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On the static analysis of constrained structural

Hee-Chang Eun, Eun-Taik Lee, and Heon-Soo Chung

Abstract: Complete structures might contain so many degrees of freedom that it would be infeasible to perform a
structural analysis. The derivation of the equilibrium equations of an entire structure to utilize kinematical compatibility
conditions at the interfaces of the substructures requires complicated intermediate processes or numerical schemes for
determining multipliers. This study derives an explicit matrix form of the equilibrium equations of structural systems
subjected to constraints like compatibility conditions or linear displacement relations. The equation is obtained by mini-
mizing a quadratic form of the variation in unconstrained and constrained displacements with respect to all constrained
displacements that satisfy the constraints. And the physical meaning of the constraint forces required to satisfy the con-
straints is investigated. The validity of the proposed method is illustrated by several applications.

Key words: constraints, compatibility, equilibrium equation, generalized inverse.

Résumé : Les structures entières peuvent contenir tant de degrés de liberté qu’il serait impossible d’effectuer un calcul
des structures. La fonction dérivée des équations d’équilibre d’une structure entière afin d’utiliser les conditions de
compatibilité cinématique aux interfaces des sous-structures exige un procédé intermédiaire complexe ou des approches
numériques pour déterminer les multiplicateurs. La présente étude dérive une forme matricielle explicite d’équations
d’équilibre de systèmes structuraux soumis à des contraintes, telles que les conditions de compatibilité ou les relations
de déplacement linéaire. L’équation est obtenue en minimisant une forme quadratique de la variation dans les déplace-
ments sans contraintes et sous contraintes en tenant compte de tous les déplacements sous contraintes qui satisfont aux
contraintes. La signification physique des forces de contrainte requises pour satisfaire les contraintes est également
étudiée. La validité de la méthode proposée est illustrée par diverses applications.

Mots clés : contraintes, compatibilité, équation d’équilibre, inverse généralisé.

[Traduit par la Rédaction] Eun 1122

1. Introduction plete system. Combining the equilibrium equation of each

substructure and the kinematical compatibility conditions at
Finite element models are utilized to obtain solutions for the interfaces of substructures, a finite element model of the
the displacements of structures subjected to static loads. entire structure is assembled.
Complete structures are very complex, and the finite element
model of the entire structure might contain so many degrees To utilize kinematical compatibility conditions at the in-
of freedom that it would be infeasible to perform a structural terfaces of substructures, the equilibrium equations of an
analysis based on the finite element equations for the com- entire structure are obtained by complicated intermediate-
processes or numerical schemes for determining multipliers.
There are many methods for developing an approximate
Received 22 October 2003. Revision accepted 21 April 2004. mathematical model for the structural analysis by decompos-
Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at ing into components and assembling them. Most of the
http://cjce.nrc.ca on 2 November 2004.
methods for structural analysis by substructuring and assem-
H.-C. Eun.1,2 Department of Architectural Engineering, Cheju bling an entire structure depend on numerical approaches
National University, Jeju, Korea. like the Lagrange-multiplier method (Felippa et al. 1998;
E.-T. Lee, and H.-S. Chung. Department of Architectural Park 2000; Park et al. 1997). These studies propose a gen-
Engineering, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea. eral method to include the rigid-body modes of the free–free
finite element. Hangai and Wu (1999) determined the stable
Written discussion of this note is welcomed and will be state of a hybrid structure composed of cables and rigid
received by the Editor until 30 April 2005. structures by neglecting the velocity and acceleration vectors
Corresponding author (e-mail: heechang@kangwon.ac.kr). of the kinematic coordinates. Udwadia and Kalaba (1992)
Present address: Department of Architectural Engineering, presented the explicit equations of motion for constrained
Kangwon National Univeristy, Chuncheon, Korea. dynamic systems by minimizing the Gaussian function with

Can. J. Civ. Eng. 31: 1119–1122 (2004) doi: 10.1139/L04-036 © 2004 NRC Canada
1120 Can. J. Civ. Eng. Vol. 31, 2004

