly imagine on perfecting the User Interface - UI.
So it is important that you master the basics so that you can
move on to code that does more interesting things.
The learning curve with any UI framework is more or less the
First you have to find out what constitutes an application that
you can run i.e. where is the code?
In Android's case this is an Activity.
Next you have to work out how UI components are represented,
how you can create them and how to hook up the UI with the
In Android's case this is a matter of a hierarchy of View objects
and hooking up with the code is a matter of finding the objects
representing each UI component and adding event handlers.
Once you have the basics you have to start exploring what
components you have been provided with to build a UI.
In general this vary from the extremely simple - the Button for
example - to almost complete applications in themselves - the
Listview for example. It would take a long time to master all of
them but what most programmers do is make sure that they can
use the basic components and then find out about the bigger
more sophisticated components when needed.
The good news is that once you know how one component,
even the simplest, works then most of it generalized to bigger
more complicated things.
We also have to worry about how to layout the UI - how to size
and position and sets of components.
Android is particularly sophisticated in this respect because
being a mobile operating system it has to contend with a wide
range of screen sizes and even orientation changes while an
app is running.
This is not a simple topics and we will have to consider it in
more detail later but for the moment let's just take a look at the
easier aspects of screen layout.

Exploring The Designer

As already explained there are three ways to create a UI.

1. You can create all of the View objects in code

2. You can create an XML file and have the system convert
it to objects at run time

3. you can use the Designer to interactively create the XML
In many ways 2 and 3 are the same approach its just a change
in how the XML file is created.
If you are using Android Studio then using the Designer is the
simplest and most productive way to work so let's concentrate
on this method of creating a UI.
A simple UI
Start Android Studio and create a new simple blank activity
project called UItest - this is going to be our UI playground for
the rest of the chapter. Accept all the defaults and wait while the
project is created.
If you now open the file activity_main.xml in the app/res/layout
folder then the Designer will open and you will see the familiar
rendering of the default layout.
Now it is time to look at the Palette in more detail.
The top three sections of the Palette hold the most important UI

1. The Layouts are containers for other components that

provide different layout rules. Layouts are something you
use once per Activity so they probably shouldn't be at
the top of the list.

2. The Widgets section contains the most frequently used

components - Buttons, TextViews, Checkboxes and so
on. This is the set of components you need to learn to
use first.

3. The third section - Text Fields are a set of text input

components which all work in more or less the same

The Button - In Depth
Where else should we start - the Button is almost the "Hello
World" of UI construction.
If you know how to work with a Button you are well on your way
to understanding all of the possible components.
The good news is that we have already met and used the Button
in Chapter 2 and discovered how to work with it in code.
However there is still a lot to find out.
Generally there are three things you need to discover about
using any component.

1. How to make it initially look like you want it to. This is a

matter of discovering and setting properties using the
2. How to modify the way a component looks at run time.
This is a matter of finding out how to work with
properties in code.
and finally
3. How to hook up the events generated by the component
to the code.

Setting properties sounds easy but there are different types of
properties and these have different appropriate ways of allowing
you to interact with them.
The first thing we have to find out about is how to position a

Relative Positioning
Before you continue with the project select and delete the
default "hello world" text - it makes trying things out easier to
have a clean design surface.
Next click on the Button in the palette and notice the way the
layout information changes as you move the button around the
design surface.
As you move the Button around you will see various AlignParent
messages and a measurement of the padding applied by setting
the margin property.

This is how components are positioned using the default

RelativeLayout - more of which later in this chapter. It is worth
saying that the RelativeLayout is the most sophisticated of the
Layouts and not the one that you want to use for simple layouts.
In most cases there are better, simpler and easier to control
Layouts than the RelativeLayout.
It is however the Layout you get by default and in many cases it
is more efficient than the alternatives.
In this layout components are positioned relative to other
components. When you start the only other component is the
layout itself and so you are essentially positioning relative to its -
i.e. the whole screen.
The RelativeLayout only supports nine different positions for a

 Top - left, center and right

 Center - left, center and right
 Bottom - left ,center and right

All components are positioned at one of these nine locations but
to provide a finer positioning you can specify an offset in terms
of a margin which you can see as the green arrows.
In other words you are positioning components at say the top
left of the screen but then by setting a margin you can move the
component to the exact position you want. This combination of
one of the nine fixed positions in the layout plus continuously
variable margins work together to allow you to place a
component anywhere on the design surface.
If you play with the positioning in the Designer you will quickly
get the idea.
As you might guess, there are properties which let you set the
location and margins for each position manually.
All layout properties start with layout:name where the name
gives the positioning effected.
For example, if you look in the Properties window you will see:
which could be top, left, bottom or right.
which could be horizontal, vertical or both
You can see that a combination of these plus
gives you all of the positioning possibilities we have seen in the
Notice that not all settings of these properties make sense - e.g.
saying you want the component at the top and centered
vertically doesn't make sense.
It is also worth understanding that in allowing you to set the
position of a component by simply dragging it to the location you
want the Designer is working out how to set multiple properties
correctly. You could do this manually to get the same effect but
the Designer does it simply from where you have positioned a
This is why it is easier to let the designer set the properties for

So positioning in a relative layout is with respect to the container - this is just the first
However, things get a little more complicated as soon as we have more than one Button, or
in general any component, in the layout. If you click to place a second Button and then

move the location around the screen again you will notice that now alignments are shown
for the first Button as well as the parent.
In a relative layout you can set the position of a component relative to the parent container
or to any of the other components in the container.
The Designer positions the component you are using relative to the nearest component or
the parent container.

What this means is that if you position a second button relative to the first then the second
button moves if you reposition the first - try it to see how this works.
What is less obvious, but logical, is any relatively positioned components will move if the
aspect of the component they are positioned against move. For example, if a component is
positioned relative to the right side of another component then making the component wider
moves the component that is positioned relatively to it.
As you might guess there are a set of properties that you can use to position one
component relative to another layout:alignComponent has pairs of sub-properties
connecting two components. For example top:top gives a relative position of the top of one
component with the top of another, similarly left:right positions the right side of one
component to the left side of another. In each case you also have to supply the text Id of
the component that is to be aligned to.
This all sounds very complicated and it might leave you thinking that it is all unnecessary.
However it means you can build sets of components all aligned to one that is aligned to the
container so that they all move together as a group. It means you can place one
component with an offset from another no matter what the size of the first component
is. You can also set components to align with the left and right side of the screen and allow
for rotation from portrait to landscape.
However all this said it is very easy to get into a complete mess with relative layout in the
Designer. If components go missing then chances are they are on top of each other. The
easiest way to sort this problem out is to go to the Properties window and manually reset
one of the positioning properties.
It is helpful to notice the following:

 Use positioning relative to another component if it makes logical sense. That is if

you have a text entry component then it make sense to position its accept Button
relative to its righthand side.
 If you position everything relative to the container parent then you effectively have
an absolute layout.

 If the screen size changes then it is possible that components will overlap one
another if there isn't enough space. Always make your layouts have plenty of
unnecessary space.
 A good strategy when working with a group of components is to pick one that you
position relative to the container then position all other components relative to it to
ensure that you can move the group and keep alignments.
 Remember that some components can change their size as well as location and
this can modify the position of components positioned relative to them.
It is also worth noting that there are other layout components and you are not restricted to
the RelativeLayout componet.
The RelativeLayout component is used by default but you can change this for any of the
other layout components - Linear, Table, Grid and Frame. There are also other container
components which can be used in place of these standard layout components.
More of this later.
One thing worth knowing at this early stage is that components have layout properties that
are provided by their container so the set of properties that we have looked at in connection
with the RelativeLayout component are unique to it. That is if you use another Layout then
you have to learn its layout properties from scratch.
Again this is another topic we have to return to.
For most apps the RelativeLayout component is a good choice for a mix of Buttons, Text,
Checkboxes and so on.

In comparison to positioning sizing a component is almost trivial.
All components have a Height and Width property and these correspond to the drawn
height and width when the component is actually rendered on the screen.
You may have noticed that there are what look like sizing handles on the components that
you place in the Designer. However if you try to drag these to change the size of say a
button you will notice that often nothing much happens.
The reason is that most components resize to accommodate their contents. This auto-
sizing behaviour is set by the layout:width and layout:height properties. You can modify this
by typing in an exact size e.g. 100dp into the value box next tot he property.
Also notice that you can set a maximum and a minimum size for most components.
Setting a maximum will result it the content being truncated if it doesn't fit. Setting a
minimum is often the best plan because then the component will increase in size when

Now we come to a property that isn't all that important but it needs to be discussed
because it sounds important.
Gravity is basically just another name for alignment. If you have a Button and you set its
gravity property to Top then the text it contains will align to the top of the inside of the
Button. There are a lot of alignment possibilities you can set Gravity to but the majority are

fairly obvious. The confusing part is that many components have a text alignment property
which can be used to override the Gravity setting.
Gravity is more important when used with a different Layout component - the Linear layout
when the layout_gravity property sets how the component should align inside the Linear
layout - more of this later.

The Component Tree

If you look to the top right corner of Android Studio in layout mode you will see a window
called Component Tree.
This is almost self explanatory and hardly needs much other than to draw your attention to
However notice that you can see the tree structure of the layout starting at the Layout
container. In the case of a default project you can see that the default layout is
RelativeLayout and you can see the all of the other components correctly nested within
their parent containers.

Notice that you can select and delete layout elements directly in the tree. This is useful
when you have a complex layout that has gone so wrong that you are finding it hard to
select components reliably.
One interesting operation that is worth knowing about even if it isn't used very often is
Morphing. If you select an element in the tree, right click and select Morphing you will be
presented with a list of possible alternatives. So for example you could change a button to
a Toggle button an so on.

A Simple Button Example

As a simple demonstration let's first place a Button on the Designer. Align it with the parent
at the top left-hand corner - this should be easy apart from the tendency to snap to the top
and left edges.

If you find it difficult get a rough position and then enter the exact margins then always
remember that you can move to the properties window and enter them directly:

The big problem with this approach is that if you select the component and move it even a
little the chances are it will snap to the edge and you will have to enter the property values
Next place a Large Text widget on the Designer. In this case the alignment we want is for
the text to be on the same line as the text in the Button. This is a baseline alignment but if
you have the Designer zoomed so that you can see the full area of the screen the chances
are all you will be able to do is align to the top or bottom of the Button:

To achieve the baseline alignment you have to use close to 100% zoom. Use the zoom
tools at the top right of the Designer.

In many cases if you can't get the alignment you want then increasing the zoom to
maximum is often the way to achieve what you are trying to do. In this case you can move
the Text widget to near the correct location and it will snap to the baseline alignment:

You can see the change in the zoom factor from the size of the Title bar and message. It
isn't easy to design the UI layout when you can't see the entire screen area.
So what should you do?
You could buy a bigger monitor so that you can work interactively at 100% zoom all the
You could undock the design window that that it has the full area of the screen to work
Finally you could use the fact that you know what you are doing to set the
layout:alignComponent baseline:baseline to the Button object in the property window.
in practice zooming in and out is usually the easiest option.

Orientation And Resolution

One of the biggest challenges in creating apps for Android is allowing for the range of
screen sizes and orientations. Android Studio lets you see your layout in a range of
devices, orientations and resolutions. This makes it so much easier.
We can test our layout in landscape mode by simply selecting the landscape option:

You can also see what your UI looks like on the complete range of supported screen sizes
by selecting Preview All Screen Sizes:

For simple layouts this is probably enough but Android has more up its sleeve to help you
work with different sized screens. In particular you can make use of "fragments" and you
can create a separate layout for each screen orientation and resolution.
For example if you create landscape a new layout file called activity_main.xml i.e. exactly
the same as the portrait layout file you have already created but in the folder layout-land.
You can now edit your landscape layout and it will be used automatically when the user
rotates the device into landscape mode.
What happens is that when your app starts the system picks the best available layout file
for the screen according to what has been stored in the resource folders i.e. layout for
portrait and layout-land for landscape..

When the device is rotated the system restarts your app and loads the best layout. If you
only have a portrait layout then it is used for all orientations but if you have a landscape
layout file then it will be used for landscape mode.
For example: if we add a landscape layout, use Create Landscape Variation, to the button
and text layout given above then initially the portrait layout is used as the template for the
landscape layout.
But we might want to place the text under the button in landscape mode:

Now if you run the app using the simulator you will initially see the portrait screen. If you
rotate the simulator to landscape mode - use Ctrl-F11 - then, depending on the speed of
your machine you will see a pause where the portrait layout is visible and then it will
change to the landscape layout.
If it doesn't seem to work give it time because it can be very slow - remember it needs a
complete app restart.
If you also view the app on a range of devices you can rotate to landscape and see your
custom landscape layout.

In general the best plan is to create a complete portrait layout and generate a landscape
layout as late as possible in the development so you don't have to repeat UI tweaks.
Also notice that the auto-switching of layouts causes a potential problem. When the layout
is switched your app is restarted and this means that it can lose its current state - it is as if
your app has just been started by the user. We need to look into the app lifecycle and how
to preserve state to solve this problem - see later.

You can also use the same approach to supporting different screen resolutions. The idea is
the same - multiple layout xml files are provided one for each resolution and the system
automatically picks which one to use.
This is slightly more complicated than dealing with orientation because you might well have
to provide different resolution images to make the layout look good - more on this after we
have looked at resources and resource management.
This is just our first look at a particular aspect of app development that makes Android
more complicated than developing for a fixed screen size - it turns out not to be so difficult
as it might first appear.

A First App
As an example of building a simple app using layout and the Designer let's build a
Some of the techniques used in this app are a little beyond what we have covered so far
but you should be able to follow and it is time to show what something more than a single
button app looks like.
This is a very simple calculator - it has just nine numeric buttons and a display. It takes the
values on each of the buttons and adds them to a running total. There are no operator
buttons, add, subtract or clear - but you could add them.
Start a new Blank Activity project called Icalc or whatever you want to call it. Accept all of
the defaults.
The principle of operation is that we are going to set up a grid of ten buttons. Set each
button to 0 through 9 as a text label. We are then going to assign the same onClick handler
to each of the buttons. All it is going to do is retrieve the text caption showing on the button,
convert it to an integer, add it to the running sum and then store it back in the TextView
after converting it back to a String.
The Code
So the code is fairly easy.
We need a private field to keep the running total in:
private int total = 0;
Next we need an onButtonClick function which is going to be used to handle the onClick
event for all of the buttons. See chapter 2 if you don't know about event handling.
The button that the user clicked is passed as a View object as the only argument to the
function and we can use this to get its text caption:

public void onButtonClick(View v) {

Button button = (Button) v;
String bText = button.getText().toString();

Now that we have the button's caption e.g. 0, 1, 2 and so on we can convert it to an integer
and add it to the running total:

int value = Integer.parseInt(bText);
total += value;

Finally we get the TextView using its id (see Chapter 2) and set its text to the total
converted to a String:

TextView myTextView = (TextView)

The complete event handler is:

private int total = 0;

public void onButtonClick(View v) {
Button button = (Button) v;
String bText = button.getText().toString();
int value = Integer.parseInt(bText);
total += value;
TextView myTextView = (TextView)
Put this code within the MainActivity class as one of its methods.
When you enter this code you will see many of the classes and methods in red. This is
because they need to be imported to be used by the project. You can do this manually,
adding the necessary import statements at the start of the file. It is much easier to place the
cursor into each one of the symbols in red and press alt+enter and select Import Class if
necessary. This should be becoming second nature by now.
The Layout
Now we turn our attention to the layout. Open the layout file, delete the default text and
place a single button on the design surface.
Double click on it, this is a shortcut to the Text and id properties, and enter 7 as its Text
property. Place the button at the top right of the screen with a little space.
Next go to the Properties window and find the onClick property. Set this to onButtonClick:

To create the grid of ten buttons select the first button and copy it to the clipboard. Next
paste the copied button to the design surface and each time position it within the grid
relative to the buttons that are already present. Now you have grid of buttons that all say 1.
Double click each one in turn and change the text to 8,9, 4,5,6, 1,2,3 and 0.

By using the copy and paste trick you now have ten buttons all set to the same onClick
event handler and al you had to do was edit the Text property. Try to make sure that each
Button you add is relative to one of the other Buttons. You can check that you have done
this successfully by dragging one of the Buttons and see if they all follow! If one two don't
then try repositioning them relative to one of the other Buttons. If you find any positioning
difficult zoom in.
If you get into a mess delete them all and start over.
To make this look more like a keypad select the 0 key and size it so that it occupies a
double width:

Finally add a Large Text View at the top. You can position it relative to the top row and the7
key and then size it so that it spans the complete set of buttons.

Now you should be able to move the entire block when you move just the 7 button to a new
location. This doesn't always work because one or more of the Buttons are set relative to
the container.!
It is good to know that you can undo an action by using Ctrl-z. If you find the Designer too
difficult to work with to create this layout, and it can be difficult, you might prefer to set the
layout properties using the property window.
Finally run the program in the usual way and you wil be please to discover your first app
does actually calculate things!

Try rotating the emulator to see what it looks like in landscape mode.
Not bad but as promised as the app restarts you lose any calculation you were performing
as the app is restarted when the orientation changes.

If you can try it out on a real Android device do so - it is easier to find out what it really feels
like. Also do have a look at what the layout looks like on a range of screens and
This isn't much of a calculator, but you could make it into a really good one.

 right align the text in the display

 add a + and - button and implement the action
 allow the user to enter multi-digit number
 add a decimal point key and all a multi-digit float
 add * an / keys
 add a clear key
and so on...
There are better ways to implement the layout and we will come back to the calculator
program in later chapters.


 You can create the XML layout file by hand, but using the Designer is easier.

 It is still useful to know how the XML file works so that you can edit it when the
Designer lets you down in some way.

 The Designer modifies the way components look in the Layout by changing a
component's properties.

 How you position a component depends on the Layout you are using.

 The RelativeLayout lets you position components relative to each other or to the

 The Designer may change multiple properties to position the component where you
want it.

 Use the Component Tree to select components that are difficult to select in the

 You can use the property window to select and directly set any property.

 If you find positioning or sizing difficult in the Designer try zooming in.

 You can use Android Studio to view what your app looks like on various screen
sizes and orientations.

 You can copy and paste components in the Designer to quickly build up repeated
UI designs.

 A single event handler can be attached to many components.

Android Adventures - Basic Controls And

Written by Mike James

Tuesday, 03 March 2015

Article Index

Android Adventures - Basic Controls And Events

Basic Input Controls

Three Buttons


Page 1 of 4

Working with Android Studio makes building the UI easy with
an interactive editor, but you still need to find out how to handle
the things it isn't quite so good at. In this chapter of our ebook
on Android the easy way we look at the basic UI components
and general event handling - i.e beyond onClick.
Updated for Android Studio 1

Android Adventures With Android Studio


1. Getting Started With Android Studio

2. The Activity And The UI
3. Building The UI and a Calculator App
4. Basic Controls And Events
5. Layout Containers
6. UI Graphics A Deep Dive
7. Menus & The Action Bar
8. Menus, Context & Popup
9. Resources
10. Beginning Bitmap Graphics
11. Staying Alive! Lifecycle & State
12. Spinners
13. Pickers
14. ListView And Adapters

15. Using Android Studio (coming soon)

If you are interested in creating custom template also see:

Custom Projects In Android Studio

We have looked at the general principles of building a UI but

now we have to spend some time looking at the most basic
components that can be used to build an application.
We also need to find out how to work with any event and not
just onClick. Even though most controls can be used very
successfully using just the onClick event - there are other types
of event that cannot be handled simply by setting an onEvent
property in the Property Window. In this chapter we look in
depth at Android event handling.
As before the emphasis will be on using Android Studio and the
Layout editor to get as much of the work done as possible.
Let's start with the problem of how to write an event handler.

The General Android Event Handler

If you have used languages other than Java you might expect
event handlers to simply be functions that are passed to
controls to register them as event listeners - i.e. functions that
are called when an event occurs. You might even have used an
IDE that adds event handlers automatically for you but Android
Studio doesn't currently do this - you have to add code to
handle and event. It does however help with the automatic
generation of this code.
Events in Java are slightly more complicated because you
cannot pass a function as an argument like you can in
JavaScript, C# and many other languages - you can in the
latest version of Java but it will be sometime before UI
frameworks and Android catchup if they ever do. In Java
functions can only exist as methods of objects so if you want to
pass a function you have to pass an object that has the function
as a method.
As a result what has to be passed to register an event listener
is more complicated in Java than in many other languages. The

way that it all works was invented in the early Java UI
frameworks such as GWT and later refined in Swing. Android
uses the same approach.
As already mentioned you can't pass a function you have to
pass an object which contains a function that can handle the
event. Clearly the event handling function has to be capable of
handling the event and hence it is defined depending on the
type of the event.
For example an onClick event needs a handler that returns void
and accepts a View object, which is the object the event
occurred on.
To make sure that an event listener has the right sort of event
handling function events are defined using an Interface.
If you recall an interface is like a class but it simply defines the
functions that a class has to support. If a class inherits or
implements an interface then you have to write code for each
function defined in the interface.
For example the onClickListener is an interface that defines a
single function
void onClick(View v)
any class that implements onClickListener has to have an
onClick function of this type.
To create an event handler for the onClick event you have to do
the following things:

1. Create a new class that implements the onClickListener

2. Define your custom onClick event handler within the
3. Create an instance of the new class within the Activity
4. Use the button's setOnClickListener method to add the
listener object created in step 3 to the event.
This is the general pattern that you have to follow when
implementing any event handler - only the name of the object
you have to create, the method you have to define. You also
have to discover what information is passed as standard to the
event handler.
Sounds complicated - well it is and there are ways of simplifying
it but first let's see how it is done exactly as described.
This is not the best way to do the job but it is how it all
works in principle and it is important to understand what is
going on.
This is as much an exercise for Java beginners as it is an
explanation of event handling. If your Java is good feel free to
skip ahead.

To implement an event handler for the onClick event first we
need to add a new class to the project. Right click on the folder
under the Java folder and select New, Java Class and call it
Note: For users of other languages it is worth pointing out that
Java has an almost unbreakable convention that each class is
stored in its own file of the the same name.
Next edit MyOnClickListener to read:
import android.view.View;
public class MyOnClickListener
implements View.OnClickListener {
public void onClick(View v){
//process event
Notice we have now created a class with a single method which
is our event handler. In a real case you would write lots of code
in place of the single remark that did something when the event
That is step one completed. Next we mover to the Activity and
first retrieve the Button object:
Button button=
Next we create an instance of our event listener:
MyOnClickListener Listener=
new MyOnClickListener();
and finally we use the button's setOnClickEventListener method
to connect its onClick event to our new listener object:
That is putting it all together:
protected void onCreate(
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Button button=
MyOnClickListener Listener=
new MyOnClickListener();
Now if you run the program you will find that the onClick
function in the MyOnClickListener instance is called when the
button is clicked.
The same overall method works for any event.
You simply have to discover the name of the event listener
interface, create a class that implements it, create an instance

of the class and register the listener with the component that
generates the event.
This isn't very practical because you are going to need to create
a new class for every event you want to handle and in addition
these classes are going to contain one method and be
instantiated just once.
There has to be a better way!
Now that you have seen the fundamentals of Java event
handling we can example the two ways that it tends to be done
in practice.

wo Ways To Handle An Event

To avoid the overheads you can use one of two possible methods:

 use an anonymous class

 implement the interface in the activity.
Anonymous class
Java has anonymous classes for just the situation we are trying to solve. It lets you
effectively create an object, i.e. an instance of a class, without having to explicitly create a
class. The only down side is that you can't create a second instance of the class - this is a
short cut way of creating one instance of an object.
In the case of an event handler you can take an interface and implement it as a class and
create an instance in one go. This is just shorthand, syntactic sugar if you like for what we
did in the previous section.
For example:
MyInterface instance=new MyInterface{
functions which are needed to
implement MyInterface
This creates an instance of the implementation of MyInterface that is contained within the
braces. No need to define a class to get an instance - but notice you can only get one
So for our onClick event handler using an anonymous class makes things much easier
because we don't need a separate file to hold the new class and in fact we don't even need
the new class just:
View.OnClickListener Listener=
new View.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View view) {
//Implement event handling
and the instance of our custom listener complete with our onClick event handler is ready to
be used as before:

Of course you can save a variable and simply use the anonymous class in the
setOnClickListener as in:
new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
//Implement event handling
We no long have to use the Listener variable but the cost is that we need to be careful to
remember to close the function call with a right parenthesis.
The really good news is that Android Studio will help you create the anonymous class. If
you start to type in OnClickListener it will provide you with options to complete the name
and you can select OnClickListener - it will then generate dummy functions for all of the
methods defined in the interface. All you have to do is provide the code in the body of each
of the functions that does what you want.
Implement the interface in the activity
The alternative way of doing things is to simply use the MainActivity class to implement the
event listener interface. This seems a little strange when you first see it but it is the closest
approach to the way other languages do the job.
For example, to handle the onClick event we need to add the "implements" for the interface
to the Activity:
public class MainActivity extends Activity
implements View.OnClickListener {
Now all that has to happen is that the Activity class has to implement the onClick event
public void onClick(View view) {
//Handle Event
All that remains is to add the event listener using setOnClickEventListener but what is the
If you recall what happens is that the system creates an instance of the MainActivity class
to get your app running and the current instance of a class is always "this". So we need to
add to the onCreate method:
In many ways this last way of doing things is the simplest.
It has the disadvantage that you have to add an "implements" for each event you are going
to handle but this could be an advantage in that it enables you to see what events are
being used.
Also notice that using this method you set all of the event handlers using
This also implies that you will be using the same event handler for an event irrespective of
which control generated the event. That is you will write a single onClick function and this
will be used for all of the controls that you use setOnClickEvent(this) on.

