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NMAT 2014


1. Cacophony: a harsh discordant mixture of sounds; dissonance; discord

2. Seine: a large net with sinkers on one edge and floats on the other that hangs vertically in the water
and is used to enclose and catch fish; bait; to fish (verb)
3. Ubiquitous: present, appearing, or found everywhere; omnipresent; ever-present; pervasive
4. Epicure: a person who takes particular pleasure in fine food and drink; connoisseur; gourmet
5. Surreptitious: kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of; clandestine; covert;
furtive; hush-hush
6. Furtive: attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that discovery
would lead to trouble; sneaky; used, done, taken surreptitiously/by stealth;
7. Follicle: a small spherical group of cells containing a cavity; a small cavity/sac/gland; egg; corpuscle
8. Foist: to force upon or impose fraudulently/unjustifiably; compel to accept
9. Perusal: examination; survey; scrutiny; a reading (noun); inspection
10. Ostensible: outwardly appearing as such; professed; pretended; apparent; evident; conspicuous;
11. Fetter: a chain or manacle used to restrain a prisoner, typically placed around the
ankles; anything that confines or restrains;
12. Proclivity: natural or habitual inclination or tendency; propensity; predisposition
13. Languid: lacking in vigor or vitality; slack or slow; lacking in spirit or interest; listless; indifferent
14. Grandiloquent: pompous or extravagant in language, style, or manner, especially in a way that is
intended to impress; speaking or expressed in a lofty style, often to the point of being bombastic
15. Magnanimous: very generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or someone less powerful than
oneself; free from petty resentfulness or vindictiveness; high-minded; noble; benevolent;
16. Soporific: tending to induce drowsiness or sleep; anesthetic; hypnotic; narcotic (asked as synonym -
Correct Answer in options: Narcotic)
17. Laconic: brief; concise; terse; pithy; brusque (asked as synonym - Correct Answer in options: Terse)
18. Herald: messenger, harbinger (noun); impending, sign of something that is about to happen (verb)
19. Parsimonious: very unwilling to spend money or use resources; stingy; frugal; miserly; niggardly
20. Perspicacious: having keen mental perception and understanding; discerning; having keen vision or
ready insight; shrewd; perceptive; acute
21. Labyrinth: a maze; intricate network; complicated web
22. Attrition: the process of reducing something's strength or effectiveness through sustained attack or
pressure; erosion; abrasion; attenuation; debilitation
23. Realistic: having or showing a sensible and practical idea of what can be achieved or expected;
pragmatic; rational; prudent; sane; reasonable; astute
24. Parochial: having a limited or narrow outlook or scope; provincial; of or relating to parish or
parishes; narrow-minded or restricted (adj.)
25. Tacit: understood or implied without being stated; unexpressed; unsaid; unspoken; implicit
26. Discord: disagreement; disharmony; dissonance; tumult; clamor; cacophony; clinker
27. Sedulous: (of a person or action) showing dedication and diligence; assiduous; persevering;
28. Circumlocution: the use of many words where fewer would do, especially in a deliberate attempt
to be vague or evasive; a roundabout expression; euphemism; periphrasis; verbiage (asked as
synonym - Correct Answer in options: Periphrasis)
29. Spiel: an elaborate or a glib plausible style of speech/story, typically one used by a salesperson; to
speak extravagantly;
30. Prurient: lustful; salacious; lascivious; erotic; lewd; libertine; libidinous; orgiastic; raunchy;
31. Tendentious: expressing or intending to promote a particular cause or point of view, especially a
controversial one; biased; prejudicial; prepossessed
32. Treacherous: characterized by faithlessness or readiness to betray trust; untrustworthy; unreliable;
traitorous; deceptive
33. Sequestered: to remove or withdraw into solitude or retirement; seclude; banish; exile; (of a place)
hidden or isolated;
34. Supercilious: behaving or looking as though one thinks one is superior to others;
haughtily disdainful or contemptuous, as a person or a facial expression; arrogant; condescending;
