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Multiaxial Fatigue Life Predictions

AH Fatemi Under the Influence of

Assistant Professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Toledo, Mean-Stresses
Toledo, OH 43606
Assoc. Mem. ASME Two materials, an Inconel 718 and a 1045 steel, are used to verify the extension of a
shear strain-based parameter developed to account for out-of-phase cyclic strain
hardening to multiaxial mean-stresses. Shear strain amplitude on the maximum
Peter Kurath shear strain amplitude plane and the maximum stress normal to this plane are the
Research Associate, nominal stress-strain parameters considered in this approach. Tension-torsion and
Department of Mechanical and Industrial axial-internal pressure loadings using tubular specimens are employed to investigate
Engineering, stress-strain states that exhibit mean-strains and/or mean-stresses. Deformation
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
response relevant to the proposed fatigue damage algorithm such as mean-stress
Urbana, IL 61801
relaxation is discussed. Adequate fatigue life correlations are obtained by imple-
menting the proposed analysis. It is also demonstrated that methodologies suc-
cessful for correlating uniaxial mean-stress data often lead to erroneous multiaxial
life predictions.

Fatigue failures are considered to be a common type of More recent approaches give a physical interpretation of the
failure mode observed in mechanical components and struc- fatigue damage process and define a critical plane on which
tures. For many decades, research dealing with fatigue fatigue cracks initiate and grow. In addition to life estimates,
damage has focused on uniaxially loaded specimens. This these theories also predict an orientation (i.e., critical plane)
research has resulted in a considerable wealth of uniaxial test where dominant fatigue damage should occur. Brown and
data which is incorporated into analytical fatigue life predic- Miller [3] propose that cracks initiate on the maximum shear
tion techniques. The majority of components and structures in plane and therefore suggest that the critical parameters gov-
service however, are generally subjected to multiaxial cyclic erning fatigue life are the maximum shear strain and the strain
loading conditions resulting in biaxial/triaxial states of stress. normal to the plane of maximum shear strain. Kandil, Brown,
Pressure vessels, turbine blades, drive shafts, crankshafts and and Miller [5] suggest a convenient expression for this
axles are common examples. To predict fatigue life of such hypothesis for a given fatigue life, expressed as:
components and structures using laboratory test data, a
suitable multiaxial fatigue theory or criterion is required in Tmax+'5e„= constant, (1)
order to relate complex multiaxial stress states to laboratory where S denotes an empirical constant found by fitting the ful-
data. Presently, large factors of safety are often employed to ly reversed torsion data (e„ = 0) to the fully reversed uniaxial
account for uncertainties in fatigue life estimation procedures. data, (e„ =Ae„(l — v*)/4). This is analogous to Mohr's
Several recent review papers exist on multiaxial fatigue hypothesis of shear stress and normal stress formulated for
theories [1-3]. The traditional approach has been to extend the high-cycle fatigue.
use of classical multiaxial "yield criteria" as multiaxial stress- When the multiaxial strains are out-of-phase, it has been
based fatigue theories. The most common of these theories are shown that the resulting fatigue lives are often shorter than
the maximum shear stress, or Tresca, and the octahedral shear those for similar in-phase strains in the low-cycle regime [4, 6,
stress, or von Mises. Since strain-based approaches have 7]. Both the Tresca and von Mises criteria generally result in
rendered more satisfactory results for uniaxial low-cycle nonconservative fatigue life estimates for such loading condi-
fatigue, the stress-based "yield criteria" are often converted tions [3, 4, 6, 8]. Under out-of-phase or nonproportional
to a strain format for multiaxial low-cycle fatigue. In a recent loading situations, the principal stress and strain axes rotate
study [4] it was shown that the use of von Mises criterion during fatigue loading, often causing additional cyclic harden-
results in a much better multiaxial fatigue life prediction than ing of the material [9]. The reason that low-cycle out-of-phase
that of Tresca for a normalized 1045 steel under combined loading is more damaging than low-cycle In-Phase loading is
axial-torsional loading situations. attributed to this additional cyclic hardening. Brown and
Miller's critical plane approach [3] cannot accommodate this
additional cyclic hardening since both the parameters are in
terms of strain. A new formulation of this critical shear strain
Contributed by the Materials Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF
plane approach was proposed by Fatemi and Socie [10], which
Materials Division September 8, 1987. is mathematically expressed for a given fatigue life as:

380 / Vol. 110, OCTOBER 1988 Transactions of the ASME

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^7n posed model (equation (2)) can account for mean-stress effects
- ( l + k — - — ) = constant. (2) since: cr,fax = a" + a™ where of, and a"' are the alternating and
the mean components of the stress normal to the maximum
Here <r™ax is the maximum normal stress on the maximum shear strain plane respectively. A wide variety of strain states
shear strain plane which has been divided by the yield strength involving axial, torsional, combined axial-torsional, and com-
of the material in order to preserve the dimensionless feature bined axial-internal pressure loadings are evaluated with
of strain. The constant k in this parameter is a material- tubular specimens made of a mild steel (1045 hot rolled) and a
dependent constant and is found in the same manner as the superalloy (Inconel 718). In addition to life predictions, the
constant in Kandil, Brown, and Miller's parameter (equation cyclic deformation aspects relevant to mean-stresses are also
1). In addition to accounting for the extra cyclic hardening in studied.
out-of-phase loading through the normal stress term, the
mathematical form of this parameter is such that normal static
loads on the maximum shear plane do not cause fatigue Experimental Program
damage if there is no alternation of shear strain. This is consis- Two materials were used in this study. One was hot-rolled
tent with the physical interpretation of the damage process be- 1045 steel in the normalized condition with a microstructure
ing shear strain controlled. consisting of fine grained pearlite and ferrite (35-40 /im) which
Even though mean-stresses can have a substantial influence contained up to 0.1 mm long sulfide inclusions in the rolling
on fatigue behavior, by far the greatest proportion of fatigue direction. The other material was Inconel 718 cut from a
data available consists of fully reversed uniaxial tests. forged ring purchased to aerospace material specifications,
Historically, the concentration of mean-stress studies has been AMS 5663. The variation of grain size observed for this
on uniaxial loading and in the high-cycle regime using the material ranged from 10 to 200 yxa. Chemical compositions of
traditional stress-life approach. The modified Goodman both materials are given in Table 1. Monotonic and cyclic pro-
diagram [11] is still commonly used to predict fatigue life of perties are summarized in Table 2. To check anisotropy in
uniaxially loaded members in the presence of mean-stresses. In either material, standard low-cycle fatigue specimens were cut
the low-cycle regime involving uniaxial strain-life data, the from both the longitudinal and the tangential directions [17,
most commonly used methods to include mean-stress or mean- 19]. The inclusions in the 1045 steel resulted in reduction of
strain effects in fatigue life prediction of uniaxially loaded fatigue life by a factor of 2 to 3 in the specimens cut in the
members are those proposed by Morrow [12] and Smith et al. tangential direction as compared with those cut in the
[13]. longitudinal direction. Anisotropy effects for the Inconel 718
Findley [14, 15] did some early research on how mean-stress were insignificant.
affects multiaxial fatigue behavior. He studied the effect of Tubular specimens [16] were used for all biaxial tests. The
mean-stress on fatigue behavior under combined torsion and interior of each specimen was honed to a surface finish of 75
axial load or bending, mainly in the high-cycle regime. He pro- ^mm, and the outer surface was polished by successively finer
posed that the alternating shear stress is the primary cause of grit with final polishing done using 13 ^mm alumina. Stan-
fatigue with the normal stress on the critical shear plane hav- dard machine collets were used to grip the ends of each
ing a linear influence on the allowable alternating shear stress. specimen.
Socie et al. [16, 17] in their mean-stress effect study of Inconel All biaxial tests were conducted on servo-controlled closed-
718 involving combinations of tension and torsion, also took loop systems with processor/interface for computer control,
the mean-stress effect to be linear. They modified the Kandil, data acquisition, and data reduction of test results. One
Brown, and Miller critical plane formulation in terms of machine was used for axial-torsional tests and another for
plastic shear strain to account for this effect by adding a term axial-internal pressure tests. An internal biaxial extensometer
with mean-stress normal to the maximum shear strain plane [16] was used with the axial-torsional tests which allowed con-
divided by the elastic modulus. They later formulated this in trol of axial and torsional strains, while the outside surface of
terms of total strain [18]: the specimen could easily be replicated in order to monitor the
A initiation and growth of cracks. For axial-internal pressure
7max /2 + Ae„/2 + ano/E = constant. (3) tests, an axial clip-on extensometer was attached to the
The main concentration of the present work is on the mean- specimen surface for axial strain control and removed for
stress/strain influence on multiaxial fatigue life in both the replication. Hysteresis loops recorded before and after replica-
low-cycle and high-cycle regimes. It is argued that the pro- tion were almost identical in either axial-torsional or axial-

