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Treating urinary tract

infection in older adults
Urinary tract infections (UTI) are particularly common in the older population,
and assessment and treatment can be complicated. In this article, Alison Bardsley
considers the guidelines for diagnosing a UTI

rinary tract infections (UTIs) are common in flow into the bladder from the kidney, or from the bladder
women, but increase in both sexes with age. down the urethra out of the bladder (NICE, 2015).
UTIs are prevalent in older people and account UTIs are one of the most common infections that affect
for the most frequent reasons for emergency the older person (Rao and Patel, 2009), and constitute one
hospital admission (Robichaud and Blondeau, 2008). of the most frequent reasons for emergency admission to
Diagnosis of UTI in older people can be complex, as they hospital (NHS England, 2014). UTIs account for the sec-
often do not exhibit signs and symptoms normally associ- ond largest group of healthcare-associated infections in
ated with UTI in adults, and may not be able to provide an the UK, with 19.7% of patients contracting an infection
accurate history. Gaining a urine sample can also be com- (Department of Health, 2007).
plicated, due to cognitive difficulties and incontinence.
This article will consider the guidelines for the diagnosis Definition of terms related to UTI
and treatment of UTI in older people. In older people (aged 65 years and over), asymptomatic
bacteriuria is common, although not associated with an
Prevalence increased morbidity (Boscia et al, 1986). The diagnosis of
UTIs are most common in women, with 10–20% experi- UTI becomes more complicated in older people, who are
encing a symptomatic UTI at some point in their lifetime more commonly asymptomatic. Table 1 provides the defini-
(National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), tions of terms relating to UTI.
2015). However, UTIs increase in prevalence with age in
both sexes, with an estimated 10% of men and 20% of Risk factors
women aged over 65 years having symptomatic bacteriu- Many conditions common in the older population contrib-
ria (Table 1) (NICE, 2015). UTIs are generally uncommon ute to dysfunction of the urinary tract and asymptomatic
in men, but rates increase in older men and those with risk bacteriuria. Bacteria are able to enter the urinary tract by
factors such as abnormalities of the structure or function the ascending route from the perineum. Where most peo-
of the urinary tract or bladder. ple are able to eliminate the bacteria with a flow of urine,
Abnormalities that affect urinary tract function include this is weakened in older people (Benton et al, 2006).
indwelling catheterisation and bladder dysfunction due to an Conditions, such as prostate enlargement and bladder
underlying neurological disease, such as multiple sclerosis or prolapse, can limit urine flow rate, where ageing, physical
stroke. Those abnormalities that affect the structure of the impairment and mental decline can result in incomplete
urethra or urinary tract include: renal tract abnormalities, bladder emptying (Benton et al, 2006).
such as urethral stricture, prostate enlargement, renal cysts
and tumours. Structural abnormalities can obstruct urine Signs and symptoms
The typical signs and symptoms of a UTI include:
zzUrine that appears cloudy
zzBloody urine
zzStrong or foul smelling urine odour
Alison Bardsley Senior Lecturer and Course Director for zzFrequent or urgent need to pass urine (or an
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Non-medical Prescribing, Coventry University, England increased frequency)

aa8538@coventry.ac.uk zzPain or burning on passing urine (dysuria)
zzPressure in the lower pelvis
zzLow grade fever
zzNight sweats, shaking or chills.

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Table 1. Definitions of terms relating  A full clinical assessment should be made, which in-
to urinary tract infection (UTI) cludes a review of the patient’s medical history (par-
Term Definition ticularly history of previous UTIs), a physical examina-
Bacteriuria The presence of bacteria in  tion, assessment of pulse, blood pressure, temperature
the urine and record of patient’s reported symptoms (SIGN, 2012).
Asymptomatic  The presence of bacteria in the In patients who are unable to provide a history, signs
bacteriuria urine, without typical symptoms and symptoms of a UTI should comprise three of
or signs of a UTI the following:
UTI Infection caused by invasion of the zz Dysuria
urinary tract by microorganisms, zz Urgency
with symptoms and signs that can zz Frequency of urination
be attributed to such an infection zz Suprapubic tenderness (SIGN, 2012; Ninan et al, 2014;
Adapted from: Ninan et al, 2014 NICE, 2015).

