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Normal Modes for Electromagnetically Induced Transparency

S. E. Harris
Edward L. Ginzton Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305
(Received 19 July 1993)
We define paired variables which are the normal modes for electromagnetically induced transparency
and use these modes to study the propagation of matched pulses in an absorbing medium.
PACS numbers: 42.50.Rh, 32.80.Dz, 42.50.Hz, 42.65.Ky

Recent experiments have shown how an otherwise opti- work we develop equations and give numerical results for
cally thick medium may be rendered transparent with the propagation of matched pulses through an optically
nearly all of the atoms remaining in the ground state [1]. thick medium whose atoms are all initially in the ground
This type of transparency is attained by applying a strong state. We find that, as matched pulses propagate through
laser or electromagnetic field, termed here as the coupling an absorbing medium, there is a front-edge loss and dis-
field, on the |2)-|3) transition of a lambda system (Fig. tortion followed by completely lossless and dispersion-free
1), thereby creating transparency for probe radiation on propagation for all time thereafter. These results bear on
the |l)-|3> transition. This technique has been termed as the many new ideas for amplification without population
electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). inversion, high dispersion and refractive index without
EIT depends on the excitation of a superposition wave loss, nonlinear optical processes, and novel types of signal
function, often termed as a population trapped or dark processing [6].
state. In the bare atomic basis (Fig. 1), this wave func- We consider the population trapping and propagation
tion has no component of state |3> and therefore, once processes in terms of two normal modes. These modes
prepared, is immune to radiative decay, autoionization, are defined by pairs of variables which are (a) the proba-
collisional dephasing, and all other processes which affect bility amplitude of the population trapped state and the
only state |3). This state may also be replaced by a con- weighted sum of the time-varying Rabi frequencies of the
tinuum, thereby, in the spirit of a Fano interference, also 11 >—13> and |2>-|3> transitions, and (b) the probability
allowing propagation through photoionizing media [2]. amplitude of the nontrapped state and the difference of
The essence of creating transparency for pulses propa- the Rabi frequencies of these transitions. Either mode, if
gating through an optically thick medium is in the self- excited independently, will propagate without loss or
consistent creation of the population trapped state. This dispersion and without excitation of the alternative mode.
is not trivial: For example, if the coupling laser pulse is We remark on the motivation for the definition of these
long as compared to the probe pulse, the probe pulse will modes: The idea is to choose paired variables of atomic
have a much slower group velocity and, as it slips through states and applied fields such that both variables of the
the coupling pulse, will at all times have a nonzero loss alternative mode will be driven to zero, while both vari-
[3]. Recently [4], based on the earlier work of Dalton ables of the propagating mode become independent of
and Knight [5], we have suggested applying electromag- space and time. For the atom, the nonpopulation trapped
netic fields which have identical envelopes (matched state is driven to zero and the population trapped state is
pulses) on the coupling and probe transitions. In this maintained. For the fields, the superposition field which
is the difference of the applied fields is driven to zero and
the sum-field state is maintained. This essential recipro-
city, where matched fields produce population trapped
atoms and population trapped atoms produce matched
fields, is the physical phenomenon which is the essence of
this work.
We consider one-dimensional propagation and assume
applied electromagnetic fields
Ep(z,/) =Re[£ p /(z,/)Qxpj((o p t -kpz + 0p)] ,
Ec(z j) =Re[Ecg(z ,t) expj((oct —kcz + 6c)\ .
The envelope functions f(z,t) and g(z,t) are complex
FIG. 1. Energy level diagram. States 11)-|2) are stable; state and may include detuning from state |3). Their band-
13) decays to other states which are not shown. Electromagnet- widths are restricted in the sense that they must satisfy
ic pulses pf(zj) and cg(zj) are applied on the |l>-|3> and the rotating wave approximation and interact only with
|2>-|3> transitions. the |l)-|3) and |2)-|3) transitions, respectively. Noting