b,bQ = uniaxial, torsional

fatigue strength Of,7J = uniaxial, torsional
exponent Ay/2 = torsional strain fatigue strength
>c0 = uniaxial, torsional amplitude coefficient
fatigue ductility Ae„/2 = axial strain amplitude oh Kj = hoop stress on inner
exponent e
/> 7/ = uniaxial, torsional surface of tube
£,G = axial, shear elastic fatigue ductility om = mean axial stress
modulus coefficient a
no = mean normal stress on
k = biaxial material t„ = strain normal to A7 max a 7max Plane
property plane Oy = yield strength
= cycles to failure Ae,/2 = maximum principal — max
N, = maximum normal stress
Pi = internal pressure strain amplitude on Aymax plane
= axial, torsional strain A<7„/2 = axial stress amplitude — max
R^R-y °1 = maximum principal
ratio; minimum Ar/2 = torsional stress stress
strain/maximum strain amplitude ?m = mean torsional stress
7 ma x/2 = maximum shear strain X = tension-torsion biaxial V*,VE,VP = effective, elastic, and
amplitude strain ratio, A7/Ae plastic Poisson's ratio

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Table 1 Chemical composition of steels used (wt., %)
Steel Al Ti Nb + Ta Ni Cr Mo Fe
IN 718 0.54 1.01 5.03 52.12 18.23 2.89 19.48
1045 HR 0.05 0.002 0.008 0.03 0.05 bal
C Mn P S Si Cu V Co
IN 718 0.034 0.09 0.007 0.001 0.06 0.05 0.28
1045 HR 0.44 0.70 0.019 0.046 0.23 0.03 o.oo"l

Table 2 Mechanical properties

Monotonic Properties IN 718 [18,29] 1045 HR [22]

Yield strength (0.2 percent), ay 1160 MPa 380 MPa
True fracture strength, oy 1850 MPa 985 MPa
True fracture strain, tj 0.33 0.71
Percent reduction in area, % RA 28 50
Strength coefficient, K 1910 MPa 1185 MPa
Strain hardening exponent, n 0.08 0.23
Modulus of elasticity, E 209 GPa 204 GPa
Shear modulus, G 77.8 GPa 80.3 GPa
Axial Cyclic Properties*
Cyclic strength coefficient, K' 1564 MPa 1258 MPa
Cyclic strain hardening exponent, n' 0.0681 0.208
Fatigue strength coefficient, of 3950 MPa 948 MPa
Fatigue strength exponent b -0.151 -0.092
Fatigue ductility coefficient, t'j 1.50 0.260
Fatigue ductility exponent, c -0.761 -0.445
Torsional Cyclic Properties**
Cyclic strength coefficient, Kg 860 MPa 614 MPa
Cyclic strain hardening exponent, «Q 0.079 0.217
Fatigue strength coefficient, rj- 2146 MPa 505 MPa
Fatigue strength exponent, b0 -0.148 -0.097
Fatigue ductility coefficient, yj 18.0 0.413
Fatigue ductility exponent, c0 - 0.922 -0.445

•Solid round low cycle fatigue specimens.

*'Tubular specimens.

internal pressure tests, indicating that rest periods or exten- Multiaxial Loading Paths
someter removal and remounting did not influence the results. Y E • Y
The mean stress/strain loading histories employed for both
materials are shown in Fig. 1. Biaxial loading histories F, G,
and P are proportional while the load paths H through L, S,
and T are nonproportional. For proportional loadings, the
directions of principal stresses and strains remain fixed with
regard to the specimen axis throughout a cycle, while for non-
proportional loadings they change. A sinusoidal wave-form "Y
with frequency ranging between 0.1 and 3.5 Hz was used for
all testing. This variation should not inhibit deformation or
fatigue life comparisons between tests since neither of these
materials display a high sensitivity to strain rate at room
temperature. Completely reversed in-phase and 90 degree out-
of-phase axial-torsional data for 1045 HR steel are reported in
references [19 and 4]. The fatigue data for Inconel 718 using •> Y

strain histories D through J and completely reversed data

(histories A and C) are compiled in references [16-18].
Histories A and C are completely reversed axial loading and
combined loading (X = V5), respectively.
Tables 3 and 4 contain data not previously published for In-
conel 718 and 1045 steel. In torsional and axial-torsional tests, x>h
the maximum shear strain occurs on the outer surface of the
specimen, where fatigue damage is assumed to originate. A
Outer surface shear strain values are reported in Table 3,
which are linearly related to the mid-thickness control values. e
The mid-thickness shear stresses were converted to outer sur-
face stresses using techniques reported in reference [17]. Axial
stresses and strains are constant through the gauge section of Note change in axis label for paths S and T

the test specimen and no conversion was necessary. For axial- Fig. 1 Mult/axial loading paths