respect to all constrained accelerations that satisfy the con- Solving eq. [5] with respect to K1/2u, according to the theory
straints. of generalized inverse (Graybill 1983), it follows that
The aim of this study is to derive an explicit matrix form
of the static equilibrium equations for constrained structural [6] K1/2u = (AK–1/2)+b + [I – (AK–1/2)+(AK–1/2)]y
systems. This is obtained by minimizing a quadratic form of where “+” denotes the generalized inverse matrix, I is an
the differences in unconstrained and constrained displace- identity matrix, and y is an arbitrary vector. From eq. [6], it
ments with respect to all constrained displacements that sat- can be observed that displacements to satisfy the constraint
isfy the constraints. And the physical meaning of the eq. [2] exist infinitely.
constraint forces provided by nature to satisfy constraints is Substituting eq. [6] into eq. [4] and minimizing the result
investigated. The validity of the proposed method is illus- with respect to all displacements u, the result can be derived as
trated in several applications.
[7] K1/2u – K1/2u$ = (AK–1/2)+b
2. Formulation + [I – (AK–1/2)+(AK–1/2)]y – K1/2u$ = 0
Let us consider a structure of n degrees of freedom with
Letting Q = [I – (AK–1/2)+ (AK–1/2)] and solving eq. [7] with
the total potential energy expressed as
respect to y, it follows that
1 T
[1] Π= u K u − uT F [8] y = Q+[K1/2u$ – (AK–1/2)+b] + [I – Q+Q]z
where z is also another arbitrary vector.
in which Π denotes the potential energy of the structure, u
Using the fundamental properties of the generalized inverse
and F are the n × 1 generalized displacement and nodal
matrix, (AK–1/2)+(AK–1/2)(AK–1/2)+ = (AK–1/2)+ and Q+Q = Q,
force vectors, and K is the n × n positive definite stiffness
eq. [8] can be arranged as
We assume that the structure is subjected to m linear con- [9] y = [K1/2 – (AK–1/2)+ A]u$ + [I – Q]z
straints written in matrix form
Substituting eq. [9] into eq. [6] and premultiplying K–1/2 on
[2] Au = b both sides of the result, the generalized displacement vector
where A is a real matrix of m × n and b is an n × 1 vector. to satisfy the constraints [2] is derived as
The total potential energy of the structure due to the con- [10] u = u$ + K–1/2(AK–1/2)+(b – Au)
straints [2] changes as
1 T Premultiplying K on both sides of eq. [10], we obtain the
[3] Π= u K u − uT( F + F c ) equilibrium equation for constrained systems written as
[11] $
Ku = Ku$ + K1/2(AK–1/2)+(b – Au)
where Fc is an n × 1 constraint force vector required to sat-
isfy the constraint set [2]. The second term of right-hand side of eq. [11] denotes the
The constraint forces are often determined by the constraint force vector that is required to satisfy the con-
Lagrange-multiplier method based on numerical schemes. straints. It can be seen that the actual static displacements
However, this study determines the forces without depending and constraint forces are explicitly calculated by eqs. [10]
on the multipliers. The variation in the potential energies [1] and [11], respectively, without any numerical approaches.
and [3] was assumedto be a quadratic form

[4] ∆Π =
(u − u$) TK(u − u$)
3. Physical meaning of constraint forces
2 There are infinite numbers of constraint forces provided
where u$ and u denote the unconstrained and constrained dis- by nature for satisfying the constraints as shown by eq. [6].
placement vectors to be determined by eqs. [1] and [3], re- However, the actual constraint force to keep the equilibrium
spectively. condition is one of them and is expressed as the second term
The minimization of eq. [4] can be interpreted as mini- of the right-hand side of eq. [11]. The physical meaning of
mizing the variation in the unconstrained and constrained the selected constraint forces was investigated.
displacement vectors. Accordingly, the minimizing process The constraint force vector can be written as
implies that the constrained displacements are turned into [12] Fc = K u – F
the equilibrium state by the action of additional forces. The
additional forces are constraint forces and are interpreted as where F = K u$.
the forces provided by nature for equilibrating. Thus, by pre- Substituting eq. [12] in eq. [4], eq. [4] can be written as
dicting the constraint forces required for keeping the given
1 c T −1 c
deformation state, all structural and mechanical systems can [13] ∆Π = F K F
be properly designed and analyzed. To minimize eq. [4] with 2
respect to the constrained displacement vector u, eq. [2] is
modified as From eq. [13], it can be seen that the variation in the total
potential energy can be expressed as a quadratic form of a
[5] (AK–1/2)K1/2u = b constraint force vector.

© 2004 NRC Canada

Eun 1121

Fig. 1. Graphical interpretation of constrained equilibrium equa- Fig. 2. A model composed of a truss and two springs: (a) entire
tion: (a) graphical representation of equilibrium equation, and system, and (b) partitioned substructures.
(b) graphical representation of constraint forces.