However, the presentation of UTI can vary, from pa- Urinalysis and urine culture
tients with limited clinical symptoms, to those with Urinalysis is a frequently performed clinical procedure,
urinary sepsis. Infection can affect the lower and upper which is easy to undertake and a relatively inexpensive
parts of the urinary tract. UTIs in the upper tract com- way to detect UTIs (Krogsbøll et al, 2015). Although dif-
monly present with symptoms suggestive of pyelonephri- ferent tests can be done on urine, a routine urinalysis
tis (kidney infection), such as fever, rigor and loin pain, often includes:
whereas those within the lower tract present with symp- zz Colour
toms such as dysuria (painful or difficult urination), zz Clarity
increased urinary frequency, usually in the absence of zz Odour
fever or lower back pain (Scottish Intercollegiate Guide- zz Specific gravity
lines Network (SIGN), 2012; Kelly-Fatemi, 2015). Sep- zz pH
sis resulting from a UTI can be diagnosed, where these zz Protein
clinical symptoms are accompanied by signs of systemic zz Glucose
infection, such as tachycardia and tachypnoea (Prakash zz Red and white blood cells
and Alpana, 2009). zz Nitrites
UTIs can also be classified as ‘complicated and uncom- zz Leukocyte esterase.
plicated’. Uncomplicated infections are most common in Health-care professionals must be aware of how to in-
women, without structural or function abnormalities of terpret results fully. Leukocyte esterase and nitrites are the
the urinary tract, history of renal disease, or contributing main indicators of a potential urine infection on urinaly-
comorbidity, such as diabetes. Complicated UTIs are as- sis. Nitrites result from the reduction of urinary nitrates to
sociated with patients who have underlying disease that nitrites by bacteria. Although a positive urinalysis test is
can interfere with the immune system, and therefore are useful, a negative result does not rule out a UTI (Little et al,
at increased risk of infection. UTIs occurring in men are 2009; Mundt and Shanahan, 2011). Leucocyte esterase is
generally classified as complicated, due to the longer uri- produced by neutrophils (white blood cells) and may sig-
nary tract and higher risk of abnormalities (NICE, 2015; nal pyuria (white blood cells in the urine) associated with
Kelly-Fatemi, 2015). UTI (Mundt and Shanahan, 2011; Little et al, 2009). Al-
Older people with serious UTI do not exhibit the usual though urinalysis provides an effective screening tool, it
signs of fever, as their immune system is unable to pro- should not be used in isolation to guide treatment, due to
duce a response to infection due to the effects of ageing false positives and false negatives that can occur if the sam-
(Boscia et al, 1986; Robichaud and Blondeau, 2008). ple is contaminated or left to stand for too long (Simerville,
Older people often exhibit none of the common signs of 2005; Ninan et al, 2014). If infection is suspected from the
infection, or express discomfort. UTIs in older people can patient’s presentation, then further testing, such as micro-
be mistaken for early dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, or scopy, culture and sensitivities, may be required, with sam-
as a sign of disease progression. Symptoms of a UTI in ples being sent to the laboratory for analysis.
older people can include:
zz Confusion, or delirium-like state Urine sample collection
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zz Agitation The accuracy of any test can be influenced by bacterial

zz Hallucinations contamination on collection of the specimen; therefore,
zz Other behavioural changes urine samples should be collected by a method that mini-
zz Poor motor skills or dizziness mises contamination from the genital mucosa and perine-
zz Falling (Robichaud and Blondeau, 2008). al skin. The effectiveness of meatal cleansing to minimise

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and women, there is an option of a urine collection pad,