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Table 3 Tension-torsion test results
Path Spec. A Ae a /2 Rc A 7 /2 R
y Aa„V2 a
m* ArV2 T * TV,
Code I.D.t °r(e m ) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (cycles)
E 45A7 00 - - 0.00391 0 _ _ 160 0 111,400
F 45C1 2 0.00099 0 0.00191 0 151 0 105 0 > 1,336,000
K 45C4 00 (0.00123) — 0.00664 -1 0 0 185 0 13,820
P 45A6 1 0.00191 0.75 0.00212 0.75 224 32 85 6 40,380
P 45B4 1 0.00141 0.75 0.00152 0.75 194 34 82 7 171,300
P 45B3 2 0.00099 0.75 0.00208 0.75 142 27 103 16 > 257,000
S 45C2 00 (>0.02) — 0.00384 -1 0 90 152 0 85,320
S 45D5 00 ( < 0.005) — 0.00253 -1 0 70 131 0 > 806,200

K INA36 00 (0.0010) _ 0.0086 -1 0 108 504 -42 8,370

K INA34 00 (0.0010) - 0.0086 -1 0 63 505 -4 10,900
K INA11 00 (0.0015) - 0.0038 -1 0 335 287 -10 58,700
L INA31 00 (-0.0010) - 0.0086 -1 0 -172 507 0 8,000
L INA33 oo (-0.0010) - 0.0086 -1 0 -161 513 0 13,100
L INA19 oo (-0.0015) 0.0038 -1 0 -329 274 -33 590,000

* Half life values.

X 45XX denotes 1045 steel, INAYY denotes IN 718.

Table 4 Tension-tension test results

Path Spec. Ae„/2 R. Aa„*/2 a
m* Pi a
h [r, N
Code I.D4 (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (cycles)
T 45C5 0.0022 -1 328 82 51 276.0 >6,000
T 45D3 0.0015 -1 230 43 34.5 168.2 211,837
T 45C6 0.0022 -1 300 65 34.5 182.0 21,712

T INA04 0.005 -1 978 36.7 91.1 615.9 3,654

T INA17 0.005 -1 992 37.1 91.1 621.0 3,293
T INA05 0.005 -1 941 20.0 48.3 329.3 6,735
T INA13 0.005 -1 955 16.5 48.3 329.8 7,221
T INA12 ** -1 514 0 89.6 611.6 142,100
T INA23 ** -1 514 0 89.6 598.1 165,100

* Half Life Values.

** Load Control Test.
t 45XX Denotes 1045 Steel, INAYY Denotes IN 718.

internal pressure tests, the maximum hoop strain is at the in- 0.1
ner surface, and inside wall hoop stresses reported in Table 4 A Path D,F, G, J (Axial Mean)
• Path A,C, (Fully Reversed)
were estimated employing elastic equation for thick-walled a Path E, H, I (Torsional Mean)
cylinders. All stress values in Tables 3 and 4 are "steady- v Path K, L (Static Axial Mean)
—Torsional Data, R=-l
state" values obtained at approximately the half-life. Half-life t> a-
values were employed in all fatigue damage analysis.
Failure was defined as a 10 percent axial load drop from the b
* 0.01
previous logarithmic interval of data acquisition for any axial-
torsional test with a cyclic axial loading. A similar definition
based on torque drop was applied for torsion-only histories or
torsional histories with static axial stress or strain. A. failure
IN-718 Tension-Torsion Data
definition based on a decrease in load carrying capacity may K = 1.0
be superior to that based on a specific crack size since the
number of cracks as well as their length, depth and stage of oc- _ i ' < ' ' ' ' _j i_j ' ' ' ' '' _i—1 ' ' ' ''

currence in life may be quite different under different strain 104 10 5 ID6
N f , Cycles
states (i.e., tension compared to torsion). For tests with inter-
nal pressure (path T), a pressure drop due to fluid leakage Fig. 2 Correlation of the Inconel 718 axial-torsional data using the pro-
caused by wall thickness penetration of a fatigue crack was the posed parameter (solid symbols are the fully reversed data, paths A and
failure definition used.