If you want to use multiple event handlers - one for each control then you need to use the
anonymous class approach.
Which Approach To Event Handlers Should You Use?
In practice the anonymous class approach seems to be the best because, while it is a little
more complicated it is completely general. Using the Activity to implement the interface fails
when you need different event handlers linked to each control.
In this sense it is worth the extra effort and is the one used in the rest of this book. If you
want to use the XML method introduced earlier for the onClick event or implement the
interface in the activity approach then this should cause no problems.

The Basic Input Controls

Now that we have discovered how events work it is time to take a look at the most
commonly used input controls.
The basic input controls are:

 Buttons
 Text Fields
 Checkboxes
 Radio Buttons
 Toggle Buttons
If you have programmed using other UI frameworks many of these will be known to you
and you can probably skip to just the ones that interest you.
Starting right at the beginning however let's revisit the Button but in a little more detail

There are two basic types of button - Button and ImageButton - but the Android Studio
Toolbox has three Button, Small Button and ImageButton.
Small Button is just a standard Button control but with a style applied to make the font
smaller and hence more suitable for a small button. The ImageButton is much the same as
the Button but it has a src property which can be set to an image which will be displayed as
the button icon and it doesn't display any text.
The main properties that you work with in the case of a button is are things like background
- which can be set to a color or a graphic. You can spend a long time changing the way
buttons look but in the main the only important property of a button is its onclick handler.
A button is in your UI to be clicked.
If you place one example of a Button, Small Button and ImageButton on the design surface
you can use the properties window to customize them.
Set the Background of the Button to dark grey by clicking on the ellipsis at the right of the
property and then selecting the System tab in the Resource browser that appears. Scroll
down and you will see a set of predefined colors that you can use. Find darker_grey and
select it.

For the small button set the Background property to a drawable in the same way - i.e. scroll
down in the Resource browser until you see "drawables" and then select ic_menu_add.
We will discuss the use of resources and drawables in a later chapter. For now just assume
that they are styles and graphics elements that you can select.

Repeat the task for the ImageButton but set the src property to ic_menu_add.

The result is the three buttons shown in the image below:

You can spend a great deal of time exploring ways to make use of a button's properties to
style it just as you want it to look.

Page 3 of 4

To attach a click event handler on all three buttons you can simply define a function:
public void doButtonClick(View e){
//process event
in the activity and set the onClick property on each button to doButtonClick.
You can find examples of using buttons in this way in earlier chapters.
Now that we know how to handle events using anonymous classes it is worth doing the
same job in this way.
As we want to assign the same event handler to all three buttons we need to create an
instance of OnClickListener. All you have to type is:
View.OnClickListener onClick=new O
and select OnClickListener and let Android Studio generate:
View.OnClickListener myonClickListener=
new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {

Notice it doesn't generate a final semicolon so remember to add it. You also need to fill in
the details of the onClick event handler - there is only so much Android Studio can do by
way of writing your program.
Finally you need to set the instance on each of the buttons:
Button button =
Button button2 =

ImageButton imgbutton =

Now when you click on any of the buttons the myonClickListener is called.
It is also worth noting that while a button has no other function in life other than to be
clicked all of the other controls can also respond to an onClick event. That is you can use
anything as a button if you want to.

Expert Properties
If you have looked at any example of using Buttons in the documentation, or if you look at
slightly older Android code, you may discover some "tricks" that you can't seem to perform
using Android Studio - this isn't actually the case.
For example, suppose you want to set an icon within a standard text button so that it
displays to the left of the text that button contains. This appears to be impossible if you
restrict yourself to the properties presented in the property window.
If you lookup the details of the properties that Button inherits you will find

 drawableLeft
 drawableRight
 drawableStart
 drawableEnd
 drawableBottom
 drawableTop
which are not in the property window list. These allow you to display a drawable, i.e. a
graphic, at the location specified relative to the text.
So setting drawableLeft to the icon resource we want to display would do the job but how
can we set it?
The solution is that there is an icon to the right of the top of the property window that can be
clicked to display "Expert Properties" i.e. all of the properties that the control supports.

If you select the Button and click Expert properties you will see among the new properties
listed - drawableLeft. Click on the ellipsis button next to it and select a drawable of your
choice to display the icon to the left of the text:

In most cases you will only want to work with the properties that are displayed in the
property window, but you do need to know how to access the remainder. It is also worth
keeping in mind that some of the expert properties will not be displayed correctly by the
designer so use with care.

Text Fields
TextFields are the way you get the user to enter some text for you to process and as you
can guess they form an important part of most UIs.
There are a lot of Text Fields provided in the Toolbox but they all work in the same way
differing only in the type of input they expect the user to type. In the course of developing
apps you will encounter most of them sooner or later but you really only need to know how
to use one of them to understand how they all work.
If you have used another UI Framework then you will have encountered some form of the
Text Field before but the Android control is slightly different in that it generally offers the
user a customized virtual keyboard - an IME Input Method Editor.
You can build your own IMEs but for the moment lets just use the ones provided by the
If you want the Android simulator to make use of the IME that a real Android device would
use then you need to deselect the Hardware Keyboard Present option when you are
creating the AVD (Android Virtual device). If the simulator makes use of the host machine's
keyboard you don't see the IME at all.
The first thing to clear up is that even though there appear to be a lot of different types of
Text Field controls in the Toolbox they are all examples of the EditText control with its
inputType property set to a particular value. When you place one on the design surface you
will see that it is of type EditText and if you scroll down to its inputType property you can
change the type of input the Text Field will handle.
When you use a particular inputType the user is presented with a virtual keyboard that is
suitable for typing a value - e.g. if you specify a numeric value then the keyboard only
displays numbers.
You also get an action key at the bottom right of the keyboard that the user can press to
complete the action e.g.Send for an SMS message say.
To select the action button for a particular keyboard, use a Send button for a general text
input then you will need to use the Expert Properties view and select a setting for the
imeOptions property.

For example setting it to actionSend forces a Send button to be displayed:

There are many other properties that you can use to customise a Text Field but there is
one standard task worth explaining in detail - writing a handler for the onEditorAction

The EditorAction Event
Returning to the EditText control let's add a handler for the Send button. This provides
another opportunity for an example of the general process of adding an event handler.
First place an EditText for an email on the design surface and use the Expert properties as
described in the last section to add a Send button to the IME that pops up when the user
enters text - find imeOptions and select actionSend.
Before you can handle any new event you have to discover the name of the event listener
interface and the setOn method for that event.
For the EditorAction event the documentation reveals that the listener interface is called
OnEditorActionListener and the setOn method is setOnEditorActionListerner.
So using this information we can proceed as before and an anonymous class to implement
the event handler. In this case we might as well do the job within the
setOnEditorActionListener as the event handler will only be needed by this one control:
EditText email = (EditText) findViewById(
new TextView.OnEditorActionListener() {
public boolean onEditorAction(TextView v,
int actionId,
KeyEvent event){
return false;
As before you don't have to type all of this in. Android Studio will generate it for you if you
type new OnEd.. and select the correct option.
Now all that remains is to write the event handler - onEditorAction.
You can lookup the details of the event handler in the documentation, but the generated
stub for the handler function is often enough to let you know what the parameters are:
public boolean onEditorAction(
TextView textView,
int i,
KeyEvent keyEvent)
In this case textView is the control that the event is associated with, i is the action id and
keyEvent is null unless the enter key was used.
If the action has been consumed then the routine should return true when no other
handlers will get a chance to process it. In general Java events can be passed on to other
controls that contain the source of the event.
For a simple example let's add a TextView and transfer the text that the user entered when
they select the send button - imagine that this is sending an email or sms or something
more exciting.
All we have to do is get cast the v parameter to an EditText and find the TextView that we
added to the UI. Then we test to see if the user selected the send button or some other
button and if they did we transfer the text:

public boolean onEditorAction(TextView v,
int actionId,
KeyEvent event) {
EditText email=(EditText) v;
TextView tv=(TextView) findViewById(
if(actionId== EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_SEND){
return true;
Notice the use of the EditorInfo static class to obtain the integer id corresponding to the
send action. The EditorInfo class has lots of useful constants and methods.

A Checkbox is a fairly obvious UI element. It displays a small label, controlled by the text
property and a tick or no tick. The user can select or deselect as many checkboxes as
In most cases you don't bother to deal with the state of a Checkbox until the user presses
some other control - usually a big button marked Done or similar. Then you can discover
the Checkbox's state by simply using the isChecked method which returns true or false.

For example, if you have a Checkbox with id checkBox then you can discover its state
when a button somewhere on the view is clicked using:
public void onClick(View v){
CheckBox box= (CheckBox) findViewById(
boolean checked = box.isChecked();
The Checkbox also supports the onClick event and this can be used to process changes to
its state and you can setup the onClick event handler using the Property window as in the
case of a Button.

So to handle the checkBox change of state all you have to do is set its onClick event
handler to:
public void onClick(View v){
CheckBox box=(CheckBox) v;
boolean checked = box.isChecked();
If you need to modify a CheckBox value then use the setChecked or the toggle methods.

Switches and Toggle Buttons

Switches and Toggle buttons are just CheckBoxes in another format. The store one of two
states and they change state when the user clicks on them - just like a CheckBox.

You can check the state of a Switch/Toggle button using the isChecked method and you
can use its onClick event to monitor when its state changes. The only real difference is that
you can use the textOn and textOff to set what is displayed when the switch/toggle is on or
It is worth keeping in mind that the Switch is new in Android 4 and doesn't work in earlier

Radio Buttons
The final member of the "simple" input controls is the RadioButton. This works exactly like a
CheckBox in that it can be in one of two states but the big difference is that a set of
RadioButtons works in a group and only one of them can be selected at a time.
The reason for the term "radio button" is that in the early days of electronics car radios had
mechanical tuning buttons arranged in a line which let the driver quickly select one station
by pressing a button. When you pressed a new button the current button popped up so that
only one button was pressed at any given moment - making sure that you only listened to
one station at a time.
The only complication in using RadioButtons is making sure you group them together
correctly. To do this we have to make use of a RadioGroup container which is used to hold
all of the buttons that work together.
Using Android Studio you can create a group of RadioButtons by first placing a RadioGroup
container on the design surface and then placing as many RadioButtons inside the
container as you require.
You will see the RadioGroup outlined in orange when you hover the cursor over it ready to
drop a RadioButton into it. If a group of RadioButtons don't work as you expect then the
chances are you don't have all of the buttons within the RadioGroup.

All of the RadioButtons within a RadioGroup automatically work so that only one button can
be selected at a time - you don't have to do any extra work to implement this behaviour.
To find out which button is selected you can use the isChecked method as in the case of
the CheckBox - in fact you can work with a set of RadioButtons in exactly the same way as
a set of CheckBoxes with the only differences being the use of the RadioGroup and only
one button can be selected at any one time.
You can use the onClick event to detect when any button has been modified and
the setChecked or the toggle methods to modify the state of a button.

 In Java you can't pass a function to set up an event handler you have to pass an
 Each type of event has its own interface which is use to create an object which has
the methods needed for the event.
 The most direct way to create an event handler is to create a new class that
implements the interface and then create an instance of the class to handle the
 To avoid the problems with having to create a new class for each event handler
Java introduced the anonymous class. You can use an anonymous class to
implement an event interface and create an instance of it in one move.
 Alternatively you can use Activity to implement the interface.
 The basic controls that make up most of the simple Android UI are
Text Fields
Radio Buttons
Toggle Buttons

 Each control is customized using its properties and event handlers

 Some properties are hidden from you by Android Studio unless you select the
Expert button.

Android Adventures - Working With


Written by Mike James

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Article Index

Android Adventures - Working With Layouts





Page 1 of 5

Choice of Layout is vital to an Android UI. The Layout. is what

allows you to position and generally arrange other components.
A good understanding of what the different Layouts do for you
can make the difference between an easy and a difficult UI.

Android Adventures With Android Studio


1. Getting Started With Android Studio

2. The Activity And The UI
3. Building The UI and a Calculator App
4. Basic Controls And Events
5. Layout Containers
6. UI Graphics A Deep Dive
7. Menus & The Action Bar
8. Menus, Context & Popup

9. Resources
10. Beginning Bitmap Graphics
11. Staying Alive! Lifecycle & State
12. Spinners
13. Pickers
14. ListView And Adapters

15. Using Android Studio (coming soon)

If you are interested in creating custom template also see:
Custom Projects In Android Studio

The Android UI is based on the subclasses of View. One

particular set of View-derived objects are the Layouts. A Layout
is a container for other View-derived objects. When the Layout
is asked to render itself, it renders all of the View objects it
contains arranged inside the area of the display it occupies.
When using Android Studio it makes sense to use the layout
editor. It is also worth getting used to the XML it generates
because sometimes this is the quickest, and occasionally the
only, way to make the changes that you want.
The default Layout used by Android Studio is the
RelativeLayout and we have looked at using it in earlier
chapters - but it is not the only Layout you can use with the
There are five currently supported Layouts:

 FrameLayout
 LinearLayout
 RelativeLayout
 TableLayout
 GridLayout
Of these RelativeLayout and LinearLayout are the most used,
with FrameLayout coming a distant third. The final
two, TableLayout and GridLayout, are suitable for specialized

types of UI and they are not as easy to use or as well supported
in Android Studio. For this reason, this chapter introduces the
three Layouts that you can get most of the basic UI work done
Before looking at these alternatives and how to work with them
it is worth getting to grips with the basic ideas of Layouts
and the principles that are common to most Layouts.

Layout Properties
Mostly you tend to think of the properties that are relevant to a
control as belonging to the control but a Layout can do its job in
many ways and could need the control to have lots of very
specific properties to determine how it is positioned.
In other words the properties that a control needs to work with a
Layout depend on the Layout chosen and this makes things
difficult to organize. The simplest but unworkable way of
implementing this would be to insist that every control
implemented every property used by every Layout - even the
ones not currently being used.
The solution to the problem is that each Layout defines a
nested class derived from LayoutParams, that has all of the
properties it needs the control to define. The control creates an
instance of the appropriate LayoutParams class and so varies
the parameters it has access to depending on the Layout
container it finds itself in.
Thus in the Designer and in the Properties window a control
has two types of properties:

 Properties that belong to the object

 Properties that are required by the Layout object.

You can tell Layout properties because they are of the form
layout_name in the XML file. You can see them in the
Properties window in the designer but displayed as
It is also worth knowing at this early stage that the Designer
often presents a simplified set of layout: properties which it then
maps onto a larger and more confusing set of
layout_ properties in the XML.

Width and Height

The exact set of Layout properties that you see depends on the
Layout you use. However, there are two that all Layouts

 layout_width

 layout_height
These display in the Properties window as

 layout:width
 layout:height
You might think that the width and height of a control were
properties that should belong to a control, but here things are
more subtle.
A control doesn't necessarily have a fixed size.
It can, for example, ask the Layout to give it as much space as
possible, in which case the Layout sets the size of the control.
This is the reason why controls have layout_width and
layout_height and not just width and height.
You can set these properties to any one of three possible

 a fixed size, e.g. 24px

 wrap_content - sets the size so that it just fits the

control's content without clipping

 match_parent - lets the control become as big as the

parent Layout can allow
If you use the mouse to drag the frame of a control in the
designer then what happens depends on the control and the
In most cases the default set by the Designer is wrap_content
and it will ignore any attempts you make to interactively size a
control. Indeed, in most cases trying to interactively resize a
control doesn't change the layout:width or layout:height
properties. However, depending on the Layout in use you
might appear to change the size of the control due to the setting
of other layout properties - more of this when we deal with
particular Layout types.
The point is that the layout:width and layout:height are not
necessarily the only properties that control the final
displayed size of a control.
One thing is fairly certain - if you want to set a fixed size for a
control then you need to type the values into the Property

If you are going to enter a fixed size or a location then we need
to know how to do it. Android supports six units.
Two are related to pixels:

px - pixels
This is the unit that it is most tempting to use when you first
start creating an app because you generally have one testing
device in mind with a particular screen size and resolution. This
is not a good idea if you want your app to look roughly the
same as screen resolution changes.
dp - density-independent pixels
This is the most often used unit because it adjusts for the
screen resolution. If the device has a screen with 160 pixels per
inch then 1dp is the same as 1px. If the number of pixels per
inch change then the dp to px ratio changes in the same ratio.
For example at 320 pixels per inch 1dp is the same as 2px. The
point is that by using density-independent pixels you can keep
controls the same size as the resolution changes.
Notice that this does not compensate for the screen size. If you
keep the number of pixels fixed and double the resolution then
the screen size halves. A control on the screen specified in px
would then display at half its original size. A control specified in
dp would display at its original size but take up twice the screen
The point is that using dp protects you against screens
changing their resolution, not their physical size.
If you specify sizes in dp then your layout will look the same on
a 7-inch tablet, no matter what resolution it has.
As well as pixel-based measures there are also three real world
mm - millimeters
in - inches
pt - points 1/72 of an inch

All three work in terms of the size of the screen and the number
of pixels a control uses is related to the screen resolution. If the
screen has 160 pixels per inch then 1/160 in=1 px and so on.
Notice that once again these units protect you against
resolution changes, but not changes to the actual screen size.
Your button may be 1 inch across on all devices but how much
of the screen this uses up depends on the size of the screen
the device has.
The danger in using real world units is that you might well
specify a fractional number of pixels and end up with an untidy
looking display.
The final unit that is also related to pixels but is tied to the
user's font size preference:
sp - scale independent pixels
This works like the dp unit in that it is scaled with the device's
resolution but it is also scaled by the users default font size

preference. If the user sets a larger font size preference then all
sp values are scaled up to match.
What should you use?
Simple - use dp unless you have a good reason not to because
this at least means that if you have tested your UI on a device
of size x it should work reasonably on all devices of size x, no
matter what the resolution.
Android Studio defaults to working in dp whenever you enter a
value without a unit or when you interactively size or move a

A Control Is Just A Box

As far as a Layout is concerned a control is just a rectangle.
Its size is given by layout_width and layout_height and these can be set by the control or,
more often, by the Layout.
Once the Layout knows the size of the control it can position it according to the rules you
have established using the Layout's properties.
If you want to know the position that a control has been assigned then you can use its
getTop and getLeft properties. This gives you the position of the top lefthand corner of the
control's rectangle. You can work out where the other corners are using getWidth and
getHeight, but to make things easier there is also getRight and getBottom.
Notice that the position of the top lefthand corner of the rectangle is always relative to the
Layout it is in - that is, the position is not an absolute screen position.
It is also worth knowing that controls also support padding and some Layouts support
Padding is a dead-space inside the control that acts as an space between the edge of the
control and its contents.
Margins, and not all Layouts support margins, are dead-space outside of a control that can
be used to add space between controls.

Notice that padding is a property of the control and margin is a layout property. You can set
each margin or padding on the left, right, top or bottom individually or to a single value for
all of them.
In theory padding is used to put space around the content of a control, but it can also be
used simply to make the control bigger when its dimensions are set to wrap its

contents. For example. the Button on the left has zero padding and the one on the right
has a padding of 30dp all round.

Similarly margins are used to put space around a control but they can be used to position
one control relative to another or to its container - this is how the RelativeLayout
works. For example, you can see that the lower button is being positioned in the
RelativeLayout by setting its margins.

Gravity is often regarded as mysterious, partly because of its name and partly because
there are often two gravity properties.
Basically gravity just sets where in a dynamic layout something is positioned.
Simple gravity settings are:

 top
 bottom
 left
 right
 center
 center_vertical
 center_horizontal
The meaning of all of these is obvious - the object just moves to the specified position.
However, things get a little complicated if you, say, try to set an object to display at the left
when the size of its container has been adjusted to fit, i.e. it is already as far to the left and
the right as it can be.

You can also set multiple gravity options. For example, you can set left and right at the
same time and this just centers the object horizontally.
What makes gravity even more complicated is that there are settings that change the size
of the object affected:

 fill
 fill_vertical
 fill_horizontal
In each case the object grows to fill the specified dimension.
There are also two clipping gravities:

 clip_vertical
 clip_horizontal
these work with the top, bottom, left and right to clip an object to fit the container. For
example, if you set gravity to top and clip_vertical then the object will be positioned at the
top of the container and its bottom edge will be clipped.
Most of the time you will simply use gravity settings like center or top. If you try to use
complicated combinations then things tend not to work as you might expect.
The final complication, which in fact turns out to be quite straightforward, is that controls
have a gravity property and Layouts provide a layout_gravity property.
The difference is very simple. The gravity property sets what happens to the contents of a
control and the layout_gravity sets how the control is positioned it the Layout container.
For example, if you have a Button and you set its gravity property to top then the text within
the button will be moved to align with the top.
If, on the other hand, you set the Button's layout_gravity to top the whole Button moves to
the top of the Layout container.
Notice that not all Layouts provide a layout_gravity property to their child controls.

The FrameLayout
The FrameLayout is the simplest of all the Layouts.
It really doesn't do very much to position the controls it contains. Its intended use is to host
a single control, i.e. it really does just act as a frame around a control.
If you place a FrameLayout in the design then you will discover that in the Designer it
seems to be made up of nine areas:

These areas correspond to the nine locations that you can create by setting layout:gravity
to simple pairs of values - top left, top center, top right and so on.
If you drop a control into one of the rectangles then its layout:gravity property will be set to
make it display in the correct area of the FrameLayout. You can use this to position multiple
controls in the same FrameLayout, but notice that if the total size changes the different
controls may well overlap.

If two controls overlap in a FrameLayout then they are drawn in the order in which they
were added. In other words, the last one added is drawn on top of the others.
This aspect of the FrameLayout makes it useful if you want to display multiple controls and
switch between which one is visible. Simply put all the controls into the FrameLayout and
select one to be visible using its visible property.
More commonly a FrameLayout is used simply as a placeholder for a component of a
layout that isn't specified until some time later. For example, if you make use of a
Fragment, see Introducing Android Fragments, to create part of a UI or read in a list of
things to display, then often you need a container for the new component to be present in
your static layout. A FrameLayout does the job very efficiently.

Use a FrameLayout when you need the simplest Layout that will hold one or a small
number of components without the need for much in the way of positioning or sizing.

The next layout we need to consider is the LinearLayout.
This is a simple layout that can be used to do a great deal of the basic work of organizing a
In Android Studio LinearLayout occurs twice in the palette - once as a vertical and once as
a horizontal LinearLayout. The difference, however, is just the setting of the orientation
property to horizontal or vertical.
You can use a LinearLayout as the base Layout and replace the default RelativeLayout that
Android Studio provides or you can place a LinearLayout within the RelativeLayout.
Replacing one Layout with another isn't as easy as it sounds because you will lose all of
the controls already positioned when you delete the first layout. If you edit the XML file to
use a different layout then you might not lose the controls, but things get complicated if the
new Layout doesn't support the same set of layout properties - which is usually the case.
Android Studio really doesn't want you to use any Layout other than the RelativeLayout as
the initial container and so it doesn't let you delete it in an attempt to replace it. If you really
want to use something else then you have no option but to edit the XML file directly.
The horizontal LinearLayout acts as a row container and a vertical LinearLayout acts as a
column container. You can use nested LinearLayouts to build up something that looks like
a table - but if this gets very complicated it is better to use a TableLayout.
If you place a LinearLayout on the RelativeLayout then you can position it like any other
control. If you then place other controls inside it then they will stack up horizontally to form
a row or vertically to form a column.
This sounds easy but there are lots of ways to use a LinearLayout.
For example, if you put a horizontal and a vertical LinearLayout in the RelativeLayout then
how they behave depends on what you set their layout_width and layout_height to. If you
set it to wrap_content then the two Layouts act like a horizontal and vertical panel of
controls, i.e. you can move all of the controls as a block.

Things get more interesting when you nest one LinearLayout inside another to create a
For example, you can create a calculator style keypad by nesting three horizontal
LinearLayouts inside a single vertical LinearLayout. That is, place a vertical LinearLayout
on the screen and then place three horizontal LinearLayouts within it. Within each
horizontal LinearLayout place three buttons. If you have difficulty doing this use the
Component Tree window to make sure that the components are correctly nested.

This is easier to arrange than using the RelativeLayout. The final Button is just placed into
the vertical LinearLayout and it forms a row all of its own.
There isn't much else to say about using LinearLayout apart from once you start using it
then it tends to be the one you think of using far too often. It is very attractive to use a
LinearLayout as a grouping device every time you need a row or column of controls.

There's one last mystery of the LinearLayout to discuss, layout_weight.
This is a layout property that only the LinearLayout supports.
If you assign a layout_weight to any of the controls in a LinearLayout then the controls are
adjusted in size to fill any unused space in proportion to their weights.
The really important part of this description is "unused space". What happens is that
Android first computes the layout ignoring any weight assignments. This means that the
controls are set to the sizes you specified. Next the system determines what space remains
unused in the containing LinearLayout. This is then distributed between the controls that
have non-zero values of layout_weight in proportion to their weights.
For example, suppose we have a horizontal LinearLayout with three Buttons all set to
wrap_content. The screen has been rotated to provide a lot of unused space for the

You can see that there is a lot of unused space over to the right. If we now set the first
Button's layout:weight to 1 it will be allocated all of that unused space:

If you now set the second Button's layout:weight to 1 then the unused space will be shared
between the first two Buttons equally:

You can guess what would happen if we now set the third Button's layout:weight to 1 - the
space would be shared equally and all three buttons would be the same size. If , however,

the first button was given a weight of 2 then the unused space would be shared out in the
ratio 2:1:1 and so on.
More interestingly what do you think would happen if you assigned a fixed width to the third
The answer is simple.
If the third Button's layout:weight is zero then it is set to the width specified and the other
two buttons get the unused space - for example setting the third Button to 350dp gives:

However, if the third button has a layout:weight set then it will probably change its width
because it gets a share of the unused space just like the other buttons.
In other words, when you set a non-zero layout:weight a control can change its size even
though you have set a specific size for it.
This leads to the idea of "measured size" and "actual size". In the case of the third Button
its measured size is 350dp but if its layout:weight is non-zero then its actual size on the
screen will be different - it will use some of the unused space.
When you are working with components in code the getWidth and getHeight properties will
give you the actual width and height of the control. The getMeasuredWidth and
getMeasuredHeight properties will give you the measured width and height before any
adjustment by the Layout has been performed.
Finally, it is worth pointing out that if you want to be sure that the three Buttons are the
same size you have to set their widths to 0dp and weight to 1 (or the same value).
Why is this necessary?
When you set the widths to zero all of the space is unused and the system will divided it
equally between each one.
You can also set their widths to some constant minimum value and then let the weight
mechanism share out the unused space.

