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1. Rewrite the given conditional statement and state their truth values as requested. If the
truth value is false, give a counterexample.

If two angles are congruent and supplementary, then they are each right angles.
a) Truth Value

b) Converse
If there are two right angles, then they are congruent and supplementary.

c) Converse Truth Value


d) Inverse
If two angles are not congruent and supplementary, then they are not each right

e) Contrapositive
If two angles are not right, then they are not congruent and supplementary.

2. If ​∠​1 and ∠2 are complementary, ​∠​3 and ​∠​4 complementary, ​∠​2 =​∠​3, m​∠​1 = 3x +
4, and m​∠​4 = x + 12, find the measures of all four angles.

∠1 + ∠2 = 90
∠3 + ∠4 = 90
∠2 = ∠3
∠1 = 3x + 4
∠4 = x − 12

3x − 4 = x + 12
2x = 16
x= 8

∠1 = 3x + 4
∠1 = 3(8) + 4
∠1 = 28
∠4 = x + 12
∠4 = 8 + 12
∠4 = 20

m∠1 = 28
m∠2 = 66
m∠3 = 66
m∠4 = 20

3​ . Complete the proof. Fill in all blank bloxes.

Given: m∠ABE = m∠CBD
Prove: m∠ABD = m∠CBE

Statements Reasons

1. m∠ABE = m∠CBD 1. Given

2. m∠ABD + m∠DBE = m∠ABE and 2. Angles Addition Postulate
m∠DBE + m∠EBC = m∠CBD (same

3. 3. Transitive Property
m∠ABD + m∠DBE = m∠CBE + m∠DBE

4. m∠ABD = m∠CBE 4. Subtraction

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