Table 2. Examples of urine sample  which can be placed into an incontinence pad, such as
collection pad kits available the Newcastle Urine Collection Pack. These specialist pads
The following packs all have similar designs and contain two disposable pads, a do not have the absorbent gel component found in dispos-
syringe and urine sample collection pot: able incontinence pads, and therefore do not contaminate
•Steriset Uricol Newcastle Urine Collection Pack the sample. Another option is the Tena U-test, which can
•Euron urine collection pack
•Redland Healthcare be incorporated into normal pad-changing routines. For
the evaluation of nitrites and leukocytes in patients not
TENA U-test is placed in an unused incontinence pad and detects nitrite and
able to provide a urine sample by normal means, Tena
leukocytes via an integrated collection chamber. Results can be read during the
next normal pad change and are valid for 24 hours U-test can be used. For men, an option to consider is an
external condom device (sheath system). Both options
provide a significantly less contaminated sample than us-
contamination remains debatable. However, evidence sug- ing a sample from a clean/disinfected bed pan or urinal
gests that general hygiene with water is sufficient prior to (Latour et al, 2011). In-out catheterisation should be the
specimen collection, as the use of disinfectants (including last resort for obtaining a sample (Table 2). In-out cath-
soap) can prohibit the growth of microorganisms if intro- eterisation should be avoided as it is invasive for the indi-
duced into the specimen, providing a false negative result vidual and can cause urethral trauma, which can create
(Simerville, 2005; Cunha et al, 2013). Diagnosis of UTI in further infection. Also, the procedure of catheterising a
older people is difficult, as this group is more likely to have patient requires informed consent, which cannot always
asymptomatic bacteriuria. The prevalence of bacteriuria be provided by older patients.
can be so high that urine culture ceases to be useful as a
diagnostic test (Little et al, 2009; SIGN, 2012). Treatment
Approximately 50 mls of urine are required for urinaly- For patients with symptoms of UTI and bacteriuria, the
sis and patients should be encouraged to catch the middle main aim of treatment is relief of symptoms. The unnec-
part of a void (midstream) for a clean catch. Where a pa- essary use of antibiotics for asymptomatic bacteriuria can
tient is catheterised, the specimen should be obtained from be associated with an increased risk of adverse clinical
the catheter sample port. Over the course of a 24-hour events, including Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) or methi-
period, the composition of urine will change continuously, cillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection, and
so the sample must be transported and stored as per local the development of antibiotic-resistant UTIs (Zalmanovici
guidelines. A urine sample should be collected immediately Trestioreanu et al, 2015). In patients with an indwelling
prior to being tested, or if a sample is to be sent to the labo- urethral catheter, antibiotics do not generally eliminate
ratory, the specimen should be collected first thing in the asymptomatic bacteriuria (Health Protection Agency and
morning on that day. Urine should not be kept overnight British Infection Association, 2011).
in the refrigerator. The treatment of UTIs should be in line with local
Obtaining samples from older adults can be difficult, as guidelines, or based on the results of microbiology test-
they may be cognitively impaired, have physical limita- ing (Kelly-Fatemi, 2015). The SIGN guidelines (2012)
tions or suffer with incontinence. Products, such as col- recommend the use of a 3-day course of trimethoprim,
lection pads and condom catheters for men, are available or nitrofurantoin for non-pregnant women. For men with
to aid in taking a urine sample from older patients who uncomplicated symptoms, a 7-day course of nitrofuran-
are unable to provide a midstream specimen. For men toin should be considered. Prophylactic use of antibiot-
ics is not recommended in men or any patient with an
indwelling catheter, except on the advice of a specialist
Key points (Kelly-Fatemi, 2015).
UTIs are often over-diagnosed and over-treated in older
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common in women, but increase 
zz people (McMurdo and Gillespie, 2000; Rao and Patel,
in both sexes in older people 2009)—with a suggested 40% of hospitalised older people
Assessment of urinary tract infections in older people can be
zz misdiagnosed (Woodford and George, 2009). Therefore,
complex, as they may be unable to provide a history and do not the recommendations for older patients are:
always exhibit the symptoms normally associated with UTI zz Not to start antibiotics for asymptomatic bacteriuria
Obtaining an uncontaminated urine sample from an older 
zz zz To always send a sample for culture prior to
person can be complicated, due to an individual’s incontinence  commencing antibiotic therapy
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or cognitive impairment zz To check previous culture and sensitivity results