The RelativeLayout is the one favored by Android Studio.
It is a complex and sophisticated Layout component and you might think that you should
prefer simpler Layout components if at all possible. For example you can often use a
number of LinearLayouts to do the work of a single RelativeLayout.

The most commonly quoted rule is that you should try to design your UI using the smallest
number of Layouts. In particular, deep nesting of Layouts, i.e. one Layout inside another,
slow things down because the system has to dig deep into each layer of Layout and this
can take a lot of work.
The rule is:
Prefer a shallow sophisticated Layout to a deep nest of simpler Layouts.
And RelativeLayout is the most sophisticated of all.
You can usually replace a set of nested LinearLayouts with a RelativeLayout.
For such a capable Layout, RelativeLayout has only a few Layout properties. These fall into
two groups:

 properties concerned with positioning the control relative to the parent container

 properties concerned with positioning relative to another control.

At least one of the controls in the Layout has to be positioned relative to the parent
container to give the rest of the Layout a position. However, any number of controls can be
positioned relative to the parent container.
The RelativeLayout parameters are presented and organized by the Property window
slightly differently to the way they are represented as constants in the XML or in code. This
description applies to the way Android Studio presents them. Refer to the documentation
for the XML or programmatic constants.
Edge Alignment
The principle is that you can specify the alignment of any pair of edges, one in the parent
and one in the child. This will move the child control so that its edge lines up with the parent
edge, for example, top edge to top edge. If you specify two pairs of edges then you can
change the size of the control as well as positioning it. For example, top to top and bottom
to bottom makes the child control the same height as the parent.
Parent Layout
The parent layout properties are: alignParent top, left, bottom, right
These align the corresponding edge of the control with that of the parent RelativeLayout.
For example: setting alignParent to left moves the left side of the control to the left side of
the parent.

This works without any resizing of the control.

If you select two opposing alignments, top and bottom or left and right, then both the edges
are moved and the control is resized.
For example setting alignParent to left and right produces:

As well as aligning to the edges you can also align to the center of the parent.
The centerInParent property can be set to any of both, horizontal, Vertical and it simply
centers the control as specified.
Component Layout
The alignComponent property can be set to any of the eight possible pairs of top, bottom,
left and right.
The first indicates the edge of the child control that will be aligned with the parent control's
edge specified by the second. For example top:bottom sets the child's top edge to coincide
with the parent control's bottom edge. For each possible pair of alignments you have to
specify the parent control's id. Android Studio helps you to do this by presenting a drop
down list of possible controls that could be used for positioning.
As in the case of aligning with the parent Layout you can specify alignment of two edges for
example Left and Right and this changes the size of the child control to be the same as the
parent control.
There is also a baseline alignment option which aligns the text baseline in the parent and
child control.
Notice that Android Studio maps the properties that you set using the Designer to a more
complicated set of XML properties that you will need to know about if you are changing the
Layout in code or manually editing the XML. For example if you place Button2 so that its
bottom edge is lined up with the top edge of Button1 this shows in the Property Window as
bottom:top but in the XML you will find
In most cases it is easier to let the Designer generate the underlying properties or use the
Properties window to set them but it is important to know that there are a lower level set of
properties. To look them up in the documentation find RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.
Margin Offsets
So far all we can do is align pairs of edges.
How do you specify exact positions relative to another control or the parent?
The answer is to use the common pattern of setting the margins of the control. If you align
top edges but set a top margin of 10dp on the child then the top of the child control will be
10dp lower than the parent control.

So the edge alignment is used to specify the relative direction of one control to another and
the margins set give the exact offset.
RelativeLayout And The Designer
With all of this understood you can now see how the Designer lets you generate a
RelativeLayout. As you move a control around the design surface the nearest other control
or the parent Layout is selected as the parent to use for positioning, the closest edges are
used for alignment and that margin is set to the distance between the parent and child.
This works well but it can sometimes be difficult to get the Designer to pick the control or
the Layout as you move a control around. You can always use the Properties window to
manually set this if it proves too difficult to set interactively.
Also notice that if you drag and edge of one control close to alignment with the edge of
another control then this will result in just that edge being aligned and the control changes
its size. For example if you drag the right side of a control to the right size of the Layout
then the width of the control changes. This behaviour can confuse beginners using the
designer as it appears to be possible to resize controls by dragging an edge but most of the
time the control snaps back to its original size when released. Of course it only resizes
when the edge you are dragging lines up with a corresponding edge on another control.
if you understand the way that the RelativeLayout works then using the Designer is much
easier and indeed using RelativeLayout to create a complex UI is easier

What Are Start and End?

If you look at the Properties window you will see some additional Layout parameters with
start and end as part of their name. If you look a little more closely these refer to start and
end edges.
In API 17 a new feature was added to allow layout to take account of a layout direction. In
normal use with Layout_Direction set to left-to-right then the start edge is the same as the
left edge and the end edge is the same as the right edge. If Layout_Direction is right-to-left
then start is right and end is left. For example, you can set startpadding to control the
padding on the left or right depending on the layout direction set.
Notice that this only works for API 17 onwards and the Designer doesn't seem to show it,
even though it sets the start and end properties to the same values as the equivalent left
and right properties.

 You can use different Layout containers to create UIs. Each Layout has its own
facilities for how child controls are positioned and sized.

 The most important are LinearLayout, RelativeLayout and FrameLayout.

 Each Layout has its own set of Layout properties to control positioning and sizing of
a control. Child controls have an instance of the Layout properties class to tell the
Layout how to position and size them.

 Layout properties are all prefixed with layout_ in the XML and written as layout: in
the Properties window.

 All Layouts support layout:width and layout:height.

 You can specify position using a number of different units but in most cases use dp
density independent pixels as this works the same way on screens of the same size
but different resolutions.

 As far as the Layout is concerned a control is just a rectangle wdith by height

positioned using top and left.

 All controls have padding properties which specify extra space around the control's

 Some Layouts provide layout:margin properties that set extra space around the
outside of the control.

 Gravity simply sets the simple positioning of an object - e.g. top, bottom, right, left.
Every control has a gravity property which sets the position of its content - e.g. the
text in a Button. Some Layout's have a layout:gravity property that sets how a
control will be positioned.

 The FrameLayout is the simplest of all Layouts and just has layout:gravity for
positioning. In most cases it holds a single control and it is most often used as a

 The LinearLayout can be used to organize controls as a row or a column.

 Complex layouts can be created by nesting LinearLayouts inside each other to

produce a column or rows or a row or columns. This has resulted in the
LinearLayout being the most used.

 As well as gravity, the LinearLayout also supports the specification of a control's

weight. After the measured size of each control is determined by the Layout, the
remaining unused space is allocated to the controls in the same proportions as their
assigned weights.

 The RelativeLayout is the most complex of the Layouts and can be used to create
almost any UI.

 The general principle is to try to select a Layout that results in the smallest nesting
of Layout containers. It is generally better to use a single RelativeLayout rather than
deeply nested LinearLayouts.

 The RelativeLayout can seem complicated or difficult to use in the Designer

because of the way properties are set and unset as you move controls around. If
you understand the principles then it is much easier to use. As you move a control
the closest edge on another control or the RelativeLayout contain are set to be
aligned and a margin property is set to the distance between them.

 You can resize controls using the Designer but only by dragging on an edge and
aligning it with the same edge on another control. That is, you can make controls
the same size but you cannot set a control to an arbitary size.

 The Designer simplifies the Layout properties displayed in the Properties window
and maps them onto a bigger set of properties in the generated XML file.

 Start and end properties have been introduced to handle a layout direction
specification. For a left-to-right layout start=left and end=right. For a right-to-left
layout start=right and end=left.

Android Adventures - UI Graphics A Deep

Written by Mike James

Tuesday, 07 April 2015

Article Index

Android Adventures - UI Graphics A Deep Dive

Layout Properties And XML

Inflating Layouts

How To Build A UI

Page 1 of 4

If you want to be a really good Android programmer, not only do

you need to know how to create a UI, but also how the UI is
created. To be really confident in what you are doing, you need
to understand some of the inner workings of the Android
graphics system. This is also essential if you want to modify the
UI in code and work with menus.
Updated for Android Studio 1

Android Adventures With Android Studio


1. Getting Started With Android Studio

2. The Activity And The UI
3. Building The UI and a Calculator App
4. Basic Controls And Events
5. Layout Containers
6. UI Graphics A Deep Dive
7. Menus & The Action Bar
8. Menus, Context & Popup
9. Resources
10. Beginning Bitmap Graphics
11. Staying Alive! Lifecycle & State
12. Spinners
13. Pickers
14. ListView And Adapters

15. Using Android Studio (coming soon)

If you are interested in creating custom template also see:
Custom Projects In Android Studio

A UI Library
There are lots of different UI construction kits for Java and other
languages - AWT, Swing, Qt, MFC, WPF and on - and you
might think that mastering them all would be a difficult if not
impossible task. In fact it is a lot easier than you might think
because most UI libraries use the same general approach and
the Android UI library which doesn't seem to have a given name
is no different.
Let's take a careful look at how it works.
An Activity has a window associated with it and this is usually
the entire graphics screen of the device it is running on. In other
words, an Activity can allow other Java classes to draw on the
device's screen. However, rather than simply providing direct
access to the graphics hardware there is an extensive set of
classes that make building a UI and performing graphics
operations easier.
Before we look at general graphics we need to first find out how
the UI is constructed.

The View
The basis of all UI components and general 2D graphics is the
View class.
This is a general purpose class that has lots and lots of
methods and properties that determine how it will display the
widget or other graphics entity it represents. It also takes part in
the event handling system which means Views can respond to
There are View classes that implement all of the standard
widgets that you make use of in the Android Studio designer,
i.e. button, textview and so on.

Every View object has an onDraw method that can draw the
graphic representation of what it represents onto a Canvas
object which is essentially a bitmap with drawing methods.
What happens is that the Activity calls the View's onDraw
method when it needs to update the UI and passes it a Canvas
object that it then renders to the screen - you don't have to
worry about how the Canvas is rendered to the screen at this
level. You can think of this as "every View object knows how to
draw itself".
To summarize:

 An Activity can be associated with a View object.

 When the Activity needs to draw its UI it calls the View

objects's onDraw method e.g. view.onDraw(Canvas).

 The View object then draws on the Canvas whatever it

needs to, whether a button, text or something else.

 The Activity then displays the Canvas object on the


 An Activity can only be associated with a single View

object, which determines what is drawn on the
screen. This might seem a bit limited but, as you will
see, it is far from limited.

How do you set a View object to show in the Activities window?
The answer is that you use the Activities setContentView
method - which is what we have been doing all along.
To see this in action, start a new Simple Blank Activity project
and add the following code to the end of onCreate :
Button b = new Button(this);
Don't forget to use Alt+Enter to add the import statements
needed to allow you to use the Button class.
The first instruction creates a Button object, which is a subclass
of View, and the second sets this as the Activities View.
If you run this program what you will see is a grey area that fills
the entire screen.

Yes, this is the button!
You can even click it although, with no event handler, nothing
To make the button a tiny bit more interesting we can
customize it by setting properties.
For example:
Button b = new Button(this);
b.setText("Hello Button");
If you run this you will see a button that fills the screen with the
caption "Hello Button".

Don't bother setting any layout properties in code because at

the moment there is no layout in force so they will be ignored.
How to get a layout in action is our next topic.

ayout - ViewGroup
If an Activity can only show a single View object how can we ever create a complex UI with
multiple buttons, textViews and other widgets?
The answer is, and you probably already guessed it, is that there are Layout or ViewGroup
objects which can be used to host other View objects.
You already know about using Layouts in the designer or in an XML file but they, like all UI
elements correspond to particular Java classes that do the actual work.
A ViewGroup can display multiple View objects.
So in nearly all cases the View object that is associated with an Activity is a Layout View.
When the Activity asks the Layout View to render itself, by calling its onDraw method the
Layout calls the onDraw method of each of the View objects it contains and puts them
together to make a single result. Of course it also performs a layout operation positioning
and sizing the View objects it contains.
So a Layout does two things:

 it hosts other View objects

 it performs the layout function after which it is named.

To see this in action try (add it to the end of onCreate):
LinearLayout linLayout=new LinearLayout(this);
Button b = new Button(this);
b.setText("Hello Button");
The first instruction creates a LinearLayout object. This is a subclass of View that can
contain other View objects and it organizes them in a left to right or top to bottom way
depending on the setting of its orientation property. Next we create a button object and
then use the standard addView method of the LinearLayout to add it to the layout. All
Layouts have an addView method and it can be used to add multiple View objects.
If you run this program you will see a button right at the top left of the screen. You can add
more buttons to see how the default linear layout works:
protected void onCreate(
Bundle savedInstanceState) {

Button b1 = new Button(this);

b1.setText("Hello Button 1");

Button b2 = new Button(this);

b2.setText("Hello Button 2");

Button b3 = new Button(this);

b3.setText("Hello Button 3");


Layout Properties
At the moment we are relying on default settings for the properties and the layout
properties in particular of the View objects we are creating. However, in practice you could
spend the time and lines of code to set all of the properties needed to create any user
interface and layout you wanted to.
You now know how to create a UI completely in code. All you have to do is create all of the
widget objects you need, set their properties and add them to suitable layout objects.
This however is a little more complicated than you might think because each Layout type
has a different set of layout properties. Exactly how this is done is easy enough but if you
don't want to know about it at this stage you can skip on - it doesn't change any of the
general principles.
As explained in the previous chapter each Layout type has an associated class derived
from LayoutParams called name.LayoutParams where name is the Layout class.
For example, LinearLayout has the LinearLayout.LayoutParams class which is used to
define all of the layout properties that a View object can use when added to a LinearLayout
You can probably guess how to make use of the LayoutParams class. All you have to do is
create a correctly initialized instance of the appropriate LayoutParams class and use
setLayoutParams on any View object you want to customize.
For example, to set the height and width of a button we could use:
LinearLayout.LayoutParams LP=
new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(100,100);
There is a constructor for all of the LayoutParam classes that accepts just the width and the
height properties. Once you have a LayoutParams object you simply set it on any View
object you want it to apply to:
With this change the third button in our previous layout will be exactly 100 x 100 pixels.
Notice that the constructor works in pixels not device independent pixels. You can also use
constants for MATCH_PARENT and WRAP_CONTENT. There is also a constructor that
allows you to set the wieght. Other layout properties have to be set using setProperty
methods after the constructor has done its job. For example:

which sets the left, top, right and bottom margins accordingly.

More complex Layout objects have correspondingly more complex LayoutParams that you
have to spend more time setting up.
So to be clear - there are properties such as Text that you set directly on the View object
but there are also Layout properties that you have to set on an appropriate LayoutParams
object which is then set at the View object's LayoutParam property.

The Layout Hierarchy

Notice also that a Layout can contain other Layouts and so the set of View objects that
make up a UI is structured like a tree - the View hierarchy. When the screen is redrawn
each View object is asked to draw itself and this is done for all View objects in the hierarchy
from top to bottom.
Normally the View hierarchy is drawn just once when the Activity loads. If an area of the
screen is obscured by another graphic for any reason then the redraw it clever enough not
to draw the entire View hierarchy. It only redraws View objects that intersect with the
invalidated area of the screen. There is more to say on this later.
The View hierarchy is also involved in passing events between objects and in determining
which widget has the current focus.

XML Layout
So far the principles of the graphic system are simple enough.
Every control or widget corresponds to a View object and you can build a UI by creating
View objects in code and adding them to Layouts. You control the way the View objects are
arranged using the LayoutParams object or by directly setting properties.
An Activity will draw its View hierarchy to the screen when it needs to.
OK, this is how to create a UI in code but so far we have been building a UI using the
How does this relate to the View hierarchy?
The Designer creates an XML file which describes the View hierarchy that you want to
create. The way that this works is fairly obvious. Each tag in the XML file corresponds to a
View object that you would like to create an instance of.
For example:
would create an instance of a LinearLayout object.

Nesting tags within a layout indicates that the object created need to be added to the layout
as child Views. For example:
<Button />
would create a LinearLayout object and a Button object and then add the Button object to
the LinearLayout using its addView method.
You can see that the XML captures the idea of the View hierarchy perfectly.
To set object properties all you have to do is is use the corresponding attributes in the
XML. For example to set the button's text you would use
android:text="New Button"
Layout parameters are set using properties prefixed with layout_property. For example:
That is really all there is to it.
The XML defines a hierarchy of objects and their properties and the system reads the file
and creates the objects.
This use of XML as an object instantiation system is not an uncommon one.
Of course, the XML created by the designer looks a lot more complicated than the
examples above but this is mainly because of the number of attributes it defines. The basic
idea is still the same.

Inflation theory
The final big question to be answered is how does the XML get converted into a real object
The answer to this is to use an "inflater".
To inflate a layout is Android jargon for instantiating the objects defined by an XML file.
You normally don't have to call an inflater because the system does it for you behind the
scenes, but you can if you want to.
For example, to inflate a layout you would use an instance of the LayoutInflater.
Normally you wouldn't create a fresh instance, but opt to borrow ths system's using
getLayoutInflater. Once you have the LayoutInflater you can use one of its many inflate
methods to create a View object hierarchy as specified by the XML. Which method you use
depends on where the XML is stored. You can simply supply a resource id for an XML file
included in the res directory.
For example to inflate the usual activity_main.xml layout you would use:
LayoutInflater inf = getLayoutInflater();
View myView = inf.inflate(

The second parameter of inflate can be used to provide a View object to act as the root
container for the inflated View hierarchy. The container is just used as a reference "parent"
for the purposes of calculating the layout. That is it simply provides the container that
everything has to fit into according to the layout rules.
Of course this is entirely equivalent to the usual:
which calls the LayoutInflater and sets the view in one instruction.
The only reason that you would manually inflate an XML layout is if you wanted to do
something clever such as put one layout together with another or in some way manipulate
the View hierarchy.
Notice that there are other types of inflater objects - e.g. the Menu inflater but it does the
same job of converting XML to instantiated objects with the given properties. We will come
back to these more specialized inflaters when we look at menus in the next chapter.
There is also a version of the inflate method:
inflate(R.layout.activity_main,root, true/false);
which will inflate the XML resource using root as its container for the purposes of layout if
the last parameter is false and it will add the inflated View to the root if the last parameter is

Finding View objects

One problem we have to solve if you want to work with the View hierarchy created by an
inflater is finding View objects in the hierarchy.
In the example where we built the View hierarchy in code it was easy to keep track of a
button or a textView by simply keeping a reference to when it was created.
An inflater simply returns the View hierarchy without an easy way to get at a particular
object, a button say.
One way of solving the problem would be to "walk" the View tree. A ViewGroup object e.g.
a layout not only has an addView method but a range of methods that allow you to access
objects it contains. Each child object is assigned an integer index - think of it like an array.
The method:
will return the child object at index i.
You can also use:
to find out how many child objects are stored in the container.
Using these methods you can search the hierarchy for the View object you want but how do
you know which one it is?
The answer to this one is that all View objects have an id property which should identify
them uniquely. There are getid and setid methods but usually the id property is set as part
of the XML file.
To avoid you having to work out an id value the standard way of setting an id is to define a
resource within the XML file:

When the XML file is inflated the @+ symbol is interpreted as "create a resource". An
integer id is generated using the generateViewId method and this is used to both create the
id property and to add a my_button property to the R.id object.
The only minor complication is that when you set an id using the designer it will auto
generate the @+id/ for you. So in the Properties window you will see my_button not
@+id/my_button. This is helpful but if you delete an id in the property window it leaves the
@+id/ in the XML which is an illegal id and so causes an error to be flagged.
There is a lot more to say about resources, but for the moment this is enough to
understand what is going on. Resources deserve a chapter all to themselves.
What all this means is that not only do you get an autogenerated id value, but also a way to
get this value into running code. You could use the getChildAt methods to step through all
of the View objects in the hierarchy, but it is much easier to use:
which returns the object in one instruction.
In general the general method is to inflate the XML, set it as the content of the view and
then use the findViewById to locate any View object you want to work with in code.

How To Build A UI?

You now have two distinct approaches to building a UI. You can do the whole job in code or
you can create an XML layout.
In practice it is usually easier to use the Android Studio designer to generate the XML file
for you.
You can however mix the two approaches and change a UI "on the fly". For example you
can load a UI by implicitly or explicitly inflating an XML file and then writing code to create
and add other widgets or even remove View objects from the layout. To remove View
object you simply use the removeView or removeViewAt methods of the ViewGroup object.
There are other UI components such as menus that the designer doesn't support. In this
case you have to work with the XML or create the UI in code. This means you do need to
know the inner workings of the View hierarchy even though the designer is the easiest way
to create a UI.

 All of the UI components are derived from the View class.

 An Activity can host and display a single instance of the View class set by one of its
setContentView methods.

 You can create instances of View objects in code and set them to be displayed by
the Activity.

 A Layout or ViewGroup object is a View object that can contain many View objects
so creating a sophisticated layout that the Activity can display.

 Each Layout has its associated LayoutParam class which is used by each View
object it contains to control how it treats it within the layout.

 You generally have to create an instance of the LayoutParam class, set the
parameters you want to determine and then set the instance as the LayoutParam of
each View object that needs to use it via the setLayoutParams method.

 The use of Layout containers results in a View hierarchy i.e. a hierarchy of View
objects which are displayed by the Activity.

 You can also code the View hierarchy using XML. Each XML tag corresponds to a
View object and they are nested to define the hierarchy. The properties of the
objects are set within the XML as attributes. Layout properties are treated in the
same way but with layout_ as a prefix.

 When the time comes for the View hierarchy to be assigned to the Activity, the XML
file is converted into a nested set of View objects by the use of an inflater method.
This simply reads the XML and converts each tag to an object and sets the objects

 To find particular View objects in an inflated hierarchy the usual approach is to

assign an id and use the findViewById method.

What more is there to learn?

Next we need to look at menus and some other interesting UI components.

Android Adventures - Menus & The Action

Written by Mike James

Tuesday, 05 May 2015

Article Index

Android Adventures - Menus & The Action Bar

Action Bar

Responding to menu events

Controlling the Action Bar

Page 1 of 4

A UI isn't just made up of buttons and other widgets - the menu is

still a useful way of letting the user select what happens next.
Android's menu system is easy to master. This completely new
chapter of Android Adventures is an introduction to all things
menu and the action menu in particular.

Android Adventures With Android Studio


1. Getting Started With Android Studio

2. The Activity And The UI
3. Building The UI and a Calculator App
4. Basic Controls And Events
5. Layout Containers
6. UI Graphics A Deep Dive
7. Menus & The Action Bar
8. Menus, Context & Popup
9. Resources
10. Beginning Bitmap Graphics
11. Staying Alive! Lifecycle & State
12. Spinners

13. Pickers
14. ListView And Adapters

15. Using Android Studio (coming soon)

If you are interested in creating custom template also see:
Custom Projects In Android Studio

Menus are slightly different from other UI components in that they

have to be created without the help of the Designer. The basic
principles are the same in that a menu is a collection of View
objects. You can create the View objects in code or you can use
an XML file and a special inflater - a MenuInflater - to convert it
into the objects.
Defining a menu is more or less the same process every time but
the way in which you use the menu varies according to where
and when the menu is shown but even this follows roughly the
same steps.
Let's look a the general idea first.

The Menu Tree

A menu is a hierarchy of options.
The top level menu presents a set of items. If any of the items is
itself a menu, i.e. a sub-menu then it can contain more items.
Android menus make use of three objects and hence three XML
This inflates to a Menu object which is a container for menu items
and group elements.
This inflates to a MenuItem object which is a single option in the
menu. It can also contain a <menu> tag which can in turn contain
more <item> tags to create a sub-menu.

This tag doesn't inflate to an object. Instead it sets the group id of
all of the items it contains. You can set various properties of a
group of items in one operation i.e. they act as a group.
There are also a range of attributes that can be used with <item>
and <group> and not all can be used in every situation.
The three that you need to know about are:

 id - an integer that you use to identify the menu item

 title - a string that determines what the menu item
 icon - a drawable image used when the menu item can
be displayed as an icon.
With all this explained let's define a menu with a single File item
and a submenu consisting of two items New and Open.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<menu xmlns:android=

<!-- "file" submenu -->

android:title="New" />
android:title="Open" />
If you use Android Studio to create a new Menu Resource file
then you will discover that it helps you enter the XML by
suggesting autocompletions.
All menu resources are stored in the app\res\menu directory. If
you right click on this directory you can select the New, Menu
resource option and type in a name - all lowercase as usual.
You can see in the menu example that we have a top level menu
item that we don't bother giving an id to which contains a single
<item> tag this displays the text File when the menu is displayed.
In case you have forgotten the notation "@+id/name"
automatically creates the id resource name and sets it to a newly
generated integer value. You can then usename in code to find
and work with the menu item.

