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Pemenuhan Kebutuhan ADL (Activity Daily Living)

Pada Anak Down Syndrome Usia Sekolah (6-12) Tahun
Di Kota Semarang

Lailatin Nova Ningrum1), Lucia Endang Hartati. YK., SKp, MN.2), Budiyati, S.KP.,
M.Kep., SP.Kep.An.2)
1) Mahasiswa Program Studi DIII Keperawatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang
2) Dosen Jurusan Keperawatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang
Email: laila97.lnn@gmail.com

Latar belakang Down Syndrome merupakan kondisi keterbelakangan fisik

dan mental yang dibawa sejak lahir atau congenital dan disebabkan oleh
abnoirmalitas kromosom. Anak dengan Down Syndrome dikategorikan dalam jenis
anak berkebutuhan khusus (ABK) tunagrahita mampu latih, hal tersebut
berdasarkan IQ anak dengan Down Syndrome yang berkisar antara 25-50. Pada
anak dengan Down Syndrome mengalami keterlambatan pertumbuhan dan
perkembangan, termasuk perkembangan kemandirian Oleh karena itu, beberapa
kemampuan anak tunagrahita mampu latih yang harus diberdayakan yaitu belajar
mengurus diri sendiri diantaranya yaitu makan, berpakaian, tidur atau mandi sendiri.
Data studi pendahuluan yang dilakukan dengan wawancara oleh kepala SLB Widya
Bhakti Semarang didapatkan hasil bahwa tahun 2018 terdapat 13 siswa yang
mengalami Down Syndrome dan sebagian dari mereka masih bergantung dengan
orang tua dalam memenuhi kebutuhan ADL.
Tujuan Karya Tulis Ilmiah ini untuk memberikan pengelolaan pemenuhan
kebutuhan ADL (Activity Daily Living) pada anak Down Syndrome usia sekolah (6-
12) tahun sesuai dengan proses keperawatan. asuhan keperawatan pada ibu post
partum primipara dengan fokus study inefektif laktas. Metode Karya Tulis Ilmiah
yang digunakan yaitu metode deskriptif dengan desain studi kasus, instrumen yang
digunakkan yaitu lembar observasi, jumlah responden pada Karya Tulis Ilmiah ini
adalah dua anak dengan Down Syndrome usia sekolah dengan masalah hambatan
ADL di Kota Senarang.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa memberikan latihan ADL anak secara
berkala dan membiasakan anak untuk melakukan ADL sendiri dengan bantuan
minimal dapat meningkatkan kapasitas kemampuan anak dalam pemenuhan ADL,
hal ini ditunjukkan dari hasil observasi pada klien 1 dan klien 2 yang mengalami
peningkatan skor kemampuan ADL.
Simpulan karya tulis ilmiah ini adalah respon setiap klien tentang latihan
ADL yang diberikan berbeda. Hasil observasi skor penilaian kemampuan ADL
memiliki selisih satu skor. Saran dalam penelitian karya tulis ilmiah ini agar klien

dan keluarga dapat memberikan latihan ADL anak secara berkala dan membiasakan
anak untuk melakukan ADL sendiri dengan bantuan minimal.

Kata kunci :anak Down Syndrome, pemenuhan ADL (Activity Daily Living)


Nursing Care In Primipara Post Partum Client With the Focus of

Ineffective Lactation Studies In RSUD Pandan Arang Boyolali

Sri Lestari1), Kurniati Puji Lestari, S.Kp., M.Kes.2), Elisa, S. Kep, Ns., M.Kep.2)
1) Student of DIII Department of Nursing Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang
2) Lecturer Department of Nursing Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang
Email: taritari15juni@gmail.com

Background Down Syndrome is a condition of physical and mental

retardation brought about by birth or congenital and caused by chromosome
abnormalities. Children with Down Syndrome are categorized in the type of
children with special needs (ABK) tunagrahita able to train, it is based on IQ
children with Down Syndrome ranged from 25-50. In children with Down
Syndrome have growth and developmental delays, including the development of
independence Therefore, some ability tunagrahita children who can train to be
empowered is learning to take care of themselves such as eating, dressing, sleeping
or bathing yourself. Preliminary study data conducted by interview by the head of
SLB Widya Bhakti Semarang obtained the result that in 2018 there are 13 students
who have Down Syndrome and some of them are still dependent on parents in
meeting the needs of ADL.
The purpose of Scientific Writing is to provide management of meeting the
needs of ADL (Activity Daily Living) in Down Syndrome children of school age
(6-12) years according to the nursing process. nursing care in primiparous
postpartum mothers with an ineffective study focus on lactation. Scientific Writing
Method used is descriptive method with case study design, the instrument used is
the observation sheet, the number of respondents in Scientific Writing is two
children with Down Syndrome school age with ADL obstacle problem in Senarang
The results showed that providing regular ADL training for children and
familiarizing children for their own ADLs with minimal assistance can improve the

capacity of children in ADL compliance, as demonstrated by the observations of
clients 1 and client 2 with an increased ADL score.
The conclusion of this scientific paper is the response of each client about
the different ADL exercises given. The results of the ADL ability scoring
observation scores have a difference of one score. Suggestions in this scientific
paper research so that clients and families can provide regular ADL training for
children and familiarize children to do their own ADL with minimal help.

Keywords: Down syndrome child, fulfillment of ADL (Activity Daily

Background during the postpartum lactation ineffective problem arises
during the lactation period, can be started since the antenatal period, the period of
postpartum (puerperal or lactation) and the post-natal period. Preliminary study data
conducted with interviews by the head of the Adas Manis room obtained the result
that in 2017 35% of the 180 primiparous postpartum mothers among them
experienced ineffective problems of lactation. Decreased production and
expenditure of breast milk in the first days after delivery can be caused by a lack of
stimulation of prolactin and oxytocin hormones.
The purpose of this Scientific Writing Works is to provide nursing care
management to primiparous postpartum mothers with an ineffective study focus on
lactation. Scientific Writing Method used is descriptive method with case study
design, the instrument used is the observation sheet, the number of respondents in
this Scientific Writing are two normal post partum mothers with lactation
ineffective problem at RSUD Pandan Arang Boyolali.
The results show that breast care and oxytocin massage can facilitate breast
milk production, as shown by observations in the infants of clients 1 and 2 clients of
babies who have increased weight and breast milk out when breast is examined.
The conclusion of this scientific paper is the response of each client about
breast care and different oxytocin massage. The results of observations of infant
weight of clients who have a difference of 80 grams and the frequency of
breastfeeding is different. Suggestions in this scientific paper research so that
clients and families can do breast care independently and increase knowledge about

Keywords: primiparous postpartum mother, ineffective lactation

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