Health-care practitioners should consider the available options to
zz before prescribing
obtain a clean/uncontaminated urine sample for those unable to zz Ensure the correct antibiotic course length is prescribed
provide a clean catch sample zz Ensure patients complete the full course of treatment, even
if symptoms resolve (Kelly-Fatemi, 2015).

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© PhotoDisc
Health-care practitioners often recommend that people with
a UTI increase their fluid intake or drink cranberry juice.
There is some evidence to suggest that cranberry juice can
be used to manage UTIs (Beerepoot et al, 2011; Jepson et al,
2012). The juice is bacteriostatic; and therefore, it prevents
bacteria from reproducing. However, there is a high rate of
non-adherence with this, as older people often have an in-
adequate fluid intake anyway; and are therefore unable to
drink adequate amounts of cranberry juice (400–500 ml is
recommended per day). Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is some-
times recommended. However, this does not prevent bacte-
rial growth and is ineffective (Raz et al, 2004).
Health-care professionals should also adhere to effective
toilet hygiene (wiping front to back) and washing the skin
around the genitalia and anus daily—or more if the person
is incontinent of faeces. Older people (especially when incon-
tinent) should be showered not bathed, and irritants, such as
perfumed bath or shower gels, should be avoided. People may
A full clinical assessment should be made, including a review of the patient’s medical history, a
also benefit from cotton rather than synthetic underwear, as physical examination, assessment of pulse, blood pressure and temperature
this is less irritable. Reducing or avoiding carbonated, caf-
feinated and alcoholic drinks, as well as avoiding acidic foods ing home. Ann Long-Term Care 14(7): 17–22
Boscia JA, Kobasa WD, Abrutyn E et al (1986) Lack of association between
and fluids, has been shown to provide some benefit, although bacteriuria and symptoms in the elderly. Am J Med 81(6): 979–82
Cunha M, Santos E, Andrade A et al (2013) Effectiveness of cleaning or dis-
there is no research evidence to support these strategies. infecting the urinary meatus before urinary catheterisation: a system-
Older people can also be given non-steroidal anti- atic review. Rev Esc Enferm USP 47(6): 1410–6. doi: 10.1590/S0080-
inflammatory drugs (such as ibuprofen) and analgesic Department of Health (2007) Saving Lives: reducing infection, delivering
clean and safe care. http://bit.ly/1JavgCA (accessed 21 August 2015)
drugs (such as paracetamol) to reduce the pain, discom- Health Protection Agency and British Infection Association (2011) Diagnosis
of UTI: quick reference guide for primary care. http://bit.ly/1fvq2qh (ac-
fort and temperature associated with UTI. However, ad- cessed 21 August 2015)
Jepson RG1, Williams G, Craig JC (2012) Cranberries for preventing uri-
vice should be sought from a prescribing professional be- nary tract infections. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 10: CD001321. doi:
fore giving any additional medication to older people, as 10.1002/14651858.CD001321.pub5
Kelly-Fatemi B (2015) Urinary tract infection: management in elderly pa-
they can cause drug interactions. A non-drug option for tients. http://bit.ly/1IR2f0i (accessed 21 August 2015)
Krogsbøll LT, Jørgensen KJ, Gøtzsche PC (2015) Screening with urinary dip-
relieving discomfort is to use heat pads. sticks for reducing morbidity and mortality. Cochrane Database Syst Rev
1:CD010007. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD010007.pub2
Latour K, Pludedemann A, Thompson M et al (2011). Alternative sampling
Conclusion methods for collection of urine specimans in older adults: Horizon Scan
Report 0028, Oxford: Primary Care Diagnostic Horizon Scanning Centre