Damage Orientation and Life Predictions materials in laboratory air. Shear crack formation and growth
were also typical of the biaxial strain histories under con-
Crack nucleation and growth directions are often assumed sideration. Details of the cracking characteristics for these
to be representative of fatigue damage mechanisms. Previous tests will be the subject of a concurrent publication [21].
fully reversed tension-torsion crack growth studies for Inconel Figures 2 and 3 show correlation of the fully reversed
718 [16] and 1045 steel [10, 20] indicate that implementation tension-torsion data using the proposed shear-based
of a shear-based damage parameter is appropriate for these parameter (equation (2)) for Inconel 718 and 1045 steel,

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0.1 | 1 "1 !""! II I i i ' /
o X=0 ] Tubular Data -. /
A \ = 0,5D .
R = 4
o\ = 1.0
v X = 2.0 J
—Torsionol Data, R=-l
K g C37
- o/

—ct°A V V

- ^^^c^E^go
1045 Sleel Tension -Torsion Data
K = 0.6, X = A / / A e
" T i — a * -- Q -''/ 7 ^Baseline Data
r-"" / -
1 i i i i ii II - / 1045 Steel
10 3 1C
Nf, Cycles
Fig. 3 Correlation of the fully reversed 1045 steel axial-torsional data o I I i t

using the proposed parameter \0^ 10 J 10D 10 b 10'

N (cycles)

Fig. 4 Variation of the biaxial constant, k, with life

respectively. Other tension-torsion data are included in Fig. 2

to facilitate a subsequent comparison to an alternate damage
parameter. Fully reversed torsional data has been selected for
use as baseline data (i.e., solid line in Figs. 2, 3). This may
seem restrictive considering the wealth of uniaxial data, but it
seems physically appropriate to employ a shear deformation
dominated test (i.e., o-,™ax =0) to establish baseline data for a
shear-based damage parameter. Hence, equation 2 may now
be formulated in the traditional strain-life format as follows:

max \ _' ,
1 + * ^ - ) =7/(2ty)c°+-g-(2ty)\
It should be noted that all three critical shear plane approaches
(equations (1), (2), and (3)) are identical for torsional baseline
Researchers have attempted to obtain torsional strain-life
constants from uniaxial test data [22]. The resulting estimates, Fig. 5 Correlation of the mean-strain and mean-stress data for Inconel
while rendering a first order approximation of the torsional 718 using the proposed parameter
properties, often result in an order of magnitude difference in
predicted fatigue life. Appendix 1 contains a derivation where
equation (2) is related to uniaxial strain-life constants. and coarsen during most of the fatigue life. They then link to
However, torsional data is still required to calculate the con- cause failure. At longer lives cracks extend with increasing
stant k. number of cycles [10, 24, 25, 26], indicating less crack face
The representative value of the constant k was taken to be rubbing. To account for this variation, an expression for k
0.6 for 1045 steel and 1.0 for Inconel 718. For 1045 steel, com- could be given as a function of cycles (the solid line in Fig. 4)
parison of completely reversed uniaxial and torsional data or an exponent could be added to the normal stress term.
based only on maximum shear strain amplitude indicates that Identification of the orientation of the critical shear plane
the two data sets converge at shorter fatigue lives (i.e., 103 for fatigue damage in the present approach is analogous to
cycles), while they progressively diverge with increasing procedures employed by other researchers [5, 18] proposing a
fatigue life. This suggests that the secondary stress or strain shear strain-based parameter with secondary term(s). If two
term normal to the maximum shear strain amplitude plane shear planes experience the same maximum shear strain
(i.e., e„ in equation (1) and <r™ax in equation (2)) becomes more amplitude (common for in-phase proportional loading), the
important at longer fatigue lives. This is illustrated in Fig. 4 plane with the greater secondary term(s) is anticipated to ex-
where the constant k is calculated at various fatigue lives perience greater fatigue damage in the absence of anisotropy
employing baseline fully reversed uniaxial and torsional data considerations.
constants (i.e., combining equation (A.6), Appendix 1 and
equation (4)). The value of /c = 0.6 for 1045 steel was taken at
approximately half of the life range under consideration (103 Mean-Stress/Mean Strain Tests
to 106 cycles). It should be noted that axial cyclic constants Mean-strain data for Inconel 718 and 1045 steel using the
used to determine k were those obtained from tubular proposed damage criterion are presented in Figs. 5 and 6,
specimens [23]. The choice of these values rather than those in respectively. Mean-strains are referred to since for some of the
Table 2 eliminates size, geometry, failure definition, and sur- tests the mean-stresses relaxed substantially from their original
face finish effects when comparing torsional and axial data values. Axial mean-stresses are believed to affect fatigue
sets. When the constants given in Table 2 are employed, a dif- damage accumulation, while torsional mean-stresses have a
ferent value for k results (dashed line in Fig. 4). From a minimal effect [27]. Comparison of Ry = - 1 with Ry = 0 tor-
physical standpoint, k's dependency on life can be explained sional, and R( - - 1 with Re = 0 uniaxial testing of both
by invoking crack closure concepts. At shorter fatigue lives materials [16, 28] tends to verify this assumption. Axial
with more nominal plastic deformation, multiple cracks form stresses will result in a normal stress on the maximum shear

