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* Define constants.

// Set radius of wheel and other constants.

var WHEEL_RADIUS = 172;
// Length of a line segment drawn through quarter arc of circle.

// How many total nubs in the machine.

var NUBS = 4;
// Which thread do we want to use for the preloader (index number)
// Minimimum amount of time between loading sounds to wait to help preload
// while strings are still building.
// Around how long do we want the overall build sequence to last
// Margin around the bounding clearRect calls.
// How much vertical space does the stack of threads take up.
// Below this framerate, we assume it's in a background tab threshhold.

* Builds a new Machine class, which runs everything.
* @class This is the Machine class.
* @constructor
* @param {object} cvPm the Canvas context to draw in.
var Machine = function(cvPm) {

// store my canvas
this.cv = cvPm;
// stores whether mouse is moving
this.isMouseMoving = false;
// array of threads
this.arrThreads = new Array();
// Array of thread lengths for each of the notes
this.arrLength = new Array();
// Array of nubs
this.arrNubs = new Array(4);
// Store array of starting pitches for the threads
this.arrPitchStart = new Array(TOTAL_THREADS);
// boolean whether mouse is currently pressed
this.isMouseDown = false;
// min max speed as a ratio
this.rSpd = 0;
// average speed over the past few frames
this.rSpdAvg = 0;
// how many frames to make average
this.fAvg = 5;
//var this.bps = this.bpm/60;
// user speed low limit where we can grab and hold string
// (as ratio 0 to 1)
this.rSpdGrab = 0.4;
// tracks mouse position
this.xp0; this.yp0; this.xp1; this.yp1;
// as point objects
this.pt0 = new Point();
this.pt1 = new Point();
// stores whether this is the first time running update
this.isFirstRun = true;
this.wasResized = false;
// Is user currently holding a nub?
this.isHoldingNub = false;
// Stores what nub the user is rolled over
this.nubOver = null;
// Stores which index the first note of 8 is set to.
this.indGroup = 0;
// Stores how many threads are currently grabbed by user.
this.ctGrab = 0;
// Limit how many threads I can pluck in one frame
this.pluckMax = 2;
// Which thread are we currently on for preloader
this.indThreadLoader = 0;
// Are we in preload mode
this.isIntro = true;
// Is the intro done and we can begin song whenever we're ready?
this.isIntroDone = false;
// Stores which note we are in terms of the song
this.noteSongRdPrev = 0;
// Are all strings at their final position?
this.threadsInPlace = false;
// Am I currently in the background tab?
this.isInBackground = false;
// Stores the minimum size of our bounding box just around the threads.
this.xbLimitMin = -MAX_LENGTH*0.5;
this.xbLimitMax = MAX_LENGTH*0.5;
this.ybLimitMin = -HEIGHT_ALL_THREADS*0.5;
this.ybLimitMax = HEIGHT_ALL_THREADS*0.5;
// Stores the bounding box limits for our clearRect refresh calls.
this.xbMin = this.xbLimitMin;
this.xbMax = this.xbLimitMax;
this.ybMin = this.ybLimitMin;
this.ybMax = this.ybLimitMax;
// Initialize machine.

* Initialize machine.
Machine.prototype.init = function() {
this.elmAbout = document.getElementById("about");
this.elmLoader = document.getElementById("loader");
// create the ? about link
this.elmAbout.innerHTML = "<a href=\""+aboutURL+"\"

* Builds the Thread objects
Machine.prototype.build = function() {

// Build an array of the lengths for each note.
var lenCurr = MAX_LENGTH;
for (var i = 0; i < TOTAL_NOTES; i++) {
this.arrLength[i] = lenCurr;

var len, str, hex, pitch;

