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interaction of CD45 with its ligand may in- Nature 382, 555 (1996).

Nature 382, 555 (1996). jugated goat antbody to mouse IgG. Cells were ana-
9. The EGFR-CD45 ch~mera(cons~st~ng of resldues 1 lyzed on a FACScan (Becton-D~ck~nson).
duce its dilnerization and in turn regulate the through 646 of the human EGFR and res~dues580 19. The ~ n t r a c e u a free
r Ca2'- concentrat~onwas mea-
activity of Lck. In the absence of ligand, both through 1281 of human CD45, numbered after the s ~ g - sured w t h the calcum-senstve dye n d o - l as de-
wild-type and mutant CD45 molecules are n a sequence from sof form ABC) has been descrbed scr~bed(16).Cells (5 x l o 6 per m~lll~ter) were treated
(7).The E624A and E624R mutatons were ntroduced wlth ant~bodyto CD3 (mAb 235 at a 1 :3000 dlut~on
catalytically active monomers. In the pres- Into the w~ld-PqpeEGFR-CD45 chmera by ol~gonucle- of asc~tes)or EGF (100 ng/ml).
ence of a CD45 ligand, both wild-type and otde-based mutageness usng the polymerase cha~n 20. Cells were hatvested, washed t w ~ c ew ~ t hphosphate-
mutant CD45 may dimerize, with different react~onand conf~rmed by nucleot~de sequencing buffered sal~ne(PBS), and resuspended at 2 x 1O8
consequences for Lck activity. In cells ex- H45.01 (4) cells (a CD45-def~cientder~vativeof the per m i i t e r ~nPBS. Cells were Incubated at 37°C for
HPB.ALL T cell n e ) were transfected w~thplasm~ds 15 min, For each sample, 2 x 1O7 cells were used,
pressing wild-type CD45, the catalytic site encodng the EGFR-CD45 mutant ch~mer~c molecules. and an equal volume of st~mulusn PBS warmed to
of each molecule would be blocked bv the Subsequent I m ~ t ~ nd~lut~on
g and seecton In geneticn- 37°C was added for the ndlcated t ~ m eso that f~nal
wedge containing glutamate 624 from the contalnng medum (2 mg/ml) y~eldedH45XLE624A.5 cond~tonswere as follows: cells, 1 x 1O8 per m~ll~lter;
(expressng the EGFR-CD45/E624A mutant chmera) 235 asc~tes(mAb to CD3) at 1 :500 d~lution;and EGF,
partner molecule, inhibiting CD45 phos- and H45XLE624R.3 (express~ng the EGFR-CD45/ 100 ng/ml. Cells were sed~mentedn a m~crofugeand
phatase activity. Consequently, Lck would E624R mutant ch~mera).H45XL2 (expresslng the ysed ~n200 pI of y s ~ sbuffer [ I % Trlton X-100, 150
remain in the phosphorylated, inactive EGFR-CD45 wid-type chmera) was der~vedin a s m a r mM NaCl, and 10 mM tr~s(pH 8.0), supplemented
manner (7). Multiple clones expressng each of the chi- wlth protease and phosphatase inhib~tors as de-
conformation, and TCR signals would be meric molecules were solated and analyzed. scribed ( I l ) ] .Lysates were Incubated at 4°C for 30
inhibited. In E624R-mutant CD45 inole- 10. R. Majet and A. Wess, data not shown. mln, followed by centr~fugationat 13,000gfor 10 mln.
cules, the wedge is altered so that the cat- 11. D M . Desa~,J. Sap, 0 S~lvenno~nen, J. Schless- Nnety percent of the ysate was subjected to Immu-
nger, A. Wess, EMBO J. 13, 4002 (1994). noprecip~tat~onw ~ t h polyclonal rabb~t antibody to
alytic sites are not occluded in the l~gand- 12. A. Wess and D. R. Lttman, Cell 76, 263 (1994). ZAP-70 [I598 (17)] and prote~nA-Sepharose beads
induced dimer. CD45 phosphatase activity 13. A. Takeda. J. J. Wu, A. L. Maizel, J Biol. Chem 267, for 2 hours at 4"C, after wh~chmmune complexes
W O L I be
~ ~ retained and maintain Lck in its 16651 (1992). were washed, Immune complexes and 10% of the
14. J. A. Ledbetter, G. L. Scheven, F. M. Uckun, J. B. untreated ysate were resolved separately by SDS-
active conformation.
mboden, J lmmunol 146,1577 (1991): J . Matve, G polyacylam~degel electrophores~sand transferred to
'We chose to mutate glutamate 624 of Rimon, P. Tatham, S Cockcroft, Eur J lmmunol 21 , polyinyl~denefluoride membranes (M~ll~pore). lmmu-
CD45 because it is analogous to aspartate 228 195 (1991), R. S. M t i e r et a/.,J. lmmunol. 153, 84 nobottng was done with mAb to phosphotyros~ne
w~thin the putative inhibitory wedge of (1994). (4G10; Upstate B~otechnology) or anti-phospho-
15 J. Schessinger and A. Ullrch, Neuron 9, 383 (1992). MAPK (New England Bioabs), followed by vsual~za-
RPTPa (8). Aspartate 228 of one monomer 16. G. Grynk~ew~cz, M. Poenie, R. Y . Ts~en,J Biol. t ~ o nby enhanced chem~lum~nescence (Amersham).
contacts the mobile loo^ in the active site of Chem. 260, 3440 (1985). The blots were str~ppedand reprobed w ~ t hantbody
the opposlng monomer through a hydrogen 17. D. Q~aneta/., J. Exp Med 185, 1253 (1997). to ZAP-70 (1598) or ant~bodyto MAPK (Santa Cruz
18. Cells were staned with a control monoclonal ant~body B~otechnology),respect~vey.
bond between the side chain carbosvl moietv (mAb) [goat ant~bodyto mouse ~mmunoglobul~n G 21. We thank S. M. Fu for mAb 235. G. Seivant for help
of aspartate 228 and a backbone amihe of thk (Caltag Laboratories)]: with LA22 (ant~bodyto EGFR; w ~ t he q u ~ b r ~ u bm~ n d ~ nstudes,
g members of the
loop. This ~nteraction,along with other con- Upstate Botechnoogy, Lake Pac~d,NYJ for the EGFR- Weiss lab for d~scuss~ons and assstance, and A.
