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The purpose of an essay is for you to discuss a subject, express your opinión and give resaons for your opinion.

- Your essay must be between 140-190 words in 40”

- You have two types of essay
 You are asked to discuss a statement and give your opinion. Eg: Private cars should be banned
from city centres.Do you agree?
 You are asked to discuss which of two things is better. Eg: Is it better for students to study
something the really enjoy when they leave school, or something wich will give them a good
- You are given an essay title (question) and some notes.
- You must write an essay answering the essay question and using all the notes
- You used formal style: not contraction.


- Read the instruction carefully

- Underline the áreas you must deal with in the essay title and in the notes. Used all notes
- Think and decide what your opinion or position is andd why you have this opinion.
- Organise your notes into a plan (paragraphs you need and what each paragraph will cover).
- Start paragraph with a short sentence which says what the paragraph is about.
- Try to have the same number of points in favor as against, or advantages as disadvantages.
- Your concluding paragraph should summarise your opinion and the reasons for it.
- Don’tinclude new arguments or ideas in your final sentence because you won’t be able to spport them
with reasons or examples.
- Before writing your essay, check that your plan covers the three áreas.
- Make sure you express your opinion clearly in your answer and that the arguments you express support
your opinion.
- When you have finished, read your answer carefullr. Check any mistakes you find.


Para expresar tu opinión: Para decir lo que otros opinan:

I personally feel that … Some / many people feel that
I (do) believe that … Others argue/claim/say/maintain that …
I firmly believe that … Another point of view is that …
I partfully agree that … Many people believe/think that …
In my opinion … It is widely believed that …
My personal view is that … It is generally agreed that …
It seems to me that … It is sometimes claimed/said that …
According to …

Para dar ejemplos: Para concluir / resumir: Para añadir información:

For instance, … In conclusion, … / To conclude … In addition to this, …
For example, … To summarize, … / To sum up … What is more, …
Such as, … Apart from that, …
As well as that, …
Besides (this), …


Para mostrar contraste / concesión: Para exponer las dos caras: Para razonar y/o explicar:
However, …, but …, nevertheless, … On the one hand,… Because of this,…
.., although…, whereas … On the other hand, …/ On the other because / since …
Having said that, … side of the argument , … This is because…
Despite this,… / Despite the fact The (main) reason for this is …
that … In spite of …

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