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Abuse- Pip is abused by his sister and her husband. Her husband is a
blacksmith and very strong.

Biddy- Biddy is Pip’s close friend. They put in extra work at night school

Convicts- In the book, Pip is forced to steal food for an evil convict. Later, a
second convict joins the crew.

Drummle- Drummle and Pip are not gentlemen students. They don’t get
along because Drummle messes around with Estella.
Estella- Estella is the daughter of a rich woman. Pips father scheduled him
to hang out with Estella, who is a beautiful young girl.

Fistfight- Pip wins a kiss from Estella by winning a fistfight. He beat up one
of Estella’s greedy cousins.
Greedy- Estella’s cousins are very greedy. They only want Estella’s
Family’s money.

Havisham- Miss Havisham is very rude to Pip and she is very wealthy. Miss
Havisham mentally abuses Pip and is very rude to him.
Imprisonment- Magwitch was imprisoned again. He got caught trying to tell
Pip he was the reason Pip had great expectations.
Joe- Joe is a blacksmith. Joe gives Pip an apprenticeship and teaches Pip
the trade.

Killer- Pip's sister was almost brutally murdered. She was left mentally

Lawyer- Mrs. Jaggers is a lawyer who had a large impact. She tells Pip he
has great expectations.

Matthew Pocket- Matthew is the gentlemen Pil studies under. He is the

father of the young boy Pip fought.
Night school- Pip attends night school with his best friend. He does this to
try and win over Estella.

Orlick- Orlick kidnapped Pip! He intended to kill him but failed.

Pip- Pip is he main character. He takes gentlemen school to become a

better man.
Questions- Pip has many questions. He wants to know how to be the best
gentlemen he can be for Estella.

Resentment- Pip resents Drummle because of his chances with Estella. Pip
has deep down feelings for her.
School- Pip did a few different types of school to impress Estella. He did
regular gentlemen school and night school at the same time.

Trade- Pip learns a valuable trade from Joe. He was an intern to a

Unfairness- Pip got screwed out of being with Estella. That wasn’t fair
because Pip worked so hard to be with her.

Variability- Nothing in Pips life is stable. It varies on who is there for him
and who isn’t.
Wealthy- Estella’s family has lots of money. Her cousins are evil and want
their family’s money.

X-con- An escaped convict is helping Pip in a great way. He is paying for

Pips gentlemen school.
Youth- Pip had a horrible youth. He was passed around and troubled.

Zealous- Pip was zealous about Estelle. It broke his heart when he didn’t
win her over.

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