CD45 ch~mera, w~th Hle-1 (Becton-D~ck~nson)for DeFranco for h s cr~t~cal readng of t h ~ smanuscr~pt.
tacts, would preclude the necessary movement CD45, and w~thLeu4 (antbody to C D ~ EBecton-D~ck-
; Supported in part by agrantfrom N H (t0A.W ) . R.M.
of the loop upon substrate b~nding,rendering Inson)for theTCR. Cells were sta~nedat 4°C w~thsatu- IS supported by the NIH M e d c a Scentist Traning
the phosphatase inactive. Mutation of gluta- rating concentrations of fluorescein ~soth~ocyanate Program.
(F1TC)~onjugated prlmary ant~body(control, He-1, and
mate 624 of CD45 presumably disrupts the Leu4) or primary ant~body(LA22)followed by FTC-con- 1 1 August 1997; accepted 6 November 1997
" interaction in CD45 dimers, there-
by allowing the mob~leloop to change con-
formation upon substrate binding, resulting in
an active CD45 phosphatase. Dissociated Pattern of Activity in Visual Cortices
Ligand-induced dimerization plays a n es-
sential role in the regulation of receptor
and Their Projections During Human Rapid Eye
tyrosine kinases, leading to autophosphoryl- Movement Sleep
ation and activation of protein tyrosine ki-
nase activity (15). Ligand-induced dimer- Allen R. Braun," Thomas J. Balkin, Nancy J. Wesensten,
ization may also play a n essential role in the Fuad Gwadry, Richard E. Carson, Mary Varga, Paul Baldwin,
regulation of RPTPs. However, instead of
leading to activation, dimerization of
Gregory Belenky, Peter Herscovitch
RPTPs results in inhibition.
Positron emission tomography was used to measure cerebral activity and to evaluate
REFERENCES AND NOTES regional interrelationships within visual cortices and their projections during rapid eye
movement (REM) sleep in human subjects. REM sleep was associated with selective
1. R. J. Mourey and J. E. D~xon.Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev.
4. 31 (1994): B. G. Neel and N. K. Tonks. Curr Opin. activation of extrastriate visual cortices, particularly within the ventral processing stream,
Cell Biol. 9 , 193 (1997). and an unexpected attenuation of activity in the primary visual cortex; increases in regional
2 K. K~sh~hara et a/.. Cell 74, 143 (1993); K. F. Byih et cerebral blood flow in extrastriate areas were significantly correlated with decreases in the
a/., J. Exp. Med. 183, 1707 (1996).
3. J. T. Pingei and M. L. Thomas, Cell 58, 1055 (1989); striate cortex. Extrastriate activity was also associated with concomitant activation of
I. S. Trowbridge and M. L. Thomas, Annu. Rev, lm- limbic and paralimbic regions, but with a marked reduction of activity in frontal association
munol. 12, 85 (1994). areas including lateral orbital and dorsolateral prefrontal cortices. This pattern suggests a
4. G. A. Koretzky, J P~cus,M. L. Thomas, A. We~ss,
Nature 346, 66 (1990). model for brain mechanisms subserving REM sleep where visual association cortices and
5 A. C. Chan. D. M. Desa~.A. Wess. Annu. Rev, lm- their paralimbic projections may operate as a closed system dissociated from the regions
munob 12. 555 (1994). at either end of the visual hierarchy that mediate interactions with the external world.
6. H. L. Ostergaard e t a / , ,Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.
86, 8959 (1989): E. D. McFarland et a/., /bid. 90,
1402 (1993): M. S~eh,J. B. Bolen. A. Weiss. EMBO J.
12, 315 (1993);T. R Hurley, R. Hyman. B M. Sefton,
Mol, Cell. Biol, 13, 1651 (1993).
S i n c e its discovery in 1953 (1 ), the stage of lnovelnents (REb1 sleep) has been the sub-
7. D. M. Desai, J. Sap, J Schlessnger, A. We~ss,Cell
73. 541 (1993). sleep characterized by electroencephalo- ject of unremitting scientific investiga-
8. A. M. B~lwes.J den Hertog, T. Hunter, J. P. Noel, graphic desynchronization and rapid eye tion. Exceptional interest in REM sleep

,iencemag.org SCIENCE VOL.279 2 JANUARY 1998 91

Table 1. Results of SPM contrasts and correlations between REMs malized to a mean of 50). Regions in which rCBF rates are correlated
and rCBF. Regions where rCBF values differ from baseline (REM-wake with REMs (REM Corrs) are tabulated with associated correlation
and REM-SWS) are tabulated with associated Z-scores and magni- coefficients. In each case Talaraich coordinates indicate local maxima
tude (Mag.) of rCBF differences (milliliters per 100 g per minute nor- or minima.