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0,1 'I 1— I ' - T T - • t i | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 W

A Tension w/Hoop Stress

0 Tension-Torsion, Mean Stress 500
Torsional Data, R=-l
: C*-£r&NXY\ a - A & A £> A-fr-A liA—AA <W»
IN A l l
E c
* 0.01-
Sf A 0

^ -_o_ -A AA
1045 Mean Stress Data -zr-fizr 2&
K = 0.6 INA19
IN-718 Path Kand L
„.iil i i,,,i„, i -500

0,001 rY» 5 6
10 10
Nf, Cycles
Fig. 6 Correlation of the mean-strain and mean-stress data for 1045 10 102 1£>3 10 4 10 5
steel using the proposed parameter N (cycles)
Fig. 7 Experimental axial mean-stress versus fatigue cycles for com-
pletely reversed cyclic torsion tests with static axial strain of Inconel
plane, while torsional stresses will not. This observation is
reflected in the proposed damage parameter. Half-life stress
response was employed when calculating damage for Figs. 5
and 6. Correlations within a factor of three are obtained using 240

the proposed parameter for a wide variety of loading histories

investigated for the fatigue life range under consideration (103
to 106 cycles). The scatter of the data are similar for this range
of fatigue life for each material.
Figure 7 displays typical axial mean-stress response for
tension-torsion testing of paths K and L for Inconel 718. Axial
mean-stresses do not relax appreciably for those tests where
the torsional plastic strains were at least an order of magnitude
smaller than their elastic counterparts. For tests where cyclic
plastic strains are about 25 percent of the total cyclic strain,
significant tensile mean-stress relaxation occurs (Fig. 7,
INA34 and INA36). The 1045 steel which displayed a greater
proportion of plastic strain for all tests conducted exhibits
more axial mean-stress relaxation. Torsional mean-stresses
display similar trends but since they do not affect the damage
calculations, no further elaboration will ensue. Socie et al. [16]
102 103
have employed a normal strain amplitude term in their N (cycles)
damage model, hence no damage from the static normal strain
in paths K and L is calculated. Also, for strain path K the nor- Fig. 8 Experimental axial mean-stress and stress amplitude versus
fatigue cycles for combined axial-torsional tests with R6
mal mean-stress (equation (3)) and the maximum normal 1045 steel
stress (equation (2)) are identical. For nominally completely
elastic tests, incorporation of either a normal strain or normal
stress bulk parameter would be equivalent conceptually with Relaxation of the axial mean-stresses in strain controlled
regard to crack closure arguments. For path L the longitudinal axial-torsion experiments for 1045 steel was partially responsi-
shear plane experiences identical shear alternation as for ble for the selection of loading path S. Path S is similar to path
similar torsion experiments, while for the second maximum K except that a static axial stress is maintained rather than a
shear plane (perpendicular to the specimen axis) a reduced static axial strain, combined with fully reversed torsion.
damage due to the compressive axial stress results as predicted Though life differences are insignificant when compared to
by all three shear parameters discussed. Hence for path L, the fully reversed torsional data, cracking characteristics change
cracking occurs in the longitudinal direction and fatigue lives [21]. Cracking occurred on both the shear plane oriented with
are similar to fully reversed torsional testing. the longitudinal sulfide stringers, which did not experience a
One test using path K was conducted for 1045 steel and the normal stress, as well as the other shear plane on which a nor-
axial mean-stresses relaxed to approximately zero early in the mal tensile stress resulted from the addition of the static axial
fatigue life (specimen 45C4, Table 3). The fatigue life for this load. For torsion-only loading, cracking occurred only in the
test is approximately the same as for a fully reversed torsion longitudinal direction. It is probably the sulfide stringers
test without the static axial strain. The mean stresses also oriented in this shear plane that are responsible for the
relaxed to zero in two other mean-strain tests for 1045 steel material anisotropy which dominates the fully reversed torsion
(Specimens 45A7 and 45CI, Table 3), and again the fatigue performance of this material. Correlation of this data employ-
lives were similar to fully reversed tests with similar strain ing either (equation (3)), or the proposed damage representa-
amplitudes. This indicates that if the mean-stresses relax tion (equation (2)) is adequate.
quickly enough, the presence of a mean-strain normal to the Three tests were conducted employing strain path P for
maximum shear plane does not manifest itself in increased 1045 steel. While initial mean-stress levels were substantial,
fatigue damage. The proposed damage formulation reflects they quickly relaxed to a reduced level (Fig. 8) for a majority
this experimentally observed phenomena, while any model in- of the fatigue life. The resulting fatigue lives for these tests are
corporating a normal strain term such as (equation (1)), would shorter in comparison to fully reversed tests [20] with similar
predict increased fatigue damage. strain amplitudes. The proposed damage formulation (equa-

Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology OCTOBER 1988, Vol. 110/385

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IN-718, Path T
^ 500 ^~"° °—°—°—°—t>—o—o o—o—oo—ooocaiacim

IN-718 Tension-Torsion Data

L j
0,2' ' —I—< M i l l 1 1 1—^''i'l 1 I 1—' ' ' '
103 10 4 10 5 10 6
1 10 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 Fig. 11 Lack of correlation for Inconel 718 data employing a damage
N (cycles) parameter (equation (5)) which does not reflect the physical damage
Fig. 9 Experimental axial mean-stress and stress amplitude versus
fatigue cycles for axial-internal pressure tests of Inconel 718

Hence, these tests allow mean-stress evaluation of both

I I 1 materials without contemplating the effects of stress relaxa-
\ tion. A shear-based damage formulation with a normal strain
1 0 4 5 Steel, Path T O-Ob term (equations (1) or (3)) instead of a normal stress (equation
A-crm (2)) would predict decreased fatigue damage when comparing
these data to Re =0 uniaxial data. However a consistent trend
of shorter fatigue lives is observed for loading path T.
—o—o—oo— o o 4 5 C 5
Whereas for most of the tension-torsion data (Table 3) the
1 —o o o —o — o - a n x > 4 5 C 6 - normal-stress term accounts for an additional 0 to 20 percent
^S^^ -^^-^^- of the fatigue damage calculated in comparison to the shear
^ ^ ° ~ - o - —o—o——o— •o—oo—oo-oooocacP
45D3- strain alone, in the hoop mean-stress tests (Table 4) an in-
creased calculated damage ranging from 33 to 44 percent oc-
., 4 ^ - ^ — ^ ^ _ AA45C5 curs. For these tests and fatigue life range under considera-
tion, the elimination of maximum normal stress in damage
45D3_ calculations would result in at least an order of magnitude er-
ror in predicted fatigue lives.
! 1 1 i
1 10 ]D2 JO3 104 10 5 Discussion
N (cycles)
Fig. 10 Experimental axial mean-stress and stress amplitude versus
As discussed previously, most mean-stress research has been
fatigue cycles for axial-internal pressure tests of 1045 steel conducted employing uniaxial specimens. In a recent study of
tensile mean-stress effects on uniaxial fatigue behavior of the
1045 steel [28], it was shown that a better correlation of mean-
strain data was obtained using the Smith et al. parameter, as
tion (2)) would calculate an increase in damage for these tests compared with the Morrow parameter. In a similar investiga-
based on experimentally observed half-life deformation, as tion considering both tensile and compressive mean-stress ef-
would equation (3). fects on the uniaxial fatigue behavior of Inconel 718 [29], the
Multiaxial strain path T, with fully reversed axial strain and Smith et al. parameter also adequately correlated this data. An
a static hoop stress, displays a consistent trend of reduction in extension of these concepts to multiaxial loading has been pro-
the fatigue life in comparison to fully reversed uniaxial data posed by Bannantine and Socie [24] for a given fatigue life:
for both materials. This reduction is greater than a factor of 2,
depending on the level of static hoop stress. The goal of some -y-(a, max ) = constant. (5)
of these tests was to maintain mean-stress levels observed for
Re=0 uniaxial testing before mean-stress relaxation occurred. The fatigue crack initiation and growth characteristics of the
Since for either type of test an orientation ±45 degrees from materials where successful multiaxial data correlation resulted
the specimen axis is a maximum shear strain amplitude plane, using equation (5), differ markedly from those observed for
the stresses normal to these shear planes are comparable. the 1045 steel and Inconel 718. Cracking perpendicular to the
Interaction of hoop and axial deformation in the tension- maximum principal strain direction was observed in materials
tension strain state, cause differences in the point of intersec- such as gray cast iron where this parameter was successful for
tion with a "yield surface" in comparison to uniaxial-only both uniaxial and multiaxial fatigue life predictions.
loading. Also for the strain controlled tests employing path T, Hence successful correlation of uniaxial mean-stress data
the extensometer was zeroed after the static pressure had been with the Smith et al. parameter for a material is not indicative
applied. This results in an actual initial compressive axial of the type of fatigue damage occurring. Figure 11 illustrates
strain (eD =~v*ed), about which subsequent fully reversed the data scatter that results for Inconel 718 strain paths A
cycling was conducted. Due to the aforementioned effects, an through L, when equation (5) is used to estimate fatigue
initial axial tensile mean-stress is observed for both materials damage. Examination of the cracking behavior [16] indicates
which is constant for most of the fatigue life (Figs. 9 and 10). that a shear-based damage parameter is appropriate physical-
Since the hoop stresses are static, the stress normal to the max- ly, and is reflected by an improved data correlation for a varie-
imum shear strain plane due to both axial and pressure ty of multiaxial stress states (Fig. 2), This example illustrates
loadings remains fairly constant throughout the fatigue life. how a damage parameter that successfully correlates uniaxial