cocky; cavalier; bossy; scornful; imperious
35. Loquacious: talkative; garrulous; voluble; over-talkative; long-winded; wordy; verbose; rambling;
communicative; chatty; gossipy; chattering; babbling; big-mouthed; talky
36. Petulant: childishly sulky or bad-tempered; cranky; fractious; irritable; whiny; fault-finding
37. Castigate: reprimand, rebuke, admonish, chastise, chide, upbraid, reprove, reproach,
scold, remonstrate with, berate, take to task, pull up, criticize, censure
38. Cock-a-hoop: be boastful; glorying; jubilant; prideful; rejoicing; triumphantly boastful; exulting
39. Beguile: to influence by trickery, to take away from by cheating or deceiving ,to charm or entice;
seduce; exploit; deceive; tickle; amuse; engross; distract
40. Cognomen: a surname; OR any name, especially a nickname.
41. Impugn: to challenge as false (another's statements, motives, etc.); cast doubt upon; vilify; criticize
42. Credulous: willing to believe/trust too readily, especially without proper/adequate evidence;
43. Urbane: reflecting elegance, sophisticated; civilized; cosmopolitan; affable; polished; refined; suave
44. Ostentatious: characterized by or given to pretentious or conspicuous show in an attempt to
impress others; flashy; showy; pretentious; boastful; flamboyant; garish; jaunty; glittery; splashy;
45. Deleterious: harmful to human beings; harmful; damaging; injurious; detrimental; destructive;
nocuous; pernicious; nocent (asked as a synonym - Correct Answer in options: Detrimental)
46. Restitute: give or bring back; refund; restore; compensate; recompense; recoup; redeem;
47. Quiescent: in a state or period of inactivity or dormancy; idle; deactivated; immobile
48. Asperity: harshness of tone or manner; sharpness; bitterness; acrimony; acerbity; bad temper;
49. Plaudit: praise; approbation; congratulation; compliment; ovation; approval
50. Eulogy: a speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something highly, especially a tribute
to someone who has just died, speech, panegyric, paean, encomium, tribute, testimonial.
51. Debilitate: make weak; cripple; disable; attenuate; enfeeble; enervate; eviscerate; prostrate (asked
as synonym - Correct Answer in options: Enervate)
52. Rectitude: uprightness; decency; honesty; integrity; morality; probity
53. Purloin: steal, make off with belongings of others; embezzle; misappropriate; cheat; pilfer; plunder;
cabbage; hook
54. Tenacity: determination; courage; diligence; stubbornness; steadfast
55. Abettor: a person who abets; assistant; confederate; accomplice; helper; supporter; co-conspirator
56. Taciturn: reserved; uncommunicative, a person who speaks less (antonym: garrulous, synonym:
57. Morose: sullen and ill-tempered; depressed; pessimistic; cranky; gloomy; mournful; melancholy;


1. Wan: looking sick or pale; pallid, ashen; feeble; weak; lacking color; showing/suggesting ill health,
fatigue, unhappiness, etc. (Antonyms: flushed, ruddy, bright)
2. Casuistry: specious, deceptive, or oversubtle reasoning, especially in questions of
morality; fallacious or dishonest application of general principles; sophistry; the application of
general ethical principles to particular cases of conscience or conduct; chicanery; spuriousness
(Antonyms: certainty; directness; frankness; honesty; surety; truthfulness
3. Egregious: extraordinary in some bad way; glaring; flagrant; outrageous; atrocious; deplorable;
heinous (Antonyms: concealed; good; hidden; mild; secondary)
4. Vindicate: clear (someone) of blame or suspicion/justify/authenticate; acquit; absolve; confute;
refute; exonerate, advocate; excuse; exculpate (Antonyms: convict, blame, incriminate, accuse)
5. Adumbrate: to produce a faint image or resemblance of; to outline or sketch;
to foreshadow; prefigure; augur; bode; intimate; mist; foretell; indicate; darken; obscure; portend;
sketch; suggest (Antonyms: illuminate; brighten; highlight; make clear; educate)
6. Adulate: praise (someone) excessively; fawn; worship; approbation; apple-polish (Antonyms:
criticize’; complain, insult, slander, blame)
7. Vitiate: spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of; abolish; deny; negate; annul; annihilate; quash;
debase; defile; pervert; damage; recant (Antonyms: schedule; set-up; establish; honor; purify; bless;
cleanse; cure; ratify; support)
8. Conundrum: a confusing and difficult problem or question; puzzlement; enigma; riddle; quandary,
dilemma (Antonyms: understandable; known; clearness; consciousness)
9. Profligate: recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the use of resources ; spendthrift; thriftless;
improvident; reckless; imprudent; prodigal; squanderer (Antonyms: thrifty; frugal; miser; saver;
10. Maverick: an unorthodox or independent-minded person; non-conformist; individualist; eccentric;
trendsetter; unconventional; bohemian; original (Antonyms: conformist; conventional; orthodox)
11. Cantankerous: bad-tempered; argumentative; uncooperative; fractious; grumpy; irascible; choleric;
disagreeable; crabby; peevish; contentious (Antonyms: good-natured; affable; cheerful; pleasant;
12. Gaucherie: social error; unsophisticated; goof-up; indiscretion; gaff; foul-up; blunder in etiquette;
incongruity; misconduct; indecorum (Antonyms: correctness; propriety; suitableness; tastefulness)
13. Scald: a type of burn injury caused by hot gases or liquids; burn; scorch; sear; cauterize; criticize
(Antonyms: extinguish, quench, smother, cool)
14. Guile: cunning; artful; ingenuity; deceive; shrewdness; slyness; trickery (Antonyms: artless;
honesty; candor; forthrightness; openness)
15. Punctilious: extremely attentive to details/conduct/ceremony/procedures; meticulous, diligent,
precise, perfectionist, conscientious, scrupulous (Antonyms: careless; easy-going; slapdash;
informal; uncaring)
16. Doughty: brave; intrepid, fearless, resolute, mettlesome, valiant, determined, dauntless, audacious ;
heroic (Antonyms: timid, trepidation, fear, alarmed, abashed, flinch, flagged, alarmed)
17. Promulgate: declare; notify; promote; publish; advertise; proclaim; announce; annunciate;
broadcast; circulate (asked in analogy - Correct Answer: Proclaim)
18. Lackadaisical: without interest, vigor, or determination; listless; lethargic; careless; lazy; indifferent;
leisurely; insouciant; indolent (Antonyms: enthusiastic; excited; lively; energetic)
19. Venal: willing to sell one's influence, especially in return for a bribe; open to bribery; mercenary;
corrupt, amoral; crooked; bribable, dishonest, grafting, avaricious (Antonyms: honorable, honest)
20. Prevaricate: to speak falsely or misleadingly; deliberately misstate or create an
incorrect impression; lie fabricate; distort; misrepresent; phony; equivocate (Antonyms: be honest;
tell truth; confront; face)
21. Intrepid: fearless; audacious; heroic; dauntless; bodacious; gallant; gritty; gutsy; unflinching
(Antonyms: fearful, cowardly, trepid; timid; meek; afraid)
22. Gullible: credulous; easily persuaded; naive; innocent; unsuspecting; foolish; wide-eyed;
unsophisticated; trustful; unskeptical; silly; susceptible (Antonyms: astute; discerning; perceptive;
wise; untrusting; suspicious)
23. Usurp: seize and take control; take over; annex; preempt; supplant; wrest; arrogate
24. Ambidextrous: one who can write with both the hands; deceitful; disingenuous; insincere;
deceptive; hypocritical; double-dealing
25. Chicanery: trickery or deception by quibbling or sophistry; use of deception or subterfuge to
achieve one's purpose; chicane; guile; stratagem; machination; trickery; wile; furtiveness; ploy
26. Diffident : Shy :: Arrogant : Abuse (Analogy)
27. Tenet: principle or belief, especially one of the main principles of a religion or philosophy; doctrine,
precept, creed, credo, article of faith, dogma; canon; rule
28. Blasphemy: the action or offence of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; profane
talk; desecration; heresy; execration; impiousness; lewdness; scoffing
29. Impending: about to happen; imminent; at hand; close; close at hand; near; nearing; approaching;
