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Gonzalo Garza Independence High School

July 12, 2016

Dear Sir or Madam:

I write this letter on Kevin Jones's behalf with excitement and elation. Kevin was a
student in my English 3A class during the fall semester of 2017 at Garza Independence
High School. During this time, Kevin engaged in research, analysis, the craft of writing,
and goal setting. It is through these experiences that I came to know, respect, and marvel
at Kevin's varied interests, emotional maturity, and academic abilities. He is a talented,
hard working student capable of great success.

Kevin meets challenges with steady determination, humble confidence, and a winning
sense of humor. He was truly a pleasure to have in the classroom; he has an amiable
personality and an open mind. He lent his thoughtfulness to my classroom and infused all
his work with it.

Several assignments stand out from his time in my classroom: a personal narrative essay
about a memorable boxing match in which he participated, a poem about boxing, and an
analysis of the film Freedom Writers. Throughout these projects, Kevin worked
diligently, checking his work and revising. When he encountered challenging material
and tasks, he advocated for himself; he knows when to ask for help, when to think aloud
and how to take time to process before making decisions.

There are so many things I can say about Kevin: he is curious, compassionate and
intuitive, willing to explore multiple perspectives to controversial issues before forming
his opinions, and always seeks the just solution to a problem. He values understanding,
and to applies his own experiences and personal knowledge to material. When
participating in groups, Kevin listens respectfully to his peers, asks relevant questions,
and knows when to make decisions. These qualities make him a valuable member of any

While Kevin attended Garza High School, he also pursued athletic ventures outside of
school time. Indeed, Kevin is a semi-pro boxer. This vocation requires discipline in mind
and body, and in this discipline he must set himself apart from his peers. He adheres to a
schedule, must eat nutritionally, must train and exercise, and ideed, must endure pain. To
say "he is a fighter" is an understatement. Rather, he is a champion, a warrior, a victor.

Through it all, this young is polite and kind; always willing to lend a hand, to help set up
for events at school such as Mix it Up day, and always has a positive word for his peers
and his teachers. He is a gentleman, through and through.
Gonzalo Garza Independence High School

After high school, Kevin has expressed interest in pursuing a career as a professional
boxer. I have no doubt that he will be successful in any field he applies this discipline,
drive, and passion toward. I recommend Kevin Jones for any academic or professional

Sincerely yours,

ulia Mailloux-Huberdeau
English Language Arts Facilitator
(512) 414-8671

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