X Y Z Mag. Z-score X Y Z Mag. Z-score X Y Z r
Extrastriate cortex
Fusiform, lingular gyms 19,37 24 -60 -8 4.22 3.10
Ventral lateral occipital-lnferotemporal cortex 19, 37 28 -66 4 2.62 3.30
Lateral occipital-middle temporal cortex 18 32 -72 8 3.37 3.14
Dorsal lateral occipital cortex 18,19 34 -82 12 3.64 3.10
Striate cortex
Calcarine cortex 17

Paralimbic cortex
Parahippocampalgyms- hippocampus 37 24 -20 -16 2.50 3.81
Prefrontal cortex
Lateral orbital cortex 10,11,47 38 38 -12 -5.10 -3.63
Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex 9,10,46 32 44 20 -2.78 - 7.98
'Left hemisphere only. t P < 0.001. SP < 0.01 (otherwise P < 0.05).

has been sustained in part because it is the teria. Moreover, the functional anatomy o f tices and their projections during REM
stage during which intense visual imagery- the visual system during R E M sleep is of sleep, compared w i t h both wakefulness and
laden dream activity is most prevalent (2). significant interest and may provide clues stage 3-4 sleep [slow wave sleep (SWS)],
However, the neural mechanisms that un- about the nature of this enigmatic "third and evaluated the regional cerebral corre-
derlie generation o f these images remain state" of consciousness (5). lates o f the REMs that characterize this
uncharacterized. W e used positron emission tomography sleep stage.
Although visual imagery (formation o f (PET) and H2150 t o measure regional ce- T e n healthy male volunteers (6) under-
an internally generated percept) and visual rebral blood flow ( C B F ) w i t h i n visual cor- went sleep deprivation and restriction pro-
perception (representation o f an externally
generated stimulus) are behaviorally dis-
tinct. the extent to which this distinction is
predicated o n activation of different por-
tions of the visual svstem is unclear. creases and decreases in
I t is n o t known, for example, whether rCBF during REM sleep
images can be evoked at higher levels o f the compared with postsleep
visual hierarchy-extrastriate cortices in- wakefulness (A) and SWS
cluding V4, V5, inferotemporal and occip- (B)are illustratedas well as A REM - Wake
itoparietal processing pathways, and their positive and negative cor-
relations between rCBF
anterior projections-or whether this pro-
values and REM density
cess requires the contribution of early visual (C). In (A) and (B) stage-
areas-V1 and V 2 regions of the striate specific changes in rCBF
cortex-that are normally involved in pri- were evaluated for AN-
mary visual perception. COVA corrected data sets
Previous functional imaging studies, per- [see (20)]; the resulting B REM- SWS
haps because they utilized different visual SPM (Z) maps are dis-
imagery-eliciting tasks during wakefulness, played on a standardized
have produced contradictory results (3, 4). magnetic resonance im-
Functional imaging during REM sleep af- aging (MRI) scan, which
was transformed linearly
fords a singular opportunity for study, be-
into the same stereotaxic - -75
cause it is characterized by naturally occur- (Talairach) space as the
ring visual imagery-laden mentation and is SPM (Z) data. Planes of C Correlatian RE& vs. rCBF
defined by well-established, measurable cri- section are located at - 10
mm (left), 0 mm (middle),
A. R. Braun, F. Gwadry, M. Varga, Language Section,
Voice Speech and Language Branch, National Institute and + I 0 mm (right) rela-
on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, Na- tive to the anterior com-
tional lnstitutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA. missural-posterior commissural line. Values are Z-scores representingthe significance level of changes
T. J. Balkin, N. J. Wesensten, G. Belenky, ~epartmentof in normalized rCBF in each voxel; the range of scores is coded in the accompanying color table, with
Neurobiology and Behavior, Division of Neuropsychiatry, blue-white designatingZ-scores of -4.0 and below and with dark red designatingz-scoresof +4.0 and
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Washington,
DC, USA. above. In (C) rapid conjugate eye movements recorded during the 180 s after the start of the scan were
R. E. Carson, P. Baldwin, P. Herscovitch, PET Imaging summed and correlated with normalized rCBF images on a pixel-by-pixel basis. The map illustrates
Section, Clinical Center, Building 10, Room 1C401, Na- these correlation coefficients displayedon the standardizedMRI scan at the same planes of section. The
tional Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA. range of coefficients is coded in the accompanying color table, with blue-white designating coefficients
'To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: of -0.75 and below and with dark red designating coefficients of +0.75 and above. Location of local
abraun@pop.nidcd.nih.gov minima and maxima for Z-scores and correlation coefficients are summarized in Table 1.

SCIENCE VOL. 279 2 JANUARY 1998 www.sciencemag.org

cedures (7) before the scanning session ( 8 ) . rCBF activations were detected. dorsal processing stream was unchanged.
Scans were perfortnecl during polysomno- Because the use of resting" scans as hase- Contrasts of REM sleep with either
graphically defined uninterrupted sleep line may introdlrce a possible confound \vakefulness or S\XIS (Fig. 1, A and B and
stages 3-4 anLl during REM sleep ( 9 ) . A (, 1 4)-failure
, to detect differences in the Table 1 ) also revealed significant changes
waking study a-as performed at the end of primary visual cortex coulci 1.e due to spon- in regions that represent principal targets of
the sleep period, after at least 15 mill of taneous production of visual imagery during extrastriate projections, beyond the bound-
continuous wakef~~lness. vvaking scans acciuired at rest-we contrast- aries of t h e visual bystem (1 9). During REM
Within-subject between-stage contrasts ed REM sleen n i t h S W S , a state in ~ v h i c h sleep, activity in the parah~ppocalnpalgyri
(REM-wake; REM-SWS) were analyred hv spontaneo~rsvisual imagery is unlikely to anLl the contlgirous portions of the hip-
statistical parametric mapping (SPh'l) ( 1 0), have occurreii ( 1 5 ) . pc>catnp~rsincreasecl in parallel with the
and correlations Pet\veen the freiluency of This analysis not only confirlned the extrastriate cortices, and rCBF in the ven-
REMs (REM dens it^) and rCBF during ilissociation of activity in striate a n ~ extra-
l trolateral (orbital) and dorsolateral prefron-
REh'l sleep were examined (1 1 ). In addi- striate cortices but also sho\\.ed that the tal cortices was significantly Llecreased.