coming; forthcoming; upcoming
30. Obdurate: stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or course of action; pigheaded; bullhead;
adamant; callous; fixed; inexorable; indurate; heartless; immovable; relentless; unrelenting
31. Cascade: avalanche; deluge; outpouring; torrent; waterfall; cataract; watercourse
32. Peccadillo: a relatively minor fault or sin; misdemeanor; minor offence; petty
offence; delinquency; indiscretion; faux pas; misdeed; infraction; error; slip (Antonyms: correction;
judgment; seriousness; thoughtfulness; wisdom; discreetness)


1. Chutzpah: shameless audacity; foolishly bold;

2. Obstreperous: noisy; difficult to control; vociferous; clamorous; boisterous; booming; rowdy;
3. Amiable: having/displaying a friendly and pleasant disposition; friendly, affable, amicable, cordial
4. Munificent: displaying great generosity; giving; magnanimous; liberal; lavish; beneficent;
benevolent; philanthropic; bounteous
5. Itinerant: travelling from place to place; travelling; peripatetic; wandering; wayfaring; roving;
roaming; rambling; touring; nomadic; gypsy; migrant; migratory; ambulatory
6. Diffident: modest or shy because of a lack of self-confidence; hesitant; unconfident; bashful; meek;
flinching; timorous; coy; timid; self-effacing; shy; dubious; unpoised
7. Flammable: liable to catch fire; incendiary; combustible; ignitable; inflammable
8. Momentous: of great significance/importance; serious; consequential; crucial; decisive; notable;
memorable; eventful; pivotal; epochal; grave; substantial
9. Mordant: having or showing a sharp or critical quality; biting; caustic, biting, cutting, acerbic,
sardonic, sarcastic; scathing; acidic; stinging, piercing, cynical; disrespectful; poignant; sharp
10. Abstemious: indulging only very moderately in something, especially food and drink; temperate;
abstinent; austere; self-disciplined; self-denying; self-restrained; non-indulgent; sober; ascetic
11. Bellicose: demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight; belligerent; aggressive; hostile;
threatening; antagonistic; pugnacious; truculent; confrontational; argumentative; quarrelsome;
disputatious; contentious; militant; combative
12. Titillation: stimulation by touching lightly; tickle; exciting or arousing; stimulation; shake up; stir;
13. Besotted: strongly infatuated; charmed; captivated; buzzed; very drunk; cooked; inebriated;
intoxicated; wasted; obsessed; smitten with; in love with; love-struck by; head over heels in love
with; hopelessly in love with; greatly enamored of; bewitched
14. Apprise: inform, notify, tell, intimate
15. Inchoate: the beginning of something; nascent stage; amorphous; elementary; embryonic;
16. Tintinnabulation: a tinkling sound, as of a bell or of breaking glass; loud ringing; chime; jingle
17. Enervate: make (someone) feel drained of energy or vitality; exhaust; tire; fatigue; wear
out; devitalize; drain; sap; weaken; enfeeble; debilitate; incapacitate; immobilize; unnerve; vitiate;
paralyze; jade (Antonyms: Invigorate; aid; energize; mobilize; strengthen; refresh; empower;
animate; liven; assist; activate)


1. Salubrious: pleasant to live in; clean and healthy; health-giving; beneficial; hygienic; invigorating;
sanitary; salutary; wholesome
2. Floccose: covered with or consisting of woolly tufts or long soft hairs; flocculent; fluffy; hairy;
shaggy; whiskered
3. Infuriate: make (someone) extremely angry and impatient; aggravate; enrage; exasperate; incense;
provoke; madden (Antonyms: appease; calm; comfort; delight; placate; soothe)
4. Implacable: unable to be appeased or placated; uncompromising; inexorable; intractable;
relentless; unrelenting; ruthless; ironfisted; vindictive; unflinching
5. Licentious: promiscuous and unprincipled in sexual matters; wanton; profligate; immoral; unchaste
6. Disdain: the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect;
hate; indifference; scorn; antipathy; aversion; contempt; ridicule; haughtiness