Premultiplying both sides of eq. [6] by K1/2, and then sub-

stituting the result into eq. [12] gives
[14] Fc = Ku − K u$ Fig. 1a, K* = [K – K1/2(AK–1/2)+ A] and c = K1/2(AK–1/2)+b.
Figure 1a indicates that the presence of constraints leads to a
= K1 / 2(AK −1/ 2) + b
change in the equilibrium state as well as a change in the
+ K1 / 2[I − (AK −1/ 2) + (AK −1 / 2)] y − K u$ stiffness. Figure 1b shows that the constraint force vector is
expressed as the product of the variation in constrained
Minimizing eq. [13] with respect to the constraint force vec- and unconstrained displacements, and the weighting matrix
tor Fc, with the help of eq. [14], it follows that K = K1/ 2(AK −1/ 2) + A
[15] K1 / 2(AK −1/ 2) + b
4. Applications
+ K1 / 2[I − (AK −1/ 2) + (AK −1 / 2)] y − K u$ = 0
Consider the equilibrium of a truss model as shown in
Defining Q = [I – (AK–1/2)+(AK–1/2)] and Q+Q = Q, the ar-
Fig. 2a, where two linear springs are assumed to be attached
bitrary vector y is derived as
at nodes 2 and 3. The system properties are indicated in
[16] y = K u$ − (AK −1 / 2) + AK −1 / 2u$ + (AK −1 / 2) + (AK −1 / 2) z Fig. 2a. Denoting the properties associated with the truss
and springs by the subscripts “t” and “s”, respectively, the
where z is another arbitrary vector. equilibrium equations of each structure are written as
Substituting eq. [16] into eq. [14] and arranging the result,
the constraint force vector can be defined as [18a] Ktut = Ft
−1 / 2 +
[17] F =K
c 1/2
(AK ) (b − A u$) [18b] Ksus = Fs
From the above derivation, the constraint forces can be rec- where
ognized as the minimum forces of all of the forces provided ut = [u1 u2 v 2 u3 u3 u4 v 4 ]T
by nature to satisfy the constraints. Consequently, it can be
interpreted that nature chooses the minimum value of all us = [u2′ u3′ ] T
constraint forces to satisfy the given constraints. K s = diag[ka kb ]
Figure 1 graphically represents the equilibrium relation of
unconstrained and constrained systems from eq. [11]. In Ft = [0 0 0 F 0 0 0]T

© 2004 NRC Canada

1122 Can. J. Civ. Eng. Vol. 31, 2004

and For a numerical result, the values of the system properties

Fs = [0 0] T were taken as

The entire system requires the following compatibility E = 20000 N/cm2, A = 200 cm2
conditions at the interfaces between the substructures: [21] L = 400 cm, F = 300 N
[19] u2 = u2′, u3 = u3′ ka = 3500 N/cm, kb = 4200 N/cm
and assumes that the deformations at nodes 2 and 3 are con- Substituting the equilibrium eqs. [18a] and [18b], and the
strained by a linear relation constraint eqs. [19] and [20] into the equilibrium eq. [10],
[20] 2u2 = u3 + 0.5 cm the results are found to be

ut = [0 0.2259 0.215 − 0.0483 − 0.0292 0.1751 0.0507]T cm

us = [0.2259 − 0.0483]T cm

It is observed that the numerical values of the displacements and was graphically evaluated. Through several applications,
satisfy the compatibility conditions [19] and the constraint the validity of the proposed equation was established and it
[20]. The constraint forces required to satisfy the constraints was observed that the equation could be easily and explicitly
are calculated to be applied to the design and analysis of discrete as well as con-
tinuous systems.
F tc = [0 1.23 0 − 0.81 0 0 0]T kN
F cs = [0 0.791 − 0.203]T kN References
Felippa, C.A., Park, K.C., and Filho, R.J. 1998. The construction
From this application, it is expected that the proposed equa-
of free-free flexibility matrices as generalized stiffness inverses.
tion can be easily and explicitly applied to the design and Computers and Structures, 68: 411–418.
analysis of trusses or other structures. Graybill, F. 1983. Matrices and applications to statistics.
Wadsworth Belmont California, Belmont, Calif.
5. Conclusions Hangai, Y., and Wu, M. 1999. Analytical method of structural be-
haviours of a hybrid structure consisting of cables and rigid
This study considered a structural analysis of static struc- structures. Engineering Structures, 21: 726–736.
tures subjected to linear sets of constraints. An explicit equi- Park, K.C. 2000. Partitioned solution of reduced-integrated finite
librium equation for constrained structural systems was element equations. Computers and Structures, 74: 281–292.
developed by minimizing the quadratic form of the variation Park, K.C., Justino, Jr. M.R., and Felippa, C.A. 1997. An algebra-
in the constrained and unconstrained displacements. The ically partitioned FETI method for parallel structural analysis:
newly developed equation can be easily and explicitly ap- algorithm description. International Journal of Numerical
plied to the structural analysis of constrained structures. It Methods in Engineering, 40: 2717–2737.
was also explained that the constraint forces are the mini- Udwadia, F.E., and Kalaba, R.E. 1992. A new perspective on con-
mum values of all forces that satisfy the constraints, and the strained motion. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London,
physical meaning of the constraint forces was investigated 439: 407–410.

© 2004 NRC Canada

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