The <item> tag contains another <menu> tag which in turn
contains two more items that correspond to New and Open file
menu options.
Exactly how this simple menu looks depends on how it is
displayed but it defines a menu with a single top level File option
which when selected displays a submenu of two other options
New and Open.

Displaying A Menu
There are four different ways you can display a menu:

1. action bar
2. context menu
3. contextual action mode
4. popup
The action bar was introduced in Android 3 and it is a
replacement for the original options menu. You should always
use the action bar as the primary menu for your application.
The context menu is a popup menu that appears in response to a
long click on a component of the UI.
The contextual action mode is bar that appears at the top of the
screen when the user long-clicks on a UI element and it is
supposed to be used to provide actions that are appropriate for
the item that has been selected. It too needs the Support Library
to work with older versions of Android.
The popup menu can be displayed in response to almost any
user action you care to use. It appears next to the View object
that causes it to be displayed. For example you could have a
button that displays a popup when clicked or a popup could
appear when a user types something into a text field. It is difficult
to know exactly when to use a popup menu.
Logically the next step would be to use the XML file we just
created to display either a contextual action mode or a popup but
as the default project type generates the code and menu
resource file needed to implement an action bar, and it is used in
most applications, it is better to start with it.
The remaining menu types are the topic of the next chapter.

The Action Bar
If you start a new blank Activity project called MenuSample then you will discover that it
automatically creates a main_menu resource file and the code needed to display it as the
action bar.
Important Note: AppCompat
Things have changed with the introduction of version 22.1 of the Support Library. In
the rest of this example is is assumed that you use use the Android SDK Manager to
install Android Support Library 22.1. This chapter introduces the AppCompat approach
to creating an action bar.
If you get an error message about "Missing Styles" use the AppTheme button to select
If you take a look at the generated code you will discover that there is an
onCreateOptionsMenu event handler that has been automatically created - a something
that we have ignored so far.
The standard Activity class has supported the action bar since Android 3 and as long as
you are targeting Android 3 or later you could change the definition of MainActivity to:
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
and add:
import android.app.Activity;
and it would work perfectly without having to use the Support Library which is what the
basic template does:
public class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity {
and the import statement is:
import android.support.v7.app.ActionBarActivity;
This version of the Activity class i.e ActionBarActivity supports the action bar in exactly the
same way and hands off to Activity if the OS version supports and implements it if not.
If you have installed the latest Support Library you will notice that ActionBarActivity is struck

This is because it has been deprecated in favour of the new AppCompatActivity class that
supports not only the action bar but features introduced with Lollipop. You can continue to
use ActionBarActivity but it is just as easy to change to AppCompatActivity even if you don't
want to take advantage of its new features.
To change to the new Support Library class make sure you have installed at least version
22.1 and change the class declaration to read:
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
and the import to read:
import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity;
With these changes you are creating an app that is fairly future proof.
Presumably, in time, the Android Studio template will be changed to use the
AppCompatActivity class by default.
Now if you run the app you will see the familiar Hello world message and the default app

In fact it is so familiar you may not even have realized that it is a menu. The action bar has
the name of the app to the left and a three dot icon to the right. If you select the three dot
icon the Settings menu item appears:

If you take a look at the menu_main.xml file you can see the definition of this menu:
<menu xmlns:android=

<item android:id="@+id/action_settings"
app:showAsAction="never" />
You can see that this defines a single menu with a single item with the title Settings as
determined by the resource string @string/action_settings.
There are some new attributes being used in the item tag. The showAsAction attribute is
important for the way the action bar works.
By default the system places menu items into the overflow area that is only revealed when
the user selects the three dot icon or more generally the action overflow icon. However for
items that you would like to give the user a more direct access to you can see the
showAsAction attribute.
This can be set to any of the following:

 ifRoom - show if there is room

 never - never show in the visible area
 withText - show with text
 always - always show even if it means overlapping other items
 collapseActionView - show a collapsed view of the item.
As you can see the Settings item in the default action bar is set to never show.
The showAsAction attribute works with the orderInCategory attribute to determine the order
that items are shown.
To see this in action let's add another item. Add to the end of the menu_main.xml file
before the final </menu> tag:
<item android:id="@+id/action_send"
app:showAsAction="ifRoom" />
Now if you run the app you will see:

This works and the new item will be displayed as long as there is room - if there isn't it will
appear when the user selects the three dots icon. It is usual to show action bar items as
icons so change the item tag to read:
<item android:id="@+id/action_send"

where we are using one of the many supplied icons.

You can carry on adding menu items to the action bar and generally customizing how they
display given different screen widths - the general idea is the same for all menus.

Creating The Action Bar

So far we have just looked at the menu_main.xml file and the XML specification of the
action bar menu. There is also some code generated to actually create the action bar.
The Activity will fire a CreateOptionsMenu event when it is ready to display the action bar,
recall the action bar used to be called the Options Menu. All the onCreateOptionsMenu
event handler has to do is inflate the XML file that defines the menu:
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.menu_main, menu);
return true;

The onCreateOptionsMenu is called once when the Activity starts. Before Android 3 it was
called each time the menu was displayed on the screen but later the action bar is always
on display. How to change the action bar is discussed later.
All the event handler has to do is use the appropriate inflater object to create the menu
from the resource file. The new View hierarchy of menu and item objects is added to the
menu object passed to the event handler. This is important because it means that your new
menu items are added to any that are already there. This allows other Activitys and
Fragments to add items to a common action bar.

Where's My Action Bar?

If you try any of this out then there is a chance that you will do everything correct and yet
your action bar will not show.
There are only two common reasons for this.
The first is that you are targeting and using an early version of Android which doesn't
support the action bar. This is unlikely especially if you are using the support library.
The second, and this is much more common, is that you are using a theme that doesn't
support the action bar or doesn't support the type of action bar you are using.

The solution is easy.
For everything before Android 5 select a Holo theme from the theme drop down in the
designer. For Android 5 or the support library select one of the AppCompat themes if you
want to make use of the new features introduced with Android 5.
However if you select a new theme in the designer then it isn't automatically passed on to
the app when you run it. To change the overall theme for the app you have to edit the
styles.xml file in the res/values folder. Change the parent= to the theme you want to use -
<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light">

Responding To Menu Events

You can attach click event handlers to the various items in a menu in the usual way - this is
something that is often overlooked because there is a simpler and standard way of doing
the job.
However it is worth seeing the direct method if only to convince yourself that a menu is just
another part of the View hierarchy that your application displays.
If you aren't fully familiar with how to attach a click event handler to a View object then
read Basic Controls And Events.
When you inflate a menu resource in onCreateOptionsMenu the part of the View hierarchy
that is the menu is added to the menu object passed in:
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu)
i.e. menu in the usual generated code. Next you get the inflater and inflate the resource:
getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.menu_main, menu);
After this menu contains the View hierarchy that is the entire menu as created so far. If you
want to attach an event handler to one of the menu items then you might think that the
standard way of doing this is to use findViewById and then use its OnClickListener property
to set the event handler as you would with a set of View objects.
You can't do this with the menu because it hasn't been added to the complete View
hierarchy yet but the menu object does have findItem method. So to find the MenuItem that
corresponds to the item with id action_send you would use:
MenuItem mItem=menu.findItem(R.id.action_send);
Now that you have the MenuItem object corresponding to the Send item you can add a
click event handler:
new MenuItem.OnMenuItemClickListener() {
public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) {
process event
return false;

Now the event handler will be called when the Send menu item is selected by the user. The
event handler should return true if it has consumed the event and false if it wants to pass it
on to other handlers.
The entire onCreateOptions Menu method is:
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.menu_main, menu);
MenuItem mItem=menu.findItem(R.id.action_send);
new MenuItem.OnMenuItemClickListener() {
public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) {
return false;
return true;

You can also add an event handler for the menu in the XML resource using the
android:onClick attribute. The event handler has to have the same signature as the one
demonstrated above i.e. it has to return boolean and have a single MenuItem parameter.
For example
public boolean myOnClick(MenuItem item){
return true;
<item android:id="@+id/action_send"
You can use this method to connect as many individual event handlers as you require for
each of the MenuItems.
However this is not the way it is usually done.
The Activity has an onOptionsItemSelected event handler method which is called when
any of the items in the menu is selected. Obviously this saves a great deal of effort
because you just have to implement a single event handler - and you don't even have to
hook it up to the menu.
The generated event handler is;
public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
int id = item.getItemId();
if (id == R.id.action_settings) {
return true;
return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

Which just handles the single autogenerated Settings menu option but you can see the
general principle. The event handler is passed the menu item that has been selected - the
actual object not its id. You can then use the MenuItem's getItemId to retrieve the id and
you can then test it against the ids that you assigned in the resource file.
So for example in our simple example with a Settings and a Send item we might rewrite the
generated event handler as:
public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
switch (item.getItemId()) {
case R.id.action_send:
//perform send
return true;
case R.id.action_settings:
//perform settings
return true;
return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);
You can see the general idea - test for each of the item's id in each of the case clauses and
return true if you have processed the item event.
This is the standard way of processing item events in menus.

Changing Menus In Code

A menu is just a View hierarchy and so you can make changes to it just like any View
hierarchy by adding and customizing View objects. However menus have some extra
considerations because they are displayed in a slightly different way to the rest of the UI.
The key to modifying a menu on the fly is the onPrepareOptionsMenu event handler. This
is called just before the menu is displayed. The onCreateOptionsMenu event only fires
once when the menu is created but the onPrepareOptionsMenu is called every time the
menu is redisplayed hence you can use it to make modifications to the menu.
The problem is finding a simple example of its use is difficult as we will discover. Let's just
add a new item via the onPrepareOptionsMenu
Select a suitable location in the class and right click, select Generate and then Override
method. You can select onPrepareOptionsMenu form the list and Android Studio will create
a stub for you:
public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
return super.onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu);
Now all we have to do is use the add method to add a new item. There are a number of
overloaded versions of add that allow you to specify the item in detail. The simplest is just
add(CharSequence) which adds an item with the specified title:
public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
menu.add("New Item");

return super.onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu);
Now if you run the program you will discover that each time you select the Settings menu a
couple of New Items are added to the menu.

What is going on?

The answer is that each time the menu is drawn on the screen or re-drawn for some reason
onPrepareOptionsMenu is called. For example if you cause the Settings menu to be
displayed this overwrites the menu display and hence it has to be re-drawn and
onPrepareOptionsMenu is called.
If you want to modify the menu in this way you need to check that the modification has
already been made. In other words you need to check the status of the menu to see if the
item you want to add is already there.
A slightly more realistic example is to add and remove a menu item depending on the
setting of a checkbox. Add a checkbox and change the method to read:
public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
CheckBox cb=(CheckBox) findViewById(R.id.checkBox);
if (cb.isChecked()) {
menu.add(Menu.NONE,10,Menu.NONE, "New Item");
return super.onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu);
Notice that all of the items added are given id 10 - there can be more than one menu item
with the same id. If the checkbox isn't checked then the menu item with id 10 is removed. If
there is no menu item with id 10 nothing happens and if there are more than one just the
first is removed. Using this you can add multiple New Items and remove them by simply
viewing the Settings menu which invalidates the menu display.
In an even more realistic application you wouldn't wait for the menu to be invalidated by a
user action you would call invalidateOptionsMenu() when you wanted the
onPrepareOptionsMenu to be called.
So perhaps a more realistic example is to add a button that calls onPrepareOptionsMenu to
update the action bar:
public void onClickAddRemove(View v) {

and have the onPrepareOptionsMenu only add the item if it isn't already in the menu:
public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
CheckBox cb = (CheckBox) findViewById(R.id.checkBox);
if (cb.isChecked()) {
MenuItem menuItem = menu.add(Menu.NONE, 10,
Menu.NONE, "New Item");
} else {
return super.onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu);

Finally how do you set other properties of the MenuItem you have added?
The answer is that add returns the MenuItem created. So to set the new item to show in the
action bar you would use something like:
MenuItem menuItem=menu.add(Menu.NONE,10,
Menu.NONE, "New Item");
Dynamically modifying the menu is a matter of keeping track of its current state and only
then modifying it.

Controlling The Action Bar

There are a couple of questions that still remain. You can see how to add items, submenus
and generally control what the action bar displays but what about controlling when it is
displayed or how it look.
The answer to these question is based on working with the ActionBar object and as you
might expect this is not something general to all menus. The ActionBar has lots of features
for showing menus in different ways and to cover it completely would take too much space
and it needs a chapter all to itself.
However it is worth knowing some of the basic customizations that you can apply.
You can get the ActionBar object in an Activity using the getSupportActionBar or
getActionBar. Once you have the ActionBar object you can use its show() and hide()
methods to remove and show it as required:
ActionBar actionBar=getSupportActionBar();
Similarly you can change the title and subtitle displayed in the action bar:
ActionBar actionBar=getSupportActionBar();
actionBar.setTitle("My Action Bar");
actionBar.setSubtitle("My Subtitle");

There are many other properties and methods that you can use to modify the way the
action bar looks and behaves.
Things that are worth looking up are:

 using a split action bar

 Up Navigation
 Action views
 collapsible action views
 action providers
 navigation tabs

 A menu is a hierarchy of View objects just like any UI element.

 You can create a menu in code but using a menu XML resource file is the most
common way of doing the job.

 There are Menu objects and tags which act as containers for Item objects and

 Submenus can be created by nesting Menu objects within other Menu objects.

 Menu items can have a title, icon, and many other attributes which govern how they
are displayed.

 There are four different ways you can display a menu:

action bar, context menu,contextual action mode and popup.

 To make use of the action bar and the contextual action mode in earlier versions of
Android you need to use the AppCompatActivity and the other support classes

 To display an action bar all you have to do is use the onOptionsCreate event
handler to create a menu, usually by inflating a menu resource.

 In general you can handle click events on each menu item or you can make use of
an items click event handler that the system provides that responds to a click on
any of the items. It is usual to use the items click event handler.

 For the action bar the items click event handler is defined in the Activity
as onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item)

Where Next?
The subject of menus and how to use them is a big one and this is really just a basic
introduction to the idea. From here you can learn about how to group menu items together,
how to put check boxes and even completely general View objects into menus. Then there
is the whole subject of using context menus and popup menus which is the subject of the
next chapter.

You can download the code for this program and for the simple blank activity template from
the CodeBin (note you have to register first).

Android Adventures - Menus, Context &

Written by Mike James

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Article Index

Android Adventures - Menus, Context & Popup

Contextual Action Mode

Popup Menu

Page 1 of 3

As well as the all-purpose action bar, there are three other

commonly encountered menus - the context menu, the
contextual action menu and the popup menu. They share the
basic Android approach to menus and they also have some
special characteristics.

Android Adventures With Android Studio


1. Getting Started With Android Studio

2. The Activity And The UI
3. Building The UI and a Calculator App
4. Basic Controls And Events
5. Layout Containers
6. UI Graphics A Deep Dive
7. Menus & The Action Bar
8. Menus, Context & Popup
9. Resources
10. Beginning Bitmap Graphics
11. Staying Alive! Lifecycle & State
12. Spinners
13. Pickers
14. ListView And Adapters

15. Using Android Studio (coming soon)

If you are interested in creating custom template also see:
Custom Projects In Android Studio

There are menus other than the action bar and it is important to
understand what they should be used for. Essentially we need
to deal with two different types of use - context and pop-
up. Both the context menu and the pop-up menu appear when
the user long clicks on some item on display in the UI.
The context menu should display commands that take the item
clicked as their subject. For example, selecting a line in a table
might bring up a context menu that allows you to delete or
move the item.
A popup menu on the other hand can be used for any task that
a context menu isn't suitable for. It can be used, for example, to
provide additional choices to customize an action.
The context menu is easy to understand and fairly easy to
implement however there is a slight confusion caused by the
introduction of the Contextual Action mode - a context menu in
the form of an action bar.

The Context Menu

The action bar is the apps main menu but there are times when
you want other menus to be available. Now that we have the
principles of menu construction well understood it is easy to
extend what you know about the action bar to other types of
Perhaps the second most useful is the context menu although
this has been replaced in Android 3.0 and higher by the
contextual action mode.
To create a context menu is very easy once you know the basic
mechanism. You can register any View object in the UI to
respond to a long click. When any registered View object
receives a long click the Activities onCreateContextMenu event
handler is called. This is where you create the menu that will be
shown as the context menu.
Notice that you can register as many View objects as you like
and each one will respond to a long click by
onCreateContextMenu begin called. This means that if you
want to show a different menu for each View object you need to
test to see which one has caused the event.
So the recipe is:

1. Create an XML menu resource

2. register all of the the View object that you want to

trigger the context menu using registerForContextMenu

3. override the onCreateContextMenu event handler and
use a menu inflater to create the menu
For a simple example create a new menu resource, right click
in the res/menu directory and select new resource menu file
option. Call it mycontext.xml and enter the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<menu xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.
android:id="@+id/myitem1" />
A very basis menu but enough to demonstrate what is
Next place a button and a checkbox on the UI and in the
OnCreate method add the lines as shown below.
protected void onCreate(Bundle
savedInstanceState) {
Button btn=(Button)findViewById(R.id.button);
CheckBox cb=
(CheckBox) findViewById(R.id.checkBox);

You can see what is happening here - we find the Button and
CheckBox objects and register them using
registerForContextMenu. After this a long click on either UI
component will trigger the onCreateContextMenu event.
You can now right click in the Activity code and select Generate
and Override method. Select onCreateContextMenu and
Android Studio will generate a stub for you.
All you have to do in this stub is inflate the menu resource file
or otherwise create a menu object in code:
public void onCreateContextMenu(
ContextMenu menu,
View v,
ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) {
super.onCreateContextMenu(menu, v, menuInfo);

If you now run the program you will find that the same context
menu appears when you long click on either the Button or the

Of course if you really want this to be a context menu then you

need to test the View object passed into the
onCreateContextMenu event handler and load the menu
resource that corresponds to the appropriate menu for the View
How do you handle the context menu item selection?
In more or less the same way as for the action bar.
When any of the items in the context menu are selected the
Activity's onContextItemSelected event handler is called. So all
you have to do is override this and use the item ids to control
what should happen. For example:
public boolean onContextItemSelected(
MenuItem item) {
switch (item.getItemId()) {
case R.id.myitem1:
do myitem1 action
return true;
case R.id.myitem2:
do myitem2 action
return true;
return super.onContextItemSelected(item);

The only extra detail is the availability of the ContextMenuInfo

object which is passed to the onCreateConextMenu handler

and can be retrieved from the item in the event handler
using item.getMenuInfo(). This contains extra information such
as which line in a list view has been long clicked. Exactly what
information is included depends on the View object that
generated the event.
If you want to see a context menu in action add a TextView to
the UI and try:
public boolean onContextItemSelected(
MenuItem item) {
TextView tv=
(TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView2);
switch (item.getItemId()) {
case R.id.myitem1:
return true;
case R.id.myitem2:
return true;
return super.onContextItemSelected(item);

The Contextual Action Mode

The context menu is easy to use but after Android 3 the contextual action mode menu is
preferred as it extends the behavior of the action bar. However they are implemented
independently and the contextual action bar just happens to occupy the same screen
When a user long clicks a View object a contextual action bar appears at the top of the
screen and not alongside the associated View object as the context menu does.
This may be the way to do things, but it is more complicated because it requires you to
implement more code.
The contextual action mode can be used in earlier versions of Android via the support
Unlike the context menu you don't just register UI components that trigger the menu. You
have to call the startActionMode method to display the contextual action mode menu and
this means you have to write a long click event handler. Notice that it is up to you what user
action triggers the contextual action mode, but it is nearly always a long click.
The steps to creating a contextual action mode menu are:

1. First create an instance of ActionMode.Callback which contains methods for

different stages in the menu's lifecycle.

2. You have to at least override the onCreateActionMode and this usually calls a
menu inflater to generate the menu.

3. To handle events on the menu you also have to override onActionItemClicked.

4. To make the menu appear you have to call startSupportActionMode and pass it the
instance of ActionMode.Callback you created earlier.
For example, if you have button and you want a long click event to trigger the menu you
need to write in the Activity's OnCreate something like:
Button btn=(Button)findViewById(R.id.button);
new View.OnLongClickListener() {
public boolean onLongClick(View v) {
return false;

You can have Android Studio generate this stub by typing in the "new
View.OnLongClickListener" and then right click, select Generate and Implement Interface.
So far all we have implemented is an empty long click event handler for the button. To
make the long click event display a menu we first need an instance of the
ActionMode.Callback interface. Again, you only need to enter the text up to "new
ActionMode.Callback()" and then you can use the generate code option to implement the
private ActionMode.Callback
mActionModeCallback=new ActionMode.Callback(){
public boolean onCreateActionMode(
ActionMode mode, Menu menu) {
return false;
public boolean onPrepareActionMode(
ActionMode mode, Menu menu) {
return false;
public boolean onActionItemClicked(
ctionMode mode, MenuItem item) {
return false;
public void onDestroyActionMode(
ActionMode mode) {}

As you can see, the Callback object has four methods each of which is called as part of the
menu's life cycle.

As you might well guess, to make the menu appear you have to fill in the details for the
onCreateActionMode method:
public boolean onCreateActionMode(
ActionMode mode, Menu menu) {
R.menu.mycontext, menu);
return true;

All we do is inflate the menu resource and the system adds it to the menu. You can also fill
out the details of the other methods - you most likely will want to add something
onActionItemClicked but this involves nothing new.
Finally we need to activate the contextual action menu in the button's onLongClick event
public boolean onLongClick(View v) {
return true;

Now when you long click the button a new context bar like menu appears over the usual
action bar:

Notice that this behaves a little differently in that the menu stays on the screen until the
user clicks the right arrow button in the corner.
You can allow the user to make multiple selections or dismiss the menu as soon as the
user selects one option. In this sense the contextual action bar is more sophisticated and
flexible than the simple context menu.
The complete code to make the contextual action bar appear is:
protected void onCreate(
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Button btn=(Button)findViewById(R.id.button);
new View.OnLongClickListener() {
public boolean onLongClick(View v) {

return true;

private ActionMode.Callback
mActionModeCallback=new ActionMode.Callback(){
public boolean onCreateActionMode(
ActionMode mode, Menu menu) {
R.menu.mycontext, menu);
return true;

public boolean onPrepareActionMode(
ActionMode mode, Menu menu) {
return false;

public boolean onActionItemClicked(
ActionMode mode, MenuItem item) {
return false;

public void onDestroyActionMode(
ActionMode mode) {}

Again this introduction has just scratched the surface of how the new context menu can be
used but the general principles follow the ideas of the general Android menu and many of
the specifics of the action bar.

The Popup Menu

The final menu is so simple by comparison with the rest it is hardly necessary to explain
how to implement it!
What is more difficult is to say when it should be used. It certainly shoudn't be used as a
substitute for a context menu where the operations affect the content that it is "attached" to.
In the case of a popup it seems that its common uses are to refine an action selection by
providing parameters that modify it.
To show a popup menu all you have to do is instantiate a PopupMenu object, set its
onMenuItemClick event handler, create the menu by say inflating a resource file and finally

using its show method. Where on the screen the PopupMenu shows depends on the View
object you pass when creating the instance.
The steps are:

1. Create an instance of PopupMenu and pass the View object you want to use to
position the menu.

2. If you want to handle item selection override the onMenuItemClick method.

3. Use the instance's inflate method to create the menu

4. Use the instance's show method to show the menu.

A popup menu is usually shown in response to some user action and so we need an event
handler to create the popup in. If you place a button into the UI you can define its click
event handler as:
Button button=
(Button) findViewById(R.id.button);
new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
PopupMenu popup=
new PopupMenu(v.getContext(),v);
The onClickPopup will be called when the button is clicked.
The PopupMenu constructor accepts the context and the View object it will be displayed
next to. Usually this is the View object that the user clicked or interacted with i.e. the button
in this case. Next we inflate the menu as usual but using the Popups own inflater which
adds the menu to the Popup. Finally we call show which displays the Popup:

The menu is immediately dismissed if the user clicks on an item or on any other part of the
Of course if you were really using the popup menu you would also handle the item click
new PopupMenu.OnMenuItemClickListener() {

public boolean onMenuItemClick(
MenuItem item) {
TextView tv=
(TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView2);
return false;
Again you can get Android Studio to generate the stub using the Code,Generate command.
As before you would use a select to discover which item the user had selected and act on
that selection.
The complete code is:
Button button=
(Button) findViewById(R.id.button);
new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
PopupMenu popup=
new PopupMenu(v.getContext(),v);
new PopupMenu.OnMenuItemClickListener() {
public boolean onMenuItemClick(
MenuItem item) {
TextView tv=
(TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView2);
return false;

 The context menu is invoked for all View objects in the UI that are registered using

 When the user long clicks on any registered object the onCreateContextMenu and
you can use this to display the menu. When the user selects any of the items in the
menu the system the onContextItemSelected event handler is called.

 The contextual action mode menu is the most complicated to implement. You have
to create an ActionMode.Callback object complete with methods to create the menu
and handle events from its items.

 To display the menu you call the startSupportActionMode(Callback) specifying the

Callback object to be used.

 If you want to use the contextual action mode menu on earlier versions of Android
you have to use the support library classes.

 The popup menu is the easiest to use. Simply create a Popup object, inflate the
menu resource and use its show method to display the menu.

Where Next?
The subject of menus and how to use them is a big one and this is really just a basic
introduction to the idea. From here you can learn about how to group menu items together,
how to put check boxes and even completely general View objects into menus. Then there
is the whole subject of using context menus with more complex data such s lists.
All of which build on what this chapter has described.

