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Professional Development

Damian Liljegren

Pima Community College (EDC 292B)

Goal 1: Improve my classroom management skills.

 InTASC Standard: 3(d): The teacher manages the learning

environment to actively and equitably engage learners by organizing,
allocating, and coordinating the resources of time, space, and learners'
 Current Skill Level: Integrating
 Desired Skill Level: Innovating
 Supporting Activities:
o Year 1: Read Bogan, B., & Ogles, M.
(2013). Unconventional Classroom Management and
incorporate at least 5 new classroom management
strategies in my classroom.
o Year 2: Meet monthly with other teachers to exchange
ideas and strategies for improving classroom
management skills.
o Year 3: Attend at least 2 seminars on developing
effective classroom management skills.
 Criteria for Success: Creating and implementing the most effective
strategies on a yearly basis to manage my classroom with the
smoothest transitions and least amount of classroom disruptions as

Goal 2: Improve my ability to effectively assess and properly grade my students.

 InTASC Standard: 6(c): The teacher works independently and

collaboratively to examine test and other performance data to
understand each learner's progress and to guide planning.
 Current Skill Level: Applying
 Desired Skill Level: Integrating
 Supporting Activities:
o Year 1: Read Marzano, R. (2006). Classroom Assessment
& Grading that Work and incorporate at least 5 new
methods for assessing and grading my students.
o Year 2: Meet monthly with other teachers to exchange
ideas and strategies for effective assessment and grading
o Year 3: Create student and parent surveys (Survey
Monkey) on assessment and grading and have at least
80% of my students/parents take them to provide
helpful feedback.
 Criteria for Success: Yearly improvement in my strategies for
effective student assessment and proper grading of their performance

Goal 3: Improve my teaching skills via effective instructional strategies.

 InTASC Standard: 8(e): The teacher provides multiple models and

representations of concepts and skills with opportunities for learners
to demonstrate their knowledge through a variety of products and
 Current Skill Level: Applying
 Desired Skill Level: Integrating
 Supporting Activities:
o Year 1: Read Marzano, R., Pickering, D., & Pollack, J.
(2001). Classroom Instruction that Works and
incorporate at least 8 new strategies for effective
classroom instruction.
o Year 2: Meet monthly with other teachers to exchange
ideas and strategies for effective instructional methods
in the classroom.
o Year 3: Attend at least 2 different seminars on
developing strategies for effective classroom instruction.
 Criteria for Success: Yearly improvement in my strategies for
effective instruction in my classroom, leading to better overall student
engagement and improvement in their performance levels (i.e., grades
and test scores - AzMERIT or similar).

Goal 4: Improve my ability to effectively plan for instruction.

 InTASC Standard: 7(d): The teacher plans for instruction based on

formative and summative assessment data, prior learner knowledge,
and learner interest.
 Current Skill Level: Integrating
 Desired Skill Level: Innovating
 Supporting Activities:
o Year 1: Read Lemov, D. (2015). Teach Like A Champion
2.0 and incorporate at least 8 new strategies for effective
classroom instruction.
o Year 2: Meet monthly with other teachers to exchange
ideas and strategies for effective methods on planning
for instruction (lesson/unit plans, PowerPoints,
technology, and other helpful resources).
o Year 3: Attend at least 2 different seminars on
developing methods to effectively plan for instruction.
 Criteria for Success: Yearly improvement in my ability to plan for
instruction in my classroom, leading to better overall student
engagement and improvement in their performance levels (i.e., grades
and test scores - AzMERIT or similar).

Goal 5: Improve my ability to effectively collaborate with learners and their


 InTASC Standard: 10(d): The teacher works collaboratively with

learners and their families to establish mutual expectations and
ongoing communication to support learner development and
 Current Skill Level: Applying
 Desired Skill Level: Integrating
 Supporting Activities:
o Year 1: Develop a semi-annual parent/family newsletter
to establish a better connection with my students'
families and create an open line of communication.
o Year 2: Meet monthly with other teachers to exchange
ideas and strategies for effectively collaborating with
learners AND their families.
o Year 3: Attend at least 2 different seminars on
developing methods to effectively plan for instruction.
 Criteria for Success: Yearly improvement in my connections with
learners and their families and my ability to effectively collaborate
with them in order to maximize student participation, leading to
improvement in their overall performance levels (i.e., grades and test
scores - AzMERIT or similar).

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