52 0031-9007/93/72(l)/52(4)$06.00
© 1993 The American Physical Society

Fig. 1, o)p =(W3 — co\ and o>c =603 — (02. The quantities Ep, and where Doppler and Stark shifts are neglected. By
Ec, 0P, and 6C are real, positive, and time invariant. The formulating the problem in this way, and by neglecting
k vectors, kp and kc, are arbitrary and may have opposite dephasing, the need for a density matrix treatment is
sign. We assume real matrix elements py and define avoided.
time and space invariant Rabi frequency amplitudes as We will also assume that 0 3 = 0 at f = 0 and that the
£lp=H\iEplh and H c - ^ 2 3 ^ . linewidth of state |3>, n , is sufficiently large that the
We begin in an interactionlike picture, where the par- derivative, dai/dt, in Eq. ( l c ) is small as compared to
tial differential equations for the time and space depen- r3#3 and may be neglected. This allows the probability
dent probability amplitudes are amplitude a 3 to be eliminated in favor of a\ and ai and
creates an effective two-state problem with atom proper-
03, (la) ties that are symmetrical with field properties. We note
2 that the assumption of large 1^ is not essential to the
7fteg properties of these normal modes and one may instead
"03, (lb)
formally integrate Eq. ( l c ) and proceed much as is done
7 "P/* fl| + .JShil. (lc) From Maxwell's equations we form slowly varying en-
~9T • * . , 2
r <*2
"' ' 2 velope equations to describe the propagation of f(z,t)
and the mean value of the per atom dipole moment is and g(z,t). Noting that the quantities flp/T^ and Q.}/Y-$
are the golden rule transition probabilities for states 11)
{P)=H 13a *a 1 expjicopt — kpz + 0P) and 12) to state |3>, we define p = ( n ^ / r 3 ) , / 2 , c
+H23a*a2expj((oct — kcz + 0c)+c.c. =>(£l2/r$)xl2, and express the electric fields Ep and Ec in
terms of the quantities. We also introduce the absorption
We will assume the ideal case of population trapping cross sections ap =2(/io/fi0£p) x ^(op\pn\2lhTs) and oc
where states |l> and |2> are stable, where state |3> decays 2{^/e(ysc)xf2(o)c\p2s\2/hrs) and let TV equal the num-
at a mean rate T3 to other states which are not shown, ber of atoms per volume. Schrodinger's and Maxwell's
equations then become
_d_ - - J L P ff* pcfg*
dt 2 pcf*g c2gg*

J_JL 0
oz VP dt opa\a* —Gpa\a*
JL + J_JL 2 *--Gcafa2 (Jca2Ct2
dz Vc dt c

The quantities Vp, Vc, and, also, ep and sc (in ap and ac) r-
result from other transitions of the atom. When VP^VC,
propagation will no longer be lossless. For this work we 1
assume that the pulses are sufficiently long that we may (p2 + c22\) 1/2
take Vp = Vc- V.
and define superposition electromagnetic field variables as
Examining the right hand side (RHS) of Eqs. (2a) and
s(zj) and h(z,t)
(2b), we see that the amplitude probabilities and field
amplitudes are intertangled and that there is no
simplification if the fields are matched lf(z,t) =g(z,t)] 1 -P Pf
or if the atoms are in a trapped state. ip2 + c2\\I2
) C eg
We change basis so that new probability amplitudes b\
and 62 are related to a\ and a 2 by We note that the transformations (3a) and (3b) are iden-
tical. With these new variables, Eq. (2) becomes

a V | \hh*
dt *2. 1 [h*s ss*\
[ B - + -- — h <T\b\b* +a3b*b2
<T|/>| (T\b\b* +0-3626*
] s
- - —
2 Olb\
G2b\b2 + oib\b\ 02b2b2+oib\b2
V dt J
The quantities <*i, <T2, and 03 are weighted absorption cross sections and are <j\ = (c2(jp+p2Gc)/(c2+p2)y
1 2 2 2 2 2
O2=(p 0p + c Oc)1(c +p ), and oi=(op — oc)cp/(c +p ). (When 0 ^ = 0 0 o\ — <J2=Op and 0-3=0.) Equations (4a)