// vertical distance between threads
var yp = (TOTAL_THREADS/2)*dy - 0.5*dy;
// go through all threads and draw them
for (var i = 0; i < TOTAL_THREADS; i++) {
// Store the starting pitch for the threads
this.arrPitchStart[i] = suite.arrMidiMap[SONG_DATA_ARRAY[i]];
hex = "#FFFFFF";
str = 3;
var pitch = -1;
var thr = new Thread(yp, pitch, str, hex, i, this.cv);
yp -= dy;
// Build wheels - x, y, index, canvas
this.wheel0 = new Wheel( WHEEL_RADIUS, 0, 0, this.cv);
this.wheel1 = new Wheel(-WHEEL_RADIUS, 0, 1, this.cv);
// Build nubs for them
this.arrNubs[0] = this.wheel0.nub0 = new Nub(0, 0, suite.machine, this.wheel0,
this.arrNubs[1] = this.wheel0.nub1 = new Nub(1, 1, suite.machine, this.wheel0,
this.arrNubs[2] = this.wheel1.nub0 = new Nub(0, 2, suite.machine, this.wheel1,
this.arrNubs[3] = this.wheel1.nub1 = new Nub(1, 3, suite.machine, this.wheel1,
// composite mode
this.cv.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter";
// Set the first nub as the loader nub

* Start loading sequence
Machine.prototype.beginLoading = function() {
// initialize timer
this.tFrame0 = this.tSong0 = this.tNotes0 = this.tLoadPrev = this.tLoading0 =
this.t0 = (new Date()).getTime()/1000;
this.ctFrame = 0;
// store current mouse pos
this.xp0 = this.getUserX(); this.yp0 = this.getUserY();

* Exit loading sequence.
Machine.prototype.exitLoading = function() {

this.isIntro = false;
// Release nubs from loading mode.
for (var i = 0; i < this.arrNubs.length; i++) this.arrNubs[i].exitLoader();
//var d = new Date(); this.tSong0 = this.tNotes0 = this.t0 =
// update all the threads once now

* When mouse button is pushed.
Machine.prototype.mouseDown = function() {
this.isMouseDown = true;

* When mouse button is released.
Machine.prototype.mouseUp = function() {
// stop updating
this.isMouseDown = false;

* Set threads to batch of 8 notes starting at index n.
Machine.prototype.setGroup = function(n) {

this.indGroup = n;
for (var i = 0; i < this.arrThreads.length; i++) {
var note = SONG_DATA_ARRAY[this.indGroup + i];
// is it a rest?
if (note == -1) {
pitch = -1;
} else {
// what pitch do we want to make it?
pitch = suite.arrMidiMap[note];


* Set current tempo.
Machine.prototype.setTempo = function(t) {
this.bpm = t;
this.bps = t/60;

* Returns x position of the mouse in terms of my canvas
* coordinate space.
* @return {number} x position of the mouse.
Machine.prototype.getUserX = function() {
return mouseX-this.xo;

* Returns y position of the mouse in terms of my canvas
* coordinate space.
* @return {number} y position of the mouse.
Machine.prototype.getUserY = function() {
return mouseY-this.yo;

* Converts an x position in our Canvas coordinates to
* a ratio of -1 to 1, where -1 is all the way at left,
* and 1 is right, and 0.5 is dead center.
* @param {number} xp is the x position to convert.
Machine.prototype.xAsRatio = function(xp) {
xp = lim(xp, 0, this.width);
return xp/this.width;

* Machine update that is run every frame.
Machine.prototype.upd = function() {
// At beginning of each update loop, set the bounding box to
// at least refresh the threads.
this.xbMin = this.xbLimitMin;
this.xbMax = this.xbLimitMax;
this.ybMin = this.ybLimitMin;
this.ybMax = this.ybLimitMax;
// Are we still loading?
if (SHOW_FRAMERATE) this.updFramerate(); // Show framerate
if (this.isIntro) this.updLoading(); // Show loading number
// Update timing.
if (this.isIntro) {
} else {
// update position
// is mouse pressed?
if (!this.isMouseDown) {
// composite mode
if (this.wasResized) {
this.wasResized = false;
this.cv.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter";
// clear enter canvas
// this.cv.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height);