tion, regional data were extracted from the striate cortex n.as cleactivated during REbI There alere n o l~etnispl~eral differences in
PET iinages ancl analy:ed by covariance sleep compareil n ~ i t hS W S (Fig. 1B and the magnitude of these changes (2G).
techniili~es(principal conlponent analyses Table 1 ) . Focal Lleactivation of the primary T h e sleep-stage contrast results were
and regional intercorrelations) to assess visual cortex n.as ilelimited in a single clus- closely paralleleil 13y the spatial distrib~rtion
f~rnctionalconnections bet~veenregions of ter of significant spatial extent (16). Fur- of correlations lxtween REbI density and
the brain ( 12). thermore, rCBF in the striate cortex was rCBF (Fig. 1 C and Table 1 ) ; REM density
Comparison of REM sleep anLl waking lower illrring REM sleep than 'luring S\VS was positively correlateL1 with rCBF in ex-
scans (Fig. 1'4 anil Table 1) revealed focal even 1v11en absolute values corrected for trastriate cortices in 130th hemisnheres,, nar- L

activations of the extrastriate (fusiform, in- partial pressure of C O , (PCO?) were evalu- titularly within ventral regions. In contrast,
ferotemporal, and lateral occipital) cortices ateci (although ilifferences diLl not reach REh'l density was negatively correlateil with
during REM sleep, tnanifest in cluster, of statistical significance) (1 7). rCBF in the striate cortices. I n addition,
significant spatial extent in hot11 hemi- In contrast. rCBF in extrastriate cortices REbI densitv was nositivelv correlated rvith
spheres (13). These clusters diLl not encorn- of the ventral processing stream-fusiform, rCBF in hippocampus and in parahip-
nass the striate cortices icalcarine cortex and inferotemporal, and ventral lateral occipital pocampal gyri but was negatively correlated
contiguous portions of the cuneus, as Llelim- cortices-was significantly higher luring a.it11 rCBF in lateral orhital and Llorsolateral
ited in the Talairach atlas) where rCBF was REM sleep than Lluring SWS [Fig. 1B and nrefrontal cortices.
unchanged compared with n7akefulness. KO Table 1 (2-scores exceeded threshold in the Results of the principal colnponent anal-
hemispheral differences in the magnitude of left hemisphere only)]; these regions n7ere ysis are illustrated in Fig. 2. Striate and
includeLl in a larger cluster of significant extrastriate regions loaded o n the same
activation ( 1 8 ) . rCBF in regions of the component in both instances but with op-
posite signs-that is, across iniliviiluals in-
creases in rCBF in extrastriate regions Llur-
ing REbI sleep (compareil n.it11 either wake-
fulness or S W S ) were associated with con-
comitant Liecreases in the primary visual
a 0 cortex. Permutation tests i~xlicateil that
these coinponents n.ere significant in each
-8 instance (I' < 0.05, exact), and the inverse
relationsl~inbetween striate and extrastriate
-- loadings was stronger for ventral extrastri-
-2 1 0 I 2
Strlate cortex dte regions (21 ). Inverse relationships be-
tween rCBF responses in selecteil regions of
the extrastriate and striate cortices are illus-
trateil in Fig. 3 .
These reslrlts suggest
", that a f ~ ~ n c t i o n a l
ilissociation 17etween activity in the striate
extrastriate visual cortices characterizes,
and may constitute a definitlg feature of,
REbI slee~l.REM sleerl x a s associated a i t h
REM-wake REM-SWS - ' 2-
-- - 2 selective activation of regions that are locat-
Contrast Striate cortex
ed in higher or "ilownstream" portions of the
Fig. 2. Results of principal component analyses Fig. 3. Correatons between rCBF rates n strate visual hierarchy. These incl~rderegions that
depcting the first unrotated component for REM- and extrastrate codices. Values represent stan- may constitlrte h ~ r m a nanalogues of V4 and
wake and REM-SWS. Princpa component ana- dardzed dfference scores-that I S , increases or 5!\ as well as more anterior projections of
yss was carred out on a difference matrix gener- decreases n rCBF durng REM sleep compared ventral object-processing and dorsal spatial-
ated for each contrast. Values represent loadings witii wake (A) and SWS (B),Z-transformed in each processing pathways (22). REM-associated
for each of the 20 regons n which weghts ex- Instance, rCBF responses n extrastr~ate (Ta-
activation in most instances was n o r e robust
ceeded 0.25 In absolute value. Extrastrate areas: airach x = -30. !! = -88, r = -4 in A; x = -31.
in extrastriate areas of the ventral stream. In
crces, fusform-~nferotemporal:triangles, lateral y = -58, z = - 8 n B) and striate (x = -1, y =
occipital. Strate areas: squares. The frst cotnpo- -80. z = - 12. both A and B) cortices were neg- contrast, the striate cortices were not acti-
nent for REM-wake and REM-SWS contrasts ac- atively correlated in both instances: r2 = 0.952. vated, and most analyses suggested that
counted for 80.896 and 78.2'0 of the total vari- REM-wake. P < 0.001' I-' = 0.911. REM-SWS, rCBF in the primary visual cortex may be
ance, respectively P < 0.001 significantly attenuated illlring REbI sleep.