UTIs are common in the older population (those aged 65 Oxford and the diagnostic research unit of the Academic Center for General
Practice (University of Leuven, Belgium)
years and over), but the assessment and treatment can be Little P, Turner S, Rumsby K et al (2009) Dipsticks and diagnostic algorithms in
urinary tract infection: development and validation, randomised trial, eco-
complicated. In older people, asymptomatic bacteriuria is nomic analysis, observational cohort and qualitative study. Health Technol
Assess 13(19) :iii–xi, 1-73. doi: 10.3310/hta13190
common, although not associated with an increased mor- McMurdo ME, Gillespie ND (2000) Urinary tract infection in old age: over-
diagnosed and over-treated. Age Ageing 29(4): 297–8
bidity. Although urinalysis provides a useful and inexpensive Mundt LA, Shanahan K (2011) Graff’s Textbook of Routine Urinalysis and Body
diagnostic tool, older people need a comprehensive assess- Fluids. 2nd edn. Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, London
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2015) Urinary tract infec-
ment prior to treatment to prevent the over-use of antibiot- tions in adults: NICE quality standard 90. http://bit.ly/1Jay9n6 (accessed
21 August 2015)
ics and the potential clinical complications that can occur. NHS England (2014) Emergency Admissions for Ambulatory Care Senstive con-
ditions—Characteristics and Trends at a National Level. http://bit.ly/1TY5iKJ
Although obtaining a urine sample can be complicated (accessed 21 August 2015)
Ninan S, Walton C, Barlow G (2014) Investigation of suspected urinary tract
by incontinence or cognitive difficulties, health-care prac- infection in older people. BMJ 349: g4070. doi: 10.1136/bmj.g4070
titioners should consider the options for obtaining a clean/ Prakash OP, Alpana R (2009) Approach to a patient with urosepsis. J Glob In-
fect Dis 1(1): 57–63. doi: 10.4103/0974-777X.52984
uncontaminated sample of urine from those who are una- Rao GG, Patel M (2009) Urinary tract infection in hospitalized elderly patients
in the United Kingdom: the importance of making an accurate diagnosis
ble to provide a ‘clean-catch’ midstream sample. Treatment in the post broad-spectrum antibiotic era. J Glob Infect Dis 1(1): 57–63. doi:
must follow local guidelines and policies and patients and/ Raz R, Chazan B, Dan M (2004) Cranberry juice and urinary tract infection.
http://bit.ly/1R6Tq3g (accessed 21 August 2015)
or their carers, must be encouraged to complete a course of Robichaud S, Blondeau JM (2008) Urinary tract infections in older adults: cur-
treatment, even if they feel symptoms have resolved. NRC rent issues and new therapeutic options. Geriatrics and Aging 11(10): 582–8
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (2012) SIGN 88. Management
of suspected bacterial urinary tract infections in adults. A national clinical
© 2015 MA Healthcare Ltd

guideline. http://bit.ly/1Jazs5p (accessed 21 August 2015)

This article has been subject to double blind peer-review. Simerville JA, Maxted WC, Pahira JJ (2005) Urinalysis: a comprhensive review.
Am Fam Physician 71(6): 1153–62
Woodford HJ, George J (2009) Diagnosis and management of urinary tract
Beerepoot MA1, ter Riet G, Nys S et al (2011) Cranberries vs antibiotics to infection in hospitalized older people. J Am Geriatr Soc 57(1): 107–14. doi:
prevent urinary tract infections: a randomized double-blind noninferior- 10.1111/j.1532-5415.2008.02073
ity trial in premenopausal women. Arch Intern Med 171(14): 1270–8. doi: Zalmanovici Trestioreanu A, Lador A, Sauerbrun-Cutler M, Leibovici L (2015)
10.1001/archinternmed.2011.306 Antibiotic treatment for asymptomatic bacteriuria. Cochrane Review. http://
Benton TJ, Young RB, Leeper SC (2006) Asymptomatic bacteriuria in the nurs- bit.ly/1HZMIpr (accessed 21 August 2015)

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