You can download the code for this program and for the simple blank activity template from
the CodeBin (note you have to register first).

Android Adventures - Resources

Written by Mike James

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Article Index

Android Adventures - Resources

Drawables, Values and IDs

Conditional Resources


Page 1 of 4

So far we have overlooked resources, but the subject can be

ignored no longer. Resources serve too important a purpose in
Android. They not only make localization easier, they are key to
creating apps that adapt to the device they are being run on.

Android Adventures With Android Studio


1. Getting Started With Android Studio

2. The Activity And The UI
3. Building The UI and a Calculator App
4. Basic Controls And Events
5. Layout Containers
6. UI Graphics A Deep Dive
7. Menus & The Action Bar
8. Menus, Context & Popup
9. Resources
10. Beginning Bitmap Graphics
11. Staying Alive! Lifecycle & State
12. Spinners
13. Pickers
14. ListView And Adapters

15. Using Android Studio (coming soon)

If you are interested in creating custom template also see:
Custom Projects In Android Studio

Any small scale data that your app uses - strings, constants,
graphics, layout files - should all be included as resources
rather than hard coded into your app.
For example, until now we have entered any text that the UI
needed directly as a string property value. If you have a Button
then this approach is to set the Text property by typing in a
string such as "Hello World". .
The amber light next to the entry is a suggestion not to use a
string but a string resource:

This is a good idea because a resource can be reused in other

parts of the program and it is easy to change without having to
dive into the code. A much bigger advantage is that you can
provide alternative resources which are automatically selected
by your app according to the conditions.
So how do we create a resource?
It does depend on the type of the resource but in Android
Studio there are two ways of creating a string resource.
The first is to click the "..." at the right of the property entry box
which makes the Resources dialog popup.

This lists existing resources defined by the system and in the
project. You can also us the New Resource button to create
additional resources. In this case a string resource:

All you have to do is enter a resource name and its value - the
rest of the entries can be left at their defaults, their meaning will
become clear as we proceed.
When you click OK you will see the Properties window with the
This is a reference to your newly created resource. You will
also see the string that you have specified appear as the
button's caption.
You can now reuse the string resource by entering
@string/Greeting anywhere the "Hello World" string is required
- of course it has to be used with a property that accepts a
If you change the definition of a resource then obviously all of
its uses are updated.

The second way of creating a string resource is to edit the
resource XML file. If you look at the file strings.xml in the res
directory you will find it contains:
<string name="app_name">Resources1</string>
<string name="hello_world">
Hello world!</string>
<string name="action_settings">
<string name="Greeting">Hello World</string>
You can see the hello world string that we have just added and
some other strings that Android Studio creates automatically for
you - including another hello world string which is used in the
initial generated UI.
You can edit the resource file directly or you can use the
Resources dialog to create and edit existing string resources.

What Are Resources

Resources are any data that your program wants to use.
Resources are compiled into your program's executable ready
to be distributed to your end users as part of your app. For a
string this doesn't seem particularly useful, after all you could
just as easily use a string constant in code, but for other types
of resource it can be the only way to get the data included in
the apps executable.
For example, drawables - a range of different types of graphics
objects - can be included as resources. if you include a gif file
as a resource then that gif file is incorporated into your app by
the compiler. This means you don't have to provide the gif as a
separate file and you don't have to worry about where it is
stored. Notice, however, that adding a gif file to your app
increases its size.
All resources are stored in folders within the res directory.
The folder name gives the type of the resource and, as we shall
see, can specify when the resource is to be used.
You can see a list of resource types in the documentation/ but
the commonly used ones are:
Folder Description
Any graphic - typically .png, .gif or .jpg but there are a
range of other less frequently used type. The rule is - if its
in any sense a graphic it belongs in drawable.

We have been using layouts since we started
programming Android and XML layout is a resource
complied into your app ready to be used.
The XML files that specify a menu are also resources and
compiled into your app.
XML files that define simple values such as strings,
integers and so on. You can think of these as defining
constants for your program to use.
Although you can put any mixture of value-defining XML into a
single file in the values/ directory, it is usual to group values by
data type and or use.

 arrays.xml for typed arrays

 color.xml for color values
 dimens.xml for dimensions
 strings.xml for strings
 styles.xml for styles
You can also include arbitrary files and arbitrary XML files in
raw/ and xml/. There are two directories dealing with animation
animator/ and anim/.
There is also a directory where you can store icons suitable for
different screen resolutions, but more of this when we look at
conditional resources.

Drawables are slightly different from other resources in that there is no XML file that defines
them. To create and use a drawable all you have to do is copy the graphic file that you
want to use into the drawable/ directory. You don't need XML to define the resource
because the resource's id is just the file name.
The best way to explain how drawable resources work is via a simple example. If you want
to create a jpg bitmap resource all you have to do is copy the jpg file into the correct
resource directory. Android Studio automatically creates the drawable/ directory for you and
all you have to do is copy the bitmap file into it - but how?
The first thing to say is that the file name for a drawable resource can only contain lower
case letters and digits. If the original file name doesn't conform to this pattern you can
rename it after you have copied it into the directory.
There are two fairly easy ways:
You can find the file in the usual file directory structure and use copy and paste to paste it
into the directory displayed in Android Studio.

Alternatively you can right click on the folder and select Show in Explorer which opens the
folder as a standard file system folder to which you can copy the bitmap file in any way that
you like, drag-and-drop for instance.

Once you have the file in the drawable/ directory you can make use of it. Place an
ImageView control on the UI using the designer and find its src property in the Properties
window. Click on the ... button at the far right and the Resources window will open. Select
the Project tab and scroll down until you can see the Drawable folder - select the name of
the file you have just copied into the drawable folder.

You will see that @drawable/desert has been entered as the value of the src property - you
could have entered this string directly without the help of the Resources window.
You will also see the image displayed in the ImageView control:

That's almost all there is to drawable/ resources, but there is a bit more to learn about the
different types of drawables that you can store there. This is best discussed when we cover
graphics in general in the next chapter.

The easiest of the resource folders to use is probably values/, but it also tends to be the
least often used. The strings.xml file tends to be employed, but the others are underutilized.
The reason for is is that the system tends to prompt you to enter strings as resources and
there is an obvious advantage to string resources in that they allow easy localization.
However putting constants of all types in resources is a good idea. Although the main
documentation only mentions string, arrays, colors, dimensions and styles, you can include
a wider range of data types in the XML file:
<bool name="resourcename">true</bool>
<integer name="resourcename">1234</integer>
<string name="resourcename">A String</string>
There are also two array types:
Integer Array
<integer-array name="resourcename">
Typeed Array
<array name="resourcename">
Dimension and color are also two easy-to-understand value resources.
A dimension is simply an integer value complete with a units designator. For example:

<dimen name="resourcename">10px</dimen>
Obviously you can use any of the standard Android measurement scales - pt, mm, in and
so on. You use dimensions anywhere that you need to specify a size or location in a
particular set of units.
Color provides easy to use names for hex color codes. For example,
<color name="resourcename"> #f00 </color>
defines a red color.
You can specify a color using any of:
where each of the letters represents a single hex character with R= Red, G=Green, B=Blue
and A=Alpha (transparency).

Ids are value resources and can be set up just like any other value resource. For example,
if you want to set up an id for a button you might use:
<item type="id" name="resourcename" />
Notice that this is slightly different from over value resources in that you don't have to
provide a value. The reason is that the system provides a unique integer value for each id.
You don't often need to define an id in an XML file all of its own because ids can be created
on the fly within other XML files. Putting a + in front of the use of a resource id creates the
resource without having to explicitly do the job.
For example
creates the button2 resource but
will only work if you have defined button2 in a resource file in the values/ folder.
Of course in Android Studio you can simply type in an id in the property window say and
the system will automatically provide the +@id to make it auto-create. Note that sometimes
there are problems if you delete an id using Android Studio because it leaves +@id in the
XML which isn't a valid id.

Accessing Resources In Code The R Object

For much of the time you really don't need to bother with accessing resources in code
because the job is done for you automatically. For example if you assign a string resource
to a button's text:
Then the system retrieves the string resource and sets the button's text property to it when
the layout is inflated. You don't have to do anything to make it all work.

However sometimes resources are needed within the code of an app and you have to
explicitly retrieve them.
You already have some experience of retrieving resources because you have used R.id to
retrieve id values but it is now time to find out exactly how this all works.
When your app is compiled by Android Studio it automatically creates a resource id - a
unique integer - for every resource in your res/ directory. These are stored in a special
generated class called R - for Resources. The directory structure in starting with res/ is
used to generated properties for the R object that allows you to find the id that corresponds
to any resource. This means that a resource id is always something like R.type.name. So
for example
Retrieves the resource id for the string resource with resource name "Greeting" i.e.
<string name="Greeting">Hello World</string>
Note that this is an integer resource id corresponding to Greeting - not its string value i.e.
"Hello World".
So how do you convert a resource id to the resource value?
The first thing to say is that you don't always have to.
There are many methods that accept a resource id as a parameter and will access the
resource on your behalf. It is usually important to distinguish when a method is happy with
a resource id and when you have to pass it the actual resource value.
if you do have to pass the resource or you want to work with the resource then you have to
make use of the Resources object. This has a range of gettype(resource_id) methods that
you can use to access any resource.
For example to get the string with the resource name "Greeting" you would write:
Resources res= getResources();
String myString=res.
and myString would contain "Hello World". If you are not in the context of the activity you
might have to use Context.getResources.
The only problem with using the Resources object is trying to work out which get method
you actually need.
There are also methods that will return any part or all of its resource name give the id:
getResourceEntryName(int resid)
Return the entry name for a given resource identifier.
getResourceName(int resid)
Return the full name for a given resource identifier.
getResourcePackageName(int resid)
Return the package name for a given resource identifier.
getResourceTypeName(int resid)
Return the type name for a given resource identifier.
There are also some methods that will process the resource as well as simply retrieve it.
For example, if you have raw XML resource getXml(int id) returns an XmlResourceParser
that lets you work thought the XML retrieving tags, attributes, etc.

Conditional Resources
So far resources have just been a way to get data into your app. You might have thought
that if there was another way to do the job then it might be just as good. However Android
Resources are central to customizing your app so that it works with the wide range of
device types and user that an Android app has to cope with.
The clever part is that you can make use of conditional resources to provide a set of
resources customized for the current device - at runtime.
The idea is simple. First you provide a default resource file. This is the one that is located in
the appropriate directory /res/values say - nothing new yet. However you can make use of
qualifiers as part of the directory name. For example you can create a directory called
/res/values-es which is intended to provide resource values for the app when running on a
device set to a Spanish language locale.
What happens is that first any values that you have defined are taken from the XML files in
the values directory - the default. Next if the app is running on a Spanish language device
the XML files in values-es are processed and any resources with the same name replace
the ones provided by the defaults.
You can see that this provides a fairly easy way to make sure that your app presents a UI
in the local language - but there are more qualifiers than just locale and these allow you to
customize the app for other features of the device. You can even stack up qualifiers as part
of folder names to get more precise targeting. For example the directory values-es-small
would only be used if the language was Spanish and the screen was similar to a low
density QVGA screen. The only thing to be careful of is that the qualifiers are used in the
order that they are listed in the table in the documentation.
There are qualifiers for locale, screen density, size and orientation, device type night v day,
touch screen type, keyboard availability and platform version (API level). You can find them
all listed in the documentation but in most cases this is unnecessary because Android
Studio helps you to create qualified resources.
If you select a resource directory values say, and right click you will see New,Values
resource file in the context menu. If you select this option then the New Resource File
dialog opens. You can use this to create a resource file - just enter its name - and you can
apply any qualifiers you want to by simply selecting from the list of available quantifiers to
the left.

If you select say Locale then you will be allowed to enter any details of the qualifier. In the
case of Locale you can select the languages and regions you want to apply from a list.:

Using the New Resource File dialog saves you a lot of time looking up qualifiers and
language/region codes. It is much simpler than hand coding the directories and XML files.
However you do need to be aware of how Android Studio represents qualified resources to
you in the project browser. For example if you create a new strings file in the values
directory and select Locale and es for the Spanish language in Any Region then this
creates a directory res/value-es and a strings.xml file within it. So now you have
However this not what the project browser shows:

It shows the new file as being in the values directory within another folder called
strings.xml. The project browser is trying to show you the resource files with all of the
similar files i.e. strings all grouped together in a single directory but with qualifiers displayed
to the right. In the case of locale it even shows the country flag as an icon.

This is a conceptual way of organizing things and it arguably makes working with multiple
resource files easier. In this case you can see that the two strings.xml files are displayed as
variations on strings.xml.
If you work with Android Studio you can for the most part ignore the actual file and directory
structure and simply add additional resource files using the New Resource File dialog or for
adding locales use the Translation editor - described in the next section. However
occasionally you will need to find a file and manually edit the directory structure. In
particular at the moment there are no command that allow you to modify the qualifiers
associated with a resource file. The simplest solution is to delete the file and recreate it with
new qualifiers if necessary.
It is also worth mentioning that you can create custom layout files in the same way but the
layout editor also has facilities to allow you to clone an existing portrait layout as a
landscape layout for example.

A Simple Localization
As we have already created a Spanish strings.xml file it is trivial to provide a Spanish
version of the greetings string. All you have to do is edit the Spanish strings.xml to read:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="Greeting">Hola Mundo</string>
Now all you have to do is run the app and change the locale of the emulator or the real
Android device. The simplest way to change the locale is to use the Custom Locale app:

When you run this you can see the current locale and select a new one:

When you run the app in the emulator you will see the string resource retrieved from the
Spanish strings.xml file:

Notice that while the button's text has changed the default strings.xml has been used for
the other strings in the app.
It is very important to make sure that all of the resources you use have a default value. if
you miss a resource out of a locale file that doesn't have a default you app wont run.

Android Studio Translate

Android Studio also has some additional tools to allow you to preview conditional
resources. The World icon and the Android icon that are displayed in the layout editor allow
you to select a locale and an Android version that you can see in the layout editor. It is
worth using these to check that your app looks good in other locales.

You can check all of the locales you have defined using the Preview All Locales and any
Right-to-Left Layouts you might have defined.
If you are trying to maintain an app that supports a number of languages then the easiest
way to maintain it is to use the Edit Translations option. This display an editor for string
resources that shows each local version on the same line:

You can use this to enter translations of default strings and you can create new string
resources across all of the locales with a single operation - enter the key, default and
translations. You can also use the world icon at the top left to create new locales and this is
by far the best way to do the job.
Overall the Translation Editor is the best way to manage locales but occasionally you will
still need to know how conditional resource files are organized, created and used.

Android Adventures - Beginning Bitmap

Written by Mike James

Monday, 27 July 2015

Article Index

Android Adventures - Beginning Bitmap Graphics

A First Graphic

Simple Animation

Timer and threads

Listing and Summary

Page 1 of 5

Android graphics is a huge subject, but you have to start

somewhere. In this chapter we look a simple 2D bitmap graphics,
which is often all you need, and find out what the basic principles
of Android graphics are.

Android Adventures With Android Studio


1. Getting Started With Android Studio

2. The Activity And The UI
3. Building The UI and a Calculator App
4. Basic Controls And Events
5. Layout Containers
6. UI Graphics A Deep Dive
7. Menus & The Action Bar
8. Menus, Context & Popup
9. Resources
10. Beginning Bitmap Graphics
11. Staying Alive! Lifecycle & State
12. Spinners
13. Pickers
14. ListView And Adapters

15. Using Android Studio (coming soon)

If you are interested in creating custom template also see:
Custom Projects In Android Studio

Graphics support in Android is extensive - from the simple display
of images and 2D graphics through animation and on to full 3D
rendering. To cover it all needs a separate book, and even then
there would be topics left untouched.
This chapter is an introduction to the minimum you need to know
about 2D bitmap graphics in Android. It isn't all you need to know
to get the job done, but it is enough to get you started on many
common simple graphics tasks. With this grounding you'll also be
in a position to seek out some of the additional information you
need to do the less common things.
The key difference between this account of Android graphics and
the typical approach you find in other documents is that it
concentrates on the principles as well as the how-to. By the end of
this chapter you should have a clear idea of what the different
Android graphics classes are all about.

The Bitmap
You could say that the bitmap is the foundation of any use of
Android graphics. The reason is that no matter how a graphic is
specified or created, it is a bitmap that is eventually created and
displayed on the screen.
There are many ways of creating or obtaining a bitmap. We have
already seen how a bitmap file, .jpg, gif or .png can be included in
the drawable/ resource directory and displayed in an ImageView
control. In many cases a bitmap can be acquired by loading a file,
reading in a collection of bytes or even taking a photo with the
Android camera.
In this instance we will simply create a Bitmap directly:
Bitmap b = Bitmap.createBitmap(100, 100,
A bitmap is simply a rectangle of pixels. Each pixel can be set to a
given color but exactly what color depends on the type of the pixel.
The first two parameters give the width and the height in pixels.
The third parameter specifies the type of pixel you want to use.
This is where things can get complicated. The specification
ARGB_8888 means create a pixel with four channels ARGB -
Alpha, Red, Green, Blue and allocate each 8 bits of storage. As
four eights are 32 this is 32 bit graphics. The alpha channel lets
you set an opacity.
There are many different pixel formats you can select and there is
always a trade off between the resolution and the amount of space
a bitmap occupies.
However ARGB_8888 is a very common choice.
Now you have a bitmap what can you do with it?

The answer is quite a lot!
Most of the methods of the Bitmap object are concerned with
things that change the entire image. For example
sets all of the pixels to the specified color, red in this case.
However using the setPixel and getPixel methods you can access
any pixel you want to and perform almost any graphics operation
you care to. You can also work with the pixel data at the bit level.

The ImageView Control

How can you see a Bitmap that you have just created?
The simples answer, though it isn't often given, is that you can use
an ImageView control. The reason that it isn't often given as an
option is that what you can do with an ImageView control isn't as
wide ranging as other approaches - such as overriding the ondraw
event handler. This said the ImageView Control is very easy to use
and sufficient for many tasks.
Start a new blank project and place an ImageView into the UI, you
can accept the defaults.
As a demonstration of how you can use the ImageView to display
a Bitmap change the onCreate event handler to read:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

Bitmap b = Bitmap.createBitmap(500,
500, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
imageview=(ImageView) findViewById(R.id.imageView);

If you run the program you will see a fairly large red square appear
where the ImageView control has been placed.

Notice the ImageView control has been automatically resized to
show the Bitmap.
The ImageView control has a range of methods similar to
setImageBitmap that makes it useful for displaying a range of
different types of graphic.

You can just use a Bitmap and work with individual pixels but this
isn't a very "high level" way to create graphics. What we need are
some larger scale methods that draw useful things like lines,
rectangles, circles and so on.
The Bitmap object doesn't have this sort of method but the Canvas
object does and you can use it to draw on any Bitmap.
That is you create a Canvas object, associate it with a Bitmap, and
you can use the Canvas object's methods to draw on the Bitmap.
There are lots of different Canvas drawing methods and even a
facility to transform the basic co-ordinate system to anything you
care to use but we have to start somewhere so a simple example
You can create a Canvas and attach it to a bitmap in one
Canvas c = new Canvas(b);
Now when you use the drawing methods of the Canvas it draw on
the Bitmap b.
There are many cases when a control or object will present you
with a Canvas object that it has created for you to let you draw on
a Bitmap object that it owns.
It is also important to know that initially the co-ordinate system of
the Canvas object is set to pixels as determined by the Bitmap.
That is, if the Bitmap is width by height pixels, the default co-

ordinate system runs from 0,0 at the top left-hand corner to
width,height at the bottom right.
Using Canvas can be as simple as calling a method like drawLine
to draw a line between two points. The only slight complication is
that you have to use the Paint object to specify how the line will be
drawn. In general Paint controls how any line or area is drawn by
the Canvas methods.
A typical Paint object is something like:
Paint paint = new Paint();

After creating the Paint object we set antialias on - this creates a

higher quality but slightly slower rendering, and set the width of the
line to 6 pixels, color to blue and set it as a stroke, i.e. a line rather
than an area fill. If you are puzzled by the 6F in the setStrokeWidth
it is worth saying that this is how you specify a float constant in
Once created you can use a paint object as often as it is needed
and you can modify it and reuse it. You can also use an existing
Paint object to create a new Paint object which you then modify.

A First Graphic
Now we have a Paint object we can draw a line:
c.drawLine(0F, 0F, 500F, 500F, paint);
This draws a line from 0,0 to 500,500 and as the Bitmap is 500 by 500 pixels this draws a
diagonal line across the entire bitmap. Again the numeric values all end in F because the
method needs float values - for reasons that will become clear later.

All you have to do now is get to know the different drawing methods provided. Here are a
few of the most common.
First we need to set the Paint object we created earlier to a FILL style so that we draw solid
blocks of color and not just outlines:
To draw a yellow circle all we need is:
c.drawCircle(400F, 200F, 50F, paint);
The first two parameters give the position of the center and the third is the circle's radius.
To draw a green rectangle:
c.drawRect(20F, 300F, 180F, 400F, paint);
The first two parameters give the top left hand corner and the next two the bottom right
hand corner.
Finally some text:
c.drawText("Hello Graphics",0,14,90,80,paint);
The Paint object has a number of properties that let you set the font and style. In this
example we simply set the text size. The drawText method takes a string, the start and end
positions of characters in the string that will be displayed and the coordinates of the starting
If you put this all together and run it you get the very tasteful graphic:

The complete code to create this is:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Bitmap b = Bitmap.createBitmap(500, 500,
Canvas c = new Canvas(b);
c = new Canvas(b);
Paint paint = new Paint();

c.drawLine(0.0F, 0.0F, 500.0F, 500.0F, paint);
c.drawCircle(400F, 200F, 50F, paint);
c.drawRect(20F, 300F, 180F, 400F, paint);
c.drawText("Hello Graphics",0,14,90,80,paint);
ImageView imageview=
(ImageView) findViewById(R.id.imageView);

You can use this to try out other Canvas graphics methods.
If is worth pointing out that there is a set of drawBitmap methods that you can use to draw
an existing Bitmap onto the Bitmap associated with the Canvas. This might seem like a
strange thing to do but it is one of the most useful drawing operations because you can us
it to implement simple sprite animation.

Now we come to one of the more sophisticated options that Canvas offers. Before anything
is drawn the coordinates you supply are acted on by a transformation matrix. By default this
is set to the identity matrix which leaves the coordinates as they were. However there are a
range of transformation methods which modify the transformation matrix:

 rotate(float degrees) rotate about the origin through degrees

 rotate(float degrees, float px, float py) rotate about the point px,py through degrees
 scale(float sx, float sy) scale about the origin by sx and sy
 scale(float sx, float sy, float px, float py) scale about the point px,py by sx and sy
 skew(float sx, float sy) skew by sx and sy
 translate(float dx, float dy) translate by dx and dy.
There are also some methods that let you work directly with the transformation matrix:

 setMatrix(Matrix matrix) set the transform to the matrix provided

 concat(Matrix matrix) multiply the transform matrix by the matrix provided.
 getMatrix(Matrix ctm) get the transformation matrix in ctm
 getMatrix() return a copy of the transformation matrix
If you know how matrices and transformation matrices work then this will be nothing new to

If you don't know about transformations and matrices then there are a lot of traps waiting to
trip you up. The main one that gets just about everyone at first is that the order in which you
do things matter. A translation followed by a rotation isn't the same thing as a rotation
followed by a translation. Try it if you don't believe me.
Another one is that these transformations change the coordinate system and don't affect
anything you have already drawn. They only change what happens when you draw
something after the transformation has been applied.
For example:
c.drawRect(20F, 300F, 180F, 400F, paint);
c.drawText("Hello Graphics",0,14,90,80,paint);
In this case there is a 15 degree rotation after the rectangle has been drawn and before the
text is drawn. The result is that the rectangle stays where it was but the text is rotated.

After the rotation everything you draw will be at 15 degrees.

Notice that the rotation is about the origin i.e. 0,0 the top left hand corner. If you want to
rotate about a different point, usually the center of some object you need to use
rotate(d,x,y). For example to rotate the rectangle about it's center you would use:
c.drawRect(20F, 300F, 180F, 400F, paint);
where 100,350 is the center of the rectangle:

You can also see that the text is now in a different position and not simply rotated about the
origin. This is because the 15 degree rotation is added to the 45 degree rotation around the
center of the rectangle. To keep your transformations separate and non-interacting you
have to remember to return the transformation matrix to the identity after you have changed
it to something else.
How do you set the matrix back to the identity?
You could use
c.setMatrix(new Matrix());
as Matrix() creates an identity matrix by default or you could just use
because passing a Null causes the matrix to be reset.
However, needing to make a change to the transformation matrix and then restore the
original is such a common operation that Canvas supports:
which saves the current matrix and
which restores the current matrix.
For example:
c.rotate(45, 100, 350);
c.drawRect(20F, 300F, 180F, 400F, paint);
c.drawText("Hello Graphics",0,14,90,80,paint);
With the save before the first rotate, the restore before the second decouples the two

A Logical Way With Transforms

One approach to keeping track of transformations is to draw everything centered on the
origin, and then translate, scale and rotate it to its final position. For example, to draw the
c.drawRect(20F, 300F, 180F, 400F, paint);
You would first draw a unit square centered on the origin:
c.drawRect(-0.5F, -0.5F, 0.5F, 0.5F, paint);
Then you would then scale it to its desired size:
and rotate it:
Finally you would move it to its correct location:
c.translate(100F, 350F);
If you try out these steps, you will discover that you don't get what you expect. The reason
is that we have been transforming the object - draw a square, scale the square, rotate it
and move it to the desired location. However, the Canvas transformations don't transform
graphical objects but the coordinate system. You can immediately see that in this case you
draw the square last when you have performed all of the transformations. Indeed this is the
rule - do everything you would have done to the geometric shape in the reverse order when
you are working with the coordinates.
So the correct transformation sequence is:
c.translate(100F, 350F);
c.drawRect(-0.5F, -0.5F, 0.5F, 0.5F, paint);
You can always work out what the transformation sequence you need is by considering the
graphical object, working out the transforms needed to change it to what you want and do
them in the reverse order.
Some programmers take to this idea and think its great and the only way to do logical
systematic graphics. Some adopt it a little bit and others draw things where they are
needed in the size and orientation needed.

