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I am currently a student at Carson Senior High School in the Environmental Science, Engineering, & Technology (ESET) Academy.
● GPA: 4.014
● Class Rank: 7 out of 343
● Classes enrolled in for the 2017-2018 year:
○ Environmental Studies AB
○ AP English Literature and Composition AB
○ Economics (1st semester)
○ Col Peer Counseling AB
○ AP Calculus AB
○ Adv Band (1st semester)
○ Plant & Soil AB
○ Sociology 001 (LA Harbor College)
● Have completed the following college courses:
○ Political Science 1 (LAHC) Grade: A
○ Business Law 1 (LAHC) Grade: A
○ Chicano Studies 100 (CSUDH) Grade: A
○ Human Development 115 (El Camino) Grade: B
○ Theater 103 (El Camino) Grade: A

● Peer Counseling - 1 of 53 from a pool of over 200 students. Chosen for academic excellence, leadership ability, and
learning the A-G requirements. Keep track of projects and assignments; advised 10 senior student caseloads; work and
prepare college related events.
● Marching & Concert Band - Combine and apply movement patterns on the field while performing musical
compositions; attend football games and parades. Perform Spring Concert; participated in school musical; attend football
games and parades; compete in local LAUSD band competition.
● Teton Science School Fellowship - 1/12 selected from a pool of 127 students. Demonstrated environmental
stewardship and leadership skills within week of attendance at the Grand Tetons, Wyoming. Learned about potential
leadership and communication skills environmental science; executed field research experiments and presented data.
● Early Academic Outreach Program - Received academic advising; attended college workshops and college campus
trips; aid with college and FAFSA apps.
● Upward Bound - Offered tutoring services; helped prepare and study for SAT and ACT; on-campus housing; student
trips to UC and CSU campuses.

Volunteering/Community Service:
● California Scholarship Federation - Completed a minimum of 10 service hours by end of semester; walk-a-thons,
beach clean-ups, canned food drives.
● Go Green Club - Organized garden and beach clean-ups; recycle and clean lunch area for Garbology program;
participate in environmental awareness events.
● Translator - Translate for a Spanish speaking adult; translate conversations between banks, doctors, lawyers,
authorities, school admins, and other everyday interactions.
● Monteverde Cloud Forest - Aided in maintenance of forest trails by raking and tending to miles of forest trails;
received recognition for work.

Work Experience:
● Risk Adjustment Intern - Lead presentations and created spreadsheets for an entire team to present to corporate;
professionally communicated and networked.
● LA County Registrar Recorder - (Ballot Clerk) Set up and disassemble election poll area; passed out ballots;
demonstrated use of Inka Voting device; counting final votes.

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