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ISSN: 1674-1781 CN11- 5658 /C | 总 第 48 期 VOLUME 48 | 双月刊 BIMONTHLY | 邮发代号 80-172

January 2017

NO. 01 | JAN. 2017


86- 86-10-66217668
86- 86-10-66217668

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The story of Li jian

n a warm winter afternoon, we talked with
Li Jian in her hospital chamber, where she
was recovering from surgery.
“I love the Chinese language, and after studying
Chinese for two years in Cameroon at the Confucius
Institute at the University of Yaounde II, I received a
Confucius Institute scholarship and came to study at
Nankai University.”
Li Jian has five siblings, but she is the only one
of them to study Chinese. This was her first time
abroad, and when she arrived in China she suddenly
fell ill, and then was told she needed surgery. She had
never been seriously ill before, so at the time she was
in quite a panic, but the teachers at the international
office called Unichina International Insurance

正在恢复的李简。 right away for her, and the company made advance
“我喜欢汉语,在喀麦隆雅温得大学孔子学院学 payments for all the treatment.
“The wound still hurts a bit, but I’m better now!
习 2 年汉语之后,我争取到孔子学院奖学金来南开大学留学。

Soon I’ll be able to go to school, and dance!” Li
李简有 5 个兄弟姐妹,只有她学习汉语,这也是她第一次 Jian says joyfully. “Yeah, she’s a naturally talented
出国,没想到刚到中国,忽然身体不适,经医生检查,需要住 dancer!” one of her friends from her home country
院动手术。李简说,自己从来没得过大病,确实感到有些慌乱, adds. “All the teachers care about me, and the staff at
the university international office brought me those
flowers. We have this kind of flower in my home
country, so I don’t feel lonely at all!”
“伤口还有些疼,但我好了!很快就能去上学,并且跳舞!” Li Jian sends text messages to her family in
“是啊,她可是跳舞高手,天生的!”一旁的 Cameroon every day to let them know she is well.
“孔子学院工作办公室和汉语言文化学院的老师 Her boyfriend is studying in France, and although
he’s worried about her, he isn’t able to come to see
her since he has to both study and work part-time.
Li Jian says she is very lucky, for she doesn’t have to
李简每天用手机给远在喀麦隆的家人发信报平安。她的男 work now, and even after falling ill, her teachers and
朋友在法国留学,虽然很担心,但必须边打工边上课,没法来 classmates take great care of her, and the insurance
看她。李简说自己很幸福,不用打工,生病手术,既有老师同 claim settlement has been very smooth.
Li Jian loves to chat, and tells us that in the future
she plans to return to Cameroon and work as a
Chinese teacher and translator.
面的工作。 “Thank you all! Thank all my teachers and
谢谢我的老师和联华国际的保险理赔帮助!” Unichina International Insurance for their help!”

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The story of Li jian

n a warm winter afternoon, we talked with
Li Jian in her hospital chamber, where she
was recovering from surgery.
“I love the Chinese language, and after studying
Chinese for two years in Cameroon at the Confucius
Institute at the University of Yaounde II, I received a
Confucius Institute scholarship and came to study at
Nankai University.”
Li Jian has five siblings, but she is the only one
of them to study Chinese. This was her first time
abroad, and when she arrived in China she suddenly
fell ill, and then was told she needed surgery. She had
never been seriously ill before, so at the time she was
in quite a panic, but the teachers at the international
office called Unichina International Insurance

正在恢复的李简。 right away for her, and the company made advance
“我喜欢汉语,在喀麦隆雅温得大学孔子学院学 payments for all the treatment.
“The wound still hurts a bit, but I’m better now!
习 2 年汉语之后,我争取到孔子学院奖学金来南开大学留学。

Soon I’ll be able to go to school, and dance!” Li
李简有 5 个兄弟姐妹,只有她学习汉语,这也是她第一次 Jian says joyfully. “Yeah, she’s a naturally talented
出国,没想到刚到中国,忽然身体不适,经医生检查,需要住 dancer!” one of her friends from her home country
院动手术。李简说,自己从来没得过大病,确实感到有些慌乱, adds. “All the teachers care about me, and the staff at
the university international office brought me those
flowers. We have this kind of flower in my home
country, so I don’t feel lonely at all!”
“伤口还有些疼,但我好了!很快就能去上学,并且跳舞!” Li Jian sends text messages to her family in
“是啊,她可是跳舞高手,天生的!”一旁的 Cameroon every day to let them know she is well.
“孔子学院工作办公室和汉语言文化学院的老师 Her boyfriend is studying in France, and although
he’s worried about her, he isn’t able to come to see
her since he has to both study and work part-time.
Li Jian says she is very lucky, for she doesn’t have to
李简每天用手机给远在喀麦隆的家人发信报平安。她的男 work now, and even after falling ill, her teachers and
朋友在法国留学,虽然很担心,但必须边打工边上课,没法来 classmates take great care of her, and the insurance
看她。李简说自己很幸福,不用打工,生病手术,既有老师同 claim settlement has been very smooth.
Li Jian loves to chat, and tells us that in the future
she plans to return to Cameroon and work as a
Chinese teacher and translator.
面的工作。 “Thank you all! Thank all my teachers and
谢谢我的老师和联华国际的保险理赔帮助!” Unichina International Insurance for their help!”

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