Setting Your Own Coordinates

When you first attach a Canvas to a Bitmap the coordinate system is in terms of the
number of pixels in the Bitmap. Often, however, you want to work with a different
coordinate system. For example, you might want to work with the origin in the middle and
the x and y coordinate ranging from -1 to +1.
You can set any coordinate system you care to work with using suitable transformations.
If your coordinate system runs from xmin to xmax and from ymin to ymax you can apply it
to the canvas using:
where width and height are the size in pixels of the bitmap.

Using this formulation the y coordinate increases down the screen as did the original pixel
If you want the y coordinate to increase up the screen then use the transformation:
and notice the change to ymax in the second line.
So, for example, if you wanted to draw a graph using coordinates between 0,0 in the
bottom left corner and 10,10 in the top right, i.e. the y increasing up the screen, you would
float xmax=10;
float xmin=0;
float ymax=10;
float ymin=0;
float width=500;
float height=500;
c.scale(width / (xmax - xmin), -height / (ymax - ymin));
c.translate(-xmin, -ymax);
c.drawLine(0F, 0F, 10F, 0F, paint);
c.drawLine(0F, 0F, 0F, 10F, paint);
c.drawLine(0F, 0F, 10F, 10F, paint);

This draws axes and a 45 degree line:

Notice that the axes only show because they are drawn thick enough to make it onto the
bitmap. Also notice that when you change the coordinate system all other measurements
change as well and hence the stroke width has to be set to 0.4 - it is no longer in terms of

Simple Animation

To bring this chapter to a close we will animate a ball bouncing around a Canvas, or a
Bitmap depending how you look at it. This might seem like a strange topic to end on,
especially since we are not going to do the job in the way that most Android programmers
would. Indeed Android has a range of different animation facilities - View animation, value
animation and so on. However, none of them demonstrate the fundamental way that
dynamic graphics work. Before you move on to learn more sophisticated ways of creating
animation it is a good idea to find out how things work at the lowest level. It not only
teaches you something about animation but about the problems of creating dynamic
graphics of any kind in the Android UI.
One warning - do not assume this is all there is to know about Android animation.
To animate something in the simplest and most direct way all you have to do is draw the
shape, change the shape, erase the old graphic, and draw it again.
In most systems this is usually achieved at the lowest possible level by using a timer to call
an update function which erases the shape, does the update to the shape and then draws it
at its new location. You can take this approach in Android, but for various reasons it isn't
the way things are usually done. It has to be admitted that there are some slight difficulties,
but overcoming them isn't hard and it is very instructive.
To see how it all works let's just bounce a "ball" around the screen. This is more or less the
"hello world" of simple 2D sprite based graphics.
So start a new Android application and place an ImageView on the design surface - this is
the only UI element we need.
In the OnCreate method, after the UI has been expanded all we need to do is set things up
a bit more:
Bitmap b = Bitmap.createBitmap(width,
c = new Canvas(b);

First we create a bitmap, associate it with a Canvas and then set the whole bitmap to white.
Notice that other parts of the program are going to need to access width, height and c so
they are defined as global variables:
private int width=800, height=800;
private Canvas c;
We are also going to need global variables to record the ball's position, radius and its
velocity. For simplicity we might as well just use the default pixel coordinates of the Bitmap:
private float x=463,y=743,vx=1,vy=1,r=30;
Other functions are also going to need to access the ImageView control so it might as well
be a global variable so that we don't have to waste time finding each time it is needed:
private ImageView imageview;
and for the same reason a global Paint object saves time:
private Paint paint;
Now we have all of these variables defined we can move on with the OnCreate function
and set up the Paint object:
paint = new Paint();

You might be wondering why AntiAlias is set to false - the reason is that it's dithering
algorithm makes it hard to remove a graphic by redrawing it in the background color. Try
changing false to true in the final program to see what the problem is.
We also need to get the ImageView object and set the bitmap we are drawing on to display:

Timer and Threads

Now we come to the inner workings of the animation. We need a Timer object that runs a
function every so many milliseconds:
Timer timer=new Timer();
The timer object has a range of schedule functions which run a function, actually a
TimerTask, at different times. The form we need is:
which runs the TimerTask after dealy milliseconds and every repeat milliseconds after that.
The timings aren't accurate and it could take longer than specified for the TimerTask to be
The simplest way to create the TimerTask is to use an anonymous class:
new TimerTask(){
public void run() {
,0,10 );

This creates a new TimerTask and overrides its run method. The run method is called
when the Timer is triggered. All it does is to call a new function update which we have yet
to write that does the update to the ball's position etc. The final two parameters specify zero
delay in triggering the first call and then 10 milliseconds as the repeat period. That is
update will be called every 10 milliseconds if possible.
The update function is fairly easy:
void update(){
c.drawCircle(x, y, r, paint);
c.drawCircle(x, y, r, paint);


First it sets the color to white and draws the ball, a circle, - this erases the ball at its old
position. Next it updates the position by adding the velocities in each direction. To make
sure that the ball bounces we test to see if it has reached a boundary and if it has its
velocity is reversed. Finally, the color is set to red and the ball, a circle, is drawn at the new
If the function was to stop at this point then everything compiles and runs, but you won't
see the ball move. The reason is simply that the UI is drawn once at the start of the
program running and then only when it is necessary because the user has interacted with it
or the orientation has changed, etc. As a result the bitmap displayed by the ImageView
object would be changed every 10 milliseconds but it would not be redisplayed.
To make the UI update we need to call the ImageView's invalidate method which basically
tells the UI to redraw it.
However if you put this in at the end of the update function you get an error message
something like:
android.view.ViewRootImpl$CalledFromWrongThreadException: Only the original
thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.
The reason for this is that the Timer object uses a new thread to run the TimerTask. This is
often what you want to happen but in this case it is a problem.
In case you are new to the idea of threading:
When you run an Activity it is assigned a single thread. A thread is a unit of execution and it
is what obeys your instructions. In a complete system there are many threads of execution
- some running and some suspended. The operating system picks which threads get to run
in a way that attempts to make them all seem to be making progress. The single thread that
the Activity gets is generally called the UI thread because its job is just to take care of the
UI. It responds to events from the Activity like OnCreate and from the user like a Button
click. When the UI thread responds to an event it obeys the event handler and then goes
back to waiting for the next event.
The big problem is that the UI event is really only happy when it has nothing to do. Then it
just waits for an event and processes it at once. This makes the user think your app is very
responsive because clicks and other input are acted on at once. If you give the UI thread a
long task to do, for example you write a lot of processing into an event handler, then it isn't
just waiting for the user to do something and the user starts to think that your app is slow
and sluggish. At the extreme the UI thread can be kept 100% busy doing something and
then the entire UI seems to freeze up.
The UI thread creates the UI and to avoid problems of synchronization only the UI thread
can interact with the UI. This is a fairly common approach to implementing a UI and not at
all unique to Android.
So what happens is that the Timer tries to run its TimerTask and this in turn runs the
update function - but using the thread the Timer runs on not the UI thread.
Everything is fine until the last instruction of update - which attempts to use a method that
belongs to an ImageView object and this it cannot do. Hence the error message.
At this point many Android programmers give up and try a completely different approach.
Some of these approaches do have advantages - see the Handler class for example for a
good alternative.

However the Android framework provides a method for just such a situation -
This is a method of the Activity object and you can use it from any thread that has access
to the Activity object's methods to run a function on the UI thread. If the thread happens to
be the UI thread then no harm done - the function is just called. If it isn't the UI thread then
the call will be deferred until the UI thread is available and then the function will be run. As
always the function shouldn't keep the UI thread busy for too long or the UI will become
sluggish or even freeze completely.
The Runnable object has a single run method that is the function that is executed on the UI
thread. So what we need to do in the Timer routine is:
new Runnable() {
public void run() {

This ensures that update is run on the UI thread.

Putting this all together gives:

new TimerTask(){
public void run() {
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
},0,10 );

which does look like a mess of nesting and brackets but you should be able to follow the
logic. If you want to make things look simpler, then define the Runnable as a new class and
perhaps even the TimerTask.
Now when you run the program you will see the red ball bounce slowly but smoothly
around the screen. How good the animation is depends what you run it on. On the emulator
is can be slow and irregular; on a real device it should be fine.

Note: animation complete with a trail to show how the ball moves

Now you know at least one way to allow non-UI thread interact with the UI.
There are so many ways to implement animation that this is just one of many starting points
but with an understanding of this one the others will seem easier.
Even if you wanted to use this approach the structure of this demonstration program could
be improved. For example the ball really should be a Ball class complete with its position
and velocity properties and its move (update) method. This way you gain the benefits of
object orientation and you can animate lots of balls around the screen with very little extra

The complete listing of the animation program is:
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.graphics.Paint;
import android.support.v7.app.ActionBarActivity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.MenuItem;
import android.widget.ImageView;import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;

public class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity {

private int width=800, height=800;

private float x=463,y=743,vx=1,vy=1,r=30;
private Canvas c;
private Paint paint;

private ImageView imageview;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

Bitmap b = Bitmap.createBitmap(width,
c = new Canvas(b);

paint = new Paint();


imageview=(ImageView) findViewById(R.id.imageView);
imageview.setImageBitmap(b); Timer timer=new Timer();

new TimerTask(){
public void run() {
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
},0,10 );

void update(){
c.drawCircle(x, y, r, paint);
c.drawCircle(x, y, r, paint);

Where Next
There is so much to learn about graphics it is difficult to pick out things you need to know. If
you want to find out more about how the standard UI works you need to look into the
OnDraw event and how to create your own View object that render graphics. You need to
find out about Android's vector graphics using shapes and path. You need to know about
the different types of animation that are available and eventually you need to learn about
OpenGL and its support for hardware accelerated 2D and 3D graphics.

 The subject of Android graphics is huge and there is always more than one way to
approach any task. This chapter is a first look at what you might call UI-based

 The Bitmap is the basic graphics object. It consists of a rectangle of pixels that can
be set to any color.

 The ImageView is a general purpose UI component that can be used to display a

range of graphics objects including a Bitmap.

 You can draw on a Bitmap using a Canvas object which has a large number of
different drawing methods.

 The color and drawing style used by many of the Canvas methods is determined by
the properties of a Paint object.

 The Canvas object also supports transformations which can be use to modify
where a graphic is drawn, its size, rotation etc.

 Transformations can be used to standardize the drawing of graphics objects at the


 Transformations can also be used to change the default pixel coordinate system to
anything you want to use.

 Simple animation is possible using nothing but a Bitmap, Canvas and an


 Only the UI thread can modify the UI.

 The Android Timer can be used to animate 2D graphics but you have ensure that
its runs the code on the UI thread using the RunOnUIThread method.
You can download the code for the animation program from the CodeBin. (Note you have
to register first).

Android Adventures - Staying Alive!

Written by Mike James

Thursday, 06 August 2015

Article Index

Android Adventures - Staying Alive!

The Lifecycle Explorer

Saving Additional UI Data

Page 1 of 3

One of the things that you have to get used to when

programming for a mobile platform is that your app can be shut
down and restarted without much warning. This is something
that often causes programmers from other platforms and
beginners to make mistakes. You have to learn how to cope
with this start-stop existence and that, for an Android app, it is a
tough life just trying to stay alive.

Android Adventures With Android



1. Getting Started With Android Studio

2. The Activity And The UI
3. Building The UI and a Calculator App
4. Basic Controls And Events
5. Layout Containers
6. UI Graphics A Deep Dive
7. Menus & The Action Bar

8. Menus, Context & Popup
9. Resources
10. Beginning Bitmap Graphics
11. Staying Alive! Lifecycle & State
12. Spinners
13. Pickers
14. ListView And Adapters

15. Using Android Studio (coming soon)

If you are interested in creating custom template also see:
Custom Projects In Android Studio

I recently encountered an Android app, created by a large well

known company, that asked me to fill in a form. I was just about
to press the Submit button when I accidental tilted the phone
and the screen auto-rotated. When I looked again there was a
blank form! I had to start over and being a programmer I
couldn't resist testing to see if the data vanished from the form
when I rotated the phone a second time - it did! The
programmers are this big well known company had no idea
about creating an Android app beyond the basics.
Don't fall into the same trap - find out about app lifetime, state
and persisting data.

Lifetime and State

Most programmers are used to the idea that their application
will be started by the user, used and then terminated.
If the application is restarted then it is usually up to the user to
load whatever context they need - documents etc. Sometimes
an application has to automatically retain state information from
run to run. For example, a game might keep track of where a

user had got to - which level and score - but this is about as
complicated as things get.
For an application running on a mobile device things are very
different. The very nature of the device means that any
application could be interrupted at any moment by an incoming
phone call or the user making a phone call. To a certain extent
this need to make app "interruptible" has been taken up by
mobile phone operating systems as a more general principle.
Android for example will stop your application running just
because it needs the memory or wants to save battery life. It
even terminates and restarts your application if a media
reconfiguration is required.
For example, as we discovered in a previous chapter if the user
changes the orientation of the device then your app is
terminated and restarted. This is not quite a restart from scratch
because the system saves and restores some state information
automatically but exactly how all this works is something we
have to find out.
The bottom line is that when you program under Android - and
most other mobile operating systems - you have to care about
the life cycle of your app and you have to take steps to ensure
that its state is preserved so it can seem to the user that
nothing at all has happened - even though you app has
effectively been hit on the head and disposed of before being
dragged back to continue from where it was.
Being an Android app is a dangerous existence and not at all
like a Windows or a Linux app that lives a life of believe that
they have the machine all to themselves.

The Life Cycle Of An App

The different states that an Android app can be in and the
transitions between them can seem complicated at first - that's
because they are.
If you are still thinking in terms of a desktop app that starts,
runs and is terminated by the user this level of complexity can
seem unnecessary - and perhaps it is. However these are the
rules that we have to play by.
The Activity class has a set of overridable event handlers for
each of the states. These work in pairs - bracketing the start
and stop of the three types of Activity state.
At the outer most level there is

 onCreate and onDestroy - bracket the entire life of the

Activity in memory.
This pair is called when the app is loaded into memory
or unloaded from memory. These two bracket the entire
lifetime of an Activity. When it is first loaded the

onCreate is triggered and when the app is disposed of
onDestroy is triggered. You clearly have to use these
two to setup and destroy and resources which are
needed for the entire lifetime of the app, However if
your app is removed by the system it will call onDestroy
just before unloading the Activity and onCreate when it
reloads it. This means that onCreate may be called
when you need to restore the state of the Activity so
that the user doesn't notice any interruption.

 onStart and onStop - bracket any period that the app

is visible.
It could be that the Activity is behind say a modal dialog
box. The Activity is visible but not interacting with the
user. This pair of events can be triggered multiple times
during the entire lifetime of the app. Simple apps can
mostly ignore the onStart and onStop events because
the Activity is still in memory and doesn't loose any
resources or state. The main use of onStart and onStop
is to give the app an opportunity to monitor any changes
that might affect it while not interacting with the user. To
confuse the issue even more there is also
ononRestart event which occurs before the onStart
event but only if this isn't the first time the Activity has
fired the onStart - that is this is a true restart.

 onResume and onPause - bracket the period that the

Activity is in the foreground and interacting with the
Again this pair of events can happen multiple times
during the entire lifetime. The onResume event occurs
when the Activity returns to the foreground and doing its
usual job. The onPause event occurs whent he user
switches away to another app for example.

The Simple Approach

At this point you have every right to be confused.
So many changes of status and what to do at each one?
The main things to worry about is the complete restart of your
app which triggers an onDestroy and an onCreate. This is the
only one that destroys the current state of the app - the others
are simply opportunities for your app to reduce the load on the
system or to save some user data just in case.
As the onDestroy is usually just an opportunity to clean up
resources to avoid leaks this means that most simple apps
really only have to hand the onCreate event.
However, is tempting to think that this starting and stopping is
just like a desktop app being terminated and then the user

decides to use it again when it is fine fof the app to start off as if
it was being run for the first time. In the case of an Android app
this isn't what the user expects at all.
Your app can be terminated by the system without the user
knowing anything about it. When the user tries to gain access
to your app again they will generally expect it to carry on from
where they left it.
It may be a complete restart as far as you are concerned but
the user just switched to another app for a few minutes and
expects to find yours as they left it.
Notice also that often these events occur in sequences.
For example an app that has just received the onPause event is
likely to go on to receive the onDestroy event because the
system will remove it to free up memory say. It is a mistake to
try to think too much about sequences of events and ask which
one should do any particular initialization or clean up.
Just think about the state that your app is moving into and place
the necessary code into that event handler.

Lifecycle Explorer
There is no better way to feel comfortable with the lifecycle and its events than to write a
short demo program that shows you when they occur.
Start a new Android blank activity application, accepting all defaults, and call it Lifecycle
and then accept all the defaults to get started quickly.
In the layout editor remove the "Hello World" string and place a TextView on the design
surface. Next resize it so that it fills most of the area - it can be tricky to get it to snap to the
size and remove its default text entry.

The code is fairly easy the only trick is to remember to call each of the system provided
event handler's that you have overridden. If you don't do this the app simply terminates
when you run it.
The OnCreate event handler still has to construct the UI but now we get a reference to the
Java object representing the TextView into a global variable so that the event handlers can
access it:
private TextView textView;
protected void onCreate(Bundle
savedInstanceState) {
textView = (TextView)
The rest of the program simply overrides each of the event handlers in turn, calls the
original event handler and then adds a text message to textView:
protected void onStart() {
protected void onPause() {

protected void onResume() {
protected void onStop() {
protected void onRestart() {
protected void onDestroy() {

A very simple and tedious sort of program - if you don't want to type it in or copy and paste
it then you can find it in theCodeBin.

Trying It Out
If you now run this program you can use it to find out when the lifecycle events happen.
You might be surprised to learn that when you first run the program you get

If you think about it for a moment this isn't unreasonable as the app is being loaded,
becoming visible and assuming the foreground and hence the appropriate events are fired
in turn.

Beginners often assume that the life cycle events some how override each other. That is if
an onCreate has been fired then this is the big event in the Activity's life and so the others
wont happen. This is isn't the case and you need to make sure that you put actions into the
event handlers that really are appropriate to the life cycle state. For example, if you put
something in the onResume event handler make sure you realise that it is going to be fired
when the app first starts up as well as when it just being resumed.
If you try other things like pressing the Home key and selecting another app then you will
see other event sequences - but of course only when you resume the Lifecycle app.
For example pressing the Home key, then showing the task manager by long pressing the
Home key and reselecting your app results in: Pause, Stop as the app is removed from the
foreground and then Restart, Start, Resume as the app is loaded, becomes visible and
then resumes the foreground and interacts with the user.
You can try other actions out but there is one thing you must try out - change the
orientation. If you are using the emulator then press Ctrl-F11. When the screen orientation
changes you will see that the TextView has been cleared and Create, Start, Resume have
been added.
This is because when you change orientation the app is completely stopped and then
completely restarted, i.e. it is as if the app was being run from scratch for the first time.
This statement is almost true - but not quite.

Retaining State - The Bundle

When you change orientation your app is stopped and restarted. When this happens the
TextView is reset to its default state when the app loads.
From our description of what is happening this is perhaps what you might expect. However
this isn't the complete story.
The system does try to help you with the problem of having your app stopped in its tracks
and restarted.
It will automatically retain the state of UI elements that can be modified by the user and it
automatically restores them when the app starts. So in principle you can initially ignore the
problem of an app restart because the system restores your UI. This is the reason that
some Android programmers assume that everything is "normal" and there is no need to
study the lifecycle of an app. This is true at first but later your app will evolve beyond what
the system provides by default.
Automatically saving and restoring the UI's state is what the savedInstanceState parameter
in the onCreate event handler is all about:
protected void onCreate(
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
A Bundle is a set of key value pairs and when you app is stopped by the system it uses it to
save the values stored in UI elements that can be modified by the user. It stores id/value
pairs and when the app is restarted the Bundle is used to initialize the values in the
corresponding UI elements.
Notice that if the user stops your app by removing it say from the recent apps list then the
savedInstanceState is destroyed and the app really does start over afresh and the
onCreate isn't passed a Bundle to restore the UI.
In other words savedInstanceState only restores the UI when the app has been stopped by
the system.

It is also worth noticing that the restore will work to an alternative layout loaded because of
a configuration change. For example it will restore state to a landscape version of a layout
as well as the original portrait version. All that matters is that the current layout has View
objects with the correct ids.
At this point you are probably wondering why the TextView object wasn't restored by the
system when then device was rotated?
The simple answer is that a TextView object isn't intended for user interaction - it is
supposed to just be used to show static text labels and so the system doesn't save an
restore it.
You can see the automatic save and restore in action if you add an EditText input field on
the design surface of the Lifecycle explorer. Now if you enter some text into the EditText
field it will be retained if you rotate the device. However if you press and hold the Home
key, remove the app and then start it afresh you will see that the EditText field is blank

The text in the EditText field at the bottom of the screen is preserved during a screen
The general principle is that any UI element that can be modified by the user is
automatically saved and restored. Any changes that your code makes or that the user
makes in complex UI components are lost unless you take steps to preserve them.
Bundle savedInstanceState) {

textView = (TextView)
if (savedInstanceState != null) {
This starts off in the usual way but now we check to see if savedInstanceState has any
data. If it does we retrieve the stored text using the key "myText".
There is no reason not to use the onCreate event handler in this way but the system also
fires an onResetoreInstanceState event when it is about to perform its own "automatic"
restore of the UI for you. You can override this event handler if you want to keep the state
restore code out of the onCreate event handler. For example you could have written:
protected void onRestoreInstanceState(
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (savedInstanceState != null) {

Do remember to call the super.onRestoreInstanceState if you want the system to restore

the rest of the UI in the usual way.
There are put and get methods for a range of standard data types. All simple types byte,
integer and so on are supported as are strings, arrays and other simple data structures.
You can also create your own classes that can be stored in a Bundle by implementing the
Parcelable Interface.
Notice you can save arbitrary data and not just data for the layout. You can also create
your own Bundle instance and make use of it for data storage, persistence and for
transferring data to other parts of a program. There are many standard classes the Bundle
doesn't support. In these cases you have to make your own arrangements to save data to
Often all you need to do to make sure that your app maintains its state between system
restarts is to use the savedInstanceState Bundle object.
This approach also reduces much of the practicality of lifecycle management to
implementing the onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState event handlers. This
is so much simpler than having to worry about all of the different lifecycle events.
As an exercise you can now go back to iCalc introduced in the previous chapter and make
its display and current value persist through a screen rotate.

Complex UI Elements
One of the traps waiting for you is the problem of exactly what is automatically saved and
For example at the start of this chapter we have the story of the app that lost the users form
data when it was rotated.
Given what we know know of the auto-saving and restoration of user modifiable UI
elements you might be wondering how this could happen?
The answer is that the programmers of the app had probably grown accustom to the
automatic persistence of UI state and didn't bother to check that rotation had no effect. It
did have an effect because the form was being down loaded from a web site and displayed
in a WebView control. A WebView control is persisted by the system but it reloads the page
when it is restored. This means that on a rotation the form was reloaded as empty and the
users data was lost.
You always have to check that things work as you expect. Always test what happens to
your UI on a rotation.

Advanced State Management

For completeness it is worth noting that there are many more approaches to maintaining
state. Later you will need to discover how to store lots of user data locally for longer term
persistence and this is often enough to implement state management though a
configuration change.
There are also more advanced state management problems when you come to make use
of Fragments - the subject of Mastering Fragments.
In this case you can use setRetainedInstance to ask the system not to destroy an entire
Fragment. This means that all of the data stored in the Fragment is retained even though
the Activity may be removed from memory. This makes it possible to use a Fragment as a
repository of state.
The ultimate in making sure that things happen as you want it to handle the configuration
change yourself.
You can do this by making a change to the manifest. If you do this then it is up to you to
make the changes needed when the onConfigurationChanged even occurs. You could for
example opt to animate buttons and other UI objects into new positions or just ignore the
need to reconfigure altogether.
This is all advanced and for most applications you can get by using just
the onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState event handlers.

 Android, like many other mobile OSs, will remove your app from memory and
restart it as it needs to.

 The user will not be aware that your app has been destroyed and recreated and will
expect it to continue from where they left off.

 The system signals changes in state to your Activity via a complicated set of
events. You need to understand how these work in order to make your Activity
resume correctly after the various levels of suspension.

 The system will store the state of any user modifiable UI components and restore it
for you when your Activity resumes.

 The data is stored in a special instance of Bundle called savedInstanceState.

 The system alerts you when it is about to save and restore data from
savedInstanceState by firing the onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState
event handlers.

 You can override both of these event handlers to save and restore extra data in
the savedInstanceState Bundle.

 For many simple apps you can mostly ignore the life cycle events and concentrate
on using the onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState event handlers to
persist data.

 You must always check that UI and other elements are persisted through a
suspension of your app. You can test using a rotation configuration change.

 There are other more advanced ways of saving state and these you need to
discover later on. You can't use a Bundle for everything.

Where Next?
From life cycle and persistence we now can turn out attention to some of the more
advanced UI elements.

