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Name of Organization : THE NEXT ECONOMY AFRICA

Abbreviation :TNEAf

Type: Non Governmental Organization

Mode: Association/Network


The Next Economy Africa (TNEAf) is a non governmental organization and a network of African youths
who are in the pursuit of making the economy of their respective nations work by carrying out programs
and projects that promotes economic growth and development for the main purpose of alleviating
unemployment and poverty among the average African youths.

The Next Economy Africa as an organization was founded in the month of April by a group of young
Nigerian who are direct beneficiaries of a specialized economic empowerment program organized by an
Austrian based SOS Kinderdopen, promoters of SOS Children Villages across nations of the world. The
program which began in 2016 targeted at empowering about 4500 African youths is also sponsored by
The Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Holland, AfriLab, 1 % Club. TNE as a program has been running
concurrently in Nigeria, Mali, Somalia and some other African countries in the last three years.

The founders of TNEA consider the program which as been running since 2016 and is coming to an end
in 2018 as a propellant for the emancipation of African youths from the woes of unemployment and
poverty via capacity building and enterprise support. We as African youths have taking this as a
challenge and will consider the kicking of of TNEA as the sustainability of The Next Economy as a
program. Being proactive, we have taken the bull by the horn, taking a passionate pursuit to light the fire
across nations in Africa, creating quantum energies via networking, capacity building and enterprise
projects full of innovation for the achievement of our vision.

Our Vision: To be a network of youths making Africa work via capacity building and value drivenprojects.

Our Goals:

1. To be a network of African youths promoting economic growth and development in our respective
nations and localities

2. To empower about 1 million youths across Africa for entrepreneurship and employability from 2018 to

3. To carryout capacity building programs for the achievement of goal two

4. To promote financial, career, entrepreneural and economic education via the publishing periodical
magazines, organizing of seminars, trainings and conferences.
5. To set up revenue generating platforms such as enterprise and leadership academy, radio stations (or
programs) , television stations (or television programs) for sustainability and the realization of our vision
and mission statement.

6. To have a membership of over 1 million members in the network in the space of 5 years.

7. To promote unity and economic prosperity in Africa through The Next Economy Africa

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