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These results were paralleled in t h e and lateral orbital cortices-l~eteromodal acqulres I 5 contguous planes. A transnss~onscan
was performed for attenuaton correcton
analysis of correlations between rCBF and regions in which visual infor~nation is 9 A. Recitsciaffen and A E Kales, A ~Manua!of Stan-
REM density ( 2 3 ) , suggesting a physiolog- bound with that processed in other areas of dard~zedTerm/no!ogy. Techn~ouesand Scorfng Sys-
ical mechanism that may mediate t h e ef- the brain (33). A t the same time, however, tem for Sleep Stages o f Human Subjects (Govern-
fects of REM sleep o n t h e visual cortex. In we ol~servedconcurrent activation of extra- ment Prntlng Offce Wasington DC. 1968). Durlng
a scans, subjects eyes were closed and occluded
h ~ r n a n s ,REMs are associated with cere- striate regions and limbic-related projection by eye patcies, and a n b e n t nose was kept to an
l ~ r a potentials
l that bear strong sinlilarities areas-parahippocampa1 cortices and con- a b s o l ~ ~ nt el n n u m W i e n a target stage was d e n t -
t o Pontogeniculooccipital ( P G O ) waves, tiguous portions of the hippocampus-and fled. 30 n C of HLiSO were Injected and scans were
nlt~atedautonat~caly For n c u s ~ o nn these anay-
which mediate the spontaneous central activity in these nlesial temporal regions ses, a sleep stage i a d to be un~formlyn a n t a ned
excitation of t h e visual cortices during was positi\,ely correlated with R E N density. (free of arousals and stage s i f t s ) f r o n 40 s before to
REh'l sleep in animals ( 2 4 ) . P G O waves Of note, sinlilar results were observeil in the 40 s after scan nltlat~on.It was necessary to use
partla sleep-depr~vatonmetiods to i e p ensure t i a t
may have a disproportionate effect o n the anterior cingirlate cortex (Fig. 1 ) , to which subjects would sleep In the scanner. Such proce-
excitability of extrastriate cortices. thus the parahippocampal cortices project. dures however, lray affect sleep arch~tecture(that
accounting for t h e relat~velys e l e c t ~ v eac- This pattern suggests that pathways that IS,the reatve anounts and t m n g of the varous
stages withn the sleep pe-~od)To ebauate these
t ~ v a t i o nof these reglons that was observed lnediate the transfer of inforlnation be- potenta effects, we compared our subjects' sleep
in this study ( 2 5 ) . tween visual cortices and the lilnbic system archtecture w t h pubshed normatve data [R L. WII-
REMs also serve as indices of dreamine: 0
may be active during REM sleep, but path- lams, I Karacan. C J. Hursch, Electroencephalog-
raphy (EEG) of Human Sleep, Clinical Apphcatlons
,4ltl1ough subjects were not awakened and ways that lnediate transfer of \,lsual infor- ( W e y , New York. 197A)l. Except for Increased SWS
debriefed in t h ~ sstudy. , , REM densitv has Ination to prefrontal association cortices are t m e durng the f~rstt h r d of the sleep per~od(an
been shown to correlate positively wlth the not. expected consequence of the deprlvat~on proce-
Thus, iluring REh'l sleep, the extrastriate dure), we found no quatatbe or quanttatve abnor-
likelihood of dreamine. u ~ l t hthe intensitv n i a t ~ e sIn the sleep arch~tectureof our subjectsFur-
and bizarreness of dream imagery, and with cortices and paraliinbic areas to which they thermore the scans selected for analys~swere In
the nresence of Inore vlvld and visuallv project may be operating as a closed system, each Instance, assocated w ~ t hsleep samples that
active dreams (26). O u r results thus suggest functionally disconnected from frontal re- conformed e x p c ~ t and y unalnbguousy to the stan-
dard scorlng cr~ter~a of Rechtschaffen and Kales
that the snontaneous eeneration of visual
gions in w l ~ l c hthe highest order integration throughout the perod of data a c q u s t o n . Therefore
itnages that occurs during REM sleep may of visual information takes place. Such a although sleep depr~vatonmay have affected dura-
be associated with isolated activation of the dissociat~oncould explain many of the ex- t o n and t m n g of sleep stages, the procedure pro-
duced no o b s e r ~ a b eefects on the phys~olog~cal
extrastriate cortices ( 2 7 ) . periential features of dreams, including characterstcs of the sleep stages thensebes (that
Lforeover, both principal component heightened emotionality, ~mcriticalaccep- is. at the e b e of anayss n e s t c r ~ t c ato t h s study).
and correlation analyses, which may serve tance of bizarre dreatn content, a dearth of 10 PET scans were reg~steredand n o r n a z e d to a
c o n m o n stereotax~c space [J. Tala~rach and P.