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data without understanding the physical fatigue mechanisms, 3. Mean-stress and/or mean-strain data using a wide
could result in erroneous multiaxial life predictions. variety of loading paths were successfully correlated using a
No claim of a new fatigue theory is forwarded, rather the recently developed shear-based critical plane approach. The
concepts of Mohr, and Brown-Miller [3] are extended into a nominal stress/strain components of this approach consist of
format (equation (2)) applicable to more complex multiaxial the maximum shear strain amplitude and the maximum nor-
loadings. For fully reversed in-phase axial-torsion loadings the mal stress on the plane of maximum shear strain amplitude.
Kandil et al., (equation (1)), Socie et al., (equation (3)), and Mean-stresses can be accounted for since the maximum nor-
the proposed format (equation (2)) all render satisfactory mal stress consists of alternating and mean components.
fatigue life predictions. As previously noted, a strain-based 4. Mean-stresses can have a significant influence on the
von Mises criterion [4] also results in satisfactory life predic- fatigue life if they do not relax. Reduction of fatigue lives as
tions for 1045 steel under in-phase axial-torsional loadings. large as an order of magnitude was observed for tests with
Mean-stresses relaxed early in the fatigue life for tension- substantial mean-stresses. Mean-strains are not detrimental to
torsion testing of 1045 steel. Hence, they were not a major fac- the fatigue life if the resulting mean-stresses relax a significant
tor when considering the mean-stress sensitivity of extensions amount quickly enough. The critical shear plane approach
to a shear-based parameter involving mean or maximum nor- proposed can account for this behavior.
mal stress. Improved fatigue life predictions result by incor-
porating a normal stress term (equation (2) or equation (3)) for
Inconel 718 mean-strain controlled tension-torsion tests Acknowledgments
(Paths D-J) where initial mean-stress levels did not relax ap- All the experiments in this study were conducted in the
preciably. When considering out-of-phase tension-torsion Materials Engineering Laboratory, University of Illinois at
loadings for materials that display out-of-phase strain harden- Urbana-Champaign. The SAE Fatigue Design and Evaluation
ing, the proposed format (equation (2)) rendered more Committee donated the material for the 1045 specimens. Par-
satisfactory fatigue life predictions than other shear strain- tial financial support was provided by Purdue Research Foun-
based formulations (equation (1) or equation (3)) previously dation while A. Fatemi was assistant professor of Mechanical
discussed. This result is not surprising since the other formats Engineering at Purdue University-Ft. Wayne. Allison Gas
do not incorporate any deformation quantity reflecting the Turbine provided the material and funding to investigate the
out-of-phase strain hardening. It should be noted that defor- fatigue performance of Inconel 718. The Mechanical
mation modeling of this experimentally noted stress-strain Engineering Department Publications Office at the University
behavior is essential to the successful incorporation of the pro- of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign assisted in the preparation of
posed fatigue damage formulation into any analytical life the manuscript.
prediction methodology.
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IE 2 E 2 '
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= I (1 + "E)~(2Nf)b + (1 + vp)e}(2NfY
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(it^)b) (A.6)

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