Android Adventures - Spinners

Written by Mike James

Friday, 21 August 2015

Article Index

Android Adventures - Spinners

Item Selection

Dynamic change

Page 1 of 3

Working with Android Studio makes building the UI easy with

an interactive editor, but you still need to find out how to handle

the things it isn't quite so good at. In the next two chapters of
our ebook on Android the easy way, we look at spinners and
pickers, the next step up from buttons and text controls.

Android Adventures With Android Studio


1. Getting Started With Android Studio

2. The Activity And The UI
3. Building The UI and a Calculator App
4. Basic Controls And Events
5. Layout Containers
6. UI Graphics A Deep Dive
7. Menus & The Action Bar
8. Menus, Context & Popup
9. Resources
10. Beginning Bitmap Graphics
11. Staying Alive! Lifecycle & State
12. Spinners
13. Pickers
14. ListView And Adapters

15. Using Android Studio (coming soon)

If you are interested in creating custom template also see:
Custom Projects In Android Studio

Spinners are what are referred to as drop down lists or
something similar in other UIs. They allow the user to pick from
a list of possible items.
Pickers are similar to spinners in they allow the user to pick an
item, but in this case the items are more narrowly defined - a
date, a time or a number. Of the pickers the date and time
pickers are quite well known but for an odd set of reasons the
number picker has long been neglected.
Let's start with the Spinner and deal with the Pickers in the next

The Spinner And The ArrayAdapter

The spinner presents a set of alternatives to the user and lets
them select one.
Putting a Spinner into you project is as easy as using the
toolbox in the designer but you can't get away without some
Java to make it all work. In particular you need to define the list
of items that the Spinner will display when the user activates it.
When you first place a Spinner on the design surface it shows
some dummy text. Our first task is to replace the dummy text
with a real list of alternatives.

The simplest sort of thing to show the user is a list of text items
and you might well think that the most direct way of doing this is
to use a String array - and it is but...
In the case of UI widgets that display lists of things Android has
a much more general mechanism to cope with the different type
of things you could display. Widgets that show lists of things
generally work with an example of an "adapter".
For more on adapters in general see: ListView And Adapters.
An adapter basically takes a list of objects and converts them
into something that can be displayed in the widget. In general
you can create custom Adapters to do clever things with lists of
objects of your own so that they display appropriately. In most
cases however you can get by with just using the provided built-
in adapters.
In the case of the spinner the most usual choice of adapter is
the ArrayAdapter.
This takes an array of objects of any type and makes them
suitable for display by calling their toString() method. As long as
the toString() method produces what you want to see in the
Spinner then everything should work.
In the case of an array of Strings calling the toString() method
on each array element might seem like overkill but it is the price
we pay to build mechanisms that can cope with more
complicated situations.
So the plan of action is to create a String array with the items
we want to display, use this to initialize an ArrayAdapter object
and then attach the ArrayAdapter to the Spinner.
Creating the array is easy:
String[] country = {"Canada", "Mexico", "USA"};
The ArrayAdapter constructor can seem to be complicated. It
seems even more complicated because ArrayAdapter uses
generics to allow you to specify the type of each element in the
If you haven't used generics before, all you need to know is that
in general generics are a way of creating useful classes, often
collections of objects that can be of a type you specify. You
know you are working with a generic when you have to specify
the type it is to work with using <type>.
So instead of creating a special array Adapter for each type of
array, an IntArrayAdapter, a StringArrayAdapter and so on, you
simply have to specify the type as <int> or <String> when you
use the generic ArrayAdapter type.
For example, to create an ArrayAdapter for an array of Strings
you would use:
ArrayAdapter<String> stringArrayAdapter=
new ArrayAdapter<String>(
constructor parameters);

The pattern is the same for all the constructors and for different
array types.
There are quite a few ArrayAdapter constructors, but they all
need some basic information.
They need to know the current context, usually this, the layout
to be used to display the list and the array of data items.
The only difficult one is the layout to be used to display the list.
This sounds like a lot of potential hard work until you discover
that the system provides some basic standard layouts that you
can just use. In our case the layout is:
Notice that this is actually an integer that determines the layout
resource to use and nothing more complicated.
Putting all of this together gives:
ArrayAdapter<String> stringArrayAdapter=
new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,
And if you are wondering what country is, you have forgotten
that we defined a String array called country earlier.
The final step is to specify the ArrayAdapter to use in the
Spinner. First we have to retrieve the Spinner and then we can
use its setAdapter methiod:
Spinner spinner=
If you add all of the code to the onCreate event handler the
result is:
protected void onCreate(
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
String[] country={"Canada", "Mexico", "USA"};
ArrayAdapter<String> stringArrayAdapter=
new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,
Spinner spinner =
(Spinner) findViewById(R.id.spinner);
If you run the program you will see:

Handling the selection
The next question is how do you discover that the user has made a selection?
The simple answer is that we have to hookup to the Spinner's events. As always there are
three possible ways of doing this, and this should be revision -

 create a sub-class of AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener and then an instance

 implement the AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener interface as part of the activity
 use an anonymous class
Of the three the anonymous class nearly always seems the easiest because Android
Studio will generate the interface methods for you.
If you start typing the following line and use the autocomplete to help:
AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener onSpinner=
new AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener(){
then Android Studio will generate:
AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener onSpinner =
new AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener() {
public void onItemSelected(
AdapterView<?> parent,
View view,
int position,
long id) {

public void onNothingSelected(
AdapterView<?> parent) {

It also adds an import for AdapterView. You still have to add a semicolon at end, however.

If you don't use the auto-complete then you might have to type everything in - including the
You can see at once that you have to implement two event handlers:

 onItemSelected - triggered when the user selects an item

 onNothingSelected - triggered when the Spinner has no items or the user deselects
all items
You might also wonder what the <?> are in the generated code?
Both events are generic and, as already explained, they can work with a range of different
The <?> is a type wildcard which essentially allows any type to be used. For example
List<?> is a list of any type. Of course, the actual type isn't known until runtime and so
every element of the List is treated as an Object type and it's up to you to cast it to
something more specific.

Let's look at the onItemSelected event handler in more detail:
public void onItemSelected(
AdapterView<?> parent,
View view,
int position,
long id) {
What is this AdapterView that has suddenly appeared?
As explained in a previous chapter all of the visible components of the UI correspond to
View objects of one sort or another.
An AdapterView is the View object that corresponds to one of the displayed items in the
Spinner that the ArrayAdapter is displayed in. You could, for example, use the AdapterView
passed to the event handler to modify the look of the displayed item.
The view parameter is just the child of the AdapterView that was actually clicked - an item
can be composed of more than one View item.
Finally the int position parameter and the long id provide the position of the view that was
clicked in the adapter and the row id of the item that was selected.
You can populate a Spinner from a database - in this case the row id gives the database
row number - which isn't necessarily the same as its position in the Spinner.
For a simple ArrayAdapter the position and id are the same.
In most cases the only parameter you will be interested in is the int position which gives
you the item the user selected.
For example, place a TextView on the design surface and change the onItemSelected
event handler to read:
public void onItemSelected(
AdapterView<?> parent,
View view,
int position,

long id) {
TextView myTextView =
(TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView);
All that is happening is that the position parameter is displayed in the TextView.
Finally to connect the eventhandling object to the Spinner we need to add it using its
Putting all of this together gives the new onCreate:
protected void onCreate(
Bundle savedInstanceState) {

AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener onSpinner =
new AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener() {

public void onItemSelected(
AdapterView<?> parent,
View view,
int position,
long id) {
TextView myTextView =

public void onNothingSelected(
AdapterView<?> parent) {

String[] country = {"Canada", "Mexico", "USA"};
ArrayAdapter<String> stringArrayAdapter=
new ArrayAdapter<String>(
Spinner spinner =
(Spinner) findViewById(R.id.spinner);
If you now run the program you will see something like:

The position displayed corresponds to the element in the array that has been selected -
counting from zero of course.
Most of the time is it enough just to have the index number of the selected item but the
AdapterView object has a few methods that enable you to get the selected item.
If you want to review the selected item you could use the position to index the original
ArrayAdapter or even the original String array - but these aren't generally available to the
event handler. So to retrive the item you would use the getItemAtPosition method.
For example to display the country name you would modify the setText call to:
(String) parent.getItemAtPosition(position));
Notice that the selected item is returned as an object type and you have to cast it before
you can do anything with it.
There are a range of other methods that can be used to retrieve information or manipulate
the selected element but for most simple applications the getItemAtPosition is all you really
need to know.

ArrayAdapter From Resource

Setting the contents of the Spinner using a String array in code is a good way to see how
the Spinner works but it isn't the way it usually happens.
Android provides a comprehensive system of resources - strings, images and lots of XML
files. The idea is that you can produce customized versions of you application just by
changing the resource files i.e. without having to modify your code.
For detailed information on using resources see chapter 9 - Resources
For example in the case of a Spinner you could set up a resource that was a String array
that provided the list of items to be displayed. If you then wanted to create a version of your
app for a foreign market you could get the list translated and created a resource in the new

Resources are a great idea and you should use them for all fixed strings and fixed data in
general. So far the examples have tended to avoid resources to make things simpler but for
a Spinner you need to know how to code up a String array resource and use it.
Android Studio does have some good resource support but in some areas it is lacking. For
example, in an ideal world the system would help you create a String or String array
resource but at the moment it only goes so far. While it does help you create a String
resource it does nothing for a String array and we have no choice but work with the XML
That is - at the moment Android Studio only provides help for simple string values.
Find the file strings.xml in the res/values directory and open the file strings.xml. Add to this
the String array definition:
<string-array name="SpinnerList">
The meaning of the XML is obvious and this is the advantage of a human readable markup
If you have explored resources using the Resource window which appears when you select
the three dots option in the properties window you might worry that this new resource i.e.
SpinnerList, doesn't appear. It also doesn't appear in the Resource editor that you can
select while editing the XML file.
The reason is that currently Android Studio doesn't support the assignment, editing or
creation of String Arrays other than manually.
However making use of the new resource is fairly easy.
To create an ArrayAdapter from a resource you need to make use of a static method of the
ArrayAdapter class - createFromResource. This just needs you to specify the context, the
resource id and the Spinner layout. All you have to do is to replace the creation of

ArrayAdapter<CharSequence> stringArrayAdapter=
With this change everything works as before but now to change the items that appear in the
Spinner you simply edit the XML file.
You could also use the getResources object to retrieve the String array and then proceed
as if the String array had been defined in code.

private String[] country =


Changing The List

There are lots of more advanced things that you can do with Spinners but these aren't
encountered that often - mainly when trying to build a custom user experience.
The one thing that does occur often is the need to dynamically change the list of items.
There are many slight variations on this but essentially what you can do is change the
String array and then call the adapter's notifyDataSetChange method. For example if you
want to change Mexico, i.e. element one, to Greenland you would use:
The ArrayAdapter also has an add, clear, remove and an insert method which can be used
to modify the underlying data but for this to work the object holding the data has to be
You can't modify a String array in this way.
What you need is an ArrayList.
If you change the declaration of country to:
ArrayList<String> country=new ArrayList<String>(
Arrays.asList("Canada", "Mexico", "USA"));
You can then add "Greenland" to the end of the items using:
You can always find out how many items there are using the getCount method.
Notice that in this case the ArrayAdapter constructor used changes from one that accepts
an array to one that accepts a List of objects.
How do you modify a list of items that are created using a resource?
This is a tricky question because the ArrayAdapter creates a String array to hold the data
which means you can't use the methods that modify a list.
There are a number of ways of fixing this up but the simplest is perhaps to construct your
own ArrayList from the resource directly:
Resources res=getResources();
ArrayList<String> country=new ArrayList<String>(
ArrayAdapter<String> stringArrayAdapter=
new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,
With this version of the ArrayAdapter you can once again use the add and other methods to
modify the list of items.

 Spinners are a way of presenting a list of options for the user to select from.

 Spinners can be complex in terms of their layout and what they show but the
simplest example is to work with an array of Strings.

 The array of Strings can be created in the code or within a resource file.

 The array of Strings has to be converted into an ArrayAdapter object to be used
with the Spinner.

 The ArrayAdapter provides a View object for each item displayed in the Spinner.

 There are two ways (at least) to load a String array resource into an ArrayAdapter -
using its createFromResource or by loading the resource as String array and then
proceeding as before.

 Loading the String array has the advantage that you can change it into an ArrayList
which can be modified in code by adding or deleting elements - you cannot change
the length of a String array.

 To find out what the user has selected simply use the onItemSelected event

 To retrieve the item that the user has selected use the getItemAtPosition(position)

There is much more to say about the Spinner and how to customize it, but the methods
explained here are the most common. If you don't agree email me with a question.
Moving on from Spinners the next thing you need to know about are Pickers, the topic of
the next chapter.
Meanwhile if you have any questions on what we've covered so far please let me know
using the comments.

You can download the code for this program from the CodeBin.
(Note: you have to register first).


1. Getting Started With Android Studio

2. The Activity And The UI

3. Building The UI and a Calculator App
4. Basic Controls And Events
5. Layout Containers
6. UI Graphics A Deep Dive
7. Menus & The Action Bar
8. Menus, Context & Popup
9. Resources
10. Beginning Bitmap Graphics
11. Staying Alive! Lifecycle & State
12. Spinners
13. Pickers
14. ListView And Adapters

15. Using Android Studio (coming soon)

If you are interested in creating custom template also see:
Custom Projects In Android Studio

A picker is a "dial" that you can use to select one of a predetermined set of values. In this
sense it is a lot like the Spinner covered in the previous installment, but one that has a
more restricted set of choices. Android currently supports three Pickers for dates, times and
general numbers.

Using A Picker
The first big confusion to clear up is that there are two ways to make use of a Picker - as a
widget or as a dialog box.
Of the three well-known Pickers, the TimePicker and the DatePicker come as widgets and
as dialog boxes. The NumberPicker is only supplied as a widget, but of course you can put
it in a Dialog box if you want to.
In most cases you probably do want to create a Dialog box and in this case you need to
use a DialogFragment to wrap the Dialog and manage its lifecycle. The only problem with

this is that a Fragment is a complicated UI component and there are many situations where
using the raw widget will do the job well enough.
In short it makes sense to first look at the underlying Picker widgets before we get round to
looking at Dialogs and DialogFragments.

Using TimePicker
TimePicker is a very easy place to get started.
If you create a new Android project, called TimeAndDate and accept all of the defaults you
can place a TimePicker on the design surface just like any other widget - no need to worry
about Fragments or Dialogs.
You can find the TimePicker in the Date & Time section of the Toolbox where you will also
find the DatePicker.

Place the TimePicker on the design surface and size and locate it as required.
In its default configuration it shows in the designer using the style
AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar and has an analog clock face and an input area that can
be used to set the time by dragging the hands on the clock face:

Pickers are complex widgets that have multiple components each of which can change its
appearance depending on how they are styled. We haven't covered styles and themes, this
is for a slightly more advanced look at the UI.
The problem is that the appearance of the pickers depends on which version of Android
you are targeting and how you are targeting them. There are a range of different themes
you can select but they don't all work with all SDK/APIs.
For example the theme used for pre-API 14 looked like:

The post API 14 adopted the Holo theme and the picker looked like this:

Since the introduction of Material Design it has been easier to write a compatible app but
only if you can accept the default look and use. If you really like the original "spinner" dials
then it can take a lot of work to get what you want. Also it isn't easy to back port the new
Material Design look to earlier than Lollipop. It can be done but you need to replace the
widget code i.e. essentially make your own compatibility support code.
What follow is what you get if you don't struggle against the way things "just work".
What you can do is to switch off the new Material Design look and go back to the Holo look
on all versions of Android.
All you have to do is find timePickerMode in the properties window and use the drop down
list to select spinner or clock depending on the type you need. Again it is important to note
that while the designer shows the old Android "spinner" form of the picker the actual
runtime shows the Holo version.
So to sum up:
If you want to us pickers within a range of Android versions then the simplest solution
is to use the compatibility library v7 appcompat which is included in your projects
automatically by Android Studio. In this case the you can target the latest SDK - which
at the time of writing is Android 6 Marshmallow API 23. (Note the MNC Previews didn't
work with the pickers so upgrade to the latest API.) You can also expect your app to
work with earlier APIs but with some differences.
In most cases you need to leave the default theme set to App Theme which isn't really a
theme but a reference to a theme declared in styles.xml. By default this file contains the

<!-- Base application theme. -->
<style name="AppTheme"
<!-- Customize your theme here. -->
You can change the them in this file to anything you like but my advice is to restrict your
choose to the AppCompat themes.
While on the subject of themes it is worth pointing out, but without going into much detail,
that the theme drop down in the designer only changes how the designer displays the UI. If
you want to change it in your app then you have to edit the styles.xml file.
If you stay with the AppCompat themes then the pickers will show differently according to
the version of Android they are run on - without you having to do any additional work.
You can also see what your app will look like using the Android version drop down -
although it has to be said that this doesn't work accurately and will often show a pre-Holo
theme instead of a Holo theme. You can also use the Preview Android Versions command
to see a side-by-side view of the way your UI looks:

TimePicker In Code
To interact with the TimePicker all you have to use is the get/set methods for Hour and
Minute. You can also programatically change the 12 hour/24 hour mode.
Notice that the time is always returned in 24-hour form no matter what the widget's mode
There is also a problem with the latest API. Although the set/getCurrentMinute and
set/getCurrentHour methods are depreciated the alternatives which do exactly the same
thing set/getMinute and set/getHour don't work on earlier version of Android (Icecream
Sandwich in particular).
So for the moment it seems preferable to use the depreciated methods.
For example to set the TimePicker you would use
TimePicker tp=
(TimePicker) findViewById(R.id.timePicker);

The only task remaining is figuring out how to discover then the user has selected a time.
You could provide a button which the user has to click to confirm the new time.
For example, if you place a Button and a TextView on the design surface, add the following
Button click event handler:
public void doButtonClick(View e){
TextView tv= (TextView)
TimePicker tp= (TimePicker)
tv.setText(tp.getCurrentHour().toString() +
and remember to set the Button's Click property to doButtonClick then you have a way for
the user set the time.

In most cases the difficult part in using a Picker isn't setting it up or getting the data from it
but in processing that data into a form that your program can use it in. In this case we
simply convert the time into a slightly formatted string representation.
Updating the time
What about getting an update every time the user changes the TimePicker?
The solution to this is to write an event handler for an OnTimeChanged event. As always,
this is a matter of either implementing the OnTimeChangedListener Interface in the Activity
or as an anonymous class.
Using Android Studio the anonymous class is the simplest approach. If you type in
TimePicker.OnTimeChangedListener OnTimeChanged=
new TimePicker.OnTimeChangedListener() {
using the code completion then at the end Android Studio will generate a stub including the
onTimeChanged method which you can add your code to:
TimePicker.OnTimeChangedListener OnTimeChanged=
new TimePicker.OnTimeChangedListener() {
public void onTimeChanged(
TimePicker view,
int hourOfDay,
int minute) {


You can guess that when the time is changed by the user the onTimeChanged method is
called and the TimePicker that triggered the event is passed as view, and its hour and
minute setting as hourOfDay and minute.
All that remains is to set the event handler using the setOnTimeChangedListener method.
For example, to transfer the new time to the TextView used in the previous example you
would use:
TimePicker.OnTimeChangedListener OnTimeChanged =
new TimePicker.OnTimeChangedListener() {
public void onTimeChanged(
TimePicker view,
int hourOfDay,
int minute) {

TextView tv = (TextView)
tv.setText(Integer.toString(hourOfDay) +
":" + Integer.toString(minute));
And you need to add:
to OnCreate to associate the OnTimeChanged object and its event handling method with
the TimePicker.

Now if you run the program you will see the TextView change every time the user alters the
TimePicker by whatever method.

The full program, including the code for the button and the event handler is shown below
and is also downloadable from the CodeBin:

import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.MenuItem;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.TextView;
import android.widget.TimePicker;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

TimePicker tp = (TimePicker)

public void doButtonClick(View e) {

TextView tv =
TimePicker tp =
(TimePicker) findViewById(R.id.timePicker);
+ ":" + tp.getCurrentMinute().toString());

TimePicker.OnTimeChangedListener OnTimeChanged =
new TimePicker.OnTimeChangedListener() {
public void onTimeChanged(
TimePicker view,
int hourOfDay,
int minute) {
TextView tv =
(TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView);
tv.setText(Integer.toString(hourOfDay) +
":" + Integer.toString(minute));

There is no easy way to get back to the old pre-holo style of DatePicker:

You can opt to display the holo spinner version in all Android versions by setting the
datePickerMode to spinner.
As an alternative you can also opt to also show a full Calendar in spinner mode by setting
CalendarViewShown to true. The spinnerShown property can also be set to false to remove
the spinners.

As well as playing with the way the DatePicker looks, you can also set and get all of the
parts of a date using:

 DayOfMonth
 Month
 Year
You can also set and get maximum and minimum dates that the widget will show using
When it comes to interacting with the widget you can set up a button to allow the user to set
the date as with the TimePicker or you can use the OnDateChanged event to track the
value. Doing this follows the same steps as for the OnTimeChanged event but with a small
difference - there is no setOnDateChangedListener method. Instead there is an init method
which can be used to set the date and the event handler.
For example, if you add a TextView to the bottom of the design surface and the following
code for the event handler then you can see the date change each time the user makes a

DatePicker.OnDateChangedListener onDateChanged=
new DatePicker.OnDateChangedListener() {
public void onDateChanged(
DatePicker view,
int year,
int monthOfYear,
int dayOfMonth) {
TextView tv =
tv.setText(Integer.toString(monthOfYear) +


To set up the DatePicker you need to add to the end of the OnCreate event handler:
DatePicker dp = (DatePicker)
findViewById(R.id.datePicker); dp.init(2014,4,2,onDateC
which sets the year, month and day and the event handler.
If you run the app you will see:

This tells you at once (February is selected and the data is 1/20/2015_ that the months are
numbered starting with Jan at zero not 1. The solution is to add one to the month number.
The complete program, also in the CodeBin is:
import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.MenuItem;
import android.widget.DatePicker;
import android.widget.TextView;
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
DatePicker dp = (DatePicker)
DatePicker.OnDateChangedListener onDateChanged=
new DatePicker.OnDateChangedListener() {
public void onDateChanged(

DatePicker view,
int year,
int monthOfYear,
int dayOfMonth) {
TextView tv =
tv.setText(Integer.toString(monthOfYear+1) +
"/"+Integer.toString(year) );

The reason for this is that the NumberPicker is slightly more complicated than the other
Pickers in that it allows you to set what the spinner part displays.
There are two distinct ways in which you can set the range that is displayed - as a pair of
max min values, or as the values stored in an array.
For example, if you just want the NumberPicker to show 0 to 9 you might use:
NumberPicker np=
(NumberPicker) findViewById(R.id.numberPicker);

If you don't want the number spinner to wrap around you can use

If you want to give the user the choice of 0, 10, 20 and so on up to 90 you first have to
initialize a string array of the correct size to these values. In this case the difference
between MaxValue and MinValue properties +1 give the number of elements in the list.
To create the array we need a simple for loop:

String[] values=new String[10];

for(int i=0;i<values.length;i++){
Once we have the array of values to display it can be assigned to the Picker using its
setDisplayedValues method:
NumberPicker np=
(NumberPicker) findViewById(R.id.numberPicker);

You may have noticed that the array used to specify the values is a String array. What this
means is that the NumberPicker, despite its name, can allow the user to pick from a list of
arbitrary strings that you can set.
For example:
String[] values=new String[3];

When it comes to retrieving the data you can use the getValue method which return an
integer which is either the value the user picked if you are not using a String array for the
values or it is the index in the String array of the value the user picked.
If you want to get a live update of the value the user selects you can use the
OnValueChange event. The event handler
public void onValueChange(
NumberPicker picker,
int oldVal,
int newVal)
provides you with the NumberPicker object that the event occurred on as picker and the
index of the old and new values. The only problem is getting that value from the String
array that defined the values displayed which is probably not accessible from the event
handler. The solution is to use the NumberPicker's getDisplayedValues which returns a
String array of values.
For example to transfer the value to a TextView you first have to define a Listener object
which you can do easily with the help of Android Studio's autocomplete:
NumberPicker.OnValueChangeListener onValueChanged
=new NumberPicker.OnValueChangeListener() {
public void onValueChange(
NumberPicker picker,
int oldVal,
int newVal) {
String[] values=picker.getDisplayedValues();
TextView tv=
(TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView);

This uses the picker to get the array of displayed values which it then transfers to the
TextView using the newVal as an index.
All you need to do to make this work is add the Listener to the NumberPicker:
Now when your run the program the TextView is updated as soon as any changes are

That's about all there is to basic use of the NumberPicker.