as a means of describing f~rnctionalconnec-
parallel thoughts or images, temporal d~sorl- Tournoux. Co-planar Stereotact~cAtlas of the Hu-
tions between brain regions, demonstrate a entation, and the absence of reflective man Bran (Theme. New York. 1988)l. and stage-
reciprocal relationship between activ~tyin anrareness (34). dependent d~fferencesIn normazed rCBF were an-
extrastrlate and strlate cortlces during REbI alyzed w~:h SP'vl software [K. J. Frston, C. D Fr~th,
REM sleep may represent a state in P. F. L ~ d d l eR S J Frackow~ak,J. Cereb. Blood
sleep, a n observatlon that has not previous- which the hrain engineers selective activa- Fioi.:. Metab. 11, 690 (199l)l w ~ t hanayss of covar-
ly been described in PET studies of visual tlon of a n interoceptive network, which is ance (ANCOVA) correcton for global blood flow In
f~rnctionduring either \\laking or sleep (28- dissociated from primary sensory and het- a d d t o n tests of sgnfcance based on the sze of
the activated reglon [K J Fr~ston.K. J. Worsley,
30). eroinodal association areas at either end oT R S J. Frackow~ak.J C Mazz~otta.A. C. Evans,
Vi'hat mechanism might account for the visual hierarchy that lned~ateinterac- Hum. Bra111Mapp 1, 21 0 (199A)l were performed a
this? It has been l~ypotl~esized that, because tions with the external world. Z-threshold of 2 33 and a baue of 1W = 2.73 derved
f r o n a n u contrast carred out In the s a n e set of
dreams typically consist of integrated and ndviduals were used. Absolute rCBF rates were
coherent v ~ s u a limages, there should be re- REFERENCES AND NOTES also calculated by usng a measured arter~alInput
entrant activation of the strlate cortex by funct~onand PC3, balues. Of the 10 subjects In
1. E. Aser~nskvand N. Kle~tnan Science 118 273 w h o n REM sleep scans were acqured, 7 had SWS
extrastrlate back-projections during REM (1953). scans. and 7 had wakng postseep studes Stage
sleep, as has been suggested to occur during 2 W Denent and N. Kle~tman,J. Exp. Psycho1 53. contrasts were performed in a repeated neasures
waking imagery tasks (31 ). O ~ r reslrltsr sup- 339 (1957). d e s g n thus, N = 7 for both REM-wakng and REM-
3 Some st-rdes suggest that actlvat on of only the SWS contrasts To evaluate hemspheral effects, d f -
port a n alternative hypothesis. Because 111- h~gherlevels of the v~sualprocessing h~erarchyIS ferences In n o r n a z e d rCBF for each contrast were
creaseL{ synaptic actlvity in extrastriate ar- suffcient to evoke and sustan \,suaI n a g e r y [P E. conpared between homologous p x e s in right and
eas is coupled to decreased activity in the Roland and B. Guyas, Cereo. Co,qex 5, 79 ( I 995)l. left hen~spheresby using a voxe-wse error bar-
4 Others [S M. Kosslyn, W. L Thompson, I. J K I T . ance, dfferences exceedng a Z-threshold of 3 09
primary visual cortex, firing of the extrastri- N. M. Apert. Nature 378, 496 (1995)l n d c a t e that were consdered sgnf~cant
ate back-projections may in fact be attenu- contrbuton of the pr n a v v sua processng areas- II The freq.rency of rapd conjugate eye mobements.
ated-or acti\,ely ~nhibited-during REM p o s s b y actvated through reentrant pathways [D J d e n t f e d as p o s t v e or negatve deflect ons on the
sleep. Rather than leading to reentrant ac- F e e n a n and D C. Van Essen, Cereb. Co,qex 1 , I electrooculogram (EOG) dur ng the I 8 0 s after the
(l991)]- s also requred. start of the scan, were computed. Normalzed rCBF
tivation of V1 and V2, extrastriate activa- 5. J. A. Hobson. The Dreamlng Bran (Bas~cBooks, Images were correlated with each subject's REM
tion during REbI sleep may be linked to New York. 1988). counts on a p x e - b y - p x e bass ( N = I 0 for these
suppression of activity in pritnary regions 6,Informed consent was obta~nedfrom 10 healthy analyses) ( F I ~I C ) . Correlation coefflc~ents were
Inale voI.rnteers (23 6 ? 1.7 years of age. n e a n thresholded 2t a level of 0 6 (P < 0 05, ii = 10) for
connected to the external environment z SD; range, 22 to 27 years). E~ghtsubjects were tabulat~on(Table I )
(32). r~ght-handed,and two were left-handed. 12. Coordnatesfor 20 b s u a cort c a areas in each h e n -
Indeed, REh'l sleep appears to be char- 7 There were 8 hours of sleep w t h seectve REM de- sphere (7 striate, 6 lateral o c c p ~ t a7, fusform!nfero-
pr~batonon day 1, 2 hours of sleep w ~ t hREM depr- tenpora) were selected by usng the Taarach atlas,
acterizeL1 by a double dissociation. Activity vaton on day 2; and 15 5 to 23 5 hours of contnu- adjusted w ~ t hthe SPM PET tenpate, and used to
in extrastriate regions appears to be recip- ous wakefulness (22.2 = 2.4 hours. mean z SD) on extract rCBF v a l ~ ~ ei rso n the stereotaxcay n o r n a -
rocally related not only rvith activlty 111 V l day 3 Subjects were nontored p o l y s o n ~ o g r a p h - zed PET n a g e s These balues were n o r n a z e d by
and V2 but also with that in higher order c a y throughout t h s perod to veVfythe absence of u s ~ c gnean CBF rates for the v~sualcortex as a
sleep and f a c t a t e seectve REM depr~baton. whole, rCBF values In homologous regons of r~ght
frontal associat~onareas t o which extrastri- 8 PET scans were perforred on a Scand~tron~x and left helrspheres were aberaged and used to
ate cortices project-dorsolateral prefrontal PC2048-156 tolnograph (Uppsaa Sweden) w h c h generate difference n a t r c e s (REM-SWS and REM-

94 SCIEKCE \'CTI-. 279 2 JANUARY1998 ~~~ww.scienceinag.org

wake. N = 7), a p r n c p a conponent anayss was c p ~ t acortex
l do not appear to be n e d a t e d through p o s t v e correlation between REM densty and glu-
then a p p e d . S~gn~ficance of the extracted compo- the lateral gencuare nucleus [J. A Hobson J. Aex- cose n e t a b o c rates n lateral occ~p~tal cortex, but
nent bector was assessed by uslng pernutailon ander. C J. Frederlckson Brain Res 14. 607 (1969)] results for p r n a r y bsual cortex were not reported.
tests [B. F. J. Manly. Randomization anci Monte and therefore are not expected to be exclus~vely 31. S. Zek~,A Vision o i the Brain ( B a c k w e , Oxford
Car10 Methocis in Biology (Chapman & Hall. New assocated w ~ t hstriate projectons Early studes also 1993). See also (3, 4).