7. Feral: resembling or characteristic of a wild animal; untamed; ferocious; brutal; savage; tameless
8. Hyperkinetic: an abnormal amount of uncontrolled muscular action; spasm; disorder occurring in
children and adolescents
9. Miraculous: of the nature of a miracle or having the power to work miracles; amazing;
phenomenal; surprisingly wonderful; astounding
10. Bout: a short period of intense activity of a specified kind; session; spell; course; round; term;
battle; competition; contest
11. Demure: (of a woman or her behavior) reserved; affected; timid; modest; shy; unassuming;
reticent; coy
12. Malfeasance: wrongdoing, especially (US) by a public official; misbehavior; impropriety;
13. Botch: carry out (a task) badly or carelessly; blunder; bobble; screw up; err; wreck
14. Gaiety: the state or quality of being light-hearted or cheerful; elation; hilarity; joie de vivre; vivacity;
15. Phalanx: any body of troops in close array; or police officers standing or moving in close formation;
flock; horde; army; multitude (Antonyms: individual; one; handful; minority)
16. Pristine: sterile; in its original condition; free from bacteria or other living microorganisms; totally
clean; pure; primeval; immaculate; natural; intact; taintless; unadulterated; origina
17. Hackneyed: having been overused; unoriginal and trite; timeworn; banal; corny; stale; clichéd;
commonplace; moth-eaten; stereotyped; stock; obsolete
18. Equivocate: ambiguous; avoid an issue; elude; evade; escape; eschew; fudge; dodge; quibble; fib
19. Souse: soaked in liquid; make very wet; brine; deluge; douse; seethe
20. Zeitgeist: the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and
beliefs of the time; climate; outlook; trend; disposition; milieu; movement; trend
21. Gauche: socially awkward; unsophisticated; clumsy; crude; ignorant; uncouth; uncultured
22. Regicide: the act of killing a king
23. Savant: a learned person, distinguished person; scholar; intellectual; master; pundit; sage;
24. Obfuscate : the act of hiding the intended meaning; confuse; becloud; baffle; befuddle; bewilder;
cloud; conceal; confound; muddle; fuddle; obscure; perplex
25. Recalcitrant: resisting authority; not obedient; troublemaker; rebellious; fractious
26. Indomitable: impossible to defeat; invincible; impregnable; unassailable; invulnerable
27. Campanology: the principles or art of making bells, bell ringing, etc.
28. Pique: a feeling of irritation or resentment, especially by some wound to pride; annoyance; displeasure
29. Pernicious: damaging; dangerous; detrimental; harmful; noxious; deleterious; virulent; nefarious
(Antonyms: advantageous; benevolent; innocuous; lovable; healthy; helpful; kind)
30. Traduce: violate; calumniate; defame; vilify; malign; slander; smear
31. Sangfroid: coolness of mind; calmness; composure; poise; aplomb; equanimity
32. Crescendo: a gradual steady increase in loudness or force; escalation; increase to climax; upsurge
33. Impecunious: poverty-stricken; beggared; broke; destitute; indigent; insolvent; penurious (Antonyms:
affluent; wealthy; rich; moneyed
34. Picayune: trivial; diminutive; frivolous; insignificant; puny; meager; paltry; petty (Antonyms: big;
important; major; meaningful; substantial; broad-minded)
35. Lugubrious: looking or sounding sad and dismal; mournful; sorrowful; gloomy; pensive; melancholy ;
bleak; doleful; morose
36. Salacious: having or conveying undue or indecent interest in sexual matter s; lewd; prurient; carnal;
wanton; voluptuous; suggestive; lecherous; libidinous; licentious; lubricious
37. Nebulous: in the form of a cloud or haze; ambiguous; hazy; imprecise; murky; vague; cloudy; dark; dim
38. Plenitude: plenty; abundance; affluence; avalanche; bounteousness; opulen ce
39. Bohemian: a person, as an artist or writer, who lives and acts free of regard for conventional rules and
practices; hippie; free spirit; nonconformist; iconoclast; dilettante
40. Vapid: flat; dull; boring; innocuous; insipid; stale; lacking taste, flavor or tang

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