// update all the threads

// update the wheels


this.cv.fillStyle = "rgba(255,255,255,0.3)";

* Update timing.
Machine.prototype.updTime = function() {
// how much time has elapsed since last update?
this.t1 = (new Date()).getTime()/1000;
this.elapFrame = this.t1-this.t0;
this.t0 = this.t1;

var fps = 1/this.elapFrame; // check if we're probably in tab in the background

if (fps <= FPS_BACKGROUND) {
if (!this.isInBackground) {
this.isInBackground = true;
} else {
if (this.isInBackground) {
this.isInBackground = false;

// Where are we in terms of the song beats?

this.elapSong = this.t1-this.tSong0;
this.beatSong = this.bps*this.elapSong;
this.noteSong = this.beatSong*NOTE_UNIT;
this.noteSongRd = Math.floor(this.noteSong);

// If we're in the intro mode

if (this.isIntro) {

// Are we at a new note?

if (this.noteSongRd != this.noteSongRdPrev) {
// Are we ready to move on now?
if (this.isIntroDone) {

// Did we just skip over a clean break where we can start the song?
if ((this.noteSongRdPrev < this.nextNoteBreak) && (this.noteSongRd >=
this.nextNoteBreak)) {
// Bump
//var d = new Date(); this.tSong0 = this.tNotes0 = this.t0 =
// Set the time to where it would have been... to make it seamless.
//this.tSong0 =
var beatSingle = this.beatSong % 1;
var elapFudge = beatSingle / this.bps;
// Now back-date it.
this.tSong0 = this.tNotes0 = this.t1 - elapFudge;
this.noteSongRdPrev = this.noteSongRd;

// Else in normal mode

} else {
if (this.noteSong > this.indGroup+TOTAL_THREADS) {
this.tNotes0 = this.t1;
// Increment to next group.
var nextGroup = this.indGroup+TOTAL_THREADS;
// Have we reached the end of the song?
if (nextGroup >= TOTAL_NOTES_IN_SONG) {
nextGroup = 0;
// Reset the song counter point
this.tSong0 = this.t1;

// Where is the next clean break where we can start the song.
// Should round to groups of 32 (or 16?)
this.nextNoteBreak = this.noteSongRd + (32 - (this.noteSongRd % 32));

* Goes through all Threads and updates and redraws them
Machine.prototype.updWheels = function() {
// set left wheel rotation
var rot;
this.wheel0.setRot((MATH_PI*(0.25 + (this.beatSong % 16)/16 * 2)) % (2*MATH_PI));
this.wheel1.setRot((MATH_PI*(0.25 - (this.beatSong % 16)/16 * 2)) % (2*MATH_PI));

* Update timing.
Machine.prototype.switchBackgroundMode = function(n) {

switch (n) {
// turn on background mode
case 1:
// turn off background mode
case 0:
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) this.arrNubs[i].returnFromBackground();

* Redraw wheels.
Machine.prototype.redrawNubs = function() {

* Goes through all Threads and updates and redraws them
Machine.prototype.updThreads = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.arrThreads.length; i++) {

* Goes through all Threads and updates and redraws them
Machine.prototype.redrawThreads = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.arrThreads.length; i++) {

* Goes through all Threads and updates and redraws them
Machine.prototype.updateAndRedrawThreads = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.arrThreads.length; i++) {

* Update status text.
Machine.prototype.updLoading = function() {
var str;
// are we loading audio?
if (!suite.soundReady) {
var perc = Math.round(suite.indNoteLd/TOTAL_NOTES*100);
//str = "Loading sound ("+ perc + "%)";
//this.elmLoader.innerHTML += "<span class=\"loading\">" + str +
} else {
//this.elmLoader.innerHTML = "<span class=\"loading\">" + str + "</span>";
// How much time since we last updated the load animation?
this.tLoadCurr = (new Date).getTime()/1000;
var elap = this.tLoadCurr - this.tLoadPrev;