York. 1990)l by randony pernutng the s g n of data denonstrated tiiat PGO wave amptudes In tile a t - 32 A pattern of extrasirlate activity n the absence of
entries 19 t n e s ; Pvaues were derved by determn- era assocaton areas of the cat v s u a cortex exceed striate functon also character~zesc n i c a states as-
n g tile proportion of pernuted t r a s ~ ~ 1 1hgher
t h frst tiiose n p r n a r y \,suaI cortces [D. C. Brooks. Exp soc~atedw ~ t hunusual and often b~zarreperturba-
egenvaues than the or~g!naldata. S t a b t y of regon- Neurol. 22, 603 (196811, and s n g e u n t studes have tions of b~sualawareness, sucii as b n d s ~ g h t[L.
a oadngs was assessed by the bootstrap proce- shown that the facl~tatoryeffects of PGO waves on We~skrantz,J L. Barbur. A Sahra~e.Proc. Natl.
dure [B. Efron. SIAM Monogr 38-1 (1982)l. F Ivalues ~ neuronal f~rinarates annear to be nan~festIn extra- Acad. SCI. U.S.A. 92. 61 22 (199511 and confabua-
of the orig~nalload~ngsacross 10.000 bootstrap strate but no'f n stratkcortces [T. Kasamatsu and tory d e n a of bndness [G Goldenberg, W. M u -
samples, expressed as Z-scores, were calculated: W R. Adey, Bran Res 55, 323 (1973)l. bacher, A. Nowak, Neuropsychologia 33, 1373
absolute values > 2 4 were consdered stable 26. D. R. Goodenough, H. B. Lews.A. Shapro. LSeser, (1995)l. The features of both syndrones suggest
13 Cluster 1. eft hemsphere, 8688 m n " P ' (n,., > k). J. Ment. D s . 140. 365 (1965), P Verdone, that synciironous actvaton of prmary and extrastri-
corrected = 7.90 x 10-4: centered x = 4 9 , y = Percept Mot Skills 20, 1253 (1965): T. Piwk and D. ate cort~cesmay be essent~afor "normal" v~sual
6 7 . 9 . z = -5.3; cluster 2. r~ghthemsphere. 21 056 Foukes, Science 153. 1282 (1966): W Denent and awareness. That such coherence appears to be
mm3: P ' (n,, > k). corrected = 2.14 X lo-'; cen- E. A. Wopert. J. Exp. Psychol. 55. 543 (1958). See breached dur~ngREM sleep IS not nconsstent w ~ t h
tered x = 21.9 y = 5 1 8. z = 6 8 also (2, 74) the altered awareness that ciiaracterzes this sleep
14. S. M Kosslyn and K. N. Ochsner. Trends Neurosci. 27 T i i s appears to be consstent ~ ~ 1 1the t h f n d n g of stage.
1 7 290 (1994) Roland and Guyas (3). However, our results may not 33. Decreases In actlvlty In the prefrontal cortex durng
15, A Rechtschaffen, P Verdone, J Wheaton, Can. be directly conparable w ~ t hstudies of conscious REM sleep have been noted previously by Madsen et
Psychiatr Assoc. J 8. 409 (1963). v s u a Imagery; task-ecited act~\,a?on of the primary a/. (29) and by Maquet et a1 (28). On the other hand.
16 17427 n n 3 ; Pi (n, > k ) , corrected = 1 90 X bsual cortex seen by Kosslyn et a/. (4) ~ r g h be t a Hong et a1 (30) reported pos~t~be correlations be-
10--6 centered x = 2.8, y = -83 0. z = 0 4. s p e c a feature of conscous b s u a mageryor reire\'- tween REM densty and absolute glucose metaboc
;7. Absolute PCO, corrected flow rates were consstent- a processes that occur durng the wakng state rates In the (r~ght)dorsolatera prefrontal cortex:
y owerdurng REM steepthan durng SWS through- 28 P. Maquet et a1 [Nature 383, 163 (1996)] d d not s t however, t i i s measure, w h c h reflects phys~olog~cal
outthe strate cortex [ I r C B F = - 6 40 ? 5.9 ml!l00 rCBF changes in visual cortices; however, they c o n - responses ober a longer t n e period, may not be
g!mn (nean z SD). x = 4. y = 8 2 , z = 01, and pared REM sleep w ~ t i ian amalgan of wake and drectly comparable w ~ t hnormalzed rCBF balues
absolute rCBF rates were consstenty elevated In non-REM stages, whereas our contrasts were stage evaluated In t h s study
extrastriate regons (in the f.rsforn cortex. 1 r C B F = speciflo (for example. REM-SWS) and may be n o r e 34. A. Rechtschaffen. Sleep 1 . 97 (1978); J. A. Hobson,
+8 85 z 2.79 n i l 0 0 g n n . x = -34. y = 5 6 , z = sens~t~ve. Endeavour 20. 86 (1996).