and (4b) put the atoms and fields on an equal footing. If

matched fields ( 4 * 0 ) are applied to an atom, the non-
trapped state bi decays to zero. Analogously, if the
atoms are in a population trapped state (62 = 0 ) , the
difference of the fields h decays (spatially) to zero.
We now establish the meaning of the paired variables
b\,s and bi,h as normal modes. We observe that when in
either of the two normal modes, that is, when either
^ 2 =/J=Q or 4,=5=x0, then all the derivatives in Eqs.
(4) are equal to zero. Either pair of variables, once es-
tablished, is lossless.
To establish the mode b\,s we apply matched pulses
(h^O) at z—0 for all t. To establish the mode bi,h we FIG. 2. Probe laser (p) and coupling laser (c) as seen by an
apply antimatched pulses (s —0) at z —Ofor all t. observer after propagating a distance which, in the absence of
Consider the application of matched pulses to an opti- the coupling laser, would have caused an attenuation of the
cally thin slab of atoms at z s 0 , all of which are in the probe laser of exp( —5). Time is in inverse units of the probe
ground state. We take ai = l, ai^a^— 0, and use Eq. transition rate p2. We observe a front-edge preparation loss of
3.6% and lossless transmission thereafter.
(3a) to determine the probability amplitudes b\ and bi at
/ = 0 . From the first matrix of Eq. (4a) we see that the
derivative of the trapped probability amplitude b \ is zero op—oc. Matched Gaussian pulses with an intensity ratio
and remains zero as long as 4 = 0 . The nontrapped prob- of 100:1 (r = 10, p — X) are applied at z = 0 and allowed
ability amplitude bi is exponentially depleted in a time to propagate a distance over which, if c were zero, the
which is inversely proportional to the sum of the instan- probe intensity would be attenuated by exp( —5). Time
taneous golden rule transition rates of the two transitions, and distance are measured in units of the inverse of the
thereby preparing a pure trapped state. golden rule transition rate (1/p 2 ) and inverse attenuation
Next, examine the spatial dependence of h(z,t) and length (1/crp) of the probe, respectively. The probe laser
s(z,t). Once b2 has been driven to zero in an optically ( p ^ l ) experiences a front-edge preparation loss as it
thin slab, Eq. (4b) becomes produces the population trapped state and is lossless
thereafter. In this case, 3.6% of the probe pulse energy is
±_d_ h = - N lost. If the pulse is made 2 times longer, then about 1.8%
dz V dt o\ \bibt
of its energy is lost.
TV<T We remark on the relation of EIT with matched pulses
3 blbf)h as compared to SIT with simultaneous pulses or simul-
bz V dt
tons [7], and as compared to other methods of tran-
If the pulses are matched (A=0), they propagate freely sparency which are based on producing a population
through the first slab. The process may then repeat in the trapped state. The pulses described here are not simul-
next incremental slab. Note also that, for 4 = 0 , the tons; the further they propagate, the greater their front-
derivative of the weighted sum of the fields s is zero, and edge preparation loss. Most other methods of producing
it is this sum, rather than either field alone, that propa- population trapped atoms, for example, counterintuitive
gates without change. preparation [8] or the methods of Kocharovskaya and
Equations (4a) and (4b) may be combined to yield the co-workers [9], depend on adiabaticity and, for complete-
conservation condition ly lossless propagation, require both the probe and cou-
pling laser intensities to vary slowly as compared to the
I|*,l 2 +I*2l 2 ] = JL + _LJL BML+S: \EV Rabi frequency or the golden rule ionization rate. EIT
dt dz V dt N0D Nac with matched pulses allows the use of pulses, or a train of
pulses each of which is arbitrarily short. To within the
= -\bfh+bls\2. (5)
rotating wave approximation and following front-edge
Though atoms and photons trade between states 11) and preparation, these pulses propagate without loss and
|2> and between the |l>-|3> and |2>-|3> transitions, re- without dispersion.
spectively; in any incremental volume, the number of In summary, we have shown how, following front-edge
atoms which are lost equals the number of photons which preparation, matched pulses propagate self-consistently
are lost. Both are equal to the RHS of Eq. (5). When in without loss and without dispersion in an absorbing
either of the modes, the RHS is zero and the system is media. This process is described in terms of paired vari-
lossless. ables which are the normal modes of EIT [10].
Figure 2 shows the results of a numerical solution of The author acknowledges helpful discussions with O.
Eqs. (4a) and (4b) with equal absorption cross sections Alter, A. Kasapi, M. Jain, and Y. Yamamoto, This work


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