// How long has the loading sequence lasted?

this.rLoad = (this.tLoadCurr-this.tLoading0) / LOAD_TIME_OVERALL;
if (this.rLoad >= 1) this.rLoad = 1;
// Time to go?
if (elap > TIME_BETWEEN_LOAD) {
this.tLoadPrev = this.tLoadCurr;

* Update framerate counter
Machine.prototype.updFramerate = function() {
this.tFrame1 = (new Date).getTime()/1000;
var elap = this.tFrame1 - this.tFrame0;
this.tFrame0 = this.tFrame1;

// are we loading audio?

if (this.ctFrame % 5 == 0) {
this.numFrame = Math.round(100/elap)/100;
this.elmLoader.innerHTML = "<span class=\"loading\">" + this.numFrame +
"</span> &nbsp; ";

* Go to next step in loading thread animation.
Machine.prototype.incrLoad = function() {

// Release another nub?

var nub;
if (this.rLoad > 0.15) {
nub = this.arrNubs[2]; if (!nub.hasEntered) nub.enter();
nub = this.arrNubs[0]; if (!nub.hasEntered) nub.enter(); // Double check that
the first one has entered, it skipped once
if (this.rLoad > 0.85) {
nub = this.arrNubs[1]; if (!nub.hasEntered) nub.enter();
if (this.rLoad > 0.97) {
nub = this.arrNubs[3]; if (!nub.hasEntered) nub.enter();

// How many threads to currently show?

var rCut0 = 0.4; var rCut1 = 0.8;
var rShow;
if (this.rLoad < rCut0) {
rShow = 0; // Only show one thread for a while.
} else {
rShow = (this.rLoad-rCut0)/(rCut1-rCut0);
if (rShow > 1) rShow = 1;
var showThreads = rShow*TOTAL_THREADS;
// Start at a random place.
var ind = Math.floor((Math.random()*0.999)*showThreads);
var pitchStart, pitchTarg, thr;
var ctThreadsInPlace = 0;
// Cycle through the threads.
for (var i = 0; i < TOTAL_THREADS; i++) {
if (i > showThreads) break;
pitchStart = this.arrPitchStart[ind];
thr = this.arrThreads[ind];
// Is that thread already at its target?
if (thr.pitchInd == pitchStart) {
ind = (ind + 1) % TOTAL_THREADS; // Just continue.
} else {
// Want to increment thread to its next note. Have we loaded that note?
var incr;
if (showThreads == 0) { incr = 1; }
else { incr = 1 + Math.round(Math.random()*2); }
// Have notes slowly ease up as time progresses
off = Math.floor(lerp(-3, 0, this.rLoad));
pitchTarg = thr.pitchInd + incr + off;
if (pitchTarg < 0) pitchTarg = 0;
// Make sure it's not higher than what we want
if (pitchTarg > pitchStart) pitchTarg = pitchStart;
if ((suite.indNoteLd > 0) && (suite.indNoteLd-1 >= pitchTarg)) {
// Did we find a thread to change?
if ((ctThreadsInPlace == TOTAL_THREADS) && !this.threadsInPlace)
this.threadsInPlace = true;

// If all threads are in place, and sound is loaded, we now begin.

if (this.threadsInPlace && suite.soundReady && this.rLoad >= 1 && !
this.isIntroDone) {
console.log("isIntroDone true!");
this.isIntroDone = true;

* Goes through all Threads and counts up how many are grabbed
* or oscillating, so we know whether we need to redraw.
Machine.prototype.checkMoving = function() {
//var ctGrab = 0;
var ctOsc = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.arrThreads.length; i++) {
//if (this.arrThreads[i].isGrabbed) ctGrab++;
if (this.arrThreads[i].isOsc) ctOsc++;