-8), altiiougii variances In absolute balues were 29. P. L. Madsen et a1 [J.Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 11, 35. The autiiors w ~ s ito i thank Dr. Alex Martn for his ex-
large. 502 (1991)l reported REM-assoc~atedIncreases In perise, ns~ght,and c r ~ t c asuggestons, which were
18 58320 n m 3 ; P ' (n, > k), corrected = 3.55E 1 5 : rCBF n v~sualassoc~ationcortices: funct~onarela- essenta In the preparation of t h s nanuscrpt, and Dr
centered x = 3 . 9 , y = 0.3 z = 1 2. tonships between actbty In striate and extrastriate Scott Sebie for h s vaiuabie i i e p in preparing F I ~1.
19. D. A. Chavs and D. N. Pandya, Trans. Am. Neurol. cortces were not evaluated
Assoc. 99, 192 (1974): W. A. Suzulc and D. G. A n a - 30. C. C. Hong et a1 [Sleep 18, 570 (1995)l reported a 1 1 August 1997; accepted 18 Novenber 1997
ral. J Cornp Neurol 350. 497 (1994).
20. The frontal eye f~elds(superior dorsolatera prefrontal
and prenotor cortices) were ncompetely sampled In
nany subjects and are not Included in this anayss.
21. The bootstrappng procedures 'ndcated that n o s t
regona oad'ngs were stable, In tile REM-SWS con-
Discrete Start Sites for DNA Synthesis
trast, a the fus~form-inrerotenporal reg~ons-but
none of the lateral o c c p ~ t aregons-were assocat-
in the Yeast ARSl Origin
ed witii Z-scores exceedng tiiresiiod (local n a x -
n u m = 5 4 4 , x = ~ 4 8 y. = -62. z = 0). In the Anja-Katrin Bielinsky and Susan A. Gerbi*
REM-wake contrast, SIX of the seven fusforn-nfero-
temporal reglons (naximum 4 18, x = ?48, y =
6 2 , z = A), and four of the SIX lateral occip~tal Sites of DNA synthesis initiation have been detected at the nucleotide level in a yeast
regons ( ~ r a x m u ~ 3 n58, x = ~ 3 2y, = 8 6 , z = 0) origin of bidirectional replication with the use of replication initiation point mapping. The
were stable: n the latter case, a were located In
ventral ratiier tiian dorsal port~onsof the lateral oc- ARSl origin of Saccharomyces cerevisiae showed a transition from discontinuous to
cipital cortex ( z 5 8 n n ) , In the REM-SWS con- continuous DNA synthesis in an 18-base pair region (nucleotides 828 to 845) from within
trast, f~veof the seven striate o a d n g s were stable element B1 toward B2, adjacent to the binding site for the origin recognition complex,
(local n l n n u m = -3.79. x = t 4 , y = -82, z = 0).
and In the REM-wake contrast, SIX of seven oadngs
the putative initiator protein.
were stable ( r n m u n = -9.89, x = ~ 4y = . -82.z
= 0).
22. S. Zek etal., J Neurosc~.11.641 (1991); D. Watson
etal. Cereb. Co-iex 3, 79 (1993): J V Haxby et a/. ,
J. Neurosci. 14. 6336 (; 994); I. Sereno et a1 . Sci- An origin of bidirectional D N A replica- ,4RS1 -containing plasmids respond normal-
ence 268. 889 (1995) tion is characterized by the transition be- ly to the cell cycle, duplicating once per
23. These results could reflect the central effects of sac- tween continuous D N A svnthesis (nroceed- cycle ( 2 ) , and replication is initiated by the
c a d c eye novenents per se. Voluntary saccades
durng wakefulness pre\'ousy habe been found to ing in one direction) and discontinuous same cellular protein machinery acting on
be assoc~atedw ~ t hreduct~onsn v~sual CBF [T. synthesis (proceedtng in the opposite direc- chromosomes.
Paus. S. Marrett. K. J. Worsey. A. C. Evans. J. Neu- tion). W e have developed replication initi- 4 R S 1 is composed of subdolnains A, B 1,
rophysiol. 74. 21 79 (1995)l. Howeber saccades n
that study were contnuous and r a p d (40 to 140 In ation point (RIP) mapping to deterlnine B2, and B3 (3). Subdomains A and B l are
60 s) but were ntermttent and lower In frequency In this transition in the autonomously repli- recognized by the origin recognition com-
our own study [O to 11 In 60 s (5 5 i- 4 0 mean z cating sequence (ARS) 1 of the yeast Snc- plex ( O R C ) (4), the putative initiator pro-
SD]. Furthermore, reduct~onsn rCBF were n o r e
w d e y dstrbuted throughout the v s u a cortex, and
charomyces cerevisiae. tein (5) indispensable for ortgin function
no p o s t v e correatons between extrastrate actvty ARSl functions as an origin of D N A (6, 7). Element B2 is easily unlvound D N A
and saccadc eye novements were obseqed, whcii replication (ORI) both on a plasmid and in (8) and element B3 is a binding site for the
suggests that the strate-extrastrate dissocaton ev-
dent In t h s study may be a unique characteristc of
its normal context on chroinoso~neIV (1). ARS binding factor I (ABFI) (9).
REM sleep. RIP mapping, described here, has suffi-
Department of Molecular B o o g y . Cell B o o g y and B o -
2A, R W. McCarey. J W Wnkeman. F H Durn. Brain cient sensitivity for study of eukaryotic
chemstry Dv~sionof B o o g y and Medcine, Brown U n -
R e s 274. 359 (1983). C. W, Calla~".!ay,RRLyd~c,H HA. origins, unlike an earlier method (10). It
verslty Prou~dence.R 0291 2, USA.
Baghdoyan, J A Hobson Cell Mol. Neurobiol 7 .
105 (1987) -To vi~iioncorrespondence should be addressed E n a ~ l allows precise mapping of initiation sites
25. The effects of the PGO wave generator on the oc- susan-gerbabrown edu for D N A synthesis and was applied to a

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