Multi-Digit Input
Finally if you want to create a multi-digit input - say hundreds, tens, units - then simply use
three NumberPickers. This is more tricky than it first appears if you want to dynamically
track the current value across more than one NumberPicker.
For example, to build a three-digit input you first need to place three NumberPickers on the
design surface with ids numberPicker1, numberPicker2 and numberPicker3. Also add a
TextView somewhere convenient:

You could initialize each of the NumberPickers in turn but it is instructive to use an array of
NumberPickers to do the job:
NumberPicker[] nps=new NumberPicker[3];
nps[0]= (NumberPicker)

nps[1]= (NumberPicker)
nps[2]= (NumberPicker)
Now we have an array of NumberPicker objects we can initialize them all in the same way
using a for loop but first we need the array of values to be used:
String[] values=new String[10];
for(int i=0;i<values.length;i++){
As we are using 0 to 9 this could be done as an index without using an array but this makes
the example more general.
Now we have the array of values we can initialize the NumberPickers:
for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
Notice that the same event handler is used for all of the NumberPickers. In some cases this
is the way to do things in other it is better to have an event handler for each widget.
The next small problem is how to update the value displayed in a TextView when one of the
NumberPickers changes its value.
Again the simplest solution for an example is to get the values from each of the
NumberPickers using a for loop:
NumberPicker.OnValueChangeListener onValueChanged
=new NumberPicker.OnValueChangeListener() {
public void onValueChange(
NumberPicker picker,
int oldVal,
int newVal) {
NumberPicker[] nps=new NumberPicker[3];
(NumberPicker) findViewById(R.id.numberPicker1);
(NumberPicker) findViewById(R.id.numberPicker2);
(NumberPicker) findViewById(R.id.numberPicker3);
String temp="";
for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
String[] values=nps[i].getDisplayedValues();
TextView tv=(TextView)findViewById(R.id.textView);

In this case we don't use any of the event method's parameters we simply get the three
NumberPickers and get their DisplayValues as a String array and the current value using
the index returned by getValue.
The only tricky but is building up the string of digits to be displayed in temp. If you aren't
sure what is going on try changing the line that sets temp to read:
In the jargon of math String concatenation is not commutative - in the jargon of
programming it matters which end you stick something new on to a String.
Of course as all three NumberPickers share the same set of values we really only need to
getDisplayedValues once but this is more general. Also it is very obvious that parts of the
code are repeated and it would be better to refactor to create a function to get the three
NumberPickers for example.
If you run the program you should be able to alter what is displayed in the TextView in a
sensible three digit place value way:

The complete program, which you will find in the CodeBin, is:

import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.MenuItem;
import android.widget.NumberPicker;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState{

NumberPicker.OnValueChangeListener onValueChanged
=new NumberPicker.OnValueChangeListener() {
public void onValueChange(
NumberPicker picker,
int oldVal,
int newVal) {
NumberPicker[] nps=new NumberPicker[3];
nps[0]= (NumberPicker)
nps[1]= (NumberPicker)
nps[2]= (NumberPicker)
String temp="";
for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
String[] values=nps[i].getDisplayedValues();
TextView tv=
(TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView);

String[] values=new String[10];

for(int i=0;i<values.length;i++){

NumberPicker[] nps=new NumberPicker[3];

nps[0]= (NumberPicker)
nps[1]= (NumberPicker)
nps[2]= (NumberPicker)
for(int i=0;i<3;i++){

Android Adventures - ListView And
Written by Mike James

Thursday, 08 October 2015

Article Index

Android Adventures - ListView And Adapters

Interacting with lists

Custom ArrayAdapter

Improving Efficiency, Summary

Custom Adapter - Complete Listing

Page 1 of 5

ListView is probably the most commonly used and needed UI

components in an Android app. It isn't difficult to use, but you
need to get to grips with the idea of an "adapter" and
understanding what is going on pays dividends.

Android Adventures With Android Studio


1. Getting Started With Android Studio

2. The Activity And The UI
3. Building The UI and a Calculator App
4. Basic Controls And Events
5. Layout Containers
6. UI Graphics A Deep Dive
7. Menus & The Action Bar
8. Menus, Context & Popup
9. Resources
10. Beginning Bitmap Graphics
11. Staying Alive! Lifecycle & State
12. Spinners
13. Pickers
14. ListView And Adapters

15. Using Android Studio (coming soon)

If you are interested in creating custom template also see:
Custom Projects In Android Studio

For a range of reasons, one of the most common things you
need to do in an Android UI is to display a list of things that the
user can select from. We have already looked at the basic
Picker in chapter 12 but the ListView is a more general category
of "picker".
If you are familiar with desktop development then you probably
think of lists that the user can select from as being similar to a
drop-down list. Android and portable devices often need
something more than just a small list. Because of the limited
screen size it is often the case that the user can only be shown
an overview of quite a few different items. When the user selects
an item they are then presented with more details of the item - a
details view.
Displaying lists and other collections of data is so common that
Android has a mechanism that makes it easier.
Well it does make it easier once you understand how it all
The key idea is that to display a collection each item in the
collection has some how to be converted to an appropriate View
object. It is the View object that the container displays for each
item of data in the collection.

The Adapter
Displaying a collection of items has a number of similarities no
matter what the collection of items are or what the container.
The container has various positions that are visible on the
screen for displaying items. For example, a ListView has
horizontal slots, one per item and a GridView has a 2D grid of
Each container accepts a View object and displays it in a slot.
For example, you could provide the ListView with TextView
objects and it would simply display text in each of its slots.
You might be wondering why not just supply a set of Strings to
the ListView and let it work out how to display the Strings as
Things could be organized in this way and it would be simpler -
but only if you wanted to display Strings.
If you wanted to display a list of images, say, then you would
need a ListView that understood images and so on.
It is much more flexible to provide the container with a set of
preprepared View objects because then the container simply
has to display the View object without having to perform any

All containers that derive from the AdapterView class make use
of adapters to supply what they display in terms of View objects.
These include, as well as the ListView and GridView, the
Spinner, Gallery and StackView.
We have already looked at the use of the Spinner and its
associated adapter in an earlier chapter so this time it is the turn
of a more advanced UI element - the ListView and its adapter.
This approach also has the advantage that you can provide the
container with a View object that is a complete layout i.e. it could
itself be a container with lots of View objects to display. For
example, you could supply a ListView with a View object that
contains an image and a TextView to create a multimedia list of
pictures and text.
Of course if the container isn't doing the conversion from the
data object to the View object - you are going to have to do it.
This is where the Adapter comes in.
The ListView and the GridView containers both make use of the
ListAdapter class as their basic Adapter.
In general you have to take the ListAdapter class and extend it
to create your own custom Adapter which generates a custom
View object for the container to use in each of its slots. The
container asks for the View object to be used to display item i or
using whatever indexing suits the particular container. The
Adapter returns the View object and the container displays it -
without worrying what it is or what it corresponds to.
This might sound complicated but it turns out to be very simple
in practice.
However to make things even simpler there is also an
ArrayAdapter which lets you display a single text item for each
element of an array of arbitrary objects.
How can this possibly work if the object in the array can be
The first thing to point out is that ArrayAdapter is a generic class
and can accept an array of any type as long as you specify it
when you create the ArrayAdapter instance.
The second thing to point out is that Array adapter calls each
items toString method to get some text to display in the
container - very simple but also very restrictive. In fact it is quite
easy to modify what the ArrayAdapter displays and this makes it
more versatile than you might expect and hence well worth
getting to know.
So to summarise:

 Containers like ListView and GridView display View

objects in a particular arrangement - as a vertical list or
as a 2D grid in this case.

 An Adapter converts the data that is to be displayed in
each slot into a suitable View object.

 For complex data and displays you need to create a

custom Adapter.

 In many cases however the ArrayAdapter can be used.

That is ArrayAdapter is a predefined custom Adapter for
converting Arrays to TextView objects.

 The ArrayAdapter, at its most basic, can supply

TextView objects to a container from an array of any
type simply by calling the object's toString methods.

The ArrayAdapter
Rather then starting with an example that is completely general
it is worth looking at how the ArrayAdapter is used in conjunction
with a ListView.
Start a new Android Studio project called ListViewExample
based on a Blank Activity and accept all of the defaults.
For a simple example all we are going to do is display a list of
names in a ListView.
First delete the usual "Hello World" textView.In the designer
scroll down the Palette until you can see the Contaners and
place a ListView on the design surface.

You will see that for the sake of allowing you to work with the
layout the designer show you the ListView filled with some two
item text objects.
Our Adapter is going to be simpler than this dummy display with
just a single line of text.
If you run the program at this early stage you wont see anything
in the ListView - it will be blank. The text that you see in the

designer is just to help you visualize the UI - there is no Adapter
associated with the ListView and hence when you run it there is
nothing to display.
Our next task is to create an ArrayAdapter object to supply the
ListView with something to display.
But first we need a String array to hold the text we are going to
display. For simplicity we might as well add the code to the
onCreate method in MyActivity.java. To create a simple String
array we can use a literal:
String[] myStringArray={"A","B","C"};
feel free to think up something more creative than A, B, C. In the
real world the Strings would probably be read from a file or a
database, etc.
Next we need to create the ArrayAdapter. To do this the
constructor need the context, usually this, a layout to use to
display each String and the String array:
ArrayAdapter<String> myAdapter=new
Notice the way that the type of the array is specified as <String>.
If you are not familiar with Java generics then you need to look
up how it all works. Also notice the use of the standard supplied
layout simple_list_item1. You can create your own layouts and
we will see how this is done in a moment.
Finally we need to associate the adapter with the ListView:
ListView myList=
(ListView) findViewById(R.id.listView);
The complete onCreate method is:
protected void onCreate(
Bundle savedInstanceState){
String[] myStringArray={"A","B","C"};
ArrayAdapter<String> myAdapter=new
ListView myList=(ListView)

You will also have to remember to add import statements for
each of the classes used - ListView and ArrayAdapter -
remember Alt-Enter.
If you now run the program you will see a neat list with each
array element displayed on a line - as promised.

So far this doesn't look impressive but the ListView gives you
some basic facilities. For example if you increase the number of
elements in the array:
String[] myStringArray=
You will discover that you can automatically scroll through the
list using the usual flick gesture.

Working With The Data

The whole point of showing the user a list of items is so that they can interact with it. You
can manipulate the data on display in various ways and handle events when the user
selects an item.
Get Selection
Perhaps the most important thing is to deal with the user selecting and item. The usual way
of doing this is to write a handler for the OnItemClickListener. This passes four parameters
onItemClick(AdapterView parent, View view,
int position, long id)
The AdapterView is the complete View displayed by the container, the View is the View
object the user selected, the position in the collection and the id is the items id number in
the container. For an ArrayAdapter the id is the same as the array index.
You can use this event to find out what the user has selected and modify it. For example
the event handler:
mMessageClickedHandler =
new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView parent,
View v,

int position,
long id) {
sets each item the user selects to "selected" - not useful but you could change color to grey
out the selection.
It is important to know that changing what the View object displays doesn't change the data
stored in the associated data structure. That is in this case setting a row to "selected"
doesn't change the entry in the String array.
To set the handler to the ListView you would use:
You can also set the selection in code using:
where position is the zero based position of the item in the list and you can scroll to show
any item using
A subtle point worth mentioning is that you can't make use of the view object that is passed
to the event handler to display the selection in another part of the layout.
A View object can only be in the layout hierarchy once.
In most cases this isn't a problem because you can usually manually clone the View object.
For example, in this case the View object is a TextView and so you can create a new
TextView and set its Text property to be the same as the the one in the list. For example:
TextView w=new TextView(getApplicationContext());
w.setText( ((TextView)v).getText());
LinearLayout myLayout=
(LinearLayout) findViewById(R.id.layout);
This can be more of a nuisance if the View object is more complex.
Changing The Data
One of the slightly confusing things about using adapters is the relationship between what
is displayed and what is in the underlying data structure. You can change the data but if
you want to see the change in the container you have to use an adapter notify method to
tell that the data has changed.
For example, if you change an element of the array:
then nothing will show until you use:
ListView myList=
(ListView) findViewById(R.id.listView);
ArrayAdapter myAdapt=
Notice that you have to cast the ListAdapter returned from getAdapter to an ArrayAdapter
to call the notify method.

There is a second way to change the data using the ArrayAdapter itself. This provides a
number of methods to add, insert, clear, remove and even sort the data in the Adapter. The
big problem is that if you use any of these then the underlying data structure associated
with the Adapter has to support them.
For example the add method adds an object onto the end of the data structure but if you
myAdapt.add("new data");
with the program as currently set up you will find that you get a runtime crash. The reason
is that in Java an array has a fixed size and the add method tries to add the item to the end
of the array which isn't possible.
If you want to add items to the end of an array like data structure you need to use an
ArrayList and not just a simple array. An ArrayList can increase and decrease its size.
For example we can create an ArrayList from out existing String array:
ArrayList<String> myArrayList=
new ArrayList<String>();
and you can associate this new ArrayList with the adapter instead of the String array:
ArrayAdapter<String> myAdapter=
new ArrayAdapter<String>(
Following this you can use:
myAdapt.add("new data");
and you will see the new data at the end of the displayed list. You may have to scroll to see
As long as you are using an ArrayList you are safe to use all of the adapter data modifying
clear() //remove all data
You can also make use of
getCount() //get number of elements
getItem(position) // get item
getItemId(position) //get item id

A Custom Layout
So far we have just made use of the system provided layout for the row. It is very easy to
create your own layout file and set it so that it is used to render each row - but you need to
keep in mind that the only data that will be displayed that is different on each row is derived
from the items .toString method.

The simplest custom layout has to have just a single TextView widget which is used for
each line. In fact this is so simple it has no advantage over the system supplied layout so
this is really just to show how things work.
Use Android Studio to create a new layout in the standard layout directory and call it
mylayout.xml. Use the designer or text editor to create a layout with just a single TextView
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
android:text="Large Text"
If you delete the default container you may see error messages. Just ignore them and
press on with putting a TextView on the design.
To use the layout you simply provide its resource id in the ArrayAdapter constructor:
ArrayAdapter<String> myAdapter=
new ArrayAdapter<String>(
If you try this you wont see any huge difference between this and when you use the system
layout android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1.
The next level up is to use a layout that has more than just a single TextView in it. The only
complication in this case is that you have to provide not only the id of the layout but the id
of the TextView in the layout that you want to use for the data.
For example, if you create a layout with a horizontal LinearLayout and place a CheckBox,
and two TextViews:

Then you can use the layout by creating the ArrayAdapter with:
ArrayAdapter<String> myAdapter=
new ArrayAdapter<String>(

assuming that the TextView you want the data to appear in is textView2.
The result is a little more impressive than the previous example:

Notice that each of the View objects in the layout gives rise to a distinct instance per line.
That is your layout may only have had one CheckBox but the ListView has one per line.
This means that when the user selects the line you can retrieve the setting of the CheckBox
say. It also means that a ListView can generate lots and lots of View objects very quickly
and this can be a drain on the system.
Important Note:
There are a few things that you need to know if you are going to successfully handle
onItemClick events.
The first is that your layout can't have any focusable or clickable Views. If it does then the
even isn't raised and the handler just isn't called.
The solution is to stop any View object in the container from being focusable. Add
to the LinearLayout say or use the property window to set it to blocksDescendants - as it's
an advanced property you have to select "show advanced".

With this change the event handler should be called but now you need to keep in mind that
the View object passed as v in:
public void onItemClick(AdapterView parent,
View v,
int position,
long id)
is the complete View object for the row and not just the TextView. That is in the case of the
example above it would be the LinearLayout plus all of its children.

If you are going to work with the View object you have to access the objects it contains and
you can do this is in the usual way. For example:
mMessageClickedHandler =
new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener(){
public void onItemClick(AdapterView parent,
View v,
int position,
long id) {
TextView myData = (TextView)
Notice that you can use findViewById in the View that is returned.

A Custom ArrayAdapter
As long as you can cope with what is being displayed for each row being a String returned
by the object's toString method then you can use a standard ArrayAdapter. You can even
customize the object's toString method to display something different - but it's still a String.
If you have an array of general objects and want to display multiple items from each object
or items which are not Strings then you need to create a custom ArrayAdapter. This isn't
difficult but there are one or two more advanced points to take note of but for this first
example - let's keep it as simple as possible.
First we need some objects to hold the data we are going to display - a record type say with
a field for name and one for number in stock say, you could also add a photo of the item
but in the spirit of keeping it simple a String and and int are enough.
If you know other languages you might be thinking that we need a stuct or something
similar. In Java there are no structs. If you want to create a record you create an object with
the necessary properties.
Start a new project called customList and accept all the defaults. Navigate to the main java
directory right click and select New,Class. Call the class MyData and enter:
public class MyData {
public String myTitle;
public int myNum;
public MyData(){

public MyData(String myTitle, int myNum) {

this.myTitle = myTitle;
this.myNum = myNum;

The new class has two public fields myTitle and myNum and a custom constructor allowing
us to initialize these fields. Adding this initialization constructor makes it easy to create
arrays of the new class.
For example, in the onCreate method you can add
MyData myDataArray[]=new MyData[]{
new MyData("item1",10),
new MyData("item2",20),
new MyData("item3",30)
You might need to add more data than this to try out the ListView properly.
Now we have some data to display we need to add the custom adapter.
Once again right click on the java directory and create a new class called MyAdapter. This
has to inherit from ArrayAdapter:
public class MyAdapter
extends ArrayAdapter<MyData> {
Notice that we want the generic ArrayAdapter to work with MyData objects. Most of the
methods of ArrayAdapter will work perfectly well with arrays of arbitrary objects.
Next we need to add a suitable constructor based on the constructors that ArrayAdapter
has. Android Studio can help.
Right click on the class line and select Generate, Constructor. You will see a list of possible
constructors. The one we want to use is third in the list.

When you select it the following code is generated for you:
public MyAdapter(Context context,
int resource,
MyData[] objects) {
super(context, resource, objects);
We need to extend this because we need to keep track of context, resource and the array
of objects and first we need some variables to store them in:
private Context context;
private int resource;
private MyData[] objects;
The constructor can now store the values passed in to these variables:
public MyAdapter(Context context,
int resource,
MyData[] objects) {
super(context, resource, objects);
Notice that with this constructor our adapter is used in the same way as in the previous
example - we supply context,resource id and the array of data.
We now reach the key part of the customization - overriding the adapter's getView method.
This is the core of the functionality of the adapter. Each time the ListView needs to display
a new row it calls the adapter's getView method and expects to get back a View object that
it can display as the row.
To override the method you can use Android Studio to generate some code. Right click in
the adapter class and select Generate, Override method and then select getView. The
generated code isn't particularly helpful but at least it gets the method signature correct:
public View getView(int position,
View convertView,
ViewGroup parent) {
return super.getView(position,
It really doesn't matter how getView generates the View object it is going to return but the
most common way of doing the job is to inflate a layout file.
To give the inflator something to work with right click on the res/layout folder and select
New,Layout file. Call the file mylayout and change the LinearLayout to horizonal and add
two TextViews with ids title and number. Feel free to change the layout to make things look
pretty - it wont change the code you need to write.
Our first task is to get an inflator and inflate the layout file:
LayoutInflater inflater=
((Activity) context).getLayoutInflater();
View row=inflater.inflate(resource,parent,false);

Notice that we make use of the resource id we stored when the constructor ran and we use
the parent View object passed in to the getView method. The only purpose the parent View
object serves is to allow the system to layout the resource in a known container. The final
false parameter tells the inflater not to add the resource generated object to the parent -
this is a job for the ListView.
Before this happens we have to put the data into the View object. To do this we need to
find the two TextView objects that we placed into the layout and this is just a matter of sing
the familiar findViewById pattern:
TextView title= (TextView)
TextView number=(TextView)
Once you have the View objects you need to change you can use the position parameter to
get the data from the array of objects that was set by the constructor:
That's it, job done. All we need to do now is return the row View object:
return row;

The complete myAdapter class is:

public class MyAdapter
extends ArrayAdapter<MyData> {
private Context context;
private int resource;
private MyData[] objects;
public MyAdapter(Context context,
int resource,
MyData[] objects) {
super(context, resource, objects);

public View getView(int position,
View convertView,
ViewGroup parent) {
LayoutInflater inflater=
Activity) context).getLayoutInflater();
View row=inflater.inflate(resource,parent,false);
TextView title= (TextView)
TextView number=(TextView)

return row;
Now all we have to do is write some code that makes use of the new class and this is
exactly the same as the code that made use of the stanard ListView:

MyAdapter myAdapter=new
MyAdapter( this,
ListView myList = (ListView)

And of course, don't forget to put a ListView component on the main layout.
If you run the program you will now see a list consisting of two TextViews each with
something different to display on each line. In a real app you probably wouldn't create a
new class for two text items - overriding the toString method would be easier but the
principles are the same no matter what the multiple View objects created by the adapter

Reuse, Caching and General Layouts

We have a working custom adapter class but there are some things we can do to make it
The first relates to efficiency.
If you recall it was pointed out that a big list of objects could result in the creation of a lot of
View objects. In practice however we really only need the number of View object that
correspond to rows actually being displayed on the screen.
To avoid having to dispose of and create new View objects all the time the ListView gives
you the opportunity to recycle the View objects you have already created. This is what the
convertView parameter in the getView method is all about. If it is null you have to inflate
and create a new View object. If it is non-null then it is a View object ready to be used and
you don't have to create a new one.
Modifying the previous example to make use of convertView is easy:
View row;
if(convertView==null) {
LayoutInflater inflater =
((Activity) context).getLayoutInflater();
row = inflater.inflate(resource, parent, false);

This is a speedup worth making and saves having to create lots of View objects and
disposing of them.
However we are still looking up the child View objects every time we want to change the
data. That is:
TextView title= (TextView)
TextView number=(TextView)
This is also very wasteful and can be avoided with the application of the ViewHolder
All we have to do is save the references to the children in an object and store this in the
parent View's tag property. Then the next time we see the parent View we don't have to
find the children we are looking for - they are stored in the parent's tag as a ViewHolder
First we need to create a ViewHolder object:
private static class ViewHolder {
TextView title;
TextView number;
Notice that this has fields capable of holding references to our two TextView objects.
The logic of the getView method is now to also create and store a ViewHolder object if we
are not recycling a View object
View row;
ViewHolder viewHolder;
if (convertView == null) {
viewHolder = new ViewHolder();
LayoutInflater inflater =
((Activity) context).getLayoutInflater();
row = inflater.inflate(
resource, parent, false);
viewHolder.title =
(TextView) row.findViewById(R.id.title);
viewHolder.number =
(TextView) row.findViewById(R.id.number);
Notice that we have stored the references to the TextViews in the viewHolder and stored
this in the row's Tag field - this is what tag fields genreally are used for.
If we do have a recycled View object then we just need to get the viewHolder object:
} else {
row = convertView;
viewHolder = (ViewHolder) convertView.getTag();
Finally no matter where the viewHolder object came from we just use it:
(CharSequence) objects[position].myTitle);

return row;
With this change we have avoided creating a View object each time and we have avoided
having to lookup the child objects each time - very useful savings in time and resources.
Finally there is one last polish to apply. At the moment the layout for the row has to have
the ids of the TextView objects set to title and number. Much better to let the user set these
in the constructor:
public MyAdapter(Context context,
int resource,
int resTitle,
int resNumber,
MyData[] objects) {
super(context, resource, objects);
this.context = context;
this.resource = resource;
this.textRes1= resTitle;
this.resNumber = resNumber;
this.objects = objects;

This constructor has two extra parameters used to specify the id numbers of the two
ViewText objects in the layout. These are stored in private variables for later use - and we
need to declare the private variables:
private int resTitle;
private int resNumber;
The original constructor can still be retained as long as it sets resTitle and resNumber:
public MyAdapter(Context context,
int resource,
MyData[] objects) {
super(context, resource, objects);
this.context = context;
this.resource = resource;
this.objects = objects;
this.resTitle =R.id.title;
this.resNumber =R.id.number;

Finally we need to change the getView method to use the two new private variables:
viewHolder.title =
(TextView) row.findViewById(resTitle);
viewHolder.number =
(TextView) row.findViewById(resNumber);

With these changes the adapter can be used as:

MyAdapter myAdapter=new MyAdapter(

and the user is free to use any ids for the layout as long are there are two TextViews.

 Containers like ListView work together with an adapter to display data.

 The adapter accepts a data structure - usually an array or a list - and converts any
data item into a View object that represents the data.

 You can handle a selection event to find out what the user has selected.

 The View object can be complex with an outer container and any number of child

 The basic ArrayAdapter uses each object's toString method to provide the data to
display in a ViewText object.

 If you want to display something other than the result of calling toString you need to
implement a custom ArrayAdapter.

 To do this you have to override the inherited getView method.

 The ListView is clever enough to provide you with View objects to recycle -
although you don't have to if you don't want to.

 The ViewHolder pattern can make your use of nested View objects more efficient.

What Is Missing?
As with all things, there are aspects of the ListView that haven't been covered. In particular,
what do you do if your data structure isn't an array?
The ArrayAdapter can handle Lists, simply override the appropriate constructor. Anything
more complex and you will have to create a custom Adapter. In most cases, however, this
isn't necessary because most data structures can be mapped onto an array.
There are a range of formatting topics not covered - the header and separator for example -
but these are relatively easy.
More complicated are the multiselection options and any custom list displays such as a list
with multiple columns or pop-out detail windows.

Custom Adapter
public class MyAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<MyData> {
private Context context;
private int resource;
private MyData[] objects;

private int resTitle;
private int resNumber;

public MyAdapter(Context context,

int resource,
MyData[] objects) {
super(context, resource, objects);
this.context = context;
this.resource = resource;
this.objects = objects;
this.resTitle =R.id.title;
this.resNumber =R.id.number;

public MyAdapter(Context context,

int resource,
int resTitle,
int resNumber,
MyData[] objects) {
super(context, resource, objects);
this.context = context;
this.resource = resource;
this.resTitle = resTitle;
this.resNumber = resNumber;
this.objects = objects;

private static class ViewHolder {

TextView title;
TextView number;

public View getView(int position,
View convertView,
ViewGroup parent) {
View row;
ViewHolder viewHolder;
if (convertView == null) {
viewHolder = new ViewHolder();
LayoutInflater inflater =
((Activity) context).getLayoutInflater();
row = inflater.inflate(resource,
viewHolder.title =
(TextView) row.findViewById(resTitle);
viewHolder.number =
(TextView) row.findViewById(resNumber);
} else {

row = convertView;
viewHolder =
(ViewHolder) convertView.getTag();
return row;

You can download the code for the programs from the CodeBin (note you have to register


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