* Returns user's mouse speed as ratio 0 to 1, normalized to
* the bounds of spdMin and spdMax. This is set in update loop.
* @return {number} user's mouse speed as ratio 0 to 1
Machine.prototype.getSpd = function() {
return this.rSpd;

* Returns user's mouse speed as ratio 0 to 1, normalized to
* the bounds of spdMin and spdMax. This is set in update loop.
* Difference is it is averaged every few frames.
* @return {number} user's mouse speed as ratio 0 to 1
Machine.prototype.getSpdAvg = function() {
return this.rSpdAvg;

* Update loop run every frame, triggered by #upd.
Machine.prototype.updPos = function() {

// get new position

this.xp1 = this.getUserX(); this.yp1 = this.getUserY();
// update point objects
this.pt0.x = this.xp0; this.pt0.y = this.yp0;
this.pt1.x = this.xp1; this.pt1.y = this.yp1;
this.dx = this.xp1-this.xp0;
this.dy = this.yp1-this.yp0;
this.dist = Math.sqrt(this.dx*this.dx + this.dy*this.dy);
// is the mouse moving?
this.isMouseMoving = (this.dist > 0.2);
// current speed - pixels per second
this.spd = this.dist/this.elapFrame;
// normalize it from 0 to 1
0, 1);
// get average
this.rSpdAvg = (this.rSpdAvg*(this.fAvg-1)/this.fAvg) +
// store previous position
this.xp0 = this.xp1; this.yp0 = this.yp1;

* Update mode while mouse is up.
Machine.prototype.updMouseUp = function() {
// Are we already rolled over one?
if ((this.nubOver != null) && (!this.isHoldingNub)) {
// Make sure we're still over that one
if (this.nubOver.checkMouseOver()) {
return; // We're still over it, ignore others
} else {
this.nubOver.rollOut(); // We rolled out of it.
this.nubOver = null;

// Check if we're rolled over any nubs

for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (this.arrNubs[i].checkMouseOver()) {
this.nubOver = this.arrNubs[i];
break; // Don't check anymore, only roll over one at a time

* Triggered when mouse is pressed.
Machine.prototype.mouseDown = function() {
this.isMouseDown = true;
// Are we over a nub?
if (this.nubOver != null) {
this.nubOver.grab(); // grab it
this.isHoldingNub = true; // Remember we're holding a nub

* Triggered when mouse is released.
Machine.prototype.mouseUp = function() {
this.isMouseDown = false;
// We we holding a nub?
if (this.isHoldingNub) {
this.isHoldingNub = false;

* Drop all strings that are currently grabbed.
Machine.prototype.dropAll = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.arrThreads.length; i++) {
if (this.arrThreads[i].isGrabbed) this.arrThreads[i].drop();

* Done loading.
Machine.prototype.doneLoading = function() {
// hide the "loading audio text"
if (!SHOW_FRAMERATE) this.elmLoader.style.display = 'none';

* Triggered everytime window is resized.
Machine.prototype.checkBoxLimit = function(x,y) {

// Is this beyond the limit of the current bounding box?

if (x < this.xbMin) this.xbMin = x;
else if (x > this.xbMax) this.xbMax = x;
if (y < this.ybMin) this.ybMin = y;
else if (y > this.ybMax) this.ybMax = y;

* Triggered everytime window is resized.
Machine.prototype.rsize = function() {
this.wasResized = true;
// make the canvas objects match window size
this.width = suite.canvasEl.width = window.innerWidth;
this.height = suite.canvasEl.height = window.innerHeight;
// move the loader box
this.elmLoader.style.left = "20px";
this.elmLoader.style.top = (this.height - 28) + "px";
// move the about ? box
this.elmAbout.style.left = (this.width - 35) + "px";
this.elmAbout.style.top = (this.height - 32) + "px";
// update the origin

* Updates the origin point.
Machine.prototype.setOrigin = function() {
this.xo = Math.round(this.width/2);
this.yo = Math.round(this.height/2);

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