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Dear Dr.


The reason why I am writing you this time is because I urgently need your advice. I
have felt very bad these last days. I started to feel bad since Monday of this week
when I vomited after eating in the afternoon and that same day I started having a
fever at night. The next day the symptoms worsened, now I feel like vomiting every
time I eat something and my body temperature is just over 38 ° C. I felt so bad that
I decided not to go to work on Wednesday and that same day my despair got to
such a degree that I decided to self-medicate, I know it was not the best decision
but it was necessary, I felt that I would die. I took some pills to relieve the vomit
and the temperature, I have felt a little better since I took them but the symptoms
continue. I don´t know what to do anymore and I am very worried about my current
state of health. I hope it is not a serious illness. What should I do? I hope you can
help me with your valuable answer and I promise that I will follow your
recommendations carefully.

Juventino Vega

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